• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 5,820 Views, 349 Comments

The Dragon King's Rebirth - Sipioc

(2nd person story). You are the Dragon King, feared throughout the world until your reign of terror crosses into Equestria. A fateful battle against the Alicorn sisters leads to your death, or so it seems.

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Chapter 6 - A Look Back and a Step Forward

Author's Note:

Hey y'all. Sorry this was so late, got wrapped in playing Xenoverse, yeah I'm one of those guys too.

Let me know what us think.

PS. Yes, Cutie Mark is revealed in this chapter.

Chapter 6

A Look Back and a Step Forward

The Alicorn Princess' armor was now chaffing at her. Sweat, blood, and ash had seeped its way in between the exposed joints of the ebony colored plating, creating a slurry of salty discomfort. This however was the furthest from Luna's mind as her eyes pierced through the smoke and fire that surrounded her, billowing about her like a scene out of tartarus itself. Her blade; held firm in the glow of her horn, bore the trademarks of the battle that still raged about her. Various blemishes adorned the silver sheen of the edge, in addition to the beast's blood. That she was particularly proud of.

"Thou aren't as invulnerable as you would appear, monster!" She smiled grimly to the desolation about her in defiance of her unseen enemy. Despite its size it was remarkably swift, and equally as cunning. She carefully stepped over the ashen remains of a Lunar Guard that fell to the beast's flame, making certain not to desecrate her loyal praetorian's resting place.

'Thou shall be avenged, my dear Alaris.' She whispered to the smoking husk, as bits of his remains broke off in the summer night breeze, scattering like leaves to the open air.

Bringing her eyes forward, she listened for the slightest sound, be it the wrap of leather wings or scrapping stone. The night was hers, and yet this worm had managed to elude itself from her enough to get the drop on them all. Eleven of her guard were now dead and she would destroy this creature in their names, or fall along with them.

Already the events of the past few hours alone would go down in history as a black day for ponykind. The slew of destroyed cities and death left in the wake of this foe were staggering. Luna and Celestia's call to action was swift, but the creature proved itself to be terribly methodical. It had a unique immunity to magic, as such, it couldn't be detected through more mystical means. Thus the old method of "splitting up and looking" had to suffice, sending Luna and her contingent west, and Celestia's to the east.

A low thrumming cut through the air, signifying the creatures presence enough for her keen senses to zero in on the sound to ultimately reveal... nothing.

This was no mindless animal, she had to admit. Which made its assault on her sovereignty all the more heinous.

"Show thyself, cur!" Shouting once more; not with fear but indignant command that royalty wielded.

"As you wish." The voice acquiesced. The sound was low and gravelly, and rumbled with its shear ginormity. Luna met it, blade ready, wings flared.

The great firedrake emerged from the column of smoke as if it had been there the whole time. It's massive steps shook the ground about it, but not the Alicorn it dwarfed. However, her stone faced expression barely hid her shock as she saw what was in its maw. Like a cat with a canary, the dragon held the shivering form of a Pegasus guard.

"Hoplite?" Luna almost whispered the name between gritted teeth, trying to discern if her loyal scout was still alive. Her body was battered and broken and her once lustrous lunar armor was cracked. The poor mare managed to weakly look up and meet Luna's gaze, afraid to move, knowing full well that each breath could, indeed, be her last. She was then dropped unceremoniously to the dirt below with a sickening thud. Whimpering in gritted pain, her crippled wings pointed in opposing directions, as her fearful eyes beseeched her Princess for help. Luna's eyes fell to her subject tenderly, then seethed to the monster, her rage turning ablaze as her horn shone with her fury.

Showing no emotion to the picture of wrath before it, the drake, nonchalantly kicked its front leg and sent the pegasus sprawling towards the matriarch. Her expression of rage snapped to one of compassion, as one of her precious ponies landed in her forelegs. The Alicorn's blade dropped to her side, as she felt tears stinging her eyes as she held the broken mare close, cradling her down to the ground.

"Sentiment." Hissed the Dragon with a sneer. In a blink of an eye, it was barreling down on the Princess of the Night and her precious cargo. Luna had just enough time to brace herself as the tonnage of the behemoth lizard came. Wrapping her wings around Hoplite and taking the full force of the charge, sending them both flying back into the charred ruins of what remained of the destroyed town's fence.

Dazed, Luna looked about for her subject, only for a massive clawed foot to pin her down on her back. A howl of pain and anger betrayed her tight lipped warrior composure, as she felt the dragon put its massive bulk down upon her, locking her in place. Her massive magical potential, was now solely focused on keeping herself from being crushed.

The drake lowered its head so that Luna could see herself reflected in the creatures slitted icy blue eyes. "You who have the power of a god, dost thou see what 'sentiment' has gained you?" Boomed the beast's voice as it looked down upon the squirming form of the dark blue Alicorn.

Luna merely huffed in imperious contempt and turned away, refusing to give the vile creature an answer or the satisfaction of seeing her strain from its bulk compressing down on her. This allowed her gaze to meet with Hoplite's. She was just a few yards away and had managed to get to her hooves. She was limping from her injuries, but her disciplined will allowed her to endure the pain and move quietly. She began to slowly creep up on the lizard, a sharp lance in one foreleg. The drake seemed not to take notice of the now armed pony soldier, evidently forgotten about, in favor of his current victim.

'Need to keep his attention on me.' The Night Princess thought to herself. Knowing full well that a hit to the eyes and throat could kill, if not maim even the heartiest of dragons. She had to give her soldier an opening. "A brute such as thee would never understand." She spoke with venom in her voice, gifting her soldier a few more precious feet closer to the beast.

"I understand perfectly." Retorted the scaled nemesis. "Your 'love'," practically bitting at the word. "Has weakened you, and you will never know true power till the notion is swept away."

Hoplite raised her weapon, expertly and lining up her shot.

"I feel thy burden." The dragon said, in a voice rank with false pity, putting more pressure on his captive, further binding her in place.

The soldier pulled back her foreleg.
"Permit me to free you of it!!" The beast's throat glowed with heat within as it opened its jaws, revealing a cascade of molten flame that began to froth from its gullet. Luna skin blistered from the close heat, sweat vaporizing off her coat the instant it appeared. She prepared herself for what came next, forcing her eyes open, daring to meet her enemy's own. Only to find that the hollow eyes were not fixed on her at all. Instead they were cast over its shoulder in the direction of-

"...No." Luna protested, attempting to move, even teleport out from under the great beast, but to no avail. With an audible snap, the drake's head turned to face spear wielding soldier. In that instant Hoplite released the spear. It flew true, making a direct path straight for the monster's face. At first, Hoplite was hopeful she would hit her mark or at least half blind the scourge, until a wave of flame spewed forth from its jaws, melting the projectile mid flight as if it were an icicle. The firestorm spread, tumbling like water to meet her. To her credit, Hoplite didn't scream, oddly, her last thought was how eerily beautiful it was. She felt nothing as the torrent hit her, even as her armor melted about her. Then, she merely ceased to be.


"NO!" With a violent jolt, Princess Luna awoke. Soaked in sweat, horn flaring, she frantically she scanned about for her hated enemy. It took her only a moment to realize she was in her own bed chambers in Canterlot. She blinked a few times, then dimmed her horn, coming to her haunches, bringing her hoof to her brow.

"Just a dream." She reassured herself. But that wasn't entirely right. It was a memory, nearly two thousand years old, yet she could still feel the heat from the beast's fire on her face as if she had been there moments ago. The ache of loss at the decimation of her Lunar Guard stilled gnawed at her, but they had been avenged. Not long after poor Hoplite's death, Luna went on a full blown offensive. Still, in the end, it took her and Celestia's combined power to ultimately slay the wretched brute.

Luna, glanced at the sky out her tower. Already her sister had begun the descent of her sun to make way for the glorious night Luna had planned.

Her mood, lightened by her upcoming task, she rose and made her way to the balcony. Her magic opening the doors as she stretched out her wings and breathed in the air of the coming twilight. The cool sweat on her body gave her a slight chill, but she welcomed it, recalling the intense heat of the dream. Her eyes drifted off to south, to the Everfree swamps. Her memory flashing to the final blow of that fateful battle and where the drake's ruin came to land. Knowing full well that the dragon was long since withered away, she still couldn't help but sense an odd sense of foreboding as to the meaning of this dream, or vision? Why, after so long, would she be haunted by this memory?

"Curious..." She mumbled to herself. She wondered if she should tell Celestia of her dream. 'No, no need in bothering our sister with such trivial matters long left dead.' Still something about it nagged at her.

As the Sun rapidly approached its nadir, she shook herself to the here and now.

'My mind is still in the past.' She reprimanded herself. 'Dragon's aren't exactly civil, but they amicable enough.' Recalling the last dragon migration that went through Equestrian airspace, and the complete lack of incident. 'Even the altercation between a slumbering dragon and the Elements went by with relatively little trouble.'

Her mind at ease, she took wing to relieve her sister and begin her grand painting of the heavens.


"See yah tomorrow, Flint!" Waved Apple Bloom.

"Nice hanging out with you!" Squeaked Sweetie Belle.

"Later." Pipped Scootaloo, giving your shoulder a playful punch, to which you silently glared after her for.

The Crusaders went their separate ways as they bid you farewell. Despite your wishes, the trio had taken it upon themselves to show you the rest of the town. In the end all this really was was an afternoon of you trying to walk away, only for them to blather on about some building or some pony who did something. At first you ignored them, but after a while you grew to not mind them telling you the ins and outs of your new home. 'Saves me the trouble of figuring it out on my own,' You admitted. "and if they were just gonna volunteer it without me having to ask, then why not?'

In addition to showing you around, they also took the time to spread the word about their latest exploit to the ponies in town, and how you, 'made a daring rescue.' Many ponies eyes would look at them in disbelief only for one of the three to grab you and show off your recently acquired mark on your flank; seemingly to enjoy taking some credit for it appearing on you.

'I still don't understand why.' You mused to yourself, looking at your hip for the umpteenth time that afternoon. To be honest you didn't know how to feel about thIs. While you tried to convince yourself that this was just another stupid part of being a pony, you couldn't help but be a little...proud, of your newest, and most ornate, 'battle scar'.

It was already getting late, and while you never really had a curfew, you knew that it was a good time to start heading for home yourself. You also recalled that if Cozy and Sparks talked to anyone on their way home they were certain to hear about the colt who not only yelled, but cursed out the Princess ('Twilight', as you were told by Apple Bloom). Most certainly, you were walking into an ambush as soon as you walked through the door. Regardless, you made your way home.

The walk to your new house was a short one. Ponies were also making their way home, and quite a few of them gave you a few looks. 'Look all you want.' You merely walked passed them, ignoring their judgmental gazes.

Already, you could see lights on in the windows as you came to the modest two story that was now your home. Cozy's company had set her up in style here and though it was by no means luxurious it was one of the more well kept and larger of the houses on the block As you came up to the door you steeled yourself. You pushed open the door and made your way inside. The sound of familiar voices in the living room could be heard as you stepped in the doorway.

"...it's not like we can ground him, that doesn't really bother him." Sparks voice could be heard. "If anything, he actually prefers that." He said with an exasperated sigh.

"Sparks, this is serious!" Cozy's chided her husband "We are trying to give him the best chance at fitting in. But we need to the parents here."

"Well... we...could ask him to... apologize to the Princess." Said Sparks, obviously half heartedly. You'd never apologized for anything, and he knew it.

"No! We will...demand... he apologize, and have him explain himself." Cozy said, bringing out her work tone. "He could get criminal record for this! We can't let him think that what he did was ok." You could practically picture Cozy's worried expression as her imagination worked up various unsavory scenarios she envisioned you getting into. Apparently, Sparks knew well enough too.

"Okay, I know that look, stop it right there." He said calming his wife. "I agree, we need to do something but blowing this out of proportion isn't gonna solve this." His voice softened. "Look, he's very bright, he gets good grades, he's mature for his age, and despite his...glaring, anger issues," your ear involuntarily flicked at that one. "He is a good kid."

A short silence followed as you found yourself listening intently. You could make out the sound of a shudder followed by labored breathing, which caused an ache to form in the pit of your stomach.

"I just want him to be happy." Cozy voice broke. "To get along with everypony else, not to shut himself away." She bit back a sob.

'Dammit all.' You inwardly cursed. Few things affected you in an emotional way, (well apart from anger that is.) but one of them that never failed, was when Cozy cried. For some reason it was unsettling to you, to the point that it caused you to feel, what could be "remorse", even in your most justified exploits. You contemplated just slamming the door, walking up to your room in silence. You had done it before, countless times in the past. They would come up to your room, sometimes tenderly, sometimes angrily. They would ask you to apologize, explain your reasoning, punish you. You would stare them down, you would say absolutely nothing, after all you didn't need to explain yourself to them. You half expected them to lose their patience, strike you even, you prepared for that. Still, they never did.

This time however, something felt different. Perhaps it was that you actually did regret yelling at Twilight, perhaps it was being around the crusaders for the afternoon, or maybe it was how you could hear Cozy sobbing in the next room. You let out a sigh, you knew what you needed to do, and it wasn't gonna be easy. You took another step inside and closed the front door, hard enough to formally announce your presence, but soft enough to keep things low key.

"Flint?" Came the male Pegasus' voice.

You turned down the small foyer and your "parent's" eyes fell on you. The two separated from an embrace as you entered and came to a seat in the middle of the room in front of them. Cozy was rubbing her eyes and composing herself. While Sparks seemed to regard you, not knowing where to begin.

Cozy then turned to meet you, her eyes puffy, but focused. She opened her mouth to speak, only for you to interrupt.

"I'm sorry." The words were a hair above a whisper but the expression on their faces made it clear they heard, but almost didn't believe it. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"D-do you actually mean that?" Sparks looked at you in shocked disbelief.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." You affirmed unflinchingly. The two simply blinked at you, but they clearly seemed to be more relaxed. Taking the prolonged silence as a good Segway, you chose to wrap up this discussion.

"I am going to bed without supper." You turned and headed down to your room. You then paused a moment. "I met some classmates today, they offered to walk with me to my first day of school tomorrow, is that alright with you?" Your question was directed at the still catatonic mare. The likewise frozen stallion had to nudge her to get her to answer, his eyes not leaving you.

"Uh...classmates?" She stuttered "Of-of course, that would be fine."

"Alright, goodnight." You said flatly, resuming your trip to your room. The two simply nodded as you disappeared around the corner.

The two ponies simply stood in rigid silence for the longest time, their eyes fixed on the spot their son had been. The Pegasus stallion spoke first.

"Did he just..."

"I-I believe... he did." Responded his wife.

He let out a breath as he crashed down on the couch. Likewise the mare fell to her haunches and shook her head trying to process the earth shattering event that just transpired.

A chuckle to her right brought her gaze to her feathered spouse. He laid there, one hoof over his forehead, a grin on his face. "Like I said, 'he's a good kid'."

Cozy looked back down the hallway, and couldn't help but smile a little herself. Then something dawned on her.

"Did he look...different?"


You had just finished brushing your teeth before you turned in for the night. A surprising enjoyable aspect of pony life that you had to appreciate. As a dragon you would go for days with various bits of gore stuck in your teeth. Small birds would often take care of them in their symbiotic relationship with dragons, but few volunteered to help you. The product of a bad reputation, and sensitive gums.

You turned from the mirror to put your toothbrush back, when out of the corner of your eye you saw something, different in the mirror, something,....furry? You looked back. No, nothing different, bony crests, sharp pencil teeth (albeit a lot whiter in color.), and a grim expression. You stared back at your beastial reflection. It had been a day full of surprises, most of which made you uneasy. You faced an Alicorn for the first time in seventeen hundred years, you met and spent the day with ponies your physical age, even helped them in a dicey situation, and even... your train of thought stopped with the latest development.

'Why did I apologize?' You wondered. In truth, you didn't really apologize for what you did, merely that you regret upsetting Cozy. Still, the fact that you said those words. You allowed your eyes to trail down to the mark that adorned your flank and for the first time you really examined it:

A large silver shield formed its base, a green dragon curled in a crescent shape around the shield, its head rearing back a small jet of red flame shot at the shield.

"What does it mean?"'