• Published 12th Mar 2015
  • 4,196 Views, 131 Comments

Here Comes the Sun - Eyeswirl the Weirded

  • ...

Chapter 10: Yesterday Came Suddenly

There's probably some kind of rule to this...

That was the thought that had Adagio paralyzed where she stood, a hand on her chin as she looked over the snack table. She hadn't eaten since lunch and wouldn't mind a bite, but couldn't shake the feeling that she'd be doing something wrong if she took anything from the pristine, fully-stocked snack table. That feeling, of course, made no sense, because Pinkie running off to replenish this table's contents meant that people had to have been taking things. To say nothing of letting all of this food go to waste.

Unless she was lying, the table remaining untouched since we got here and it was just an excuse to step away and work on something in secret, but that doesn't make sense either because Sonata went looking for this table earlier, and she'd definitely help herself before asking whether there were rules or not.

Pinkie's story checked out. Maybe Adagio had just gotten here mere moments after the table had been refilled and the responsible Rainbooms left to do something else? This time, she heard the footsteps behind her just a second before the voice.

"I'd go for the donuts, they're probably still warm!"

"That means the icin's still warm too, Rainbow," twanged what Adagio guessed to be the only southern voice in CHS, barring the girl's immediate family, "it'd get all over her fingers."

Adagio turned to face them, finding Rainbow to be wearing a shiny, silvery top hat as she grinned.

"Then they're finger-lickin' good!" She chuckled in response to the dull glare Applejack gave her for this, which smelled of an inside joke, before looking to Adagio. "But if you're worried about dripping stuff on your clothes, I'm pretty sure the cookies are finger-gunk free."

Deciding against asking about snack table rules, she quickly grabbed a cookie. "Hello again. What have you two been up to?" She took a bite while waiting for their answer, making a note that the chocolate chips were still warm and gooey.

"I just got out of a song with Pinkie," Rainbow replied while indicating her hat, "and ran into AJ on the way back."

"Ah ain't been doin' much," shrugged Applejack, "just wanderin', talkin' to people, waitin' fer the new year." She glanced around the room. "Ain't seen Aria 'er Sonata since we was all sittin' together, though, they go home?"

"Sonata should be with Rarity, but I admit I haven't seen Aria in a while either." Angling for any reason to talk to one of these six, she kept a casual tone while idly glancing around the room. "I suppose, for people who don't need to sabotage parties for a dark harvest, staying together isn't a priority?"

For a moment, the looks on their faces made her fear that neither understood a word of that question, but it seemed that they were just remembering whom they were speaking to as Rainbow scratched her head.

"Everybody does kinda wander and do whatever, now that'cha mention it." She smiled. "But that's what makes it a party!"

Making a show of raising an eyebrow and tilting her head, Adagio raised the cookie to her mouth again, taking another bite after asking "Do tell?"

This seemed to genuinely confuse Rainbow again. "Uh... Haven't you guys, like, been to parties? For fun, I mean?"

"They have, but even had I not kept my involvement professional, I doubt the three of us would have gone about it as you girls do." She smiled a little. "Got any pointers?"

As she popped the rest of the cookie into her mouth, Rainbow and Applejack shared a glance.

"Well," the farmer offered, "what do you wanna do? What'dja have in mind when ya agreed to come over?"

"Nothing, really," she answered with a light shrug, "Sunset found us sitting on a park bench and suggested that coming here might be more fun."

"Oh." Smiling, she thumbed over her shoulder. "Trixie's gettin' a little group together to tell ghost stories in another room, wanna join in?"

It wasn't likely that she'd get anything useful out of teenagers trying to scare each other, but the chance existed that, once the first speaker's tales ran dry, someone else would be urged to share. That seemed like her best shot right now, so Adagio shrugged and made an 'after you' motion with an arm, following the two Rainbooms to a room with a closed door. When Rainbow opened it, she immediately stepped in, emitting a cry of alarm that was immediately answered with several more. A male voice was heard from within.

"Yeesh, that's some timing!"

Rainbow sounded annoyed. "What's with this sheet hanging in front of the door?!"

Trixie responded in kind. "It's to preserve the ambiance, now get in here or get lost!"

Seeing Applejack shake her head, an amused smile on her lips, Adagio followed her in and they closed the door, minding the bedsheet in the now-darkened room. In front of them was a small circle of seats, occupied by Trixie Lulamoon, Octavia Melody, Sandalwood, and Cherry Crash, the only source of light being a phone with a fireplace app (complete with flickering light and the occasional crackling noise) pointed at the ceiling as it rested on a little table in the middle.

"Come, coooome," urged Trixie with slow, theatrical arm-motions, "come and be regaled with..." her voice dropped to a menacing whisper, "tales, of the Spirit World!"

A pause followed as the three newcomers carefully found unoccupied chairs and were seated, Rainbow being the first to break it. "Like what?"

"Few people know this," Trixie continued as though she were the host of a paranormal investigation show, "but Canterlot is rife with ghostly activity and supernatural happenings..."

"Uh, we all know that," Cherry cut in, "there've been two of 'em at our school."

"Not those," Trixie hissed, momentarily breaking character, "far older stories, some as old as the town itself! Beware, ye homeowners, for hauntings are especially common in our sleepy little town. The first was said to be the ghost of a barber, who went mad when all of his trimming scissors broke on the same day."

Adagio coughed.

"Now he stalks the mall by night, chasing after intruders with jagged, rusty scissors!" This didn't win any heart-felt shows of fright, beyond Octavia's mild trembling, but she was kind of a chicken and this was just the warm-up act anyway, so she went on. "Many more are said to have lost their minds under mysterious circumstances, or been influenced by forces beyond their understanding! One such incident is said to have occurred by the city docks; over a dozen people finding themselves there, lured by unknown forces for unknown purposes, a mystery to this-..." Dropping the theater voice entirely, Trixie raised an eyebrow. "Why are you raising your hand?"

Visibly uncomfortable even in the dim lighting, Adagio avoided meeting anyone's eyes. "I don't know about the barber becoming a ghost, but those last two might have been me." She was surprised that even the two Rainbooms responded with confusion. "Aria, Sonata, and I have difficulties getting our hair cut and I once organized a small band of people to work at the docks to earn money for cell phones, with my usual method at the time." They kept staring at her. She shrugged. "It was an extremely rare instance in which we had more power than money, so..."

Trixie scratched her head. "Huh. Well," she said while switching back into her Drama Club narration, "another tale comes to us from these very suburbs, mere meters from houses just like this one... Many years ago, night-going citizens of Canterlot are said to have witnessed a strange figure roaming these streets." The pause was only meant for dramatic effect, but she felt beads of sweat forming on her own forehead as Adagio visibly scanned her memory. "Some claimed to see only a shadow moving down the sidewalk, but others shared sightings of a pale woman with long, black hair, humming an eerie tune as-"

"Hey Adagio," Cherry Crash rudely interrupted with a playful grin, "you ever dyed your hair black?"

Even though she had been half-expecting a question like that, Adagio still felt a faint blush as the rest of the room joined Trixie in staring straight at her. Averting her eyes as best she could in that situation, she idly twirled a lock of hair around a finger. "...For about two years, yes."

There were giggles over the sound of Trixie deflating, Applejack scratching her head. "You dyed yer hair?"

"As I said, our hair can be difficult to deal with, so all of us have tried new looks over the years."

"And," Rainbow asked with a hint of concern, unknowingly cutting Adagio's hope of asking all present about their own hair-related experiences short, "walked around in the middle of the night singing to yourself?"

"Not recreationally." She only got more odd looks for this, so she opted to spell it out. "It was part of a plan; we saw a few movies featuring beautiful, but monstrous women, I agreed to play the part, we put together a simple costume, and the hope was that after just a few nightly strolls, there would be enough fear and panic in the populace to bring us a feast."

"I thought your thing was arguments?"

"Negative energy takes many forms, Rainbow Dash, and if enough of a fervor had been whipped up, we might have been able to feed on the whole city at once." There was a pause. Noting that those around her seemed more afraid after that sentence than at any point during Trixie's stories, she shrugged. "For better or worse, it didn't really get that far, the people of this world not taking nocturnal horrors as seriously as they did in Equestria. If anything, they treated our 'wandering woman' routine like a game with which to frighten each other, not unlike..." She took a slow look around the dimly-lit room, the fireplace app still flickering in the middle. "...exactly what we're doing now. I haven't kept an eye on what that became, but I wouldn't be surprised if this very tendency had evolved our little pranks around town into stories of their own."

Octavia's curiosity just barely won out over fear. "P-pranks?"

"It started with Sonata carving 'thanks for letting me out' on the inside of a closet door in an old house of ours. Then came a series of pictures, taken during Aria's brief fascination with photography in the early nineties, that were just wrong enough as to evoke feelings of unease in the viewer." She chuckled. "It's funny what camera angle and a little lighting can do, but I'm not sure if hiding those images all around a house actually went anywhere."

She would have gone into a little more detail, but the last thing they needed was legal trouble, even all these years later. Thankfully, no one asked how they did what they did, Trixie more interested in what.

"You three were behind the phantom abductions?!" Moot point for her electric-campfire ghost story session though it was now, the raised eyebrow told her that Adagio hadn't heard this one before. "The old photos showing the last things people saw before they were taken by the cursed house, anyone who finds one sure to be dragged off to the underworld by-"

"Just a bunch of pictures, Trixie." She idly inspected her nails. "Unless something else happened to move into that house after, I suppose." The perturbed noises drew her attention back up to the group, most of whom she found looking back at her with considerable discomfort.

"Haha," a slightly paler Sandalwood forced out, along with a smile, "good one!"

Her head cocked as she looked at Adagio, Trixie crossed her arms. "So, the night lady legend was you pulling Scooby Doo antics?"

"It wasn't about real estate or buried treasure for us, but essentially, yes."

"The many cases of people acting weird around town are from you three brainwashing people for stuff other than arguments?"

"Honestly, they don't seem to need our help with that one."

"The creepy stuff people find in houses was just a bunch of pranks?"

"Pranks with a purpose, but yes." Adagio smiled. "My favorite was when we got hold of a shiny, new chainsaw, cut some of my hair off (still black from the 'night lady' caper), wrapped it around some extra-large scissors, wrote a vaguely-worded note implying that an ill fate would befall anyone who touched the scissors, then left the scissors on top of the note in the bottom of an otherwise empty drawer."

Rainbow snickered. "Nice!"

Turning away with a huff, Trixie scowled. "This town really is boring."

Again, as though fearing the answer, Octavia tentatively spoke up. "What about the Tantabus House?"

Adagio tilted her head in confusion. "The what?"

There came an uneasy pause. Cherry Crash dared press on.

"Like, the most haunted house in the city? Spooky old place owned by a blood-crazed serial killer back in like the fifties?"

"Hm..." An old, familiar part of her savored the anticipation and dread in the room, almost disappointed that all she could pay it off with was a shrug. "Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Another heavy silence. Octavia turned to Trixie, keeping her voice as quiet as she could while remaining audible.

"Does that mean that one is real?"


"WELP," announced Sandalwood as he hopped to his feet, "think that's enough sitting around in the dark for a while, later!"

"Yea," muttered Cherry as she got up to follow him out, "gonna just, go somewhere, not be alone for a few weeks..."

Octavia didn't say anything as she too vacated the room, but she was definitely quicker about it than the rest.

"Hah," chuckled Trixie as she got up to flick the lights on and pocket her phone from the table, "that actually went better than usual. The fear factor definitely took a hit, but I've never gotten people to actually run out of the room before! Thanks for the back-up, Dazzle."

"Hm?" She was startled by Rainbow clapping her on the shoulder.

"Yea! Trixie's stories are always lame-" an indignant scoff was ignored completely, "-but this was actually kinda spooky!"

"We should see if we can find Sunset," chuckled Applejack as she straightened her hat, "bet it'd be a load off her mind to hear 'bout some'a this."

"Any clue where she is?"

"Nah, but it ain't that big a house. Let's get to it!"

Only once the two (and Trixie) were gone did it occur to Adagio that she likely could have just followed them without issue or need for explanation. Possibly offering her direct knowledge of the ghost stories' origins to earn a little trust while she was at it.

Note to self; Sunset Shimmer may or may not have a particular fear of the supernatural. That didn't come up when we were looking into this school.

Regardless, as Applejack said, it wasn't exactly a mansion, so she was sure that, bar Rarity, whose location she more or less knew anyway, she could find any of the Rainbooms if she just went looking for them. Admittedly, her focus right now was returning to the snack table.

Further note to self; quit forgetting meals, you dolt!!

She was just as likely to meet a Rainboom there, right? Perhaps then, she could revise the plan; embrace the tendency they had to get her to talk and make note of exactly how they did so shortly afterward. This instance with the ghost stories had been straightforward, her speaking up in the hope of speeding things along (it was getting close to midnight), them asking about events in which she was directly involved, but perhaps the next would show her something new.

Maybe Aria is at the snack table as well, she thought as she too vacated the little room, she must have picked up something since we split up...


Though most of her attention was on the cat curled up and purring on her stomach as she lay on Rarity's bed, Aria could still manage conversation. "You've seriously been expecting some kinda payback this whole time even though it's you guys who hold all the cards?"

Sitting next to her, Fluttershy wasn't quite convinced. "If you really wanted, I don't think any of you would have needed magic to hurt us."

"Okay. And then what?"

"Um... you'd have, revenge?"

"And all your minions mad at us, especially if we got all of you, minus Twilight Sparkle, who'd be her own can of worms to deal with. Then it'd be a coin-toss between grabbing what we could and running or figuring out where that portal was and taking our chances in Equestria without magic, and because I know you don't really know just what that means, imagine what coming to this world with no cash or magic would be like."

While she disagreed with the word 'minions,' Fluttershy could understand how Aria might see the rest of CHS that way. Instead, she focused on the last part. "I-I might actually have some idea." She smiled a little as Aria glanced at her in confusion. "Sunset told us that when she first arrived here, she would have been in a lot of trouble if she hadn't run into Flash Sentry in the first few days."

Of course, it was Sunset's choice to go leaping into strange portals in the first place and not immediately return when she figured out her horn was missing, but according to her, she'd been too full of pride and hurt feelings to go back before it closed.

Aria chuckled. "He helped her get on her feet, huh? I'm kinda glad for her, because figuring stuff out on our own sucked." Well, mostly. The occasional fun discovery, like air-conditioning and chocolate, made some days brighter than others. Returning to the previous topic, she shrugged. "But yea, if you're really worried about us getting payback, Sonata's the one you should talk to."


"Yup." She contented herself with lightly scratching under the cat's chin, which was met with fuzzy enthusiasm, but another glance at Fluttershy showed confusion, so she kept talking. "You probably expected me to say 'talk to Adagio,' but like... well, there was this one time Sonata had trouble with some ants..."


Aria came home one day to find a very sad-looking Sonata staring at a soaking wet, partially-melted, jumbo-sized chocolate bar in the kitchen sink. Pretty sure she wouldn't be blamed and thus responsible for cleaning up the mess, she stepped close enough for a better look.

"Ain't that the thing you nabbed the last time we went to an amusement park?"

Not looking away from her ruined prize, Sonata's eyebrows knitted. "Ants got to it. I tried to wash 'em off, but now the chocolate's all tap-watery."

Turning to walk away, Aria rolled her eyes. "That's what happens when you leave food out, dumbass."

Little did she know what simmered in the easy-bake oven of Sonata's mind.


"Wait a minute, I thought you said even bugs wouldn't go near the three of you."

"They don't have to be near us if we're not near the food they're after."



The next day, she found Adagio standing by a window, looking out at the porch. Coming closer and brushing her hair out of the way for a peek, she dared ask.

"What's in that bag?"

Adagio answered without looking away. "Chocolate-coated ants, I think. She said something about 'tracking where they came from' when I found her crawling around the kitchen floor this morning."

They observed silently as Sonata, looking down at the grass, smiled widely and upended the bag over a particular spot in the lawn. Not for the first time, the two let their crossed arms and raised eyebrows speak for them when she came back inside. She answered with a smile.

"I found the ants that ate my big ol' candy bar, so I went out, got a bag of choco-ants, and poured 'em all over the anthill!"

The other two sirens shared a glance, then looked back at her, but she didn't seem to pick up the question this time.

"I'm gonna go boil some water now, later!"

And back to the kitchen she went. Aria and Adagio shared another look, silently agreed it wouldn't be worth the headache, and hoped she didn't set the house on fire this time.


"Th-this time?"

"It only happened once, but it didn't burn that long and we didn't really like that house anyway."

"Uh... okay. What happened next?"

"Well, a couple hours later..."


A cold fear seeped into Aria's bones when she found Adagio at the window again, because this time, their fits-of-borderline-psychosis-prone leader was giggling to herself.

Never a good sign!

She dared come closer, doing her best to keep a level tone. She failed miserably. "H-hey, Dagi?"

It did not make her feel better that the only reaction was to make a 'come hither' motion with one hand, Adagio not looking away from the window as she brushed her hair out of the way so Aria could see. Tentatively obeying the implied command, Aria stepped forward to see Sonata outside, this time wearing oven mitts on both hands as she carried a large, steaming jug out to that spot on the lawn.

"It's the melted remains of her chocolate bar," Adagio startled Aria by explaining with a sadistic grin, "and now that most of the colony is outside, eating the chocolate ants she poured earlier..."

They watched as Sonata carefully poured the scalding-hot, melted chocolate over the same spot, cackling maniacally. Even from where they stood, they could hear her.

"Ya like chocolate?! WELL HOW DO YA LIKE DAT CHOCOLATE?!"

This alone had Adagio laughing for hours, but Aria was worried she'd well and truly lost her mind after Sonata enacted the final phase of her plan that evening; drilling a hole right where the hill was when the chocolate had cooled, sticking a huge, lit firecracker in the hole, lighting the fuse, getting some distance, and dancing with glee as her vengeance was served in a chocolatey explosion of red, white, and blue.


"So, to re-cap: Ants ate her chocolate, so she worked out where they lived, got them to eat fellow ants by pouring chocolate-covered ones all over the place, poured extremely hot chocolate over those ants to cook them alive as they unwittingly engaged in cannibalism, and blew up the hill with fireworks. Adagio was cracking up about it for days, jokingly, I hope, saying that while she'd take care of making the world adore us and all that, we should let Sonata come up with any future revenge plans." She shrugged. "So, again, if you're still worried we might try to 'get back at you,' ask Sonata, not me."

Not that Aria was complaining as she gently stroked Opal, but it took a few minutes for Fluttershy to get her thoughts together and form a reply. Maybe that was hard to do when she was all pale and wide-eyed like that.

Distantly ashamed for it though she was, Fluttershy couldn't focus on those poor ants at that moment, but the lives of her friends were definitely more important. "...Did, d-did she say anything about us after the battle?"

Aria chuckled. "Nah, she was bummed out like me and Adagio, 'cuz even she knew there was nothing we could really do after that."

Somehow, despite her relief, Fluttershy didn't feel any better. She couldn't think of anything to say before Aria went on.

"If ya ask me, Sonata's revenge depends more on how easy it is to pull off than weight of the offense anyway. There've been times people seriously pissed us off and she did nothing, times we were barely slighted and she-" Aria's eyes widened for a split second, "-err, did, things thatIprobablyshouldn'ttalkaboutforlegalreasons..."

Fluttershy blinked twice.

Aria cleared her throat. "And like, she hasn't really come after me and I've given her more grief than anyone over the years. Maybe that's because she gives me grief just by existing most of the time, plus the fact that if one of us ever seriously hurt the other, Adagio'd kill us both." At this, Fluttershy gave her the saddest look yet, and that was actually saying something from this girl.

"Is it really painful for the three of you to be together?"

Opal hopped off as Aria quickly sat up. "What?! No! It's just, not everyone can be all rainbow-sunshine-superfriends like you guys all the time!"

Something clicked in Fluttershy's head, drawing a tiny smile. "We aren't like that all the time. Did you hear about the Anon-A-Miss incident?" The look on Aria's face said she had definitely forgotten about it. "And, long before that, like Adagio said, we were arguing even though we weren't under your influence, so, I don't know if anyone can be-" she tried very hard not to giggle, "-rainbow-sunshine-superfriends all the time, but has your group been that way even once?"

Looking away, Aria crossed her arms. "Well, not really, but-"

Fluttershy knew what was going to happen next, but just as with Sunset, she felt it had to be done. She had probably kept Aria away from everyone else for too long anyway, so she just asked.

"Have you ever wanted to?"

Truth be told, the hesitation just before Aria's vague, stuttery reply was all the answer she needed, but Fluttershy didn't interrupt as Aria rapidly fumbled sentence fragments before getting too flustered to continue, getting off the bed, and saying she needed some air as she left the room. Alone, Fluttershy idly pet Opal a little more. She wasn't sure about the others, but for her, pushing the sirens toward friendship (or at least, a brighter, warmer version than what they currently had) was deliberate.

It was also very manipulative.

It wasn't evil in Fluttershy's mind, because she was doing it in the hope of those she was pushing living much happier lives, but she couldn't deny that it wasn't completely honest, either. It wasn't as though she was leading anyone toward false conclusions, just not being as forthcoming as she could be while (hopefully) helping them to realize what they may have already known.

Adagio's words from earlier still echoed in her head.

"I don't know how you think our magic used to work, but we never influenced anyone's behavior to do what they'd have never done otherwise. Every argument, every harsh word, every thrown punch, every clapping pair of hands... all of it was there before they heard us sing. Our voices, in performance just as much as in inhibition-nullifying magic, just brought it all to the surface."

The way Fluttershy saw it, this was like that; she was bringing existing feelings closer to the surface, only with positive energy this time! She was sure the sirens would understand, and if everything worked out, maybe she and Adagio could even work together at this, if it ever seemed necessary.

Provided Fluttershy could conquer her fear of Adagio first. And Sonata.

"Seriously," she wondered to herself as she gently lifted Opal into the air, cute little feet dangling and tail lightly swishing back and forth, "who knew Aria would turn out to be the least intimidating one?"



Braiding Sonata's hair had gone well, after Rarity managed to convince her that she had no 'weird rashes' to discuss. She wasn't sure exactly how it had happened, but in trying various other topics to divert Sonata's attention from her worrying focus on various forms of sickness and injury, they had somehow returned not only to the subject of love lives, but of the romantic kind.

Mostly. Rarity would take it at this point. They continued the talk as Sonata tried on hats.

"So like, almost every one that didn't just drop me and try to get into Aria or Adagio's pants turned out to be some sorta freako, like the guy with the candy van or the one that only ever wanted to hang out near graveyards, which just gave me more reason to play with Buzz and Woody!"

"I-I see."

Rarity had lucked into the knowledge that if she just didn't say anything about Sonata's... alternatives to human contact, she would move right along.

"I guess it kinda doesn't matter, though, because even when I found a nice one, I ended up breaking it off because there was always that little 'but what if I go back to Equestria,' in the back of my head, y'know?"

Handing Sonata the fireman's helmet (just to see how it fit with the boots), Rarity nodded. "I can't say Twilight's relationship with Flash is in good standing at the moment."

"Totally!" She faced the mirror to turn back and forth with the helmet on her head. Shiny! "Even if I kept him, what would he turn into over there? What if he's not sea-worthy? Or what if he's something super tiny like a breezie? How would I get it on with a breezie?!"

"I'm, sure I don't know, Darling."

"But, I guess, since we're pretty sure we're here for good now, maybe I could take another crack at it some time?"

When Sonata took off the helmet, Rarity passed her a green beanie. "You haven't tried since the last time we saw you?"

Sonata frowned, which did nothing to bring out the beanie's full potential. "Nnnah... we were kinda... down about stuff for a while, y'know?"

Rarity smiled in sympathy. "Of course." She had learned the hard way not to equate torn stitches or stained fabrics to personal tragedies that others dealt with, opting to say nothing further this time.

Suddenly, Sonata brightened. "But like, it's gotta be getting better, because tonight's the most fun I've had in months!"

The smile widened. "Oh?"

"I don't even remember the last time we went out and like, did something! It's been like there was this big, heavy blanket of what's-the-freakin'-point over our heads and now we're taking a little peek out, and there's colors!"

I shouldn't feel guilty. They didn't ask us for help, they ran off! Of course, Sunset didn't exactly 'ask' either, she was, essentially, assigned to us.

Her father had once told her that sometimes terrible things happen without it being anyone's 'fault,' that no matter what anyone was doing or meant to do at the time, there were unfortunate accidents. The sirens spending these last so many months feeling empty and hopeless, Rarity believed, wasn't something anyone wanted, but it definitely happened, and now that they were here, the only thing to do was help them out of it. From the looks of things, they were more or less ready to heal by now, so the only thing to do was help them to it!

"Well," she replied with a grin, "you're all more than welcome to join us in 'doing stuff' in the future."

At this, Sonata timidly looked over her shoulder, staring wide-eyed as a rosy blush spread over her face.

Immediately seeing where it was going this time, Rarity wasn't able to completely avoid tinting red herself as she responded in complete deadpan. "Not like that, Darling."

"But you keep calling me 'Darling.'"

"I call everyone that!"

Amazed, Sonata's eyes widened even further. "...You really get around, huh?"


The thought again occurred to her that unfortunate accidents happened.

Author's Note:

Trixie is such a fun character. :pinkiehappy:

I was tempted to allude to people losing their memories for no apparent reason (Wallflower), but this story was started long before Forgotten Friendship and I still don't plan to include anything post Rainbow Rocks, so it wasn't going to pay off if I did. Plus, I'm already doing that in another story.

Comments ( 3 )

Amazed, Sonata's eyes widened even further. "...You really get around, huh?"

This is an amazing line.

Always good to see you update. Had to reread a little to get back int o the swing of this one.
I love the idea that the Sirens are behind 90% of the urban legends in town.

"Th-this time?"
"It only happened once, but it didn't burn that long and we didn't really like that house anyway."

Hey, look, Sucker For a Cute Face continuity overlap.
It really is. Why is Rarity so shippable with Sirens? There's this and Chapter 6, which are both gold.

Jeez, does this town have any mysteries left anymore?
Also good to know that out of all th Sirens it's Aria Blaze who is the SAFEST to date. At least you KNOW what to be careful about with her.

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