• Published 12th Mar 2015
  • 4,198 Views, 131 Comments

Here Comes the Sun - Eyeswirl the Weirded

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Chapter 4: I Think You'll Understand

In the week following the sunburn incident, the sirens had learned a few things. One of them was that clothing needed to be cleaned after a while, and that there were special machines with which to do that. Luckily, someone was around to explain to them that getting inside the machines themselves with the clothing they hoped to cleanse was not only a terrible idea, but not necessary. Not wanting to risk a stray policeman showing up while they were performing this task, Adagio opted to wear her swimsuit instead of waiting around in the nude, Aria and Sonata following her example. However, the three still turned heads as they waited for their clothes to be processed. After the first twenty minutes, Adagio was persuaded that maybe they didn't need to find and practice seduction methods at every opportunity, even if tight, revealing outfits were all they had at the moment.

Err, n-not to interrupt or nothin', but didn't y'all say this were about yer first time with a TV? Think we got enough struttin' around half-naked last time...

Yea, yea, I'm getting there, but this is what happened first.

To 'remedy' their state of legal undress, however hesitantly, Adagio suggested that they head to the mall while their garments were being cleaned to pick up more. Ignoring sounds of screeching tires and breaking glass as they walked down the street this time, they spent a few hours finding outfits they liked and ultimately deciding on a kind of uniform for maintaining a low profile; jeans and light hoodies. Later that afternoon, they were back in the hotel room, new clothes and clean clothes left in a large collection of bags in one corner of the room.

Aria scratched her head. "So, where do we keep stuff here? Might not be long before we run out of room."

Adagio visibly puzzled. The hotel room was spacious, but still quite finite. "It's possible we won't need more than this, but if so, we may eventually need to relocate to somewhere more-"

They were startled by an utterly alien sound from behind them, like something being scratched with no sort of claw they'd ever seen. Whipping around, the two witnessed Sonata sitting on the bed closest to a glowing box on the dresser.

"Sonata," inquired Adagio, "what are you doing? What is that thing?"

"I dunno," she called over her shoulder, "but whatever it is, it talks when you push the little button. I don't think it can hear it when you talk back, though."

Sharing a quick look, Aria and Adagio shrugged, taking a seat by Sonata to observe the strange little window. It was indeed capable of speech, along with projecting images into their minds somehow. Perhaps it worked like a scrying pearl, showing events that took place elsewhere? Whatever it was, the three of them observed this Talking Visualizer, TV for short, for the better part of an hour before Adagio started to smile in her usual way.

Sonata smiled too, though with fewer teeth. "Ooh, plan time?"

Their leader chuckled darkly. "Something like that, yes. These creatures have left us with the means by which to understand their little world. How many instructive sessions popped up in between the theater acts, just in the time we've been watching?"

"Twelve," answered Sonata.

"Twelve or so an hour, then... We need only exploit the available information to learn just what we need to do to make this world ours." She raised a hand to form it into a fist, one of many such actions the trio had found themselves doing just because it felt right. "And that we'll know just how to twist these people with knowledge gained through their own networks will make it all the sweeter!"

Starting with Adagio, the group laughed, Aria and Sonata sounding nothing like conspirators in a nefarious plot.

And so they sat, waiting for what they learned from a smart-assed sitcom character's comments were called commercials. The ones that came up were between arcane and utterly baffling at first, but the sirens would not be dissuaded! After just another hour, Aria got curious about the buttons on the side of the box and learned that you could push them to make the TV show a different line of acts and commercials, that at any given time, at least one was bound to be on commercial. They started doing that, so as to absorb more information sooner instead of waiting for old people to win money or products by spinning large, number-adorned discs.

"So," tried Aria, attempting to condense what the group had witnessed, "they've got magic in this world, but mainly in the form of cleaning equipment and snack foods?"

"That can't be right," Adagio said with a hand on her chin, "I'm sure this will all start to make sense sooner or later."

Another hour later...

Sonata giggled. "If all these two-dimensional animals are trying to get people to buy stuff by doing our thing, they're total amateurs!"

Aria and Adagio giggled too.

Two more hours later...

"So like," pondered Aria, "do they make kids' toys based on cartoons, or do they make cartoons based on kids' toys? And, how does any of it matter?"

Adagio continued to wrack her brain trying to make sense of it.

Two MORE hours later...

Aria and Sonata yawned at the same time. "Okay," said the latter, "I don't get any of... this."

Aria couldn't even think to form words, rubbing her bloodshot eyes.

"I'm not giving up," said Adagio with a quiet snarl, "there must be something we can use in all this. What sense does it make to keep a broadcasting service active at all times and use it for nothing of value?!"

"I dunno, but I'm hitting the roc-err, bed." Realizing her hindquarters were already parked on a bed, Sonata scooted over to where the pillows were. "Night!"

Aria dragged herself to more or less the same position on the next bed over, losing consciousness the moment she flopped down.

Three more hours later...

Light and sound from the screen roused Sonata from her slumber. The first thing she noticed was that even from the back, their leader was looking... frazzled. "Um, D-Dagi?" She kept her voice down. For reasons. "Are you sure you don't wanna... y'know... sleep?"

Adagio didn't turn to look at her, the only reply a short, incomprehensible series of noises that sounded a little like swears.

Sonata promptly rolled right back over and pretended to have never woken, seriously wondering if going to her usual source of comfort the next time she had a nightmare was such a hot idea.

Seven hours later...

Morning had come, and while Aria and Sonata were feeling refreshed, they stood for the longest time in indecision. Adagio was sitting exactly where she had been the previous night, her red eyes wide and unblinking, her face pale, and her expression a mix of determination and quiet rage.

Sonata played with the tip of her ponytail. "Should we like... do something?"

"Sure," Aria replied with crossed arms, "you first."

Scowling a little at her jellyfish companion, Sonata decided to show she had a few more vertebrae. She tip-toed (a few more vertebrae) over to the TV and pushed the off button, waiting for some manner of outburst from Adagio. None came. Stepping closer to her, Sonata tried not to let the erratic state of her ordinarily welcoming, fluffy curls get to her. "D...D-Dagi? You okay?"

There was no reply.

Sonata forced a smile, opting to try an old hatchery rhyme to cheer her up. "C-c'mon, Dagi. Swim Swiminey, Swim Swiminey, Swim-Swim-Sweree; a flipper's as lucky, as lucky, can be!"

Adagio continued to sit still for a long minute, perfectly silent, then jumped up. In reflection, mention of swimming may have been what pushed her over the edge.

Swim Swiminey, Swim Swiminey, Swim-Swim-Sweree;
Those stupid words never made sense to me!
But after all this time, they fill me with glee,
compared to commericials, it's music to me!

Aria and Sonata spared each other a quick glance before smiling and taking their places behind Adagio, who had begun a dance of emphatic exasperation. The two of them playing back-up singers to her breakdown for as long as it lasted would probably make her feel better.

These damn advertisements, I don't understand,
the ones that made sense, I can count on one hand!
These humans are crazy, how is it they cope?
With magical bald men to sell them their soap?!
(Magical bald men to sell them their soap!)

Since yesterday evening, I had but one plan;
to use television to learn what I can!
This method seemed solid, so I had been sure,
but these advertisements, I cannot endure!

In my quest for power, I've hit a brick wall,
there's nothing to gain from commercials at all!
So much useless knowledge in my head obtrudes,
I already knew places I could find food!
(She already knew places she could find food!)

There's cereal, and burgers, and colorful snacks,
a wonder more people don't have heart attacks!
But that's what they're pushing, all day and all night,
"Stuff your face with this," is the most common sight!

One thousand brand names now stuck in my brain,
Each one is a tumor that causes me pain!
If I see one more talking animal toon,
so help me, I'll punch someone straight to the moon!
(We hope that she won't punch us straight to the moon!)

The last seventeen hours were all for naught,
my rear has gone numb and my eyes are blood-shot!
So many things could have been done with that time,
like learning the fiddle, or organized crime.

I could have gone skiing on a downhill street,
with oil on the road, and snack trays on my feet,
or danced in the town square without any clothes,
and told that damn cop to shove it up his nose!
(She'd tell that damn cop to shove it up his nose!)

To make up for this mess now here's what I'll do;
I'll hunt them all down for what they've put me through!
I'm talking about those who control all these ads,
the corporate fat-cats who sell food and fads!
I'll string them up sideways and tear out their eyes,
the rest of the pain will then come by surprise!
Like when I practice heel-kicks with my spiked shoes,
or when I stuff their mouths full of hooks, nails, and screws!
(You know Dagi, sometimes we worry 'bout you!)

Adagio stood with her shoulders slumped, visibly and audibly tired.

I've spent so much time here, just trying to learn,
how this world we're in works, and what makes it turn.
What is it I'm missing? Are there some magic words?

She scowled, clenching both fists and shouting.

Or do all these people have the brains of birds?!
The words might as well be Swim-Swiminey Sweree!
(Those words all could be Swim-Swiminey Sweree!)

The musical rant complete, Adagio dropped her dance pose, breathed deeply, and turned to look at Aria and Sonata, her eyes still red, but considerably less manic. Without a word, she reached out and pulled the two of them into a hug, which they might have returned, however hesitantly, if not for their arms essentially being pinned as both of their faces were buried in soft fluff over her shoulders. She held them for about ten seconds, then shambled over to the nearest bed, flopping down much like Aria had.


While she was too embarrassed to say it, Sunset had an idea of how Adagio must have felt following her ordeal with television. I only tried for six hours that first time, but still... She wondered if consolatory action would do Adagio any good now, so many years later. Maybe it would be worth trying what the girls had done for her? Hugging did make her feel a little better about some of her struggles when she'd told them, but she couldn't remember how they got her into those positions in a way that it didn't feel forced or awkward. She bet Twilight would know how to do that, but she'd left the book at home.

The eight girls and a few vaguely interested people nearby sat in silence for the better part of a minute before Applejack spoke up. "She has a psychotic episode an' yer solution is to cheerfully join in?"

"Yep," confirmed Aria, "usually works out."

"Except for when it doesn't," amended Sonata.

"Well, yea, but the tree took the fall for us that time." The two of them got some decidedly odd looks. "Don't get me started." And yet more before Aria rolled her eyes. "Look, there aren't enough hours in the day. Just know that that week ended with Adagio feeling better at the cost of a tree coming down."

As it was only a few hours from midnight, what she said was likely true on both accounts.

"It's not much wonder she snapped, is it?" Rainbow looked like she had just watched someone going through root canal. "Seventeen hours of commercials? In the eighties?" She and a few others glanced over to where Adagio was still fiddling with the equipment for Flash's band, though it wasn't clear what she was doing.

Closing the box and looking up with a toss of her hair, she chuckled. "Job's done. You can thank me later." Without another word, she moved to return to her spot by the others, a triumphant little grin on her face.

The members of Flashdrive, however, felt uneasy. Ringo turned to the teal-haired boy. "Y'know, some guys would try to fix it themselves, some would try to replace what was busted, some would just stick it out, come hell or high water. Our guy? Walks up to three magical psychopaths and asks their boss for a favor. Balls of steel, man."

Flash rolled his eyes. "She volunteered, and despite what they did a while back, those three really aren't that scary."

Ringo grinned. "Says the guy who dated She-Demon Shimmer "

"Shut up."

Not interrupting whatever story Sonata was in the middle of, Adagio kept her victorious little smile all the way back to her seat, only a little surprised and annoyed not to hear a word of congratulation from any of the party-goers. That was fine, though, she knew enough about this little game to not directly ask to be acknowledged, that would be-

Sunset Shimmer was whispering to her. "-ounds like everything's working over there. Good job!"

Turning to look her in the eye, Adagio detected no sign of mockery or disingenuousness, Sunset offering a high-five and a little smile. She smiled too, touching her hand to Sunset's for an instant.

In that split-second of contact, Sunset felt a jolt run through her entire body, her heart racing, her skin tingling, and she was pretty sure some of her hair was standing up. Her face burned, Adagio looking back at her in what she dared dream might have been concern.

"Is something wrong?"

Oh, nothing, I just realized that I really must be madly in love with you. Sunset forced a smile. Badly. "I-I, n-no, hi."

Adagio blinked slowly. "...Hi?"


"...Yes, hello."

Aria leaned closer to Adagio. "How many shocks did you get from the fusebox this time?"

Rolling her eyes, Adagio sighed quietly. "Just one."

Aria chuckled, not noticing Sunset's bewildered expression.


And then it made sense. Adagio had been screwing with electrical equipment before she touched Sunset. While she didn't seem bothered by it, her efforts apparently hadn't been flawless. Feeling like a bigger idiot than at just about any other point in her life, Sunset was grateful the others seemed too wrapped up in Sonata's story to notice her trying to use her own hair as camouflage.

"The plane didn't crash or anything, but that's the only time we ever tried to fly one." She giggled. "They had some questions for us at the landing place, and that's the first time we got strip-sea-"

A red-tinted Aria loudly cut her off. "HEY, I think the band's about ready to play!" The Rainbooms' giggling said she was maybe a second too late. Still, she was saved from any further discussion of that caper by a short boy-band performance.

Author's Note:

I looked up some 80's commercials. That was the jist of it.

My time spent with act 1 of Changing Tune taught me that if I were to detail everything that happened in a story with actual scenes, not just a few paragraphs of Tell with as much comedic suggestion as I can stuff into them, I'd well and truly never get anywhere with these things.