• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 120: Knowledge is Balance

I could go Supersonic~!

The problem's chronic-!


I am!

Temporarily disgruntled by Sombra's irritated sharp command, I didn't let the blue pegasus out of my sight for one second, doing everything in my power to keep up with the speedy mare. Rainbow, true to her word, wasn't granting leniency for even a moment, opting to finish this small race before the one who's really in training here.

Tell me, does life exist beyond it~?!

Show less distraction from a tedious music number and concentrate on besting this egocentric pegasus.

My surroundings was an entire blur. Grass, trees and skies blended in a wet painting of green, brown and blue, the occasional yellow blur of the bright sun whenever we ran/flew by it. Rainbow, of course, was treating this supposedly fair exercise as though it were the Olympics themselves, and apparently, as is Sombra. The former King, for some reason, has every desire to see my friend eat dirt, perhaps in a literal sense. Myself? I was admittedly having fun, running at super speed to my heart's content. Another training exercise suggested by my teacher, and instigated by my girlfriend.

Who, meanwhile, was waiting at the finish line along with the rest of my friends.

And I could sense them getting closer. With that, I prepared my body, punching my front two hoofs into the ground and grinding through the damaged dirt, an effort to slowly cease my admirable speed until I halted completely.

The whiplash hurt. A lot.

My body ached considerably once I finally halted, wincing at both how painful it was, slightly, and how far I sped by the cheering others, who had waited at the finish line. Rainbow was smirking triumphantly my way, knowing she won this little competition with minimal difficulty.


"Three minutes and fifty-four seconds." Twilight inspected the stopwatch, smiling in satisfaction while Spike wrote down the results. The alicorn nodded. "A very adequate record for your first attempt of this exercise alongside Rainbow. Even I said this wasn't a competition."

Rainbow shrugged without modesty at Twilight's pointed look. "A race is a race Twilight."

God I needed a moment to breathe. "Well... I'll take adequate over poor, at least." My friends chuckled at the lighthearted comment. "Just give me a moment."

They nodded, Pinkie taking the initiative next. "That was a superly duperly awesome race to watch! Did you see just how fast they went?!" A Queen of Cartoon Logic herself, the energetic Earth Pony began turning limbs into the Road Runner's legs. "They just sped off and zoom!" Cue dust cloud.

Applejack helped wave away the dust with her stetson, smiling brightly at us. "It was certainly fun to watch. Just goes to show how far you've progressed over learnin' how to use that there Balance magic of yours Star."

Indeed. I've come a long way.

Quite an understatement, you've succeeded more than to my expectations. The commitment and trials you've endured so far, along with your friends, has strengthened the tires between you and the Balance of this universe significantly.

Sombra, in contrast, provided an opposite viewpoint to balance out Starswirl's praise. And you would prove even more promising, boy, if you'd concentrate more on studying this magic and putting it to use with all the spare time you possess. This power isn't to be considered meager, but potentially apt in making you more powerful than your Princess, your friends and, yes, including that sniveling manipulator Celestia.

And yet, focus on power alone only leads to self-devastation. And I know my young student here would never commit himself to gathering such selfish desires for himself. My friends were chatting casually among themselves as the two internal voices conversed. Balance is a mixture of desire and willingness. Selfishness and selflessness. Perhaps that will be your next assignment to concentrate on, at a later date. For now, I recommend we proceed with your next training today, Jack.

Will do.

At voicing as such, Twilight beamed, rather excitedly I might add, and nodded, the stopwatch disappearing in a flash of light. "Excellent. Luckily I have the next training course for you all prepared." And then, we disappeared by a flash of pink light, filling my vision for only a moment before the blue sky greeted me once again. "I present to you: Balance Training Field Number One!"

...Very atp description.

The mares mumbled in awe, Spike muttered a comment about Twilight's chosen name for the course, and I raised a brow at said course. It looked something like that playground exercise Pinkie once made during her sister's visit, only safer-looking. In fact, it looked like your traditional training course for, say, police or army recruits. Tires, monkey bars, logs, you name it. All neatly organized and ready to be utilized.

Twilight looked rightfully pleased with everyone's reaction to her evident handiwork, motioning to the the wide course behind the castle with a slightly smug voice. "Crafted by my hard-working hoofs earlier this morning, this is a course to test speed, endurance, strength and kinetic energy, all at once! Here a certain somepony will yearn for improvements upon learning, afterwards, that it won't be a walk in the park if he so assumes." Oh yeah? Challenge accepted. "Going from one end of the course to the other, he'll be judged by his methods and quickness, relying not only on the physical, but intellectual solutions in addition. If you have any questions, feel free to consult me while we see Jack here perform through the course and-"

Rainbow's loud yawn cut the mare off. "Right we get it! I'm definitely gonna have a turn after Star here, just so you know."

Twilight frowned. "You can try it out if you want to, Rainbow. However, I must point out that flight isn't a fitting tactic for that many trials among this course."

The blue mare snorted. "Oh yeah? What ya gonna do Twi? Render me unable to fly?"

Rarity pitched in rather humouredly, "Perhaps she'll, say, make a potion that breaks off your ability to fly." Oh God, not this again. My amused friends shared various chuckles at the terribly on-the-nose joke regarding an incident a few days back.

You know, involving Discord hanging out with the mares while Twilight, Spike and I were preoccupied over three whole days or reorganizing the library. While that spirit of chaos did to teach Twilight a lesson was kinda - Definitely - a [BEEP] move, I understood the need for it. Although it took some persuasion from Starswirl to have me relent and let Discord proceed with teaching my girlfriend that she was, indeed, capable of being jealous when it comes to friendship, albeit harshly.

That didn't stop me, however, from groaning out-loud at present. "It wasn't funny the first time Rarity, repeating it multiple times won't change that."

The white unicorn smiled in good nature. "Now darling, while you may not appreciate the unique humour behind it, you must admit that Twilight's attempts in making us drink a potion to, how did you put it dear, 'break off the spell Discord had on us' was quite amusing to recollect." Okay, that was funny, a little. Rarity beamed at my cracked expression.

Applejack then pointed out, "Er, Twi?"

"Yes Applejack?"

"Stardust is meant to practice that there course of yours, correct?"

"It was solely designed for his training exercises-"

"Of which I am entirely grateful for, thank you love. It's very impressive." I played Assassin's Creed. I got this [BEEP].

Twilight glowed at my words, seemingly not put out by the constant interruptions, and turned back to an apprehensive-looking Applejack. "Although I'm sure I can edit a few things to make it suitable for all my friends to try out on. Why do you ask?"

The orange mare simply pointed.

And the answer was made clear by sight and noise, the ground vibrating beneath my standing braced states at what happened next.

The entire course... Crashed down before us. Tires flew all over, standing clean logs tipped over into sand, monkey bars fell into heaping piles on the floor, can and bottles shattered upon impact from the targeted places. Once the mess was over, after we opened out eyes and the tremor from the spectacle died down, shocked eyes switched from the mess to a sheepish Pinkie, whom was holding out a single nail on her hoof.


Sombra snorted, and I resorted to rubbing the distraught Twilight's back at her hard work being utterly destroyed in a matter of seconds. Before my outraged girlfriend could chew Pinkie out, however, Fluttershy made a comment even I couldn't resist smirking to.

"At least cleaning this all up can be considered a team exercise..."

What a peaceful time, perfect for one training session I was probably most content in. Meditation. Believe it or not, I was a fan of the concept, the idea of sitting still in a tranquil state in achieving to reach enlightenment. Long ago I attempted the skill, to no real avail. My younger and more foolish self was far too bitter and self-loathing by that point to conduct a successful means of reaching peace.

But now, having made these friends, a second family, and my teacher to guide me, meditation suddenly became a whole lot easier. And although my brain often operated like a caffeine-induced imagination factory - My mind always filled to the brink with random thoughts and contemplations - there was another advantage to Balance, it seemed, which soothed down the storm in my mind and allowed me to enter this magic state with a sense of content.

"I've never seem him look so... Tranquil."

...Or at least, I would be in blissful condition right now, if my friends hadn't decided to observe my cross-legged, eye-closed state. And speak while I was in the middle of it.

"Ya reckon he can hear us?"

"I'm not sure. Nevertheless, it is fascinating to observe, isn't it?"

Hear you just fine! Thank you!

"He looks so... Peaceful. It's like we're looking at an entirely different pony."


"What? It's true!"

I was torn between expressing annoyance or amusement right then and there.

Maintain a composed disposition. You might just learn something.

Will do, though schooling my features was never really my forte. Still, I attempted my best to pretend ignorance while my friends spoke unashamedly about their human-turned-pony meditating pal.

"I say, our friend does seem a little tired, doesn't he? A testament to how hard he's been working, wouldn't you say?" Rarity.

"It has been a struggle, getting him out of bed, I won't lie. He's a naturally born late-sleeper. Maybe I should let him sleep in tomorrow, just this once." Twilight.

Oh, thanks love... Just this once...

"Still, he does look a little better now when he's meditating like this. Over the last few days Stardust looked a little... I don't know, worried?" Fluttershy.

"Yeah, Fluttershy's right. Now that she's mentioned it, Stardust has been lookin' mighty concerned about somethin' of late. Reckon it's to do with that imbalance stuff he's been fightin' over Equestria?" Applejack.

I did my best not to stiffen.

"That's likely the most plausible explanation behind his recent mood. This 'imbalance' has been occupying Jack's thoughts, whether he admits it or not. I can see it clearly in his eyes; he's concerned, moreso, ever since Cadence's abduction by the imbalanced magic." Twilight.

"I speculate he's trying to keep those worries to himself." Rarity.

"What else is new...?" Rainbow.

"According to Jack, this new cause of magic has never occurred before by what he declares as 'canon.' His worries are justified, but that only makes me anxious about what this new magic entails. Details over the magic of Balance are obscure, mostly referenced in legend, imbalance only as a quarter mentioned in all books by comparison. I checked." Twilight.

"...Reckon he knows somethin' we don't?" Applejack.

"I wouldn't be too surprised if that was the case, Applejack. Our friend here has often resorted to keeping any information to himself, focusing intently on solving the problem himself than risk endangering his friends." Rarity.

"Which is stupid, since we can take care of ourselves!" Rainbow.

"As a team, we can beat anything! Including this imbalance stuff!" Pinkie.

"Admittedly, I'm more concerned 'bout the stuff he won't mention in regards to our future. I mean, everything he's dealt with involving friendship so far is all we know about. We know for a fact he knows more about future events." Applejack.

"Twilight darling, has Stardust informed you of any upcoming incidents? You are the most likely candidate he'd confess these things to." Rarity.

"Only bits and pieces... Most of the time he's awfully vague about the future. One thing he had informed me about, however, was the prompt behind that spell I used which backfired and made us all switch wings and horns." Twilight.

"Oh yeah! That was pretty funny, good times." Rainbow.

"Maybe... He's worried about how we'll react to some things, and doesn't want us to panic about what the future holds for us all?" Fluttershy.

"...That's exactly what worries me."

Alright, alright, I heard enough.

"Oh! Good morning Stardust!" Pinkie called out after everyone else heard my loud sigh and opening tired cyan eyes. "You didn't happen to overhear a conversation regarding future events while you were meditating just now-? Mmph!"

Rainbow, unsubtly, reached to cover her friend's blabbing muzzle, grinning childishly. "Eh-heh, just ignore her. We totally weren't talking about anything like that, right guys?"

Forced nods and fixed expressions aside, did they completely forget I can read their emotions through Balance?

Perhaps it's best we proceed with the next piece of training.

Good idea. Anything to change this tense subject. I'm guessing we work on combat next?

Finally. Something useful.


"If you'll excuse me, girls, I have combat training to practice next."

At that, however, Twilight's violet eyes sparkled considerably. "Oh, I can help there! Obviously not mano-a-mano, mind you, but we can adapt this exercise to perfecting your blocking and shielding tactics against magic... Or..." The alicorn then looked down, contemplating it. "We did do that last week... Hmm, how about an actual sparring partner this time? Physical prowess isn't my forte, admittedly, but I'd happy to help-"

Hell no! "Out of the question!"

Twilight started at my loud objection, blinking along with the others. "Why not? I can-"

"No way in hell am I putting you at risk like that. My own magic might be too much for you."

Wrong thing to say, as physically demonstrated by purple eyes flashing in stunned indignation. "Are you insinuating I can't defend myself? After everything we've been through, against the likes of Chrysalis, Sombra and Tirek, have you forgotten how much I helped regarding them?!"

Okay Stardust, try a different approach. Outraged Twilight wasn't something you wanna provoke. "I simply meant, Twilight, that, for all your skills and intellect, you are not a fighter. Against those villains, you had help. True you held your own against Tirek before I arrived, but this is different. Much different. You don't have four times the alicorn magic in you than back then."

Twilight opened her mouth, but a white hoof placed to her side interjected. Rarity smiled lightly. "He simply doesn't wish to potentially harm his special somepony dear."

"Also, he does raise a point. Fightin' ain't exactly yer style of expertise Twilight," Applejack commented rather humouredly, attempting with Rarity to diffuse the tension, thankfully. "You're more brains than brawn, and Stardust knows that too."

Oh don't get me wrong, Twilight was dangerous when she had the incentive to be. A force to be reckoned with. But without proper motivation in terms of combat - Say, a friend being in danger or such - she... Well she simply wasn't born for combat. Although I couldn't talk much there. But I was being trained to fight, Twilight was taught only to protect herself.

And I didn't want to risk breaking through that shield unintentionally and harming her.

The alicorn happily argued with the others regarding how skillful they were in combat - Not that I was going to challenge any of them to begin with - allowing me to escape the lounge unnoticed.

Once again, must thank Twilight for these training dummies.

Outside near the castle, I had proceeded first thing with training on the physical side next, since meditation was no longer possible, for now anyway. Instead, concentrated swinging hoofs, both front and hind legs, punched, kicked and leaped off from many of the still dummies made from hay, paper and sacks of flour.

To your right.

Got it!

Left, then use an uppercut to your right.


Hopefully, by now, Twilight has calmed down from my confession that I didn't think of her as, well, a combatant. The last thing I needed was a salty girlfriend who didn't want to hear the truth.

Now don't get me wrong, Twilight can fight, and she excels at it when focused enough. Sombra and Tirek were testaments to that. But those were only due to dire times, when the Princess was pushed into fighting like that. There were stakes, and with that exact motivation, the mare is a force to be reckoned with. But sparring? A casual test of combat between herself and I? She would lose, I hate to admit it, not only due to her lack of real offensiveness, but the mare's over reliance on magic itself. Twilight was a ranged combatant, and if I got too close to her...

I halted that train of thought right there. Because, the very idea of facing her in battle, willingly, not like our typical verbal spars or games of chess, but through physically potentially harming one another, was utterly preposterous.

Or perhaps, Jack, you simply underestimate the Princess. Hind leg against that dummy's neck.

Tch. You're one to talk, Sombra. Your arrogance rules you like you ruled over your Empire.

But Sombra does bring up a valid point, my friend. You are deeply concerned for Princess Sparkle, and your friends, so the very concept of engaging them in combat for simply sparring is appalling to your mind. Understandable, but, overall, unneeded. As proven time and time again, as they themselves have pointed out, your friends are very capable of taking caution and care... Target that dummy's left side of the chest next.

So what? Are you saying I should spar with them? Starswirl, that's completely nuts! I can't willingly endanger them alone with a spar. Not with my power! Their magic is designed for friendship, mine is... Well, for Balance!

Precisely my boy. Balance, not combat.


...I can't do it Starswirl. I can't bring myself to agree with fighting any of them.

In my mind's eye, the ancient unicorn nodded sagely. Of course. You are reluctant to do so, especially when considering your previous battle against your friends, under the influence of a certain King.

Ugh. Don't remind me...

Hmph. I still take pride in knowing I almost succeeded that day, if those mares had given up on you. Your right, boy.

Yeah, if only- Hey!

Sombra! Those are my friends standing right there, not target practice!

The difference being?

Oh hardy har.

But on the plus side, at least Twilight looked more calmer than that outburst from insider earlier, as she and the others observed me patiently. But, upon my notice of them, Rarity nodded quite approvingly. "Very impressive darling. That golden hue radiating off you was simply divine to witness!"

I deadpanned. "Thanks, Rarity..." That was then I sensed the apprehension in my girlfriend, ready to be unleashed.

Uh oh.

Casually strolling upwards, Twilight placed on a light smile and began rather lightheartedly, "Jack, you wouldn't mind if I borrowed the PC again, would you? There's something I wanted to look into only that device will provide." The rest observed from a distance, as though knowing something was about to spawn from my answer.

I had to restrain from groaning. "Later, Twilight." Completely today's training came first, regardless how tired I was. Otherwise, both Starswirl and Sombra would hound me needlessly for skipping.

"You're not obligated to watch me like a hawk while I use it, you know."

"I said later, Twilight."

The forced expression started melting into a soft frown. "I won't search for anything I shouldn't. You can trust me Jack."

Trust? Is that what she thought this was about? The mare blinked as I chuckled rather hoarsely. "It's not a matter of trust, love, it's a matter of knowing you." I know for a fact she'd look up something on the computer that's related to her world. Ergo, future spoilers. "Your research will have to wait later, okay?"

"Ooh, relationship drama..." Rainbow loudly whispered.

Twilight, unsurprisingly, wasn't taking no for an answer. "If I promised to not search for anything even remotely related to Equestria, will that satisfy your anxieties?" Nope, not at all. The annoyed alicorn pounded a hoof into the ground, childishly, upon me shaking my head. "Oh come on Jack! You know me better than to break a promise!"

Yes, I did know that. But before I could reassure the mare, it suddenly hit me exactly how much pent up stress was building up in the mare's heart. Usually, that anxiousness relates to completely her studies or research in time and meet the deadline. But this... Was different. It was a rooted anxiety that had been growing for quite a while now.

There's something she's not telling me.

"What's so imperative for you to use the PC anyway?"

Twilight began chewing her lower lip, not a good sign. And, eventually, sighed, in dismay and disappointment, and I blinked at the wave of negative emotions rolling from the alicorn. "You know what? Forget it, it can wait another day." What? Wait- But Twilight was already returned to the castle in a hurried state, bowing her head down while running back, past our watching friends who, like me, observed her leave with concerned expressions.

...What the [BEEP] was that all about?!

An awkward silence flew over us, before...

"Ma-an! You are thick!"

"Rainbow Dash!"

"What? It's true!" The blue pegasus defended herself against Rarity's disapproving look. "It's not my fault he can't tell when something's bothering his own special somepony, even with that Balance of his!"

But... Goddammit...

Applejack, shaking her head towards her friend's antics, walked upwards with a light frown. "I know ya didn't mean to upset Twilight like that, Star, but surely yer must've sensed something was up with her recently."

I shrugged, albeit helplessly. My own mind was at a lost right now. "I just thought those negative emotions spawned from Discord's plan to make her jealous a few days back."

The Earth Pony deadpanned at the, admittedly, weak-[BEEP] excuse. "And ya think Twilight's been holdin' a grudge? You know better than that sugarcube." Stepping aside, Applejack inclined her head in the direction Twilight fled to. "Go to her."

"Yes darling, rectify this error before it worsens." Rarity concurred with a nod.

"It might make her feel better." Fluttershy added with a small smile.

"Then we can all have no further worries!" Pinkie exclaimed cheerfully.

...Yeah, alright, I'll go do that. Twilight, upset? Not on my watch. I nodded, sending my friends a grateful smile before departing after my distraught girlfriend. But, doing so, I overheard one final conversation today.

"After all, the Princess needs her 'Warrior,' eh guys?"

"Yes." Rarity sounded more fondly sincere than Rainbow's mocking question. "She certainly does."

Tracking her down wasn't an issue.

No, the issue was more of where precisely she was hiding herself in. Of all places, her bedroom. And I found myself immediately hesitating upon raising my hoof to knock. Common courtesy to request entry into a girl's room rather than just strode right in, this wasn't the library or anywhere else in the castle.

But that hesitation, however, quickly died down and replaced by a firm resolve, softly knocking against the clean wood. Twilight's emotions were pouring from the edges of the door, and it made my own apprehension and concern worsen. There was worry, anxiousness, incredulity and... Fear... All emanating from the alicorn on the other side. Goddammit, what was Twilight thinking about that would have her act this way? It certainly wasn't about using the PC. No, she'd never overreact that much. Could... Could it have something to do with her conversation with the mares earlier-?

"It's open!"

There was that forced casualness. Swallowing a lump, I gently pushed through the creaking door and into the well-organized room. Heh, trust Twilight to have everything neatly stacked and look completely untouched. In comparison, my room was a mixture of hers and Spike, organized and disorganized at once. The mare in question, meanwhile, had her back turned to me, focusing on an open book atop her own work desk.

My slow approach, though, prompted her loud sigh and for me to halt, finally swerving around to see me. Twilight didn't look entirely surprised, but smiled in spite of her own emotions at the moment, taking in my expression.

"I don't bite, you know."

Tempted. Oh I was incredibly tempted to make a playful comment in turn. Instead, I kept my focus on helping Twilight, however I could. "I... Um..."

Smooth Stardust.

Twilight, to her credit, waited for me to compose myself and find the right words. Eventually, my brain started functioning properly. "I was... Checking if you were okay... I understand something's been bothering and I was too stupid to notice, until earlier." The alicorn didn't respond, inciting my sigh and adding a helpless "Sorry."

What was with me today? Was Twilight's own sadness affecting me that much...?

Violet eyes searched me for a moment, betraying nothing. And, to my small relief, the alicorn spoke again, "Thank you for worrying about me. Though you shouldn't have to be, it isn't... Entirely, your fault."

That just makes me more worried! What have I done that-?!

"It's my fault just as well." Twilight quickly added, seeing my indignant expression. Or hearing my thoughts. "Evidently I was too hasty in my decisions."

Decisions? "If it's about the PC-"

"You know as well as I do it's hardly about that." Twilight sighed, rather remorsefully. "Though I do wish you'd have a little bit more faith in me, that, at present, isn't the primary concern."

"Then what is?" I practically pleaded. "Tell me so I can help you in every way I can Twilight. I hate seeing you so upset, especially when it's my fault!"

Twilight winced, and I immediately regretted opening my big mouth. Before I could apologize for snapping, though, the purple mare walked slowly away from her desk to another side of the room, gazing at her bookshelf with a somber expression. Although, I can wait until she's gathered her thoughts. Whatever it was she had to say, I'll shut up and listen.

Sombra snorted.

I know, first time for everything.

"Do you remember when I practiced that alicorn spell?"

Okay, more forced casualness. "Yeah? You tried to make our friends like you to make things fair for them."

She nodded. "But that wasn't the only reason." Hm? A sad smile turned my way. "You remember, the attempt was also in regards to another conversation we previously had... Where we discussed about an upcoming grave threat to Equestria."

Which threat-?


The movie...

Twilight continued, "I... I wanted everyone to be prepared for that reality when we reach that point, and for any other danger that comes our way. 'Cause, y'know, all we have so far are vague details, and future knowledge my boyfriend chooses to keep from me!" Oh dear. Now she was getting frustrated. Twilight started pacing around the room, tone leaking anger and disbelief. "I mean, what other action could I take? Simply wait for the threat to happen and deal with it accordingly, when we have the knowledge to prevent it from happening in the first place?!"


"And don't give me nonsense about 'being cautious;' when did YOU play by the rules? But no, you deliberately make the decision to be cryptic and vague about... Well everything you know so far, only revealing stuff during or after the matter's resolved! Also, don't bother with the excuse of 'protecting us;' as demonstrated time and time again, we are capable of looking after ourselves! You can't blame me for... For..." Oh Christ... Purple eyes sparkled in sadness, staring at me as though gazing into my pained soul. "Beginning to believe that my special somepony simply doesn't trust me enough..."

"No!" Without even listening to any protests, I immediately strode forward and tightly embraced the mare, pouring my own feelings into the blend. "Don't say that! Don't even think that! I trust you with my life Goddammit!" Twilight gasped, her muzzle buried from my limb. "Don't even believe for a minute that I... I don't have any faith in you! Not you of all people Twilight..."

I flinched, an emotional stab when the mare pulled her head and neck out of the embrace and glared at me. But not an angry stare. "Why choose, then, to keep everything you know from me? A while back you promised - Promised - that'd be no more secrets. No more lies... So, why not tell me of all the threats heading our way, so we can all prepare for them...?"

"I don't... I..."

...[BEEP]! This wasn't working.

Twilight's ears drooped. "Or is it... You don't have a reason at all...?" Dammit. "Or are you afraid of what happens if we were aware of future events..."

Oh my God! Was I suddenly rendered speechless by all these correct guesses? Say something, for Christ's sake! Twilight's expectant expression was only filling my mind with anguish and hesitation. If I didn't say something here and now, God knows what she'll think of me afterwards! I can't... I can't let her believe that I didn't trust her! It's always been the exact opposite!


Not now Starswirl! I can't... I...

Listen to me child.

My head snapped to the ceiling, ignoring Twilight's suspicious blink. What do you want old man?!

Allow me to speak with the Princess. I can assist.


Do you trust me, Jack?

...Yes. Yes, if you can help, I have to have faith in all my friends, you included, Starswirl.

Then close your eyes.


I will resolve everything for you both. Have faith in your teacher, my friend, and do as I've instructed.

Okay... If you say so. Forcing myself to look away from Twilight's upset impatient gaze, I obliged to Starswirl's wishes... And immediately felt as though a huge weight was being taken off my shoulders.

Oh... Fancy that, another bright light greeting my vision.

And opening them revealed...

Ah... Of course.

The throne room of my imaginary castle inside my imaginary world. I recognized the interior anywhere. Sunlight poured through the clean windows, revealing a golden sky, neverending. Exactly as I remembered it.

This was Starswirl's plan? Have me retreat to the depths of my subconscious after being accused by Twilight-?

Movement caught my eye. And I gazed over to the throne seat itself and-

Of course.

"Comfy there?"

Sombra expressed no verbal response to the playful question, helping himself to resting on the large throne of a make-believe kingdom. Red eyes glared back at me with seeming indifference. In fact... I dare say he looked... Bored.

"Oh, I grew dull long ago by viewing your interactions with other tedious beings. It is quite the eyesore." Typical response. "Believe me, I am no less pleased to see you in here as you are. That old unicorn is a fool." Again, predictable statement. Try to be more original man. This time, Sombra sniffed, no doubt displeased by my dismissive thoughts.

But teasing the King can wait. Instead, my eyes roamed around the structure curiously. "So what happened exactly? Why did Starswirl bring me back here?"

"A means to keep you preoccupied by keeping your conscious within the corners of your little world, while he speak with the young Princess through your voice." Wait what? My head snapped back to a smirking Sombra. "As by your consent. The elderly bat attempts to soothe your mare's worries personally. A temporary circumstance."


He raised a dry brow. "Indeed." Before lifting his head upwards slightly, and scoffing at seemingly thin air. "The Princess of the Night has demonstrated more composure than that inexperienced mare. Such melodramatic reactions and concerns to what the future holds."

At that, I couldn't help but agree, chuckling. "Hmm. Why do you think I was reluctant to tell them anything to begin with? You know them, Twilight and the girls, their paranoia and exaggeration often leads to taking reckless actions. For all we know, informing them of everything would lead to disaster on their part. I have to be careful."

Blood-red eyes rolled back down on me. "Don't even attempt to have it sound as though that is the pure reason behind your childish hesitation."

"I'm sorry?"

Sombra snorted at my frown, this time rising from the seat and slowly descending my way, a knowing glare in contrast to my confused frown. "There are several reasons behind your motives, Jack. Do not forget, I am a part of you now, I see your thoughts, I can look through the buried emotions and concerns you attempt to deny. Pitifully so, mind you." And then, a bare sharp grin, black mane flaming victoriously. "But the most simplest explanation for your reluctance isn't out of worry for them." Red eyes gleamed. "It's out of concern for yourself."

I... What?

I found myself stilling, unable to move at those matter-of-fact words. Sombra, meanwhile, opted to begin circling around me, slowly, intentionally, speaking as though discussing the weather, "Through all your life, you've feared becoming a liability, demeaning yourself through friends and family as an obstacle to their successes. Your mental condition hinders you, unable to withstand the pressures of responsibility and trust. But with your knowledge over things to come, in Equestria, the very thought of revealing all the details to your friends, and henceforth no longer making yourself useful to them, terrifies you."


I had no words...

"You're afraid of being disposable, partially the motive behind hesitation in befriending these equines in the first place." Sombra, thankfully, ceased pacing and walked past me, back facing back. But his relentless words continued hammering through, "You wish to prove yourself of importance, able to handle adult responsibility and change. But your own insecurities chains your back, and you try not to acknowledge they're even there. Despite your progression, assisted by your terribly enthusiastic friends, you hold yourself back still."

"...So what?" I finally snapped, this time being me who was glaring at the indifferent tyrant. "I don't suppose you have any worthwhile advice to helping me?"

Sombra sniffed. "My advice, boy, is for you to cease restraining yourself into believing your friends will someday deem you unworthy." What? The King huffed, shaking his head slightly while turning to face me, red eyes glinting with meaning. "You may not have to share every scrap of information with these ponies, but you need not assume they'll think you any less for it. These equines are far too pure to consider anyone close to them a liability." I smiled slightly at Sombra's amusing disgust upon saying 'pure.' "And they'll never address you as such. To say this in the basic terms you'll possibly comprehend: Get over yourself."

...He's right. Goddamn he's right. I am afraid of being useless to them, especially after choosing to come back to Equestria. It was a harsh reminder, but one I needed to hear. Leave it to Sombra to release the stone cold truth where Starswirl couldn't. The Chaos to his Harmony. The Chaos who had advice I needed to hear today.

"Thanks Sombra... You're a good friend."

Right eye twitched at the genuine statement and smile. "My motive behind informing you as such stems from boredom, and the desire not to see you sulk like a five-year-old denied his ice cream, again."

"Whatever you say pal."

Sombra opened his mouth to let out a biting retort to my amused response, but then abruptly glanced upwards. "It seems you are to return to the real world. Good, you are irritable enough to see through your own eyes."

I felt it. A warm sensation over my being. With a grin, I said as a final ending to this conversation before the waking world took me, "I'll see you again Vegeta."

And, even if it could've been my imagination, Sombra smirked.

As if a complete one-eighty, Twilight had previously stared me down with a look of apprehensive expectancy. But now, upon opening my eyes, what greeted me now was sparkling violet eyes fitting with a light, positive smile. All the negative emotions from earlier, I sensed, were reduced down to the corners of my Princess's heart, and that along brought a sense of relief, wonder and incredulity to me.

Did I miss something? What did Starswirl say to her-?

Okay, now she was hugging me.

Not that I'm complaining, although the happy alicorn pulled back before I could respond in kind. "I'm sorry." She immediately apologized.

Wait, hold on here. "I should be the one apologizing love. I'm the one keeping secrets-"

"And I'm the one accusing you of things which are further than the truth." Twilight cut me off firmly, still smiling lightly. "You have everyone's best interests at heart, and I was simply overreacting a little... Guess I was just worried, you know." The smile lowered considerably. "I was beginning to conjure the idea that keeping everyone in apprehension was your idea of fun, everything was becoming a game to you."


The alicorn shrugged. "I know better now. But even though I have so many questions and things to wonder over whatever we face in the future, you, me, our friends..." Twilight nodded, moreso to herself I speculated. And then glanced my way with a new resolve. "I respect your decisions. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."

"It's not that I don't want to." I couldn't help but argue, ignoring the internal scoff from a certain King. "It's just... I know you. And, no offence, but the method in which you, Spike and the rest react to things are usually... Drastic. And subtlety, as you very well know, isn't my strong suit. I want to tell you... But I just don't know how to convey it."

Without setting you off...

But it's as though Twilight heard that unspoken last sentence - Probably did - and frowned lightly... Before nodding. "I understand... We don't always take sensible approaches to situations and upcoming problems."

I grinned slightly. "Remember that one time your future self visited you and got you all riled up?"

Twilight pouted somewhat. "The warnings, which had eventually turned out to be anything but, were vague, not to mention the state that other Twilight was in. You'd react the same way." Eh, debatable. "But still, I get your point. I just hope one day, you'll find the good motivation to share these events with me. Not everything, but something to ease my concerns. But I won't force you to."

That... Greatly relieves me. Sighing, I nodded in pure gratitude to my understanding girlfriend. "Thank you Twilight... I want you to know, I trust you and all our friends implicitly. I'd be a fool not to, nowadays."

"And we trust you, I trust you, just as well."

The earnest voice and brightened smile brought a sense of joy and satisfaction in me. Whatever Starswirl had said earlier, it appeared to have the intended effect. I'll be sure to thank the old teacher afterwards. "And if it helps, regardless what future obstacle comes our way, to my knowledge or not, I know, as a team, we're all unbeatable."

Twilight, at least, raised a teasing brow. "So we're a team now? I guess miracles can happen after all." And grinned before I could retort just as well. "And, for future reference, I do not easily overreact to stuff."

I scoffed. You're kidding right? "Twilight, when a situation arises, especially when it personally involves you, you make Fluttershy look like a composed chessmaster at times."

The banter was on. Twilight narrowed her eyes at the fact. "If you're referring to my display earlier, you practically stated I was all defensive and not offensive. You basically claimed I wasn't worthy enough to spar against."

"I don't want to potentially-"

"- Hurt me? There you go again, assuming the outcome will be that predictable." Violet eyes sparkled with a hint of smugness. "I'll have you know, I studied and practiced many and all forms of known magic across Equestria in my years of being Princess Celestia's pupil. Magical combat is of no exception. You, on the other hand, are using a different breed of magic that you haven't mastered yet and won't do, as Starswirl the Bearded himself pointed out, for many years to come. Need I point out the many times we had to save your reckless posterior from most if not every battle we've faced? And you claim I'm the one who's inexperienced?"

She has you there.

Shut up.

"How about this? In exchange for letting me provide assistance in your physical training," Twilight began, a sly look dancing across her beautiful features. "And should I prove you wrong by besting you in this spar, therefore having you learn never to underestimate your own girlfriend again, you have to tell me a couple of future events."

"A couple? No deal-"

"One event then, and to cease with constantly glancing over my shoulder whenever using the PC."

"...Fine." Leave it to Twilight to bargain where knowledge is concerned. But even so, I was matching her playful tone and look evenly. "And if I win?"

"You get to sleep in, for a whole week. No interruptions."

"Done." That's not even worth considering, when was the last time I had decent sleep without this mare, Spike or the others abruptly dragging me out of bed for asinine reasons? It's a done deal! "But I will be holding back on you, no matter what you say love. I don't want to hate myself further but hurting the mare I care about most."

Although inwardly I sensed Twilight radiating bliss and affection from such a comment, the Princess outwardly smirked. "That'll be your own undoing, honey."

"Bring it." How hard can it really be?

...[BEEP] my life.

"Oh, did I neglect to mention my brother taught me a few things about self-defense?" Twilight smiled coyly.

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