• Published 3rd Feb 2015
  • 1,393 Views, 21 Comments

The Heist of a Lifetime - Sam Cole

When your best friend is a cat burglar, life can get complicated. Even more so when that makes her your rival for the same prize.

  • ...

The Prep

Author's Note:

Intro: headcanons explained.

So in this story, I lead you from the humble Equestria we’re all used to, and take you to my humanized headcanon while I place my favorite ponies in my favorite movie genre, heist movies. So to explain, I thought it would be better met if I took this aside to clarify a few points before anyone gets royally confused trying to just mystically understand me.

So one of the very important factors in this story that many of you will notice is that some characters don’t have pony like names. Well, there’s one real reason for this: They’re not Equestrians. They’re foreigners. Those from outside Equestrian heritage will have different names. Some you might recognize, other’s you won’t cause I made them up.

Next, let me explain the races of Equestrians. Berserkers are Earth ponies, possessing great strength and heart. Their cutie marks, though not discussed in the story, are called Warrior Mark. So yes, Applejack has a three apple Warrior Mark. It’s an old tribal thing, so don’t question it.

Next we have Pegasi or as they will be called here, Spirited, possessing flight and free spirits. They have Spirit Marks.

Last are Mages, or Unicorns as ponies. Guess what they have. They sport Magnus Marks. Everyone earns them the same way as a pony would, but the names are different. That’s it pretty much.

Also, I know I’ll be asked about this time and again, so allow me to start here: Yes, these two are rather OOC. That’s the point of a double life, in that you would have never seen this side of them coming. I try to keep them in character as much as possible, but if they get out of character, just shut up and enjoy it! This is a comedy heist fic! Just enjoy it and the talk of boobies! Geez.

The Heist of a Lifetime
By Sam Cole
Chapter 1: The Prep

I leave to the children of Hurricane the skies, for their spirits are strong, so they shall have the gift to follow their spirits.

I leave to the children of Puddinghead the lands and seas, for their will is strong, so they shall have the gift to follow their destinies.

Finally, I leave to my children, The children of Queen Platinum Faustia and myself, The sun and the moon, for their curiosity is strong, so they shall have the gift to follow their minds.

“A lovely dedication, my beloved.” Platinum cried softly as her ailing lover lay upon her deathbed.

“A brighter mind I have never encountered.” The teacher sighed. “I shall watch over your lands for you, and your beautiful daughters Celestia and Luna. I shall teach them magic, as I taught you so long ago.”

“What the hell did they do to you?” Clover gasped as Starswirl the Bearded laughed.

“My dear, I give to you this gem, in the shape of those tasty little treats you- you make for me all the time!” Platinum sobbed as she held onto the large diamond muffin, unable to bring herself to say goodbye.

“Allow me, my dear.” Starswirl said as he laid a hand on the gem. “Let all of history know the kind of souls it took to create this gem. And the kind of love it stands for. So long as this gem exists, so too shall your flame.”


2000 years later, present day.

The rain sure is heavy today… Well, why wouldn’t it be? It is that time of year. I just hope this doesn’t complicate my plans. This is the biggest job I’ve ever taken… but the risk is well worth the reward. These were the thoughts that roamed around the lavender haired girl’s grandiose mind as she and her friend raced on to the Capital city, Canterlot. She had been watching the water as it streamed down the window of their train car for several minutes, letting herself sink farther and farther into thought.

“Twilight darling, are you alright?” Her friend finally asked, making the girl break away from the window at long last.

“Hmm? Sorry Rarity, I was a bit distracted.” Twilight replied, putting her hand behind her head as she blushed.

“What were you thinking about?” Rarity asked as she looked out the window into the dark setting of the thunderstorm.

“Will this rain make it harder?” Twilight asked with a chuckle. “I’m just kinda nervous about this.”

“As well you should be, Twilight.” Rarity nodded. “But Princess Celestia has faith in you, so I have no doubt you’ll do expertly.” Rarity lied. It wasn’t a lie in that she thought her friend unable. It was a lie in that despite Twilight’s efforts, it would not change the end result. Not this time. I’m ever so sorry, darling, but it’s high time I had what was rightfully mine.

“Thanks Rarity.” Twilight smiled. “But you’re the expert too.”

“Oh stop it, darling. You’re flattering me.” Rarity giggled. “I know just enough about gems and jewels to be useful. You’re the grand mage here though, Twilight.”

With a chuckle, Twilight pushed her hair back over her ear. “Thanks, Rares. I’m really looking forward to working on some high level magic with you, by the way.”

“As am I, darling. These sort of opportunities don’t come along very often, you know.” Rarity nodded as the train rounded the corner, Canterlot in view even through the rain battering them. “So, we’re meeting up with your mother, correct?” Rarity smiled, thinking of her friend, Twilight Velvet. “Oh it will be so much fun, the three of us spending some quality girl time together this week.”


The next morning saw two bright and ready mages standing in the last place their rivals would ever have actually believed. “And this is it, ladies.” The curator, Mr. James Rodriguez, smiled as he showed the two spell casters the pièce de résistance.

“The Diamond Muffin…” The two ladies gasped as they laid eyes on the jewel. They both scooted up to the glass, almost subconsciously, if it hadn't been for how much they had both wanted this jewel, and for as long as they had thirst for it.

“Yes, it is magnificent.” Mr. Rodriguez chuckled.

“By the gods, it’s beautiful…” Rarity gasped. Ten years. Ten long, bloody years. And now, I’m closer to it than ever. But I can’t nip it just yet. I need to do this carefully. I’ll be sipping mai tais in Haywaii before they ever even think that it was me. I will absolutely rue the day I have to slip away, never to see little Sweetie Belle grow up, but it’s for the best. I’ll be able to send her to any school on Equis with what I pull in from this.

“It really is, isn’t it?” Twilight nodded, never taking her eyes off the prize. You are magnificent, aren’t you little muffin? And my fence is going to give me the rarest stolen Star Swirl scrolls yet when I turn you over to them. All I have to do is sell my part here, and I’m golden. “Commissioned by Queen Platinum Faustia two thousand years ago for her ailing friend, this is the single largest diamond in existence. Weighing in at twelve pounds, with a diameter of seven inches in the base, ten inches in the crown, this forty thousand karat diamond is the oldest remaining relic of the Arch Mage, Clover the Clever…”

“Why is it muffin shaped? Rarity asked, glued to the gem.

“No clue…” Twilight muttered, never taking her eyes off the prize.

“So, I have to ask now, what is your plan?” The curator pried, getting the attention of the two ladies once more.

“Well, I’m going to have Rarity analyze the diamond, and tell me everything I will need to know to perfect the defensive spells. Then, we’ll pool our mana reserves and cast a secret spell.” Twilight nodded.

“Secret, eh?” The curator chided.

“Sorry, darling, but only Twilight and I can know the details.” Rarity frowned convincingly. “We can’t risk anyone knowing exactly what spells are in place. That will be the best defence, is mystery.”

“Right, and after we cast the secret spell, we’ll magically erase our memories, with a disenchantment word only Princess Celestia will know so she can restore our memories when it’s time to deactivate the spells.” Twilight finished.

“Well, it seems you girls really know your stuff.” The curator smiled. “I’ll leave ya too it. Oh, and Twilight, say hello to Shining Armor for me when you get the chance.”

“Will do, James.” Twilight smiled as the curator retreated, granting the ladies privacy. “So, let’s get to work, Rares.”

“Right.” The creamy skinned lady nodded, dropping her bag and pulling out a tuning fork. “First, the resonant frequency.”

“Wait.” Twilight frowned, magically scanning the gem. “Oh, clever…”

“Hmm? What is it, darling?” Rarity asked as she peaked over her friend's shoulder.

“It’s bound in space/ time.” Twilight chuckled. “It can’t be teleported or directly magically handled. In other words, you can’t move it at all with magic.” That is handy to know. So much for plan A then. Guess I’ll just have to go old school and break in.

“Impressive.” Rarity smiled, though inside she was fuming. So that’s what went wrong in Manehatten! Damn it, I should have seen that coming. But at least now I have Twilight here, and all the time in the world to study it.

So the two ladies worked, faking their security work while they both studied, but it was much harder than expected. Rarity accidentally set off an alarm when she try testing the frequency, and had not stopped apologizing for ten minutes after. Twilight on the other hand had done quite well in scanning the enchantments already in place, till she tripped one that reacted to mana scans and made the poor girl almost intoxicated.

“A motion sickness charm?” Rarity huffed as Twilight flopped over, the poor girl's eyes crossed and her stomach churning. “I never would have thought of that.”

“Shut up…” Twilight groaned. “They should have warned me about that. Oh I’m gonna be sick…”

“You’re alright Twilight, just relax.” Rarity assured as she sat down next to her friend. More than her friend in all honesty, Twilight was her only complication. She normally didn’t feel bad about using someone to get her score, but this time? It was her closest friend. It was almost enough for Rarity to feel guilty. Not quite, but almost. “Well ,this will be interesting… We don’t know what has been done to it. We’re flying blind here, darling.”

“We’ll just have to set up spells around the room.” Twilight groaned as one of the security team brought her a potion to eliminate the effects of the charm. After a quick drink that Twilight would rather not repeat, the lady was back to normal, and her brain was buzzing. “Sorry, Rares. It looks like we won’t be in need of your gem magic expertise…”

“Don’t worry, darling.” Rarity chuckled. “I should have known a piece this important would already be well covered indeed.”

"So… do you think we could cast a summoning ring?” Twilight asked at long last.

“A summoning ring? Twilight, what in the blazes are you thinking?” Rarity gasped. “I don’t even know if we can cast a summoning ring, much less one that’s reactionary!”

“Trust me, Rarity.” Twilight smiled, giving the indigo haired mage a wink before she leaned in to whisper to her friend. “Good job, they heard us outside.”

“Oh, sho-” Rarity started, but Twilight quickly silenced her.

“No, this is great. Now, if there are any leaks about a summoning ring, the thieves will either just bolt, or spend precious time trying to dispel a trap that doesn’t exist.”

“Oh, you’re great, Twilight.” Rarity giggled.

“We’re going to cast a portal charm on the case itself.”

“Where will we be sending them, darling?” Rarity asked quietly.

“Where else? The castle dungeons.” Twilight smiled. Rarity was quick to follow the smile, though really she hated the plan. It was very easy for the two of them to cast the charm, but it would be difficult for Rarity to dispel it alone. But, at least she knew about the charm, for now.

So the two ladies took up their spots, as they sat down and let the mana flow through them. Slowly, the two ladies lifted off the floor as the mystic power within them channeled into the glass case. The ladies of the mystic arts drew several runes as they began to float clockwise around the case, chanting all the while.

“Non tetigisse effercio. Non tetigisse effercio.” The ladies chanted, eyes closed as they did. In reality, what they were saying was much less regal than it sounded, actually being along the lines of ‘Don’t touch my stuff.’ It’s said the ancient mages that created the spell really wanted to protect their ham and swiss in the company fridge, and one thing lead to another. Despite it’s humble beginnings though, this spell was certainly a powerful one these days, and a favorite of quantum arcanic studies.

A rush of cold, musky air greeted the pair as the spell set into action, and the link between the case and the Castle’s holding cell became solid. Now came the uncomfortable part.

“For the record, Twilight: I hate memory spells.” Rarity huffed as she wrote her note, just as Twilight did.

“Yeah yeah.” Twilight dismissed, trying to perfectly word her letter to her future self. Something subtle had to break the charm, they both knew that, but what could they use right now that would help?

Something only I would remember, but isn’t glaringly obvious in print, something she won’t get… I don’t want to drag her into this after all... they both mentally recited. But the thoughts of friends worked loose their writers block as both girls gasped in joyous discovery, pens flying as they crafted their notes.

Be careful Twi, you had to do a memory spell. Now keep your head about you, or you’ll end up somewhere else.

Dearest Rarity, stay calm. You had to undergo a memory spell. Just follow the Light, and you’ll make it back to port.

“Don’t panic, dear?” Rarity laughed as she skimmed Twilight’s letter, and paraphrasing her own meaning.

“Listen to Twilight?” The lavender haired lass chuckled. “Do you really think that’s the best idea?”

“You’ve never lead me wrong yet, my dear.” Rarity smiled brightly.


The security team here was really polite. They were fast to move in and help the ladies up, moving them to the office of the curator as he sat them down to let their spinning heads and mystically drained bodies recover. He skimmed the notes, a frown crossing his face as he did so.

End up somewhere else? Follow the light? Oh well, these notes don’t say anything about Summoning Rings, so… “So how are you ladies feeling now?”

“Ow…” Rarity groaned, holding her head as she tried to counter the pressure in her skull.

“Could I get some water?” Twilight asked as she looked to her old friend. “I’m guessing we finished examining the gem?”

“Yes, you two did. And here.” The curator smiled as he handed the lass a bottle of water. “So you remember you were here to examine the jewel, eh?”

“Would you want to wake up in a museum vault with no memory as to why you’re there?” Twilight asked incredulously.

“I’m just teasing, Twilight.” James smiled. “And don’t worry ladies. Lady Star is on her way for you two as we speak.”

“Lady Star?” Rarity groaned as she fought to remember.

“My mom.” Twilight informed. “Thanks, James.”

“It’s my pleasure.” James smiled for the pair. “How long are you staying in town, by the way?”

“Through the exhibit at least.” Twilight nodded.

“Need to.” Rarity groaned, finally contributing something. “In case… just in case.”

“Right.” James smiled. Working along her father, he had known Twilight since birth, and knew how proud the girl was of her magic. Of how protective of her enchantments she could be.

“Sir, Lady Star is here.” One of the guards said over the radio.

“Ah, ladies, let’s get you on your way then.” James smiled as he helped the two ladies up and over to his team to go on home, letters in hand.


“End up somewhere else?” The voice of one of the ladies Star recited, looking over the letter.

“Yeah, mom. I think it means I cast a portal charm, but I can’t be sure…” Twilight groaned, throwing her head back.

“Well, it makes sense.” Twilight Velvet nodded with a chuckle. “Come on baby girl, you never had troubles before.”

“I wasn’t using outside help before either.” Twilight groaned. “I had to be sure I wiped the memory out of Rarity's mind with the spell too.”

“Poor girl, making you suffer.” Velvet cooed as she placed the letter on the table. “Well, she won’t remember anything that could tie you back to it, so I guess it’s worth while.”

“Blugh.” Twilight emphasized. “Why did I need even need to involve a gem expert? I’m almost an archmage for crying out loud! In a week I’ll be the Thief Queen!”

“Oh please Twilight, no one is going to call you that.”

“Stop raining on my parade.”

“Besides, that girly is your alibi.” Velvet laughed. “She’s unknowingly helping you to pull off the heist of a lifetime.”


“In the end baby girl, you’re just guilty that you had to lie to your friend is all.” Velvet said as she sat by her daughter, pulling her over for an affectionate hug. “And she has gotten you farther than ever before. Grandma would be so proud, she never even came this close to the jewel.”

“I feel bad for Rarity though…” Twilight finally said, looking away. “She’s better than this. I feel rotten I had to use her as a… a tool.”

“Don’t worry, honey.” Velvet assured, “Rarity’s a good girl, and a true friend. If you could, I’m sure you would open up to her about everything.”

“Hmm.” Twilight hummed. “Open up? Mom, you’re nuts.”

“No I’m not.” Velvet argued playfully.

“Then does Dad know?”

“Of course not.” Velvet laughed. “He’s a blabber mouth.” The ladies joined in harmonious laughter as about the only family they could be open with enjoyed their talks. But such was the life they had chosen, so very long ago. “So, if you think it’s a portal charm, what’s the hold up?”

“It’s because I’m just guessing. Knowing myself too well is a bit of a problem…” Twilight admitted. “I mean, how can I remember forgotten knowledge if I’m so scripted in what I’d do?”

“Yeah…” Velvet sighed. “I’d have just nipped the damned thing and wiped your friend’s brain.”

“I can’t do that!” Twilight gasped. “I have to wait. The Lady said so.”

“Hmm, yes. Your fence.” Velvet snarled. “Darling, maybe you should look into a different fence from now on?”

“If someone else had the scroll, I would.” Twilight conceded. “Ugh! I need to break this stupid spell!”


“Ugh! I need to break this stupid spell!” Rarity anguished in her room at the Star manor. She had read over her note time and again, but all it basically said was trust Twilight, basically. Trust Twilight? Wait…

You’ve never lead me wrong yet, my dear.

With a gasp as the spell shattered inside her mind, Rarity fell back to her bed, grabbing her head as her eyes watered, her sinuses burned, and her memories most importantly returned. “Ah… Ow…” Rarity gasped, beginning to laugh. “Not what I meant for the clue, but that will work.”

“So, it was a portal charm, eh? Twilight darling, you did not want to make this easy on me, did you?” Rarity lamented as she let the memories flood back in. “Hmm, now to prepare…”


Twilight had spent the rest of the night almost trying to break the charm, but alas, she had outsmarted herself. Her plan to break the charm with paradoxical knowledge failed. Nothing in the bloody letter gave her the clue she had intended. All it basically said was Keep Calm.

“Gah! You would think something in this letter would ring a bell? Something would set it all off!” Twilight growled the next morning while she waited for Rarity to come to breakfast. “How? How could I accidentally outsmart myself? Grr! I should have let Rarity pick the spell? I could never plan for what she’d devise.”

Footsteps sounded down the stairs, letting Twilight know her time of self pity was to be on hold.

“Wonderful morning, darling.” Rarity greeted with a bounce and a smile as she went straight for the fridge.

“Well don’t you sound chipper this morning?” Twilight noted, trying to sound pleasant but just not feeling it. “Feeling better, I take it?”

“Exponentially.” Rarity smiled as she pulled her head out of the ice box and smiled. “It’s wondrous what a good night’s rest will do for you. How are you doing?”

“I’ve felt better.” Twilight admitted.

“I’m sorry to hear that, dear.” Rarity pouted as she set down a rather large breakfast of grapefruit, oatmeal, and enough fruit to make a smoothie.

“Blech. I just feel so… I don’t know… hungover.” Twilight finished lamely, resting her head on her arms.

“Hungover?” Rarity asked with a snort of laughter. “Did you and your mother go out last night? Did I miss something?”

“No, I wish.” Twilight confessed. “Then I wouldn’t feel so damn sick for no reason!”

“Hmph, well I don’t know what to say, darling.” Rarity sighed as she took her seat. “Maybe you should drink some more water.”

“I just wish I knew why I feel so crappy.” Twilight pouted. “I mean, what if I depleated too much magic and weakened my immune system. What if I have pnumonia? Or brochitous?”

“Oh, don’t panic dear.” Rarity lamented with a roll of the eyes.

“Don’t… don’t panic.” Twilight muttered before she grunted in pain, grabbing her head as she took to an almost fetal position.

“Twilight? Are you alright?!” Rarity asked, worried. She was just fooling around, but maybe her friend had a good reason to be worried.

“I’m fine.” Twilight gasped as her memories flooded back into her. How is it Rarity’s comment made more of a memory than my own note? That note was supposed to be flawless! “I just- I just almost threw up is all…”

“Oh you poor dear, let me help you.” Rarity lamented as she grabbed Twilight and helped her to her room. Laying Twilight down, Rarity was beginning to act like a mother more than herself. “How about some water? Or aspirin? Maybe another blanket?”

“I’ll be fine, Rares. Just bring me the bucket from under the sink and a glass of water please?”

“Absolutely. I’ll be right back.” Rarity lamented as she left Twilight to herself. Herself, and her quickly refilling memories.

“Hmm, the motion sickness charm. That’s right…” Twilight almost giggled. She heard the faucet down the hall gurgle to life, and she decided any other planning would have to wait. Rarity was much too caring a friend to leave her alone at a time like this now. But it was alright. After all, she had the next seven days to figure out how to break into the museum, steal the jewel, and get away. It would be cake.


Two days later, and the ladies were now finding excuses to be alone. Twilight found her earlier illness to be quite favorable, and was faking a flu to get her alone time. This freed Rarity from having to come up with a plethora of her own reasons, but still left the times when the lady would have to check on her friend. At first, a tax, but it quickly grew into the time Rarity would use as a break from her workouts.

“Forty eight. Forty nine. Fifty!” Rarity grunted as she pushed herself up off the floor. She was drenched in sweat, but she was just hoping Twilight would be too delirious to notice, poor thing. Rarity would have to take Twilight on a proper vacation after this just to make it up to her. One where Rarity didn’t have to pull off her most complicated heist yet. So she got up and toweled off lightly, using the small break to cross down the hall, knocking on Twilight’s door.

“One… Sec…” Twilight grunted from inside. She sounded awful, on the verge of throwing up again. A second later, Rarity’s fears were confirmed as she heard the tell tale signs. “Come in…”

Rarity slowly cracked the door to finds a sweating Twilight laying on the bed, her trash can full of this morning’s attempt at breakfast. “Oh darling, look at you. Why did you have to get sick on vacation?”

“Just my luck, I guess…” Twilight groaned. “So my brother said someone just appeared in the holding cell last night actually. Can you believe it, a portal charm on the diamond…?”

“Really?” Rarity gasped. So that part was now known. So much for word of-

“Thief was happy, actually. They had heard tales about a summoning ring…” Twilight laughed as Rarity felt her jaw go slack. “Hey, do you- do you think we cast that summoning ring?”

“Oh?” Rarity asked, dragged from her thoughts. “Oh, well it’s possible, isn’t it? That might have something to do with why you’re sick. I know I get sick when I don’t have enough mana.”

“It’s poss-” Twilight moaned but stopped, covering her mouth. Rarity knew the limits of her friend’s, and her own, stomach as she left her friend to her privacy. A lady should never be seen in such acts, after all.

Once the heavy door clicked closed, Twilight let out a large sigh. “I hate having to get back in shape.” The lavender haired girl complained, rolling off the bed. Maybe this time, she would keep up the workouts so she wouldn’t have to torture herself like this every heist. But she doubted it; there was at least three weeks of scrolls coming her way, after all.

So with a determination her friend Dash could be proud of, Twilight took to a hand stand again with her feet on the wall. “One. Two. Three. Four.” Twilight grunted as she pushed up and let herself drop slowly. Five days to turn this husk into a top shelf thief. The lengths I go to for knowledge. Well, knowledge, and the rarest spells in history. I’ll be the Thief Queen when I get my hands on these...


That night saw a surprise though for the girls, as a certain guard dropped by the Manor Star.

“Shining, hey.” Twilight smiled weakly, seeing her brother again. She was pushed beyond her limits right now, which was good. It at least made her look genuinely sick.

“Ah, Captain. I didn’t realize you would be joining us for dinner.” Rarity smiled as Shining made the rounds of hugs for mother, sister, and her lastly.

“Sup Twilly? Hey Rarity.” Shining greeted. “Thought I would since Dad’s outta town for work. Hey Mom, how’s the new novel coming?”

“Oh, just well enough to keep me busy.” Velvet laughed. “Here, come eat.”

“So how’s work?” Twilight asked as the gang all took up seats around the table.

“Busy. Celestia’s running me like she’s a Drill Sergeant.” Shining laughed. “She doesn’t quite get that I’m a, you know, Captain?”

“She has faith in you, dear,” Velvet smiled. “Just as she does your sister.”

“Yeah.” Shining chuckled as he looked to his ailing sibling. “Sucks you had to get sick just when you came to town, Twilly.”

“It happens.” Twilight smiled weakly as she watched everyone else prepare their dinners. The thought of food was most unwelcome for the lavender haired lass, if only because she was pushing herself too hard to actually eat anything.

“So I heard you’re having fun with this museum piece too, Shiny?” Velvet chuckled as she lifted her salad to her lips, still locked in a smirk.

“I hate that rock.” Shining groaned, dropping his bit of potatoes back to the plate. “Every damned time it comes to town, we get all these outrageous thieves!”

“Oh?” Rarity asked innocently.

“Four have been caught so far. Three by the security systems, one that was just teleported into the holding cells.” Shining sighed. “But of course, I’ve heard whispers that both Selina and Felicia are in town looking to make a grab at it.”

“The cat burglars?” Rarity asked. “I’ve heard quite a lot about them working in the fine jewel and high fashion section.”

“Yeah. Rumor has it they’re planning to make a grab before the exhibit closes.” Shining sighed. “And I know there are a ton more that I’ve never even heard of. Ugh, I just wish that damned rock was outta here!”

“Don’t say that.” Velvet chided, making Shining wince. “If it wasn’t for that jewel, Twilight and Rarity wouldn’t have come to town, and I’d be all alone this week.”

“Yeah.” Shining sighed.

“Way to guilt trip me, Mom.” Twilight muttered pitifully.

“It’s what I do.” Velvet smiled.

Twilight smiled at her odd family arrangement she was blessed with right now. On her right, she had her friend whom she knew to be innocent and pure of heart. In front of her was her mother, a veteran thief that had taught Twilight everything she knows. And in front of Rarity, Twilight’s own brother, that knew nothing about anyone’s secret life. It amazed Twilight actually that she had been able to hide herself from the guard’s eye growing up, but her cute babysitter had helped immensely in that respect.

All in all, this was what Twilight loved right before a heist, spending time with those she loved the most. Because if she failed, it would be a very long time till she would be able to again.


That night, as Twilight lay unconscious in her bed, a visitor came to her. An indigo haired beauty, that took a seat on the floor next to Twilight’s bed as she sighed, ready to cry.

“Darling, I’m so sorry.” Rarity whispered in the dark. “I haven’t been fully honest with you. I- I’m a thief, Twilight. And it’s been like that since I was about fifteen years old. I’ve shut away that part of me from view, the greed, the lust, the- the lies… When you asked for my help to examine the gem, I jumped at the chance. I lied to you, and deceived you, and- and- I’m so sorry, Twilight.”

Rarity sobbed as she lay next to Twilight, the girl groaning deeply in her slumber. Rarity had no clue how long she sat there, just absorbed in her thoughts. It felt like years. She wished it was, so that she wouldn’t have to hurt her friend.

“Your family is so close, so loving. You’re lucky dear, you’ve been spared this spindled web of lies I must now make. I promise you now dear, after I sell the jewel and leave the country, I’ll send for you, make it look like you won a fantastic voyage. I won’t get to say goodbye, but I hope you know the good days to come are from a friend that loves you dearly.”

Rarity started to rise, but a soft sigh stole her breath as Twilight rolled over. The girl slept on still, so Rarity felt herself relax. She started to smile, till Twilight spoke.

“Cronos spell…” Twilight groaned in her sleep. “Goddess of… time.” The girl added with a smile. “All mine… soon…”

“Hmm, someone’s a little egotist.” Rarity smiled as she crossed silently out of the room. “Sweet dreams, time goddess.”


“Check check, radios good?” Twilight whispered into her mic.

“Comms good, Sparky.” The chipper voice of a young drake mage replied. “Sync watches in three, two, one.”

Twilight pressed the button on her time piece, making it read the exact same time as her technological support back in Ponyville. She hated that he was so far away for once, but it made it easier. Should she Celestia forbid, get caught,Spike would have enough advanced warning to ‘Get outta Dodge,’ as he liked to say. Twilight smiled as she zipped up her catsuit, marveling at how it made her feel. Powerful, stealthy…

“You still have small boobs.” Velvet chuckled from the door as she watched her daughter.

“Mom! Get out!”

“Oh I remember when your first heist.” Velvet sighed, pulling out her phone to take a photo.

“Don’t you dare, that’s evidence!” Twilight cried as she pulled the blanket off her bed to cover herself.

“Oh don’t be such a spoil sport.” Velvet laughed. “And get ready to see Rarity off.”

“Huh? Where’s Rarity going?” Twilight asked, perplexed.

“Clubbing, I believe.” Velvet sighed. “Ah, to be young again…”

Twilight simply shook her head as she wrapped up in her impromptu costume, heading down the hall to Rarity’s room.

“Rarity’s going out?” Spike asked as Twilight neared the door, making the girl pull out the earpiece and hide it away under the blanket. “There ya go, scatter brain.”

With a knock and a fake cough, Twilight waited for Rarity to answer. She was surprised when a Rarity dressed in lounge pants and a ratty t shirt answered the door, wet hair flopping over her face. “Yes, darling?”

“Heard you’re heading out, wanted to say have fun and don’t drink anything funny now.” Twilight smiled, her sick voice flawless.

“Oh thank you dear.” Rarity sighed as she hugged the bundled up Lady Star. “I promise to have enough fun for the two of us.”

“You’re going to a science lecture afterwards?” Twilight joked as Rarity laughed heartily.

“You’re a riot, dear.” Rarity sighed as she leaned in and kissed Twilight on the cheek.

“What was that for?” Twilight laughed awkwardly, blushing a little bit.

“Being a dork that won’t get to kiss any boys tonight.” Rarity dismissed. “Good night Twilight.”

“See ya tomorrow.” Twilight said as she walked back down the hall. Rarity smiled in case she turned around, but she needn't worry, Twilight was in her own world now.

“Goodbye, Twilight. I’ll miss you most of all.” Rarity sighed.