• Published 12th Mar 2015
  • 4,198 Views, 131 Comments

Here Comes the Sun - Eyeswirl the Weirded

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Chapter 9: And I Found Out

"You don't eat meat either?!"

Nervous though she was that Fluttershy was smiling that wide at her, Aria externally kept her cool. "Uh, yea, no, not really a fan. Before you ask, it's not for the 'oh, the precious widdle baby animals,' just, blood and bones and death in my mouth is like, ew." To her relief, Fluttershy looked neither offended nor condescending about either part of the statement, which put her two steps above Sonata.

"That's perfectly understandable. To be honest, I don't mind non-vegetarian diets that much, but any reason at all for not eating animals is fine by me."

Aria felt a corner of her mouth quirk upward. "Cool. Y'know, I tried to get the others to join me with that, 'cuz it's kinda nasty watching someone else do the same thing, but, like..." She shrugged. "Not much luck."

Despite her tiny, 'what can you do?' smile, Fluttershy let out a tiny sigh. "I suppose your people were mostly carnivorous, back in Equestria?"

"Not exactly, just, couldn't get the others to see it my way. Sonata mostly agreed when I described it right (though she still eats meat if it doesn't directly look like plain meat anymore, like if it's ground up or fried), but Adagio just did not give a f-" She hung on the syllable, it striking at the last second that the girl across from her probably came from a really clean, wholesome family. "-ffffishstick...?" That Fluttershy just giggled at her suggested she was used to this, but the reason surprised Aria maybe more than it should have.

"It's okay, I'm used to swears. Sunset in particular used to say them all the time when we were getting to know her." She made what Aria could only call a Disapproving Parent face. "Rainbow is prone to some nasty moments herself, mostly just when her favorite sports teams don't win. Still," she said with soft, warm expression that, were they outside, Aria was convinced would have summoned a cloud of butterflies, small woodland critters, and concentrated rays of sunshine, "thank you for being so considerate."

This had to be a good sign, because Aria certainly felt good about this situation, and that only happened when things were going her way. She'd have made note that the Rainbooms could apparently tolerate pretty big lifestyle differences from each other, but she, Adagio, and even Sonata were already pretty different and more or less got along. In their own way. Most of the time.

It didn't feel like valuable enough information to offer Adagio, was the point, but she was sure she'd get there soon!

"So," Fluttershy urged, "you were telling me about the others' approach to meat?"

"Oh, yea, uh... I actually tried taking a page out of Adagio's book to get her to stop, but, well..."


In her efforts to get Adagio and Sonata to stop eating meat, Aria devised a plan to shock the former into never wanting to taste flesh again. It began with convincing Sonata that the cutesy little critters she never missed a chance to fawn over in games and Japanese cartoons would, in fact, be made of meat in the real world. This was only partly successful, because Sonata's particular brand of Stupid kept her from making that connection so long as the meat she was chewing didn't look like she'd expect meat to look.

It must have been one powerful strain of Stupid, because as long as Aria didn't look at or think about it too hard, she could vaguely forget that Sonata's favorite, post-butcher meals were meat too.

Once Sonata was more or less on board, Aria got her in on the scheme; the two of them preparing dinner together one night. Though Aria didn't enjoy handling meat much more than eating it, she kept it together as they carefully conditioned and seasoned the pork to be just unusual enough to be distinguishable from an ordinary meal. When dinner began, Aria waited until Adagio had cut a piece, and the second she pierced it with her fork, told Adagio that the sample on her plate was meat from a real person!

Adagio popped it into her mouth without a second thought.

With Aria staring in open-mouthed shock, Sonata smiled sheepishly. "...I think she called your bluff, Aria."

Adagio raised an eyebrow, swallowing the pork before speaking. "That was a bluff?"

A long, fearful silence filled the room. Adagio rolled her eyes.

"Oh, don't look at me like that, it's only cannibalism if I eat one of you two." More silence over another mouthful. "And I need you both alive."


Crossing her arms, Aria sighed and looked away. "If that wasn't bad enough, I only got off the hook for lying to her because she actually liked the meal. So, I figured if she didn't mind eating people, nothing was gonna get her to quit." No response. She glanced at Fluttershy to find her curled up into a ball in her seat, shivering and shaking like the Boogeyman himself (who does NOT actually exist!!) was standing behind her.

"Sh-she, would h-have eaten, m-m-meat, f-from-"

"A human being, yea. If it helps, this was a couple years after we got here and none of us thought very highly of your people in general. I mean, I know on the surface, it might seem like everyone is okay, but when you pull back a couple layers, they-"

"I-I know," Fluttershy said with firm conviction even as her voice shook, "trust me, I... I know that part."

Aria stared back at her in genuine surprise, but the little hints of sadness, regret, and even what might have been hardened bitterness blended together to form an expression Aria wouldn't have thought the girl was capable of. That said, the face she was making and the feelings attached to it were probably off-limits, and not just because it wasn't likely that anything useful might come up, so she steered conversation back. "Anyway, that was my attempt to get the others to quit eating animals." She shrugged, going for a good-humored tone. "Not that they were ever grateful."

The stormclouds visibly clearing from her eyes, Fluttershy blinked in confusion. "The, the animals...?"

"Yea. We actually tried to get a pet of our own a couple times in our first decade here, 'cuz it seemed like a thing normal humans did and to be totally honest, it might've been nice having a fuzzball to come home to at the end of the day," the bright, warm grin this got out of Fluttershy made her wish she could warn her what was coming, "but, well... There was never any chance of it working out." As anticipated, this led to a particularly pained frown and the most obvious question.

"Why not?"

"Animals hate us. Always have. Back in Equestria, I figured it was because we were just naturally big and scary, and tiny lizard-brain instict says 'run from that,' but even when we got here, birds, alley cats, peoples' dogs, and even bugs just plain steer clear. Have you ever walked into a pet shop and had everything in there just start freaking out?"

Fluttershy didn't answer out loud, just kind of fixed her with a curious stare. She could almost see the gears moving in Fluttershy's head, pieces shifting and clinking together as she puzzled out an answer. In a slightly surreal moment, Aria could almost sense what Fluttershy was about to do as she stood up, picturing her mouth moving even before she had any idea what she was going to say.

"I-if it's alright with you-"

Okay, could'a predicted that part.

"-would you mind coming with me for a bit?"

Aria raised an eyebrow even as she stood up too. "What for?"

"I just have this hunch. This way, please."


"You sure, uh, Rarity is gonna be fine with us in her room?"

"If we were just random party guests, probably not," Fluttershy answered as she shut the door behind them, "but I'm sure she'll understand if I explain." She cleared her throat. "Opal?"


Out from under the huge, cushy-looking bed came a big, white, fluffy cat wearing a purple bow on its head and a purple collar studded with what might have been real jewels.


Giggling, Fluttershy knelt down to scoop her up, the cat making no expression as it was presented with its limbs idly dangling. "This is Opalessence, but we usually call her Opal. Say hi, Opal!"


"Uh," Aria managed, still not having taken another step inward from the door, "hi." She tensed when Flutttershy stepped closer with the cat, and not just because she knew the feet was where the legendarily painful, sharp parts were. "Whatareyoudoing?"

"I-I think it'll be okay," Fluttershy said through a hopeful smile as she continued to advance, arms loaded up with slightly bemused fur, "look, she isn't even fidgeting!"

It was true, the cat continued to hang there passively, but the last time one of them got close to a cat...

Well, at least Sonata made herself useful by proving that their injuries healed pretty fast. Didn't even leave scars!

Unfortunately, she doubted Fluttershy had the same thing going, raising her palms along with her voice. "That thing is gonna claw the shit outta you to get away and your friends will blame me, put it down!"

Fluttershy stopped, a hurt little twinge on her face making Aria worry that the damage was already done. "O-okay." As requested, she lowered Opal to the floor, contrition on her face by the time Aria could see it again. "I'm sorry, but, I've had this feeling, since the three of you walked in tonight."

The worst possible outcome averted, Aria tried and failed to clamp down on an exasperated sigh. "And what would th-"

She jumped with a start when she felt something rubbing her leg, looking down to see the cat brushing its face against her. Frozen in place, she didn't even realize she'd stopped breathing as it looked up at her.


Knowing exactly what it looked like when a cat just didn't like someone, Fluttershy smiled. "The first time we saw the thr-"


"I think she li-"


"P-please, stay calm..."

Stepping closer for a better look at Aria's face, Fluttershy decided that her theory could wait a little longer as she picked up Opal again, cradling the cat in her arms and taking a step back. This seemed to help Aria get a grip on the situation again as she stared back in shock.

"...That's... never... happened..."

"As I was saying," giggled Fluttershy, "the first time we saw the three of you, you had this... feeling to you, like there was something big and scary just behind you, but impossible to see. When you came in with Sunset tonight, I didn't get that feeling at all." Aria just blinked at her very slowly, to which she responded with a shrug and a sheepish little smile. "Th-that's how I see it, anyway."

Aria could only manage a dumb nod as she focused on the cat. The cat that would, from what she just saw, not spaz out and cut anyone to ribbons if she got closer. So she did.

One step. No reaction from the cat.

Another. Nothing.

Another. It looked up at her like it was bored.


Slowly, as though afraid she would lose a finger, Aria dared reach out to touch its head, stopping when the cat looked up to sniff her fingers. After a short, tense (for Aria, anyway) moment, Opal apparently deemed them acceptable, brushed the side of her face against a fingertip, and resumed sitting there like a fluffy, pampered sack of potatoes.

And then, for the first time in her life, Aria pet a kitty.

Artist's rendition:


Meanwhile, in Rarity's dressing room, Sonata felt no need to make use of the little dividey-wall thing. Taking your clothes off was fine if there was nobody of the opposite sex or any cops around, so she dropped her skirt before Rarity had even shut the door.

When she turned around, Rarity blinked, then chuckled. "Well, you're certainly eag-... Uh. Sonata, Darling, were you intending to go swimming in this weather?"

"Huh? Oh! Nah," she said while stripping off her shirt, revealing a bikini top that matched her briefs, "I just wear a swimsuit for undies."

"...May I ask why?"

"Sure thing!"

There was a long pause before Rarity clued in that she was expected to formally ask the question. "Why are you wearing a bikini instead of underwear?"

"Easy, I figured out the system! If your clothes fall off in public, people point and laugh because they can see your underwear, when you don't wear any, they point and laugh because you're naked."

Rarity nodded, still perplexed.

"Eventually it hit me that when you go to the beach or a pool, everyone's in stuff that looks like underwear, but isn't, and no one gets embarrassed at all." She beamed with pride. "So if my skirt falls down again, nobody'll mind because I'm wearing a swimsuit!"

Piecing together the logic through an awkward silence, during which Sonata's smile didn't waver in the slightest, Rarity could at least see where she was coming from. "R-right, yes, that... makes so much sense."

"I know, right? Can you believe Aria and Dagi still wear normal underpants? They'll totally look ridiculous if we ever get strip-searched again!"

That day was pretty embarrassing, for her and Aria. Adagio being told several times to stop teasing the guards and making poses while she waited did not help.

"Y-yes, well," Rarity said with a slightly forced smile, "what say we get on with this, hm?"

Note to self: Pinkie Pie Principle applies to Sonata Dusk.

"So," she continued, "I was thinking we'd start with something simple..."


To Rarity's relief, Sonata proved much easier to find a style for than Adagio had, though she paused in indecision when considering what to do with her hair. The long, white sweater whose sleeves stopped just at her knuckles paired with a short, florescent pink, pleated skirt and red, shiny, knee-high boots made for an adorable, but still subtly flirtatious look that Sonata visibly approved of, given how long it took for her to tire of spinning around in front of the full-body mirror.

Her standard ponytail, however, left something to be desired. That something was not provided by having her wear her hair down, but the vision of Sonata with a french braid struck like lightning, and within minutes, Sonata was seated just as Adagio had been.

"While I've got you here," Rarity asked cautiously, the bulk of her focus on keeping Sonata's dark-blue stripe to its own separate braid, "any... interesting stories to tell?"

"Umm... Well, there was the time I got this big rash on my-"

"Not like that," a wrinkle-nosed Rarity quickly interrupted, "I mean in terms of love lives, Darling."


"Well, Adagio already told me a bit about hers."

Glancing over her shoulder, Sonata chuckled. "Heard about the stalkers, huh?"

Rarity stopped braiding. "The what?"

Sonata quickly faced forward again. "Well, if ya already know about hers, Aria's is just sad, so I'm going with mine."

A veritable wildfire of curiosity lit in regard to that second part, Rarity forced herself to focus on the braiding. She'd get her chance, Aria was up after they were done here, but the trick would be getting her to say a peep about it. She resumed braiding as Sonata spoke.

"I kept off all that stuff for the first like, three years 'cuz I thought we'd just be going back soon, but then we were still here and it turned out I had to learn how to do all the human seduction stuff Dagi'd been picking up pretty much since day one. She's a pretty good teacher, so it didn't take all that long, and in less than a month, I was getting people to carry stuff and buy me things with the best of 'em!"

Rarity ignored the odd little pang of guilt that stirred in her chest. "And, this aided your search in romantic partners?"

"...Kinda? I mean, I thought about the whole dating thing, but part of Dagi's lessons was sex-ed stuff, and I always got sorta freaked out thinking about what kinda scary, mutant, half-fish babies I might make, 'cuz like, what if we're still fishy on the inside, y'know?"

"Somehow, I suspect that's not a danger."

"W-well, that was my reason!" It totally wasn't just because people always saw her as a dim-witted kid sister, no matter what Aria said! "Anyway, I didn't really score a ton of dates," she smiled brightly, "but luckily, this world has all kinds'a ways to masturbate!"

Rarity froze, her jaw dropped and her entire head burning. Somehow, this was worse than Adagio's... interest in her.

Sonata, not noticing this, started listing off on her fingers. "There's electric-"

That was as far as she got before Rarity tightly gripped her shoulders. "Wh-why don't we leave this talk for another day, hm?"

Confused, Sonata looked over her shoulder, eyebrow upraised. "But you're the one who wanted to talk about-"

"Something else entirely, Darling, what I had in mind was more, err... well, still intimate, just, involving other people."


She dared feel relief and even hope when Sonata seemed to understand. Then the girl smiled.

"Okay, let's talk about your weird rashes!"

It could prove to be a very long night.

Author's Note:

Fluttershy is pretty much my go-to for when a unique perspective is called for; someone to notice something the rest of the cast might never see by themselves, especially if it's something you're more likely to see from a calm, quiet place.

Sonata driving Rarity up the wall, however, is just one of those things that speaks to me for no cohesive reason, but I suspect it has something to do with Rarity working as a pseudo-Adagio that doesn't know how to crack the whip and put her foot down.
And yes, I have ideas about how Pinkie and Adagio might interact (based on the specific interpretations of both, of course), but can't promise there'll be room for it in this part of this story.
Maybe once the new-year party is over?