• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 16,142 Views, 288 Comments

Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight - PurpleProse

Magical Girls With Wave-Motion Cannons Meets My Little Pony! What if Twilight became Nanoha?

  • ...

Chapter 3: Flash of Lightning, Twist of Fate

Ponyville’s library was reasonably well equipped for the town’s needs, with books on nearly every subject. Normally, Twilight would have been more than happy to spend the morning in quiet research, possibly with a cup of tea and a daisy sandwich.

However, that was not the case this time. Yuuno Scrya sat cross-legged across from her on the floor, his brown cape folded neatly beside him. Twilight had a scroll of parchment and a quill pen at the ready, her eyes intent and focused.

“Alright, let’s review from yesterday,” Yuuno started, running a hand through his tousled blonde hair. “What have we gone over so far?”

“The Mid-Childan magic system is the currently dominant form of magic among the majority of the human populace, developed after the fall of the Belkan Empire. Mid-Childan magic, like other forms, is classified into Attack, Defense, Capture, Support, Force Field, Illusion, Summon and Rare Skill classes. Like unicorn magic, magic is channeled from within the person and guided through will and mental formulas to achieve a desired effect. Devices are typically used to calculate these formulas and to manipulate the flow of magical energy.” Twilight recited, not even looking at her scroll.

“You…memorized it?” Yuuno paused.

“Well, yes. Do you want me to continue?”

“I…suppose so.” Yuuno blushed. “What’s the purpose of a magic circle?”

“A magic circle is a visual manifestation of the spell, much like a unicorn’s horn-glow.” Twilight closed her eyes and her horn lit up. Suddenly, thin beams of light traced out the familiar pattern of a Mid-Childan circle; the concentric rings bound together by an eight-pointed star.

“Each magic system has a unique circle,” Twilight continued, “though given the dominance of Mid-Childan magic, the Mid-Childan circle is the most easily recognized. In the case of high energy spells, magic is channeled through the circle in order to help support the spell‘s formation.”

“Wow…” Yuuno blinked as the image faded away.

“Don’t worry,” Spike yawned as he walked into the kitchen, “you’ll get used to it. Twilight’s scarily smart. I’m pretty sure she’s read every book in this library twice.”

“Thrice, actually.” Twilight smirked.

“It certainly seems like you’ve gotten the basic history down.” Yuuno rubbed his chin. “I’m still surprised that our magical styles are so similar. You simply don’t create circles when channeling your magic.”

“Mhmm. I was a bit surprised too when you first explained it. Though ponies don’t use Devices or anything like that. At least, not too often.”

“Like the Elements of Harmony,” Spike interrupted as he trundled out of the kitchen.

“Yes, like the Elements, Spike. Though I don’t think the Elements count as Devices like Raising Heart.”

“They might, but I’d have to see them for myself,” Yuuno countered. “Though somehow I don’t think the Princesses would approve of a stranger poking at a set of national treasures.”

“Yeah. They’re locked up in Canterlot Tower for a reason, after all.”

“However, back on topic,” Yuuno interrupted. “Do you feel comfortable with doing some practice today, Twilight?”

“I don’t see why not. Did you have something in mind?”

“Well, maybe some basic Attack magic. Maybe a Shooting-type spell, if Raising Heart has one in her memory. Something simple, you know?”

“DIVINE SHOOTER IS SUGGESTED.” The gem chimed softly as it spoke.

Twilight frowned uncomfortably. The memory of the Divine Buster was still fresh, even after two days “Well, I don’t see why not...”

“We don’t have to…”

“No, no, it’s alright. Nothing wrong with practice, right?”

Yuuno frowned, then nodded. “If you say so. Do you have any idea where we could practice at?”

Spike raised a hand. “Why not Sweet Apple Acres? Applejack usually has a lot of open land there. She probably won’t mind if we stay out her way.”

“That sounds like it’d work.” Yuuno glanced over at the purple unicorn. “What do you think?”

Twilight puffed a bit of her hair out of her face. “That works for me. After all, nothing wrong with learning.”


Meanwhile, a flash of light flowed out of a cavern deep in a rocky crag just a mile or three into the Everfree Forest. A pair of quadrupedal figures stood in the cave as the light receded, the golden spell circle under their feet fading.

“Is this the place?” The first speaker’s voice was female, mature, with a hint of a growl to it.

“It is. The Jewel Seeds are here. Mother would not send us on a fool’s errand.” The second voice was female, but younger, without inflection or emotion.

The first speaker paused, then began to laugh.

“What’s so funny, Arf?”

“You’re…you’re…” the first speaker gasped in between giggles. “You’re so cute, master.”

“This form is only temporary. Once I’ve acquired the Jewel Seeds, mother will return me to normal. For now, it is best that we begin our search.” The younger speaker paused, then sighed. “When you’re done rolling around and laughing.”


A low wind rustled through the leaves of the apple trees, kicking up a hint of dirt between the two opponents; the petite human and the purple unicorn.

Yuuno inhaled slowly, centering himself. “Ready, Twilight?”

Twilight stood at the ready, her hooves firmly planted. Raising Heart hovered in her telekinetic grip, the red core glinting slightly in the sunlight as she concentrated. Yuuno stood about twenty feet away, facing her with his hands slightly outstretched. Both pony and human met each-other’s eyes.

“You can do it Twilight! Come on!“ Spike cheered the sidelines, perched atop the fence the separated the empty practice area from the orchard proper. Applejack leaned against the fence beside him, watching the pair curiously.

“Ah think she’s tryin’ to focus Spike.” Applejack noted.

“Oops, sorry.”

Twilight’s tail swished and horn flared as she focused herself, the staff chiming softly as Raising Heart announced the spell.


A dozen glowing spheres of light sprang into existence around Twilight, hovering silently around the unicorn in a near-protective formation. Her eyes narrowed. She felt a tickle against her horn, a gentle touch against her mind, but brushed it aside mentally.

“Fire!” Twilight called out, three of the bolts breaking off and launching towards Yuuno. A shield in the shape of a Mid-Childan spell-circle sprang into existence in front of Yuuno, intercepting the shots with a flash of energy and a spray of harmless sparks. More flashes exploded against the shield as more spheres launched, each shot clumsily flying through the air and swerving erratically.

And yet, Yuuno’s shield still held up against the onslaught. He didn’t even seem phased. Which, in some ways, just infuriated Twilight all the more.

“How long’ve they been at this?” Applejack whispered as the barrage paused.

“All morning.” Spike replied, wincing as another spray of shots struck the shield. “I think Twilight’s starting to get the hang of it though.”

“Ah’ll say, if that fancy light-show’s any sign.”

“Ugh!” Twilight grimaced, the spell ceasing as she lowered Raising Heart. “And you keep telling me that I shouldn’t hide behind my shield?”

Yuuno laughed, the glowing green shield still hovering before him. “Well, yes. But hiding behind shields is what I’m good at. I’m not very skilled at Attack magic. What I am good at, however, is staying alive. You’re making progress, though.” Yuuno rubbed one of his hands through the glove he was wearing. “Twelve shots isn’t something to sneeze at with a Shooting-type spell. If anything, that shows you‘ve got talent at it.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and swung Raising Heart up, the staff dissolving into its Standby Form. “That‘s mostly because I have a special talent for all forms of magic. I’m still not comfortable with combat magic, though. I mean, I‘ve faced down monsters before, but throwing spells like this…” She shrugged the Device’s chain around her neck and shook her head. “It just feels… I don’t know, wrong somehow.”

“But Twilight, if you’re not comfortable with fighting magic, then why did you do what you did with the parasprites the other day?” Spike climbed down from his seat, walking over towards Yuuno and Twilight.

“That was me getting angry, Spike.” She shook herself slightly. “When the Jewel Seed attacking the others, I just sort of… “


“For lack of a better term, yes. And I guess Raising Heart reacted to my desire to protect my friends and triggered the spell for me.”

“Considering that Raising Heart is an Intelligent Device, I wouldn’t be surprised.” Yuuno wiggled his fingers in his gloves again. “And since you were so enraged, it picked a high-level Bombardment spell.”

“You mean that giant laser beam?” Spike tilted his head.

“Yes. Bombardment spells tend to be high-powered single blasts, unlike Shooting types which focus on precision and large quantities of shots.” Yuuno explained.

Twilight grumbled, glancing irritably at the gem. “Which don’t seem to be doing anything except make a fancy light show. I don’t understand, I pour power into Raising Heart, but the spell just doesn’t have the amount of force I want…”

Yuuno sighed. “It might be because you’re not letting Raising Heart do her job.”

“Her job? She’s a Device…”

“She’s a Device, Twilight, but she’s supposed to work with you, not be something to funnel magical power through. Intelligent Devices like her tend to work better if you let them help. She serves as a sort of control system, making things more efficient. You just need to let her in.” Yuuno tapped his temple with a finger. “Like you did when you were angry.”

Twilight frowned. “I guess I don‘t really get it, Raising Heart‘s just a Device…”

“It ain’t that bad Twi. Remember how ya were when you first came here to Ponyville?” Applejack grinned. “Yer jus’ bein’ stubborn again.”

“I didn’t expect you to come down here to commentate, Applejack.” Twilight glanced over to her friend.

“Didn’t expect to myself. I jus’ came down here to tell ya‘ll something. Rainbow jus’ dropped by an tol’ me there’s gonna be a big ol’ storm scheduled later this afternoon an‘ evenin‘, thunder an’ lightnin’ an’ the whole shebang. No wind though, thankfully.”

“I was wondering about that. It’s been a little while since we’ve had rain.”

“Eeyup. Anyhow, I figured I’d let ya’ll know, since ya’ll were practicin’ out here.”

“Again, thank you for that. I hope we weren’t causing too much of a problem with our practice, Miss Applejack.” Yuuno smiled nervously. “Twilight told me how protective your family is of its livelihood.”

“Shucks, it ain’t a problem. I did give ya‘ll permission when ya‘ll wandered down here this mornin‘ after all. So long as ya’ll ain’t usin’ tha trees as target practice, it’s alright.”

“I don’t suppose we could pester you for some lunch?” Twilight grinned weakly as her stomach growled. “Energy has to come from somewhere, after all.”

“Tain’t a problem at all.”


Yuuno couldn’t help but feel just a little surprised at his situation as he, Spike and Twilight left the farm. It had been almost two days since he had switched back to his human form, and yet here he was, unharmed and welcomed by the strange populace he had partnered with. Such a strange, simple, yet welcoming group of creatures, these ponies were. Sure, they’d been cautious around him at first, but Twilight’s presence and explanations seemed to mollify them.

What was even more curious was the fact that he seemed to be unchanged. At first, he’d been concerned since he hadn’t had his anti-transmutation shield up, but it seemed he had little to worry about.

Well, aside from the Jewel Seeds, but that was a different issue entirely.

“I’m still surprised. You ponies control the land, the sky, the sun and moon…is there anything you don’t control?”

“Well,” Twilight tilted her head. “There’s the Everfree Forest, but then again nopony’s ever really tried to my knowledge. Why?”

“It’s just strange to me.” Yuuno glanced down at her. “In the worlds I’ve visited, the forces of nature aren’t so well regulated. Everything’s mostly left to its own devices for the most part.”

“I can’t imagine how someone could live in such a place.” Twilight gave a slight shudder, then caught herself. “But then again, my friend Zecora lives in the Everfree Forest, so I guess a pony could get used to it.”

“Zecora’s your zebra friend, right?”

“Mhmm. I’ll introduce you to her sometime.”

“I think I’d like that.”

“I’m more curious about you, Yuuno.” Spike looked up at the short human. “What’s this Mid-Childa place you’re from like? Are there any dragons there?”

“I'm not exactly sure. Then again, I don't have a lot of experience with dragons.” Yuuno replied. “I don’t really visit there much. I’m usually with my family on archeological expeditions. But Mid-Childa’s a lot like Equestria, except everything isn’t quite so well-managed. My family usually visits the capital city, Cranagan, when we’re on business or when we have to report our findings.”

“Is Cranagan a big city?”

“Huge. It’s built by the sea, and you can see buildings for miles and miles on a clear day. Maybe one day I could show you around.”

“That might be fun… though wouldn’t it be odd for somepony like me to be around humans?”

“Not exactly. Well…” Yuuno frowned. “Maybe just a little. But most people aren’t strangers than having a non-humans around. They‘d probably think you‘re a familiar.”

“Mm…” Twilight frowned.

“Is…there something the matter, Twilight?”

“Sort of.” Twilight inhaled slowly. “If I may ask Yuuno, why are you so set on me learning combat magic? Do all humans learn how to fight like this?”

“Well, no.” Yuuno sighed. “To be fair, I’m not exactly the best teacher for this. I’m not exactly a seasoned veteran. But a lot of Mid-Childan mages learn some form of self-defense, especially those who work in dangerous fields like the military.”

“Are you-”

“Military? No, no. I’m an archeologist!”

“At your age!?” Twilight paused, eyes a little wide. “From what you’ve told me you’re barely older than some of the school-fillies I know!”

Yuuno grinned nervously. “Well, my family stresses personal independence. I spent most of my childhood helping my family on digs and exploratory missions, so I come by it naturally. It’s not that bad of a life, really.”

“And that’s how you found the Jewel Seeds?”

“Uh-huh. It was actually one of my first missions on my own. Look how that turned out.” Yuuno sighed.

“I don’t think it turned out that bad. After all, you got to meet us.” Twilight reassured Yuuno

“.You know…you’re right.” The young human laughed softly. “So I guess this isn’t all that bad.”

Twilight chuckled, then glanced upwards as they approached Ponyville. Already the sky was growing darker as pegasi moved the black storm clouds into position. Yuuno looked up as well.

“Yeah… really not bad at all.” Yuuno mumbled softly as he watched the pegasi at work.

“It won’t be nearly as ’not bad’ if we get caught outside while it’s raining.” Spike countered. “Come on, we should get inside before it starts pouring.”


Sugarcube Corner was empty. Then again, it was to be expected; nopony wanted to get caught out in the storm after all. Mrs. Cake hummed softly to herself as she pushed the broom along.

“It’s always sad when there’s a storm scheduled at this time,” Mrs. Cake puffed, her frosting-pink hair bobbing slightly.

“But at least we’ll have plenty of time to work on other orders, Cupcake.” Mr. Cake poked his head out of the kitchen. “Especially with Pinkie Pie not around here.”

Mrs. Cake giggled. “That silly girl. Did she run off to set up another party?”

“Mhmm. Left early this morning for Twilight’s library. Probably for that new human friend of hers.” Mr. Cake rolled his eyes and ducked back into the kitchen.

“Again?” Mrs. Cake giggled. “The poor dear.”

There was a soft chiming noise as the door opened, the sky above rumbling softly. Mrs. Cake turned as a pony entered the store. “Oh! Hello! Welcome to Sugarcube Corner…”

Mrs. Cake paused as she looked at the customer. She was a unicorn, just old enough to be out of filly-hood but not quite a full-grown mare. She looked delicate, with her long, skinny legs and slender frame. Her coat was a soft, pastel yellow, her pig-tailed mane and tail quite long, the golden hair so glossy it as almost metallic. Her coloration clashed with the black tunic she was wearing, an equally black cloak hanging limply over her body and hiding her cutie mark.

It was the eyes that gave Mrs. Cake pause. The young pony’s eyes were like wine-red rubies; cold, dark and glittering. For a brief moment, the baker pony felt a hint of fear before she brushed the feeling away. The strange pony walked over towards the counter, her face neutral as she surveyed the contents.

“Do you see anything you like, dearie?” Mrs. Cake ventured, putting the broom aside and trotting behind the counter. “We do have a nice selection of cookies right now, and the muffins are quite nice…”

The pony didn’t respond. Mrs. Cake swallowed slightly. Something about her was unsettling.

“If you’re willing to wait, we’ll have a fresh batch of cupcakes out in a little bit…”

“That would be fine.” The pony replied, her voice as neutral as her expression.

“Alright. Um,“ Mrs. Cake tilted her head slightly, “are you new in town, dearie?”

Her customer nodded slightly.

“Did you just move here? I’ve never…”

“Just visiting.” The golden pony interrupted quietly.

“Well, you’ve certainly picked an interesting time to visit.” Mrs. Cake paused. “I mean, what with the weather and all. I hope you don’t plan on traveling in the storm.”

The pony shook her head and tapped a hoof on the glass. “One of these, please.”

Mrs. Cake brightened. “Ah, a sugar cookie. Alright. Tell you what, since you’re new in town, it’ll be on the house.”

The pony didn’t reply as Mrs. Cake fished the cookie out. There was a peal of thunder outside, followed by a loud hiss of rain.

“Oh dear. It looks like the rain’s finally started.” Mrs. Cake frowned as she glanced out the window, before turning back to her customer. “You’re welcome to stay here for a bit. Maybe the storm will let up a little bit later.”

The gold-coated pony didn’t reply as she nibbled at the cookie, glancing out at the falling rain.

What an odd filly… Mrs. Cake made her way back behind the counter, leaning against it.



“Pinkie, what…” Twilight gaped slightly. The library looked like a party-supply store had exploded inside it, nearly every surface covered with brilliantly-colored party decorations, the air filled with the scent of cake. Pinkie Pie sat there, a wide grin on her face as she looked at the trio.

“I know it’s really short notice, but I totally forgot to throw a second party after Yuuno’s party and I’m so, so super sorry that I forgot about it so I decided to throw one even though it’s all rainy and yucky outside but that’s okay because we’re inside and-”

“Pinkie!” Twilight interrupted as the pink pony inhaled. “Who’re you throwing the party for, exactly?”

“Raising Heart, of course!”

“You’re throwing a party…for my Device?” Twilight deadpanned.

“Well yeah, because Yuuno said that Raising Heart is an Intelligent Device, which means that it’s a living thing which means that it’s probably feeling really left out so I decided to throw a special party just for her!”

Yuuno glanced at Twilight. “Is she serious?”

“Hey! I’m always serious when it comes to parties!” Pinkie bounced over to Yuuno, tapping him on the chest with one hoof. “Besides, I would feel bad if I left Raising Heart out of all this.”

“So much for training today.” Twilight mumbled under her breath before she glanced around. “So it’s just us?”

“Yup! Rainbow Dash is busy with the clouds and the storm, Rarity’s got a big order for somepony in Hoofington to fill, Fluttershy’s staying with Rarity until her cottage gets fixed up and doesn’t like thunder, and Applejack’s still at her farm, so it’s just you, me, Spike, Yuuno and Raising Heart!” Pinke giggled and bounced around the little group in a loose circle as she chattered away.

“You do realize that Raising Heart’s just a gem, right?” Twilight pointed out, Pinkie’s relentless bonhomie starting to grate on her nerves a little.

“Yeah?” Pinkie paused in her bouncing in front of Twilight.

“So she really can’t eat cake or do party games, right?”

“Yeah? So?”

“And she probably doesn’t really need a party, right?”

Pinkie frowned. “Sheesh Twilight, you think I don’t know that? It’s the thought that counts. Just because Raising Heart’s a Device doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve something to make her happy.”

“It’s a gem! How can a gem be happy?”

“Well, Yuuno keeps saying she’s intelligent. You could ask her.”

Twiight paused, then sighed. “I guess that makes sense.” Her horn lit up as she lifted Raising Heart from her neck, the small gem floating at eye level. “Raising Heart? What’s your opinion?”

There was a soft chime, the gem glowing as it spoke. “I DO NOT HAVE ONE, MASTER.”

“You don’t?”


“Not exactly very talkative, is she?” Twilight noted.

“Considering she’s designed for combat, it’s to be expected.” Yuuno replied, having made his way over to one of the low tables. “This cake does look excellent Pinkie. Mind if I have a slice?”

“Go right ahead!”

Twilight shook her head as her human companion chatted with Pinkie, a generous slice of cake in his hand. She eyed the still-hovering jewels quietly.

Yuuno keeps saying you’re intelligent. She thought to herself. Are you stubborn too? Maybe I’m missing something.

Twilight’s reverie was interrupted when she felt a claw poke her side.

“C’mon Twilight.” Spike looked up at her. “You can always do training later. Take a break.”

“Maybe you’re right Spike. Sorry. I’ve just got a lot on my mind…”

“Who wants to play ‘Pin the Tail on the Pony?’” Pinkie called out.


Lightning arced from cloud to cloud as the rain continued to fall, the sky growing darker as the sun made its way towards the horizon. The few ponies outside raced from place to place, hiding under umbrellas from the downpour. Nopony wanted to stay out too long in the rain, after all.

Which was why nopony noticed the faint blue glow coming from the fountain’s basin. For years, the stone statue of an Earth pony had stood quietly, a familiar landmark that few gave much notice to. Ribbons of blue light drifted upwards, meeting the rainwater streaming down its sides and wrapping around its body.

There was a pulse of power, and the statue’s eyes opened to reveal pits of blue fire.


Mrs. Cake blinked as the mysterious pony stood from her table, the half-eaten sugar cookie brushed aside. “Is something the matter, dearie?”

The pony didn’t respond. Her eyes were focused on the faint blue glow outside. “It’s started.”

“Wha-” Mr. Cake couldn’t get a word in as the filly turned and walked towards the door. Her horn lit up with a faint yellow glow as she opened the door.

“Thank you for the cookie,” the filly said in a soft voice before she strode out into the rain.

“Wait!“ Mrs Cake called, then frowned as the stranger disappeared into the shadowy evening. What a strange filly… she thought to herself as she cleaned off the table, wincing slightly as thunder boomed overhead.


Twilight looked up sharply from her spot on the floor, her attention pulled from Pinkie and Spike’s antics. A familiar chill ran down her back, like someone had just dropped an ice-cube down her spine.

Yuuno looked up, alarm on his face. “Did you just feel that?”

“Another seed’s activated. It’s close, probably inside Ponyville!” Twilight lifted Raising Heart from her neck and turned, dashing towards the door and pushing it open. Yuuno quickly followed.

“Hey! Wait! What about my party?!” Pinkie called out.

“We’ll be back! Really! It’ll just take a second!” Yuuno shouted back, hissing as the rain splashed down on him.

Twilight, however, paid little mind to the rain, her mane growing slick and lank as it was soaked. “Raising Heart,” she called out over the rainfall as she ran, “I’m ready!”

“YES MASTER,” Raising Heart replied. “STANDBY. READY, SET UP!”

The streets of Ponyville were lit with a blaze of purple light as Twilight ran. The white dress with its attendant armor formed around her body, woven from strands of magic even as Raising Heart assembled itself, the staff hovering as Twilight gripped it with her telekinesis.

“Twilight! Twilight!” Yuuno called as he raced after her, shielding himself as best he could from the rain. “Slow down!”

Twilight slowed, glancing over her shoulder as Yuuno caught up. “Sorry. I just figured we’d need to hurry.”

“We do, but there’s no reason to run head-long into danger. Now, remember the spell we practiced today…”

Twilight nodded, feeling a hint of irritation. She didn’t really needed to be reminded. “I’ve got it. Now let’s hurry before whatever monster the seed’s created starts wrecking the town.”


The pair stopped as an ominous, echoing thud hit their ears. A stone pony slowly walked out from one of the avenues ahead, blue flame whirling wispily from its eyes as it moved. The sound of rushing water flowed from its body as slender tentacles of fluid rose from its mane and tail, cheerily defying gravity as it plodded along heavily.

“Oh no…”

“What?” Yuuno raised his hands in defense, eying their opponent carefully.

Twilight gulped. “I think that’s the statue from the town fountain. The one that’s supposed to commemorate Ponyville’s founding.”

“The Seed must have integrated it into its defense system. This might be a problem…”

“You’re telling me? The Mayor is going to have my hide if she finds out I damaged it.”

“I’m sure she’ll understand, given the circumstances.”

Twilight raised Raising Heart up cautiously as the statue slowly turned towards them. “Any ideas?”

“We’re going to have to weaken it so that we can seal the Seed. Focus on shooting it, and let me worry about the barrier.”

“Okay…” Twilight inhaled, focusing herself as the Seed turned in their direction. “Ready, Raising Heart?”


“Divine Shooter!” Twilight set her hooves against the ground and focused, energy pouring from her horn as a dozen spheres of light springing into existence around her. Yuuno stood beside her, spreading his fingers wide as his own energy flowed outward.

“READY.” Raising Heart chimed.

“Fire!” A set of three spheres launched forward, streaking through the air like small comets. The bolts wove in and around each other like drunk bees as they flew, right before they impacted against the statue, causing it to stumble back. A second volley followed soon after, impacting along the stony shell of the Seed’s defense program and eliciting a weird, warbling wail from the stone pony.

“I think we’ve got its attention.” Yuuno grinned weakly as the Seed’s head whipped and swung. “Keep firing!”

“I am, but it‘s not doing anything!“ Twilight released the third and fourth volley of bolts, the projectiles flashing out through the intervening space, only to be swatted out of the air by lasing tentacles of fluid from its mane. “I need to give it more power!” Twilight ground her teeth as she forced more power into the spell.

“Twilight, stop trying to force it to work!” Yuuno called out, bracing himself as the tentacles launched out, slamming against the protective barrier he had erected around the two of them. “Let Raising Heart help you! Trust her!”

“Trust her?” Twilight gritted her teeth, funneling more of her magic into Raising Heart. Twelve replacement projectiles phased into being, volleying out in rapid succession only to impact futilely against the watery appendages. Again and again, she felt the phantom touch against her mind, which she did her best to ignore.

“Let Raising Heart into your mind! Open up to her!” Yuuno held his ground against the lashing tentacles..

Twilight grimaced. “Raising Heart?”


Twilight inhaled, then let her focus drop. “I’m sorry.”

The touch gently pushed against her mind.


Twilight shuddered, her eyes opening sharply as she felt information pour into her brain.

Telepathic link established. Confirming primary mana channels. Confirmed. Linker Core synchronization complete. Fire control systems are online. Program archives are online. Spell efficiency at eighty-seven percent. A mechanical, feminine voice echoed in her mind in clipped, precise tones. I am at your command, master.

Raising Heart? Twilight’s mouth felt dry.

Correct. I await your command, Master.

He wasn’t kidding. You really are an intelligent Device. Twilight felt a twinge of regret at her earlier words and feelings. I’m sorry.

You are unfamiliar with my systems. Raising Heart’s voice was neutral. I await your command.

Help me stop this monster. Divine Shooter.

Confirmed. Initiating fire control and mana channels for Shooting-type spell Divine Shooter. Activate at will..

“Twilight, I don’t want to say anything, but you might want to hurry up!” Yuuno shouted as the tentacles flailed away, the impacts coming more and more rapidly as Twilight blinked. All of that had taken place in the span of a few seconds.

“Don’t worry. I think we’ve got it.” Twilight grinned as her horn lit up once again.
“Let‘s go, Raising Heart!”

“DIVINE SHOOTER!” The staff chimed as a dozen bolts of light appeared in mid-air.

“FIRE!” Twilight shouted as the bolts launched in rapid fire, not in groups but in a staccato rapid-fire, each bolt darting out like an arrow. The bolts darted in and around the lashing tentacles, avoiding the Seed’s defensive measures until they hit home, the statue stumbling violently under the salvo of shots, each blast creating a small crater in the stony surface.

“Way to go Twilight!” Yuuno grinned.

“Wasn’t all me, Yuuno.” Twilight smiled back wanly.

“So I take it you and Raising Heart are working together now, properly?”

“Mhmm.” Twilight turned to face the Seed’s defense system as it wailed, bringing Raising Heart down to point at it. “Now, let’s finish thi-”

Lightning crackled in the air, right as a pillar of golden light and electricity crashed down from the sky, slamming into the statue like the hoof of an angry pony. The Seed wailed again as it crumpled downwards, half of its body reduced to steaming rubble.

“W…what just happened?” Twilight stammered.

“That…that was a Bombardment spell!” Yuuno searched around, then pointed. “There! Look!”

Twilight squinted as lightning leapt from cloud to cloud, illuminating the figure in its blue-white light. It looked like a pony in a cape was simply standing in empty air. What looked like a broad-bladed battle axe hovered before it in a glowing gold aura. As Twilight stared, the axe twisted, a set of glowing yellow dragonfly-like wings springing out from around the head, followed by a familiar looking magic circle wrought in yellow light. There was a pause, followed by a second column of golden light flashed out, smashing into the statue. There was a faint blue glimmer as a familiar diamond-shaped stone floated up from the rocky remains.

“The Jewel Seed!” Twilight started to step forward, then froze as several bright yellow bolts impacted into the ground in front of her, rather similar to her Divine Shooter. There was a soft splash as the figure landed next to the rubble, her features lit briefly by a flash of lightning, her golden mane slick with rain.

“A…pony? W-wait!” Twilight called out as the Seed floated towards the axe. A brilliant yellow circle set in the axe’s head glittered as it absorbed the Seed.

There was a second loud splash as the pony leaped into the air and flew away, rapidly disappearing before the pair could give chase.

“Did that just happen?” Twilight blinked.

“It did.” Yuuno gritted his teeth. “That was a Mid-Childan spell. Looks like we’re not the only ones looking for the Seeds."


Arf yawned as she lounged in the cave, distant thunder rumbling softly. This wasn’t exactly her idea of a hide-out. Sure, she’d lived in caves when she was younger, but she was used to far more creature comforts nowadays.


The red-haired and wolf-eared woman sat up from her spot amongst the rocks as her master landed, the golden-coated little pony walking in calmly.

“Fate, you’re back!” Arf stood, helping her master out of her wet clothing. “You’re absolutely drenched. How did it go?”

Fate shifted as Arf unbuckled her cloak. “One Jewel Seed acquired. But we have a problem.”

“Oh?” Arf’s ear twitched. “What kind of problem?”

“There’s another human here…”


Picture taken from google images. all images (c) their owner