• Published 3rd Feb 2015
  • 1,394 Views, 21 Comments

The Heist of a Lifetime - Sam Cole

When your best friend is a cat burglar, life can get complicated. Even more so when that makes her your rival for the same prize.

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Fine, do whatever you want. It’s not like there’s a plan or anything!

Chapter 5: Fine, do whatever you want. It’s not like there’s a plan or anything!

Rarity hated only three things in this world: cheap suits, pleather, and sight un-seen heists. She was an idiot for even thinking about this. But it was all she had. She wore a sweater and slacks instead of her catsuit, looking much more confident as she strolled the Canterlot highrises than she had any right to be.

She knew where Fleur lived, she had spent a lot of time there with her friend Fancy Pants after all. And that friend had been hiding that there was a thief among them. Story of my life right now, Rarity chuckled as she walked into the lobby of the building across the street.

In any other city in Equestria, these buildings would be locked up tight this late at night, but not in Canterlot. No, never in Canterlot. Not when there was always money needing to change hands. This city may be home to the Royal sisters, but money made this city get out of bed. So this city never slept.

Rarity was too wrapped up though to give a damn. Twilight was unconscious because of her right now. So Rarity would simply have to move heaven and earth to make things better between them by the time Twilight awoke.

But why was she so gung ho on helping Twilight after all? It surely couldn’t be because she was trying to do something nice for her friend, could it? She was going to steal that scroll all for herself, right?

Rarity stopped letting these topics bounce around her mind as her elevator stopped. She had to pick a lock once on the correct side, but soon enough she was looking at Fleur’s home building. The most logical place for Twilight to have made the swap.

“Omnes Videant Oportet.” Rarity said as she summoned as magical looking glass, letting its mystic lens give her a clear sight inside Fleur’s penthouse. “If I were a two thousand year old scroll, where would I be?” Rarity asked as she scanned the place from across the street. But she couldn’t see anything. Of course, Rarity suspected a void storage like Twilight used, or at worst a wall safe, but she had no idea how large the scroll would even be, let alone if it was even on site. But Rarity had to tr-

Something was off. There was an argument, and Fancy Pants looked a little upset. He’s carrying something in a large case to a back room. Long and thin. That had to be it. Rarity wasn’t about to spit at her good fortune. Not when she had a stupid plan to carry through. She wanted to know what was going on over there, but she wasn’t so gifted to hear a conversation four hundred feet away through glass twice over. No, she would just have to go over there, and find out for herself.

But how to do it? No tools, and a lobby approach would lead to more questions than I can answer… Perhaps I need to try something reckless myself… Rarity decided while finding a good object to anchor herself too. She had no mask, no tools, and no plan. If Twilight didn’t appreciate her for this, she would kill the girl.


“I don’t care dear, lock it up.” The Lady of Canterlot ordered of her husband as he paced with the scroll in hand. “When she shows up, shoot her, and take my muffin.”

“I agreed to help you with this, but you’re taking it too far now.” Fancy Pants huffed. “I thought you were going to trade the scroll to her? What changed that?”

“Dear, I simply came to my senses.” Fleur moaned while watching the scroll in its case pace back and forth. Actions her husband noticed clear as day.

“You’re getting sick from this thing, aren’t you? It’s infecting you!” Fancy screamed back. “This scroll is too powerful. No mage should have it!”

“Lies!” Fleur hissed, bolting up. “I should have it. Me, all to myself.”

“I’m locking it up. As soon as Cheshire arrives, she may have the bloody thing.” Fancy snorted, standing his ground. He let his wife nod in agreeance, as empty as it was because of how the scroll was affecting her. He wanted to say something to her before he took off, ready to lock the thing away till that very late thief showed up to relieve them of it, but no words made themselves ready. All that came was a defeated sigh of a mage that knew he was unfathomably out of his league.

Elsewhere in the penthouse of Esquire, A small pop was all the herald of one very drained thief. “Bleh.” Rarity groaned as the portal charm she had created dropped her off. It hadn’t been a smooth trip, and she had to know the exact layout of the place she was too land, but she made it, sure enough. Now all she had to do was find the scroll, beat Fleur's security, and make it down stairs, out of the building, back to Twilight, and then she could breath again. But first things first.

“Lime green hand towels?” Rarity scoffed as she examined the linen closet she was sitting in. “Darling, who did you get to decorate, Rainbow Dash?”

Rarity crept out of her hiding spot as she looked around. The coast was clear, and her time started- “Teak. After all my advice, you went with teak flooring? Oh my gods, you’re hopeless.”

Progress was slow, to say the least.


There is a secret to mages. When they expend all of their mana, they begin to drain it from the environment around them. From the earth, the sky, the plants, and the living, mages pull power, as they slumber in peace.

So Twilight never noticed as she pulled mana from a new soul in her hotel room, as the character took a seat, looking over the sleeping mage. The tall, slender fellow let out a sigh as he took out an old photograph, looking to it before looking back to the slumbering lady.

“You look just like her, Miss Twilight.” The fellow chuckled, wiping away a tear. “Gods, she was the most perfect student. Taken too soon from this life.” The old man cried quietly, burying his face in his hands. “Clover, can you ever forgive me?”

Twilight did not stir, aided by the silence the old man projected. Carefully, he slowly took off his name badge, resting the moniker of Cosmo Caster on the end table, letting his tears roll freely. She was the spitting image of his student, whom a lifetime ago he had loved like a daughter. But she was also being such a bad example!

His prized student’s reincarnation, and she was a filthy thief. As was the reincarnation of Platinum, if the man was to be honest, but he wasn’t as strongly attached to her. But this girl had so much raw talent, to waste it on being a thief! But, then again, based on how much fun it had been for him to break into that museum and steal the jewel so that she couldn’t, he could certainly see the draw in it for Clover. It was a puzzle unlike any other. He didn’t like the concept that she was just being greedy, but there was a small flicker of hope that maybe she was one that delighted in the theft.

Then again, I do rather think it is her lover that is the thief, and she is just along for the thrill of it. She’s more like Clover than I give her credit for, wanting adventure while playing the part of the indifferent servant to her lover.

A small groan stole his breath as Twilight began to stir. She looked a little drained, now that he cared to look. So that was it. It was in theft that she was able to practice some real magic around here. That was her draw. To do magical feats she could smile at, but never brag about. Animosity was her bread and butter, and she was in love with that feeling of power. She was so much like Clover…

“Rarity…” The slumbering girl moaned. “Come back…”

Just like Clover.

“Miss Twilight, I do wish you two the best. It has been years since I’ve seen a team as strong as yours, so do treat each other right.” The old wizard smiled as he rose, pinning his name badge back into place. “Now if you don’t mind, my break is up. Call me if you need anything, dear.”

But there was one last thing that gave the wizard pause as he left. Twilight was still wearing her shoes. And her shoes were on her bed. It was dirty, disrespectful, and down right uncouth, though he always swore he would never let the Queen know how much she had rubbed off on him. So with a small groan, he took off her shoes, placing them gently next to the door. He also made a note for the cleaning crew in the morning to deep clean the bedding. Disgusting, shoes on the bed spread. I swear.


Rarity stalked from room to room as she looked for the hiding place of the scroll. She checked the closet, but had discovered nothing… aside of just the most perfect handbag ever. Rarity was in heaven. Truly, heaven. It was a limited edition black leather Cholé, and it was gorgeous. But Rarity also understood the need to be discreet. She had no time to peruse her target’s fashionable wardrobe. That was abhorrent. She should get out there, and resume her-

“Oh my gods, are those Pradas?” Rarity gasped as she held up the long black leather riding boots, short of breath. She had never been this happy before.

No, I must carry on! Twilight needs this scroll, and I need her to succeed! I shall do it for- “A Burberry Heritage fringed Cashmere muffler?” Rarity purred as she rubbed the scarf against her cheek.

Ten minutes later, Rarity exited the walk in closet she had since named Heaven, carrying only the most essential items as she continued on with her mission. And her new boots felt fantastic!

But she was a woman of a mission, to be sure. So she tucked her pilfered goods away, knowing that right now, greed was her enemy. She started her search once more, feeling the rooms for any mana, hoping these mages stored everything like every mage that studied advanced magic, in a void. But it was fruitless. No, they had been smarter than that, and instead bosted safes that even a Berserker like Applejack or even Big Macintosh couldn’t rip open. It was old school tech meets a very determined burglar.

Thankfully, Rarity excelled at safe cracking. Heck, it was during a safe cracking that she earned her Magnus Mark. True, that odd explosion Rainbow Dash had created might have had some effect, but still, it was her pride and glory. So kneeling next to that heavy iron prison, she placed her ear on the door and began to turn the dial. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had used these spells, one for listening, one for touch sensitivity, and one for serenity. Her safe cracking special, as she called it. It took her only thirty seconds, not her best time, but not bad by any measure. She pulled the door open, and looked into that box for her target.

“I do think you won’t find anything in there, Miss Rarity.” The amused voice piped up. And Rarity froze. “Tell me my friend, why are you here? And opening my safe no less?” Fancy Pants inquired.

Thinking fast, Rarity cast a glamor spell on her eyes. It was risky, because there was always the chance that Fancy would notice this, but she had to try. Turning around slowly, she let her now white eyes bore into her friend, happy to see him holding her scroll. She was less pleased to see the mage blaster, but considering he hadn’t shot yet, she was going to take it as a good thing. “Her name is Rarity you say? Hmm…”

“What the blue blazes? What’s going on?” Fancy Pants urged, aiming the weapon a little more professionally, like one actually expecting to use it.

“I should be asking you the same thing, dear. Do you know what I found in that museum when I went to steal the Muffin?”

It now clicked for Fancy Pants, though he still wanted answers. “Cheshire. Would you mind telling me why you’re puppeting my friend there?”

“I found this girl when she reported to the scene of the crime. A consulting mage, they said. I had no idea she was a friend of yours though. But it makes no difference to me. I decided to use her to check up on a lead while I tame a demon. Now, where the hell is the diamond? If you dared to insult me with another thief as insurance to my plans, I swear to Luna, you will not have long enough in this world to regret such actions.”

“We thought you had it.” Fancy Pants said at long last, dropping the weapon. “By all accounts, you’re the only thief in town powerful enough to have overcome Lady Star’s spells.”

“Yes, she’s the one whom left a bloody demon summoning ring behind.” Rarity growled, earning an oscar for her performance right now.

Fancy Pants felt the cold sweat on his brow. Here he was, seconds ago having aimed a gun at his friend as he spoke with one of the most powerful mages in the world, or so he believed. Slowly, Fancy holsters the weapon in his coat, and raised the case.

“What are you doing?” Rarity asked, seeing the presentation but not believing it.

“I’m paying you for your work.”

“I haven’t brought you the diamond yet. Why this sudden change of heart?”

“I want this- This thing gone! This thing is far too powerful for my wife and I to contain. It’s speaking to us, asking to be read. Just take it and go.”

“Well, this is unexpected.” Rarity hummed, smiling. “Fine, give me the case. I’ll honor this sign of respect, and bring you the diamond as soon as I get it.”

“Forget the diamond.” Fancy Pants growled as Rarity took the case out of his hands. “I’ve learned anything connected to Starswirl the Bearded is not worth the hassle.”

“Connected to Starswirl?” Rarity inquired. She cursed herself just afterwards, but Fancy hadn’t noticed the personal slip.

“It was made for his student. I have long believed that he himself placed a curse on the jewel, to punish all thieves. Now I know that thought was right. Please, keep it far away from this Noble House. The House of Esquire will never dabble in Starswirl artifacts again.”

“Very well.” Rarity nodded. She didn’t know if she could trust him though. After all, he was falling under the scroll’s influence. “So may I walk out the front door? Or are you going to pull that gun on me again?”

“Please, Cheshire, use the front door. Oh, and never make a puppet of my friend again. If you do, a demon will be the least of your worries.”

“Of course, Sir Esquire.” Rarity bowed, taking her case and leaving the mage behind. She had to thank him next time she saw him. It was moving to find out exactly how great your friends were when they didn’t think you would hear them.


Now Rarity’s tired leg carried her right back to the hotel. She felt a couple times the need to feign a direction, and a few more double backs. Not to mention a couple rides on empty elevated trains just to be sure. But finally, she was convinced that she had not been followed, and with a sigh she opened the door, not even processing that she had just brought the scroll back to Twilight. She had simply acted out of instinct.

Carefully, she placed the case on the floor, as she took a seat on the bed next to Twilight to check on her friend. Of course she never got to, passing out almost the instant she touched the bed. She simply laid there, soaking up mana just like her friend still was. And slowly, they started to share that magical sustenance in their slumber.


Twilight was the first to awaken as the sunlight began to touch the horizon, taunting the world with it’s golden warmth. She rolled over and found her friend laying there just like her, still wrapped in clothing. Though of course she now had slacks and a sweater while Twilight was still dressed like a damned french maid, but it was not a large issue. Twilight smiled as she snuggled up to Rarity, feeling drawn to her for some odd reason. It might have been that Rarity was warm, or the fact that the pair had been sharing mana for the last two hours, but either way, it felt right to to just cuddle with the indigo haired lady.

That was, till Twilight noticed one very poignant fact. With a huff, Twilight sat up and grabbed Rarity’s shoes, pulling them off before dropping them over the side. Her actions, though well intentioned, served mainly to wake up her bed partner.

“I just want to point out how hilarious it is that I have a cute maid in my bed taking off my shoes…” Rarity mused sleepily. “I could get used to this.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” Twilight blushed, leaning on her elbow as she talked to her friend. “But now that you’re up, how did it go last night?”

“It went.” Rarity groaned, rolling over to face Twilight. “Were you cuddling me?”

“Just a little. You were there, I was bored.” Twilight dismissed.

“Okay…” Rarity yawned, drifting back off to sleep. Twilight took that as a welcoming for her to snuggle with her once more. “Darling, if you’re going to cuddle me, I have one request.”

“Oh, what’s that?” Twilight asked as she got comfortable.

“Share the blanket. I’m freezing here.” Rarity moaned as Twilight chuckled, adjusting and moving so that she could drape that wave of warmth over them both.

“Better?” Twilight asked as she rested her forehead against her friends. But there was no reply as Rarity drifted off once more to the land of dreams. “Better.” Twilight said as she joined her friend in slumber. She could enact her plan when she woke up.


Twilight was once more the first to awaken, but she stayed with her friend in bed, content to soak up their warmth and the fact that neither was trying to kill each other. Of course, there was no promise that that pattern would continue when they got out of bed, but she could hope, and do everything in her power to help that along. But for now, she snuggled up into the embrace of her friend, burying her face in Rarity’s neck. It was so divine feeling. So welcoming. So… right.

“Twilight, stop that.” Rarity groaned as she was roused once more.

“Huh? Stop what?”

“Breathing on my neck. It tickles.” Rarity said as she brushed Twilight’s hair out of her face. “Why are you being so affectionate this morning? You’re acting like a lover.”

“Like a… Oh…” Twilight blushed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too. We must have reached a Felix Formosissimus in our sleep.”


“We were both tapped out, so we started to share mana subconsciously.” Twilight explained. “It has a tendency to make both parties a little, enamored… if done right…”

“No, I’ve heard of a formosissimus before, but I thought it was a myth.” Rarity nodded as she rested her head against Twilight’s chest. “So if that is your excuse, I’ll let it slide darling.”

“I beg your pardon?” Twilight stammered, giggling a bit.

“You were undressing me with your eyes all night. I get it, and I can’t say that I blame you.” Rarity muttered happily. “After all, I am a catch.”

“Says the girl playing with my boobs now.” Twilight shot back as she felt Rarity’s hands rubbing her chest.

“What boobs? A cups don’t count.”

Twilight gasped, shocked that her friend would say such a thing. Or maybe it was those hands on her that made her feel that way. “Rarity, the Felix Formosissimus is making us a little too touchy feely. We should get up now…”

“No, you’re warm.” Rarity groaned as she pulled Twilight closer while she lifted her head back to her pillow, resting her forehead against Twilight’s once more. “My offer still stands, by the way.”

“What offer?” Twilight asked breathlessly. She was entranced almost as she felt Rarity’s breath on her lips.

“Split the profits.” Rarity giggled softly.

“And what do I have to gain from sharing in your money?” Twilight asked, drunk on Rarity’s words.

“Me, of course.”

Twilight knew just how deep the infatuation brought on by the Felix Formosissimus could run, and she was hooked on it almost entirely. But thankfully, she had one saving grace. “Your money doesn’t procure my scroll though.”

“You mean that scroll?” Rarity asked as she pointed out the scroll, making Twilight sit up to look at the two foot long case. It looked like a simple tube of plastic, but Twilight knew without a doubt her prize was in there. Rarity took Twilight by the chin, and guided her back to her embrace, giggling as she played with the frills on Twilight’s tummy. “Don’t I get a thank you?”

Twilight smiled as she let Rarity take the lead, stealing that first kiss among them. Again, Twilight knew this was due to their Felix Formosissimus. Of course it was the Formosissimus. This wasn’t what she wanted at all. Not one… Oh who am I kidding? She couldn’t even be bothered to stop that more elegant lady from leading her down that path of the only sin Twilight hd never truly felt, lust. And right now, she had everything she could ever want.


Half an hour later, the ladies were still in bed, though at least they were not fighting anymore, so they had that going for them. Neither had the energy to go the distance this morning, but their lips and hands had done more to patch up their friendship than either rightfully deserved.

“So what made you become a thief?” Twilight asked as she rubbed her fingers through Rarity’s beautiful hair.

“It all started when I was fifteen.” Rarity sighed, lost in nostalgia. “I was dating this boy, daddy didn’t care for him. Said he was a bad influence, which he was. So I ran away with him. Two weeks later, I was desperate enough to resort to picking pockets on the train to make some money to eat. As luck would have it, I picked Selina Kyle’s wallet.”

“Who’s that?”

“Well, you would know her best as Catwoman.” Rarity giggled. “She was just a few years older than me, and saw potential in me. So she took me in, where she and her lover Felicia trained me.”

“So you know Felica and Selina really well?”

“Oh quite so. My first time was actually with Felica.” Rarity giggled warmly.

“You lost your virginity to her?” Twilight asked, blushing.

“No, my first heist. And gods, it was better than sex. They trained me well, but it just couldn’t work out between us in the long run. I don’t like how open their relationship is. We still talk, but I always told myself that my theft was for me, never again for love.”

“So what do you call stealing a scroll for me then?”

“Insanity.” Rarity sighed. “I’m just a fool, darling.”

“Well, I’m a fool too.” Twilight sighed, laying her head on Rarity’s bosom.

“So tell me darling, why are you a thief?” Rarity chuckled as she stroked her fingers through Twilight’s soft hair.

“You know why.” Twilight chuckled. “I’m the third daughter of Cheshire. The latest in a great line of jewel thieves.”

“Where did the name Cheshire come from?”

“My great grandpa, actually.” Twilight smiled, looking back on her family history. “He wrote Alice’s Adventures in Dreamland. And he named the Cheshire cat after my great grandmothers cat. They fell in love, and great granny decided to use Cheshire as her thief alias.”

“Wow, so you have a whole history of famous writers in your family.” Rarity smiled kindly.

“Hmm. That’s why I love reading so much.” Twilight giggled, but it was empty. Hollow, And Twilight knew why. So did Rarity. All it would take is one girl working up the courage to ask the important question. “Rarity, we both know what needs to be asked. Where does this put us? Are we… working together? Are we… more than that now?”

“Well, I know, as well as you know, how strong a good (good time) can be, so it might have just been hormones.” Rarity conceted. “But I doubt that. I really like holding you like this. And I like it when you hold me, kiss me, want me.”

“I really want those things too, Rarity…”

“So how about you let me pull off the greatest heist of my life?” Rarity asked, propping herself up on her elbow. “Let me steal you away with me. Let me whisk you away with me and the profits from the muffin as we find some private beach somewhere to make love and read all day.”

“Yes please.” Twilight giggled as she leaned up to kiss those silky lips once more. “But we have to find the jewel first.”

“... Damn it.”

“And, we have one more thing to do first.” Twilight said as she slipped out of bed. She grabbed the case, carefully pulling out the scroll as she went. With a giggle, the girl sat down on the bed as Rarity rolled over and finally sat beside her. Both ladies put a hand on the scroll, smiling to each other. “On three?”

“On three.” Rarity affirmed as she opened the scroll slowly with her lover.

Author's Note:

Ah, and you all thought I wouldn't include RariLight in one of my stories. Anyways, thanks for hanging in this long amigos, hope you all enjoy. Peace, Sam :eeyup:

Comments ( 3 )

Thanks for your service

ohh yes... and once again the power of Rarilight saves the day!!! :heart: :yay:

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