• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 16,142 Views, 288 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight - PurpleProse

Magical Girls With Wave-Motion Cannons Meets My Little Pony! What if Twilight became Nanoha?

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Chapter 10: Some Words Are Whispered, Some Are Shouted

“There we go. All comfy?”

Arf was at a loss and slightly confused. She was seated on a small green fainting couch, her legs crossed at the ankles as a cheerful pastel yellow pegasus rubbed her behind her ears. A pegasus, she reminded herself, that she and her master had held hostage for Jewel Seeds. She had a belly full of kibble and fresh fish, she’d been washed and scrubbed until her hair and tail glistened, and now she was being petted in her favorite spot.

Her tail wagged in spite of herself as she nodded. She had to admit, she was quite comfortable, even though a small bunny was keeping an eye on her from the floor.

“I thought you would be.” Fluttershy cooed gently as she rubbed a little harder. Arf held her breath, trying to resist the urge to kick one leg.

“Who’s a good girl?”

Arf cringed slightly at that question.

“Oh… oh, I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong?” Fluttershy moved around to face her, hovering just in front of her. “Did…did I hit a tender spot? I-”

“It’s alright.” Arf exhaled, giving the pegasus a wan smile. “You’ve been really nice to me. Thank you for that.”

“Oh, it’s no problem at all. I like taking care of critters.” Fluttershy’s eyes went wide. “Not that you’re a critter, I mean, you’re a very beautiful wolf… human… person… thing. No, not thing! I mean…”

Arf giggled softly, holding her stomach, eliciting a confused squeak from Fluttershy. “Did…did I say something funny?”

“No… it’s just you’re so adorable…” Arf sighed and glanced down. “I can’t believe that you’d treat me this well, especially after what happened the last time we got this… close.”

“You mean when you captured me?”

Arf nodded.

“Why would I blame you for that? You were obviously under a lot of stress, and so was your Master.” Fluttershy landed, looking up at Arf. “A small thing like that won’t stop me from being nice to you. If anything, that just means I need to be nicer.”

Arf stared at the pegasus, looking deep into those big, gentle blue eyes. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“It’s just…I guess I expected the worst.” Arf laid down onto her side on the couch, her legs hanging off the edge. “Especially after…”

Go away.

Arf felt her ears fold against her skull at the memory.

“I heard about you and Fate.” Fluttershy reached up, resting a hoof on Arf’s hand. “That must have hurt a lot.”

“It did.”

“She won’t be mad forever, you know.”

Arf looked up, watching Fluttershy as she took her hand in both hooves.

“If she really loves you, and it sounds like she does, she won’t stay mad at you forever. Eventually, she’ll come back and give you a great big hug.”

“That doesn’t help the hurting right now.” The familiar curled her legs up, her tail going limp. “I’m a bad dog.”

“No, you‘re not.” Fluttershy reached up, pulling Arf‘s chin up. “You’re a good dog, Arf. You’re loyal and strong and you do what’s best for your master. If you weren’t, then you wouldn’t be hurting so much. You’re a very, very good dog.”

Arf sniffed softly. “You mean that?”

“Of course.” Fluttershy leaned in, nuzzling her face. “At least… I think you are.”

Fluttershy squealed as Arf reached down, pulling her in close and cuddling her. The soft pegasus nuzzled her cheek again, patting her side gently. “There there Arf. There there.”

“I just… I still feel like I failed my Master.”

“I know you do. But don’t worry. Once that mean woman Presea is gone, you and Fate will be alright.”

“I hope so.” Arf held Fluttershy close, closing her eyes in contentment.



Chrono sighed as he gave Yuuno an irritated look. The forest had calmed down with the Seeds now under wraps, the silence having only been broken when he and Chrono had started bickering about the true nature of the Jewel Seeds. Zecora shifted as Yuuno healed her body, even as Pinkie and Rarity looked on.

“Yes. Wishes.” Chrono replied to Twilight. “The Jewel Seeds primary purpose is to fulfill the desires of their activator. The more Seeds one has, the more likely the wish will be fulfilled.”

“And ya’ll were gonna tell us this when?” Applejack asked, one eyebrow raised.


“’Eventually’ ain’t gonna cut it buddy. Ya’ll shoulda been straight with us about these here doohickies bein’ wish grantin’ thingies.”

“I was going to tell you once the opportunity presented itself.” Chrono replied sternly. “When would you have liked me to tell you that a set of rogue wish-granting artifacts had been dropped onto your world?”

“As soon as possible, you darn-”

“Okay, that’s enough from the both of you!” Twilight stomped a hoof.

“But Twi-”

“I’m sure Chrono has a good reason for keeping this information private.” Twilight leveled a glance at Chrono. “I’m not happy about it either, but I can understand. If this sort of information got out, there’d be a lot more trouble in our search.”

“Exactly.” Chrono exhaled. “I’m glad that we’re on the same p-”

“It still doesn’t excuse you from keeping it from us, Chrono. Applejack’s right; you should have told us as soon as it became relevant. In fact, you should have told us the second that we started talking about it on the Arthra.”

Chrono lowered his head. “Sorry. You’re correct, I should have brought it up sooner.”

Twilight nodded and smiled. “That’s alright. I accept your apology.”

“Wait a second though.” Rainbow tapped a hoof against her chin. “I don’t get it. How do wishes translate into giant monsters?”

“It’s likely the wish-granting mechanism only functions properly when enough Seeds are gathered. Otherwise, the system goes haywire and garbles the message.”

“That makes sense, in a way.” Rarity glanced over. “The Diamond Dogs were going on about their gems when the Seeds in their cache went off. They were rather intent on keeping them. What better way to protect the gems then making the gems defend themselves?”

“And the parasprites!” Pinkie bounced over. “All they want to do is eat and swarm. So if one of these little things landed on a Jewel Seed, it’d probably do exactly that! That explains that huge-gigantic-mega-super swarm we fought when Yuuno was still in ferret mode!”

“The first thing we fought was probably the same way. Some animal must have brushed up against the Seed and accidentally triggered it.” Twilight glanced over at Yuuno. “Does that seem reasonable?”

“I think so. Zecora,” Yuuno glanced down at the zebra, “did your scaled friend say anything that sounded wish-like?”

“He did, and I do not mistake, for he did seek himself a mate.” Zecora rose up from the ground, adjusting her cloak. “Thank you once more for the relief. Now please pardon, I’ll take my leave.”

“Leaving so soon?”

“Business have I back at my hut. Consider my mouth on this shut. This business of Seeds is quite dangerous. I’d rather be left out, if that’s no fuss.”

“I can understand that.” Twilight sighed. “Have a nice day, Zecora. Hopefully I’ll see you soon.”

“Seeya Zecora!” Applejack called out as the zebra nodded, pulling up her hood and trotting off into the forest with nary a sound.

“The only one that doesn’t really fit is the statue. Why would it suddenly come to life?” Yuuno frowned.

Pinkie pouted. “I’m surprised at you Yuuno! Even objects have feelings, or didn’t you remember our whole conversation about Raising Heart? Imagine you‘re just a statue that everypony passes by but nopony ever pays attention to. Wouldn‘t that make you just a teensy bit mad?”

“That’s completely dif-” Yuuno paused, then shook his head. “You know what, never mind. Let’s go with that.”

“Okay, so these things activate according to someone’s or something’s desires. That helps a lot.” Twilight shook herself. “Just means we need to start hunting for them in earnest. For now, let’s head back to town and check in with Captain Lindy and the Princess.”

“Everyone gather around me, please.” Yuuno said as he spread his arms, a green Mid-Childan circle springing to life around his feet. There was a briliant blaze of color as the transport gate opened and the group disappeared in a flash of green-hued light.


“…and then, as the contents of the entire Royal menagerie rampaged in through the doors, I hear Fluttershy shout ‘you’re going to love me’ at the top of her lungs. It was quite a sight, really.”

“What happened then?” Lindy grinned. After Celestia’s little revelation, the Princess had switched gears. The ancient mare seemed to have little interest in discussing politics or other topics, instead wishing to share more personal stories with Lindy. Not that she minded, of course.

Better to humor her. If she’s telling the truth, then I’d hardly want to offend someone who’s over a thousand years old. At least the stories are entertaining.

“Well, the entire ballroom was in utter shambles, as you could probably guess. I simply told Twilight to run for it. Thankfully, she managed to take her friends with her as she escaped. Meanwhile, I simply watched for a little while before cleaning things up.”

“So you weren’t mad?” Amy stared at Celestia.

“Mad? Oh no!” The Princess giggled. “It was the most entertaining gala I’d been to in centuries! Why would I spoil it by getting angry? Admittedly, I did take a while to sooth some bruised egos, and my nephew still refuses to touch cake to this day, the poor dandy.”

The door creaked loudly as one of the guards leaned his head in, coughing loudly. “Your Majesty, Twilight and her associates have returned,” he called.

“Oh good, send them in.”

Lindy leaned back as the doors opened, admitting the collection of ponies and humans, Twilight’s dress swishing gently as her device floated beside her. The ponies spread out, taking their seats while Yuuno and Chrono took up positions closer to the human delegation.

“Did everything go well, Twilight?” Celestia crossed her hooves as she looked at her student.

“Yes, Princess. We’ve captured an additional three Jewel Seeds.” Twilight glanced over at Lindy. “So that brings us to a total of five Jewel Seeds captured by me and my friends. On a similar subject, I’d like to make a request, Princess.”

“Of course, Twilight.”

“As a show of good faith, I’d like to hand over the Jewel Seeds to Captain Harlaown for safe-keeping.”

Chrono inhaled sharply. Lindy and Celestia raised their eyebrows and glanced at each other, before turning back to the purple unicorn. “Is that so?” Celestia replied in a measured voice.

Twilight nodded. “Technically, they’re the TSAB’s property, since they were found and transported by them before they landed here. All I’ve been doing is recovering another’s lost property, so it makes sense we hand them over. Besides, it‘s better that we make at least some concessions than keep fighting like earlier.”

Celestia smiled faintly. “I see no problem with that logic, do you, Captain?”

“Not at all, your majesty.” Lindy’s lips quirked in a similar smile. “After all, it’s only fair.”

“Indeed.” Celestia nodded as Twilight extended her staff, the five gems floating free from the red core.

And you were probably going to hand them over anyway, Lindy thought to herself as she watched the alicorn, catching the gems in her cupped hands. Is that your game, Celestia? Letting your student take the lead while you smile and watch from the back?

“I think this concludes our meeting for now.” Celestia rose from her seat, flexing her legs slowly. “Sadly, I must return to Canterlot. Crown and country waits for nopony, after all.”

“I look forward to more discussions, your majesty.” Lindy bowed slowly, the others following suit.

Celestia, in turn, nodded politely before making her way around the assembled people and ponies, stepping through the doors and out into the sunlight. A brilliant yellow flash was cut short as the door shut.

Lindy shuddered visibly, exhaling loudly. The room seemed a little less bright without Celestia there. Amy fumbled with her recorder, clicking it off.

“So, Captain, how’d it go?”

Lindy glanced down at Twilight and smiled weakly. “Your Princess is simultaneously the nicest and most terrifying person I’ve ever met, Twilight.”

“Terrifying?” Twilight frowned.

“Terrifying. Tell me Twilight, is Celestia really over a thousand years old?”

“Well…yes. Princess Luna can attest to that too. Plus there’s all the documents from around that time…”

“An’ mah Granny Smith met Celestia when she was jus’ a filly.” Applejack chimed in.

“That too.” Twilight Sparkle exhaled. “So she‘s an immortal goddess princess. I don’t understand why that’s so scary. ”

Lindy paused, rubbing a hand along her hair. “I’m not sure how much I should divulge, really.”

Twilight snorted. “Captain, I’m Celestia’s personal student. Surely she wouldn’t hide anything from me.”

“Mhmm.” Lindy glanced over towards her son. “Chrono, could I speak with you in private for a bit?”

“Yes ma’am.” Chrono rose to his feet as Lindy passed by him, the young Enforcer following just a few steps behind as Lindy stepped out of the town hall.

“Something happen, ma’am?” Chrono circled around Lindy as she leaned against one of the support pillars.

“You could say that.” Lindy replied, tapping a finger against her lips, then her ear in a quick hand-signal.

What’s wrong? Chrono whispered mentally as his lips continued a separate conversation.

Celestia knows about Belka. She speaks their language. She’s had contact with them. Particularly the Segbrecht family. Lindy followed suit. It wasn’t exactly a difficult trick, maintaining two conversations at once. Chrono had showed her how to do it during his Enforcer training.

That’s impossible. If Celestia had contact with the Belkan Empire, we would know. There would have been records, either in the Infinite Library or the Saint Church’s archives. The Church all-but worships the Segbrecht family, particularly Sankt Kaiser Olivie.

She said she was around when the Empire rose to power. A lot was lost when Belka fell before the Unification War. Not even our records are entirely complete. It’s possible that Celestia predates the rule of the Sankt Kaisers…

Chrono’s face went slightly pale. I don’t think she does… that would mean… Mother, think logically. Something like that would be impossible. The only civilization that predates Belka doesn't exist!


Chrono and Lindy jerked slightly as Twilight coughed, Raising Heart now resting against her chest in Standby Form.

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Twilight tilted her head slightly. Eying the pair calmly, “but my friends and I were going to invite you to lunch, Captain. I don’t mean to impose, of course.”

“Oh! Oh, that’s quite nice of you. Thank you, Miss Sparkle.”


“Thank you, Twilight.”

The unicorn nodded, walking past the pair. Lindy followed the unicorn cautiously.

Do you think she heard us? Lindy glanced over at Chrono.

It’s possible. From what I’ve heard and observed, Twilight possesses a surprising knack for magic. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s figured out how to peek in on telepathic conversations.

Well, if it comes to that, then just give her the information. Lindy sighed.

Are you sure that’s a good idea?

Better than having Twilight against us. Consider it an order, if you must.

Very well. Chrono focused on Twilight, frowning slightly. Lindy, meanwhile, had turned her attention to the bright pink mare that had crept up behind Chrono.


“Gah!” Chrono jumped, banging against the railing as he spun around. “Pinkie! Please don’t do that…”


Lindy exhaled. Lunch did sound good right then, especially after the shock that Celestia had given her.



Fate laid quietly on her back, legs tucked against her body amidst the black sheets. The silence was overwhelming, so deep and profound that she could pick out a tiny hint of tinnitus at the very edge of her hearing.

Not that it mattered. She wasn’t paying much attention to anything. Not even the dull ache in her stomach mattered much to her. She felt numb, like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

At first, she had collapsed, crying and begging for her mother to come rescue her, to take the bad ideas out of her head, to make her stop hurting. Celestia and Luna had held her, alternating between summer-like warmth and autumn coolness with their bodies. Then she had simply collapsed, laying half-awake and half-aware as she was taken back to Luna’s quarters and put to bed, her body limp and unresponsive.

Then came the questions and her attempts at rationalization; why did she listen to them? It was their fault she was in this state, wasn’t it? They were just trying to distract her, to keep her from her mission.

And yet those rationalizations rang hollow. Luna had sat by her bedside like a black sentinel, keeping watch even as she laid there unmoving. Every so often, Luna would lean in and stroke her mane, always looking mildly uncomfortable about the situation but willing to offer the gesture nonetheless.

Something Mother should have done. Something Mother never did.

Celestia’s questions had been simple, but their simplicity had made them all the more effective. If anyone other than Mother had hurt her, broke her, turned her away from anyone that could be considered a friend, they would have been struck down like a tree in a lightning storm. But because Mother did those things, it was alright. Mother loved her. She had to. If she didn’t then everything Fate had suffered was for no reason. That small hint of cognitive dissonance had brought Fate’s entire world down around her ears.

Not that it needed much. Everything she’d been through since coming here had chipped away at it like a choir of tiny hammers. Every kind face, every hoof extended in friendship or assistance, every word of concern…

Tell you what, since you’re new in town, it’ll be on the house.

Everypony needs friends. Come on… put down your Device and let’s just talk about this.

Friends stick together, no matter what!

What’ve you got to lose? Believe it or not Fate, I’m not trying to be your enemy.

I just want my Master back. I want my happy, smiling Master back.

If ya ever wanna talk…ya’ll know where to find me.

Nopony deserves to be alone.


“Hmm?” Luna leaned in closer.

“Why? Why does everyone here want to help me? I don’t…I don’t deserve to be saved. And yet…they reached out to me. Not for any reason but their desire to help. Even when I shouted, and fought, and did my best to drive them away, they still called out to me.”

Luna remained silent as Fate stared up at the dark ceiling above, the glittering gems set in the blackness catching the light in tiny glittering sparks.

“The only reason…the only reason I kept going was because I wanted Mother to love me, to accept me, to smile at me… Even through all times she hurt me and mocked me, I still clung to that one desperate hope and in doing so I hurt so many people. Mother told me that the world was cruel, that only the strong people get their way…but maybe she’s wrong.”

She paused, her eyes widening slightly. For a brief moment, she expected her mind to buckle under the weight of what she’d just said like it did under Celestia’s questions. But nothing happened.

Fate slowly rolled over, facing Luna. “Did…I just say that?”

Luna nodded quietly, her turquoise eyes meeting Fate’s.

“My mother…is wrong.” Fate repeated , her voice slightly hushed. “What my mother has been doing…is wrong. What I’ve been doing is wrong…”

Fate closed her eyes and shivered, only to open them again as Luna touched her cheek gingerly.

“’Tis an unpleasant thing, admitting that one has done so much wrong to so many.” Luna’s voice was stiff and slightly formal. “I… I too have felt such a sting upon my return from exile.”

“How…how did you make up for it?” Fate whispered softly.

Luna sighed, pushing aside her star-filled mane. “I know not how. I have much to atone for, Fate. I am no doubt still seen as a fiend by those who are less charitable than my sister.. And yet, I must endeavor to move on. Thy sins are far less multitudinous than mine.”

“That really doesn’t help.” Fate deadpanned, eliciting a snort of laughter from Luna.

“Forgive me if my words are not the boon you seek, child. I can only tell you the plain and honest truth, unsullied by deception. There is no easy path to walk, but walk forwards you must.”

Fate nodded, the slowly rolled onto her stomach on the bed. “I think I’d like something to eat.”

“Very well then. I’ll have the servants fetch you a meal.” Luna rose up to her feet and turned towards the door.


Luna paused.

“When you said you had more sins than I do…what did you mean?”

Fate blinked as Luna’s head sunk slightly. “Perhaps that is a story you can ask of another pony.”

“Sorry. I didn’t-”

“You didn’t know. Worry not, I’m hardly offended. But it is not something I wish to speak of at this moment. Pardon me.”

The door slid shut behind Luna as Fate climbed off the bed, pacing around the bedroom carefully, lost in thought. For the first time in her life, she felt free, like someone had lifted a great weight from her shoulders.


The moon rose gracefully in the gloom of twilight, the stars coming out almost as though to welcome it.

Arf stood outside of Fluttershy’s cottage, staring up at the moon with her hands tucked into her pockets. She could have howled up at the moon if she wanted to, but she didn’t want to scare Fluttershy. Nor did she want to alert the poor pegasus to what she was going to do.

I am a good dog. I am my Master’s protector. Arf inhaled, narrowing her eyes. It’s high time I started acting like it. I know this is a bad idea. I know that Fate will hate me for it, but I’m going to do it anyway. Fluttershy is right. Once Presea’s out of the picture, my Master can be happy again.

Arf paused as she felt something thump against her ankle. She glanced down as the small white rabbit that accompanied Fluttershy looked up at her, paws on his little hips.

“What?” Arf quirked an eyebrow. “What do you want?”

Angel pointed back at the cottage. Arf glanced over her shoulder, then back down at the bunny. “Yeah, I don’t think so. I’ve got something planned for tonight.”

Arf blinked as the bunny crouched down, then leapt a good foot in the air to kick her in the shin.

“Ow! Come here you…” She reached down, grabbing at Angel, only for the bunny to dart between her legs and boot her in the rear, tipping her over with a loud thud.

“Rrgh…” Arf growled softly as she pushed herself up, Angel hopping around to stand in front of her again, his little paws crossed. Arf quirked an eyebrow as the bunny pointed imperiously at the cottage once again.

“Heh…cute. I get it, you want me to go back inside so I don’t worry Fluttershy, right?”

Angel nodded as Arf pushed herself up and sat cross-legged in the grass.

“No-can-do fuzz ball. This is a bit important.”

Angel wriggled his nose and shook his head sharply.

“Oh, you don’t agree, eh?” Arf growled softly, then sighed. “Look, I know you think you mean well, and you’re trying to protect your master, but I need to do this. Not just for me, but for my master too. And before you start kicking me in the shins again,” Arf reached down holding the little rabbit back, “think about what you’d do if you knew someone had hurt Fluttershy. Wouldn‘t you do your best to make things right?”

Angel paused, then nodded.

“Are we in agreement?”

He nodded again.

“Good. I should be back by morning, if not earlier.” Arf rose to her feet, dusting her shorts off as she did so. “So don’t worry. With any luck, Fluttershy won’t even know I’ve left.”

Arf turned her attention skyward, exhaling as she drew in her power, reciting the formula for the spell.

“Dimensional transfer, coordinates 876C 4419 3312 D699 3583 A1460 779 F3125.” She spread her arms out as an orange circle formed at her feet. “Open, oh door of invitation, to the Garden of Time, to the household of Testarossa.”

There was a soft rumble as Arf felt herself jerk violently. The dimensional transfer was always a bit uncomfortable, particularly when entering the Garden of Time. The spell faded slowly, the world resolving back into the gloomy citadel entrance, her back to the roiling dimensional turbulence that always cloaked the place.

With any luck, Presea will be too busy doing whatever it is she does to have noticed me. Arf sniffed the air as she walked, her heeled shoes vanishing with a nudge of her will. I just need to find her.

The door opened easily as Arf pushed on it. She couldn’t help but grin, baring her fangs as she entered the Garden proper.


Presea was… aggravated.

It was bad enough that Fate had yet to return, but somehow, some way, the girl had managed to vanish completely. Her scrying spell couldn’t find her; it was as if some great wall had erected itself between her and Fate, where not even the spells she had woven into Fate’s very being could reach her.

But right then, it didn’t matter. Not at that moment. Presea couldn’t let Alicia know that she was angry.

Deep in the catacomb-like vaults of the Garden of Time was Presea’s private sanctuary. Petrified vines clung to ancient pillars of stone, and lights flickered on as she passed by. Enshrined in that sanctuary was a great tube of glowing green fluid, taller than a man and nearly a meter across.

Inside that tube, floating serenely, was Alicia. Presea couldn’t help but smile as she approached her daughter, her black dress whispering across the stone floor as she reached out, touching the smooth glass of the tube. Alicia was perfect, with her flowing blonde hair and pale skin. Her eyes were closed, as though she were asleep.

Not even her lack of a heartbeat marred that angelic perfection.

“Hello Alicia,” she whispered to the tube. “It’s mother. Have you been well?”

Presea pressed her ear against the glass. Through the quiet bubbling of the fluid, she swore she could hear Alicia respond.

“That’s good. I’m glad to hear it.” Presea smiled. “What about me? Oh, I could be better. Mother’s been a little sick recently.” She paused, listening again “Oh no, it’s nothing serious. Not really. Nothing that mother can’t handle my darling.”

Alicia seemed to nod as her hair floated about her head.

“Fate? Oh… Fate’s been a bad girl recently. She hasn’t been doing what I’ve told her to do.” Presea glanced away. She couldn’t let Alicia see her anger, even as she felt a spike of pain in her chest. “She’s such… a stupid girl. Stupid and useless and inept, not like you, my darling Alicia. Nothing like you. Inferior in every way, really.”

Presea leaned against the tube, inhaling deeply and raggedly.

“But she doesn’t matter. Not once she does her job. And then…then… then we’ll go back the way we were before…before”


“You can’t be serious!”

Presea stared at the men across her desk, her palms planted on the metal surface. “The HYDRA isn’t anywhere near ready for a full test! We’re barely out of the prototype phase and now you’re giving me a WEEK to get it online?! That’s insane!”

“Dr. Testarossa, I don’t think you understand your position.” The man growled, pointing his finger at her as he leaned over his desk. “This pet project of yours has already gone over budget four times, and you haven’t even shown us that it’s capable of functioning! As it stands, the Academy is already moving to withdraw funding from your group unless you can provide conclusive results.”

“But a week? Can’t you at least give us a month?”

“A week, Dr. Testarossa. You should be thankful that you’re getting that long. Either provide us with results, or say goodbye to your job and your cushy little apartment.”

“How am I supposed to do that?!”

“You’ll find a way, I’m sure.”



Presea was crying as she pulled herself along through the smoking ruins surrounding her. Project HYDRA had been a disaster. Seven days hadn’t been enough. Nowhere near enough to complete the implementation of the necessary safeguards. So she gambled, relying on the emergency shutdown systems to keep things contained.

And when the dimensional schism that was supposed to power the reactor went out of control, the safeguards failed.

The HYDRA was supposed to have provided a source of energy well beyond the current generation of reactors, possessing enough power to light up a city the size of Cranagan with only a single station. Instead, the reactor had went up in a blaze of light and radiation, vaporizing the building and everything else in a three mile radius. The shockwave had demolished everything else beyond. She had, somehow, managed to survive thanks to her magic. The rest of her team hadn’t been so lucky.

It was all her fault. She had lost everything. Everything except Alicia.


Her apartment building looked like a child’s building block set that had been scattered by a tornado. Presea felt her hands bleeding as she pushed and yanked through the rubble, ripping through it with her hands and her magic, searching for her daughter.

“ALICIA! Oh please, please be alright. Mother’s coming. Mother’s coming Alicia. Just be okay. Oh please, please, please…”

A tiny whimper caught her attention. In the remains of a bright yellow nursery lay a small blonde girl, half-buried under debris.

“ALICIA!” Presea pounced on her, holding her carefully.


“Yes Alicia, Mother’s here! Mother’s here. Everything’s going to be okay.”

Alicia’s red eyes stared up at her blankly. “Mo…ther…can’t…see you…”

“It’s okay Alicia. It’s okay. You’re going to be alright. Just stay with mother, okay? Just stay with me Alicia…”


“I know it hurts darling. Just stay with me…” Presea heard a shuddering whimper and then silence.

“Alicia? Alicia?! ALICIA?!”

She was still screaming when the men in uniform found her, holding Alicia’s still-warm body.


Presea doubled over, one hand clenched against Alicia’s tube as she coughed, each hacking spasm sending shockwaves of pain through her body. A hand went to her mouth as she felt warmth splatter against her fingers. Her knees wobbled as she struggled to remain upright.

There was a quiet splattering noise as a few drops of blood escaped her cupped hand.

Presea leaned against the tube, trying to draw in breath after ragged breath. The healing spells weren’t working as well as they did previously. She had little time left. Precious, precious little time.

The coughing slowed and stopped. She wiped her mouth on one sleeve of her dress, the dark stain blending in well with the black cloth. She stopped as she saw flecks of blood on the surface of the tube.

“Mother…Mother’s sorry about that Alicia.” She reached up weakly, doing her best to wipe away the traces of bloody goop. “I didn’t want you to see me like this. You see Alicia, Mother’s sick. Very sick. Mother got very sick because of the energy from her special project.”

“But it’s okay Alicia.” She smiled weakly, “it’s alright. Because soon, I’ll make my wish. And once we reach Al-Hazard, we’ll be alright. I’ll fix both of us, and we’ll be together forever, like we were supposed to be. I’ll never, ever leave you again Alicia. Mother will always be there for you.”

“You know, I didn’t expect this.”

Presea froze as she heard a voice, one that didn’t belong to Alicia. She turned slowly and glared under her brows at the orange-haired wolf-girl standing at the sanctuary doors.

“I just thought you were evil. That would have been enough for me to pound your face in, I think.” Arf growled, popping her knuckles. “But no, you’re not just evil. You’re completely insane, too.”

“What are you doing here?!”

“Watching a psychotic woman talk to what looks like a corpse, for one.”

Presea hissed, pulling herself up. “Don’t you dare address my precious Alicia like that, beast!”

“Yeah, I’m a beast alright. But I’m nothing compared to you, Presea. I’m not a monster, a demon, a witch…” Arf sneered, her feet slapping loudly against the stone floor.

“You know nothing! Get out!”

“Oh, I will, and I’m going to be dragging your worthless diseased body by the hair when I leave!” Arf shouted as she lunged forwards, fists raised.

Presea raised one hand. Arf collided with her barrier a few steps away from her. Her barrier glittered in the air, a wall of interlocking hexagons like the scales of some great serpent.

“You think you’re going to stop me that easily?!” Arf screamed as she pounded on the wall, each punch sending ripples along the barrier until, finally, the structure gave way.

Arf’s hands gripped Presea‘s cloak, her face directly in front of her as she pinned Presea against the body of the tube. Presea let her hands hang at her side, gathering energy into one of them.

“I’m going to make you pay for everything you’ve done to Fate!” Arf snarled, her fangs bared.

“You honestly think I care about that useless girl?” Presea hissed, causing Arf’s eyes to widen. “If you’re so obsessed with her, I’ll be happy to let you have her when I‘m done.”

Arf growled and reached her arm back, balling up a fist. “I hope the TSAB doesn’t mind if I give you a few broken bones before I haul you in. You deserve it for everything you’ve done to your daughter!”

Presea cupped one hand against Arf’s stomach and let her spell fly.

The Photon Bullet blasted through Arf’s midsection with a brilliant flash of light, leaving a golf-ball sized hole. The familiar staggered back, a hand going to her wound as Presea reached out to her side, summoning her Device.

“Don’t you dare call Fate my daughter, mongrel.” Presea hissed, leveling the staff at Arf. Purple light coalesced around Arf before she was flung backwards and out the doors of the sanctuary. Presea followed, leaning on the staff with each step as she approached the wounded beast-girl. “I only have one daughter.”

“I…I don’t under…stand…” Arf tried to push herself up, her skin growing pale from loss of blood. Her free hand clenched at the ground, trying to push herself up.

“That’s because you are a poorly created familiar. I should never have let that girl save your wretched hide.” Presea loomed over Arf, leveling the staff at her as the gem began to glow and release rays of purple light.

“Now… disappear.” Presea whispered coolly.

Arf growled and swung an arm up. Presea felt warm blood splash against her eyes. Her spell went off, vaporizing a massive chunk of the ceiling as she reeled back, her hands going to her eyes.

“Stupid mongrel! Argh!” Presea blinked as she cleared her eyes. The hound had disappeared, leaving behind a pool of blood.

“Disgraceful.” Presea spat, cleaning the red from her face.


Twilight groaned as she made her way towards the pounding door. “I’m coming, I’m coming…uwah!”

She stumbled back as the door slammed open, a wild-eyed Fluttershy stumbling and landing on her side.

“Fluttershy?! What on-”

“Twilight!” Fluttershy scrambled to her feet, clutching at Twilight. “Please! Yuuno! Chrono! Arf’s hurt! Arf’s hurt really bad and I need help!”


“She’s lucky she’s so tough.” Yuuno sounded weary as he held his glowing hand against the gaping wound in Arf’s torso, the wolf-girl’s skin clammy and wet with sweat. “If she’d been a normal human, she’d likely be dead from blood-loss by now.”

“Is she going to be okay? Please tell me she’s going to be okay.” Fluttershy paced back and forth, her wings flapping as she walked. “Please please tell me she’s going to be okay.”

“She’s stabilized for now; thankfully, Familiars tend to be quite sturdy and easy to heal. She’s going to be out of commission for a while until her body recovers, though.” Yuuno grimaced as he glanced at his blood-stained hand. “I don’t suppose I could borrow a towel or something?”

“Oh! S-sure…I-is there anything else I can do?”

“I think…”

“Anything at all?” Fluttershy’s voice rose up an octave from her desperation. Twilight reached over, putting a hoof against her shoulder.

“Fluttershy, why don’t you fix us something to drink?” Twilight led the Pegasus towards her kitchen, telekinetically pulling a towel from the rack over to her. “Nothing fancy, just something to keep us all awake.”

“O-okay. I-I think I can do that…” Fluttershy peeked around Twilight to look at Arf, then disappeared into the kitchen.

“Thanks Twilight.” Yuuno shook his head as he wiped his hand off.

“Don’t mention it. Fluttershy can get a little panicky around hurt animals.”

“So I noticed.”

Chrono, meanwhile, crouched down beside Arf. “Think she’s able to talk, Yuuno?”

“Possibly. Just be gentle with her.”

“I will.” Chrono looked down at Arf. “Arf? Can you hear me?”

“Uh-huh…” Arf smiled thinly as she opened one eye. “Just…try not to be so loud…”

“Right. Alright Arf, what happened?”



“Yeah…I…went after her.”

Chrono slammed his palms into the floor, leaning over Arf‘s head to glare down at her. “Are you a complete idiot? Leaving aside the fact that you ran off on your own without notifying anyone, you went after an extremely powerful and dangerous mage ON YOUR OWN! You could have gotten yourself killed!”

“I guess so…”

“You guess so? You guess so!?” Chrono threw his hands up in the air.

“I… I thought if I…could catch her, then…”

“Just stop…just stop right there.” Chrono covered his face with both hands. “Just… I’m having difficulty understanding how you could be such an idiot.”

“Chrono, enough. Calm down.” Twilight exhaled as she approached Arf. “What happened there, Arf? Tell us.”

“Presea… is insane.” Arf inhaled slowly, her breathing regular. “Full-bore insane.”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s got something with her. A dead girl… someone she calls Alicia.”

“Alicia?” Chrono’s hands dropped.

“Does that sound familiar?” Yuuno shot Chrono a glance.

Chrono rose to his feet. “Presea Testarossa had a daughter named Alicia. She died over twenty-five years ago, though…”

“She… she looked just like Fate.”

“What do you mean?” Yuuno glanced down at Arf.

“I mean…exactly like her.”

“Arf,” Chrono leaned in, “was this body stored in some sort of container? Like a tube or box?”

“Tube full of fluid…why?”

The young Enforcer hissed softly and started to walk towards the door. “It means that Presea Testarossa has a lot more to answer for. I need to report this to the Captain.”

“What?” Twilight stood as well. “Hold on there Chrono, what’s going on?!”

“If I’m right…“ Chrono turned back to face Twilight. “then there’s a reason why Fate Testarossa’s name isn’t on any birth records or in our system. Fate Testarossa wasn’t born. She was created.”

“Wait. How could someone just…create a living person?!” Twilight stared up at Chrono.

“The technology exists to do it, but it’s incredibly illegal. The creation of Artificial Mages was outlawed years ago due to the inhumane nature of the experiments. I wouldn’t be surprised if Presea used the technology to create a clone of her dead daughter. Given her expertise in the creation of Familiars, it would be easy for her to design a clone with whatever attributes she wanted.” Chrono glanced down at Arf. “It’d also explain her cruelty.”

“She said something else…”

“Oh god, what else?” Chrono groaned.

“She said…that when they reach Al-Hazard, everything will be fine…”

Chrono huffed loudly. “And that just proves Presea’s crazy.”

“Wait, wait. Time out.” Twilight raised a hoof. “What’s Al-Hazard, and why does that make Presea crazy?”

“Al-Hazard is a theoretical precursor civilization.” Yuuno spoke up. “Supposedly, it’s a paradise from which magic sprung from originally, a world of vast scientific and magical advancement capable of miracles beyond imagining. However, a lot of people think it’s a myth, since there‘s no actual records of such a place, archeological or otherwise.”

“Except for someone like Presea Testarossa.” Chrono rubbed his forehead. “That explains why she wants the Jewel Seeds. Having access to the supposed wonders of Al-Hazard is more than tempting for someone in Presea’s position. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I should report this to the Captain.”

“Fine, go on…”

Fluttershy blinked as Chrono stepped outside, even as she fluttered out carrying a set of mugs. “Um…I didn’t have any tea or anything, so I made hot cocoa. Is that alright?”

“That’s fine Fluttershy.” Twilight floated her mug over as Fluttershy landed beside Yuuno.


Twilight blinked as a familiar white rabbit hopped up beside Arf, glaring down at her before tapping her on the forehead with one paw.

“I think…he’s a bit disappointed in me.” Arf chuckled softly as she glanced over at Fluttershy. “I’m sorry…I made you worry.”

“It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re alright now.” Fluttershy smiled, setting a mug of cocoa beside Yuuno. “Here. Drink it once it’s cooled off.”

“Thank you.” Yunno blew on the mug, then glanced at the door as Chrono ducked back into the cottage.

“I’ve contacted the Arthra about what Arf’s told us.” Chrono grumbled moodily, shooting the familiar an aggravated glare. “The Captain also told me to remind you that your stay here is conditional on your good behavior, which doesn’t include running off to get yourself killed.”

“I understand…”

“However,” Chrono interrupted, “since you’re wounded and your little stunt netted us some good information, the Captain’s decided to let this one slide. Just don’t do it again, understand?”

Arf nodded.

“Alright Arf… let’s see if we can’t get you cleaned up. Can’t have you getting all sticky and messy with all that blood.” Fluttershy pushed Arf up into a sitting position, hooking her forelimbs under her arms as she pulled her towards the bathroom. “A nice hot bath will do wonders…”

“Okay…” Arf mumbled as she and the winged pony disappeared into the bathroom.

“So… Presea wants to use the Jewel Seeds to reach this Al-Hazard place, which may or may not exist.” Twilight took a drink of her cocoa.

“It doesn’t exist.” Chrono crossed his arms. “Not even the Belka had any records of its location, and they claimed to have received aid from there.”

“There’s that name again. Belka.” Twilight frowned. “Yuuno mentioned it during his lessons. Who or what were the Belka?”

“The Belka came before the Time-Space Administration Bureau.” Yuuno spoke up as Chrono opened his mouth. “They were the dominant power in space-time, and ruled an empire consisting of hundreds of realms thanks to their powerful magic and advanced weaponry.”


“Their empire crumbled after their home world was destroyed by their own technology and hubris, and many of their conquered worlds banded together to resist their rule in the ensuing vacuum. The Belkan royal family, the Sankt Kaisers, spent the next five-hundred years trying to rebuild their empire until the last of their line ended the war.”

“Those worlds that banded together against the Belka became the founding members of the Bureau,” Chrono added. “And we’ve kept the peace ever since.”

“That explains a lot, actually,” Twilight huffed. “So you’re sure that this Al-Hazard place doesn’t exist?”

“Positive.” Chrono nodded. “It’s a myth. No-one’s found any credible evidence for its location in dimensional space.”

“I see.”

“You don’t sound convinced.”

“I’m willing to keep my options open.” Twilight swallowed the rest of her cocoa and set her mug down. “But right now, my tiredness is catching up to me. I think it might be best to tell Fluttershy good night. We’re going to have a busy day tomorrow.”

“I think you might be right.” Yuuno yawned. “I think the adrenaline is starting to wear off.”

“Why don’t you tell Fluttershy we’re going while I take care of the mugs.”

Yuuno blushed, turning away from the bathroom door. “A-actually, I‘ll handle the mugs.”

Twilight blinked. “What’s the matter?”

“Fluttershy’s bathing Arf, remember?” Yuuno noted.



“So? I walk around naked all the time…”

“Y-yeah, but humans don’t…”

“Oh?” Twilight blinked as realization dawned. “Ohhhh… okay, I think I get it.”

Chrono couldn’t help but chuckle. “Never seen a girl naked before, ferret boy?”

“W-well yes, but… oh shut up!”


Time seemed to pass by without incident. The next day, Twilight went up to the Arthra to provide her knowledge on seeking spells to Lindy and Amy in order to help pinpoint the remaining Jewel Seeds. It wasn’t difficult to translate Twilight’s version of the Area Search for use in the Arthra’s scanners; they were done by noon, all told.

It was the activities that afternoon Twilight was more concerned about.

Sparks flew across the mental training space as Chrono and Twilight clashed, their respective devices meeting together. Raising Heart spun in Twilight’s telekinetic grip as the unicorn thrust the butt end at Chrono, only for the Enforcer to parry the strikes with ease.

One, two, one, two, one, two. Chrono counted off with each strike. High thrust, low thrust. High thrust, low thrust. Very good. Remember, the butt of the staff is to be used for striking, not the head. The head of your staff is where the Device’s core resides, while the shaft can be sacrificed.

Twilight exhaled calmly as she stepped back. This does seem a bit counter-intuitive. Isn’t the main strategy to gain distance to cast spells?

In most cases, yes. However, when an opponent is fast enough to close with you, you have to rely on close range combat. That’s where Strike Arts come in. And since the Enforcers didn’t teach me anything about fighting on four legs, I have to stick with staff combat. Chrono lifted S2U and took a defensive stance. Now, let’s try the swing attacks again. Left side, then right side is the rhythm. Ready?

Ready. Twilight pulled Raising Heart up into her stance and began to attack, whipping the butt of the Device at Chrono as the Enforcer parried.

I’m surprised you’re such a quick study, Twilight. Chrono noted. You’re already picking up the basic moves at a respectable clip.

I think that has to do with the nature of the training. Twilight whipped the staff around telekinetically, continuing with the practice. Since it’s all in my head, it becomes a mental exercise, just like magic.

I don’t think it works quite like that, but whatever makes sense to you. Let’s start incorporating the other attacks now. Left, right, high thrust, low thrust.

Twilight nodded as she followed the pattern; a quick strike aimed at Chrono’s left side, followed by a rapid reversal and attack to his right side, then flicking the staff upwards into a pair of quick, firm thrusts aimed at his chest and stomach.

Good. I guess that’s one advantage of natural telekinesis, you don’t have to worry about hand position.

Twilight grinned as she continued the exercise. True. And I don’t have to worry about getting my non-existant fingers smacked.

Chrono chuckled as he continued parrying, floating back as Yuuno appeared in the training space.

I see you two are having fun. Yuuno floated up towards the pair, arms crossed.

Oh, loads. I’d offer you a staff, but we don’t have any extras. Chrono smirked, bringing S2U to rest under his arm.

Oh no, I think I can manage without one for now.

Did something happen, Yuuno? Twilight lowered Raising Heart.

A letter came in for you from the Princess. I figured you’d like to know.

Twilight blinked. Be right out.

Twilight shook her head as she mentally ‘stepped out of’ the training program, her awareness shifting back to the real world. Spike was seated beside her, tapping a scroll against his palm with a bored look on his face. “At least you closed your eyes this time.”

“I know. See, Spike? I can learn.” She levitated the scroll over to her face and unrolled it. Her jaw dropped about half-way through the letter.

“What’s up Twilight?”

“Fate… The Princesses have Fate with them.”

Chrono’s jaw dropped. “They… they what?!”

“They want us to come to Canterlot immediately, if possible. Just you, me and Yuuno. They also want us to bring her Device if we have it.” Twilight glanced up from the parchment. “That’s all it says.”

“That’s good news, right?” Spike glanced over at Chrono. “That means she’s captured and won’t be hurting anyone else, right?”

“Yeah.” Chrono ground his teeth together.

“You don’t sound too happy about that.”

“Sorry, it’s just that… never mind.”

Twilight stared at Chrono, then shrugged. “Whatever. It’s not important. Spike, I want you to go and get the others. Tell them we’re probably going to have a guest over soon.”

“Right!” Spike saluted. “I’ll do that right away.”


Fate shifted nervously beside the Princesses. The entire situation felt uncomfortable; here she was, standing beside a pair of physical goddesses, waiting for someone she viewed for the longest time as her mortal enemy to come walking into the room. The hall the three were waiting in were brightly lit by the tall, arching windows, overlooking one of the many gardens that decorated the castle grounds.

“You don’t need to be so nervous, Fate.” Celestia chided her gently. “Nothing bad’s going to happen.”

“That’s easy for you to say.” Fate replied, keeping her eyes focused on the red carpet under her hooves.

“My sister is correct, Fate.” Luna countered. “Thine fears are unfounded. Whatever enmity you fear Twilight Sparkle might have held against you for your actions is likely exaggerated by your mental state.”

“Can you blame me?” Fate sighed. “Sorry. It’s just… I really didn’t expect this to happen so suddenly.”

“When would you have preferred it to happen?” Celestia glanced down at her.

“Never, preferably…”

“Now now… running away from your problems never solved anything.” Celestia smiled and gently nudged Fate with one hoof. “Besides, we’re here beside you.”

“Don’t you have a government to run, though?” Fate swallowed. “I mean, you two have been taking an awful lot of time with me…”

“The gears of bureaucracy churn along efficiently, dear Fate.” Luna snorted. “And while our presence is oft times necessary, it is we who set the pace of the mechanism. That is but one of the benefits of our station.”

Fate was about to argue as the doors opened, the bottom edges rustling against the high carpet as Twilight, Yuuno and Chrono were admitted to the hall. Yuuno was staring in awe at his surroundings, looking around in an attempt to capture all the details. Twilight, meanwhile, had her attention on her.

Chrono, on the other hand, was focused on Celestia, even as he carried a familiar looking axe in his hands.

“I’m glad to see you came on such short notice, Twilight, Yuuno, Chrono.” Celestia rested a wing on Fate’s back, causing the filly to jump slightly.

“It wasn’t that much of a problem, Princess.” Twilight replied, stopping just a few feet away from Fate.

Fate peered up at Celestia, then stepped forwards slowly. She paused a few hoof steps away from Twilight, ducking her head slightly. “Um…”


“I’m sorry…about everything. I-”

Fate blinked as Twilight pulled her into a hug, her body going rigid with shock. Twilight held her for a few moments, then let go.

“I think we got off on the wrong hoof with our first meeting.” Twilight grinned. “Want to give it a second go?”

Fate nodded as Twilight extended a hoof.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

Fate reached out and touched hooves with her. “Fate. Fate Testarossa.

“That’s a pretty name.”

“Thank you. Yours is too.” Fate blushed as she heard Celestia stifle a giggle.

“I think this belongs to you. Chrono?” Twilight flicked her head, drawing Bardiche over with her telekinetic field. Fate reached up with her forelegs and hugged them around the Device’s shaft as her own horn lit up.

“I missed you, Bardiche.”

Confirmed. The Device’s reply echoed in her mind.

“Princess, if I may be blunt,” Chrono slid his hands into his pockets as he looked at the alicorn, “why didn’t you notify us immediately that you’d found Fate?”

“It was under our orders, Enforcer.” Luna stepped forwards. “We were monitoring her situation as it transpired. When her life became endangered, we acted accordingly.”

“So you knew her location, but didn’t inform anyone?”

“That was more my doing, Enforcer Harlaown.” Celestia interrupted. “I decided that it would be better to observe the situation before acting. As it stood, Twilight and her friends had things well in hoof.”

“So you just let her run amok? What if she‘d killed someone?”

“It wouldn’t have gotten that far. I would have intervened, just as Luna did when she saved Fate‘s life.”

“And if things hadn’t turned out the way they did?” Chrono raised an eyebrow.

“Believe it or not, Mister Harlaown, I have more than enough faith in my student and her friends to not have to intervene on their behalf every time something comes up.” Celestia’s gentle tone grew slightly cooler.

The two stared at each other, neither budging.

Chrono inhaled slowly. “Alright. I disagree with your methods, but I’m not going to continue with this. But,” Chrono raised a finger. “I will have to notify my Captain about this. In full.”

“I’m sure you will.”

“Enough, Chrono.” Twilight snapped, causing the young man to raise his hands and shrug. She turned back to the Princess and bowed slightly. ”Thank you for finding Fate, Princess Luna.”

The dark princess inclined her head in response.

“It might be best you return to Ponyville, Twilight.” Celestia’s voice regained its usual gentle cheer. “It would do you and Fate well to get to know each other better, ot to mention introduce her to your friends.”

Fate glanced at Twilight, then back to Celestia. “Thank you both for all you’ve done…”

“’Tis no problem, child of lightning.” Luna smiled faintly, “remember, you are amongst friends now. We advise you to make the most of your new situation.”

“Have a good time, Fate.”


Luna exhaled as the quartet made their way out of the hall. “And off she goes. Do you think, sister, that this was the most fortuitous choice?”

“Of course.” Celestia turned, starting to walk. Luna fell in step alongside her. “It’d do good for Fate to be amongst friendly faces, especially after her long dark night of the soul, so to speak.”

“The human boy brought up a fair point, sister mine. We neglected to inform them of Fate’s whereabouts, under your orders, might I remind you.”

“That’s true. However, we were busy with the meeting and with helping Fate through her problems. Which you did quite admirably, I might add.”

Luna snorted. “I did little more than sit by her bedside and respond to what she said. Much of the conversation was her doing.”

“Exactly.” Celestia turned to look at Luna. “You were there for her. You listened. That’s more than she’s likely had in a long while, I’d bet.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “I am not you, sister. I possess not the…temperament to be a sobbing post.”

“I think you give yourself too little credit, Luna.”

“Just… do not ask me to do so again. Fate’s miseries reminded me all too keenly of my own.”

Celestia paused, letting Luna take a few steps ahead of her. “Sorry Luna. I just thought…”

“Kindred spirits and such. I bear no ill will about that, sister.” Luna glanced back at Celestia. “What we did was necessary. Come. It is best to notify the staff that the hall is no longer off-limits. When are you going to announce our meetings with the humans to the general court?”

“Once this mess is over and done with, I think.”


Fate blinked her eyes as the transport spell dissolved around her and Twilight in a flash of light. The pair of them were standing in front of what appeared to be a cross between a house and a tree.

“Come on in Fate.” Twilight’s horn lit up as the door opened. “I’m sure the other ponies should be here soon…”

“Your friends, you mean?” Fate looked around at the high shelves full of books. She lived in a library. That was definitely different.

“Uh-huh. Make yourself comfortable,” the purple unicorn called as she wandered into the kitchen.

Fate looked around carefully. It was just her and Twilight; Yuuno and Chrono had stayed behind on board the ship that they used as a teleportation hub. The lack of the Enforcer’s presence did take a load off her mind but still, she was alone with Twilight.

“So… you’re Princess Celestia’s personal student?”

“That’s right!” Twiligh called back. “How’d you-”

“Princess Luna told me. I shouldn’t be surprised, really.” Fate nudged one of the books, inspecting the glossy binding.

“Oh, right…” Twilight wandered back into the room, carrying a tea set. “I’ve put some water on for tea. Do you like tea?”

“I guess.” Fate turned to look at Twilight.

There was an awkward silence as the two ponies stared at each other. Neither of them seemed to want to break it.

Twilight cleared her throat. “So…um… Fate…”


“Uh… how’ve…you liked Equestria so far?” Twilight plastered on a weak smile.

“It’s alright, I guess… most of what I’ve seen is the forest and the royal palace…”


Another stretch of awkward silence.

“Is…there anything you’d like to talk about? Got any hobbies?”


“Read any good books?”

“Haven’t had a chance to…”

“Um…” Twilight sat down beside one of the tables, next to a wooden bust of a unicorn.

“Sorry. I haven’t really had a chance to…you know…” Fate sighed, glancing down.

“It’s okay…um…ooh! I know!” Twilight clapped her hooves together. “Magic! Why don’t you tell me about your magic?”

“What about it?”

“For example, why do you specialize in lightning?”

Fate blinked. “I’m just…good at it. Linith said I have a natural mana conversion affinity for electricity.”


“My teacher. She was also the one who designed Bardiche.” Fate glanced away. “She’s…not around anymore.”

“I‘m sorry…she must have been really special to you…”

“You could say that.”

“So, you’re really good at lightning magic. Maybe that’s your special talent, though I’m surprised you don’t have a cutie mark.”

Fate blinked. “A what?”

“A cutie mark.” Twilight turned sideways and pointed at her flank. “Everypony in Equestria gets a mark when they find their special talent. Mine represents my natural talent for magic and my fondness for stargazing.”

“I was wondering about that.” Fate craned her head around to look at her own hindquarters. “I simply assumed it was some sort of cultural thing, though I didn‘t pay it much mind.”

“That’s a nice change of pace,” Twilight giggled. “Compared to Apple Bloom and her friends, your lack of concern is almost refreshing.”

There was a loud knock at the door.

“Let me get that.” Twilight rose from her seat and trotted over to the door, opening it. “Oh, hey gi- wah!”


Fate found herself on her back as an orange blur pounced atop her. Arf sniffled softly, hugging her arms around her neck in a vise-like grip.


“Oh Master, I’m sorry!” Arf clung to her, the much larger wolf-woman pinning her onto her back, her face buried against her chest.. “Please don’t still be mad at me. I missed you so much…”

“Arf…” Fate paused as her familiar looked up at her, then smiled and stroked her behind the ear. “I missed you too. I’m sorry I sent you away. Can you forgive me?”

Arf growled happily in the back of her throat. “I think I can do that.”

“Well, if that ain’t tha sweetest thang I ever did see.”

Fate climbed to her feet as the other ponies surrounded her, lined up before her in a very familiar formation, looking at her expectantly.

“Um… hello.” Fate did her best to smile. “My name’s Fate Testarossa. It’s nice to meet all of you.”


“That little traitor.”

Presea’s hand clenched around her staff as she glared at the scrying spell. Clearly, something had happened during Fate’s disappearance; the pony in the image wasn’t the same girl she had sent down to the dimension to retrieve the Jewel Seeds. There she was, seated there bashfully as the ponies crowded around her, introducing themselves and talking to her.

“Useless, worthless, traitorous child.” Presea growled, taking slow, deep breaths. She couldn’t risk getting too angry, not in her condition. But it was so galling, sitting there, watching Fate.

Something had to be done about this. And it had to be soon.


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