• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 209: Day of the Father


"Ay! Kah!"

"Pow! Hah! Hi-yah!"


Punch! Block! Swing! Uppercut!

"Hi-yah! Dad - kah! - are these fighting noises - oof! Pawah! - necessary?"

Jab! Riposte! Swerve! Kick!

"Tahah! Spike, if there's one - koo! Pawah! - thing I learned from Jason David Frank - leh! Yah! Taa! - it's that exaggerated fight sounds - umpuh! yataha! - always add flavour!"

Which wasn't far from the truth, and from the look of the wide, enjoyable grin on the dragons' face, he didn't disagree. Another sparring lesson going extraordinarily well; Spike progressing much faster in regards to physical combat and prowess that I would have had originally anticipated. While finding it somewhat difficult to percieve and counter my own moves, the young dragon made every attempt, taking every advantage to stay on the offensive the moment I 'allowed' him to see a chink in my armour.

But most importantly of all, we were having fun. Just as the timer ran out, signalling with its own loud exaggerated noises to inform us that part of the training was over, for today. The pair of us dropping our guards, stepping back from another and assuming a humble, respected bow between student and teacher.

Son and father. The grin could not be wiped away from my face even if Twilight and Starlight combined their magic to try so.

"You're getting better at deflection and putting more emphasis in your footwork." Was what I had to say first, nodding towards the pleased dragon, whose ego I immediately deflated by the following criticism straight afterwards. "But you still twitch wildly and throw your arms out when I make the slightest movement. Caution is good, but you need to be relaxed; assume confidence, rather than let your opponent think you're easily on the edge and can be fooled. Fool THEM."

Accepting the observation, Spike nodded once in resolve. "Got it! Relax, and don't let my foe think I'm easy to frighten."

Something like that, but I'll take it for now. Onto the next lesson! By my own magic, I rewound the timer by the table of the dining room; chairs and other decor moved neatly aside so we could practice without breaking anything.

Potentially, at least.

"Now then!" Spike straightened, endearingly so, ready to continue and train to be the best damn dragon Twilight Warrior possible. Pride washed my heart from the eagerness, I nodded with a low smirk. "Second session for the next fifteen minutes: Xiaolin Showdown moves... Go!"

The timer set, and we were screaming out ridiculous attack names as we flew around the place. Half of which was training.

"Jumping Tiger!"

"Rooster Calling Sun!"

"Mosquito Climbing Tree!"

"Leopard Strike!"

"Monkey Strike!"

"Reposte The Monkey!"

"Grasshopper Doing Dog Paddle!"

"Cheetah At Rest!"

Half having the time of our lives. Our grins exchanged with every playful, heartfelt clash between us as he bounced across the interior.

"Spell Eating Dirt!"

"Peacock Fanning Feathers!"

"Stardust Strike!"

"Repel The- Hey, that's not even a valid move!"

"It is now, son!"


Over already? [BEEP] time flies, the pair of us halting midair and descending on the ground in surprised ache, gazing over towards the bemused alicorn responsible for quickening the timer to its conclusion. And judging by the feelings of our bond, it was for a good cause.

Apprehension and anxiety. Oh dear, what's wrong on this nice day, I wonder?

Despite her inward disposition, Twilight smiled warmly to Spike, motivating in effort to make him scarce. "Spike, don't you have that thank-you pillow to give to Smolder?"

"Oh!" Our son nodded with zeal, straightening himself yet again to give a humble bow my way, hope shining on his fangs and signature. "Same time tomorrow? I think I'm ready for the more adavanced flying moves now that Smolder taught me how to use these babies properly." Flexing his tiny purple, most recent appendages for emphasis.

Shrugging, I pat the kid's shoulder, beaming down with humoured affection. "Sure thing son." That approval was all I needed, for Spike to happily fly out of the room with impressive control. My eyes rolling to the lavender mare with a coy smirk and a joking remark, "Are we gonna have our own tiny Rainbow Dash now? I knew she was a bad influence from the start!"

Twilight, unsurprisingly, chuckled. Playfully admonishing. "Even if you didn't approve, I still wouldn't let you ban him from seeing her."

"Aww curses." Came my bemoan of faux melanchony. "I honestly believed Zephyr Breeze would be a far more suitable rolemodel." One look to each other... Before we bursted out in snorts and giggles, the lighthearted banter performing its trick on soothing Twilight's anxious feelings. But before we got to that, I had to inquire with a flat, amused brow. "Thank-you pillow, also?"

"He's a dragon of many talents." She shrugged in turn, but the pride shone in her beautiful voice and sparkling violet orbs. "It's a nice gesture for the help Smolder gave where I couldn't."

"...Who's Smolder? I'm kidding I'm kidding!" My grin stretched in good humour by Twilight's unimpressed stare, waving his own hoofs in good nature. "I'm making an effort to remember their names love, I promise."

Then both her brows raised. "Hmm, I'll hold you to that." Twilight said with full expectancy in spite of the contrasting loving smile, before, predicably, getting to the heart of whatever's bothering her. "But now that we're talking about it." Gaze shifting towards the open doorway our wonderful child departed from. "Jack, do you think Spike's nurtering has affected his growth as a dragon?"

Where was this coming from now?

"Well, we know he's more softer and compassionate than most of his kind, and that's not a bad thing-"

A purple hoof raised to, politely, cut me off. "While I fully agree that we've raised Spike to be the best kindhearted dragon he can be - and hopefully it will leave an impact on the more aggressive part of his species - that's not what I was referring to... Sort of."

I folded my wings, waiting. Twilight eventually sighed, turning fully my way with sparkling eyes reflecting their own solemn acknowledgement.

"After realizing today that Spike could fly better, not because I could teach him, but because Smolder can, I worry that his growth through pony society has affected his natural growth and hinders his capabilities. Given how lacking I was back then in dragon knowledge when Spike only just hatched from his egg, I spent all my life assuming he'd grow and be strong as any dragon naturally."

"But now you have doubts, because Spike needed a fellow of his kind to teach him something essential only dragons could do."

Twilight nodded slowly by my right guessing. Eyes slightly downcast. "It's not that I want to hinder him... Our son... But still, the possibility I'm intefering with his natural growth feels as though I'm being a burden to his future..."

Oh that was not true at all. Frankly, I wouldn't stand for that, completely unacceptable. Reassurance time, effective immediately!

In answer, my right gold wing extended, the tip of a feather gently brushing beneath Twilight's furry chin, raising it upwards for eye contact to be maintained. Our horns lightly touched as I leaned in closer, smiling with kind confidence and working to put these concerns of hers to rest.

"You were, have and always will be a fantastic mother to him, Twilight; the mother he needs. Just because he had to learn something only another dragon could teach him, doesn't mean you're burdening him, and he'd tell you so too." Tilting my head slightly, what I followed that along with had my Princess smiling with gratified agreement. "One day, he'll go out to make his own life. We've done our best, and all we can do is offer our support when he needs us both. Until then, let's keep being there for him here."

Well, in all honesty, Twilight's done her best more than I have. I've missed out like eighty-five percent of the boy's life so far-

"Oh hush you." Twilight, now playing the UNO reverse card, refused to have me mentally give most of the credit towards her alone. The breathtaking, gorgeous alicorn embracing my chest, and I gladly welcomed and returned. "Your contributions have been and are just as important..."

Her smile was felt, against my furry soft chest, and through our invincible bond. My own grin widened in turn, kissing atop the perfect horn and hair, murmuring in gentle relaxation. "Dragon or not, Spike is ours, and nothing will change that."

"Right. It's not as if a random dragon will suddenly crach like a meteor into Ponyville claiming to be Spike's real parent." Hah! Yeah that would be a [BEEP]ing coincidence- Oof! "Don't even curse in your thoughts, honey."

Nope. Nope nope nope nope, nopitty nope nope. [BEEP] any of that, I bolted out of the throne room faster than Pinkie being suggested a sugar diet. Got better things to do than what the Hell they were doing just then.

Let's see- Aha!

The closet!

Without further ado, I shoved myself right into the modestly tight interior and slammed the door shut, letting near-darkness occupy my vision for the time before until all was said and done out there.

Only, I wasn't alone. My hazel eyes glancing incredulously to the pink unicorn taking up her side of the small closet. "You too?"

Starlight smiled wryly. "I'm not as into helping strange dragons as the rest of ours friends. I gather you're the same?"

"A fat, obnoxious [BEEP] dragon who is so obviously exaggerating his injuries? Yeah, I'd sooner leap out my bedroom window."

"A little harsh, Stardust." The lilac-eyed mare shook her head, but her signature brimmed with amusement, muzzle twitching in a knowing, exasperated smirk. "Figures, though, only the two of us could tell he's faking how severe his wounds are. I love them, Stardust, but our friends can be so..."


"Mmm I was going to say 'oblivious.'"

I blinked, deadpan. "What's the difference?"

She cocked her head. "I suppose that's fair." Letting silence occupy this admittedly awkward moment. On the bright side, at least the closet wasn't TOO tight.

So what's happening out there? Err large adult dragon crashed in Ponyville right before Spike's feet, causing a small crater, I've heard. Spike, ever the kind-hearted soul given by his adopted mother, brought the wounded fellow creature back to the castle so we could examine the newcomer's injuries and hopefully help him recover.

'Course, I was like '[BEEP] that' and made a break for it ASAP. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against helping strangers if they're in trouble, but with the way this dragon carried himself, not to mention the shining display of greed and oppotunity in his heart, evidently informed me this stranger enjoyed taking advantage and letting others do things for him.

Obviously, I wasn't going to play ball. If my friends and fiance wanted to be so gullible, let them. Sometimes these things shouldn't even need to be pointed out.

Just wish Spike wasn't on the forefront of helping this gluttonous reptile out...

The silence, then, was disrupted. Courtesy of Starlight Glimmer, then suddenly chuckling into her pale pink hoof, finding something humorous. Blinking, I regarded the mare curiously, whom clarified between small bouts of giggles. "Sorry, just recalling the extent of how our new 'friend' expressed his injuries." Taking on a funny, deep impression while clutching her other front limb. "'Owwwww my legs!'"


I snorted, unable to help my own laughter at the memory. "Yeah that was... Pretty bad." Doing my own impersonation of the newcomer in kind, playfully yelping. "'Oooh the pain! The deep frying pain!'"

"'Ow, my precious wings! Can somepony please massage them?'"

"'My tail, would someone polish it? I need that to feel better!' Hahahahahaha!"


Next couple of hours were spent hiding in that closet mocking the dude's exaggerations and just asking how our days have been going. You know, passing the time. Starlight even teleported to and from the kitchen for snacks; it was obvious Spike wasn't going to cook tonight.

Imagine our lack of surprise upon realizing over half the food stock was already absent.

Eventually, the stuffiness and warmth of the tight room generated from our combined body heat got too much, thus we exited the small space back into the more open hallway. Breathing in relief as our furry bodies began cooling down; it was both a blessing and curse Twilight had never heard of radiators-

"There you both are!"

And speak of the Princess!

Starlight and I gazed wryly towards the trotting lavender alicorn, whom beamed excitedly for some reason. Even more, her heart was pulsating with lingering surprise and eagerness. What, was Celestia popping around for another visit?

"What's up Twilight?" Starlight inquired, also taking note of her mentor's quivering body. "You seem... Zealous?"

"With good reason! Something wonderful just happened!"

"You found a lost quill?" I asked in dry humour, Starlight jokingly nudging my side.

Rolling her violet eyes in good fondness, Twilight maintained her great enthusiasm. "Even better: We've found Spike's father!"


"But I'm right here love?"

Yet the Princess shook her head, adding with emphasis. "No, his real, biological father! He was Sledge all along!"




Starlight and I could only look at each other, then back to the grinning Twilight, as the news rapidly sunk in, calling out together.


"Your mother was the best dragon I'd ever met. The Dragon Lord even picked her to scout for the Great Migration, and-and even though she just laid your egg, we knew she'd have to go."

So here we were, listening to this 'father's' tale of woe, lounging on one of the thrones as he expressed his oh tragic backstory. Seriously, as though exaggerating his injuries weren't enough-

A jab to my side from Twilight.

"But finding the migration route could take a lifetime, and you deserved the chance to know your mother. So I went looking for her, carrying your egg to places no dragon - or pony - has ever been!"

Oh? Do tell.

"Past Mount Aris, the abandoned home of the Hippogriffs."

Didn't even need to point out the obvious on that part, Pinkie saved me the trouble. "Oooo! Did you visit Klungetown?"

Sledge looked more than perplexed, pointing dubiously. "You've been to Klungetown?"

Which everyone replied in the affirmative, myself with a shrug, as Twilight took the lead, "Also, the Hippogriffs returned to Mount Aris after we helped them defeat the Storm King!"

My smirk was evident. "'We?'"

"Hush dear."

"Oh, uh, well, have you heard of the Land of the Scale Collectors?" The fat [BEEP]hole tried a new tactic of impressing his audience. So when Twilight answered in the negative, Sledge happily provided with smug satisfaction, turning to the entrhalled Spike, "Because that's where your mother's trail led."

Here we go. Seems I wasn't the only one less enthused hearing this hogwash, if Starlight's shared glance in my direction from the doorframe was of any indication.

"To a prison world of Dragon Hunters, where I was forced to choose between surrendering myself, or surrendering your egg!" This is borderline fanfiction edgy backstory of a character related to one of the main cast at this point, but please continue. I'm just DYING to know. "Of course, there was no way I was gonna sacrifice my boy! So they took me instead, and that's where I've been ever since."

...That was terribly anticlimatic.

But there was more. "Locked up somewhere not even the Princess of Friendship has heard of."

Good grief. Yet Spike seemed awed by this 'backstory.' "Whoa!" And then, reality sunk in. "How did you know I was a boy?"

Fluttershy followed that up, "Whatever happened to Spike's Mom?"

Aided by Rainbow's inquiry, "And, how did the egg make it all the way back to Equestria by itself?"

Starlight then pitched in, perking an incredulous brow, "Why didn't they just take Spike's egg and raise him to be their loyal dragon hunting servant? It's what I would have done." Suspectible by many bewildered glances, to which the unicorn sheepishly added, "Just saying."

"I'm just proud of you all." Was all I had to contribute. Good on them for picking out the holes in this obvious fairytale. However, Sledge was not going to give up easily, it appeared.

Making himself more a dramatist. "I wish I had all the answers!" Literally crying on the surface of the formerly clean table, and I had half a mind to point out he was ruining his 'son's' hard work cleaning the surface this morning.

But Twilight wouldn't approve, so I held my tongue... For now.

"Well, that's all in the past. All that matters now it that we're together." Spike, none the wiser. But I didn't have the heart to say anything. "And we're gonna make up for lost time!"


The second the reunited father and son left - ignoring that pang in my chest - and our friends parted, I whirled on the spot, facing the alicorn whom was folding up some tests for the school. "You didn't seriously believe he was that greatly injured, right?"

Twilight snorted, shasking her head with a coy smile. "Of course we didn't. We were just humoring him the whole time; dragons are notrious for exaggerating anything to get what they want." Huh. Exasperated violet eyes cast in my general direction. "Have a little more faith, Jack. We're not as gullible as we're use to be."

"...No comment."

Huffing in playful affection, the Princess continued with her work on the throne, focusing but adding to the conversation further. "As for his story, well... I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, as you should." Before I could even open my muzzle- "For Spike's sake."

Oh, that was a blow. Cocking my head with dubious wryness, moving to my own chair and leaning forward, glancing to the doors the two dragons had departed to start spending precious time together. Twilight knew of my suspicions better than anyone - next to Starswirl because he never respected my privacy - so I didn't need to say anything when Twilight then proceeded on the subject.

"Spike has always secretly wondered about his origins, and it wouldn't be fair for us to judge Sledge solely by the merits of his, admittedly, tardiness." The makings of a teasing, pointed smile. "In some ways, he reminds me of a certain Earth Pony I met long ago."

Letting that sink in for a moment, I failed to see the humour of where Twilight was coming from. Righteously frowning as I rebutted, "I don't take advantage of you or Spike."

Violet met hazel. "I never said that." Twilight reassured, but keeping that soft smile. "All I'm asking is that you give him a chance. This is an oppotunity for Spike to get in touch more with that we couldn't give him, and we, as his adopted parents, shouldn't get in the way." Adding with a lower tone of kind solemness. "Spike wants this more than anything, Jack."

With that, she returned to writing the tests, and I was left to lean back in my seat, stewing over these events. True, I didn't really believe that dragon was who he claimed to be; his story made no sense, there was no identifiable signature connection between him and Spike through Balance...

But was I looking too deep into things? Do I feel... Threatened, over a dragon possibly taking Spike away?

No... No of course not. That would be utterly ridiculous.

"I often forget we're not Spike's real parents..."

Twilight, without even looking up from her work, responded to that melanchonic musing with her own mirrored statement, "Sometimes it's a painful reminder..."

Okay, to be frank, I was not expecting the reunion to take days of Spike being busy spending such time with his 'real Dad,' and little time for us. Yes, yes, I know that sounds incredibly selfish, but don't misinterpret.

I mean, we haven't got to speak to a word with each other at ALL.

Spike was so preoccupied these past few days that it relied on Starlight and I to do his chore in his place, which was fine because the situation was understandable, and we liked helping Twilight in any way. I wasn't too fussy being given stuff to do so long as I feel useful and not a lieabout.

Unlike a certain fat lizard who keeps raiding the fridge every three hours. Honestly, the one chore we dread and keep shoving in each other's hoofs of late is grocery shopping.

But right now, we could relax, even if the pang in chest hadn't been going away of late from lack of interaction with my... Adopted son.


"You should start paying attention."

"Huh? Oh!" Quickly, I helped Starlight serve the order on the Switch game, the pair of us helping ourselves to some Overcooked 2 while nothing else was going on. The unicorn was daunted from both chores and respsonibilities at the school, and I was happy to help.

But refrained from remarking she barely did all that much at said school.

"You've become really distracted of late." My 'sister' commented without taking her lilac eyes off the big screen, determined to get as many orders done in time. "Let me guess: It starts with an S and have a thing for Rarity?"

Snorting in good nature, I continued on where we left off, trying to keep my mind from wandering off in self-pity again. Shrugging. "I'm just not use to prolonged interactions with him... Not after I came home, that is."

"Need another burger." Starlight said clippedly, and as soon as I got started, she continued in a lighter tone of voice. "You might not wanna hear this, Star, but at some point Spike will leave the nest, so to speak. Maybe this is a good oppotunity for you and Twilight to start getting adjusted to that inevitbility."

Always of blunt honesty and hard facts, but Starlight is that level of realistic comfort we all need when it calls for it.

"Besides - ten seconds left - just because his real Dad's here doesn't mean anything has to chance. There's no telling what will happen after all this is said and done." With that, the game finished, and us ponies leaned back against the couch, Starlight turning to me with a knowing brow. "Nopony said Spike was going anywhere. You have nothing to worry about."

For now at least. Were the unspoken words.

Nonetheless, I sighed, nodding slowly and casting Starlight a small smile of amused relief. "You're right of course, my paranoia is getting the better of me."

She's absolutely correct. There's no certainty what will occur over the duration of Sledge's visit, I was just being concerned over nothing-


"Hey Da- Err, Stardust. Sorry." Spike grinned sheepishly from the doorway, emerald eyes apologetic. "It'll be weird calling two different people that now, especially since my real Dad's here." Was that a knife twisting through my heart just now? "I was wondering if you still had those spare Yu-Gi-Oh decks, I wanna teach Dad how to play. I think he's got potential to be a great duelist!"




"Err... Stardust?"

Swallowing the dryness of my throat, with several blinks, I nodded slowly and pointed with a wing. "Second shelf on the closet..."

"Alright, thanks!" Spike got to work, and I couldn't take my eyes off the little reptile, barely acknowledging of Starlight reaching my side. The mare pointing out curiously.

"Interesting hobby to try teaching to, Spike. I never pegged Sledge for a duelist."

Emerging with both decks in claws, Spike grinned widely. "Well, since we're trying everything on the list, that includes playing children's card games."

I frowned there. "'List?'"

"Mhm, the list I made ages back of things I always wanted to do with my Dad." It felt like Sombra had taken over my entire being again, almost reeling over in stunned aghast from the casual dismissal of something I was completely oblivious to.

Not even Starlight prevented me from blurting out, "But- I never knew about a list!" How come he never shared this with ME? I would have happily done a list of father-son activities if it made him happy!

Rubbing the back of his green scales, Spike shrugged haplessly, grinning in meekness as he answered. "Well... Most of those things are stuff you wouldn't like, and I know how much you hate being forced into something you don't wanna do." Before adding brightly as though this was a non-issue. Perhaps not for him. "Hey, can I borrow the mats as well?"

Taking them before I could even answer, and leaving in his haste to rejoin his biological progenitor. Leaving a musing Starlight, and myself staring at the spot Spike had previously stood upon, a sensation of nausea coming to me.

Almost falling if not for Starlight magically catching me, whispering in reassurance. "Breathe. Breathe..."

"I..." Blinking numerous times, I managed to realize the tears threatening to emerge, taking a shaky breath as my chest tightened from... Everything. "I never knew..."

"I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it." Starlight smiled gently from the corner of my misty eyes. "If Spike had ever asked, we all know you would have said yes."

So why, then, did I feel like a failure...?

"I'm not sure where I went wrong." Came my solemn- Alright, depressed confession. Yeah, stop the presses, I was depressed again. Is nothing sacred? Continuing while laid down on the soft, comforting couch surrounded by dear friends. "I mean, I know wasn't the best role model for Spike, but to actively hiding something from me like this, thinking I would hate it..."

"I'm sure Spike knows you would have had love to say yes, Stardust." Fluttershy's soothing, compassionate voice rung by my side, being the main source of comfort for this moment. We were now at her cottage, because next to the castle, this was the second best place to go when comfort was needed. The yellow pegasus smiling down kindly. "No one is at fault, you have nothing to feel awful for."

"You do have a habit of speaking your thoughts in a blatant manner, darling." Rarity pitched in, only quickly rectifying herself from the disapproving glances of both Fluttershy and Starlight. "Ah, but you always have good intentions. I'm confident at some point, Spike considered sharing these father-son activities with you."

That's all well and good, but still points out the glaring obvious. "So how come he never did it?"

"You heard him back there." Starlight pointed out, the embodiment of 'tough love' out of the three. Chaotic Good. "Spike always wanted to do these events with his biological father, but that hardly means he didn't have you once in mind. Spike confessed that very thing."

"So what stopped him?" Barely leaking the frustration from my voice, sitting up a bit and glaring, with non-hostility, towards the three mares. "Was it my return to my world? The imbalances? Zagreus? Me running away? What prevented him from asking to spend quality time- W-Why are you laughing?"

Covering her muzzle with tender amusement, the Neutral Good among them, Rarity, smiled in sheepish disbelief. "Apologies, but I think you're reading too deeply into this, darling. It's not always about you."

The soft, yellow hoof graced my caped shoulder, Fluttershy's serene eyes intently regarding my distraught own. "You're not going to be replaced or anything, Stardust. It's wonderful to see you care so much about your bond with Spike,"

"Oh don't give her that look, darling." Rarity smirked that time, perking a graceful equine brow. "We know your thought process by now; there is absolutely no conclusion Spike would ever forget you in place of Sledge. While their bond is forming, the bond between you both is something which can never be ridden of."

Starlight shared our friend's sly grin, lilac eyes glinting in amused satisfaction. "You're worrying over things that are non-existent, Stardust. Please don't have us hammer that into your stubborn skull more than it's needed."


"Now then." Rarity began, as though that was the end of it and they can move on. "With such pointless worries out of the way, it's clear what you need: A distraction." Suddenly, there was a foreboding urge to flee from the mischievous gleam in those sapphire eyes, the white unicorn approaching closer with a sly smile. "Let's discuss... Wedding attires. You are long overdue to try something matching for your and Twilight's upcoming event."

Ah [BEEP]- Stop giggling Starlight and Fluttershy!

Hook, line and sinker for me. Christ, should have known Rarity would have had taken advantage of my exaggerated distress for her own sinister intentions.

My limbs were aching. All those tuxes... Ugh.

"Twilight." I eventually greeted once practically waddling into the room, asking in exasperation. "When we have the wedding, can I just please wear what I usually put on?"

The lavender alicorn blinked, before flushing a bit. Evident from imagining the very ceremony, still adorably shy about such a thing. Shaking her head and grinning gently. "Only if you're fine with me wearing absolutely nothing for the wedding in turn."


"You know Twilight, in human context-"

"Anyway!" Came the rather vocal pitch, the studious mare more than thrilled to change the topic to more kid-friendly. "I'm glad you're here anyway, I've been having a pecuilar morning."

"Oh?" Trotting up to join my Princess, I gazed around jokingly. "What, did Celestia confess her crimes on the morning newspaper?"

She huffed, but not in annoyance. "Implying she has those, but no." Getting serious again. "I'm talking about Spike and Sledge."

Annnnnnnnd that was my mood dropping by several degrees. My darkened posture must have been obvious, for Twilight sent a soothing wave through our bond, nudging my side briefly before continuing, concerned about something herself.

Oh Lord, what was that overweight neantrathral done now?

Hearing that thought, Twilight scowled. "You said you'd give him a chance."

"Yeah, a chance of tolerance." I smirked, pointing out with raised brows. "Clearly, I am in the right somewhat, if your signature has anything to say about it."

Sighing, the Princess relented with a nod, turning away before gazing back. "Apparently, Spike spent all night sleeping outside to get in touch with his 'dragon side,' while Sledge used his bed for the duration. If that's not enough, Sledge also had Spike serve a ridiculously sized breakfast delivering to said bed."


Emboldened by my bewilderment, Twilight pressed on, like a gossiping mother worried over the activites of her child. Very apt. "And that's not all, when the girls and I walked in the throne room earlier, we saw Sledge laying on the map while Spike was sharpening his toe claws. Then he had Spike fill his bath for him."

"...Excuse me?" My tone was only rising with incredulous outrage. Was-Was this common of adult dragons to take advantage of their kids as servants?

You would be surprised.

"Well I'm not having it." I spoke out-loud, prompting to Twilight intently, "What else have they been doing?"

Frowning herself, Twilight more than shared my disapproval - for lack of a better adjective - staring to the floor. "That's it, but when I confronted Spike about his father's behaviour, he... Well..."

Her own mood lowered severely, and my heart constricted by her inward pain. Gently touching her side and leaning down, whispering in desperation. "What...?"

"It's silly to dwell on-"

"Twilight." Nope, not having her dismiss that. Golden hoof bringing her chin for eyes to meet, myself insisting firmly, but with the strive to comfort. "What did he say?"

...Sighing, Twilight leaned in my touch, horns just brushing one another as the mare I loved finally answered, with a softspoken, heartwrenching whisper. "He said I just disliked the idea of Spike now having a real parent..."


"What is that dragon doing to our boy...?" I fiercely murmured, tenderly covering both myself and the downtrodden alicorn with my own wings, which Twilight returned the gesture, appreciative of the comfort as we temporarily hid away from the world in the embrace of each other.

"I don't know... But I don't like it." Twilight exhaled again. "But we can't do anything about it, even if we want to. This is what Spike wants, even if we know it's wrong... We just have to trust he'll make the right decision."

Dammit, as always, she was right.

"I hate it when I can't do anything." I bitterly said that truth, of which Twilight laughed into lightly. Gratified of my honest affection and nuzzling closer as two adopted parents needed for for this moment.

"That's the sign of a good father, Jack."

That [BEEP] was taking advantage of my son. Of OUR son.

But, as the alicorn beside me said, there was nothing we could do about it. Nothing but clean up after their mess; a reminder as we cleaned up the library for an hour and a half that incited me with stabs of anger every five minutes.

Now, the pair of us moved down the hall, not really going anywhere in particular, just... Needing one another, to get through this. All things considered, this reminded me of an episode of Eastenders.

British drama show, went on for decades and is still going strong... Somehow-

Hm? Twilight prodded my side then, nodding to the open door where voices were heard. Voices of the main subjects in question, and every part of me demanded to storm in there and confront the creature who has treated our boy as his own butt monkey for days now, despite everything Twilight told me.

However, I followed the mare to the edge of the doorway, just as curious behind the topic of their conversation.

Suddenly, Smolder popped through the window of Spike's room. Hey, I remembered her name this time! "Spike! I found the perfect cave where you two can live. There aren't even any comfortable rocks inside!"

"That does sound perfect."

Wait, they're moving? What?

But Starswirl then advised, Pay close attention. The truth will soon come to light.

Sledge, naturally, opposed the concept. "No it doesn't!" Also, is he wearing Spike's own bathrobe? Son of a-! "Uh I-I mean, I'm not sure I fully demonstrated how a dragon would live here!"

The smirks both Spike and Smolder had to the evident lie was telling. And Twilight frowned softly, leaning forward sharing my inquisitive interest over what exactly was going on at this moment. "What are those two up to...?"

Spike rebutted merrily, "But we're not gonna live here anymore so it doesn't matter."

"It matters to me!" The fatty doth protest. By the way guys, I don't fat shame... Only when the fat person in question is a total [BEEP].

So far, this lizard wasn't doing himself any favours.

"Ah- Uh- I wanna make sure you have all the knowledge you need!"

"But I do!" Spike affirmed, grinning brightly and dimissing his father's quote-unquote 'concerns' by grabbing the elder dragon's claw. "Dad, you already shared so much."

And then promptly burst into song about his bed, and I had to snicker from the reaction of the older reptile's signature. However, Sledge wouldn't be appeased in the least, as both dragons darted their glances to the singular pillow resting on the mattress, followed by challenging glares.

And both father and son lunged for the object, beginning a tug of war for the softness of a pillow. I'd do very much the shame.

"Agh, stop!" Ending as quickly as it began, Sledge blurting out the truth at last, "I'm not your father!"

Twilight gasped, and I gawked. I knew it! I always knew, yet... What is this insummountable fury coursing through my veins just then?

Spike was understandably stunned. "What?"

"I just said that to get in on this sweet castle life!" He motioned around with a smug grin, and my ire only increased by ten more degrees, and rising.

"So, you... Pretended to be my Dad...?" Spike being heartbroken. Ire rising by one-hundred and fifty degress celsius, and Twilight was sharing such righteous anger, as our bond expressed the shared raged of a wronged son.

"Nah nah nah nah nah don't look at me like that, kid. I did what any dragon would do!"


Wasn't me who spat that furious, icy tone that drew all their attention. But it was both of us, however, who used our combined magic to levitate the [BEEP] and muzzle his scaly lips before he could scream or protest. Spike and Smolder blinking, turning our way in geniune surprise.

"Guys?" The youngest dragon said in bewilderment. "What are you doing here?"

"Acting as parents should be, Spike." My stare never left the suspended reptile, feeling my eyes beginning flicker into Balance gold. The passionate fury mixed with overwhelming protection of a son.

Twilight, meanwhile, approached our boy, apologetic and sorrowful. "I am so sorry for letting all this happen, Spike. I should have known sooner things didn't sit right and intervene. All I wanted was to help you learn more what we couldn't teach you about your birthright."

Blinking with misty eyes, Spike would already leap into the limbs of the one who raised him as an egg, letting some tears between them exchange. "I never blamed you, either of you. I just wanted to know more about where I come from and what it meant to be a proper dragon."

"You could have just come to me..." Smolder muttered under her breath. No one acknowledged her.

"I finally realized who I am now." Once pulling away, the young dragon beamed warmly, wiping off his tears. His tone filled with love and affection, awe and respect. "I may not be a proper dragon, but that doesn't make me any less of one. I know who I am and where I came from." And the next three words were addressed to both of us, pure and simple: "I'm your son."

Just like that, something in my chest had lifted, and I breathed loudly in relief, letting out that building despair as we were reassured by own child. Spike was our own, and we were his. That settled the matters.

Gratified, relieved and blissful, Twilight then gazed back to the still-trapped, paralyzed Sledge. "I've met enough real dragons to know they don't do the things you claim they do. Honest, loyal, hardworking, strong dragons who look after their own and never take advantage of their children. You are everything your kind are against, Sledge, and you will not go anywhere near this castle or our son again."

Self-righteous, protective, angry Twilight. Can anything be more hotter?

"Jack." My hazel eyes glanced towards her, and those violet sparkled as she stated simply, giving me what was needed. "He's all yours."

Ohhhh with pleasure, my love.

"Watch me outside if you like, Spike." My eyes turning a sinister gold, molten glare heading at the petrified fatso, bearing a darkened grin. "Your Dad's about to beat some advantageous layabout into the ground."

With that, all my rage and protection focused, I managed to successfully teleport us both to the entrance of the castle, Sledge free of his magic restraints and desperately backing up on the dirt path. Looking utterly pathetic.

And waving his arms frantically. "N-Now look, I didn't mean anything by it! You-You would do the same thing in my position-!"

"A real father inspires his children." One stop closer. "A real father cares and provides, NOT the other way around." Another step close. "A true father protects and guides his kin, teaches them to prepare for the world." Only getting closer, leaving a dent in the path with my every step. "I may not be the ideal candidate to be Spike's adopted Dad."

Pausing, then, as I gazed upwards to the window. Gold meeting the emerald of my precious son, held by a dear dragon friend of his and a loving pony fiance of mine. Then glaring back down and stating to the absurd cretin in finality.

"But you can be sure I will do the best I can for him... For all of them." Cracking my wings like my fists and discarding the cape, my grin darker than Nightmare Moon on Halloween. "Let me give you something to really ache over, Sledge..."


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