• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 5,820 Views, 349 Comments

The Dragon King's Rebirth - Sipioc

(2nd person story). You are the Dragon King, feared throughout the world until your reign of terror crosses into Equestria. A fateful battle against the Alicorn sisters leads to your death, or so it seems.

  • ...

Chapter 5 The Everfree Encounter

Chapter 5

The Everfree Encounter

You don't know how long you had been running, but not long enough seeing how you were still livid by what just happened.

"I'm not sorry." You breathed as you continued to gallop down the path that led out of town. "I'm never sorry." You gritted your teeth and ran faster.

Already the path you were on was becoming more wooded as the trees around you became thicker. A errant rock eventually brought your run to a stop as you lost your balance and kicked up more dust when your body fell in a heap on the road.

You laid there a while, breathing heavily. Far as you could tell your tumble hadn't caused injury, but still, what happened back there clearly put things into perspective. You gazed up at the cloudy sky, partially obscured by the trees that formed an archway over the road. Pretty, but that wasn't the perspective you had realized.

'For too long I had put my feelings about my incarceration aside, buried them deep in trivial matters. Today, I faced a Princess, albeit the wrong one,'. You narrowed your eyes at your blunder. 'My emotions erupted.' The idea of this happening didn't sit right with you.

"Stupid and Careless." You verbally cursed yourself. "She is one of them, though. This is her fault just as much as theirs." You grunted as you picked yourself up. Still, your mind replayed the expression on her face; the look of hurt. The visual nagged at you, no matter how you tried to rationalize it. You looked back the way you came, to see if anyone was following you. No pony had, and you were a bit relieved.

'I still made an absolute fool out of myself.' You berated yourself. 'I'm gonna hear about this.'.

You imagined how Cozy and Sparks would sit you down and talk about this, ask you to "explain yourself," which you wouldn't. You wouldn't lie or make excuses, no you were better then that. Liars were weak, and you would rather say nothing. You knew they would push to get you to answer eventually expect you to apologize. Again, you would do neither.

'So much for starting ove—"

"Uhm, Excuse me." A small voice sent you reeling. You spun around, teeth gritted, ready to spring, only to be met by the aqua blue eyes of a yellow pegasus.

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." She looked at you apologizing for her 'abrupt' interruption.

"You didn't scare me!" You said defensively. "I just didn't..." You started, then simply huffed and resumed a more relaxed postured. "What do you want?"

"Oh well I was just, wondering if you, I mean, if you don't mind me asking, if you do it's totally ok, cause when I was your age I was told not to talk to strangers, and we haven't met—"

"WH-Aaah-t is it, Miss?" You said, the tone of your voice starting angry but then evened out as you struggled to keep your composure; you'd yelled at enough locals today.

"Oh, i-it's Fluttershy." The butter colored mare stated softly, her name coming out as just above a whisper. "Uhm, have you seen any...rabbits around here?" She meekly asked, hiding half her face behind her long pink mane.

"What?" You asked confused. Of all the things she was gonna say, that wasn't something you anticipated. You were more than certain she was going to bring up that incident in town. Instead, you were talking about bunnies.

"His name is Angel. He is snowy white and has a puffy white tail." She said reverently as she thought of her beloved companion, almost forgetting you were there.

You were still a little flabbergasted at the venue of conversation, but you managed to regain some of your focus. "No, I haven't seen any rabbits, but then again I haven't been really looking either."

She looked a little sad by your answer. "Oh I see." She said as she sat on her haunches. "Well, that's okay. I'm sure he will turn up."

You decided then that now was a good time to move on. You turned to go further down the road, stay out of town to avoid anyone who might want to talk about your outburst rather then the local fauna.

"So where are you headed in that way? You know, If you don't mind me asking?" She said as you began walking off further away from town.

"No where." You replied truthfully before even thinking.

"I see." She said. As she began pawing the ground with her hoof.

"What?" You sensed there was more she intended to say.

"Oh, nothing."

After a deafening silence, you chose to officially end the conversation by putting more distance between you both.

"Are you...ok?" You heard her faint voice behind you say. The question brought you to a halt. You didn't even turn around, your gaze was on the ground in front of you and your expression blank.

"...no." You said in almost a whisper as soft as hers. You don't know why you admitted that, there was just something about this 'Fluttershy' that just made you relax and drop your guard enough to reflect on today. The event in town, replayed in your mind relentlessly. You were aware now, that it bothered you. It bothered you that it bothered you, it bothered you that you lost control, it bothered you that this would greatly disappoint Cozy, it bothered you that you had made a scene and yelled at the purple Alicorn...and the dog.

'It wasn't their fault.' You told yourself. 'Princess or not, I could of just walked away, I could of just turned around and saw it wasn't one of them, I could of-'. In the midst of your hindsighted self beratement you found that a pair of yellow hooves snake around your midsection and pull you into a tender embrace.

"W-wh-what a-are you!" You protested, but made no physical effort to pull away. Fluttershy's embrace was warm and soothing, she was soft and smelt of flowers. Her chin rested on top of your head and she pulled you close to her so that you felt her steady heartbeat.

"Sorry, it just looks like you need it."

How long you both stayed that way you didn't know. All your anger seemed to melt away leaving behind a warm fuzzy feeling In your chest.

'Wait! A coal chucking minute!' You snapped to your senses, shaking yourself free from the butter colored mare's hug. She made no effort to keep you, just sorta smiled as you glared at her.

'What was that all that about?' You thought, attempting to reaffirm yourself and pummel that fuzzy feeling from your mind.

She simply giggled and you felt heat rise to your cheeks. 'How is she doing this to me?' You wondered perplexed by your uncharacteristic behavior.

The answer would have to wait as the moment was shattered by a shrill scream of terror in the distance. Both your ears perked to the sound which was then followed by a series of loud crashing noises not to far from where you both were. Fluttershy's eyes went wide at the noise and her wings flared in alarm.

"Girls!" She gasped, as she took off from the ground with speed that belied her previously timid first impression you had of her.

"That was....strange." You said to no one. Part of you thought of following her, check out what was going on, maybe hel..."No! I don't owe her anything." You said as you tried to forget the last few minutes.

You began to stomp off in the opposite direction she had gone, when a low grumble sounded off in the distance behind you. The sound was beastly, almost like a trumpet, and most definitely not friendly.

You turned back into the direction the noise had come from, which also was the way the pegasus had gone. With a sigh, you started into a galloped as fast as you could to where the ruckus was coming from. Already further sounds of trees falling and additional screams pointed you in the right direction.

"Not like I have anything better to do."


The Everfree forest had a reputation throughout Equestria as being one of the more dangerous places throughout the pony nation. Untamed and free as its name would suggest; the clouds moved where the wind took them, the animals didn't need a anypony to look after them, and many parts of the forest the canopy was so thick that is cast them in perpetual darkness all year round. It was no surprise that some of the more dangerous animals would call this wildwood home, many of which were still unknown as few who went in to find out, seldom returned.

As for what this creature was, Applebloom knew two things: it was angry, and it was gaining on her and her friends, and honestly, that's all she needed to know. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had been recruited by Fluttershy earlier that morning to find her wayward bunny friend. Found him they did, and found them this creature did, and they currently found themselves dodging trees and crashing through the underbrush, running for their lives.

"Hurry! Ah c'n see the way out'." Applebloom encouraged her friends as the creature bellowed behind them. It's bigger body made it slower in the woods, but only just so.

"It's getting closer!" Squeaked the white unicorn known as Sweetie Belle. Her usually pearly coat scratched and muddy from their mad dash through the woods.

"Stupid rabbit is more trouble then he's worth!" Puffed the tomboyish voice of the resident pegasus CMC member, named 'Scootaloo.'

The white coney gave the orange filly a death glare, then cowered at the sound of a tree trunk cracking a few feet behind them, gripping tighter to the farm filly's mane, swearing by all things furry that he would never wander so far from home ever again if he would get out of this alive.

The trio and their cottontailed mission objective, finally broke through the tree line. Gasping for breath they collapsed in the middle of the clearing, looking back at the woods waiting to see if the creature would follow. Everypony knew that the dangerous animals never left the cover of the forest. Unless,—

A burst of leaves and splintered wood exploded from the edge of the forest. In unison, the three fillies pupils shrank as they took the beast in, unobstructed by the dark tangle of the forest. It was big, about the size of two grown stallions, it's skin was dark green, and from the back of its neck to the tip of it's tail was a line of spikes. Its legs were somewhat stubby like an alligator, the end of each arm ended in three terrifying claws. It's face was even more pointy, with horns on its head, and sharp teeth varying in size from the size of gardening trowels to full blown shovels. It's eyes were large and the most unpleasant color of red that seemed to sear into the minds of the three fillies, insuring inspiration for future nightmares, if there was a future to be had at all.

It hesitated for a moment, temporarily blinded by the direct sunlight, till its gaze fell onto its quarry. More slowly then before, it approached the ponies, savoring the terror on their faces as it approaches each claw tilling the grass beneath it as it made its way closer to its prize.

The fillies' brains, wracked with fear, made them freeze at the sight of the monster, ideas of fleeing escaping their mind as the beast's terrible jaws gapped at them.

Angel, would have attempted to save himself at least, only to find he too was also locked in a white, orange, and yellow group hug of catatonic paralysis.

The beast was only a few feet away when a yellow blur interposed itself in front of the reptilian and the scared stiff ponies.

"F-Fluttershy? The crusaders spoke in equal trembling voices.

"Stay behind me girls, don't run." The butter colored mare calmly stated to the fillies she was now shielding, she was now in her element and she commanded with an unbreakable will of a monarch. Still, she admitted she had never seen a creature like this one before and she had lingering doubts this would turn out well. She secretly hoped she was better than she thought.

The monster animal continued its march up to now four ponies and one shivering rabbit.

"Go back to the forest!" Fluttershy demanded at first. "There is much more food and shelter for you there then here." She added trying to appeal to the animal's better nature.

The beast did not stop until it was only a mere three feet away from Fluttershy's position. It stood at least three heads taller than her and look down on her with a look that sent a chill down her spine when she recognized it: It was enjoying this. Fluttershy had met more than her fair share of bullies, and here was yet another. She stood firm her brows furrowed prepared to lecture this one into oblivion.

The creature suddenly stopped. It's expression of delight replaced with confusion as it sensed something stepping on its tail. Whatever it was it was not exceptionally heavy nor did it seem to prevent it from moving forward. The reptile, temporarily forgetting about its fun turned around to find the source of the sensation. It was another pony, or more specifically: you.

Your eyes examined the beast, it's scales, sharp spikes, claws, and teeth. As well as it's squatty body and its eyes.

"A Hodag?" You said to it, with a laugh.

"Don't just stand there kid! Run!" The orange pegasus pleaded with you having been the one to find her voice.

You looked at her and the others for a moment. Each was gripped in fear of this creature, clearly not knowing what it was and why they shouldn't be afraid.

"You all look ridiculous." You said with a smirk.

The beast gave a snarl, not liking being ignored, apparently.

"I am surprised to see one of your kind here, or alive at all for that matter." Your attention, now returned to the red eyed beast. "I'd figure you pathetic root suckers would have gone extinct by now."

Your gaul seemed to shock all present into further rigid silence. The hodag, didn't completely understand Equis, apart from "AAAHHHH" and "HELP ME", but it did know when it was being insulted. It snarled and turned its mass directly toward you. To which you responded, by not moving. It's great maw opened and let loose one of its best roars to date. It then snapped its jaws in a clear show of savagery. The next thing it new, it was seeing
stars as you gave it a sharp wallop on the snout. Despite your size, you had succeeded in hitting the hodag's snout where the cartilage meets the bone with enough force to discombobulate the offending lizard.

As its vision cleared it looked down at you with anger only to be met by your more daunting glower as you pressed forward invading the animal's space. It hadn't anticipated that, as it began to rapidly back up to keep up with your advance.

"You must think yourself pretty big and bad to go off a spree like you just did." You reprimanded the beast as you continued to march forward pushing it back further and further. "Well the difference between them and me is that I know how much of joke you are." Again, your forward pressure kept the hodag unfocused and off balance. "So if you came here to do some damage then at least have the scales to actually do something horrendous."

Without the smallest bit of hesitation you grabbed the animal's lips and roughly forced them open. Laying your head against one of the larger fangs, which earned a muffled scream of horror from one of the fillies present.

"Go on, take my head off! I dare you!" You said, a rare smile gracing your face.

The creature's eyes went wide as it looked down at you. Uncertain of what you we're doing, it looked to the assembled witnesses, as if asking for help.

"Don't look at them!" You snarled at the lizard, anger building in your voice. "BITE MY HEAD OFF YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING SALAMANDER!!!"

The hodag, paused for a long while. All, save you, held their breath, afraid to move. Finally, the beast let out a whimper as its tail went between its legs.

"That's what I thought." You said, a little disappointed. You removed your head from its mouth and you turned your head away from it in disgust, refusing to look at it. "Get out of my sight." You pointed a hoof to the forest.

The expression of a whipped puppy was obvious on it's toothy face. It slowly made its way back, looking at the others and then back to you "NOW!!!!" You yelled and took a few steps toward it, causing it to jump and flee back to the tree line, it's tail still between its hind legs.

"Gutless." You whispered to yourself. You began to turn and leave, only to be blindsided by a wall of six large eyes. The sight elicited a small, un-becoming squeak of surprise from you, as you slowly backed away from the three fillies who now regarded you in utter awe.

"That was amazin'!" The yellow earth pony beamed at you.

"I've done some pretty crazy stunts but nothin' compares to that one!" Said the scrawny winged pegasus, hoof pumping the air to punctuate her approval.

"Are you a wild pony? Do you live in the Everfree? Were you, like, raised by Timber wolves or something?" Chirped the white unicorn.

"What?" You exclaimed looking at her in utter disbelief.

"Well, you might be." She said rubbing forelegs together in slight embarrassment.

"Don't be stupid Sweetie Belle!" Piped in Scootaloo. "Does he look like a wild pony?"

Before an argument broke out the red bow wearing one smiled and spoke. "Howdy! The names Applebloom, this here is Scootaloo," she said, motioning to the orange pegasus who puffed her chest at the mention of her name,"and she's Sweetie Belle." Motioning to the white unicorn with, clearly an overactive imagination, who sorta crossed her forelegs and blushed at you.

You merely nodded, as they stared at you and waited expectantly.

"Aaaaaand you are?" Applebloom drawled, rotating her hoof in front of her to signal your response when it didn't come.

With a sigh, you narrowed your eyes and acquiesced the name you went by. "It's Flint."

"Nice tah meet yah Flint, thanks for the save back there." Smiled Applebloom appreciatively.

By now Fluttershy had approached as well, with one surly looking bunny on her back. She regarded you with a smiling face of approval to which you merely shrugged off, albeit a little redder in the face, and proceeded to head back home.

"Whoa! Hey wait up!" Said the voice of one of the three of your most recent acquaintances. The girls bid, the pink maned pegasus and rabbit goodbye and proceeded to follow you back into town.

"Ugh, guess we can't take a hint." You grumbled under your breath, as you felt them catch up to you.

"So spill it!" Said Scootaloo, coming up to your side and getting right in your face. You looked at her blankly. "How'd you do that thing with the hot dog?" She said excitedly, getting the name wrong.

"He said it was a 'Hodag'." Corrected Sweetie, giving her own jab at her friend's previous slight at her.

"Yeah, how'd yah know that thing wouldn't snip your head off like ah Dandylion?" Chimed in Applebloom. "You did know it wasn't gonna kill yah right?"

All three of them looked at you worriedly.

"Yeah...yeah, I knew it wasn't gonna kill me." You relented the answer.

"How?" All three queried.

With another sigh, you continued. "A hodag sustains itself on tree roots near the bases of mountains or bluffs. It's claws dig holes to get to them, and it's sharp teeth are used to sift dirt and then nibble on roots."

"Y-you musta read that out of a book?" Said Scootaloo, apparently either lost or impressed by your answer. "What a way to test it out!"

"Yeah......sure." You answered flatly. The truth was the base of Zerilith, was home to several of the vermin, providing an easy, if not slightly woody, snack.

"So if it only eats plants, then why did it come after us?" Wondered Sweetie Belle.

"Kicks." You responded, bluntly.

"Wha?" She tilted her head confused.

"Probably bored, wanted something to do."

"What kinda creep, would git pleasure out of scarin' poor lil ponies haf'ta death?" Admonished Applebloom in disgust.

You arched an eyebrow, recalling why you were now the way you were, "Indeed."

"Well, you sure know a lot about wild animals." Sweetie Belle smiled at you, "But I suppose that's what your cutie mark means, huh? She said motioning to your flank.

"Very funny." You said; not in the mood for games.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"You blind? I don't have a Cu—." Your annoyed voice cut out as your eyes fell on your hip. You stopped walking and the three looked at you, their expression went front puzzlement to excited realization as they put the pieces together, a task which took you a little longer.

Their, on your flank, was something that hadn't been there minutes before.

"I....tha...." Was all you managed to sputter out as the Cutie Mark Crusaders simultaneously jumped into the air and gave a cheer in the form of a three way high hoof.

Author's Note:

Any guesses/ideas on what it could be?

I know but I won't tell yet.