• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 558 Views, 10 Comments

The Dense Nature of Relationships - Basic Information

Cherilee had her heart inadvertently crushed by her former love intreset Big Mac when he started dating Fluttershy. Now with little or no motivation, can the depressed mare find love in the most unusual of places.

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That's First Degree Assault

I’ve dedicated my life to the enrichment of young minds, so that they can go on in the future to live fulfilling and meaningful lives. At least that’s what I keep telling myself after all. Still my confidence in that mantra continuously gets bulldozed by the fact that my students are about as interested in my learning plan as they are the chewed gum under their desks. Not to mention my little personal problem that has also grew from the seeds of this torture chamber they call a school.

You’d think moving out of Manehatten to live in a backwater town would have it’s peace and subtleties… WRONG! It almost seems like ever since Princess Book Face moved to town everything that is anything that could possibly crawl out of Tartarus ends up here. I mean I’d hate to question Princess Celestias national security plans, but it always seem like she just sits back and roll the dice. Honestly I heard the one time she actually did anything she got mopped up by some bug queen. Then here comes Princess Book Face blowing up mountains and shooting lasers, I mean the whole shi-bang against some monster guy.

However I think the greatest threat to Equestria, no… The greatest threat to my sanity sits right before me. Three little fillies known as the Cutie Mark whatevers. Their little idiotic butt mark adventures always end up disastrous and sticky. I swear I have never seen so much tree sap in my life, I honestly don’t know where they find it all. But those creatures are the instrument of my demise, those three little innocent looking CREATURES! If it wasn’t for them poisoning me during Hearts and Hooves day I would have never fell in love. I could have pressed charges, but I have a reputation in this small town for being the nice quiet school teacher. So I had to play some have you girls learned your lesson type crap....


Looking up at the clock I realized that I’ve blown almost fifteen minutes staring a hole into my grade book. That caused a chain reaction in my mind. First I was suppose to be collecting the kids math homework, secondly I could hear the frantic scribbling on paper from a couple fillies and colts meaning that they were obviously trying to finish their homework in class, thirdly I’m suppose to conduct show and tell before class lets out because it’s friday.

Getting up from my desk while emitting a low groan I immediately switch into my happy go lucky teacher mode. I give all my students a warm smile, even the ones who are trying to hide the passing of papers and the cheating of notes. This effectively causes them all to look up somewhat sheepishly. I instantly got the message.

“Ok students, since it seems like not everypony has finished their homework. I’ll give you all the weekend to work on it, so please try to bring it in complete monday.” Putting on my best face I look over the small group of children to only see three hooves to go up as soon as I looked in their direction.

“Sweetie, Silver, and Feather. You three can turn in your homework now and I’ll throw in extra credit since you all decided to take initiative.”

That caused a few of the runts to grumble in protest to their hard work. Still I don’t understand why those kids get upset, because this happens almost every week. Now since after my little personal situation, I really don’t care if they finish their work or not. But for those who do, I’ll be sure to reward them properly. However that brings up one issue for me, how can Sweetie Belle be so intelligent in class, but end up partaking in the stupidest featherbrained schemes possible. Honestly I think it’s those other two… There is no way Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are good influences, well Apple Bloom has a good head on her every now and then. Yet Scootaloo comes off as a loose cannon, it’s almost like comparing her to that Rainbow Dash…

Bringing all three of them together however is the worst possible combination in pony history. They’ve almost completely destroyed my mind with a love potion for celestias sake and even after coming back. I still could never separate my true feelings for Big Mac… He seriously didn’t show any hints of attraction to me, still we did go out once, or was that seriously pretend. I couldn’t have actually developed feelings after the fact could I, NO MATTER!

“Well since were not collecting homework, we might as well move on to show and tell since it’s the end the day. So who wants to go first.”

“OH, OH, OH!” Ponyfeathers, not Scootaloo. Every week we go through the motions of some insanely unreasonable stunt. That often times ended up with us all covered in sap and ending class early. Even I wasn’t the only one worried, I could hear the chorus of groans and grumbles from my students. Yet no pony would step up to challenge Scootaloo for the first to present.

Well, Might as well get it over with. I’ll run a warm bath when I go home. I made the hoof motion for Scootaloo to step up and present. I knew better than to give that orange filly a verbal agreement because it could turn sappy in a second and I want to be able to pull her to the corner before it goes that far.

At the motion of my hoof, the little orange filly beamed a unorthodox smile. One that made me shift slightly from the spot I was standing. ‘She’s planning something

Jumping up out of her set she galloped to the door to motion everypony out the classroom. “Ok everypony for this week I got something extra special planned!”

“Oh no…” Me and a couple of other students whispered in unison.

“What are you going to do blanky, fail at flying again.” That little brat Diamond Tiara rang out with her little crony right beside her.

Blanky? Well that’s a new one… I look over to where Scootaloo was scowling at the two bullies. Expecting an argument to ensue, I got into my defensive teacher position in between the two parties. Luckily Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom defused the situation before I had to intervene. That cause the little orange one to return back to her oddly optimistic demeanor, before rushing out the door wanting everypony to follow.

Begrudgingly dragging my lazy flank outside. I wince at how bright the sun was today, how dare the weather patrol schedule such a lovely day. It really makes it hard to brude when the entirety of the community will be out breaking out into random song and dance numbers.

Trotting out into the middle of the playground I find myself staring at the orange filly responsible for dragging me outside on a beautiful day. Instead of seeing her usual scooter and ramp set up, I find her looking up expectantly at a rather low cloud floating above the playground. She was calling out someponies name, I’m honestly not paying all too much attention. But as soon as the cloud begun to shift I grimaced at what at saw.

“Rainbow Dash?” I question as politely as possible to Scootaloo.

“The one and only!” Instead I find myself being responded to by the previous occupant of the floating cloud. Somehow she flew right now in my face without me noticing, causing me to elect a startled yelp.

In effect everyone of those little fillies and colts started prancing around and hopping up on the cyan mares wings. That at first caught her off guard, yet after a few seconds the pegasus got the upper hoof after she spreaded her wings to scoop up almost all of my students. Wow, I had no idea pegasi wings were that strong. Then again they probably have to be when a pony has an ego as big as hers. Even after that mare do well situation it barely put a dent in her attitude and I wasn’t looking forward to anything overwhelmingly positive today… Soo

“So I presume you are here for Scootaloos presentation Ms.Dash?” A straightforward question.

“Ms.Dash.. Why so formal, ha?” Not a straightforward answer.

“She’s my presentation!” Scootaloo shouted, getting in between me and the cyan dare devil. With that said, Rainbow gave her all but patented toothy grin. It was suppose to be her way of ensuring success or something… I don’t think it particularly works.

“Yep, Squirt asked me to do an awesome stunt for the kids. So I didn’t want to disappoint ya know.” She pridefully responds while brushing her hoof on her chest.

“Yes well I don’t see a problem with that.” Pff, I see at least twenty problems…

“Oh, blank flank is going to have another pony do tricks instead?” Silver Spoon questioned with general interest.

“Ha, it’s because she knows all of hers are lame.” Diamond spat, completely obvious of the harsh stares she was getting from the crusaders and Rainbow Dash.

Again with this, why won’t those two just give the insults a break for once. Oh, what’s going on here… Before I could even react to the situation, Rainbow Dash bet me to it. However I wasn’t surprised in the slightest at the fact that she wouldn’t handle it like an adult. The idiotic pegasus came down on the two fillies with the force or Tartarus all while spreading her wings to her full span to look overly intimidating… It was a bit much, considering she was threatening fillies.

“Hey, you two got a bone to pick with squirt huh!” Rainbow growled while staring directly at the two frightened fillies. “Because if ya mess with her ya gotta deal with the most awesome mare in Ponyville!”

That caused both of the class bullies to run of screaming at the top of the lungs as if they had been facing off with an manticore.

“Rainbow Dash!” I honestly couldn’t help to raise my voice after that foolish display.

“What? I’m serious, I’ll give those little jerks a what for!” She said triumphantly while floating up and boxing the air.

“You do realize that would be first degree assault on a minor… Right?”


I couldn’t help but to face hoof at her response. Seriously who doesn’t know something like that and now I think those two have ran home to tell their parents what happened. Ugh, now I’m going to have to set up a meeting to clear everything up and I’m sure with it involving Rainbow Dash it’s going to go any other way than smoothly.

Rainbow Dash, if you don’t stop sitting there looking stupid I’m going to strangle the stupid life out of your stupid body!

Compose yourself Cherilee, remember. She is a national hero and Equestria needs her… Swallowing my rage was harder than I thought, with a slight twitch of my eye here and there the deed was done. I was going to go home and murder one of my pillows once I get out of here.

“Ms.Dash, I’m going to have to ask you to stay after class ok.” I mutter through clinched teeth.

Ooooohhh! All the children rang out simultaneously as if Rainbow Dash was one of the little children being reprimanded for bad behavior. Which wasn’t far from true, actually I would consider it completely accurate at the moment.

“But. But.” Rainbow stuttered, not exactly understanding what was going on.

“No buts Ms.Dash, me and you are going to have to have a talk.” Not that I actually want to have one…

Her usual egotistical expression instantly turned into that of a punished dog. It was almost satisfying seeing a more vulnerable side of the Rainbow hotshot. It didn't stay for long, because Scootaloo buzzed in front of the dejected Pegasus yammering on about her big stunt or what not. That brought the cyan mare right back to her former self in a heart beat. Seeing no reason why I should even bother anymore I simply sit down behind a row of students who are eagerly awaiting the spectacle.

15 Minutes Later

I swear it was almost like I had to tie her down to the chair just to get her to sit still in my classroom. Honestly I was still wrapping my head around the fact that just one stunt took an entire fifteen minutes. Seriously, I zoned out after the seventh loop, It took three of my students to get me out of my pretending to be conscious phase. Now I have the one and only Rainbow Dash sitting before me so I can get her to apologize to two bratty fillies and their parents.

“Now, you've caused a fine mess Ms.Dash, So I’m going to have to ask you to come back tomorrow and apologize to those two you threatened.”

“Ok, Just call me Dash or Rainbow for Celestia's sake.” Rainbow responded, clearly avoiding the situation. She’s about as subtle as the Paraspites that attacked the town a while back.

Rainbow!” I can’t take this any more…

“WHAT! There's no way I’m apologizing to those brats… They are always picking on Squirt and her friends,” Now she was spreading her wings again, but this time it was in obvious defiance of what I was telling her to do. “I mean seriously, you sit there and watch it! If you don’t help them then who will.”

That’s it!’

“I’m trying to be fair here… But you are making it extremely hard for a extremely hard working pony. I am doing my best to not strangle you to death and dispose of your lifeless corpse in the Everfree over my own personal problems… But like I said YOU ARE MAKING IT VERY HARD!!!” That’s it, I've lost it. Rainbow Dash doesn't even really deserve this, but she got caught in the crossfire, better her than some student of mines.

Looking directly into Rainbow’s magenta eyes I notice she’s still frozen in shock. So there's no point in stopping now, if I’m going off the deep end I might as well go off full speed.

“I was poisoned to fall in love with a stallion that I've never been able to get over even after the effects supposedly wore off! The even after that I spend nearly an entire year or so dancing around those feelings just to work up the courage and find out he had started dating Fluttershy! Now… Now I've had to live with two pay cuts and the fact that Filthy Rich might sue the crap out of this pitiful one room school house!” Fuming, my purple face was now beet red.

“I thought Filthy owned thi-”

“THAT’S NOT THE POINT!!!” I slam my hoof on the table effective smashing the wooden best teacher apple Rumble gave me a month ago. Then after that, I did what any reasonable mare would do… I cried my ever loving eyes out right in front of the mare that I was just yelling at.

Crying, that was all I could do. I haven’t cried in so long it almost feels foreign to have my eyes to well up with salty tears as they cascaded down my cheeks. They say crying relieves the soul and all that good stuff. Well they lied, I fell even more horrible and I have no idea how long I've been sitting here. I’m going to die alone in this stupid school crying. Wait, wasn't I yelling at somepony?

Looking up I recoil in horror realizing that I have just lost my mind in front of another mare, and Rainbow Dash no less. Oh I can see it now, she’ll go tell her friends and then that poor mare Fluttershy will feel sorry and try to help me. Then I’ll go yell at her causing her to cry, then I’ll be known as the pony who made the animal mare cry. Maybe I can plea with Princess book face to send me to the moon or something… All princesses can do that right?

Focusing more attention the mare in front of me, I can’t but help to see something glisten around the rim of her eyes. There was no way she was getting ready to cry… Was it, well I guess I got to say something now. I’m just surprised she didn't take my break down as an opportunity to fly away or something


I don’t know what to say...’

Again I recoil after I here her hoofs connect with the wooden floor, that only meant she was heading for the door. Instead I find myself being pulled into an enduring hug. One that I was not expecting from the brash and tomboyish Pegasus. It felt so powerful, it felt so right… Her hooves wrapped around my back and her head sitting on my shoulder lightly enough for me to forget is even their. Still I couldn't bring myself to return her embrace or even ask why she was doing this, but I don’t want it end.

It ended and it ended as quickly as it came. Pulling back abruptly, Rainbow took to a deep investigation around the room. Focusing on everything instead of what had just transpired, she opened and closed her mouth repeatedly trying to come up with a reason as well. But before I could work up the courage to ask her what the buck was happening she unfurled her wings and instantaneously shot out the open window with a blazing rainbow trail behind her.

“Welp she’s gone Cheerilee and now I’m alone again…. Talking to myself as well, just great.” Talking to myself is a new development. Oh well I can go home and cry in my pillow instead of killing it now.

Looking down at the mess of a desk I look at the shards of wood and the stained papers sprawled out everywhere.

“I guess I gotta clean this up”

Getting up I trudge over to the class closet to get the dust pan and broom, doing my best to ignore what had happened not to long ago. Sweeping up shards and re organizing papers took little to no time because cleaning up messes and dealing with papers were just a part of my job. Picking up the last of the papers, I noticed one that stood out. A crinkled and poorly hoof written letter sat close to the edge of my desk and it was clear who the writer was. Looking it over I notice it was already covered in red ink and marked with a grade… A lousy seventy seven percent, pretty average considering who wrote it.

Who’s My Hero

My hero is the one who is teaching how to fly. My hero is the one who became my sister and never reminds me I don’t have parents. My hero comes and helps me when I need it most. Rainbow Dash is my hero, she is the bestest pony in all of Ponyville because she is cool and awesome. But not to cool and awesome because she is the most amazingest listener as well, she’ll never leave anypony hanging. My sister Rainbow Dash is also the fast pony in ALL OF EQUESTRIA and she’s the element of loyalty and like has saved the world like a billion times!

That’s all I had to read… That’s all I needed to see to prove the fact that she is a better mare than me. With tears reforming in my eyes I collect the last of the papers to stick them in my desk. However before I leave I feel like their is one thing that I need to do.

Author's Note:

Ok, ok.... I've degraded myself to shamelessly shipping the rainbow pony. But hey, what the heck else I'm I suppose to do huh?! Not set sail and ship stuff.... Pfff