• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 558 Views, 10 Comments

The Dense Nature of Relationships - Basic Information

Cherilee had her heart inadvertently crushed by her former love intreset Big Mac when he started dating Fluttershy. Now with little or no motivation, can the depressed mare find love in the most unusual of places.

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Rule Three (Rainbow Dash)

Rule one, don’t go floating around your crush and not expect pain to ensue. Rule two, don’t go floating around a bar and not expect drinking to ensue and last but not least good old rule three… Wait, what was rule three and why does it feel like I’m laying on something extremely uncomfortable?

Tearing open my eyes, I immediately regain the extent of all my senses to find myself wrapped up in some abomination on top of a pile of rocks. That was what I thought until my hangover kicked me in the back of my head causing me to feel around once more to find out I’m just laying in a really uncomfortable bed. It was obviously not my cloud bed and there was no way I made it back home after… whatever I did yesterday.

Why does my face feel sore, I don’t remember hangovers doing that to me.

Enough with the questions, it’s time for answers. Trying to untangle myself from the mess of covers proved harder than I thought, a hoof here and a wing there. I was still stuck, actually it felt like I was now even deeper in the sheets. There was no way Rainbow Dash was about to be ousted by some lousy covers, giving it my all this time I extend my wings to the fullest. Successfully blasting the sheets right off of me along with something else that was laying beside me and it wasn’t no pillow because it hit the ground with a loud yelp. Worried was an understatement, there were only so many ways this could turn out. I mean I was drunk and I was most likely loud… I’m always loud and then BAM, Rainbow Dash gets laid like some two bit hussy!


“Who, WHAT THE HAY ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED!” Screamed a very familiar voice from the floor.

My instinct to fly out the nearest window overridden by the fact I knew that voice, I look over the end of the bed to see a very not happy looking Cherilee rubbing the top of her head.

“Aww, come on… Don’t tell me I banged you of all ponies!” Honestly, I would have at least thought Cloudkicker would capitalize on me. But Cherilee, I was so drunk that the Ponyville school teacher got me in bed…

“Rainbow… Dash…”


“Get out of my bed before I buck you out of it.” Whoa, who knew she could sound that scary. Shes almost as bad as Rarity when someone messes up her hair or something.

“Hey, ya have already done that once. You must really want some of this don’t ya?” Oh, smooth move dash… Now you're really gonna die!

I regret nothing!

Raising my hooves to protect my awesome face I couldn’t help but to flinch slightly at the mere thought of her bucking me clear across the room. After waiting for a couple of seconds I was unsure if she wasn’t going to kick me or was she just waiting for me to drop my guard. Either way I knew something was going to happen because looking past my hooves I could see her let out a silent sigh and walk completely around the bed. Swiveling my head to see where she was going, I noticed the assorted knick knacks and portraits littering her what I assume to be her room. That slight distraction was enough for the strange purple mare to disappear through the threshold of her door… Leaving me alone in her room…

Ok Dash, you were drunk and you're in Cherilee's room. But it doesn’t seem like you were taken advantage of… Maybe she was just trying to help or something, because I kinda do remember talking to her yesterday. So just play it cool and don’t do anything stupid, also remember to ask her if she has any hangover pills… MY HEAD IS KILLING ME!

Taking another moment to look around the small room once again. It was obvious she had a thing for apples or what looked like apples. Leaning off the bed slightly I look at the bronze covered statues that resemble apples and all of them read just about the same thing. They were some type of teachers award or something and it seemed like Cherilee took home the prize every year. Although I can’t think of many other teachers in the area, Lyra use to teach music. But that ended soon after Pinkie joined and they nearly started a war between the Breezies and the Griffins.

Bringing my mind back from that traumatic experience that required weeks of endless diplomacy, I quickly notice a small overturned picture frame on her night stand. It was almost like it wasn’t suppose to be their, but it couldn’t be removed from the spot. Grr, looking towards the door to make sure she wouldn’t catch me snooping around, I whipped right back to the picture and snatched it up. However I wished that I hadn’t because it was a grave reminder of what got me here in the first place. In the frame was a picture of Applejacks big red brother and Cherilee from when they were still poisoned or something to that effect… At least I think?

Still no matter what I thought about that, I couldn’t stop myself from remembering everything that transpired yesterday. It all hit me like a freight train, I couldn’t even keep my wings down simply because the apprehension just caught me in a nose.

I’m in the same house of the pony that I just spilled my guts to!

Scrambling off the bed as if the fear of Luna was struck into me, I leap towards the window and start fiddling with the lock.

“Stupid hooves!” Frustrated I couldn’t even manage to pry open a simple lock.

Getting even more antsy and impatient I decided that collateral damage would be the least of my worries. Backing up with my wings spread wide, I give one of my signature Rainbow Dash assured grins. Starting at the window I try to accelerate straight through it… Until her voice caught me completely off guard and in the middle of the act. With my concentration completely shattered I flop forward and fall in a heap doing my best not to re enact her display from yesterday morning.

“Please, tell me you weren’t getting ready to fly through my window…” Cherilee dead-panned.

“No” Obvious lies are obvious

“Right… Well I would… I would like to talk to you downstairs for a minute.” She wasn’t really asking, she was kinda demanding in a teacher sort of way that sent chills down my spin.

Well even I have to know when to pick my battles, truthfully this was long waiting. Walking away from the windowsill in defeat I follow in line behind the purple mare. Still my curiosity was peaked as we walked down the hallway I could see a barely open door and once we passed it I couldn’t help but to peak in. Within the semi closed door I could see what looked like worn out gym equipment, which was odd enough within itself if it wasn't also for the dangerous amounts of books that littered everything in the room. Cherilee working out was a strange thing to image, I’ve never would have pinned her for the physical type. Facing forward, I glance quickly at her flanks to see if there were any tone or definition to them.

Hmm, not bad… But mines are better though.

It didn’t even occur to me to glance up and check to see if I was going to get caught in the act. However it seemed like I was stuck in a loop, with each step she took my eyes followed her natural sway. I didn’t even notice the fact that she most likely had turned her head to check on my moments ago while I was completely entranced. As I looked up I could see green eyes narrowed on my guilty form... Caught in the act, I thought I was better than that.

Releasing a deep sigh, one I hear from her all too often she was getting ready to either yell at me to leave or say something along the lines of she doesn't swing that way. So before I could even say ‘see, what had happen was…” There were three rather light taps on her front door, which completely surprised me because I didn't even realize we were in her living room.

Cherilee’s attention was luckily, temporarily broken from me for the moment as she turned with what looked like a unbelievable expression plastered on her face.

“Don’t get too many visitors huh?” I shamelessly say, not giving a hay anymore if I dug myself in a even deeper pit.

“Hush you!” She turned towards me only for that second to make her point for me to stay quiet.

Trotting to the door, Cherilee fumbles with the handle for a second… Hooves and all. But after she managed to unlock the door and swing it open ever so lightly my wings sprung wide open at who I saw.

“WHOA, you're that big violin chick! your music is AWESOME!”

I know my eyes weren't deceiving me, I mean not everypony may know. But I loved that classical stuff ever since that fru fru mare Rarity was playing it the entire time I was stuck in her shop. I’ve even slipped out to go to a concert here and there and passed it off as me going to a Wonderbolts performance. Now here is one of the biggest names in the game right here in front of this mares house, I mean she is like the me of music… That one Dj pony is totally overrated. However as soon as I looked around I noticed my avid enthusiasm wasn’t nearly as shared.

Cherilee looked beyond stupid as I swear her brain just stopped after laying eyes on the gray earth pony mare. I couldn't help to notice the giant case strapped to her back also, I mean jeez I knew earth ponies were strong, but that’s just crazy. The thing is nearly the size of here and I bet it weighs just as much to.

“Hello Cherilee, long time no see… Would you care to introduce me to your interesting friend here.” The gray mare questions with a general interest as she did her best to put a little bit in between me and herself.

“F-friend?!” Cherilee sputtered.

"My name is RAINBOW DASH!" I say enthusiastically pushing past the stunned mare.

Author's Note:

If anybody can figure out what rule three was I will give ya a internet cookie and a follow...:moustache: