• Published 21st Jan 2015
  • 16,895 Views, 425 Comments

Apologies Aren't Always Enough - SadisticFluttershy

Who is this Anon a miss? During her reign, Sunset Shimmer has been discriminated again and CHS thinks she's responsible. Her world shattered when her friends left her.

  • ...

Chapter 4 [Edited]

Author's Note:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I present you today, Chapter 4 of Apologies! WOO!!

I apologize for the long hiatus, but I explained everything in my blog post.



Apologies Aren’t Always Enough

Chapter 4

By: Sadistic Fluttershy and Rated Ponystar

Edited by: Roker12

Honorary past editor: FreeHomeBrew


“You girls... you really hurt me... and I need more than just a plain old sorry if I’m going to trust you all again.”

Those words played over in each of the minds of five girls who sat in silence after Sunset had left the restaurant out into the afternoon. Each of them had an empty feeling in their stomach and were unsure of how to give more than just ‘A plain old sorry’ as Sunset had put it. Sunset was right, a plain old sorry wasn’t enough for her. The amount of pain and torture they had put her through was enough for her to push them away. They each had looks of sorrow and regret.

For what seemed an eternity, the silence in the room was awkward. Finally, the long silence was broken by one of them.

“Sunset deserves better.” Rarity said.

“Come again?” AJ stated.

“She said Sunset deserves better than us!” Rainbow said snapping at the farmgirl.

“She’s right you know” Pinkie said softly.

Everyone sighed looking at their feet. Another silence overcame them. Moments later, an idea popped into Pinkie's brain and her flat pink hair poofed back to it’s regular form full of life and happiness.

“Hey girls, I just had an idea!” Pinkie said cheerfully.

“Oh? Go on” Rarity encouraged.

“I know exactly how we’re gonna make it up to Sunset after all!”

Rainbow shot up from her seat throwing her arms in the air getting all ancey.
“Well what are you waiting for Pinks, lay it on us!”


Canterlot High School, The next morning.

The teenagers who inhabited CHS were being gathered in the school's auditorium for what seemed to be an assembly. The mane 5 remembered that Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna had planned for the Cutie Mark Crusaders to admit that they were behind the Anon-A-Miss scandal. A few minutes past and the lights dimmed a little bringing a spotlight on top of Principal Celestia as she walked out onto the stage.

“Attention Students and Faculty. You may be wondering as to why we are here this morning instead of being in class, right?”

Everyone in the room nodded their heads and even some shouted ‘YES’.

Celestia nodded in response and the curtains behind her opened revealing 3 girls who went by the names of Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Each of them stood with their faces red of embarrassment and humiliation.

The crowd had dumbfounded looks. They weren’t sure if Principal Celestia was playing jokes on them or if this was the real deal.
“Is this some kind of JOKE?!” Someone from the crowd shouted out.
“Yeah, do you really think it was those three?”
“I hardly believe that they could’ve done it”

Principal Celestia turned on the mic again hushing the students down.
“Alright everyone that’s enough!”.
The room went silent again. The crusaders walked forward and took the microphone from Celestia. Applebloom pulled up the mic to her chin and started to speak.

“Alright ya’ll, ah’ know it’s hard ta’ believe that it was us but Principal Celestia is tellin’ the truth. We did do it.”

The crowd gave a short chuckle.
“You sure are being brave for taking the blame for Sunset Shimmer. Everyone knows it was her!.”

“No it wasn’t Sunset! It was all MY idea!.”

The crowd still didn’t buy it. Scootaloo took the microphone from her friend.
“Now listen, if you truly don’t believe us. Check your cellphones. All of you.”

Scootaloo took out her phone and posted a quick message on the Anon-A-Miss page. Everyone's phone screens buzzed and shown bright screens. Everyone gasped in shock. Some even had enraged expressions just wanting to tear the crusaders piece by piece.

“Now I believe it was you three! How could you have done such thing?!” One of them asked.

Applebloom took the microphone back from Scootaloo and sighed.

“Because we were jealous that our sisters were spending so much time with Sunset that we started being mean to her. To us, it wasn’t fair. We wanted to make Sunset look bad even though she would never do this.”

Applebloom lowered her head in shame when she finished what she needed to say. Principal Celestia walked over and grabbed the microphone.

“Thank you three for confessing for your wrongdoings. I originally had the plan to suspend you for a month but it would be wrong of me to do so. With that being said, you are hereby sentenced to 1 week of suspension and detention for the rest of the school year.”

The crusaders nodded

“Hey wait a minute!” A voice shouted from the stands.

The Crusaders looked out into the crowd and saw Diamond Tiara standing pointing her finger directly at them.

“How come they only get a few detentions and only a week’s suspension? They revealed MY secrets too you know!”

Diamond Tiara began walking down the steps towards the stage.

“They ruined my friendship with Silver Spoon after she learned my darkest secret that was NEVER supposed to have gone out!”

The crowd started to mutter words in question of what that secret was.
“Well, go on then!” Someone said.

When Diamond Tiara reached the stage, she sat down on a chair nearby giving the crusaders a death glare. The Crusaders shivered, hiding behind the Principals.

“Silver Spoon found out that I was the one who forced her boyfriend to break up with her so that he would spend less time with her and that she would be spending more time with me instead of him”.

The crowd gasped. Even Principal Celestia and Luna themselves were shocked.

“But why?” Principal Celestia asked.

“I was jealous of him”. Diamond admitted.

Principal Celestia walked over and kneeled down infront of her.

“Diamond, you can’t be doing things like that. If anyone that ruined the friendship between you and Silver Spoon, only you can take the blame. You convinced someone that was close to Silver Spoon to not spend time with her by lying to him. That is wrong Diamond Tiara, you can’t be lying to others because of your jealousy towards others for her to hang out with them instead of you. That’s not being a friend, that’s being just plain selfish.”

Diamonds expression went stone cold.

“No, I WOULDN’T HAVE LOST IT IF IT WEREN’T FOR THOSE LOSERS!” Diamond shouted at Celestia in rage.

Celestia’s eyes didn’t change emotion, instead, she got up stomping her foot on the ground.

“That’s ENOUGH Diamond Tiara. These girls admitted to what they’ve done wrong. To be honest, it was you who have failed Silver Spoon as a friend because you were dishonest to her. You owe a serious apology to her.”


“No butts Diamond.” Celestia said sternly.

Diamond knew right then and there that she couldn’t argue with her any longer. She had a pouty looking face after losing the argument in front of the whole school.

“Fine!” She said getting up and stomping out the double doors to the hallway.

Celestia watched the doors close behind Diamond as she stomped away in a fit. Turning back towards the Crusaders, she put a hand on Apple Bloom’s shoulder with a smile.

“Any idea of how we could get Sunset back?.

“Ohhh ohhh pick me pick me!” A cheery voice said from the stands.

Celestia smiled. “What do you have in mind Miss Pie?.”


Sunsets Home, earlier that morning.

Sunset Shimmer laid in her bed sleeping soundly, chest rising and falling. For the first time she had a peaceful night’s sleep until-’


The sudden noise woke Sunset up.

“Oh come on not now!.”
With a groan, she slammed her hand on the snooze button. Sunset picked up her phone to check the time. The bright screen caused her to flinch but saw that the time was just before 7 in the morning. With a yawn, she got up and made her way to the restroom across the hall to get ready for school.

Thirty minutes later Sunset came out of the bathroom and was just about to head back into her bedroom until Fleur called out for her.

“Yes Mom?” Sunset asked,

“Can you come to the living room please? I need to talk to you.”

With a sigh, Sunset walked into the living room with Fleur motioning for her to sit down next to her. They stared at eachother for a few moments.

“Listen dear, I know how hard it was for you to talk to your friends about what happened. I know how sorry they are for doubting you and not believing you from the start. Part of me hates them for not protecting you from all the hatred towards you but I just can’t. It warms my heart that they’ve come to their senses.”

Sunset didn’t know what to say. There was a long pause. Finally, Sunset sighed.

“I don’t hate them either. It’s just that… I ask myself as to why they would do what they did to me when I could never of done that. The evil me would’ve done that but the reformed me wouldn’t have done that. I just think that for the things that I did in the past is what caused them to instantly respond negatively towards me and think I was the one that did it”
Sunset didn’t have any more words to say. She wanted to forgive and forget for what her friends did to her. For making her feel like a criminal. She wasn’t sure what she would do. For now, all she could do was just hope that her old friends

“If you want Sunset, you can stay home today. I’m sure that you don’t want to be hurt anymore cause it’s an almost guarantee that someone wants to hurt you again. I can’t let that happen.” Fleur said snapping Sunset out of her thoughts.

Sunset nodded slightly.

Sunset was confused as to why her mom said she could stay home today. Sunset thought that it was that her mom was looking out for her which she always appreciated. Afterall, Fleur has never left her side ever since the Anon-A-Miss drama began.

Fleur looked at her daughter with a smile.
“Everything will work out in the end, I just know it."

"I sure hope so too."

Fleur leaned on and gave Sunset a hug. Sunset returned the hug and the embrace lasted for several moments. Once the hug was over Fleur got up, grabbed her purse and motioned towards the door.

"Okay sweetie, mommy needs to go to work but I'll be home early today. Try and get some rest okay?"

Sunset nodded. And with that Fleur closed the door behind her leaving Sunset alone for the next several hours.


Canterlot High School, Later that day.

All the students of Canterlot High were gathered in the gym getting the preparations done for a party. But not just any party, this party was for a special someone who deserves an apology from the entire student body and faculty for their actions against her. They hoped that this would be more than just a ‘Plain Old Sorry’ and prayed for her forgiveness.

Pinkie Pie was busy planning the party.
Rarity was setting up the decorations.
Applejack was getting the snack table and drinks set up.
Rainbow was with Vinyl Scratch in preparing for a performance to play a song just for Sunset.
And Fluttershy was helping Rarity with the decor.

For the rest of the student body, they were working hard in making this party ready for a very special girl.

Once everything was set and done and ready to hold one more person, Pinkie Pie walked up to the stage grabbing the microphone and talking out into the audience with absolute best enthusiasm she has ever shown since the downfall of their friendship with Sunset Shimmer.

“Thank you everyone for helping out and making this apology party just for Sunset! It truly means alot to me and my friends that all of you cared to spend your time here in the gym to prepare this.”

Everyone cheered and even some whistled.
Pinkie handed Rainbow the microphone who was just as enthusiastic as Pinkie was. She was smiling.

“Alright everyone, are we ready to apologise to Sunset?.”


“Are we gonna make this the best day of her life!?.”


“Are we gonna rock out this house tonight?!.”


“Then let’s bring Sunset over here and have the best party of our lives!.”

The last wave of cheering from students and faculty made it almost deafening to those around campus. They were ready to bring Sunset back and apologise to her and that they wanted to befriend her once more.


Diamond Tiara was out in the hallways avoiding the party that was being set up just for Sunset Shimmer. She wasn’t very happy that Sunset was proven innocent. She wanted to keep ruining her reputation and once the crusaders put a stop to it all, it ruined her. She had to do something to make them pay.

Walking down the hall she spotted three males. Each with a discolored jacket, a chain wrapped from the back of their pants to their front pockets and bad haircuts with a smell that almost made her nose wrinkle up like a raisin.

Looking at them, a light bulb flashed above her head and put on an evil grin.
Diamond made her way to the three boys that were hanging out by the garbage cans near the cafeteria scavenging through them in hopes of finding scraps of food to eat.

Diamond was disgusted at the sight but she knew that they would be perfect for what she had planned for the crusaders.

“Oh boys!” Diamond called out

The three didn’t hear her, continuing their dumpster diving.

“Yuhuu!” Diamond called out again.

One of the boys ears perked up. “What was that?”


“Where are you we don’t see you” They all said in unison.

Diamond, annoyed by their dumb questions.She slapped all three of them across the face. Looking at her hand, she pulled it out in front of herself in disgust. Her face turned into a reddish color.

“Yuck! You guys are fucking disgusting. I can’t believe I even laid my hand on you freaks. When was the last time you even showered?”

The three boys laughed.

“We haven’t showered since we were kids. We never cared one bit for hygiene.”

“Nope. We don’t care about it, waste of time if you ask me.” The tallest of the group said.

Diamond couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Not that she cared or anything it was just sickening. With another disgusted scowl towards them she had a job to do.

“Well forget that. I have a job for you three. And if you succeed, you will be rewarded.”

The boys lined up to hear what she had to say.

“Oh? What’s that” One of them asked.

“I need you three to help me take out Sunset and her little friends.” Diamond said with an evil smirk.


The three crusaders headed down the streets of Canterlot passing other people who happened to be walking by, crossing intersections, twists and turns to find Sunsets house.
They never knew Sunset lived on the rich side of town until their sisters had told them. Each of them had a hint of jealousy in their soul, so they didn’t notice the rusty car . They entered the Canterlot Golden Estates neighborhood and was looking for house number 304. They were told that it was a one story house with small heighted white pillars in front that supported the roofing covering the front porch, with a rose garden along the walls of the house. They had reached their destination ready to knock on the door.

“Wow, Sunset lives here?” Sweetie Belle asked, her eyes glowing up with amazement.

“It would seem so. Ah’m surprised she even lives here” Applebloom commented.

“How can she afford a place like this?” Scootaloo asked.

“Fleur De Lis” Sweetie Belle said.

Scootaloo and Applebloom looked over at their friend with confusion.
“You mean, THE Fleur De Lis? The hottest supermodel in all of Canterlot?” They both asked.

Sweetie Belle nodded.

Scootaloo’s eyes widened with excitement.
“Oh my gosh oh my gosh! I love Fleur! She’s amazing!”.

The other girls snickered. Scootaloo blushed.

“But how does she live here?” Applebloom inquired.

“Fleur De Lis is Sunsets adoptive mother” Sweetie Belle mentioned.

“Ohhhh so that explains it…. lucky son of a bitch” Scootaloo said, mumbling the last part.

Applebloom sighed. “C'mon ya’ll, let’s knock on her door”.

The others nodded and knocked on Sunsets door. Moments later, a fiery red and yellow haired girl answered the door. A frown spreading across her face.

“What do you three want?”

The look she gave the three crusaders made them shiver a bit. They knew she was changed but they knew damn well she could sucker them out with one punch. Mixed emotions and thoughts swerved in their minds of figuring out of just how they should apologise to Sunset.

“We came to say sorry for what we did to you” Sweetie Belle started.

“Yeah, we didn’t mean for it to go as far as it did. We were just jealous that our sisters were spending more time with you than with us”

“When ah’ finally realized on what ah’ was doin’. Ah’ was doin’ nothin’ but hurtin’ ya Sunset. And we came here to like Sweetie Belle said, to apologize and hope to put this all behind us”.

Sunset examined the three girls’ faces. Why the hell should I forgive them? They made me go through a living hell, they made my friends and the school turn against me without a second thought, and they exposed everybody’s embarrassing secrets! And for a totally petty and selfish reason, too!

“Well, girls,” Sunset spoke coldly, “I’m glad you saw the error of your ways. As I told your sisters, however, apologies aren’t always enough to fix a big betrayal. Just like what you did and tricked my friends to do so."

“If you don’t want to forgive us, we understand” Scootaloo said. “We were total boneheaded idiots."

“Yes you were.” Sunset’s voice was so harsh that it cut through them like a knife. “You used a tool to help everybody, and you made it into a gossip column and turned everybody against each other! AGAINST ME! Why’d you even think I’d have your sisters underneath a spell??! I proved myself worthy after beating the sirens, you bunch of bra---

“Before you finish” AppleBloom interrupted, “We know we messed up but, ah’ just want to have you know that the entire school planned a party for you. To show how sorry everyone is for their behaviour.”

Sunset’s expression lightened up a bit, thinking that everyone who treated her badly really are sorry. But then again, she said something to her friends that still lingers her mind that apologies are never enough to undo the acts of violence and hatred that was purposely aimed at her. However, Sunset believed in second chances as she got one herself after being blasted by the Elements of Harmony. Every trace of hatred in her soul was gone. She was never quite honest with herself even after defeating the sirens at the Battle Of The Bands if all that was washed away.

Sunset sighed.

“Listen girls, I appreciated your sisters apologies but I told them that they weren’t enough. Not even a party hosted by everyone at the school would make up for their mistake.”

The crusaders looked down at the ground.
“We know” they all said in unison.

“However, I don’t want to be rude and not go to the party at the school. I’m sure they all worked very hard on putting it together. You three win, I’ll follow you.”

The three heads of the crusaders perked up in excitement.

“Really? Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Sweetie Belle happily said.

The other two nodded.


The crusaders and Sunset Shimmer walked down the street in silence going through the outer part of downtown Canterlot to the high school nearby. Sunset appreciated that the student body would go through so much trouble to make up for what they did. Sure it meant something to her but it seemed to her that they were desperate for her to accept their apologies and act like as if this never happened. Sunset wasn’t going to let them off easy but instead maybe give them a second chance, including a group of five girls that were supposed to represent the Elements of Harmony.

“So, Sunset, how did you end up in crutches?” Scootaloo asked.

“Don’t worry about it. Whatever happened, happened and leave it at that.”

“Oh.. okay”

The group of girls passed a nearby alleyway when they heard a loud thump behind them.

“Ow! I said to lay me down easy you idiot!”

That voice sounded awfully familiar. Turning around, all of them faced a familiar girl that wore a tiara on her head. The only girl infact that wears one daily.

The crusaders scowled.
“What are you doing here Diamond Tiara? We don’t need your nonsense today.” Scootaloo said.

“Speaking of which, shouldn’t you be in school Diamond?” Sunset asked

“Oh shut up loser. I’m not here to do anything but say that I am sorry.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“Sorry for what?”

With a grin, Diamond snapped her fingers.

“For THIS!”

Out from behind her revealed three boys, recognized as the Diamond Dog Brothers. In their hands held pocket knives and switchblades.

The crusaders eyes widened in shock.

“Girls, get behind me now!” Sunset yelled at the crusaders. To which to her relief they did.

Sunset gave a furious look towards Diamond Tiara.

“Diamond, what the hell do you think you’re doing? Don’t you realize the crime you’re about to commit?!”

Diamond Tiara whipped her hair to the back of her neck and sat down on the bench.

“Oh, I’m not gonna do anything. I paid these three morons to do my dirty work. I want you gone Sunset. You and the crusade babies ruined my friendship with Silver Spoon and I’m going to inflict the pain that I felt on you all. It’s sad that you have to four have to die because, I certainly don’t want that to happen again now do I?”

Diamond Tiara nodded towards the brothers who nodded back and charged full speed towards Sunset.
Terrified, Sunset yelled at the crusaders to run and get help.

“But we can’t just let you die!” Sweetie Belle said frantically.

“Just GO! I can hold them off, I’ll be fine trust me!”

With no other options, the crusaders ran as fast as they could to the nearest police station.

The brothers charged Sunset with full force knocking her to the ground. Each of them made an attempt to jump her but managed to kick each one that kept coming with her good leg. Sunset stood back up and held herself up with her good leg. One of the boys charged again to only receive a full power punch to the face, knocking him unconscious.

“Is that all you got? I have a broken leg and you weaklings can’t even hurt me!” Sunset said.

The other two brothers that were still standing growled at her.

“You’re gonna pay for that you know!”

Sunset picked up her crutch that was sitting on the ground.

“Try me you filthy piece of trash.”

The two ran towards her in which both were knocked to the ground in one swing and one final blow to the sensitive spot in their necks to knock them both out.

Sunset looked at three brothers in disgust “Pathetic.”

“You’ve had your fun Diamond, but I won.” Sunset said looking up to the bench that she sat close by only to find it empty.

“Huh, guess she left.”

As soon as Sunset slowly went to pick up her crutch she felt an excruciating pain in her side, making Sunset gasp.

Behind her was Diamond Tiara, holding one of the blades that the Diamond Dog Brothers had with them in Sunsets side.

“You may have defeated them, but I have defeated you.” She said coldly stabbing Sunset again in the stomach.

“You will burn in hell for what you did to me in the past.” Diamond took the blade out of Sunset’s stomach and stabbed her again in the chest. “And your little friends will pay too, and soon, they’ll join you too.”

Diamond Tiara took out the blade wiping off her finger prints off of the handle with a hankerchief and hid it in the full dumpster. She took one last look at Sunset, seeing those eyes of pain and the life quickly fading from them gave her no remorse for her actions and walked away.

Inside Sunset’s mind she was panicking. She realized she had been stabbed three times. She could feel the life slipping from her body as more blood came out from in her. Sunset sat down against the wall, holding her hand hard against her chest wound while on the other hand she pulled out her phone and dialed 9-1-1.

“Come on.. pick up.” Sunset mumbled quietly to herself.

The emergency responder on the other line picked up.

“9-1-1 what’s your emergency?”

“Help me… I’ve just been stabbed three times. One in my side, chest and my stomach region. Quickly losing blood, send someone please!! I don’t want to die!!” Sunset yelled in fear with all of her strength.

“Ma’am, you said you were stabbed three times?”

Tears were flowing down Sunset’s cheeks as she was on the phone with the responder.

“Yes I was, I explained where I just need help now, it hurts so much!”

“Okay, sending someone to you now, where you located?”

Remembering what street she was on earlier that afternoon, Sunset was struggling to hold on to her life.

“24th and…. Canterlot…. Avenue.”

Sunset felt that she could no longer hold on, blood was all over her and around her. She felt her life slipping rapidly until she saw the light as blackness overtook her vision and went limp sliding down the remaining wall, phone still in hand.

“Got it, we’re sending help now. You still there ma’am? ma’am? Oh no.”