• Published 21st Jan 2015
  • 16,891 Views, 425 Comments

Apologies Aren't Always Enough - SadisticFluttershy

Who is this Anon a miss? During her reign, Sunset Shimmer has been discriminated again and CHS thinks she's responsible. Her world shattered when her friends left her.

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Chapter 7 [EDITED]

Apologies Aren’t Always Enough

Chapter 7

Written by FreeHomeBrew
Edited by FreeHomeBrew
Reviewed by Sadistic Fluttershy
Chapters 1-6 written by Sadistic Fluttershy

Authors note (freehomebrew):

Hello readers!

I heard from Sadistic Fluttershy this story was quite popular. I’ve worked with him on it before as an editor and proof reader, and was saddened to learn he had to put it on permanent hiatus due to time constraints. I decided I liked the story well enough to see it finished.

This is where I’ve picked it up. I’ve got quite a different style from Sadistic Fluttershy but I hope you’ll enjoy it all the same.

Please please please, provide some criticisms if you have them. I welcome both points where I did good and where the story could be improved. When writing this I tried so stir some feels, so I hope I’ve at least met that goal.

Here’s a few things I’d like criticism on in particular:
Consistency (are there any conflicting statements?)
Pacing (are the important parts told and trivial things summarized/skipped in a proper fashion?)
Characterization (are the characters in-character enough?)
Character development (are the characters changing in line with how they’re established?)
Grammar. In some parts I feel like I should use past perfect tense but it was hard to tell.

I’ve had both inconsistencies with past chapters and within this chapter. Example 1: I made Sunsets wounds to be worse than had previously been established. Example 2: Applejack decided to walk home, and then the story says she’s taking a bus, cab or car.

Past tense is “I played some football earlier.” Past perfect tense is “I had played football earlier/before.” Something in between is “I have played football before.” The first case describes something really recent. Like earlier this week or day. The second case describes an ongoing process in the past that’s also completed in the past. The third case is like the second case, except that “had” is now “have” which implies the process of ‘playing football from time to time’ might not be over: the person saying might still be quite skilled at it.

My last point of doubt is on whether I should’ve split this chapter into two chapters instead. You’ll probably notice where. Please let me know if I should/could have.

It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything serious, hence all my questions and requests for feedback. I hope you’ll all enjoy. From this point on I’ll be writing the story until further notice.

Again, hope you’ll enjoy.
Regards, FreeHomeBrew

A few days had passed since Sunset had last seen her friends. It’s given her some time to heal physically and to ponder what had happened to her, her family, and her friendships.

 Her mother had kept her word of staying with her, despite Sunset’s insistence that she’d be alright. They both knew, and they really appreciated this time together.

 Sunsets friends had considered, and tried, to contact her but without much luck. It had been Sunsets request to have a few days of peace, precisely to work out exactly how she felt. She wanted to make things right, but she’d had the insight to see that this was not going to easy, if at all possible. After she’d lashed out last time, she didn’t want to make things worse. The last thing she’d done among her friends was yell at them, something that she had been regretting ever since.

 Her phone had been buzzing for a few hours before she shut it off. It was obvious who was calling and trying to contact her, but that was something her mother would take upon her. Whenever Fleur bumped into Sunset’s clique she’d answer their questions. Fleur didn’t much appreciate her former friends. She did however recognize how much they hurt right now, and how much they wanted things to be alright again. So as a favour to her daughter, she stayed in touch.

* * *

 At this time, it was dawn, a Sunday morning. Sunset would be discharged from the hospital later this today. She had physically recovered enough to head home and perhaps go to school again, despite still bearing all the fresh scars.

 The door was opened cautiously and a dripping wet Applejack entered her bedroom quietly, calmly. She kept her eye contact with Sunset for a few moments, trying to piece together whatever lay beyond those teal eyes. Sunset looked away in anguish ever so briefly. Despite her best efforts, she was still much more vulnerable than she’d hoped she’d be.

 Applejack put her raincoat on the coat rack, as well as her rain pants. Neither of the girls spoke.

 With uncertainty and concern plain on her face, Applejack moved closer to the bed. She sat down and put an open hand on the side of the bed, hoping Sunset might take it. A hope left unfulfilled.

 Sunset had had a few days to herself, preparing. Preparing for this moment. The confrontation still managed to get to her. She’d played things through in her head a few times but now her thoughts eluded her, obscured in a swirling mist of emotions. She’d lost all the things she had wanted to say.

 Instead, she gave Applejack a piercing look. A look riddled with wanting and hopelessness. A look Applejack wore herself by now. The silence from the start had been agonizing to her too.

 Like Sunset, Applejack had prepared for this meeting and she had decided to simply bide and let things run its course. She had let go of whatever things may come because she knew whatever would come would simply come in due time. However, on her way here, all of her concerns resurfaced. Instead of being calm and collected, her reeling mind simply would not let her speak. Her words came and went too fast to try and utter any of them coherently. At the very forefront was nothing but her own and her friends’ concern for Sunset’s wellbeing. It was the only thing steadfast and unmoving she could hold on to.

 Sunset put her hands together, turned to face forward and closed her eyes with a sigh. She could hear the rain patter against her window, calming her mind. She didn’t recall the exact words she had in mind, but she knew what she wanted to say.

 “I wanted to apologize,” she started.

 Applejack got caught off guard and put the hand she had held out on her chest.

 “I didn’t mean to yell like that, last time you guys were here. For all we know that could have been the last time we’d ever see each other.”

 “Sugarcube. It’s alright. Well, Ah get it, anyway.” Sunset looked in Applejacks direction but she’d never felt so far away. “That would’ve been bad. Ah mean...”

Applejack wanted to say something about how that’s not how friends should part, or getting back together eventually, but didn’t.

 “So… Why’d you ask me over? And why me specifically ‘n not the rest?” If nothing else, those two questions had been lingering in her mind since Fleur had asked her and only her to come see Sunset this Sunday. Fleur hadn’t said anything other than just that.

 “Well,” Sunset said, “I thought that out of everyone, you’re… Well, you’re the most stable person in the group, let’s be honest. So… that’s why. I had considered Rarity but the hospital doesn’t have any fainting couches. Given how the rest reacted, you know the rest.”

Looks can be deceiving, Sunset. AJ thought to herself. Just because she didn’t show it, didn’t mean she didn’t hurt as much or worse than the rest.

 “As for not the rest… I… I’m not sure I want to talk to everyone in person. I’m really…” She had thought these words over and over again, “I’m really hurt Applejack!” But she choked up just trying to speak. Tears were welling up. “I just… I’ve been thinking. A lot,” she sniffled, “an awful lot.” She clenched her hands, tensing up.

 Applejack shifted uneasily, not sure what to do.

 “I wish I could just go back,” Sunset paused. When her voice struggled past the knot in her throat, it was but a high shrill whisper ”but I can’t!” She let out a sob and wiped her tears away, losing the will to resist, struggling not to give in to just letting go. She wanted to turn to her friends she so desperately needed, yet here even just one of them caused her such heartache. She could not go back, and facing this reality had been the worst fight she’d ever fought.

 Applejacks chest heaved once, like a single hiccup escaped her. She still held her hands close to her chest. Through her tears, Sunset saw Applejack sit beside her, the one she’d considered so strong and willed, now powerless, fragile and uncertain. Though her eyes had shed no tears, it was clear that she was crying with her.

 “Well then,” Applejack said hopefully, “Mayhbe we can try and move fo’ward. Together.”

 Sunset cleaned her face, regaining some of her composure. Deep down she had hoped it would come to this, that there would be a future for her friends and her. It will be a long and arduous journey for all, and a lonesome one for her. There was no immediate solution, but it would be important to at least immediately stop the metaphorical bleeding, put some ice on the swelling and lie down. The healing can come later.

 “Maybe,” Sunset said, “but I need time.” She looked Applejack in the eyes. In those deep green emerald eyes, she noticed but a glimmer of hope below an ocean of dread and doubt. In that glimmer, she saw her friend as she used to know her, and as she will come to know her again, but not like this.

 “I have… considered… the things that have hap-, that people have done to me. Some worse than others. Some willing and knowing, some unaware. But right now, I… I just can’t… ” Though she’d kept her calm, the words still came and went. She wished she’d written something down to read.

 “I want to forgive, but not forget. I want you all in my life again, but not right now, or even soon for that matter.” Her voice grew more stern as a pent up bubble of anger surfaced. “What you people did to me, you, your sisters, the people at school, I could’ve been dead Applejack!” She held the bed sheets tight. “Did that even occur to anyone but me and my mom?! I could’ve been gone forever!”

 Applejack’s lips started to quiver. She held her Stetson close. Then Sunset saw something she’d never seen before: Applejack’s eyes started to water. Neither of them looked away however. Sunset continued.

 “Getting stabbed like this,” she pulled back the sheets and unbuttoned her gown to reveal her scars. “Was really, really bad. It hurts to move and I’m sure I’ll have a bunch of scars to remind me of this for the rest of my life.”

 Applejack looked at Sunset’s damaged body. On the surface, the scars didn’t look like much. She knew they ran deep however. They would definitely remain for a long long while to come. Applejack fought the urge to frown at the thought of avenging whoever had hurt her friend this bad. She knew that now was not the time.

 “But what hurt me personally, the thing I need time to deal with most of all, is how nobody had been there for me when I had needed somebody. Anybody!” Sunset’s voice grew only louder as what she’d tried to stow away came to her. “No! You know what?! It was worse than that! The ones I’d needed most stood against me!”

 Applejack flinched.

 “You think I want to be this angry?! This… this frustrated?! This upset?! You think this is a reality I want to face?!”

 Things went quiet after that. Sunset buttoned up her gown again. Applejack sniffled one last time and sat uncomfortably, though didn’t shift much so as to not send any unnecessary signals. The sounds of the rain had died down and through the sheer curtains, the sun would come and go; the last clouds drifted away. The sound of birds and the wind in the trees was all that filled the room.

 Applejack caught a glimpse of a serene scene, something that could have been right here and now but would never be again, where she and Sunset would walk out of here together to meet their friends for tea or brunch. Where the worst that had happened had been Sunset getting a bad cold or anything that trivial.

 “Ahm real sorry we all made you feel like this,” she looked to Sunset, her determination restored. “And Ah know us sayin’ sorreh doesn’t mean much ra’ht now, and surely isn’t enough to restore our friendship,” she wagered a cautious smile. “But Ahm glad at least that someday, we may have a second chance.” And when that day comes, we will make the best of it.

 “There’s another reason I called you and only you here, Applejack,” Sunset said. “I want you to relay a few messages to the rest. Get some pen and paper out because,” Sunset sighed, “there are a few things.”

* * *

 Sunset put down the now empty dessert bowl, having finished her welcome-home meal with her parents. Despite the requests she relayed via Applejack, she’d still gotten calls from some of her former friends. She’d just pressed them away, not even sending them to voice mail. She just wanted to be done with it and just come home. Today had been exhausting, and tomorrow would probably be exhausting all the same.

 Right now however, things were okay. Her parents had asked about this morning. Things had gone well, she’d told them. Despite it not going as planned, it could have gone much worse. It had been a brief discussion, followed by talk of what to do next regarding her school situation. Most things she had managed to arrange herself, making phone calls from the hospital during the days she had been there and e-mailing for some time this afternoon.

 “I’m really glad to have my little girl back home,” Fleur said, putting her hand on Sunsets shoulder. “And I’m glad you’re able to move on and still have your lif-, your responsibilities in order.”

 “I’m sure tonight is probably the quiet before a storm or two,” Sunset said. ”I’ll sail through it all though. I survived this, I’m sure I’ll survive whatever comes my way going forward.” There was confidence in her voice. She had been self-reliant before. A strong loner. She didn’t want her old life back, nor this new life, but she knew how to make something of herself for better or for worse. “I’m not saying it’ll be easy though.”

 “We’ve always known you to be tough and unrelenting,” Fancy Pants said. “And I’m sure you’ll do great. But if you need us, know that you can always count on us to support you.”

 “I know, dad,” she said. She stood behind her father and put her arms around him. She definitely did not want to be alone again.

 Sunset retired to her bedroom. She had left her phone to charge on her nightstand, but she didn’t get any new messages or missed calls. Maybe a sign that her messages had finally gotten through. Maybe her former friends had decided to go out without her, or just hang out somewhere and watch some movie. Who knew. Who cared.

 The cuts and scratches on her arm from the bullying even before the incident had fully healed up, she noticed. Most pains had all but gone, save for a few when she made very specific movements or turned a certain way. Even then it was more of a nuisance than a real ordeal.

 She looked at her other hand and noticed some scarring and she realized, she hadn’t even inspected her body ever since the attack.

 She started searching around her room for a hand mirror before remembering she had one in the bathroom. She got it and stood in front of her closet mirror, uneasy. She had planned on just trying to relax. Just trying to forget about all of this for one night. To escape, even if for just a few hours.

 She locked her bedroom door and went back to the closet mirror. With a sigh, she closed her eyes. She put her fingers around the belly rim of her tank top, and was about to pull it over her head.

 Before the attempt on her life, this had always been normalcy. Just undressing, no big deal. She had never been self-conscious about her body before. She was a fit young lady and took proper care of herself, she knew. But now she wasn’t sure about what she might see.

 In the hospital, when she would either be cleaned (at first) or cleaned herself, she had only caught glimpses and felt some new marks, but never had she seen the entirety of what had happ- had been done to her. Even when showing Applejack that had only been to prove a point, not about confronting herself with it.

Her hands tightened around the rim of her top, before gently letting go. She opened her eyes and saw herself in the mirror. There was a sadness in her reflection that hadn’t been there before: self-pity. She didn’t feel it, but she saw it.

 Quickly, she stepped away from the mirror and went to sit on her bed, facing the window. Nightfall had come around, and the evening was drawing to a close. She looked up and saw the amber glow of the horizon reflecting off a single cloud, floating in the blue and violets of the twilight sky. It felt like nothing could take away that darned persistent unease. That relentless ever-lurking unrest.

 “Twilight…” She sighed, lamenting that the day she’d hoped would give her some closure was coming to an end. “Twilight!” She shouted.

 She turned around and tore open the top drawer of her night stand, nearly knocking her phone off the top. The book! Twilight! She must be worried sick!

 The drawer however, was empty. That’s when she remembered she’d left it in her locker at school. It could have dozens of concerned messages and apologies and who knows what else! First thing tomorrow, for sure. Sunset grabbed a pen and wrote it on the back of her hand before tying a piece of cloth around it. Definitely first thing tomorrow morning.

 When she shut the drawer again, the phone started vibrating, startling her. Her friends hadn’t tried to contact her since those early phone calls so, maybe it was something else this time. To be sure, she picked it up to see who it might be. Unknown number. She decided to answer the call.

 “Hello? Sunset Shimmer speaking. Can I help you?”

 “Hello Sunset, it’s the school counsellor. I’m just checking in on how you’re doing. How are you? Glad you’re back home I presume?”

 “Oh yes, definitely glad to be back home. Thanks for asking. Today has been… eventful. But I know I’m in an okay spot right now.”

 ”That’s good to hear. You sound like you’re doing well. If you want, you can come and visit me tomorrow any time.”

 “That’s okay. I’ll just see how things will go. Anything could happen at this time, no point in making any plans just yet.” Sunset said.

 ”I suppose. Anyway, besides calling to check up on you, I’d like to let you know that things at school have all been arranged in accordance with your wishes, except PE class. We just couldn’t match all the classes to be non-overlapping. I hope this isn’t too much of an issue?”

 Sunset had hoped to change all of her classes but figured rearranging everything would be pretty much impossible. “It’s not, really. I appreciate all the effort everybody’s made on my behalf thus far. It really is a blessing.”

 “Well, that’s good to hear at least. Also formally, your homeroom teacher won’t change either. You don’t need to attend her classes but she does hope you’ll come back at some point. She feels she knows you fairly well and is looking forward to seeing you again, even if it’s privately after, or at the end of her class.”

 “That can be arranged.” I’d like to have a word with her too about the whole ordeal. ”You said formally, does that mean I’ll be in another homeroom class?”

 “You’re free to join another class since they’re all at the same hours, but we understand if you won’t. Just show up at the specified hours and do your assignments. As long as you personally keep your homeroom teacher up to date things should work out just fine.”

 “Will do, I guess.” Homeroom was definitely something she would not be joining for a while. It wasn’t even just about her friends. Everyone had been against her. People is something she did not want to deal with right now. Just focussing on her academics would be plenty considering she’d fallen behind.

 “The deadlines for the assignments you had before you were hospitalized have been moved to half-way through the next semester, as have your tests. You’ll be taking those privately on a few early hours, though we’ve not established the exact dates just yet. You can expect to hear of those in the upcoming week. Probably during the respective classes.”

 “Mhhhm,” Sunset hummed in the affirmative. “that’s okay. I’ve been reading books from school whenever I wanted a distraction anyway, I’m sure I’ll do fine.”

 “Lastly, and this is, I suppose, off the record, if you don’t mind?” The counsellor asked.

“What is it?” Sunset wondered what would need to be off the record with a counsellor who’s already asking about personal matters anyway.

 “Well, I was personally wondering if you would consider pressing charges against the person or people who’ve assaulted you.”

 “Why do you ask?” Sunset had considered it on and off while in the hospital, but it wasn’t a top priority until it slipped her mind completely. How does the school even know it was an assault? It would seem this is the most they know given the question asked.

 “Well, some people have come forward with concerns about the situation and I’ve had to tell them that only parents and/or legal guardians or the person who was assaulted could press charges. Legally speaking.” The voice on the phone paused briefly. ”We even had a police officer come by to ask some questions but we couldn’t be of much help unfortunately.”

 Sunset could think of nobody but the CMC having told the story, perhaps under pressure of their sisters, to the school administrative bodies. Diamond Tiara and the Diamond Dogs wouldn’t come forward of their own accord. It could be that her former friends heard the story from the CMC and went to the counsellor themselves. In any case she didn’t know, and it wasn’t any of their concern. This was something Sunset and her family would have to deal with.

 “May I know who talked to you about this?” This should narrow it down at least. Though, she didn’t know why she even bothered asking.

 “Well, as a counsellor…” There was doubt in the voice on the other side of the phone.

 “We’re off the record though.”

 “I’m sorry, I really cannot say. All I can say is that there were some people concerned about this situation. People you know who wanted to seek legal means of punishing those who did this to you or at least protect you if and when you were to come back. That’s all.”

 “I’ve got a pretty good idea as to who it might’ve been.” Sunset didn’t know whether or not Diamond Tiara had given up on getting rid of her. She hadn’t heard anything regarding that girl since the incident. There was that chance still she might come after her.

 Besides that, a violent crime like this should not go unpunished. What a precedent to set: just conspire to and actually try to kill someone and if you fail you get away with it! There should be no doubt: prosecution is the right thing to do, but not uninformed. “If I do press charges, you’ll know soon enough.” A police investigation is sure to stir up a fuss.

 “If you need any help, be sure to seek out the right professional help. I might not be a legal advisor but you can count on me to help where I can. We do have directories of resources for example.”

That at least is helpful, Sunset thought. “Thanks for all the help thus far. I wasn’t looking forward to school again, but it feels good to get back up again.”

 “Glad to hear it. Have a good night, Sunset.”

 “You too. Good night.”

 Sunset put down the phone. At least some things would be alright. She looked at the cloth around her hand. First thing tomorrow.

 The room had gone dark but for the light of her phone. She turned on the night light by her bed side and closed the curtains. The features on her face slowly danced between hope and anxiety. It was undeniable that things were starting to look up for her again, yet everything could come falling down at the drop of a hat. That night, Sunset had very little sleep.

* * *

 Applejack’s day hadn’t gone as well as Sunset’s had. She had wanted to say a thousand things but ended up only listening. She hadn’t planned for anything, but she had at least hoped for a conversation.

 When she walked out of the hospital that morning, she felt relief for a moment, coming out of that tense situation. She decided to walk home to mull over the things she would relay to her other friends. There wasn’t too much to say, but she was sure they would have a lot of questions she would not be able to answer. Best to just be honest: most of her answers would be “Ah just don’t know”.

 Rarity would probably understand. She could handle uncertainty and not knowing. She would be uncomfortable wanting to know for sure, but she’d accept that fate and respect Sunset’s wishes.

 Fluttershy would be the same, except she’d cry. Fortunately she would have plenty of shoulders to cry on. After that she’d give a small smile knowing that there is that second chance past the horizon. As long as there was hope, she could move on.

 Applejack wasn’t sure how to talk to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. They would either completely seclude themselves out of shame or desperately try and get Sunset back and do something incredibly stupid. Maybe that’s why Sunset’s words for them were particularly harsh so they wouldn’t do either.

 In the end, it was AJ herself who got the worst of it: it had been the final reason why Sunset invited her and her alone.

 Applejack sighed. At least the rain had stopped. Her friends had asked her to call as soon as she was done, but Sunset had requested otherwise, so she didn’t call. Instead, she texted them to meet her at her place when she’d get home.

 Nearing the edge of town, she spotted Big Mac in the pickup truck. Her friends sat in the back, even Rainbow Dash. Pinkie’s hair had its poofiness back so, there’s that. Applejack greeted them with a refrained smile, as she was greeted in kind.

 “Howdy y’all,” Applejack said, her relief almost palpable.

 Rarity helped pull Applejack into the back of the truck, bringing her into a hug. She sat her down at the back end. “Well? How is she?” Rarity asked.

 “Ah guess we’re startin’ with the good news then,” Applejack chuckled. “She’s actually not doing too bad,” she said positively. ”She’ll be comin’ back to school soon. Prob’ly t’morrah.”

 “Oh that’s wonderful news!” Rarity said. Her expression grew more solemn. ”So then… What’s the bad news?”

 “Ah’ll get to that when we get back ta mah place,” Applejack said. ”Ah wrote some stuff down and talkin’ over the loud pickup truck ain’t exac’ly an ideal way ta do it,” she shouted.

 On the way back home, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity wanted to speak their minds but even when they managed to shout over the racket, there’d always be someone who’d missed what was said. Only Rainbow Dash and Applejack kept quiet the entire time. Applejack had given up on trying to get a read on that girl and instead just looked off into the distance. However plain, open and expressive Rainbow Dash was in general, today was her opposite day. Even Big Mac had shown his remorse, as he too wasn’t innocent in this.

 Big Mac parked the truck by the big farmhouse and lead the girls inside. Applebloom and Granny Smith had prepared tea in the living room, along with a plate of sandwiches in case their get together would last them past noon.

 “Applebloom wanted to let ya know she’s incred’bly sorreh ‘bout e’rything that’s happened,” Big Mac said. “Ah know she’s not been open ‘bout it, but last night we had us a little chat ‘n Ah can tell y’all that our little crusad’rs really wanna make things ra’ht.” He turned his gaze from the group to just Applejack “Even if it’s not with Sunset, then at least with the rest of you.”

 Applejack was about to speak, but Big Mac raised his hand and continued. “Ah don’t often tell ya what Ah think, but we are family Applejack. We’re all she’s got. Ah don’t know ‘bout the other crusaders. They can’t fix this on their own.” Despite not being much of an adult himself, he had decided to take on this role whenever he deemed necessary. Right now, both his sisters needed someone like him in their own way. This was his part to play. ”So Ah say we need ta give them that chance. Not ra’ht now, but it’s just som’thin’ ta think ‘bout.”

 Big Mac moved to leave the room. “Ah’ll be ‘round the farm if ya need me.” And with that, he was gone. Applejack hadn’t really dealt with her relationship with her sister yet, but things definitely hadn’t been the same. She was glad her brother had helped out like this. At least now she knew Applebloom was still in that same boat. That murky water needed to be cleared, but not now.

 Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy went and sat on the sofa. Applejack let herself drop into the recliner and Rainbow Dash gently, or maybe meekly, sat down on the fauteuil chair near the window sil.

 Eager to break the silence, Rarity spoke first. “So then… Here we are. I would just like to say that I appreciate that Sunset’s recovery is going well, to at least start on a positive note.”

 Everyone nodded in agreement, though the silence remained. Applejack looked to Rarity and got out the notes she had made this morning.

 “Sunset had quite a bit to say, too much for me to remember all at once, so I took some notes. Ah hope that’s alright.”

 “Notes?” Fluttershy asked.

 “She asked that Ah would person’ly relay ‘er messages to ya, so that’s what Ah’ll do,” Applejack gulped nervously.

 “That reminds me...” Pinkie Pie said “Why did she ask just for you specifically?”

 Applejack had been waiting for this question. “Well, there’s no harm in tellin’. She basically chose me because I would be the most stable person to tell. No room for a faintin’ couch in the hospital room,” she chuckled disingenuously “Plus I’d not cry, or be loud.“ Even though Ah did cry … She thought. “Well, that’s the gist of it anyway.” She shrugged.

 Pinkie Pie just left it at that, motioning for Applejack to continue.

 “Everyone okay if Ah read all her messages to all ‘a ya? Anyone wanna hear in private what Sunset had to say?”

 There were no objections.

 “Before Ah begin, y’all are going to have questions after. Ah know this because Ah have questions myself. Ah won’t get my questions answered, and neith’r will you. Ah just want y’all to know that so ya can prepare for that. We’ll just have to make due with what Sunset left us for now.”

 Applejack looked around the room. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy looked somewhat conflicted over if they should ask something about that very remark just now, but kept quiet. Rainbow Dash still was as quiet and unreadable as before. She had her arms crossed and tried to hide her face behind her hair.

 Applejack cleared her throat. “Ah’ll start with Fluttershy’s then.”

 “Sunset said you should have been kind enough to come talk to her in private when she got accused of being anon-a-miss. Even if you fully believed the lies about her, you should have. She’d seen you do this when others had their issues with you or between one another. She felt like she could trust you out of everyone to extend that kindness to her, but you didn’t. You violated that trust. You have been most unkind to her, and it will take a long while to restore that trust.”

 Fluttershy’s lip quivered and a tear ran down her cheek, but she tried her best not to break down completely.

 “Let her words sink in, Fluttershy. She asks you to. You’ve been kinder to complete strangers than you were to her, your friend.” This stung Fluttershy like nothing else. She quietly kept wiping away at her eyes while Applejack continued. ”Sunset doesn’t know what you can do to restore your friendship with her, but she hopes you still know her well enough to figure that out.”

 Fluttershy nodded and averted her gaze. She grabbed some tissues to clean herself of her tears.

Wow, guess Sunset was wrong about Fluttershy. Day’s not over yet tho’. Applejack thought.

 She turned her gaze to Rarity, who gulped.

 “Sunset would like to know, Rarity, why you hadn’t given her the benefit of the doubt. Given her innocence until proven guilty.”

 “Well I just-” Applejack held up her hand and interrupted her.

 “Ah’m sorreh to interrupt ya Rarity, but telln’ me or anybody else here won’t do any good. Best to save it for when ya talk to Sunset agin. She’s the one ya should tell.”

 Rarity piped down apologetically. Applejack continued.

 “As Ah was sayin’. Sunset would like to know why you hadn’t given her the benefit of the doubt. When yer in a situation, yer always willin’ ta hear out all sides. Even when ya don’t even know anybody involved. Yet, Sunset having wronged nobody, you were certain had done all she had been accused of.”

 Applejack sighed.

 “When Ah was in the hospital this morn’, Sunset just sat there in disbelief when she told me all’o’dis. She had her hands open across ‘er lap sittin’ inn’er bed.” Applejack gave Rarity a concerned look. “Ah think this was one thing that really really stuck with her. When ya finally get ta sit down with her and really talk this all over, ya need ta address this.”

 “I guess since we’ll probably not talk to her for a while, it will give me some time to think. All of us.” Rarity had a lump in her throat, pinching her voice “Maybe it’s for the best,” she sobbed.

 “Sunset said she was done with all of it and said she’d try ‘n focus on her academics for the rest of the year. Ah say we all make the best of our time apart and try’n fix our friendship after. We cain’t expect it to fix itself over night.”

 Applejack looked towards Rainbow Dash next. She hadn’t let out a peep since forever. She wasn’t looking, only listening. She had her heels on the chair and her forehead against her knees, arms crossed in front. Pinkie Pie sat next to her, albeit on different furniture. Pinkie sat leaning forward with her elbows on her knees.

 “Which is somethin’ ta stress to you guys,” Applejack paused, trying to think of what Rainbow Dash might be going through, and has been through all this time. What she’s subjected herself to. She’d seemed to have taken it all the worst since the beginning, not even going to the hospital with them, saying she didn’t deserve to.

 “Rainbow Dash?” Applejack said. Everyone turned to look at Rainbow Dash, who only seemed to brace herself ever more closed up.

 “Rainbow Dash, Ah need to know yer listenin’. Sunset had something to say to you ‘n Pinkie Pie and it’s very important you listen, an’ listen good.”

 All she got in response was what looked like a nod. Pinkie Pie turned to Applejack and nodded as well, letting Applejack know Rainbow Dash was listening too.

 “Ahlright then. Ah’ll do Pinkie first, then Rainbow Dash and then somethin’ for both of ya, or all of us dependin’ on how ya’ll wanna take it.”

 “Pinkie Pie, Sunset appreciates the party you set up on the day of the incident. She said it was a good start. It had even made her smile a little.”

 Pinkie Pie smiled and wiped away a single tear.

 “That being said, you hadn’t been there to cheer her up even before all of our own secrets came out. She’d been targeted plenty time before then, but not once had you even tried.”

 Pinkie raised a finger and lowered it again, remaining quiet.

 “Sunset felt pretty abandoned over that, Pinkie. You’ll have to think about that.”

 Rainbow Dash wiggled her feet a little, anxiously, knowing it was her turn. She didn’t look up. She didn’t want to hear what she had been telling herself all this time. Those horrible things she already knew. It’s all my fault. I should have been there for her, all the way! I should’ve been there to protect her! I’m not worthwhile. I don’t deserve to be her friend!

 Applejack turned to only face Rainbow Dash, as did the others. Rainbow Dash could sense it.

 “Rainbow Dash?”

 Rainbow Dash got startled ever so slightly, despite knowing it was coming.

 “Ah’ll read ya what Sunset had to say.”

 Rainbow Dash nodded.

 “She said that, when we had all gone to the hospital and you’d decided not to, you were right.” Rainbow Dash flinched. Nobody knew what Sunset meant by this and to Rainbow Dash it could only mean bad things, so it meant the worst.

 Applejack continued. ”She would have liked to have had ya there, but you were right about not having been loyal with her.”

 Rainbow Dash felt her stomach churn.

 “She also wants you to know that you had nothing to do with her endin’ up in the hospital.”

 A quiet whimpering and sobbing filled the room, shortly followed by another.

 “She said you couldn’t have known she would get assaulted. It wouldn’t even have happened had any one of us been around, so it was impossible for you to even have known, let alone stop it.”

 She paused. Then continued.

 “So she wants you to not blame yourself for that, because she isn’t either. None of us are.”

 Rainbow Dash started to openly cry now, her mind a turbulent maelstrom. How could she forgive me for THAT?! If I had been with her that day, no way would she have been in the hospital! If only I had stood by her! If only I had been there! Why? Why wasn’t I there?!

 “Why? Why, Applejack?” Rainbow Dash looked up from behind her knees. She sniffed. “Why? How? How can she just forgive me for something like that?”

 “What do ya mean? Forgive you?” Applejack asked.

 “I mean! If I had been there for her, she wouldn’t have been in the hospital! If I’d stuck by her … She almost died AJ! How is this not my fault?!”

 “Well, did you know she was gonna get assaulted?”

 “No, but!-” Rainbow Dash said frustrated.

 “And could you have known?”

 “Well maybe but-”

 “Then how could you have stopped something you didn’t know was gonna happen?” Applejack tried to let this sink in. Sunset had told her to have Rainbow Dash reason herself out of blaming herself. There was no way she would listen to anybody else telling her not to blame herself.

 Things went quiet for a bit as Rainbow Dash was rewiring the things in her brain to make sense to her.

 “What if I’d stayed by her side the whole time then?”

 “Ah don’t think she would’ve let you. The whole point of the party that day was to make things right with her. Maybe if you’d stalked her 24/7 ‘til she’d catch you stalking her and got you a restraining order.”

 There was a brief pause before Applejack continued.

 “Sunset is only upset with you for one thing, but it’s nothin’ to do with her endin’ up in the hospital. It was from before then, like with the rest of us.”

 “Well then, what is it?” Rainbow Dash seemed to have gotten past her guilt, at least for the time being. No doubt it would return. Hopefully she’d remember this conversation by the time it would.

 “Well, she wondered why ya didn’t stand by her like ya always had. She’d thought that out of everyone, you’d be there by her side. She figured you’d have her back when she got bullied, attacked and accused.”

 Rainbow Dash’s eyes met Applejack’s and in them she saw Sunsets. She could see her watching from that hospital bed, hearing the things Sunset would have said that day. Through AJ’s voice Sunset’s echoed.

 “But you didn’t have my back, Dash. You weren’t there for me. And that hurt me more than anything.”

 Dash’s lips quivered. Whatever void the sense of guilt had left was now overflowing with something much, much deeper. Something she couldn’t imagine having a name. A sickening mix of self-loathing, disappointment, disgust and an incredible sense of sympathy from imagining what Sunset must have felt.

 Rainbow set her feet on the floor and leaned forward, elbows on her knees. She had her hands in front of her, empty and powerless. Before her was the daunting, insurmountable task of making things right with Sunset yet behind her were all the chances she’d ever get to do it. All that was thundering through her heart, like lightning striking every corner of her soul, was what Sunset must have gone through by her hands. Only two words came to mind.

 “I…. I’m…. I’m sorry,” she muttered.

 Applejack was still facing Rainbow Dash, uncertain how many of her and Sunset’s words had reached her. How many of them had changed her. Knowing Rainbow Dash, things were warring within her, fighting against that stubborn mind of hers.

 Applejack felt a million miles grow between them as Dash turned to speak to Sunset. Such as Dash had heard Sunset in the words AJ had spoken, so too had Dash addressed Sunset when she said again “I’m sorry” to Applejack, who for the first time in all of this had qualms about speaking up, or even drawing a single breath.

 “I’m sorry,” Dash cried. “I’m sorry! I didn’t-” Dash shouted. She had finally lost all the grip she could muster. She felt it slipping and it all came pouring out of her in an incredible rush. “I didn’t- I’m so sorry I broke your heart, Sunset! I broke your heart! And I’m soo sorry!” Tears were streaming down her face.

 Pinkie Pie put a hand on Dash’s shoulder. Dash turned to Pinkie Pie and hugged her close. Pinkie’d started to cry as well, as had Rarity and Fluttershy, all knowing they had done the same. A minute or two passed before things settled down again. Rainbow Dash let go of Pinkie Pie and sat back down on the fauteuil chair.

 “She must have been devastated. I can’t even begin to imagine walking in her shoes,” Dash said “To be hated and even bullied over something I hadn’t even done and then… And then for my best friends, you guys, to just walk away and not just turn your backs on me but even join the bullies!”

 “If this is how she felt, Rarity said, “I’m surprised she had even talked to us as early as she did, before we had yet to think of throwing her a party.”

 “I never knew she was that strong,” Fluttershy said. “To endure all of that without feeling any kind of hatred.” At least, that’s what she had hoped.

 “I really hope we can fix all this,” Pinkie Pie said. “But parties might not be the answer.”

 “Yeah, about that,” Applejack began once more. “Sunset had a few things to say about that too. About what to do next.”

 “Well spill it! How are we gonna fix this?” Dash said.

 “Calm down. AhI’ll start with the most important bit so pay some mind.”

 AJ cleared her throat and made sure everyone was closely listening.

 “Well, it’s like Pinkie Pie said really: we can’t just party ourselves out of this one,” she said. “Sunset said that she wants to friends with us again, …” Applejack paused.

 “But?…” Rarity asked.

 “But not right now, and not even soon. Like, at least until after summer.”

 “We have to wait that long?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, apparently having forgotten why they had this conversation in the first place. When she got unappreciative glares, she rephrased her outburst “That soon? I never thought I’d say this but I’m already excited for the next school year!”

 “Hold yer horses. We won’t be doin’ much of any waitin’. We screwed up big time, so Ah reckon she gave us this time to consider e’rything that’s happened, the personal things between us that she shared and most importantly, how we’ll make the best of this second chance she’s givin’ us.”

 Applejack saw her friends nodding in agreement. Things were going well.

 “She also said there was no point in try’n’a get on her good side until she’s well ‘n ready. You could move a mountain and it’d still only make things worse. Basically she’s sayin’ to not do anything crazy or on impulse.” She looked at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie just for this, who then looked at each other. Rainbow Dash saw Pinkie hide a few balloons and streamers behind her back, whereas Pinkie saw Dash ripping apart and hiding an invitation of sorts she was writing.

 “We’ll be on our best behaviour,” Pinkie Pie said apologetically.

 “But then… what are we going to do?” Rainbow Dash asked.

 “I’ll be taking Sunset’s words to heart,” Rarity began. “It’s what I’d want in her situation. I’m not sure what I’ll be doing after that. I’m not sure it makes much sense to even think about it yet. There are too many things yet uncertain to come up with any sort of plan for the long term.” Rarity rubbed her chin for a moment, looking up and back again before continuing “Yes. I think that’s what I’ll do. Just live in the moment for now, see what happens and then once the storm has passed I’ll work with what things are certain after.”

 “I agree with Rarity,” Fluttershy said. “The things Applejack just said on Sunset’s behalf were only the most important bit of what she’s gone through. I’ll think of all the things that have happened, my role in that and what it all means together with what she’d wanted me to know. I really should have been kind all those times I had neglected her.”

 Pinkie Pie felt it was her turn to chime in, though she hadn’t really thought ahead as much as her predecessors.

 “Uhm… I want to throw a party, but I have no idea why. Yet.” She got some funny looks before continuing. “And while I’m thinking of one… I’ll do what Fluttershy suggested and I’ll see what I can do to brighten her day without her even knowing.”

 Last, but not least, everyone’s attention turned to Rainbow Dash, who had no idea on what to say or what to do, save for what had already been said.

 “I guess I won’t be doing anything crazy then. That’s a good start.” Rainbow Dash scratched her head at this one. “All I really want to do as soon as possible is say I’m sorry. This thing is gonna eat me alive.”

 “You do realize that the moment you say sorry, you’re gonna want to be friends again and hang out and everything like before, right?” Applejack said.

 “Well,.... Yeah…. I know that’s impossible but I need this Applejack! I need to at least apologize!”

 “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash” AJ put her hands on her Dash’s shoulders “but you’ll just have to endure. For Sunset’s sake. For our friendship.”

 Rarity was suddenly rummaging through her purse looking for something. A few seconds later, she pulled out a rainbow ribbon and motioned for Dash to hold out her arm to her. Rarity tied the ribbon to Rainbow Dash’s wrist, saying “There. Let this ribbon remind you of your friendship with Sunset Shimmer and all of us, so that you won’t do anything foolish.”

 She turned to face Rainbow Dash. “Every time you want to apologize to Sunset, just feel or see this ribbon on your wrist and know why you shouldn’t, you mustn’t do it.”

 “Why do you keep a rainbow coloured ribbon in your purse?” Rainbow Dash asked.

 “It’s like a fashionable emergency kit for situations like this. Now I’ve patched some troubles and it looks good on you.” Rarity smiled.

 “Okay? … But I still really want to apologize. I don’t want her to think of us as cold and heartless, that we don’t want to patch things up! What if we drift further apart?”

 “Trust me, she knows we care,” Applejack reassured her. “When Ah was talking with her this morning, she made that very clear to me. Despite our attempts not workin’ or even bein’ much appreciated, she did notice and she does know why we did it.”

 “Then, wouldn’t it be okay to at least say sorry so she knows a little extra?”

 Rarity held up Dash’s ribboned hand. Dash sighed.

 “Fine… I’ll try and endure. For all of us. I might need your help though,” Dash said.

 “You can count on us,” Pinkie Pie said.

 “Ahem” Applejack suddenly cleared her throat again. “Then there was one last thing, although at this point it’s not much important. Besides all the drama, Sunset also said she wanted some time to dedicate to ‘er studies an’ other activities since she’s missed a few things while in the hospital,” Applejack said. “She wanted me to mention this because y’all might think the break is just because o’ us but there’s more to it than just that. She was just worried y’all might overthink it.”

 Pinkie Pie blew a raspberry ”Pffht, who would even do that? Right Dashie?”

 “Heh, yeah…” Dash got that it was a joke, but couldn’t laugh about it in genuine. “So…. what now? Like, right now?”

 “Uhm, I can’t be staying much longer” Fluttershy said “I’ve got animals to take care of this afternoon.” She looked to Rarity as if to ask what she’d be doing.

 “Oh, well, uhh,” Rarity stammered. “I think I should have a loong talk with Sweetie Belle today, since she caused this whole mess together with her friends. Now that we know a little more about Sunset, I’d say it’s absolutely warranted.”

 “How will you break it to her?” Fluttershy asked.

 “I’ll just come out and announce it as good news, especially the things about getting a second chance, and then just ask her to clear some time later today.”Rarity said ”Maybe tonight.”

 “How ‘bout you Pinkie Pie?” Applejack asked.

 “Oh, you know, I’ll just be planning parties and such,” she said with a smile. Her eyes however, told a different story. Nobody questioned her however.

 “Ahl just be ‘round the farm. There’s always a bunch of chores needin’ to be done and those’ll give me some time ta think,” AJ said. “Ah’ll also need ta talk to Big Mac ‘n Applebloom. Since Big Mac already had a chat with ‘er, Ah’m sure she’ll be anticipatin’ it.”

 “How ‘bout you Dash?” Applejack asked. “You gonna talk to Scootaloo? Ya did chew her out quite fiercely, and unlike Rarity ‘n myself, ya don’t live together. When’s the last time ya talked to her?”

 Rarity broke the silence when Rainbow Dash kept quiet. “Don’t tell me that was the last time you two have even seen each other?”

 Dash nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been pretty upset with her. Then when Sunset got in the hospital I’d just forgotten about that.” Dash had a concerned look on her face. “You think she’s okay?”

 “Applebloom said they’d talked about the whole Sunset situation every now and again, but nothing ‘specially ‘bout Scootaloo,” Applejack said.

 Dash let out a sigh of relief as she’d feared the worst for a moment. “I guess I know what I’ll be doing this afternoon then.” I can’t believe I’ve been this terrible. She thought. “I hope she’s alright. I hope she’ll even want to see me.”

 Fluttershy put her hand on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder “I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you. I’ll bet they want to make things right with us as much as we want to set things right with Sunset.”

 “I hope you’re right,” Rainbow Dash said. She looked around the room and saw her friends all in support of her and of one another. She knew she’d have to work hard on that second chance. Now that there was something she could set her sights on, she had found a new hope for the future.

 Rainbow Dash looked at the ribbon around her wrist. I can endure, Sunset. I will make things right again. Just you wait. She thought. We all will.

 The five of them all had their plans for the afternoon. They said their goodbyes and left to go to their respective destinations. The mood had not been light enough to stick around for lunch. Applejack said her family could easily finish all the food, so no fuss was thrown.

 Big Mac got the truck again to drive the girls home, leaving AJ alone on the farm. She listed all the chores to do this afternoon and got to work. For Applebloom she’d left a note, announcing she’d want to have a chat later today, concerning the situation with Sunset.

* * *

 Sunset came around, and Applejack had all but finished her chores. Big Mac had come back early in the afternoon with Granny Smith and Applebloom and they’d all had lunch together. Spirits had been relatively high due to how AJ had told Applebloom the good news. She and her friends would be getting another chance, as well as the Cutiemark Crusaders. She’d also informed her that she’d like to have a chat with her after her dinner, and that Big Mac would be welcome too.

 Walking around the big farmhouse she smelt dinner being prepared as she stored away the last of the tools she’d been using that afternoon. She came across Big Mac by the tool shed. Together they headed towards the farmhouse.

 “Have ya had some time ta think ‘bout e’rything?” Big Mac asked.

 “Ah’ve had some time to unwind and just not think about nothin’,” Applejack sighed. “Ah’ve thought and said everything Ah wanted to and Ah’mma just see how things will go from there.”

 “Not overthinkin’ things can be just as importn’t as straightening out yer thoughts Ah suppose,” he drawled. “So as long as they’re genuine ya should do fine,” he paused. “Ah’ll stop by you ‘n Applebloom tonight, but Ah probably won’t stick ‘round so you two can have some alone time. The things between you ’n her is something Ah can’t be much help in.”

 Applejack sighed. She was not looking forward to tonight in a way. She’d brought the news as something positive yet she felt like this would become a big confrontation somehow.

 “Ah appreciate ya bein’ ‘round for me ‘n Applebloom, Big Mac,” AJ said. “How ‘bout yerself? Have you had any thoughts about any ‘o this?”

 “Ah’m not a vindictive person Applejack, so even when things went sour between me ‘n Sunset, Ah’ve done nothin’ to regret. Mah only regret regarding things between me ‘n Sunset is not apologizing in a timely fashion. Ah’ll see if Ah can do so t’morrah.”

 He then continued “And Ah should also apologize to you ‘n yer friends Ah suppose. It’s like Sunset said, y’all are all supportive of one another. Well Ah’m supposed to be supportive of you’ll Applebloom and if Ah had been, maybe you would’ve been more trusting of your friends or more doubtful of all the rumours. So, Ah’m sorry for missin’ out on that.”

 “Ah appreciate the thought Big Mac, but best to save yer apologies fer Sunset. She’s the one who suffered most of all.” Big Mac’s words did make her think however. There probably were a lot of people connected like this. Familial and amicable bonds ultimately connected friends and enemies alike, like a giant net. No doubt more people were hurt in this. Maybe others will come to Sunset too, to say they’re sorry or to make amends.

 They entered the house and went to sit at the table. Food was set and served and each ate to their hearts content. The day had been long and tumultuous. Everyone was very hungry yet content. For the first time since a while, things were relaxed and unwinding and the dinner conversations were filled with joy and laughter. Everyone knew of the serious matters to be discussed, but they all radiated the hope they held in their hearts through their knowing smiles.

 After dessert, Applebloom and Applejack retreated to Applebloom’s room to talk. Applebloom lead AJ up the stairs and down the hall and through the doorstep. Applejack closed the door behind them. Though the light through the window in the roof was plenty, they turned on the lampshades in the corners.

 Applebloom went to sit backwards on the chair by her desk, her arms resting on the back and her head resting on her arms. Applejack just crashed on Applebloom’s bed. She was still with it, but she was painfully aware of how tired she’d become. Fortunately, the day was almost over.

 “So what was the good news ya had from Sunset Shimmer?” Applebloom asked.

 Applejack sat back upright. Had she had this conversation lying down she’d fall asleep on the second word she’d utter. “Well sugarcube, it looks like she’ll be coming back to school this week. Maybe as soon as tomorrah!”

 “That’s great!” Applebloom cheered. “Does that mean ya’ll be hanging out agin soon? The crusaders ‘n I were thinkin’ of making things up t-”

 Applebloom saw the melancholic look of Applejack. Something wasn’t quite right.

 “Ah suppose there’s some good news that’s not as great as you’d hoped,” Applejack began. “We’re not ...”, She flinched a little and had to fetch her voice, after a very deep sigh. ”We’re not back together again.” Actually saying this out loud, actually thinking about to tell someone else, hurt a lot worse than she’d imagined.

 “Then, how good is it? Is it bad? Please don’t say it’s bad!” Applebloom cried.

 “It’s still good. Sunset said we’d give our friendships another chance. Just...”


 “Just not right now. Not just cuz of all the drama, but that is a really big part of it.” Applejack looked down and frowned, despite wanting to be positive about this, especially this and especially to Applebloom.

 Applebloom didn’t know whether the smile or frown at that, so she tried both. “Ah guess that’s a good thing in the long run then. How much of a chance she say ya got?”

 “Actually, that reminds me. Y’all also still need ta apologize to everyone.” If there’s one question Applejack didn’t want to answer…

 “Ah know, and we’ve been thinkin’ about that,” She said confidently. “But” She continued. Her expression suddenly went very serious “how much of a chance ya got?”

 “We gotta wait until at least the next school year.” … it was that one question. “After that, we’ll have ta see.” Failing miserably at smiling, Applejack looked away.

 “You guys are gonna get back together, aren’t ya?” Applebloom asked.

 Applejack couldn’t face her sister. She didn’t want to be asked these questions. She didn’t want to think about it. She just wanted her friend back. She wanted to apologize to Sunset a thousand times over. As strong as she’d been for Rainbow Dash this morning, she wished Dash were here to be strong for her tonight. Now she understood. Ah’m sorry. Ahm sorry! Ahm so sorry Sunset! Was all she could think. Her heart finally gave way and broke.

 Applejack turned to her sister. She’d never cried this much. All she could muster was a stammered “Ah don’t know… Ah honestly don’t know Applebloom.”

 Her crying voice filled the silent room as it grew louder and louder, before being muffled away into a pillow. Applebloom looked on in a nervous bewilderment as she saw the one who never cried lay broken in her bed.

 Gradually, Applebloom tried to comprehend what must be going through Applejack. She didn’t know what Sunset had told her, but it didn’t sound like that even mattered anymore. All she heard was an endless stream of smothered apologies to Sunset. Ah’m sorry, Ah’m so sorry. It rang over and over again. No excuses, no wishes to have her back, only remorse for hurting her beloved friend.

 Memories of Sunset walking down the hallways in school came back to her. Bruised up. Spat on. Covered in food or filth. Standing in front of her vandalized locker. Not just a day or two, or even a week but weeks on end. Was she blaming herself for that? That wasn’t even her fault, and AJ knew this.

 She’d also seen Sunset argue with her sister and the rest of her friends. At some point they’d even stood with the rest of the school, accusing her of all the horrible things Applebloom herself had been doing. The thought struck a deep chord in her heart. She’d never seen Applejack cry. She’d never seen anyone even cry like this. Yet here before her lay the reality of her and her two friends horrible acts as Anon-a-Miss.

She had done this. Applejack was crying, because of her. Not just Applejack but everyone in her group had been hurt like this.

 Deep inside, Applebloom felt something welling up. Something twisting and turning her gut in ways it shouldn’t. She wanted to say something, anything, but in her throat sat a tight knot. In her mind, there were no words.

 In silence, she came over to sit by her sister against the side of the bed. Applejack was still crying, though ever quieter. It wouldn’t be until dawn she would be able to even think on this in words again.

 Applebloom thought of Sweetie Belle and Rarity, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. She’d broken them apart. Scootaloo hadn’t even talked to Rainbow Dash since they had gotten scolded. At least Applebloom had her family around. Things weren’t easy at the moment, but at least they were on speaking terms, trying to fix the mess she’d made.

 She stared at the other side of the room past the lamp shades. Far beyond, as she went on a final day dream. Around her, whites, blues and violets had given way to the orange of the shades. When she came to, it was dark out. Her sister had cried herself to sleep.

 She got up, her back and legs aching. Quiet as a mouse, she closed her curtains and undressed, getting ready for bed.

 Suddenly, she heard a buzzing in Applejack’s pocket. Quietly and carefully she took the phone out of her pocket and got away from the room as fast as she could. Before it rang, she picked up. An unknown number.

 “Hello? Applejack is asleep right now but Ah can pass on a message,” Applebloom said.

 “Oh, hello Applebloom, it’s the school counsellor speaking. I’m just calling to check up on your sister Applejack. Is she available at the moment?”

 “Well, she’s just fallen asleep. Ah’d rather not wake her up. She’s had a very busy day,” Applebloom said.

 “I understand. I suppose the things I wanted to talk about could wait until tomorrow. I hope she’s okay?” The concerned voice on the phone asked.

 “Ah hope so too. ‘night,” she said, before dropping the call.

 Applebloom held the phone in front of her, noticing a red box with a 1 on it moving up and down on a microphone. She figured it might be important, so she checked.

 The button opened a list of sound recordings with one entry listed, dated today, timed this morning. She knew she shouldn’t, but if it was important she might need to tell Applejack.

 She pressed the play button and forth came Sunset’s voice.

 “... final reason I called you here specifically is because… Well… I guess I’ll just be plain about it: you broke my trust in you the worst. Everyone else broke their trust in their own way. They’ve always been there for me and for each other through being kind or generous, loyal or as good company. However, none of those relate to trust as just being honest.”

 Sunset’s voice grew more stern. ”No matter where I look back on all of this, I can’t for the love of Celestia find where you’ve even tried to find out the truth. You bought into the lies just like that, just like everybody else. You’ve lied to everyone! Even yourself! And it all came at my expense!”

 Applebloom had wondered about what Sunset had said. Applejack had told her it’d been a nice talk and mostly good news. She’d not heard Sunset get this upset before. The recording had piqued Applebloom’s interest, so she continued to listen.

 ”You saw it being at my expense too, or did you not notice how bad I got treated and bullied?! Your trust in me had been lower than that in everybody else. It must have been! Why else would you just believe all the things being said about me? Those didn’t come from highly trusted sources, now did they? Not once did you doubt the truth of the matter. Had you only, then maybe the others would’ve also acted on that. You can’t fight a lie with kindness or loyalty, but you can fight it with honesty. But you didn’t.”

 Applebloom could feel the tension like she was right there by the hospital bed. Things weren’t looking good.
 ”At this time, I don’t want to even think about second chances. You blew it big AJ. I don’t want to be around you, I don’t want to hear or see or even think about you. I hope that will change, but I doubt it will.”

 The voice stopped. All around her was nothing but darkness and silence. Now she knew why Applejack didn’t know whether they’d ever be friends again.

 An image of her breaking up with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo surfaced in her mind. A breakup that could never be mended. Something most precious, forever lost.

 She turned to face her room. Through the door she saw her exhausted sister, sleeping on the bed and in the faint and gentle glow of the moonlight cascading from the window in the roof. Her heartbroken sister. A solemn look came to Applebloom, a single tear trickling down her face. She’d realized a sliver of the pain and suffering she had caused and was more determined than ever to set things right.

 She snuck back into the room and to the other side of her bed. She lay down beside her sister, facing her. The pillow and mattress under Applejack’s head were completely stained. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were puffy. She still looked sad.

 Applebloom turned her face into the pillow. The last sound to die out in that room was a quiet, muffled and whimpered “Ah’m sorry Applejack. Ah’m so sorry.”

This night would be a very restless night.