• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 5,818 Views, 349 Comments

The Dragon King's Rebirth - Sipioc

(2nd person story). You are the Dragon King, feared throughout the world until your reign of terror crosses into Equestria. A fateful battle against the Alicorn sisters leads to your death, or so it seems.

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Chapter 1 Zerileth

Ash rained down like snow, collecting on the ground only to be whisked away with the waves of heated air that rose from your volcanic stronghold, of Zerileth. It was a dragon word, meaning "the core". Legend told that the first dragon emerged from this very fiery pit countless millennia ago, long even before you were hatched, and you were by no means young.

For twelve and a half hundred years, you have strode this world, for that long you have burned what you pleased, killed what you pleased and done as you pleased. You prided yourself in being the biggest, ferocious, and most feared, of any dragon, even among your own kind. Claiming this summit as your own by, "dispatching", of it's previous tenant, has given you pull over all dragons, going so far as proclaiming yourself the "Dragon King".

Many had come to challenge you for the grand landmark, but all fell before your unstoppable might, this is where things may have gone wrong for you. When no further challengers came, boredom set in. It began slowly, but your own ego and primal need for conflict led you to lands far from 'the core'. Namely, those ruled by the Goddesses of the sky.

Long had the Alicorns of Day and Night put a damper on the world once ruled by your kind. Their shear power moved the heavens themselves and they had long shepherded their people to lands far from the ash and dust of your domain. Leaving dragons for the most part alone, but slaying those who dare encroach upon their lands.

Still, what did you have to fear? You were King of all dragons, and despite there great power they were flesh and blood 'ponies'. That was the word they used to describe themselves, not that you cared. They were soft, fragile, weak. Those were words you used to describe them. Their flesh burned, their bones cracked, and they needed to be reminded of who ruled this world long before they arrived, and you could be that reminder.

The first city, if one could call it that, was a small assortment of huts and primitive stone structures held together by thatched straw and stone mortar. A simple yet tall stone castle stood at its center where soldiers in gleaming gold armor stood stock and still ready for anything. Practically daring you to attack.

You came as the sun was setting, your sharp eyes could see the scrambling equines move about the town. Desperate to stand against the inevitable storm that was you. You grinned in delight at the promise of this diversion. Already your fire burned brightly within your chest shining through your scales to light up the night sky as you circled the city. The city was panicked at this point, as screams of terror followed you at every pass. It was all too easy.
The morning after, all that remained was a smoking crater of the once large settlement. Death hung in the air as the few survivors began filing out of the city. You sat, perched on the remains of a husk of the castle, leering down at the pathetic, trickle of ponies that had survived the night through sheer luck. Many would look up at you in mute terror, but either fear or exhaustion prevented them from running away. Instead they merely shuffled past, their few possessions carried on their backs and open carts.

You had thought to finish what you started, and decimate the lot, but the ragged bunch of singed ponies were hardly worth your time now. So you merely watched, once again the feeling of boredom setting in.

It was then that you noticed one pony stand out from the rest. She stood alone, amongst the rubble of the building you gutted out with your breath. She was small, perhaps a youth, a bloodied bandage covered the right side of her face, obscuring one eye. The remaining orb stared at you intently. The stare struck you odd, because it lacked the fear all others had shown. Even the proud stallion soldiers here had feared you, even fled before you. But here was this child, staring you down with an expression you could not place. Granted, your experience of pony expressions was limited to that of delicious terror and futile bravado, this however, was different.

Her eye remained fixed on you, her expression unwavering as you lowered yourself to the ground with a thunderous fwump. Your massive feet, cracking the stones beneath you with a satisfying crunch as you took a closer look at her. You came within a few feet from her as you examined this lowly wretch.

She was smaller than the claw on your smallest talon, a horn adorned her head, that you knew was used for magic, something that had little to no effect on you regardless of the user. She was bluish grey in color and her mane, though burned now must of been golden in color. Eating her would yield little to no satiation as she was already skin and bone.

She backed up slightly as you approached but remained fixed on you with that stare. Still you couldn't place it.

"Do you not fear me, small one?" Your voice booms and creaks like the stones beneath your claws.

She jumps slightly at hearing your voice, but remains steadfast in her gaze, remaining silent.

At this point you begin to feel annoyed at her lack of response, either a futile verbal threat or simply running away like you expected. You play with idea of merely stepping on her in preparation to return home, until you hear a voice as soft as the smoke seeping over the hot embers surrounding you both.

"W-why did you do this?"

Your keen sense of hearing picks up the feeble words. You grin a most horrible grin, if you do say so yourself.

"Why not?" Your voice booms once again, punctuating it by giving a cruel chuckle.
Her gaze finally falls to the dirt at your feet. The inexplicable stare falling away as her ashen mane drapes in front of her face, obscuring her expression from view.

What she says next, slices through your scaled hide in a way you didn't expect.

Her voice is softer than before, but at this distance, her words come clear to you.

"You must be so lonely. I pity you."

For a moment, all around you stops. Your eyes widen at those soft words and their implication.

Was that the look she was giving you? Pity? She would dare pity you? You who where the most feared creature in all the land. You who had laid waste to all who opposed you. You who feared no one , needed no one, and she a lowly, insignificant ball of fluff, would look at your grandeur with pity!?

Before, you can voice any protest in the form of teeth or flame, you find yourself alone in the rubble. The young filly has gone, and you are left with her words echoing in your head, nagging at you. Within your frustration you whip your massive spiked tail into the smoldering ruins of your stoney perch, completing the look of desolation to the ready picturesque scene of your handy work. This rewards you with no screams or cries from the feeble ponies still filing out the charred gates. Briefly you scan the crowd to try and pick the young pony out, however they all look the bloody and ashen same!

With a growl you take to the sky, and circle through the plume of smoke. You head toward Zerileth, for a rest, your once glorious mood soured by the whispered words of one anonymous pony child. Why is this bothering you? You wonder as you reach the cold air about the clouds.

Shaking off this feeling, you turn away from home and head for the next village, the day was young and you had more to burn.

That was how you were undone, after the third city you had gained the attention, and likewise wrath of the Celestial Sisters. A great battle ensued, one you were most proud to say, had you in the position of being the victor for a time. However, their magic was powerful, and though they couldn't use it on you directly, their knowledge and talent would result in your downfall to the blow of a falling star, or rather rock, from the heavens beyond.

Your final moments within that life were spent falling to the earth. Bloodied, rage filled, and swearing vengeance until all went black.

It is a commonly held belief among many sentient races that one's life flashes before ones eyes when they die. This was not the case for you, least not entirely. Though your world was black, you could still feel, still hear, and out of all the countless curses and pleas that had been hurled at you throughout your millennials of life, one thing was present in its nagging and constant perpetually.

"You must be so lonely. I pity you."

What followed next was to strange too describe in words.

From darkness, sensation returned. It was warm and wet, sound was muffled but voices could be heard. Soon the darkness ebbed and light shone upon you once more. However this world was blurred and cold, you felt yourself tense and shiver from the sudden temperature change.

You let out a savage roar at the discomfort only to hear a pathetic squawk of a cry come from you. The world remains confusing as you feel....hooves cradle your neck and strangely shortened backside.

A clear voice, exhausted and haggard, yet strangely soothing, cuts through the confusion of what is happening.

"Sparks? Sparks is that the foal? Is it ok?"

Another voice, tired and nervous, but equally welling with emotion, speaks

"Yes! Yes Cozy! It's a colt! Ain't he a handsome thing? Gets that from his daddy!"

You feel yourself enveloped within a warm cloth and gently placed against the soft and sweaty fur of another. You feel confused by the whole ordeal and bellow out another mighty roar, like you had countless times on your mighty mountain hold, only for another pitiful combination of a whinny and a squeal to escape you.

"Oh Sparks!" the female voice said again, her voice breaking in a way you had never heard before. "He's beautiful."

Your eyes stubbornly refused to focus but you forced all your intensity on seeing what was before you. You gazed intently at the source of the voices to make out the clear faces of two ponies; a mare and a stallion who gazed upon you in awe; and not the kind you were at all accustomed too.

You didn't like it at all, how dare they stare at you like that! You raised your claws to permanently scrape the look from their faces only to find a pair of scrawny hooves taking the place of your once grand talons.

"What in the infernal pits it going on!?"

Author's Note:

Never heard of seconds person fics before this site and gotta say I love them, to the point where I made my own. More of a writing exercise for fun. We shall see where this leads.

Constructive criticism please