• Published 26th Mar 2015
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Interviewing Mr. Disc - CrackedInkWell

The art teacher, Mr. Disc is called in to be interviewed by a CIA agent over the disappearance of a missing student at Canterlot High.

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(Hello and Magic 101, Part 1 of 3: According to the Great and Powerful Trixie.)

“Trixie is okay,” the Great and certainly most dizzy Trixie stated as everything around her became blurred. Please, do not ask Trixie where she along with these other ponies is at. For Trixie, she isn’t too sure what was going on.

For you see, dear readers, just this morning, yours truly, along with everypony else have received some mail from Princess Celestia herself, informing Trixie that her assistance will be needed for a serious matter and that she must prepare herself before the swiftest of pegasi guards come to Princess Twilight Sparkle’s castle.

Trixie admits that it was rather suspicious that the Princess of the Sun herself would call upon her to come to… her castle. At first, she was reluctant to go because Trixie would head straight towards the pony who she outright avoided for some time. Yet on the other hoof, Celestia did say that it was important that she should come, perhaps this might be an excellent opportunity to get Trixie noticed.

Even though the note said that Trixie would spend a few hours so packing won’t be necessary, Trixie packed a saddlebag full of the most basic necessities since she’s going to encounter Princess Celestia. The pegasi guard came to whisk her away by chariot and Trixie is ready for anything when she stepped upon that chariot.

Or at least, so did Trixie thought.

When the Great and Powerful Trixie landed once again in Ponyville, she found that she wasn’t alone. Gathered outside of the new castle were other ponies that Trixie recognized a few. Most of them were commoners while others Trixie saw that there were famous ponies amongst the crowd. For she saw Fancy Pants, the Wonderbolts, DJ Pon3, even Hoity Totty to name a few, yet like Trixie, many of them were confused as to why all of them were summoned along with what Trixie assumes to be at least four or five hundred other ponies. A few, as Trixie saw were foals while others were much older than Trixie, yet some of them were more or less around her age.

Not long after Trixie made her grand entrance, the front doors to Twilight’s new castle opened up to which we found both Princess Celestia and Sparkle to be there. Celestia gave a cryptic speech in that all of us will be going someplace that very few ponies have. She said that this, “World” has gained magic for the very first time in its history and would require guides for the ponies there to understand how to use it, so it would require us to help guide them.

It is here that Trixie stopped listening to whatever she was saying and wondered with everypony there what she meant by that. Trixie thought this must be pure nonsense. What “world” doesn’t have magic that’s discovering it for the first time? What did she mean about, “prepare to meet your other selves?”

Soon enough, we were lead into the castle until we came upon a room where a mirror was kept. Trixie thinks that this mirror was rather tacky but she did saw ponies walk right through the mirror and how it ripples like a pond of water that defied gravity.

Before the Great and Powerful Trixie walked into the unknown, she was told to remain calm at all times, that she should follow the instructions, and that she should help other ponies as they went through the mirror.

What Trixie saw was rather difficult to describe once she went through the mirror. It was as Trixie was falling but wasn’t. That she saw bright colors that flew by her at astounding speeds yet in front of Trixie was a tunnel that twisted and turned until she was tossed out into a blinding light.

This is where Trixie found herself as she stumbled about; trying to figure out what was going on.

“Here, stand on your hind legs,” Trixie heard one says to her as she suddenly felt fleshy claws gripping Trixie’s forelegs.

Trixie’s vision regained itself, and that she could see clearly something more strangely then Trixie has ever thought possible in her most wild of dreams. If she would go off by the colors alone, Trixie would assume that they were some of the guards, yet when her vision cleared, she saw that before her, they were not ponies at all.

To Trixie’s confusion, she saw… creatures, beasts that stood only on their hind legs, their coats were replaced with shaven hides; they didn’t have any hair except for their manes. The faces were flat, eyes that were smaller, and they lacked a snout. They had on more clothes than a pony usually wears, and giving them a second look, some of them had some familiar looking cutie marks on them.

“Ms., please remain calm,” one of them told Trixie, “and before you ask, yes, this is temporary.”

Trixie looked down at herself, she was no longer in her beautiful, perfect body, but instead, she finds herself in the same alien bodies like them. But even in this stretched and twisted body, Trixie could still pick up some recognizable features that are, well, Trixie. The hide, clothes, and even my mane was something that looked like yours truly.

“Uh… just… what?” Trixie said as she looked at her pair of fleshy claws attached to her forehooves. She said this not just out of shock mind you, but partly out of curiosity as well.

“Whoa!” Trixie turned around to find another of those creatures to fall out of the base of a statue. Only this time it was much a bit taller than some of the other beasts around. She had on a blue cap with a bolt of yellow lightning going down the middle and wore a whistle around her neck. It took her a few moments to recognize who she was looking at.

“Spitfire? Captain of the Wonderbolts Spitfire?” Trixie inquired.

She shook her head for a moment, “Ugh, yeah, it’s me. So where…” she looked up at me. “What in the living hay are you?”

“Let me help you up,” one of the used to be ponies said as he helped Spitfire up.

“Okay, where are-” That was as far as she got before she was knocked down by two more… things. One was mostly a light green and the other had a curly blue and pink mane on her head.

“Owe! Get off me!” she demanded.

“Oh! Sorry about that,” the one with the curls said as she and the other mare got off of her. “Lyra, what’s the big idea? You really shouldn’t have pushed-”

She was suddenly cut off by the loudest squee that Trixie has ever heard. And it was coming from the mare in green with a too large of a smile on her face.

“Oh my Celestia! I’ve died and gone straight to heaven!” she said in a too excitable and very high pitched voice.