• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,894 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 188: Style These Days

One... Two... Three... Four-!


Alrighty, chalk that down with another failure, groaning with irritable mutters leaking from my deep tone, rising back up. Following that by resuming my precious spot atop the steady board on a tiny cliff by the clear modest lake. Trying that again!

One... Two... Three... Four-!


I could do this; just required more time to practice. Do what Rainbow does. Be the Rainbow. Taste the Rainb- Okay not doing that! No need to make it weird, just gotta go with my gut and follow the Wonderbolt's example, re-taking my spot yet again upon wiping the dust from my golden muzzle this pleasant afternoon.

Got this... I'll show Twilight and the others, they're bound to be pleased and proud of my progress! Gotta do this right!

One... Two... Three... Fou-!

"Hey Stardust!" God dammit- Agh! "Whoops." A particular lime unicorn and her (mare)friend cringed from the next failure of an action, the former grinning sheepishly. "Heheh, sorry about that."

"No harm done..." Came my mumble of disconcert, picking myself up from the dirt yellow ground once again and brushing my feathers. Concluding that moment of self-annoyance, I regarded the couple with a forced smile. "What brings you two here this fine day?"

Bon raising the basket in answer, smiling herself, more easygoing. "We're having a picnic by the lake, seems like the perfect day for one." Glancing the board, one end on the cliff fixed by a sturdy rock, in curious interest. "I hope we aren't disrupting you from anything."

"Nah, don't let me stop you." I reassured the two, proceeding to walk back up the cliff and make another attempt, though watching the smiling duo commence laying out the red and white square-patterned blanket, set out the food and drinks.

Ecetera, ecetera. Meanwhile, getting myself prepared by the edge of the board, widening the golden wings slowly yet again, finally getting the hang of that thanks to some tips by a certain lavender mare. This time, I won't screw up, at last gonna get the gist of this skill and impress my friends once they're back from Manehatten.

"What are you up to anyway?" Lyra inquired next as she and the cream mare rested down on the blanket, tilting her head my direction.

Clearing my throat, I smiled wryly back towards the two before vocally explaining myself. "Trying to, finally, put these wings to good use." Flapping the fragile additions gently for emphasis, prompting both their further keen interest, Lyra's yellow eyes lighting up with eager observation.

"Cool!" Glad she thought so. "I've never seen you use those wings at all ever since you came back to Ponyville!"

"Neither have I." Bon nodded in agreement, appearing rather intrigued to see herself. "We just assumed you were more comfortable trotting rather that flight, Stardust."

Still am, a little. "If you have something, use it, is my motto." One of them anyway, smirking to my newfound audience before straightening in preparation, aiming to make another shot and get this right. Now, I wasn't going for overall flight.

Lord knows I'd never achieve that just yet despite over two months of having these lightweight body parts on the sides of my pony form. No, I was going to try something simpler, something even Fluttershy as a filly could have accomplished without breaking a sweat. Or maybe one and two.

My idea, was to glide across this lake right to the other side. To successfully reach that goal, I must press the X button to jump, then hold down the circle button in the middle of my jump to glide.

Get this right, and I'll be buying myself a fresh batch of cookies.

Ahem... I got this.

One... Two... Three... Four...! The feeling of wind penetrating my bearded, equine features, the wings greeting the steady breeze prepared to take flight, going to soar across and feel what it was Rainbow Dash thrilled in experience across the vast blue skies-

Annnnnnnnnnnd another smack of the face into dirt, prompting my muffled groans and the girls' "Ooooh...'s" of sympathy, this time spitting out the sand. Pah, the physical taste of failure... And tiny rocks and soil. One more failure to chalk up.


"I'm sure you'll get it right this time, Stardust."


Heh, thanks girls. Opening my muzzle to express open gratitude by their encouragement, soon cut off from a rumbling sensations below my beneath body, emitting loud groans. Ahh great. Both mare chuckled to themselves, Bon soon smiling knowingly and making a gesture over towards them.

"You must be famished after all those attempts. Why not come join us? Lyra made her traditional cherry pie."

"With just the traditional dash of blueberry!" Lyra added in self-pride, beaming widely and just as welcoming. Eh, why not? Couldn't keep going on an empty stomach.

Besides, I was getting nausea from eating dirt all afternoon anyway.

"So I've noticed you're eating slower than usual, Stardust." Lyra pointed out around halfway during the picnic. Love these cheese sandwiches, by the way. "Have you... Gotten lazy?"

Swallowing, I shrugged with an uncertain reply. "I don't think I've gotten lazy..."

The lime mare tilted her head, placing down her own delectable food and squinted orange eyes knowingly. "I think you've gotten lazy Stardust."

"Yeah you're right." I confessed, throwing a faint smile. "I have gotten lazy."


"I dunno... Age I guess."

Lyra nodded, accepting that resigned sigh of an answer before looking to me with seeming worry. "Don't go lazy Stardust."

Bon chuckled humouredly, inclining her head towards the other mare. "Don't do it, for Lyra Stardust, for Lyra."

Nodding came my first, amused response, vowing cheekily. "Alright, for you, I will be young forever." Which, considering the circumstances these days, that may potentially happen.

Once the moment of laughter passed, the cream Earth Pony beamed cheerfully. "So, where are your friends now, Stardust? I figured some would be sticking by you ever since... You know."

Fair enough from her. I shrugged yet again with little substantial answer. "They left a note saying Fluttershy needed some help in Manehatten after I returned from meditation at Zecora's. Hence, I figured why not finally practice these things-" Again, extending the golden feathers again slowly. "- While I have the time?"

Both ponies traded looks, accepting that for an explanation. "So what else are you gonna do in the meantime?"

What else? "Don't know, never thought about it." With no clue as to how precisely long the others are out in the metropolis of a city. "Suppose I have plenty of free time."

More shared expressions, the two mares seeming to have reached a decision, made clear from their acknowledging smirks. Should I be concerned? Suddenly standing up tall, both mares smirked down upon me with newfound inspiration.

"Well, you obviously need a break from working those wings of yours!" Lyra announced happily, taking a large bite from a muffin. "Letz goaf play bolling wiz frinds!"

Bon giggled, shaking her head endearingly before translating that muffled voice: "Let's make up for lost time and play some bowling with our friends."

Glad to have had everyone at the bowling alley witness how badly I was at the game this time. On the plus side, unlike last time, I managed to get one strike, that's pretty much it, all going downhill from there.

Felt as though nothing really changed, as my other group of friends chatted away alongside me down the modest, creative streets of Ponyville. Bon, Lyra, naturally Whooves and Derpy, the ever-quiet and head-bobbing Vinyl, and the cellist Octavia. Their own little 'Main Six,' as it were, with myself feeling like an extra add-on.

Heh, maybe I was the Starlight of this group and the six mares before Starlight herself came along. That'd explain so much.

Maybe the Sunset, varying between the groups. I don't know, I always considered to give off a more Sunset-esque vibe than a Starlight one, personality-wise, which theorized why we got along so well right off the bat. But then again, that also applied to the mild-pink unicorn. Maybe I was a mixture of both Sunset AND Starlight.

Or, perhaps, I was simply the Stardust of the group. Why should I keep on comparing myself to others these days? A part of me likes to hope that I've finally earned that right to officially consider myself part of the gang.

Light brown encouragingly tapped my golden shoulder, inciting my gaze towards the smiling Earth Pony. "Despite what happened back there, we're all happy to have you back Stardust." Glancing to the others still casually conversing and oblivious to this own restrained talk, Whooves sighing wistfully. "Things just weren't the same without you."

"Hm, I can imagine." Came my own wry smirk, prompting the stallion's light chuckle, the pair of us lingering to the back of the group as we made our way to... Wherever we were being escorted to this time.

"Believe me, contrary to what you may believe, the entire town went insane looking for you." 'Insane?' Really? A faint nod in response to my dubious look. "Indeed. We all divided into search parties and looked everywhere close to outside Ponyville, contacting friends and family in various distant civilizations around the edges of Equestria. All in hopes of locating the 'bipedal monkey with hazel eyes that drill into your soul.'" Whooves hummed for a moment, before inclining his head. "Octavia's words, not my own."

The grey Earth Pony in question was evidently hearing this conversations, evidence being her head snapping forward straight with just the barest of pink hue from her muzzle from what I could see.

Shrugging casually, I gazed back to the fellow stallion. "Well, she's not wrong." Grinning rather sheepishly.

A sentiment Whooves shared perfectly. "No. With that ever-present scowl you typically adorn, it wouldn't be hard for you to stand out among ponykind." Again, truth. "Alas, all our efforts for naught; you did very well in hiding yourself, I must confess."

Naturally, when I couldn't afford any distractions or endangerment to innocent bystanders during my path to finding Zagreus. Still, Whooves brought up a valid point in making these ponies work so hard to seeking my elusive self out. That I then sighed, offering a meek shrug and apologetic expression, ready to vocalize my regret.

But Whooves beat me to the punch, raising a light brown hoof in dismissive reassurance. "Shan't hear a word of it!" Oh... Followed by small laughter to my reaction. "We understand why you did what you had to; placing yourself in the battlefield before others has always been one of your defining traits, Stardust."

Well... Whooves kept on being accurate regarding myself. Guess the Doctor knew me better than I did.

"Something about our kind - although I'm confident you are already well aware - is how remarkably forgiving we are. Not to mention, it's scarcely a matter you have to explain yourself to us in the first place. You felt responsible for Zagreus, and therefore took the charge into amending your mistakes. That's no crime. You're only guilt of making good friends deeply concerned to your wellbeing." Whooves took one momentary glance to a certain light grey pegasus chatting happily with Bon and Lyra, releasing a small sigh before bright blue turned back to me, solemn. "We were all worried, naturally, but moreso, we had faith."

"...Thank you." Was all I could vocally say, offering a small grin of relieved gratitude for that. It felt nice, knowing there weren't that many grudges to my past mistakes. Whooves was correct; their... Our kind can usually be easily forgiving to others in spite of the extent to what damages they may have caused, both by physical or emotional.

Both a flaw... And a quality.

The same hoof brushing my exposed side, the good scientist continuing with a more brightened attitude. "You're back then, that's what matters most. And hey, with wings and a horn to boot." Both of which were currently useless, but the sentiment was there, and appreciated. "All the advantageous possibilities are at the palm of your hoof!"

"Maybe you should sport a new look to show how much you've come to up to now!" Derpy finally pitched in, overhearing her (colt)friend's enthusiasm and grinning warmly in our direction. "Celebrate being an alicorn and pony again!"

"Not a bad idea!" Lyra concurred with eager nodding, light orange eyes regarding the pair of us. "Maybe a cool new cape this time!"

"Hmm, with just a flair of regality, elegance mixed with a display of raw power." The violin musician offered in next, looking over her shoulder with a sly disposition to her.

Bon nodded, obviously seeing where Octavia was coming from. "Yes, but not with the hat this time."

"Oh quite right, the fedora never truly did you justice, Stardust. Perhaps something more... Unique."

"I know!" Lyra then announced, beaming widely before tugging Bon, Derpy and Octavia collectively via magic. "Let's go to my place and draw up ideas! Come on!" Merrily trotting in excitement on the path down to her house, Whooves sharing with me a wry, humoured expression before pursuing after the mares, leaving me to stand there.

Thinking. Derpy's original idea swimming through my mind now as the more it lingered, rooting into my head, the further I indulged myself considering the option.

For truth be told, I had often the passing thought of getting a new look than just walking around fully exposed all day, that human urge to cover myself up and appear somewhat decent remaining after these two months of equine nakedness. Perhaps it was finally time to deeply flesh out that train of thought and give myself something new to look forward to.

Lyra might be on the right track, myself quickly following after the others despite knowing where the house was even after all this time. The map of Ponyville was deeply rooted in my head at this point. Eight months away and I could still wander around perfectly without ever getting lost again.

I wasn't lost this time... I was home.

Fun fact, Rarity had asked me to take care of her store in Manehatten since she was going to be preoccupied attending some fashion show to display her, creative designs. Hence why my brows raised upon learning Fluttershy, of all ponies, accepted our friend's request. Why did I say no? Didn't want to risk upsetting Twilight again, and be absent from the castle for a considerable long time; this fashion show could have taken all day.

This visit in Canterlot, however, will be much, much brief.

While the owner of the store was taking care of some things on the second visible floor, I helped myself to scouring through the hung racks of fresh, clean clothing in search of anything particularly eye-catching. Something that appeals to me. Preferably, as Octavia suggested, something regal and elegant, but also commanding. I might be an alicorn now, a Prince even, but I wasn't the prissy type to sit back and have others fight in my name.

I was the Darth Vader, the commander who storms the bloody field of battle with my troops... If I had any. Instinct tells me Twilight would never truly approve of her own little friendship guard army. Didn't blame her.

"I'll be with you in a moment." The tall blue unicorn called out from above, busy shuffling through some clothing or another.

"Take your time." I cheerfully replied, humming quietly to myself in the midst of searching still. Agreed with Bon, no fedoras this time, much as I liked the thing currently resting on the head of my throne back in the castle. Not really something to declare the new me. No, I needed something more standing.

Hats at all? I doubted they had crowns here, real or fake. Did I even have a crown? How does that process work? Do they make me one? Eh, I wouldn't often wear the hypothetical thing regardless; crowns are rather heavy, and look really irritable to wear. Didn't view myself putting one on for five minutes, at least. No other hat sprung to mind in styling my new appearance, especially with this little yellow thing poking out the front of my forehead these days getting in the way.

Something more verbose. Oh, maybe finally shoes, they had those in this world... Nah that's stupid. They'd be terribly inconvenient. Man picking clothes was hard without some lady friend to help out.

No wonder us males were so awful picking out attires without approval by those with actual taste. I seriously needed a fashion consultant. And just as I mentally pleaded for one, the owner of this clothes store finally descended from the second floor, a pile of levitated boxes before her.

"Welcome to the Canterlot Boutique. My apologies for the delay, but it's been quite a hassle unpacking after the show- Oops!" A discarded box of clothes on one step knocked down by a blue hoof, falling down haphazardly.

Right into my leaping hoofs, putting it aside where no one else could trip over it, followed by immediately catching the many boxes and articles of clothing that were previously carried by magical means after the fashionista lost her balance. One by one, maintaining stability before grinning towards the re-composed, surprised unicorn.

"You alright?"

"Oh, um, yes, thank you." Straightening herself, Sassy Sandles cleared her throat before motioning towards the counter. "If you wouldn't mind placing them on there." No prob, the task done in two seconds flat. "You seem to have a very firm grip, sir."

"Balance is my middle name." Jack Edward Stardust Balance James Wright, that should be my full name from now on, giving my birth one an Equestrian vibe considering I was now living here for the rest of my time living. Dusting off front hoofs, I grinned to the thankful owner. "Anything else you need help with?"

"Oh I wouldn't want to trouble you..."

"Hardly trouble at all. Plus it helps give me more time to pick out what I want."

More and more, her expression brightened in gratified happiness. "Well, I am not one to turn down such generous assistance. If you would follow me." Halfway up the steps before looking back to me with coy orange eyes. "Perhaps you can share with me what it is you're looking for, precisely."

A new identity, mainly, but I could share the details afterwards. I smiled, motioning for Sassy to lead on.

A bit grandiose, do you think?

The eighth time you've asked that, Jack, since departing from Canterlot. Starswirl replied in good humour. I'm certain your friends will be fond of your new look. It speaks many volumes to your evolution by this moment.

Season one, I put on a simple cape, a mere sign of my entering stages into the pony world. Season five, a grander cape with half mine and Twilight's marks connecting the front of the fabric around the chest, with a navy blue fedora to boot. Now, in this season, I was going old school somewhat, minus a few new additions although the light sparkling glittering from the attire was beginning to become an eyesore.

Confident that wasn't going to last long, Sassy couldn't have made the sparkles permanent, despite what they tell me considering my relationship with a certain mare. Speaking of whom, sensing her and the other's presences, they were physically just in sight. And the further I neared, the more eager I became for their reactions to my new look.

Rarity in particular might like it, considering one of her partners helped design the thing with her own added touches to the planning. Bon, Lyra, Derpy and Octavia will especially adore the new appearance, if they didn't mind the sparkles. Will have to go see them, after catching up to the Mane Six, Spike and some raccoons on their walk back into the town, evidently having just returned from Manehatten. My four limbs quivering somewhat in anticipation, more than excited. Hope they'll love it, I wanted their expressions to be nothing short of amazed.

We were, already, off to a good start when Spike, upon sensing my approach, grinned and turned around in greeting. "Hey Dad- Holy Celestia!" The blasphemy prompting Twilight's immediate annoyance, that quickly died down in stunned surprise by the sight of her Warrior wearing something, entirely brand new. The others expressed their own states of wondrous impress.

"Oh my...!"

"Stardust, is that you...?"

"That's amazing!"

"No, it's awesome!"

"That fabric... That's a Canterlot exclusive!"


The sparkling was emitting from the, some might have guessed, long, flowing cape that was far more grander, longer and wider than its two predecessors, deep blue with the outline edges in beautiful violet, emitting glitters that remind me of the shocked Princess' amazing eyes. But it wasn't just a cape this time. Oh no my friends, this was something special, for the extending, graceful fabric covered dark blue pants and a rough shirt, unbuttoned by the top, beneath, finally keeping my entire form covered save the hoofs, tail and facial features. I thought the look suited perfectly, added with the rather trimmed beard to finish things off.

With the finishing touch; the badge holding the front of the cape together, my cutie mark... With Twilight's replacing the star in the center. Appropriate, no?

My grin couldn't cease itself, beaming merry and proud towards the family soon approaching closer in gain further inspection.

Pinkie and Rarity helping themselves to lifting up the smooth cape and taking a closer look, not really minding myself in favour of watching Twilight's still-stunned expression. The alicorn soon tilted her head, gazing at me up and down before finally smiling, faint but amused.

"You clean up nice." Was all she said for now, Rainbow smirking in agreement before sharing a playful nudge with Spike.

"If I'm gonna be a husband, I should at least look the part." Haha! Never gets old! The red on her adorable features ramped up to ten, Twilight firmly staring at the ground between us, myself chortling with Rainbow and Spike. Applejack sympathetically patting an embarrassed Twilight's side with an amused fond smile, before I shook my head, meeting those sparkling eyes again once coaxing by brushing a cheek. "New me, Twilight."

The Princess of Friendship slowly nodded, offering her own shared affectionate, and pleased grin. "New you."

"So... You like it then?"

"Well..." Here we go. Playfully rolling my eyes as Twilight trailed off jokingly, one lavender hoof reaching up to brush back one of a thousand loose strands of dark brown hair. "If you're attempting to look the part of a respectful Prince, something can be done about that mess you call a mane. Rarity, I defer judgment to you?"

"Oh I quite agree darling." The amused fashioner was quick to play along, standing beside Twilight with a small grin. "Don't get me wrong, the new look is fabulous. But some things may still be improved on. Why don't we sort out the finishing touches at my boutique." Wrapping around my right hoof to start tugging me along, throwing a sly wink from diamond-gleaming eyes. "Then afterwards I can write a letter thanking Sassy for making a dear friend look more like the handsome gentlecolt he was destined to be."

"I'm glad my appeal factor rests entirely in the form of a pony." Responded my dry tone, prompting further laughter as Twilight jokingly nudged my free side, smirking lovingly.

"You could look like a Diamond Dog and still be the most gorgeous creature I've ever met, Jack."

"...You promise?" My rather meek, hopeful reply sparked nothing more than light-hearted, warm chortles all around.

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