• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 3,264 Views, 318 Comments

Interviewing Mr. Disc - CrackedInkWell

The art teacher, Mr. Disc is called in to be interviewed by a CIA agent over the disappearance of a missing student at Canterlot High.

  • ...

4: The Disappearance

Faust facepalmed, “That was incredibly stupid of her. The logic behind that: she spied on you guys to prove that she was being spied on without being something to record that she was being spied on.”

“Perhaps she hasn't done espionage before.” I shrugged. “That or maybe she wants to make sure.”

“Of what?”

“That she’s being spied on. I mean, wouldn't you have done the same if you suspect that someone is sticking their faces into something you don’t want to?”

“Point taken, but when was the last time that you've seen Twilight Sparkle?”

“Perhaps I can tell you what happened the next day, no?”

“Yes that’s right; she was last seen by you at the school. After that, she wasn't seen since.”


I see, the next morning, when I came to work, Celestia called me in to tell me about what she found.

“From what I've found of the paperwork, the transfer coincides to who she says she is. I couldn't find any signs of fraud. I even contacted the school she went to, Gallup High, and turns out that she’s was indeed a student over there. So as far as I can find, either this transfer is a master con or you might have been mistaken.”

For the first few hours, I remembered what Fluttershy said about that we might have run into this world’s version of Twilight. At the same time, I couldn't help but think if there’s any difference between the Twilight we knew and this one.

Speaking of which, I couldn't help but noticed how the newbie would glare at me. Like she’s expecting me to do anything destructive (perish the thought that I would do something like that)! How do I know? Maybe it could be the backpack she was carrying around looks like its stuff with equipment. (I could have sworn that I saw a wire sticking out from it!)

Once class was over, when Twilight barely got that backpack filled with who-knows-what, and I was about to step out of class for lunch, guess who happened to step in? Yep, it was Twilight, only she didn't have the backpack and she had a green and purple dog by her side.

“Hey Julius,” she said with a smile.

“Hold on,” I told her, “Are you Twilight the magical pony or Twilight the suspicious new student?” She blinked and asked me what I meant by that. I explained, “Remember how I ran into my other self in your universe, like how your friends did? Well, let’s just said that I've run into your… you.”

“Really?” both she and the dog said.


“Wait, wait, wait," Faust interrupted again, “the dog talked?”

“Yeah?” I said while quickly adding, “And I’m sure that I wasn't hallucinating right then. Besides, I wasn't that surprised when the dog started talking.”

“Why?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I had a hallucination of talking to a squeal once,” I replied while giving her a smile, she once again facepalmed.

“As you were saying,” she said.


Anyway, I told them that I was serious. “And as of now, she’s now suspicious about us.”

“What did you guys do?” the dog asked.

“Some of us had mistaken Twilight here from how similar they looked and sound. We even tried to tell her that we already knew her, but now it’s gotten her into Mission Impossible mode.”

“What?” Twilight asked, tilting her head to the side.

“She thinks we’re spying on her,” I deadpanned. “And now she’s trying to prove that we are spying on her.”

Twilight thought for a moment, “I guess I might have done the same of ponies somehow knew me before I did. I would have tried to find out how. Where has she gone now?”

“How do I know,” I shrugged. “If I had to guess, I say that she’s off to collect info or something, I don’t know. What would you do?”

“I guess I would have…” Twilight trailed off. “I think I know where she’s gone too. Where are my friends at now?”

“Right now is lunch time, so the cafeteria.”

“Come on Spike,” and with that, she and the dog exited my classroom.

But I suppose this is the part where you want to get to huh Faust? Okay, here’s what I know. I was on my way down the hall to the teacher’s lounge and my path happens that I was walking past the cafeteria. Now grant it, yes it’s true that I did see the transfer student last. But I guess what you've haven’t heard is that I also saw our Twilight as well.

Just like that, WHAM! I was knocked to the ground and I heard one of the Twilights shout for the other to stop. Spike quickly followed suit behind them. Mind you, I have no idea what the whole circus show was about, but it got me curious as to what was going on.

The three of them were headed to the front door, the last thing I've ever seen them, was that they ran out through the doors. They were closed by the time I got there, and when I expected to find the three of them squabbling about… something, I opened the doors to find… nothing. I scanned the courtyard to find it empty. I swear that’s the last time I've seen them.


“What did you do after that?” Faust asked. “Did you try looking for them?”

“Of course I did,” I told her, down the glass. “I got out, calling out to them, even looked up and down the street to see if I could find any trace of them. I couldn't find anything, even when I got a bird’s eye view of the town.”

“What do you mean?”

“I got a Pogo stick and jumped as high as I could to see them,” I said dryly. Why do I have to explain that to her? It’s pretty much no brainer if you ask me.

“So you just looked around and then stopped?” she asked.

“I had a limit amount of time to eat and prepare of the next class, I did what I could with the time I had. Besides, I thought one of them would turn up sooner or later.”

“Do you have any idea where these two Twilights and the talking dog had gone to?”

“How do I know?” I told her, “It’s not like they…” my eyes widen. Like how an angle would drop a golden brick that’s made to construct the golden roads and accidentally dropped it on my head, so did the realization of where both Twilights had gone to. “Oh, I am such an idiot! I think I know where they are!”

“You do?” Faust said, straitening up from her seat.

“Why didn't I think of this before?! I think I know where to look!”


“The school,” I told her getting up from my seat. “Ms. Faust, could I get a ride to the school.”

“As long as I go with you,” she told me, “At least you've given me a lead here.”