• Published 3rd Feb 2015
  • 1,393 Views, 21 Comments

The Heist of a Lifetime - Sam Cole

When your best friend is a cat burglar, life can get complicated. Even more so when that makes her your rival for the same prize.

  • ...

Where is my Script? This was not Supposed to Happen!

Chapter 4: Where is my Script? This was not Supposed to Happen!

Two thieves now stood on the roof of one Get Rich, black market art dealer. He was the most likely to have that kind of muscle, after the ladies kept quiet about their own fences.

“Have you ever rappelled before, darling?” Rarity asked as she secured the ropes. Twilight was being very trusting. And Rarity could easily sabotage her here and now, but she didn’t even think about it. As much as she hated to admit it, Rarity was curious about that spell scroll Twilight was hoping to get. The thought of a time spell made her salivate. Maybe Twilight wouldn’t mind sharing her spell if worse came to worse. Or maybe… just maybe, Rarity could talk Twilight into giving it up completely.

“A little bit.” Twilight nodded as she warmed up her hands, covering the digits in mana, warping space around her to hide her face once more. Rarity now felt a little out of her league using a mask. But her mask was iconic, or so she consoled herself. “Ready on three.”


“Two.” Both thieves took off, smiling under their masks as they both had the same idea. Rarity pushed off hard, taking an easy twenty feet in her first bound, She glanced over, and almost lost her footing. Twilight was using her mana to ground herself, running down the wall with the rope as a guide.

“You call that a little bit!?”

“Yeah! I normally fast rope!” Twilight called back, enjoying the feeling of surprising Rarity. She reached her floor, and stopped, letting her magic and the rope keep her close. Rarity was still three bounds away, so she took the chance to peek inside, maybe see the-

“No…” Twilight muttered, letting her magic fade, the rope now holding her exclusively. Rarity noticed this change, and as she caught up she saw why. There, sitting in a chair opposite Get Rich was none other than James Rodriguez, curator of the museum.

“I thought you promised me that gem, Jimmy.”

“How was I to know that girl would summon some crazy demon.” James sighed, wiping his forehead. “That thing teleported out my guys before they could make the swap.”

“So those gentlemen were working for James…” Rarity snorted. “Did he really think two berserkers could take a demon?”

“There was no demon.” Twilight pointed out.

“They don’t know that.” Rarity argued back. She risked a look over to the lady, seeing her face was still just as painful to look at as last time. But Rarity could feel her rage. “Twilight darling?”

“James has worked with my dad for twenty five years. There is no way he’d sell out Daddy like this. Betray him.” Twilight managed through enraged breaths.

“Maybe he has a good reason.” Rarity persisted as the conversation inside continued.

“Oh well, there's always next time.” Get Rich sighed. “I heard from a good source it was a fake.”

“Yeah.” James sighed. “Someone way more powerful than little Twilight had to have come for it. You know who could have had such a thief?”

“The Lady.” Get sighed, shaking his head. “She’s been quite. I think she might have tracked down the new Cheshire.” Rarity looked to Twilight again, but she couldn’t read anything from her face. “By the way James, nice work making sure Night Light was clear.” Nothing about Get’s body language or tone said that he was happy. Or even anything short of murderously furious.

“I don’t want him involved with you.” James sighed. “He’s not in your debt, I am.”

“That guy has ruined more of my deals than the guard!” Get Rich yelled. “You were supposed to make sure he knew not to mess with me!”

“I think you have that backwards.” James grunted as he stood up. “You don’t want to mess with the Star family. They keep demons in their employ. You only keep monsters.”

“You still owe me, James. Or do you want everyone in Canterlot to know that you’ve been buying back the paintings I’ve stolen from you?”

“Please, I’ll pay you back for the art. Just give me more time.” James sighed as he hung his head, leaving the penthouse with a defeated look.

“I’m so sorry James.” Twilight sighed. “Rarity, there’s something I-”

Before Twilight could finish, Rarity shushed her, holding up a glass cutter. “We go on three, darling?”

“On three.”


James was just reaching the street when his phone went off. Digging through his pockets he fumbled to quickly answer the call from the dog that held him captive. “What do you want, Get?”

But the voice that replied was not that of Get Rich. It was a jumbled voice, and it sent chills down James’s back. “Yes, Mr Rich here wanted to let you know that your debt is cleared. If you ever have an issue again, please take it to the police. Buying back stolen art is a messy business, as Mr Rich here is learning, the hard way.” James heard the sounds of wood meeting flesh, knowing just what was going on. “Promise me you’ll be a good boy, James.”

“Thank you. Tha-” The phone went dead as James let out a large sigh. There were angels in this cities underbelly after all.


Rarity continued to plet Get in the stomach with that pool cue she had gotten her hands on, knocking the Spirited around as if he was a pinata.

“Oh this is wonderful stress relief.”

“Please, I’ll give ya whatever you want.” The dealer pleaded, blood coming from his busted teeth and lip. Rarity was actually rather sorry that she missed once and hit him in the face. The next three strike to the face though, she was well over her guilt.

“Do you know who I am?” Twilight asked in her concealed voice.

“Y-You’re that No Face demon, aren’t you?” Rich asked. “I thought you were held by the Star Family?”

“I was, but this beauty here offered me a better deal. Oh, my apologies, this here is Cheshire.” Twilight pointed out Rarity, making her stall.

What is her game? Rarity wondered as Twilight grabbed the dealer, mystically lifting him up so his head was down, at eye level with the seated mage before him.

“You see, we found that little rock was a fake. And I don’t like coming all the way from Hades to just sightsee a fake rock. Not when I have a score to settle with the summoner and the previous owner of said rock. So you’re going to tell me everything you’ve heard about the muffin, now.”

“If I refuse?”

“Then No Face here would love to take you home, darling.” Rarity chuckled as she caught on. “Do you want a new plaything, No Face?”

“It’s been decades since I had a soul to play with.” Twilight chuckled. And Get decided his trousers were now a very convenient restroom.

“I don’t know anything! I thought you had it, But now I can see the new Cheshire is not the kind to be subtle, so I have no clue.” Get pleaded. “Please, spare me.”

“No Face, I think he’s holding out.” Rarity purred.

“No! No, I swear! I got nothing!”

“Who could make that accurate of a forgery?” Rarity asked, stepping in next to her friend.

“Quality Carats.” The Dealer pleaded. “He’s the best jeweler in the city, been making fakes for decades. If anyone made it, it would be him.”

“See, that wasn’t so bad.” Rarity smiled as she walked around her target, taking out his wallet. “Lets see here... Ah, platinum card. Now my little demon here and I will be relieving you of this. But don’t go and plan anything stupid now, darling. After all, we have all the power here, and you wouldn’t want to do anything to make little No Face here use that power over you?”

“Please! I swear on my mother’s second husband’s grave, I won’t tell a soul!” Rich begged as Twilight let him drop. By the time the dealer had worked his way back onto his feet, he found the room now empty, save for him and his full boxers.


Back on the roof, the two thieves sat as they caught their breath. Twilight dropped her disguise to look at Rarity without hurting the poor lady as she cast a smile on the fashionista. “Thank you, Rarity.”

“Of course darling, James is a good man, he doesn’t deserve that.” Rarity dismissed as Twilight chuckled. “Hmm?”

“You’re heart is in the right place, Rarity. That’s a good thing. Not really among thieves, but hey, nobody’s perfect.”

“It’s a sign of weakness.” Rarity corrected with a roll of the eyes.

“It’s only a weakness if you let it get in the way of your payoff.” Twilight offered in rebuttal. “We didn’t let it stop us. We just killed two birds with one stone was all.”

Rarity decided to let the complement roll off her back as she took off her mask, looking at her friend with a serious expression. “Why did you say I was Cheshire?”

“It’s like you said Rares, I look too much like a boy…” Twilight pouted, kicking her legs out over the edge.

“Hey, cheer up.” Rarity smiled, wrapping an arm around her friends shoulders. “You are a very pretty woman.”

“You’re just saying that.” Twilight muttered while she charged up a locator spell, searching for their forger.

“No I’m not, darling. You’re beautiful, Twilight. You don’t see it, but I do. You have that effortless beauty.”

“Aw… Thanks, Rares.” Twilight smiled, laying her head on Rarity’s shoulder. Rarity started to look at the lady, tell her off for getting a little too sappy, until she noticed the locator spell. It’s light, normally forming an incredibly sharp point, was instead pale and eggshaped. It pulsed like a candle threatening to go out.

“You’re tapped out, aren’t you.” Rarity whispered, looking to the lady at last, seeing the sweat on her brow. “Were you actually sick this past week?”

“No, I was training.” Twilight said with a chuckle. “I kinda let myself get outta shape.”

“Ah, you must still be burnt out from tapping into the portal charm…” Rarity nodded, hugging Twilight tight. “I’m sorry, my friend.”

“Me too. We won’t get anything else done tonight with my spells offline. We should find a spot to lay low.”

“Can we make it back to your house?”

“I doubt it…” Twilight muttered sleepily, her eyelids staying shut for a second too long. “I’m too drained…”

“Okay darling, I have a backup plan. Can you access the void again?”

“I’ll try…”


Twenty minutes later, the two mages strode into the hotel lobby. Gilded columns rose to the ceiling, the polished stone floors like mirrors almost. As for the two mages, they looked absolutely stunning, walking through that lobby in those regrettable costumes once more. At least they had a chance to store their tools, but they were still strutting around now dressed like, at best, hookers and at worst, idiots.

“Ladies, this is a respectable establishment. We do not allow visitors of your kind here.” The concierge said with a flip of his nose, looking down on them. “Be gone.”

Rarity took out Rich’s credit card, sliding it across the desk as Twilight fought with all of her strength to stay standing. “We need a room for a party tonight. Monsieur Rich sent us.”

The Concierge placed a hand over the plastic, sliding it off the table without so much as a glance. He rubbed his short white beard for a second, contemplating what to make of these girls. “Which room would Monsieur Rich like for the evening, ladies?”

“Give us whichever penthouse suite is open.” Rarity smiled as Twilight wrapped an arm around her shoulders, hanging off the girl almost drunkenly.

“While we’re at it, we want a call before anyone comes up to the room. We want to look our absolute best for him, after all.” Twilight added with a wink.

“Of course. Shall I let him know you are here?”

“Yes,” Rarity smiled. “Tell him Cheshire and friend are here. And we are ever so grateful.”

As the ladies boarded the elevator, the concierge picked up the receiver, calling the penthouse of Mr Get Rich. “Sir, this is Cosmo Caster of The Stablehill Hotel. Two ladies just checked in here, saying they were sent by you.”

The goon on the other end relayed the message, before coming back. “Names?”

“They simply identified as Cheshire and friend.” There was a silence on the line for the longest time, till the goon came back, finding his voice.

“Give them whatever they want.” The goon finally said.

“Sir, they asked for-”

“Whatever. They. Want.” The goon repeated, hanging up.

“Yes sir.” The concierge nodded. Hanging up the receiver, he chuckled to himself as he scratched his beard. “Those girls are something special. I think I will have to keep an eye on them.”


By the time Rarity got the door open, Twilight was asleep in her arms. The girl was mystically drained like Rarity had never seen, but it was understandable. Rarity didn’t even want to think about how hard it was to rip open a portal charm like Twilight had, let alone warping space like she had been doing all night. Rarity was surprised Twilight was still breathing, as she laid the lady down on the bed. But Rarity was not as gentle as she thought she was, as Twilight roused slightly. “Hey.”

“Get some rest, darling.” Rarity smiled, till Twilight held her hand, making her stop.

“We make a good team, Rares.”

“Yes, we do.” Rarity smiled, letting a small chuckle past her lips.

“I wish we could keep doing this. I like working with you…”

And there it was. That unspoken promise that in the end, they would betray each other. Unless... No, that’s a horrible idea. I would be blacklisted for just thinking about it… But despite all those wonderful points, she went down the path of no return. “There might be a way, darling.” Rarity whispered. “Let me talk to your fence, I’ll see what info I can get. And I promise to be nice.”

“She’ll eat you alive.” Twilight snorted. “It’s suicide to try and talk The Lady out of a deal.”

“Have you not meet me?” Rarity chuckled softly, grabbing the blanket and draping it over her friend. Twilight took her hand again, making Rarity stop once again.

“You make an excellent Cheshire.” Twilight smiled. She pulled lightly on Rarity’s hand, getting the proper lady to lean over closer to her friend. “You gave me something earlier tonight, and I want to return the favor now.”

“What was it I gave you?” Rarity asked softly as Twilight smiled sleepily. Rarity leaned in to hear better, should she whisper it. But instead, she was greeted by a pair of lips on her cheek.

“Be safe, Rarity. De Lis is no pushover.”

“I’ll be careful, darling.” Rarity smiled as she replayed that last sentence in her mind. “De Lis. Fleur De Lis?” But Twilight was already asleep, smiling softly as she slumbered. “I’m about to do something recklessly stupid for you so you’ll help me. Of course I’ll be fine.” Rarity chuckled as she shook her head.

Rarity walked over to the phone, picking it up as she made her call for room service. “Front Desk, this is Cosmo.” The concierge answered.

“Yes, this is Cheshire in 4972. I need some new clothes, if you catch my drift.”

“Of course miss. Shall I send up a tailor?”

“No no, we don’t want to disturb my friend, as I’m sure you know. Just send out a bellhop to the closest department store. All I need is a pair of slacks and a nice sweater, darling.”

“Of course, miss. We will have your outfit prepared in one hour.”

“Perfect darling, thank you.”

Author's Note:

Short chapter, I know. But I hope everyone is having as much fun reading this story as I am writing it. And if not, well too damned bad, I'm gonna keep writing it!