• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 3,264 Views, 318 Comments

Interviewing Mr. Disc - CrackedInkWell

The art teacher, Mr. Disc is called in to be interviewed by a CIA agent over the disappearance of a missing student at Canterlot High.

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13: Abracadabra.

“So getting back on track,” Simmer said, “What are we going to do now? Should we get Twilight?”

“You mean me?” Twilight the scientist asked, waving a hand to remind us that she’s still here.

“I mean the other Twilight,” Sunset clarified, “Besides, does she know that you’re here?” she turned her attention to my other self.

“Of course not,” he snickered, suddenly changing his clothes into one of those old fashion dark blue bathing suits before he jumped into the ceiling, making it splash and ripple like a swimming pool. He popped back up and started to swim above our heads. “As you can clearly see, I’m on vacation.”

“This night is just weirder and weirder,” Luna commented.

“Hey, other me,” he called out, “Aren’t you going to join me? The stucco’s great!”

“Hmm… Maybe later,” I turned to the improve classroom. I made my way stepping over desks and empty chairs over to my bosses, “By the way, sorry for dragging you two into this.”

“No actually,” Celestia said, “This time at least we get a heads up of another impending disaster waiting to happen.”

“I’m wondering,” Luna thought out loud, “If Rarity can use telekinesis and Rainbow Dash apparently has the ability to fly, what could everyone else do? What could we do?”

“Where I’m from,” the other me said, popping his head right over us. “The Celestia and Luna that I know have a reputation of rising, as well as setting the sun and moon.”

“What?” both my bosses asked at the same time.

“It’s true,” he took another breath and disappeared in the ceiling before popping out of Faust’s desk. “Didn’t anypony in here ever tell you? Over there, you two are treated like demigods because you can control the very sky to your will. You’re practically royalty over there. Scratch that, you two are royalty there.”

I could see both gears in my bosses heads turn, getting an idea of what they’ll be doing for Summer Break.

“So does this mean that we can do magic too?” Scootaloo asked. “Can I fly like how Rainbow just did?” She got on top of her desk before anyone could stop her, she jumped. Just like how Dash’s wings formed, her back formed those same type of wings that made out orange light before her feet touched the ground. She stopped a few inches above the floor, just hovering. Scootaloo moved her legs to feel nothing beneath her. “Oh, this is soo cool!”

“Oh! Oh! Can I try something?!” Pinkie asked, seeing Scoots getting a bit of attitude. She tried concentrating on a cup of pencils. The cotton candy girl squinted her eyes, wiggled her fingers, saying something in Latin, such as: “Sa hcus, nital ni gnihtemos gniyas.” When nothing happened, she got up onto her chair to jump from, only for to collapse on the tiled floor. “Hey, what gives? How come I’m not able to do what they did?”

Scootaloo lowered herself to the floor where her wings dissolved; she let a hand in helping her up. We heard the young girl’s stomach growling, “Huh, I just realized that I didn’t eat anything beforehand,” she said.

The pink one’s hair twitched, she looked up and reached in her curly hair. She reached in about half her arm into it before pulling out a cupcake with extra sprinkles. “Here you go,” Pinkie said.

“Thanks,” Scoots grabbed the cupcake, quickly realizing something that all of us wondered. “Wait, what was a cupcake doing in your hair?”

“I don’t know,” Pinkie admitted. “I just felt something so I just reached in and grabbed it."

Scootaloo stared at her, “Okay, that’s really random.” She inspected the cupcake for any traces of hair only to find none. She carefully took a bite of it, “Hey, not bad.”

“I wonder…” Sunset trailed off, looking over to her bag. She closed her eyes and the same firefly-like lights lit up around her head and the bag opened up for a book to fly out to her. Ms. Shimmer opened an eye to find that the telephone book was floating in front of her. She smiled, “Ha, I have my magic back! Oh this going to make life for me so much easier,” she had the book open and grabbed a nearby pen to start writing in it.

Luna snapped her fingers. If anyone knew her, including me, they would know that whenever Luna snaps her fingers, which means that she’s got an idea.

“Cel, I think I just figured it out!”

“Figured what out?” Celestia questioned.

“I think it’s apparent that now that it’s going to be impossible to keeps something like this a secret right?”


“So if our students alone found out that they have magical capabilities, they would naturally freak out over it, correct?”

“Well of course,” Celestia nodded, “But where are you going with this?”

“Just hear me out on this.” She turned her seat to face her older sister, “We are principals of a school where our job is to make sure our students get educated, correct? So what if we drown out their inedible fears by educating them?”

I, Celestia, the older and younger girls as well as the other me blinked at this.

“I beg your pardon?” Sunset asked, giving her the same yet equally confused look that we all have.

“Think about it,” Luna continued, “How can someone be afraid of something if they’re educated on what it is and how to use it responsibly? What if hiding this isn’t the answer, but showing them how to use it to the student’s benefit as well how to be mature using something like this?”

“But didn’t you hear what we’ve just said?” Celestia deadpanned. “What this information gets into the wrong hands?”

“Then we might need somebody to show us how to combat someone who would do ill.” Luna turned to Ms. Shimmer, “Someone that knows how to use magic, to begin with?”

Sunny looked around, “Who? Me?”

“As far as I’ve heard,” Luna told her, “You’re apparently someone who knows how to use magic as you’re clearly demonstrating. So perhaps, if I may boldly ask, how about we call in an emergency assembly tomorrow?”

Suddenly, the book that Sunset was held in her… magic… light… thingy… started to right and vibrate loudly. She opened it and took a quick look at it before turning to my other self, “Hey Discord, it’s for you.”

My other self hopped out of the desk and his rubbery arm stretched out and snatched the book. I got a look at what it said before it faded. It read: “DISCORD!!! YOU GET YOUR MITCH-MATCH, FRANKENSTALLION OF A FLANK BACK HERE IN EQUESTRIA RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!! Love Twilight.”