• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 559 Views, 10 Comments

The Dense Nature of Relationships - Basic Information

Cherilee had her heart inadvertently crushed by her former love intreset Big Mac when he started dating Fluttershy. Now with little or no motivation, can the depressed mare find love in the most unusual of places.

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Ignorance is Bliss

The world has been conspiring against me these past few days. First I get this Pegasus, shes been acting stranger than I have these past few days as well and I just want to get to the bottom of it. Now I got my old friend from College standing in my front door, who by now is a world famous musician. There really is no normal in this town is it, might as well let her in and see how all this plays out. But I doubt anything will swing in my divine favor...

As I step to the side to motion my friend Octavia into my home, I sigh internally when I glance at Rainbow to see her getting ready to go into full blown fan girl mode. Her reactions to things of late has been less than predictable, I mean she’s been acting like an actual pony instead of some puffed up hero. Maybe it’s just an act she puts on for the fillies and colts or something. I’ve never actually seen how she acts around her friends after all, so I should cut her some slack. ‘Still that won’t stop me from interrogating her about how she ended up in my bed!

With Octavia finding a comfy enough recliner, she sat her cello heavily down beside her, Making it painfully obvious how heavy that thing was. The proper mare never would be caught dead without her bow tie neither, because she was brushing it off as soon as she sat down. I could never get her to take that off back in the day, actually I don’t even know if she has only one, It would make sense to own multiple considering it’s her preferred attire. Still not that many ponies wear cloths that often, unless of course they were Canterlot types. So I guess it does make a little sense that she would wear that thing now, but it will never grow on me though.


I nearly rose about a foot into the air after that chaotic Pegasus dive bombed right into the spot next to me on the couch. After coming back down mere inches from the cause of my distress, I gave her a predatory glare that meant that our little conversation from before was far from over. Sensing what I was thinking she shrunk back slightly into the couch itself, attempting some feeble form of camouflage. Turning back to Octavia, who was sitting directly opposite of the both of us, I noticed instantly her weird grin she was shooting in our direction, that alone was enough for me to look slightly uncomfortable as well.

“Well I can see you’ve been doing good.” What was she hinting at…

“I suppose… But if I may ask, what are you doing in Ponyville Octavia?” Always start with the simple questions.

“Oh, why you know has just the best market for cello strings.” Octavia said in code. Why would I expect anything different, I swear I’ll never get a straight forward answer till I die!

Apparently feeling my frustration seeping from my stressed form, she let out a little giggle. “Cherilee dear, Please.”

Sigh “I’m sorry, but things haven’t exactly been a walk in the park of lately…” I dangerously eye one of the culprits, who was still trying to meld with the couch after another accusatory glare. “But lets not get caught up in that, how have you been and why didn’t you tell me ahead of time… I could have been more prepared for you.”

“Oh, I thought I sent a letter through the mail last week saying that I would be coming to visit?” Octavia responded, raising a brow.

About a week ago

“Hey, Big Mac… Do ya know any Octavias?” A curious apple farmer asks while shifting through their mail.

“Eenope!” The stallion in questions yells down from the upper levels of their home.

Shrugging her shoulders, the farmer crumpled up the paper and shot it into a garbage bin. Immediately returning to her daily chores.

Right back to where we were

“Derpy…” Both me and Rainbow Dash say simultaneously.

“Who?” my old friend asks, clearly not informed on our interesting mailmare.

So my old friend was planning on paying me a visit and I didn’t even know. I guess I was lucky that I was even home today, if it wasn’t for Rainbow I’d probably be out trying to keep myself busy right now. I really want to open up to her about all my problems, but I still got said Rainbow Dash sitting right next to me… Being oddly quiet… too quiet!

Turning my head to face her, I was greeted with empty space. Franticly looking everywhere I catch sight of a rainbow tail flicking from behind my table, right next to Octavia. Looking around the table, I catch the mare read hoofed trying to play with her cello.


Upon hearing her name booming throughout the room she released a startled yelp and flew up into the ceiling before another word could be spoken. I was hoping Octavia wouldn’t be as furious as I was and gladly she wasn’t. Instead of choking down anger like I was, she was chuckling lightly at what must have been a hilarious display for her. However it was far from it for me, the last thing I need is to be completely embarrassed in front of my oldest and honestly only real friend in ages. I’m about ready to kick Rainbow out of my house and say forget about it. Yet after all that has happened, I’m still curious about a couple of things.

Ugh, my stupid curiosity...

“Cherilee, darling it’s not like she could do any real damage to it.” Octavia said dismissively, while settling better into her chair.

“Yea see… Not cool Cher!” Rainbow retorted, obviously feeling empowered with my friend on her side.

“Fine!” I say, admitting defeat and raising my hoofs in the air in a mock surrender.

This time both mares let out a fit of giggles… I don’t remember Octavia being so childish. I swear there use to be a rod stuck so far up her rear end you would have mistaken her for the school flag post. Now she seems so relaxed and carefree, what or who has gotten into her. Cause now I’m the one sitting here looking like a complete stiff.

“Soo Rainbow Dash is it, You like my music?” My friend asked Rainbow a well placed question.

“Umm, almost as much as I like flying… Almost!” She responded defensively, almost as if she was slipping up.

Giggling a little more, like a school filly. Octavias questions continued, leaving me and her little time to actually talk or catch up. She seemed more interested with Rainbow Dash, constantly asking her questions like… How long have you known Cherilee and subtle things like have she been over my house before. I don’t know what game they are playing, because all Rainbow keeps doing is giving some half wit answers as well to couple up with her questions. Every now and then the conversation would be steered back to me, but only for a second.

Sitting back on my couch, I was resting my head on my hoof until the conversation was thrown back my way. This time though I was unprepared, because they were trying to ask me something and I wasn’t paying the slightest attention until Rainbow was waving a hoof in my face. Being roused from my trance like state again, I finally realized they were asking me a question.

“So, Cher…” Why did she put such an emphasis on my nickname. Wait, when did that become my nickname? “What do you think about Rainbow Dash.

Stupid question! “Um, shes a hoofful at times and she can be a little erratic at worse. But in the end I think she means well…” That’s true to a degree, I still haven’t forgotten about Scootaloo’s paper. She’s been nothing short of an inspiration for a lot of those kids. Not to mention she saved my job… That she almost lost me.

“Great, so it’s settled!” Octavia said cheerfully.

The both of me and Rainbow Dash tilted our heads at her little display as she unlocked her cello case and reached inside of it. She quickly resurfaced with two white tickets in her hand and hoofed the both of us one of them. Rainbow looked speechless, as if somepony had just said she was a part of the Wonderbolts now, me I looked generally confused until I looked closer at the small ticket.

“Tickets to one of your concerts?”

“Yes darling, I’m going to be playing outside of Ponyville in two days! That’s why I’m here early, I wanted you to attend and then afterwards we could spend more time together.” She said, clopping her hoofs at the prospect.

“So why did you give her a ticket?” I say, pointing a hoof at Rainbow Dash. Who in response clutched her ticket for dear life as if it would have turned to ashes before my hoof.

“Now you know I wouldn’t dare give you a ticket and leave your friend here without one.”

I don’t see, nor do I care about what she is playing at. This is exactly the outing I need, something to relax my mind and get me out of the house at the same time. Added bonus I now get to catch up with an old friend, so I guess Rainbow can hit the back burner for a while… I mean if all goes well I won’t even need to interrogate her, after all she did get a ticket. So we should all be busy and occupied.

Giving my first sincere smile since Celestia knows when, It was enough to cause Rainbow to begin questioning the situation considering I haven’t really smiled since I’ve talked to her.

After catching up a little more with Octavia, I finally was able to shove Dash out of my house. Her constant questioning and such was getting on my nerves, one can only take so much of the famed Fangirl Dash… But with her gone I was able to really start talking to my friend on a personal level, rather than beating around the bush.

“Let me tell you, this job in Ponyville has just been tiring. I honestly like the kids, seriously I do… But I don’t have much help around the School house and nopony else can legally teach since Lyra lost her licence.”

“Why don’t you finally put your major to use dear, I mean we didn’t go to college for nothing now did we?”

“My MAJOR!” The absolute biggest waste of my time, there was no way I was going to get a job in Equestria with that.

“Well I think their is somepony out their who could use a graduate of Arcanic Studies.” The proper mare spoke with all seriousness.

“Octavia… I’m an Earth Pony, who in their right mind would hire me to teach or be involved with anything that might involve magic! I still remember, the only reason I took the class was because I wanted to be rebellious and such.” There was no way I was in my right mind at the time, I swear they only let me graduate just to humor some of the senior staff.

“You know how long we’ve been friends and I’ll help you anyway I can. But my best advice is to do what your heart tells you, that’s what I’ve done and I’ve haven’t been happier in such a long time.” She responds, clearly reminiscing about something.

“Well then, tell me your secret?” Might as well play along.

She leaned in close and whispered. “Special... Somepony.

“I’ve already told you what happened with Bi-”


The rest of my sentence was caught in my throat, I mean there was no way she was implying. Looking deep into Octavia’s purple eyes I immediately realized she was totally implying what I thought she was. Opening and closing my mouth I just sit back on my couch, caught in the elaborate trap she had just set for me. To think neither me or Rainbow Dash was none the wiser…

Ignorance is bliss

Author's Note:

Oct F#$%ing tavia! I really don't know how I wanted her to sound, seriously... I never even watched Equestria Girls two or whatever to hear her speaking for the first time.:moustache:

My next chapt is already a whooping 5,000 words... I might chop it into two if I keep it progressing at the rate I'm typing, either way the next two will be the fun ones!:pinkiecrazy:

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