> Apologies Aren't Always Enough > by SadisticFluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies Aren’t Always Enough Chapter 1 by Sadistic Fluttershy and Rated Ponystar Edited by: Roker12 Also with the help of FreeHomeBrew ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I can't believe you would do such a thing Sunset. I thought we were friends!" "We are friends, how could you assume that I would be Anon-A-Miss? I would never ever do such thing!" "Ah' don't believe it. Ah' can't believe ah’ ever let you be my friend. You should be ashamed." "But... but Applejack." "SHUT UP YOU SECRET STEALER!" "Nobody wants you here!" "Please... let me explain." "Goodbye Sunset." "WAIT!" *** Sunset Shimmer gasped as she felt sweat pour from her face, mixing with the tears dripping out of her eye. Another nightmare. Another reminded that she had lost all her friends for something she was not responsible for. She could still feel their glares as well as her own broken heart. All of the school had turned against her even after everything she had done to prove herself that she had changed. Nobody believed her when she said she wasn’t Anon-A-Miss, and it left her isolated and hated by the school again. But this time she was all alone. Tucking in her knees against her chests, Sunset bit her lip and prayed for the thousandth time this was some dream. Some kind of horrible illusion and that when she woke up she would have her friends waiting for her with smiles on their faces, instead of the hateful frowns they now wore. “Haven’t I suffered enough? How much do I have to go through for what I’ve done in the past,” she whispered to nobody. What was even worse was the fact that this was the Christmas season. A time of joy and peace. Christmas had only been between herself and her adopted mother, but even then it was still lonely. She thought this year would be different with her new friends, a chance to experience Christmas like it was meant to be experienced. And then suddenly the Anon-A-Miss thing started and everything went downhill from there. She heard her door crack open and raised her head as her mother, dressed in her pink night gown, walked over and hugged her daughter. They didn’t need to say a word, all they did was hold each other in the darkness. Sunset didn’t know what she would have done without Fleur. The woman had been so kind to Sunset since adopting her when she first came to the human world years ago, treating her with kindness and love. Even when she was that... bully back at school, she always made sure to keep her mother ignorant of her dealings. When the Elements of Harmony hit her, she confessed everything, even being from another world, and expected her mother to toss her away. Principle Celestia even confirmed the story. But she didn’t. Fleur told her she forgave her and, to Sunset’s shock, blamed herself for not helping her enough. After many talks it was water under the bridge and they grew closer. “Had another nightmare?” asked Fleur, kissing her daughter on the cheek. Sunset Shimmer only nodded. “Dear, you have to talk to them. Try to explain to them that this wasn’t your fault.” “I’ve tried, but they refuse to even talk to me! Nobody is willing to hear me say that I’m innocent, they just assume I’m guilty...” She buried her head into her hands. “I thought after the Battle of the Bands I had finally been forgiven, but now this... it’s not fair!” “No, it’s not. And I believe you,” replied Fleur. “You’re friends should be ashamed for assuming you were this Anon-A-Miss after everything you’ve been through. If you want I can contact their parents and get you girls together for a talk. Clear all this up.” “No,” said Sunset, shaking her head. “They probably think I’m just as guilty. Heck, Mr and Mrs. Pie even glared at me when I was passing by them yesterday. The girls probably told their families about everything.” She looked at her mother and gave a soft smile. “I’ll be fine, Mom. I’ll take care of it.” Fleur hugged her daughter and nodded, but before she could move, Sunset grabbed her arm. “Can... can you stay with me tonight?” asked Sunset, blushing. “I know this sounds silly... but when things were going wrong Princess Celestia used to sleep beside me. Can you?” Fleur only smiled and slipped into the covers before the two kissed each other goodnight. *** Another school day. Another hundreds of students glaring and whispering at her. It was the same everywhere she went and all she could do was keep her head down and stay silent, doing her best not to cry in public. Again. She heard the usual words mentioned at her such as “bitch”, “whore” and “lying bully”. Without her friends to back her up, she was all alone and ripe for the taking and everyone knew it. All her efforts to gain their trust and forgiveness was washed away thanks to someone who decided to make her life a living hell. Ms. Cheerilee glared at her as she was the last one to leave the classroom. Apparently, she had her home searched by police when it was revealed that she once had an addiction to painkillers in college despite being fifteen years clear. Sunset tried to tell her the truth, but Cheerilee made no effort to talk or listen to her. She didn’t even pick out Sunset for questions or call her name during attendance. The bell signaled for lunch time, but Sunset had no desire to enter the cafeteria where everyone would be quiet and stare at her. What was worse was now her friends were part of the group that hated her which was pretty much everyone. Her day got worse when she heard her cellphone give a beep as did everyone else’s. It meant another update from the mysterious Anon-A-Miss. Sunset didn’t even bother to look, she didn’t care and she was sure she was going to be blamed for it. Again. Quickening her pace to avoid any students, Sunset found herself in her own private spot where she liked to hang out. It was the dark hallway with no lightbulbs. She always did wonder why the janitor never fixed them. She put her book down, and rested her head against one of the lockers, trying to think of solution to this. She had already contacted Princess Twilight who gave her advice on to convince her friends she was telling the truth and she thought about it long and hard. Her eyes gazed upon the journal she had been writing ever since the battle of the bands. It had all her entries to Twilight about all the great times she and her friends had and how she was learning friendship one day at a time. Maybe if I show it to them...this will convince them I’m being serious? It was that or wait with hope that they realize she wasn’t Anon-A-Miss, but she didn’t know how long that would take. Now that I think about it, who could be Anon-A-Miss? Whoever he or she was, it had to be more than one person. No single individual could do all of this without help. There was also the manner of how they were gaining all this information on social media. They had to have known everyone in school, including the staff, but the problem was everyone was connected to each other in someway. Well, except for Sunset who had no friends even on the internet. I can’t rule out the possibility of hacking too. And then finally there was the goal. Why do all this? Putting out everyone secrets? Very few individuals were untouched by this mysterious know it all and, sadly, Sunset was one of them. She didn’t have any other secrets now the the whole school knows she was the failed student of a alicorn princess in another world where she so happened to have been a unicorn who casted magic spells. Naturally, this caused all the others to assume it was her, even her friends. Maybe they told someone else besides me. Or someone was listening in. thought Sunset as she shook her head. What matters first is proving them that I’m innocent. Hopefully the diary will prove it. Just as she was about  to grab her backpack she felt someone grab her from behind. A split second later she felt something smack her face and knock her down to the floor. Sunet moaned as she tasted blood in her mouth, spitting it out and coughing up saliva. She tried to get up but a foot slammed her face back against the floor. “Think you can just go and post shit like that?! Huh?! Huh?!” shouted the male voice. “I... I didn’t...” coughed Sunset, tears blocking her vision. “Shut up!” shouted a female’s voice before delivering a kick to ribs. “How about we break every bone in your hands so you don’t ever type such bullshit again! Better yet! Break every bone in your body so you can get the hell out of our lives!” Sunset covered her head with her hands as she felt kick after kick. It had to be at least four of them, and they didn’t hold back from their rage. Sunset wanted to scream for help but all she could do was curl herself up into a ball and pray someone would help her. Thankfully, her prayers were answered when she heard someone shout, “Hey! Leave her alone!” The kicks stopped coming as she heard the sound of a scuffle nearby. A few guys yelled out in rage while the girl cried out in shock. Soon, she heard her attackers run off. She still didn’t move. She didn’t even know who her savior was. A gentle warm hand touched her own as she slowly opened her eyes and saw Flash Sentry, hand covered in blood, looking down at her with concern. “You okay? Can you stand?” Sunset nodded but as she slowly raised herself to her feet, she felt a sharp pain down down her leg and almost hit the ground when Flash caught her. “S-s-sorry, I think my leg is broken”. “Don’t be. You didn’t deserve this.” He answered before putting her arm around his neck and helping her up. “C’mon, let’s get you to the nurses office” “Flash… can.. can you carry me?”. Sunset asked. Flash nodded, lifting her off her feet carefully to not hurt her any further. Once he got her in his arms, Sunset wrapped her arms around his neck for security placing her head on Flash’s shoulder. She was confused to as why Flash would help her even after all that she’s done. “Why?” she whispered. “Why are you doing this?” “Because you’re innocent,” said Flash. Sunset nearly choked as she inhaled a gasped. “I-innocent?” Flash turned his head and smiled at her. “Yeah... I know you wouldn’t do this. To be honest, after that whole thing with the Fall Formal, I was happy to see you get your comeuppance. You were... not a very good person or pony, whichever you prefer.” Sunset looked down in shame as Flash continued, “Even with your friends trying to prove you had changed, I still didn’t believe it. But then after the Battle of Bands, when you and the others saved us again, I thought maybe you had changed. Like there was a different you. After that battle, Twilight... she asked me I could give you a second chance. After everything I’ve seen from you these past few months,  I’ve come to believe it. I’ve seen how much you care for your friends. And I know you wouldn't sabotage that.” Sunset bit her lip and slightly tightened her grip around Flash, nearly catching him off guard. She rested her head on his shoulder again and whispered. “Thank you.” Even if it wasn’t one of her friends, knowing that there was someone who believed her in school was enough to make Sunset cry tears of joy instead of sorrow this time. Flash smiled and hugged her back. “Don’t worry, everything will go back to normal. I’ll do what I can to help. I promise.” Sunet nodded as she did her best to avoid him seeing her tears. Twilight’s really lucky. If I wasn’t such a horrible person before... could he and I? “Flash... I’m sorry I used you...” she said. Flash nodded and smiled back before helping her back towards the nurse’s office. *** Sunset had never really had a chance to get to know the school’s nurse during her tyrant hold on the school. She had heard she was kind, but strict when it came to dealing with her patients. Question was would she show kindness to Sunset after everything she did? Thankfully, the first thing Nurse Redheart did upon seeing Sunset, bruised and bleeding, was order her to sit on the cot. While helping Sunset out of her clothes to examine the injuries, she asked Flash—who has his back turn to avoid seeing anything—explained the situation. Needless to say, Nurse Redheart look so angry it seemed she was ready to go out there and beat the attackers herself. Instead, she focused on Sunset, who stayed silent the entire time unless she was asked a question. For twenty minutes, Nurse Redheart worked on Sunset, doing what she could to heal the injuries she had been given. It gave Sunset time to think. Physical abuse was something new to her. The most she ever got was a shove of the shoulder even before this whole Anon-A-Miss thing, never a full on assault. Have things really gotten this bad? Her own reign of bullying had never gotten physical before. She mainly focused on blackmail and finding out secrets to use as leverage to force others into her bidding. Just like... Anon-A-Miss... no wonder everyone thinks it’s me. They must think I'm back at my old habits.  Her dark thoughts were put on a hault as Nurse Redheart finished wrapping up Sunset’s leg while shaking her head. “Honestly, what kind of horrible students would do this to you?” Sunset didn’t say anything. She just sat there, letting the nurse finish her work while wondering if her mother was going to be alerted about this. No doubt she would want to know what happened and once she did she was sure to take Sunset out of school; a feat she was all too willing to support today. If Flash hadn’t stepped in to help her it all could have been worse. Plus, even if these four were caught and punished, who was to say others wouldn’t give into their anger and try to attempt the same thing? She gently touched the bruise on her ribs and grunted. I can’t stay here. Not when every student wants to do this to me. The hard question she refused to ask was... did her friends feel the same way? Standing up, Nurse Redheart turned to Flash who had an ice pack on his knuckles. “Are you sure you didn’t see their faces.” “They had hoodies that blocked most of their faces, but the one I fought with I got a clear view of. It was Porky Pierce. I think it was him and his friends: Norman, Shelby, and Blues,” replied Flash with a growl. “I’ll be sure to have Vice Principal Luna interrogate them at once,” said a new voice from the nurse’s entrance. Everyone turned around and saw Principle Celestia with her arms crossed as she strolled in. Sunset felt her stomach turn upon seeing her gaze come down at her. She had done her best to avoid Principle Celestia because she was afraid she also thought she was Anon-A-Miss. She didn’t believe me about the sirens so why would she believe me now? thought Sunset. Turning to Flash, Principle Celestia said, “Flash Sentry, please leave the room for me and Ms. Shimmer to talk? I also think Sunset’s friends should know of what happened.” “Um, okay,” said Flash as he made his way to the exit. He turned around and nodded to Sunset. “I’ll talk to you later, Sunset?” “Y-yeah...” she answered, giving a small wave and receiving a smile in return. When he was gone, Nurse Redheart excused herself to head into her office and write up the paperwork about the incident as well as call Sunset’s mother. Now it was just Sunset and the principal who eyed her without any emotion. Stepping forward, she gently raised her hand and put it on Sunset’s good shoulder. ‘I want you to answer me truthfully, Sunset Shimmer. Are you Anon-A-Miss.” Sunset couldn’t help but remember all the times that Princess Celestia used to use the same tone of voice whenever she was in trouble. She only hoped that this world’s Celestia was just as merciful as the one she knew since she was a filly. Sunset closed her eyes and sighed. “No, I’m not. And I don’t know who it is.” There was a long silence between the two until Celestia smiled and nodded. “I believe you.” Sunset’s eyes widened. “Y-you do?” “I do,” she answered and frowned. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to help you that much until now. I had tried to get in contact with you, but you always seemed to avoid me. I didn’t know if you were hiding from me because you were the instigator or because....” Celestia sighed, “Because me and Luna didn’t believe you like last time.” “The latter actually,” confessed Sunset, rubbing her arm. “I thought so,” said Celestia. “Sunset, I promise you I will find out who is doing this and I will make sure the students know you are not responsible. For now, I suggest you take a few days off from school. As for the ones who attacked you, I will see them punished.” Sunset only nodded, but a part of her wanted to dance for joy. She had two people who believed her and maybe things would start turning around. Sunset leaned back and looked up the ceiling. “Thank you. I just want this nightmare to be over.” ‘I’ll make sure it does. Now get some rest, I’ll send a call to your mother to have her pick you up,” said Celestia as she left the room. Sunset nodded as he rested on the cot and closed her eyes, drifting into a dreamless sleep for the first time in a while. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies Aren’t Always Enough Chapter 2 By: SadisticFluttershy and Rated Ponystar Edited by: FreeHomeBrew, Rated Ponystar, Roker12          A few hours later, a tapping noise broke the spell of an ill slumber that had befallen Sunset Shimmer. Her eyes creeped open and she lay a hand on her aching forehead. She gained focus and above her she saw the pale ceiling in the cold blue glow from the street light protruding the curtains of her bedroom window. Outside, gusts of wind were brushing a tree against a window. She tried to lay on her side but felt a sharp pain when her leg wouldn’t budge. It was in a cast, and secured to remain in place. She lay there still for a few minutes, simply staring up and acquainting herself with this perplexing sensation. It was unusual to be wake up at an unknown hour at night, restricted by pains and worries. Collecting her thoughts, she found the last thing she remembered was laying down here a few hours earlier after a good talk with her mother about what had happened at school. The sudden fight, Flash Sentry taking her to the nurse’s office, and Celestia showing her support. Taking the school nurse’s advice, her mother had suggested she’d get some rest in bed for a while. She’d felt miserable, though Fleur tucking her in and making sure she’d be safe had made her comfortable enough to let go for a moment and slip into a dreamless sleep. She turned to face her alarm clock. It’s shining arms letting her know that the night was still fairly young. Surely her mother would still be up. Carefully, she reached to her nightstand and flicked on the night light. A gentle yellow flooding the room revealed Fleur, sitting in the corner covered in a blanket, fast asleep. Sunset turned off her night light and smiled up at the ceiling. Even though today had been rough, she had seen the glimmers of hope. There were people who would have her back no matter what. Despite all her injuries, knowing she did not have to face this alone, she was happier than she had been for a long while. “Mom? …. Mom?” Fleur stirred in the corner of the room, letting out a yawn. “Sunset? Oh my. How long have I been out? What time is it?” “It’s still early.” Sunset replied. It was silent momentarily. She carefully turned to switch the night light back on. Fleur approached and knelt down beside the bed, giving her daughter a gentle embrace. “I’m glad.” she said, tightening her embrace. You have no idea. “Mom, are you okay?” “I just... I just find it hard to believe,” Fleurs voice shattered now that the effects of the events of today began to really sink in. ”That anyone could hurt my wonderful daughter like this.” It wasn’t long before she found it hard to tell which tears were of the joy of holding her daughter safe and sound, and which were of the sadness of knowing someone could do something so awful. Sunset managed to return the embrace, feeling warm against her mother. A warmth that washed away the pain of her sprains and bruises. A feeling she knew all too well from younger years. “Mommy...” Any remaining doubts in Sunsets mind had been vanquished in that moment. No matter what, her mother would always be there to save and protect her as she would always be there for her. A quiet lasting a few minutes was brought to an end by Sunsets whisper. “Thank you.” She let go of the embrace and sat with her mother on her bedside, holding hands. Fleur chuckled “You’re welcome” wiping away her tears. It was a sore sight to look at, something she’d never hope to feel about looking at her own child. She put her hand up to Sunsets bruised chin. She had an injured lip, a black eye and a bump on her forehead. “Look at what they’ve done to you.” She sighed. “Thanks for always being there for me.” She sighed and looked down again “I know I’ve not always been easy and I still get into trouble every now and again and that I should be more appreciative of the things you do.” Fleur’s features softened. “When I first got here I was bent on world domination of all things, and considered you no more than a convenience to my plans. But I’ve changed,” she looked up “and you’ve been a big part of that. You’re still a big part of that.” It had only been a few years that she’d been under Fleurs care, but she realized now that she had never said the things she felt she could finally put into words. She needed her mother to know. Constrained as she was, she reached out and Fleur returned the hug. “Thank you for helping me become who I am.” She held her mother close “I love you mom. I’ll always love you.” ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Sunset Shimmer was headed to her next class when she was shoved from behind, causing her to fall to the ground. “MOVE SLOWPOKE!”. Laughter was heard around her, giving her eye contact looking at the girl who deserved to be laughed at. The person who shoved her gave her a look of disgust, taking glee in her misery. He didn't care if she was using crutches or not, he only sought revenge. He continued walking down the hallway until he was no longer in sight. Tears were coming down Sunsets cheeks. Nobody came to her aid, she had to get up herself. Once Sunset was up on her feet again, she continued walking to her class. When she finally arrived, she received stares of hatred aimed directly at her except for one, her former friend Fluttershy wasn't staring. That confused Sunset. When Fluttershy saw Sunsets injuries,the broken leg, black eye, cut on her lip, she started to wonder if Sunset was telling the truth afterall. Although many thought that this was her punishment for creating such distress between people, Fluttershy was having a hard time deciding if they were right or wrong. Only one thing could tell them the truth behind Anon-A-Miss. After an hour of class, the bell signaled it was time for lunch and the girls met at their usual table. As everyone sat down, each of the girls looked at Fluttershy who had a look of concern. Rarity put a hand on her friends shoulder. “Is everything alright dear?” Fluttershy looked at her friend. “No Rarity, everything is not okay”. “Oh? What’s the matter?”  Rarity asked. Fluttershy took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “When I saw Sunset walk during algebra class today, she looked awful” This caught all of her friends attention. “How so?” AJ asked. “Well, I didn’t get much of a peek. But I saw she had a black eye, her lower lip was swollen a little and she had a bump on her head. She was also walking around with crutches. Her leg was wrapped in a cast” Rarity was trying her best to hide her horrified reaction. Applejack and Rainbow Dash each had wide eyes and Pinkie Pie’s face looked to be red as an apple. She was furious. “How DARE someone beat up our friend like that. Why I outta-” Pinkie started to rage but Rainbow put a hand over her friends mouth. “Pinkie, I know you’re mad but violence doesn’t solve anything. Trust me, I learned that the hard way” Pinkie softened a little bit, realizing that Rainbow was right. “I’m sorry Dashie it’s just, I wish that we were there to protect her” “I know Pinkie. I know. But we did kinda mess up when we sided with the bullies..." Rainbow Dash sighed. “Or did you forget about what we did when our secrets came out?” “So what are we going to do?” Rarity asked. Fluttershy was starting to have ideas. She felt terrible for what she had done to Sunset. It was not just her mistake, but her friends mistake as well. She had to figure out just how to fix this problem and make things right with Sunset. “I have an idea” Fluttershy said. “Well what is it Fluttershy?” AJ asked anxiously. Fluttershy huddled her friends together so that nobody else would hear what she was about to say. “As much as I hate doing this, we’re going to break into Sunsets locker, take her journal and read what she has put as well as read what Twilight has written” Rainbow was shocked “I’d never take you for a burglar” Fluttershy shook her head “It’s the only way now” Each of them agreed to the plan. It seemed like it was the only way to start on the right track again to heal their friendships with Sunset. The bell rang, telling them that lunch was over and they all had to head back to class. "Oh and one final thing. Ask your teacher for the bathroom pass and I'll send you all a text to meet at Sunsets locker" Everyone nodded. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** As Sunset sat down in her desk, the bell rang signalling that the class has resumed. The teacher, a man with a white goatee with different colored eyes who wore a suit with an non matching tie and two different colored gloves, stood up to resume the days lesson.  “So, what did you guys do during lunch?" A yellow hand rose in the air. “Um, Mr.Discord?” She asked. “Yes Miss. Fluttershy?” “Can I go to the restroom?” Mr. Discord was annoyed at this. “Couldn’t you have gone during your lunch break?” Fluttershy blushed “I um.. didn’t have to go then” Mr. Discord sighed frustratingly “Okay Fluttershy, you may go” Fluttershy nodded and quickly grabbed the pass that sat by the door. Sunset wondered where Fluttershy was as she left out the door. Once Fluttershy was outside the classroom door, she took out her cellphone to quickly send a text to her friends signaling that she's out of class. Her phone buzzed a few seconds later in response. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** The Mane 5 were standing by Sunsets locker and each of them had looks of uncertainty. They knew that breaking into someone’s locker was against the rules and had severe consequences. A week of inschool suspension and detention. However, under their circumstances, they needed to get in contact with Princess Twilight. “Rainbow, do you know Sunset’s combination?” Applejack asked. Rainbow shook her head. “No, but I could figure it out maybe”. “Alright then, get to work”. While Rainbow worked on Sunsets locker, Applejack turned to Pinkie and gave her simple instructions. Not that she couldn't follow them because of her short attention span, but Pinkie had the eyes of a hawk. “Ah’ need you to keep a look out for any trouble. If a teacher or the principals come down here, knock twice on the wood and we’ll bail”. “Okie dokie lokie!” As Rainbow struggled to figure out the combination, she cut her finger on the piece of metal that was sticking out on the left side of the lock. “SON OF A BITCH!” She yelled as she put her finger in her mouth trying to stop blood from coming out. Rarity went wide eyed putting a hand over her friends mouth. “Rainbow keep it down! Are you trying to get us caught?” Rainbow shoved the hand away. “Oh excuse me, It’s not like figuring out a combination locks code like its two plus two!” Rarity shoved Rainbow aside. “Let me figure it out. I have the ladies touch” Rainbow and AJ rolled their eyes. A few moments later, the locker door opened. “Et voila!” Rainbows jaw dropped. “But... but how did you-” Rarity held up a bobby pin with a smile “These work every time” “Man, why didn’t I think of that!” Rainbow pouted. Inside the locker were Sunsets usual belongings. A few textbooks, a couple of jackets with gloves in the pockets and below them was a box with some of her more personal belongings. The one thing that stood out and got their attention was a book. But not just any book, this book had her cutie mark on it to show that it rightfully belonged to Sunset. This book was given to her as a filly to keep contact with her mentor when she needed her. Now the book served as a messenger to send messages to Twilight Sparkle back in Equestria. “We need to get to some place private. C’mon ya’ll”. When the group reached the library, they walked up to the second floor and as usual, nobody was there. Together, they sat  down on the floor and flipped to the last entry page that Sunset had written. They were all in shock when they read what their friend had put. “Dear Princess Twilight, It’s still going on. Everyone still thinks I’m Anon-A-Miss. No matter how much I try to convince people they still think it’s me. I don’t know how much more I can take. I’ve been insulted, spat at, tripped, and just a few days ago I was beaten up. Nothing hurts worse than the abandonment. Everything I’ve worked hard to fix from my past mistakes is gone. Everyone thinks I’m still the monster that I was all those months ago. Even worse? My friends think that I’m guilty. I know you said I should have faith in the power of friendship, but what good is it if my friends don’t love me anymore?! Maybe I shouldn’t have had friends in the first place. Maybe I should have just gone back to Equestria with your… or many wish the Element of Magic turned me into stone… Anything is better than this hell I’m living in. Anything is better than having my heart broken. -Sunset Shimmer“ They just sat there, staring at the entry for a long time as their brains tried to process this. Every plea from Sunset, every tear she shed, ran through their minds like a projector followed by their angry dismissal and denial of her claims of innocence. And yet, now, looking at this entry, and the memories of her previous behavior, it finally began to dawn on the five that they were wrong. Sunset Shimmer was innocent. She was not Anon-A-Miss. “Oh god, what have we done,” muttered Rarity in horror as tears began to form in her eyes, her hands covering her mouth. Pinkie’s hair deflated in an instant as she started to cry and held a sobbing Fluttershy who was held into her arms. The two held each other as they wept in shame of their actions, and for the friend they had abandoned when she needed them most. “Goddamnit!” shouted Rainbow Dash, screaming so loud it made them all jump. The athlete was punching the wall while shouting as many curse as she could while tears dripped down her cheek. “I’m! Such! A! Fricking! Idiot!” “We all were, Dash,” muttered Applejack, lowering her hat as she walked over and placed her hand on the crying athlete's shoulder. “We all were blinded by our rage… we were wrong…” “She’ll never forgive us,” whispered Fluttershy, shaking her head. “After everything we did, after all the time she needed us and we weren’t there… she will never forgive us…” “We need to talk to Twilight,” said Rarity as he grabbed a pen in her pocket and rushed to the journal entry. The girls soon crowded next to her as she started to write. Each of them soon taking turns writing it to get their own words in. “Dear Princess Twilight, This is Sunset’s fri… well, friends would not be a worthy title for us now, would it? We’ve just finished reading the latest entry of Sunset’s journal and… we realize we were wrong. Sunset was innocent and we abandoned her! - Rarity We’re so sorry for what we have done! We were so angry at our secrets being exposed that we were blind to Sunset’s feelings. We didn’t even think the idea she could have been set up or used as a scapegoat!- Fluttershy We’re the worst people in the world and we know it, but there has to be a way to make Sunset forgive us, right?! Please tell us we can make this right!- Pinkie Pie We’ll do whatever it takes, Princess. I know you trusted us to teach Sunset Shimmer the magic of friendship and we made her turned into a better person. We even worked with her to defeat them sirens! But we lost sight of what that was and we, in turn, acted like the real monsters here. We’re sorry we failed you - Applejack Just tell us what to do so we can make this up for Sunset! We want our friend back! - Rainbow Dash.” The girls were eager to get a response, but they know of just how Twilight may be due to now having responsibilities back at her home. After an hour they still haven’t received their response. “I wonder what’s taking so long?” Fluttershy asked. “She’s a princess remember?” Rarity said “She must be busy with her royal duties” “I guess so”. Finally, the book glowed. Each of the girls huddled around anxiously wanting to read what Twilight had put. Looks of sadness and guilt overcame them. “Dear Girls, First, I am extremely disappointed in you all. You all abandoned Sunset after she proved herself time and again that she had changed into a better person. It broke not only my heart to see you do this to her, but also Princess Celestia's heart as well to learn her former student was now hated for something she didn’t do. Trust is one of the most important things in friendship, and you girls failed to trust Sunset. That being said, I believe in second chances and it falls on you girls to fix your mistake. If I wasn’t so preoccupied with my duties at the moment as a princess, I would have rushed over to Canterlot High and fix this mess, but it falls on you five now. Sunset needs you more than ever to know that she is not alone. She may not forgive you at first, but I believe she will eventually. Apologizing is a good start, but that is nothing without making amends. You can start doing this by countering any rumors of Sunset being Anon-A-Miss while finding out who it is that really started this. I’ll try to come by as soon as I can to help, but until then this task falls to you. This is your chance at redemption. Good luck. Princess Twilight Sparkle.” ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** Sunset and Fleur were having supper. For most of the day, Sunset had been lost in her thoughts, not knowing what she could do since the incident. She hadn't eaten much of her food. Sunset sat in her seat staring into what seemed to be nothing. Just as when Fleur picked up her water she looked up to see her daughter staring at her plate. She was starting to worry. She got up from her seat and sat down in the chair next to Sunset. Lovingly, she put her hand on Sunsets. “Is everything okay dear?”. Fleur asked “Huh… what?” “You don’t seem good” “I’m… I’m just not hungry is all” Fleur knew that was a lie. Sunset could never turn down her favorite meal. Fleur got up from her seat and sat down in the chair next to Sunset, placing her hands on Sunsets. She looked her daughter straight in the eyes with a warm smile. "I know when something is wrong. You can talk to me about anything. You know that right?" Sunset breathed in slowly and exhaled evenly, nodding in the process. “I’ve been thinking about those two guys who beat me up. I don’t understand how any of these people could just point fingers at me and say I’m returning back to my old ways.” Fleur kept her stare as Sunset continued. “What made it worse is that my ‘friends’ abandoned me. They were part of the hate-Sunset-Shimmer-parade. When the girls turned on me, I felt like I had lost everything that I’ve worked for. Like it was for nothing. Everyone that I cared for have turned their backs on me, and accuse me of being this Anon-A-Miss person that I don’t even know who the hell that is. I’m just lost. I don’t know what to do”. Tears were streaming down Sunsets face when she finished. Fleur pulled Sunset into a loving hug, stroking her back. Sunset returned the embrace holding her mother tight. Fleur felt her shoulder getting wet but she had no care in the world other than what is the most precious to her. “Oh honey, I’m sorry that your friends did this to you. But I don’t think they know that all this is a misunderstanding. I just hope that the culprit admits to his or her mistake for framing you”. Sunset didn’t say anything. Only her crying could be heard. Fleur could feel her daughter shaking. Sunsets heart was broken and her emotions were played with. She tried to keep them in check, but this was devastating to her. She felt that all this was nothing but karma because of the horrible things she did in the past. She thought she had found peace, but she was wrong. Sunset continued to cry until her eyes ran dry. After a long while, she was still squeaking never wanting to let go of her mother's loving embrace. Fleur continued stroking her daughters back and sang her a soft, loving lullaby. “Dry your tears my little one, Come to your Mummy, won’t you come?  Kisses and cuddles for you and I. And I will sing a lullaby, and help you find peace” Sunset started to cry again. "That's so beautiful. But everything won't be alright" Fleur pulled back a bit to look at her daughters eyes. “What do you mean?” Sunset was trying hard to keep her composure. Due to the recent events, all of her emotions were coming out like a soda can that sat in the freezer for a whole day. “It’s just not fair! I don’t deserve to be treated this way. I fought and saved Canterlot High from those sirens. I did community service for months and months to pay the damages. I actually even started to enjoy helping the elderly. All of the suffering and pain that I’ve caused finally   came to me when I got blasted by that damned rainbow. I know what I did was wrong but I fixed it all and I was starting to make more friends than just the girls. But this Anon-A-Miss bitch had to screw it all up for me. Why?!” Fleur wasn’t sure to what she could do other than hug Sunset again. Sunset was shaking and her hands were formed into fists. She looked like she was ready to punch something. Instead, she started speaking in a soft voice. “Shhh, My dear Sunset, life is never fair. We all have our goods and our bads. Those girls befriended you even after everything you’ve done. I know it’s hard when you lose the people you love most, but there comes a time when moving on is your only option. They may have betrayed you but I will never betray my only daughter. You’re too special to be this hurt and I only want you to be you” Sunset unfolded her hands and hugged Fleur again. “Thank you” Fleur smiled. “You’re welcome sweetheart”. *************************************************************************************** When morning hours arose, the mane 5 agreed to meet at Sweet Apple Acres at exactly 10 A.M. They were to go see Sunset and apologise to her. Luckily today was a school holiday. When they read the journal entry about what happened, the girls felt more than just guilt. They had failed the one person that they thought she could count on. They’ve failed Sunset as a friend, but they were willing to fix the damage they had done to her heart. “Alright ya’ll. You all know why we’re here right?”. AJ asked. Everyone nodded. “Good. Because I know we messed up. Ah’ feel so ashamed for not giving Sunset the benefit of the doubt. We all failed her as friends”. Fluttershy, who was determined to make things right, stepped forward and said what was on her mind. “Applejack is right. We failed Sunset as a friend, and I can’t believe that we blamed Sunset for being that big meanie. We still don’t know who it is but I hope he or she confesses”. Rarity cleared her throat to add what she had to say and sighed. “I feel so very ashamed to have failed Sunset as a friend also. But I do believe that we can make up for our mistake. I just don’t know how we’re going to do that. I’ll do anything if it means getting Sunset back”. Rainbow put an arm around Fluttershy, trying her best not to cry. “Twilight is right. We’re horrible friends. Hell, I don’t even think I should even use that word for now. I know we screwed up big time as it’s been said already, but I know how we can bring her back to us. She doesn’t deserve to be alone. If anyone to blame for this…. it’s us”. Pinkie, who was staring into blank space, her hair was still flat against her back. After a long while, she chipped in to what she had to say. “Never in my life have I ever made someone sad. We broke her heart just as much as she broke ours when we thought she was that big fat secret stealer Anon-A-Miss. I was all in shock when I read what she said. That shattered me. I’d give anything to make her smile again. I just want to make things right. For all of us”. Applejack put on a weak smile. “Amen to that Pinkie”. Applejack waited a few moments to think of what she wanted to say next. Finally, she sat down with both hands over her face. “Ah’ just hope Sunset can forgive us. After everything we’ve been through together, ah’ don’t want to lose her now. Not again” Applejack got up and motioned her friends to tag with her. “C’mon ya’ll. Let’s go get our friend back” The group left the barn, headed towards Sunsets home which they hoped that they could bring her back. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** 20 Minutes later, the mane 5 arrived at Sunsets home. they hoped that they could be forgiven for their actions. Applejack walked up to the door and knocked. “Coming dear!”. A voice called from behind the door. After several sounds of locks coming undone, the door opened revealing a tall, elegant woman with pink hair. She stared at the five girls that stood before her. She frowned at them. “You must be the five girls that Sunset told me about” Applejack sighed, looking down at her feet. “Ah’ know what we did was wrong, but we just want to talk to Sunset”. Fleur wasn’t going to have any nonsense on her door step. She knew for her daughters sake that it would be best to have them leave before she saw them. Fleur let out a sigh. “Listen, what you five did was wrong. I don’t understand as to why out of all people you would turn your backs on her”. “Ah’ know. Ah’m ashamed that I did what I did. Ah’ wish I hadn’t” AJ said. Pinkie took a step forward. Her eyes were dark and her pink hair was still flat on her back showing no signs of life. “I’m sorry that we took Sunsets smile. I too am ashamed for what I did too. I’m supposed to bring smiles to everyone. Not take them away”. Pinkie finished, muttering the rest. Fluttershy stepped from behind Rarity. “I am too Mrs. Fleur”. Rainbow didn’t look up but apologised as well. The rest of the girls followed. Fleur knew of just how sorry Sunsets friends were. But actions speak louder than words. They pointed fingers at Sunset and blamed her for being the one posting their secrets online. Fleur indeed was mad at the five girls but tried her best to keep her emotions in check. Fleurs expression softened a bit. “Listen, I know you girls are ashamed for what you did. But you hurt my daughters feelings. She hasn’t been wanting to go to school because of it. Before then, she loved going to school just so she could be with you all but now she doesn’t. It pains me that she's hurt emotionally and is lost on what to do from here. She felt betrayed when you turned away from her. And for that, I can’t forgive you”. “Why not?” Rainbow asked “Because you hurt her. She trusted you with everything she had. She always had a smile on her face every time she was around you. She was truly happy and not depressed like she used to be. Now all I see is sadness in her heart. She truly feels betrayed and heartbroken all because you couldn’t see the reason to let her show that she's innocent. It really is shameful". The five girls didn’t know how to respond at that point but instead looked at the ground, looks of shame and sorrow in each of their eyes. A few moments of silence passed before Fleur said the last thing she needed to say. “I think it’s best that none of you come back until further notice” The girls nodded. Each of them felt terrible for what they did to their friend. That is if they can even call Sunset their friend now since they’re the ones that kicked her out. None of them had any idea of what to do or how to fix this mess. All they know is that they had to find a way to make things right with Sunset. - To be continued ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies Aren’t Always Enough Chapter 3 by Sadistic Fluttershy and Rated Ponystar Edited by: Roker12 Also with the help of FreeHomeBrew ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset felt her entire body roasting from an intense heat as she slowly got up. Groaning, she looked around, her vision trying to see past the flames and debris that surrounded her. A gasp escaped from her mouth upon seeing the statue outside of her school turned to rubble. Further iconic ruins surrounding her made her realize where she was, and the burning building behind her made Sunset’s worst fears come true. She was at Canterlot High and it seemed Hell itself had unleashed itself. Sunset felt her bones turn to ice, despite the fires surrounding her as she called out for help. There was only groaning as a response which made her turn around and shriek. There were seven corpses, horribly burned and mangled before her. Each of them were her five friends,  Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Spike. Immediately did she rush towards them, eyes filling with tears as she gazed upon each of their horrible burned bodies. “Girls! Twilight! Everyone! Wake up!” None of them move.  Not a single eye opened as they lay there as if... as if... “No...” whispered Sunset as she fell on her rear, scooting back in horror. “They... they can’t be...” “...ugh...” Sunset quickly turned to where the sound was coming from and hurried over to the bleeding body of Princess Twilight. Lifting her up with her arms, Sunset nearly lost her lunch upon seeing the deep claw marks on the princess’s stomach. “Twilight! Hang in there! Everything’s going to be okay.” Lifting her shaking hand, Twilight raised her finger at Sunset and whispered only one word. “Monster.” The hand went limp as she stopped breathing, joining the others in their untimely demise. “No... No...” whispered Sunset, holding Twilight close to her chest. “I’m not a monster... please Twilight, get up... don’t die...” “Aw, I think it’s far too late for miss princess of friendship, don’t you think?” Sunset’s heart nearly stopped upon hearing the voice and turned around. Flying above her was none other then the demon she had turned into when she tried to use the Element of Magic all those months ago. With it’s black eyes, it stared at the horrified Sunset before her, laughing with such a screech that it made the girl’s spine tingle. “W-what did you do?!” shouted Sunset Shimmer. “Me?” asked the demon, faking surprise before she grinned with her terribly sharp teeth. “Don’t you mean ‘we’, Sunset? After all, I am you. And you are me.” “No! I’m nothing like you! I wouldn’t... I would never do this!” shouted Sunset, but it only made the demon laugh louder. “Fool! You will always have me in your shadow! This is what could have happened if Twilight and her friends didn’t stop you! And it can still happen now! All of your loved ones have betrayed you and the whole school thinks you're a monster! So why not show them the real monster that you are and unleash your rage against them all!” “Stop it!” shouted Sunset, covering her ears. “You’re not real! Just stop it and leave me alone!” “Accept who you are, Sunset Shimmer! Accept it!” *** “No! No, I won’t! I won’t!” “Sunset, honey, wake up! wake up!” Sunset Shimmer shot out of her bed and gasped, sweat covering her entire body as she felt a set of arms embrace her. It took her a few seconds to realize that she was in her room, the lights were on and her mother was holding her. It was just a dream... just a dream... “Are you okay?” asked Fleur as she comforted her child. “I could hear you screaming all the way from inside my room.” “It... it was horrible...” whimpered Sunset as she cuddled into her mother’s embrace. She could still smell the ash and feel the blood on her fingers. “I saw... I saw the demon me... it killed my friends... destroyed the school.... it... I was a monster...” “You are not a monster, Sunset,” whispered Fleur as she kissed her daughter’s temple. “It was just a bad dream, honey. Don’t look into it like some sort of message or warning. It was nothing more than a dream.” “But what if it’s right?” asked Sunset, sobbing even harder. “What if no matter how much I try I’ll be seen as nothing more than a monster.” “Monsters don’t cry and worry about being one,” whispered Fleur, stroking her daughter’s hair. “The fact that you cry in regret shows that you are no monster. You are a my little girl who has been through enough.” Sunset didn’t say anything. She just let her mother rock her back and forth all night, but she never fell asleep. Everytime she tried she heard that evil demon’s laugh. *** Besides Sunset, the five other girls never got much sleep that night either. Their dreams were filled with nothing but memories of seeing how the friend they had abandoned became a social outcast with nobody to defend her. They had tried their hardest to stop it, but they couldn’t do anything to stop it. Needless to say, when the five met up at the barn the next morning they all had bags under their eyes and their hair messed up. Even Rarity was less perfect than she usually was with her appearance. “Ah take it y’all didn’t get much sleep either,” said Applejack as her friends came in one by one. “Last night was the absolute worst,” whispered Rarity, rubbing her head. “I haven’t had such a horrible nightmare since Rainbow Dash took us to see The Ring that one year.’” “Were all your dreams about Sunset too?” asked Fluttershy, getting nods in return. “Oh, this is terrible. What can we do?” “Well, Sunset’s mother isn’t going to let us see her daughter and quite frankly, I can’t blame her,” responded Rarity, huffing as she crossed her arms. “I just wish we knew who that Anon-A-Miss really was so I can kick her teeth in,” growled Rainbow Dash, kicking a barrel nearby. “Get in line,” whispered Rarity, growling. “What we need to do is figure out just who this troublemaker is,” said Applejack, rubbing her chin. “Okay, the only way that Anon-A-Miss could have gotten all this information is if she knew it first hand, right?” “It has to be somebody who can get information easily. Maybe somebody unnoticed?” suggested Pinkie Pie. “And for some reason she really wants to make it look like Sunset Shimmer is behind it all, so that means somebody has a grudge,” said Rarity. “I guess it must be from one of the people she previously bullied.” “Oh, great. That means the entire school,” pointed out Rainbow Dash. “Well, she could have also hacked our computers too,” pointed out Fluttershy. “I mean, she has dirt on everyone. Even the teachers.” “Ah thought that, but there is one problem,” said Applejack, scratching her head. “The story Ah told ya at the slumber party? Ah never posted that anywhere online. The only folks who knew that before the five of y’all was me, and mah fam-” Applejack’s eyes widened as she slowly turned to Rarity and asked, “Did ya ever put your embarrassing secret on the internet, Rarity?” “No, the only ones who knew we’re me and my fam...ily...” Rarity’s eyes widened before rage began to appear in her glare. Fluttershy realized where Applejack was going with this and gasped much to Pinkie and Dash’s confusion. “You can’t mean...” “And Sweetie Belle’s good at computers, right?” growled Applejack as she clenched her fist. Rainbow Dash scratched her head “I fail to see how that’s-” Before she could finish, Applejack was storming out of the barn with Rarity right behind her, the two of them looking like they were ready to tear someone apart. The other three followed them as Applejack kicked the back door so hard it nearly fell of its hinges. She stormed the stairs until she reached Apple Bloom’s room and slammed it open, where her sister looked up from her bed. For a whole minute, there was a thick silence between the two sisters before Applejack took a deep breath. “Apple Bloom. Ah want the truth from ya and, so help me, if yer lyin’ yer ass is grass.” Apple Bloom gulped. Nostrils flaring, Applejack asked, “Are you, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo the real Anon-A-Miss?” For a long time, Apple Bloom didn’t answer. She then lowered her head, and whispered one word. “Yes.” *** To Applejack’s credit, she didn’t start yelling at her sister. Instead she called her family, Rarity’s parents, Principal Celestia, and Vice Principal Luna. Scootaloo’s parents were out on a business trip, but they made sure to tell their daughter on the phone she was in deep trouble as soon as they got back. Once everybody had been informed, they all met at Principal Celestia’s office where the three girls were looking at the ground in shame. Everyone else was glaring at them with a look that could kill. “We... we...” Sweetie Belle was about to say, but her father interrupted her. “How dare you! How dare you three go around spilling everyone’s secrets, and then making an innocent girl take the fall! What do you have to say for yourselves!” he shouted, turning red in the face. “We’re sorry! We didn’t mean for this to go as far as it did!” shouted Apple Bloom, getting teary eyed. “But ya intended to make Sunset go through a livin’ hell is that it!” shouted Applejack, rubbing her forehead. “Ah can’t believe mah own flesh and blood did somethin’ so horrible! Do ya have any idea what kind of problems you’ve caused!” “Eeyup,” said Big Macintosh, crossing his arms. “Seriously, Scootaloo, this is not cool,” said Rainbow Dash, making her little sister figure whimper. “No, this is beyond not cool. This is just wrong! What did Sunset ever do to make you hate her so much!” “She took you away from us, okay!” shouted Scootaloo. The girls looked at each other in confusion before Rarity asked, “Took us away how?” “Ever...” whispered Sweetie Belle, “ever since you all became friends with her, you never spend any time with us. You’re always hanging out with her or talking about her like she’s the most important person in your life.” “But we’re yer sisters! We wanted ya to look at us like we was important again! We just... we just wanted our big sisters back!” shouted Apple Bloom, but she sighed and shook her head. “But we didn’t want it to go this far. Ah don’t know why we kept goin’, but... but...” “So you did all this because you were jealous?” asked Rarity’s mother in disbelief. “You exposed people’s secrets and made that innocent girl suffer because of that?! Why not just tell your sisters?!” The girls looked at each other nervously. “We thought... we also thought you were under her spell.” “Spell?” asked Fluttershy. “Ya, she’s from that magical world, right? She was a unicorn and all, so we thought she was back to her old ways and mind controlled ya or somethin’.” Apple Bloom shivered. “Ah mean, y’all do remember when she turned into that demon, right? It felt like a possibility.” “And yet you also forgot that Sunset helped stopped the sirens from mind controlling you three along with the other students at school too,” pointed out Vice Principal Luna in a cold tone. “It seems you knew this was a wrong thing to do, but you deluded yourselves into thinking Sunset was doing something bad so you felt justified in your actions.” “But... we don’t...” Sweetie Belle muttered, before lowering her head in shame. “We realized we went to far, but we just couldn’t stop it... we didn’t know how! And we didn’t want to get in trouble!” “You shouldn’t have done it in the first place,” said Principal Celestia with a rare glare. “Because of you, personal secrets were exposed and many students were embarrassed. Not to mention Sunset Shimmer has been verbally and physically abused because you helped make people believe it was her doing this crime.” “We’re sorry! We really are! We didn’t want this to go so far, honest!” shouted Scootaloo. She turned to Rainbow Dash, “You believe me, don’t you Rainbow?!” Rainbow Dash just looked away without an answer. “Rarity?” asked Sweetie Belle, biting her lip. “I think, Sweetie Belle, you should be prepared to face the consequences of what you have not just done to Sunset, but us as well,” scolded Rarity. “Sis?” asked Apple Bloom, looking at her sister with pleading eyes. “Please don’t hate me.” For a long time, Applejack looked at her sister and sighed. “Apple Bloom, y’all are my sister. Ah will love ya until the day Ah die, but right now Ah’m not ready to forgive ya or believe ya. Not until you at least make some effort to make this right.” Apple Bloom finally burst into tears which made the others start crying as well. They muttered apology after apology and while some looked at them with sympathy, others just stood there and watched. Granny Smith and Rarity’s parents eventually held their respective kin and let them cry in their chests while Scootaloo had to be held by Fluttershy. She kept looking at Rainbow Dash who didn’t once glance back at her. “You okay?” whispered Pinkie Pie, holding her friend’s hand. “No, I want anything to do with her anymore,” whispered Rainbow Dash. “You know that’s not true,” said Pinkie Pie, shaking her head with a small smile. “The Rainbow Dash I know isn’t going to drop her little sister even with this.” Rainbow Dash carefully looked at the crying Scootaloo before turning away and closing her eyes. “Just... just for now then...” The sister’s allowed the three to continue to weep their tears of regret until they finally began to calm down. Clearing her throat, Principal Celestia spoke, “Because you are under the age, the cyber laws will not allow you to be prosecuted for your hacking actions, but I will have to notify the police nonetheless. However, because of what you have done to this school, I will give you a two weeks suspension and seven months of detention when you come back. I am also personally going to forbid you from using the school’s computers unless you are supervised, and you are not allowed to bring any electronics to school for the rest of the year. If you need to call home, you can use the school’s phone. Fair?” The three nodded. “I also think it would be best that you admit your actions in front of the school, first thing tomorrow,” said Luna. “Ah’ll do it. It was mah idea in the first place,” said Apple Bloom standing up. “No, I did the hacking. I’ll confess,” said Sweetie Belle also standing up. Scootaloo stood up as well and shook her head. “If you two are going to confess I’m doing it too. We all did this, we should face our actions together.” “Enough. The three of you will confess tomorrow in the morning,” said Principal Celestia as she shook her head. “I advise that your families talk to you about this situation and that you learn from this experience. I don’t believe you are bad girls, but you have done a foolish mistake out of envy and you must learn from it.” “Yes, ma’am,” answered the three girls in usion. “Ah suppose we’re also gonna be punished at home, huh?” asked Apple Bloom, looking at her family. “Ya bet yer butt, missy. But we’ll discuss such matters at home. Now let’s go,” said Granny Smith as she lead Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom out. Rarity’s family soon left as did Scootaloo when they offered to drive her home. Before the girls could leave though, Principal Celestia said, “Girls, have you tried to get in contact with Sunset Shimmer?” “We tried, but her mother didn’t let us see her,” said Pinkie Pie. “I’ll contact her and let her know we found Anon-A-Miss. I will also relay your message to speak with her as well.” The five girls thanked her and left. When they did, Celestia sighed and leaned back in her chair. Tilting her head, Luna asked, “Sister? What is wrong? Surely, this is over now that Anon-A-Miss has been exposed?” “No, Luna. It’s not over. Not yet...” *** Sunset Shimmer slowly got up from her bed when she started hearing her mother arguing with somebody over the phone. She was taking a nap when the yelling started, but as she made her way down the staircase it was starting to die down. “Yes, Principal Celestia. I understand... that depends on Sunset... I see... I will tell her the message. Thank you... And please give my thanks to the girls?... Yes, thank you. Goodbye.” When she saw her mother hang up the phone, Sunset asked, “Who was that? Principal Celestia?” Fleur nodded and gave her a smile. “Yes, and she has good news. Sunset, it’s over. They found Anon-A-Miss. They just came forward and confessed to the whole thing.” Upon hearing this, Sunset had to double her grip on the staircase railing just so she didn’t fall down. “Th-they caught her? The real Anon-A-Miss?” Fleur rushed to her daughter and held her tight, letting her head rest on her shoulder. “Yes, sweetie. It’s all over. By tomorrow, the entire school will know and it will all finally be over.” Without hesitating for a second, Sunset dived into her mother’s embrace and sobbed. Relief entered her as both sorrowful tears mixed with those of joy. It was finally over. The nightmarish hell she had to put up with for weeks was now over. She was free. Sunset had given up all hope of finding out who this Anon-A-Miss was but whatever deity that was out there had listened to her prayers. But... things won’t go back to normal... thought Sunset, bitterly. How can it with all that’s happened to me because of this? What would the school do when they learned that they had harassed and misjudged an innocent student? Could she even go to that school again, despite all that happened? What if it repeated itself and the next disaster she was blamed for? And then there were her friends. What... what are they going to do? “Who was it?” asked Sunset, looking into the mother’s eye. “Who was it that did all this, and why? “It was Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle,” answered Fleur with disdain in her tone. Sunset’s eyes widen with shock upon hearing the three. “And as for why they did it? Apparently they were jealous about you hanging out with their sisters so much that they decided to try and cause some friction between you all. They also assumed that you had them under a spell or something.” “... I... I never knew... I never meant them to think they were being replaced...” whispered Sunset, clenching her her hand close to her chest. “Sunset, don’t you dare blame yourself for their actions. They made the mistake and they will be punished for it,” answered Fleur with a growl. “I have half a mind to press charges on them, even sue them if you want, but only if you say the word.” “No!” shouted Sunset, quickly. “Don’t do that! I don’t want to put their families through that, and it’s only going to hurt Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash more when they learned this happened.” “They already have,” said Fleur, shaking her head with pity. “They were the ones who figured it out and got them to confess.” “They... they did that? Why?” asked Sunset, as she felt her heart skip a beat. It was the last thing she thought they would do for her since they denounced their friendship. She noticed her mother avoiding her gaze which made her narrow her eyes. “Mother, do you know something?” “They... they came by yesterday to talk to you... and apologize,” confessed Fleur. “What?! Why didn’t you tell me?!” shouted Sunset, stomping her foot. “Because I blamed them, okay!” shouted Fleur, taking her daughter’s hand and holding it tight. “I blamed them for making you like this. If they had stood by you when it mattered, if they just listened to you out then maybe you wouldn’t be going through this nightmare alone.” Fleur sighed. “They... did seem genuine about talking to you... but you were in such a terrible mood that I feared it would only make it worse.” Sunset took a deep breath and counted to ten before she calmly said, “It’s okay, Mom. You were only trying to protect me.” She then opened her eyes with a serious look in them. “But I think me and my friends need to talk.” *** After a few texts, it was agreed that the group would meet at their favorite spot at Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie had already explained to the Cakes what had happened and they offered their most sincere apologies. They even offered to have Sunset come to their store and order anything for free. Sunset said their apologies were enough, and just asked for a small ice coffee while she waited. She didn’t have to wait long as her five friends came into the establishment in silence. Sunset could see that some of them, like Rarity and Fluttershy, had been crying upon seeing their puffy eyes. For a long time, the two groups said nothing. “So,” Rainbow Dash started, “we screwed up big time didn’t we?” Sunset looked at Rainbow but not with an angry stare, but soft, forgiving eyes. She softly nodded her head. “You guys sure did screw up, but that doesn’t matter anymore.” There was another pause. Finally, Sunset continued. “I understand from the very beginning why you all thought I was Anon-A-Miss, everything I’ve done in the past seemed to linger on your minds even after I was reformed and you five accepted me as your friend. At the beginning I was shocked and utterly heartbroken at the fact that you thought I was her telling not only your secrets, but everyone else’s secrets too.” Applejack looked up from her hands and held hers on Sunsets. “Listen Sunset, Ah’ know we screwed up big time and ah’m so ashamed for the way that I acted. Ah’ wish I wudda known that it was my family that also knew my secret and ah’ just didn’t think straight when I came to realize that you were innocent.” “Applejack is right darling” Rarity began “I too am sorry for what I did. I wish I realized sooner that I should have thought twice before putting the blame on you. I simply wish to ask for your forgiveness Sunset, but if you don’t want to forgive me or anyone else here, I completely understand. We don’t deserve it.” The rest of them related their own apologies with nods. Sunset was quiet as she tried to think about what she was going to do. She wanted to forgive them, she really did. But doubt was still fresh in her mind. Sunset sighed as she whispered, “I... accept your apologies. I do, and I know you mean them... but apologies aren't always enough.” She got up from her seat and started to make for the exit. “You girls... you really hurt me... and I need more than just a plain old sorry if I’m going to fully trust you all again.” “Do you hate us?” asked Pinkie Pie, her hair deflating. “...No, and I don’t hate your sisters too much either...” whispered Sunset, hugging herself. “I’ve seen what hatred does to people... I’ve seen what it does to myself. But until you can prove to me I can trust you... we can’t be friends again.” She opened the door, but stopped. “Please also find it heart to forgive your sisters someday. Don’t let this one incident ruin your love of them.” And with that she left. > Chapter 4 [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies Aren’t Always Enough Chapter 4 By: Sadistic Fluttershy and Rated Ponystar Edited by: Roker12 Honorary past editor: FreeHomeBrew ****  “You girls... you really hurt me... and I need more than just a plain old sorry if I’m going to trust you all again.”      Those words played over in each of the minds of five girls who sat in silence after Sunset had left the restaurant out into the afternoon. Each of them had an empty feeling in their stomach and were unsure of how to give more than just ‘A plain old sorry’ as Sunset had put it. Sunset was right, a plain old sorry wasn’t enough for her. The amount of pain and torture they had put her through was enough for her to push them away. They each had looks of sorrow and regret. For what seemed an eternity, the silence in the room was awkward. Finally, the long silence was broken by one of them. “Sunset deserves better.” Rarity said. “Come again?” AJ stated. “She said Sunset deserves better than us!” Rainbow said snapping at the farmgirl. “She’s right you know” Pinkie said softly. Everyone sighed looking at their feet. Another silence overcame them. Moments later, an idea popped into Pinkie's brain and her flat pink hair poofed back to it’s regular form full of life and happiness. “Hey girls, I just had an idea!” Pinkie said cheerfully. “Oh? Go on” Rarity encouraged. “I know exactly how we’re gonna make it up to Sunset after all!” Rainbow shot up from her seat throwing her arms in the air getting all ancey. “Well what are you waiting for Pinks, lay it on us!” **** Canterlot High School, The next morning.       The teenagers who inhabited CHS were being gathered in the school's auditorium for what seemed to be an assembly. The mane 5 remembered that Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna had planned for the Cutie Mark Crusaders to admit that they were behind the Anon-A-Miss scandal. A few minutes past and the lights dimmed a little bringing a spotlight on top of Principal Celestia as she walked out onto the stage. “Attention Students and Faculty. You may be wondering as to why we are here this morning instead of being in class, right?” Everyone in the room nodded their heads and even some shouted ‘YES’. Celestia nodded in response and the curtains behind her opened revealing 3 girls who went by the names of Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Each of them stood with their faces red of embarrassment and humiliation. The crowd had dumbfounded looks. They weren’t sure if Principal Celestia was playing jokes on them or if this was the real deal. “Is this some kind of JOKE?!” Someone from the crowd shouted out. “Yeah, do you really think it was those three?” “I hardly believe that they could’ve done it” Principal Celestia turned on the mic again hushing the students down. “Alright everyone that’s enough!”. The room went silent again. The crusaders walked forward and took the microphone from Celestia. Applebloom pulled up the mic to her chin and started to speak. “Alright ya’ll, ah’ know it’s hard ta’ believe that it was us but Principal Celestia is tellin’ the truth. We did do it.” The crowd gave a short chuckle. “You sure are being brave for taking the blame for Sunset Shimmer. Everyone knows it was her!.” “No it wasn’t Sunset! It was all MY idea!.” The crowd still didn’t buy it. Scootaloo took the microphone from her friend. “Now listen, if you truly don’t believe us. Check your cellphones. All of you.” Scootaloo took out her phone and posted a quick message on the Anon-A-Miss page. Everyone's phone screens buzzed and shown bright screens. Everyone gasped in shock. Some even had enraged expressions just wanting to tear the crusaders piece by piece. “Now I believe it was you three! How could you have done such thing?!” One of them asked. Applebloom took the microphone back from Scootaloo and sighed. “Because we were jealous that our sisters were spending so much time with Sunset that we started being mean to her. To us, it wasn’t fair. We wanted to make Sunset look bad even though she would never do this.” Applebloom lowered her head in shame when she finished what she needed to say. Principal Celestia walked over and grabbed the microphone. “Thank you three for confessing for your wrongdoings. I originally had the plan to suspend you for a month but it would be wrong of me to do so. With that being said, you are hereby sentenced to 1 week of suspension and detention for the rest of the school year.” The crusaders nodded “Hey wait a minute!” A voice shouted from the stands. The Crusaders looked out into the crowd and saw Diamond Tiara standing pointing her finger directly at them. “How come they only get a few detentions and only a week’s suspension? They revealed MY secrets too you know!” Diamond Tiara began walking down the steps towards the stage. “They ruined my friendship with Silver Spoon after she learned my darkest secret that was NEVER supposed to have gone out!” The crowd started to mutter words in question of what that secret was. “Well, go on then!” Someone said. When Diamond Tiara reached the stage, she sat down on a chair nearby giving the crusaders a death glare. The Crusaders shivered, hiding behind the Principals. “Silver Spoon found out that I was the one who forced her boyfriend to break up with her so that he would spend less time with her and that she would be spending more time with me instead of him”. The crowd gasped. Even Principal Celestia and Luna themselves were shocked. “But why?” Principal Celestia asked. “I was jealous of him”. Diamond admitted. Principal Celestia walked over and kneeled down infront of her. “Diamond, you can’t be doing things like that. If anyone that ruined the friendship between you and Silver Spoon, only you can take the blame. You convinced someone that was close to Silver Spoon to not spend time with her by lying to him. That is wrong Diamond Tiara, you can’t be lying to others because of your jealousy towards others for her to hang out with them instead of you. That’s not being a friend, that’s being just plain selfish.” Diamonds expression went stone cold. “No, I WOULDN’T HAVE LOST IT IF IT WEREN’T FOR THOSE LOSERS!” Diamond shouted at Celestia in rage. Celestia’s eyes didn’t change emotion, instead, she got up stomping her foot on the ground. “That’s ENOUGH Diamond Tiara. These girls admitted to what they’ve done wrong. To be honest, it was you who have failed Silver Spoon as a friend because you were dishonest to her. You owe a serious apology to her.” “But-” “No butts Diamond.” Celestia said sternly. Diamond knew right then and there that she couldn’t argue with her any longer. She had a pouty looking face after losing the argument in front of the whole school. “Fine!” She said getting up and stomping out the double doors to the hallway. Celestia watched the doors close behind Diamond as she stomped away in a fit. Turning back towards the Crusaders, she put a hand on Apple Bloom’s shoulder with a smile. “Any idea of how we could get Sunset back?. “Ohhh ohhh pick me pick me!” A cheery voice said from the stands. Celestia smiled. “What do you have in mind Miss Pie?.” **** Sunsets Home, earlier that morning.      Sunset Shimmer laid in her bed sleeping soundly, chest rising and falling. For the first time she had a peaceful night’s sleep until-’ BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The sudden noise woke Sunset up. “Oh come on not now!.” With a groan, she slammed her hand on the snooze button. Sunset picked up her phone to check the time. The bright screen caused her to flinch but saw that the time was just before 7 in the morning. With a yawn, she got up and made her way to the restroom across the hall to get ready for school. Thirty minutes later Sunset came out of the bathroom and was just about to head back into her bedroom until Fleur called out for her. “Yes Mom?” Sunset asked, “Can you come to the living room please? I need to talk to you.” With a sigh, Sunset walked into the living room with Fleur motioning for her to sit down next to her. They stared at eachother for a few moments. “Listen dear, I know how hard it was for you to talk to your friends about what happened. I know how sorry they are for doubting you and not believing you from the start. Part of me hates them for not protecting you from all the hatred towards you but I just can’t. It warms my heart that they’ve come to their senses.” Sunset didn’t know what to say. There was a long pause. Finally, Sunset sighed. “I don’t hate them either. It’s just that… I ask myself as to why they would do what they did to me when I could never of done that. The evil me would’ve done that but the reformed me wouldn’t have done that. I just think that for the things that I did in the past is what caused them to instantly respond negatively towards me and think I was the one that did it” Sunset didn’t have any more words to say. She wanted to forgive and forget for what her friends did to her. For making her feel like a criminal. She wasn’t sure what she would do. For now, all she could do was just hope that her old friends “If you want Sunset, you can stay home today. I’m sure that you don’t want to be hurt anymore cause it’s an almost guarantee that someone wants to hurt you again. I can’t let that happen.” Fleur said snapping Sunset out of her thoughts. Sunset nodded slightly. “Al-Alright.” Sunset was confused as to why her mom said she could stay home today. Sunset thought that it was that her mom was looking out for her which she always appreciated. Afterall, Fleur has never left her side ever since the Anon-A-Miss drama began. Fleur looked at her daughter with a smile. “Everything will work out in the end, I just know it." "I sure hope so too." Fleur leaned on and gave Sunset a hug. Sunset returned the hug and the embrace lasted for several moments. Once the hug was over Fleur got up, grabbed her purse and motioned towards the door. "Okay sweetie, mommy needs to go to work but I'll be home early today. Try and get some rest okay?" Sunset nodded. And with that Fleur closed the door behind her leaving Sunset alone for the next several hours. **** Canterlot High School, Later that day.      All the students of Canterlot High were gathered in the gym getting the preparations done for a party. But not just any party, this party was for a special someone who deserves an apology from the entire student body and faculty for their actions against her. They hoped that this would be more than just a ‘Plain Old Sorry’ and prayed for her forgiveness. Pinkie Pie was busy planning the party. Rarity was setting up the decorations. Applejack was getting the snack table and drinks set up. Rainbow was with Vinyl Scratch in preparing for a performance to play a song just for Sunset. And Fluttershy was helping Rarity with the decor. For the rest of the student body, they were working hard in making this party ready for a very special girl. Once everything was set and done and ready to hold one more person, Pinkie Pie walked up to the stage grabbing the microphone and talking out into the audience with absolute best enthusiasm she has ever shown since the downfall of their friendship with Sunset Shimmer. “Thank you everyone for helping out and making this apology party just for Sunset! It truly means alot to me and my friends that all of you cared to spend your time here in the gym to prepare this.” Everyone cheered and even some whistled. Pinkie handed Rainbow the microphone who was just as enthusiastic as Pinkie was. She was smiling. “Alright everyone, are we ready to apologise to Sunset?.” ‘YEAH!’ “Are we gonna make this the best day of her life!?.” ‘YEAH!’ “Are we gonna rock out this house tonight?!.” ‘YEAH!’ “Then let’s bring Sunset over here and have the best party of our lives!.” The last wave of cheering from students and faculty made it almost deafening to those around campus. They were ready to bring Sunset back and apologise to her and that they wanted to befriend her once more. **** Diamond Tiara was out in the hallways avoiding the party that was being set up just for Sunset Shimmer. She wasn’t very happy that Sunset was proven innocent. She wanted to keep ruining her reputation and once the crusaders put a stop to it all, it ruined her. She had to do something to make them pay. Walking down the hall she spotted three males. Each with a discolored jacket, a chain wrapped from the back of their pants to their front pockets and bad haircuts with a smell that almost made her nose wrinkle up like a raisin. Looking at them, a light bulb flashed above her head and put on an evil grin. Diamond made her way to the three boys that were hanging out by the garbage cans near the cafeteria scavenging through them in hopes of finding scraps of food to eat. Diamond was disgusted at the sight but she knew that they would be perfect for what she had planned for the crusaders. “Oh boys!” Diamond called out The three didn’t hear her, continuing their dumpster diving. “Yuhuu!” Diamond called out again. One of the boys ears perked up. “What was that?” “ME YOU MORON!” “Where are you we don’t see you” They all said in unison. Diamond, annoyed by their dumb questions.She slapped all three of them across the face. Looking at her hand, she pulled it out in front of herself in disgust. Her face turned into a reddish color. “Yuck! You guys are fucking disgusting. I can’t believe I even laid my hand on you freaks. When was the last time you even showered?” The three boys laughed. “We haven’t showered since we were kids. We never cared one bit for hygiene.” “Nope. We don’t care about it, waste of time if you ask me.” The tallest of the group said. Diamond couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Not that she cared or anything it was just sickening. With another disgusted scowl towards them she had a job to do. “Well forget that. I have a job for you three. And if you succeed, you will be rewarded.” The boys lined up to hear what she had to say. “Oh? What’s that” One of them asked. “I need you three to help me take out Sunset and her little friends.” Diamond said with an evil smirk. *****      The three crusaders headed down the streets of Canterlot passing other people who   happened to be walking by, crossing intersections, twists and turns to find Sunsets house. They never knew Sunset lived on the rich side of town until their sisters had told them. Each of them had a hint of jealousy in their soul, so they didn’t notice the rusty car . They entered the Canterlot Golden Estates neighborhood and was looking for house number 304. They were told that it was a one story house with small heighted white pillars in front that supported the roofing covering the front porch, with a rose garden along the walls of the house. They had reached their destination ready to knock on the door. “Wow, Sunset lives here?” Sweetie Belle asked, her eyes glowing up with amazement. “It would seem so. Ah’m surprised she even lives here” Applebloom commented. “How can she afford a place like this?” Scootaloo asked. “Fleur De Lis” Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo and Applebloom looked over at their friend with confusion. “You mean, THE Fleur De Lis? The hottest supermodel in all of Canterlot?” They both asked. Sweetie Belle nodded. Scootaloo’s eyes widened with excitement. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh! I love Fleur! She’s amazing!”. The other girls snickered. Scootaloo blushed. “But how does she live here?” Applebloom inquired. “Fleur De Lis is Sunsets adoptive mother” Sweetie Belle mentioned. “Ohhhh so that explains it…. lucky son of a bitch”  Scootaloo said, mumbling the last part. Applebloom sighed. “C'mon ya’ll, let’s knock on her door”. The others nodded and knocked on Sunsets door. Moments later, a fiery red and yellow haired girl answered the door. A frown spreading across her face. “What do you three want?” The look she gave the three crusaders made them shiver a bit. They knew she was changed but they knew damn well she could sucker them out with one punch. Mixed emotions and thoughts swerved in their minds of figuring out of just how they should apologise to Sunset. “We came to say sorry for what we did to you” Sweetie Belle started. “Yeah, we didn’t mean for it to go as far as it did. We were just jealous that our sisters were spending more time with you than with us” “When ah’ finally realized on what ah’ was doin’. Ah’ was doin’ nothin’ but hurtin’ ya Sunset. And we came here to like Sweetie Belle said, to apologize and hope to put this all behind us”.    Sunset examined the three girls’ faces. Why the hell should I forgive them? They made me go through a living hell, they made my friends and the school turn against me without a second thought, and they exposed everybody’s embarrassing secrets! And for a totally petty and selfish reason, too!     “Well, girls,” Sunset spoke coldly, “I’m glad you saw the error of your ways. As I told your sisters, however, apologies aren’t always enough to fix a big betrayal. Just like what you did and tricked my friends to do so."     “If you don’t want to forgive us, we understand” Scootaloo said. “We were total boneheaded idiots."     “Yes you were.” Sunset’s voice was so harsh that it cut through them like a knife. “You used a tool to help everybody, and you made it into a gossip column and turned everybody against each other! AGAINST ME! Why’d you even think I’d have your sisters underneath a spell??! I proved myself worthy after beating the sirens, you bunch of bra---     “Before you finish” AppleBloom interrupted, “We know we messed up but, ah’ just want to have you know that the entire school planned a party for you. To show how sorry everyone is for their behaviour.” Sunset’s expression lightened up a bit, thinking that everyone who treated her badly really are sorry. But then again, she said something to her friends that still lingers her mind that apologies are never enough to undo the acts of violence and hatred that was purposely aimed at her. However, Sunset believed in second chances as she got one herself after being blasted by the Elements of Harmony. Every trace of hatred in her soul was gone. She was never quite honest with herself even after defeating the sirens at the Battle Of The Bands if all that was washed away. Sunset sighed. “Listen girls, I appreciated your sisters apologies but I told them that they weren’t enough. Not even a party hosted by everyone at the school would make up for their mistake.” The crusaders looked down at the ground. “We know” they all said in unison. “However, I don’t want to be rude and not go to the party at the school. I’m sure they all worked very hard on putting it together. You three win, I’ll follow you.” The three heads of the crusaders perked up in excitement. “Really? Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Sweetie Belle happily said. The other two nodded. **** The crusaders and Sunset Shimmer walked down the street in silence going through the outer part of downtown Canterlot to the high school nearby. Sunset appreciated that the student body would go through so much trouble to make up for what they did. Sure it meant something to her but it seemed to her that they were desperate for her to accept their apologies and act like as if this never happened. Sunset wasn’t going to let them off easy but instead maybe give them a second chance, including a group of five girls that were supposed to represent the Elements of Harmony. “So, Sunset, how did you end up in crutches?” Scootaloo asked. “Don’t worry about it. Whatever happened, happened and leave it at that.” “Oh.. okay” The group of girls passed a nearby alleyway when they heard a loud thump behind them. “Ow! I said to lay me down easy you idiot!” That voice sounded awfully familiar. Turning around, all of them faced a familiar girl that wore a tiara on her head. The only girl infact that wears one daily. The crusaders scowled. “What are you doing here Diamond Tiara? We don’t need your nonsense today.” Scootaloo said. “Speaking of which, shouldn’t you be in school Diamond?” Sunset asked “Oh shut up loser. I’m not here to do anything but say that I am sorry.” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Sorry for what?” With a grin, Diamond snapped her fingers. “For THIS!” Out from behind her revealed three boys, recognized as the Diamond Dog Brothers. In their hands held pocket knives and switchblades. The crusaders eyes widened in shock. “Girls, get behind me now!” Sunset yelled at the crusaders. To which to her relief they did. Sunset gave a furious look towards Diamond Tiara. “Diamond, what the hell do you think you’re doing? Don’t you realize the crime you’re about to commit?!” Diamond Tiara whipped her hair to the back of her neck and sat down on the bench. “Oh, I’m not gonna do anything. I paid these three morons to do my dirty work. I want you gone Sunset. You and the crusade babies ruined my friendship with Silver Spoon and I’m going to inflict the pain that I felt on you all. It’s sad that you have to four have to die because, I certainly don’t want that to happen again now do I?” Diamond Tiara nodded towards the brothers who nodded back and charged full speed towards Sunset. Terrified, Sunset yelled at the crusaders to run and get help. “But we can’t just let you die!” Sweetie Belle said frantically. “Just GO! I can hold them off, I’ll be fine trust me!” With no other options, the crusaders ran as fast as they could to the nearest police station. The brothers charged Sunset with full force knocking her to the ground. Each of them made an attempt to jump her but managed to kick each one that kept coming with her good leg. Sunset stood back up and held herself up with her good leg. One of the boys charged again to only receive a full power punch to the face, knocking him unconscious. “Is that all you got? I have a broken leg and you weaklings can’t even hurt me!” Sunset said. The other two brothers that were still standing growled at her. “You’re gonna pay for that you know!” Sunset picked up her crutch that was sitting on the ground. “Try me you filthy piece of trash.” The two ran towards her in which both were knocked to the ground in one swing and one final blow to the sensitive spot in their necks to knock them both out. Sunset looked at three brothers in disgust “Pathetic.” “You’ve had your fun Diamond, but I won.” Sunset said looking up to the bench that she sat close by only to find it empty. “Huh, guess she left.” As soon as Sunset slowly went to pick up her crutch she felt an excruciating pain in her side, making Sunset gasp. Behind her was Diamond Tiara, holding one of the blades that the Diamond Dog Brothers had with them in Sunsets side. “You may have defeated them, but I have defeated you.” She said coldly stabbing Sunset again in the stomach. “You will burn in hell for what you did to me in the past.” Diamond took the blade out of Sunset’s stomach and stabbed her again in the chest. “And your little friends will pay too, and soon, they’ll join you too.” Diamond Tiara took out the blade wiping off her finger prints off of the handle with a hankerchief and hid it in the full dumpster. She took one last look at Sunset, seeing those eyes of pain and the life quickly fading from them gave her no remorse for her actions and walked away. Inside Sunset’s mind she was panicking. She realized she had been stabbed three times. She could feel the life slipping from her body as more blood came out from in her. Sunset sat down against the wall, holding her hand hard against her chest wound while on the other hand she pulled out her phone and dialed 9-1-1. “Come on.. pick up.” Sunset mumbled quietly to herself. The emergency responder on the other line picked up. “9-1-1 what’s your emergency?” “Help me… I’ve just been stabbed three times. One in my side, chest and my stomach region. Quickly losing blood, send someone please!! I don’t want to die!!” Sunset yelled in fear with all of her strength. “Ma’am, you said you were stabbed three times?” Tears were flowing down Sunset’s cheeks as she was on the phone with the responder. “Yes I was, I explained where I just need help now, it hurts so much!” “Okay, sending someone to you now, where you located?” Remembering what street she was on earlier that afternoon, Sunset was struggling to hold on to her life. “24th and…. Canterlot…. Avenue.” Sunset felt that she could no longer hold on, blood was all over her and around her. She felt her life slipping rapidly until she saw the light as blackness overtook her vision and went limp sliding down the remaining wall, phone still in hand. “Got it, we’re sending help now. You still there ma’am? ma’am? Oh no.” > Chapter 5 [Re-Written] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies Aren’t Always Enough Chapter 5- ReWrite By: SadisticFluttershy The Cutiemark Crusaders returned to the exact location of where they had left Sunset earlier to get help from the police. Upon arrival in the police cruiser, the first thing they found after stepping out of the car was Sunset’s body. All around her was her blood still oozing out from her body.     The crusaders were absolutely shocked on what they saw. Their friend covered in her own blood. Sweetie Belle immediately ran over to her with tears in her eyes. Falling down to her knees, she shook the unconscious Sunset over and over again in hopes that she would wake.   “Sunset? Sunset? SUNSET, WAKE UP PLEASE!!” Sweetie Belle screamed in horror, shaking the seemingly lifeless Sunset. Sunset didn’t respond. Sweetie Belle put her ear by Sunset’s mouth to hear no breathing. Sweetie Belle looked at Sunsets face to see her eyes closed and her cheeks damp from fresh tears. This made Sweetie Belle cry even harder than before.       The other two crusaders had tears in their eyes as well and wrapped their arms around their friend. The two police officers behind them were about to call in for an ambulance as one was just arriving to the scene.      Sweetie Belle was mumbling something to herself but enough where her other friends could hear.  “We shouldn’t have left her. We should’ve stayed and fight those Diamond Dog meanies and then Diamond Tiara. We shouldn’t have left Sunset!”    “Sweetie Belle” Applebloom started, “We could’ve been killed too. Sunset saved our lives and-” Applebloom said before being cut off by Sweetie Belle.    “And for what huh? Sunset shouldn’t have been in this situation! We should have stayed! I don’t care if I would’ve ended up dead but at least I would’ve died trying!” “Sweetie..” Scootaloo whispered.    “Sweetie Belle shook her head, tears freely falling to the ground beneath her. Her hands rolled into tight fists, shaking rapidly ready to hit something.      “Diamond Tiara will pay. All of them will pay. YOU HEAR ME DIAMOND TIARA? YOU WILL PAY!!”  Sweetie Belle screamed in rage.       Applebloom and Scootaloo were startled at the sudden outburst from their friend. They’ve never seen so much anger in her before, but they couldn’t blame her after all. Sunset was technically their friend even though she said they weren’t. Both knowing Sweetie, she’d do anything to make things right, even if it meant putting herself in harm's way.      The ambulance came to a stop next to the crusaders and the workers began to immediately gather what they needed and rushed to Sunset. One of the workers put his index and middle finger to Sunset’s neck and had a weak pulse.   “She’s got a weak pulse, but she’s alive. She’s barely able to breathe on her own. She might have a chance but I can’t be sure.” The first responder said as he began working on Sunset putting some of his medical equipment on her including a portable IV.     The other responders carefully picked up the unconscious girl onto the gurney as the responder who was working on Sunset managed to patch up the spots that Sunset was slowly bleeding from before then.       Both the officers and the crusaders watched as the girl was loaded on the ambulance and drove away to Canterlot City Hospital. One of the officers walked over to the crusaders.       He placed a hand on Sweetie Belle’s shoulder. Sweetie Belle looked up to him with tears in her eyes. “Is she going to be okay officer?”       The officer sighed. “I sure hope so kid. She didn’t look good at all, but you know what the medic said. She has a chance to live. We’ve just got to pray.”       Sweetie Belle nodded. “Can you take me and my friends home if it’s not too much trouble? I need to get away from here. I want to go home” The officer nodded with a sad smile. “Sure thing.” And with that, the officer escorted the crusaders to his squad car and took the girls home. ******       At Canterlot City Hospital, an unconscious Sunset Shimmer had just been admitted to the hospital with life threatening injuries. According to the ambulance attendants, she had deep gashes in her sides, chest and midsection. The front doors slammed open as the wounded teenager was taken on a gurney through the hospital hallways. The doctors tending to the girl began shouting orders to have her taken to the ER.       “Patient’s name is Sunset Shimmer. According to her student ID she goes to           Canterlot High and is seventeen years old,” shouted one of the nurses.       “Get me her medical file stat and call her parents ASAP!” ordered the doctor.     The nurse nodded. "Of course, Doctor. I'll get right on it." She rushed towards the front of the hospital and began typing on the computer. Soon, Sunset’s medical and emergency contact data was presented on the computer screen. She sent her findings to the ER station for the team tending to her. She found only one name on a list of contacts labeled “Adoptive Mother“ The nurse picked up the phone and dialed the number on the screen       The phone line was ringing for a few moments before a voice could be heard on the other end. “Ms. De Lis? This is Canterlot Hospital. It’s about your daughter…”      About half an hour had passed when Sunsets mother, ran through the open double doors of the hospital and stopped at the front desk wearing a pink and white dress. She was quite tall and had beautiful long pink hair and a body that screamed “model maker”.       However, her face was completely drenched with tears, ruining her mascara. Following behind her was a man, dressed in a tuxedo with a monocle and had light blue hair and mustache.       “Where’s my Sunset? Is she okay? What happened?” Fleur asked quickly. The nurse looked up from her computer screen.       “She’s currently undergoing surgery in attempts for her life to be saved. She was barely alive when she came in and from what I could tell, it wasn’t good. It’s a fifty-fifty on either death or survival.”      “But she has a chance of surviving right?” Fleur asked. Fancy placed his hand on his spouse's shoulder.       The nurse gave a small smile. “It’s possible. We have our best people working on her. She’s in good hands, believe me she is.”     Fancy Pants took a step forward. “Can you tell us where the ICU wing is? Or where they are exactly?”      The nurse nodded. “Of course. You will go down all the way down that hallway to your right, from there, go right and then left. There will be a row of chairs along both sides of the wall. It’s a double wide hallway, you can’t miss it.”     Fancy shook her hand and said thank you. ******       As the two sat in the chairs closest to the ICU Doors close by, Fleur was quietly praying that Sunset would come out alright. Sunset was her only child and even though they weren’t relate together by blood. She just prayed that their bond they held together would let Sunset survive.               Fancy Pants held Fleur in an loving embrace, assuring her that Sunset would be okay, but wasn’t sure himself.      “Honey, I’m sure Sunset will come out of this and make it through. She is strong”     Fleur looked up at Fancy with teary eyes. “I really hope you’re right honey.. I just.. I wouldn’t know what to do if she were to….” Fleur couldn’t say another word as she broke down into tears.    Fancy Pants shushed her as she cried. Fleur laid her head on Fancy’s shoulder as his left arm was wrapped around her. Minutes past and Fleur managed to regain her composure. “I can’t afford to lose her Fancy Pants. She’s my entire world. For me to lose her, I just… I wouldn’t know what to do then. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve always dreamed of having kids of my own knowing the rewards of being a parent.” Fancy wasn’t sure what to say next other than to squeeze her in understanding.      ***Downtown Canterlot, three years ago***     Fleur was shopping one day at the Canterlot Shopping Plaza downtown. Coming out of from one of the stores she was at heading to another one just down the block when she heard a loud clang from a nearby alley.       Curious, she slowly walked towards the alley, peering her head around the corner. Due to it being nighttime, she couldn’t really see anything. She knew her curiosity wouldn’t leave her alone until she investigated. Walking down the alley she found a large box that could easily fit a bank safe. Looking closer, she found that the flaps were closed. ‘Is there someone there?’ Fleur thought. But why would there be a random box that was huge! It just didn’t make sense. Fleur quietly stepped towards the box carefully to not make a sound. Upon nearing closer, she could hear muffled sounds coming from inside. ‘Do I hear…sobbing?’ Fleur wondered.      She reached out a hand and quietly pulled one of the flaps from the box open. Inside, she could see a girl with red and yellow fiery hair, a ripped up pair of jeans, the boots she wore had holes in them and the shirt she had on was ripped beyond repair and a leather jacket that was in some decent condition. She was sitting in the corner of the box with her knees up to her chest, her arms wrapping in front of them with her head down on her knees. The cries Fleur heard shattered her heart. Fleur wasn’t sure what to do right now. Here in front of her was a girl. A teenage girl to be precise. Clearly homeless due to the condition of her clothes and the shelter she had from the outside world and in an alley for crying out loud! Fleur swallowed hard before opening her mouth to speak. The cries from the girl continued but seized a little bit hearing a stranger speak. “Excuse me young lady… are you okay?”      The girl lifted her head off of her knees and stared at the woman who stood before her. What she saw was a tall woman who had on a simple red t-shirt and blue jeans and wore a pair of black boots. On top of her shirt she wore a leather jacket, much like the one she had. Her hair was pink and stretched from her head down to her middle back. The girl looked in the woman’s that spoke genuine concern. She wasn’t sure what this woman wanted but she was here for a reason. The girl sniffed “Who are you?” she asked “My name is Fleur De Lis. But my friends and family call me Fleur. What’s yours?” The girl had heard that name before when she lived in Canterlot back in Equestria. The pony Fleur was just beginning her modeling career back in those days and she took Canterlot by storm. “I’m Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset replied.     Fleur smiled. “Nice to meet you Sunset.” Her smile faded and was replaced by a look of worry. “Why are you out here by yourself?”       Sunset looked down, wanting to avoid the gaze in Fleur's eyes. “I… I don’t have a home. I live out here by.. myself.”    Fleur gasped. “You live out here alone? You are far too young to be out here on your own!”      Fleur took a seat next to the girl, trying to resist scrunching her nose due to the stench coming from Sunset. She definitely needs a bath. Sunset sighed, her crying having stopped a while ago. “I have nowhere to go. I have no choice but to live out here. No one wants me.”    Fleur took Sunsets hand in her own. “Sweetheart, how could you say such things? Look at you! You’re young, beautiful, clearly intelligent considering you have shelter and at least you’re wearing clothes.” A thought crossed Fleurs mind. “How long have you lived out here Sunset?” Fleur asked, hoping to get something out from the girl.      Sunset looked up, her eyes wide. “I’ve been out here for three years. I have lived out on these streets for three years ever since I ran away from the orphanage here in town.”      Sunset knew that was a lie. It wasn’t like she was gonna tell this woman that she was from a magical land of talking ponies and was the student of a god and when she didn’t get what she wanted that she fled through the portal to this dimension. At least Fleur bought it when her expression was of shock after telling her how long she’s been out here. Clearly not focused on the orphanage part.       “Three years? Oh my gosh. It’s a true blessing that you’re still alive. Most don’t make it out here. Due to some of the people here that can be absolutely cruel and how cold our winters get.” Fleur said. Sunset nodded in agreement.      There was a silence between them for a few good moments before Sunset felt her other hand being taken by another hand but wasn’t her own. Instead, Fleur was holding both of her hands. ‘What was it this woman wanted?’  Sunset thought. ‘It’s not like she-’      “Sunset. I can’t stand to let you be out here by yourself any longer. You do NOT deserve to be out here. You deserve to be with someone that cares about you and will take care of you.”      “I know you don’t really know me, but I want you to come home with me. I want to be that person that takes care of you and love you. You need someone to look after you. Even if you managed to be out here for this long and still be alive, your luck will run out. Please Sunset, make the right decision here.” Fleur was basically begging the girl at this point. She didn’t want Sunset to continue to live like this.       Sunset didn’t say anything yet. She could only process in understanding what this woman was implying. “I… I don’t know what to say.” Sunset muttered      Fleur looked at Sunset in the eyes. Sunset studied the woman’s eyes as one of one being serious. “I promise you Sunset, that no matter what, I will be there for you. What I said was no joke. I could never make something like that up. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did.”      Sunset sighed. “Alright, I’ll trust you. But promise me one thing.” “Anything darling.”      “Don’t turn your back on me.” “Never.”      The two shared a hug and Fleur went home that night with Sunset in toe.           ******     Several hours had passed. Both Fancy Pants and Fleur were waiting anxiously in hopes of good news. The more time that passed, the tighter Fleur’s chest would get. She was beginning to doubt as if Sunset had survived. They arrived at the hospital at two in the afternoon and was now currently eight o'clock in the evening.       All the waiting they’ve endured have finally come to an end as Fleur and Fancy Pants heard the double doors of the ICU open. The two got on their feet as the surgeon approached them at his own pace.       The two turned pale upon seeing the blood on his gloved hands, uniform, and even a little bit on his mask. His cold expression didn't show any good signs and only increased their fears.       He walked up them; they held their breaths. "Doctor, how is she? How's my Sunset? Is she going to live?" asked Fleur, doing her best not to jump the man and shake him for answers.      There was a long, haunting silence as the surgeon lowered his mask. Both Fancy and Fleur, held their breaths in hopes of good news.     The mask was now hanging around his neck. He looked at them, staring in their eyes. A lifetime had gone by before he finally spoke.      “She’s going to make it.”   Fancy Pants and Fleur sighed in relief as tears of happiness overcame Fleur as she hugged the surgeon.      “Thank you so much doctor! You are truly a lifesaver.” Fleur said happily through her tears.      “We were close to losing her, but doing what I do best, I wasn’t going to let her go. She really is a fighter and refused to die. We managed to stable her and proceeded with a blood transfusion which we were able to put back all the blood she had lost in the incident. Like I said, she’ll be fine. She’s very lucky to be alive.”       Fancy Pants shook the man’s hand in gratitude before asking, “Can we see our Sunset?”      The man shook his head. “Not at the moment. She’s still in the ICU for observation. She’ll be moved to a private room on the third floor in the morning once she's a hundred percent stable enough to start the healing process.”      Fancy Pants and Fleur were both equally disappointed they couldn’t see their daughter after her successful surgery. They knew however, that their prayers and bond with her had saved her life. They’ll get to see their daughter first thing tomorrow morning.      “Thank you doctor, for everything.” Fleur said, her tears finally stopped.       The man smiled and nodded, said goodbye and walked back to the ICU. Fleur looked at Fancy Pants.       “I’m going to stay here overnight, you can go ahead and get some rest at home.” Fancy shook his head.      “Not a chance. I want to see Sunset too in the morning. I’d sacrifice everything for her.”      Fleur nodded, smiling warmly at him. The two embraced as they passed out in the lobby. ****** The next morning, Fleur and Fancy Pants were awaken by a gentle shake on the shoulder. Fleur looked up to find Nurse Redheart up above her.   “Just thought I’d let you know your daughter was moved to the third floor in room 304. She’s still sleeping but you can go and see her.” Fleur smiled “Thank you.”     The nurse gave a smile and nodded. Fleur and Fancy got up from the chairs and made their way to the third floor. *****     As Fancy Pants and Fleur reached the third floor, they stood outside room 304. Fancy looked over to his side and looked at his fiance’. She looked nervous.     “You’re nervous aren’t you?” Fancy asked. Fleur shook her head. “No.. not really dear. It’s just.. I don’t know what to expect once we walk in there.”     The hallway was silent for a few moments before Fleur felt a hand rub her shoulder. Turning towards his gaze, she saw him smile.       “I expect you to walk in there and see Sunset. I’ll stay behind and wait for you to call me to come inside as well. Well? Go on darling. I’m sure she’ll be very happy to see her momma.”      Fleur nodded, smiling. Fleur took a deep breath before turning the knob on the door inward and walked inside closing the door behind her. Taking in her surroundings, the room was dark. Curtains that hung on above the window were closed shut, blocking out any light. There was several pieces of furniture around the room save for the occupied bed and nightstand that had a lamp sitting on top of it.      Fleur quietly walked over to the bed and sat down on one of the chairs next to it.        There infront of her laid a sleeping Sunset Shimmer. Her chest rising and falling which each steady breath she took.      Fleur examined her daughter from all the wires and other contraptions that was hooked up to her. An IV was stuck in her left arm, several wires were poking out from underneath Sunsets garment that was hooked up to a quiet, steady beeping heart monitor for her vital signs. Her face was pale due to being weak. Fleur wasn’t sure how long she had been staring at her daughter before blackness overtook her.      Fleur woke up a few hours later in the chair she had taken next to Sunset’s bed. She was alone with her. She noticed Fancy wasn’t there so she pulled out her phone to check for any messages. There was one from him.      ‘Dear, I went ahead and left the hospital so that you could be alone with Sunset. I had to go back to work but I’ll be home later on tonight if you plan on coming home. I understand if you want to stay there for the night if they allow you to. If not, I’ll see you then’      Fleur responded with a quick, ‘okay and thanks for letting me know’ before putting her phone away. She took a glance at her daughter, still sound asleep. Her chest rising and falling nice and easy. It assured her that Sunset was going to be fine.      Fleur took a hold of Sunset’s hand in her own, rubbing the top of her hand with her thumb. Sounds of mumbling could be heard from Sunset. “No… I don’t wanna go to school… it’s… too early.”     Fleur smiled. She got up and kissed her forehead and sat back down again. “Come on mom… five more minutes.” Sunset grumbled in her sleep. She gently shook Sunsets arm. Sunsets eyes opened weakly. The first thing she saw was the ceiling above her in a dim lightning. She felt something gripping her hand lightly. She turned her head to the left, and in front of her was her mother.      “Mom? Is… that you?” Sunset asked, her voice sounding dry and cracked.      Sunset’s mom nodded in response. She took out the water bottle she had gotten earlier and insisted that Sunset drink some water to relieve the dryness in her throat.      Sunset opened her mouth allowing Fleur to gently pour water into it. After a considerable amount, she capped the bottle again setting it on the table next to her. “Feel better?” Fleur asked Sunset with a smile.      Sunset nodded. “Good to hear.”      Sunset tried to sit up in her bed but a sharp pain in her abdomen protested causing Sunset to grunt as she laid back down on the bed. This alarmed Fleur. “Please, don’t do that. You will re-open the stitches from your surgery.” Fleur told Sunset.      Sunset was confused. ‘Stitches? When did I?’ Her eyes widened. She had realized something. “Mom… what happened?” Sunset asked.      “Well” Fleur began “I don’t know much, but I was at work when I received a call from the hospital saying you were here in the ER. I told my boss that you were here and she allowed me to come here immediately.”      Sunset nodded in acknowledgement that she was listening. “I almost lost you today Sunset. You would’ve died if it weren’t for the people that saved you.”      Sunset didn’t know what to say. ‘Almost lost my life?’ She thought. That’s when the all too recent memories came flooding back to her. She remembered being in a fist fight with the brothers who were ordered to kill her. Even though she had won, Diamond Tiara stabbed her multiple times before leaving her to die. “I… I almost… died?” Fleur’s eyes began to water.      “Yes. Like I said, I almost lost you. I can’t even imagine what mine or Fancy’s lives would be if you were to leave this earth because of someone who wanted nothing more than to see you dead.” Sunset smiled weakly. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”      Fleur wiped some of her tears away. Something in her mind was wondering, ‘Who could do such a thing to Sunset? She’s a sweet, caring, loving girl who would go out of her way to take care of others before herself’.  “Sunset. I must ask you… who did this to you? Who put you in this bed?”      “Do you really want to know? Because even if I tell you, she’s gonna get away with it. I don’t remember much after I was stabbed other than calling in an emergency before I lost consciousness.” Fleur looked at Sunset in the eyes.  “Tell me who did this to you. I assure you, she will not get away with attempted murder.” Sunset sighed. “It was a student from CHS named, Diamond Tiara.”      Fleur was a bit surprised at hearing that name being the one who put her daughter in such a state. She didn’t know what to say other than in her mind ‘That damn girl is going to pay’. What could she do?      “Mom?” Sunset called out for her mom. Fleur snapped back to reality. “Oh um. What is it dear?” “Do you think I should tell the girls that I’m here?”      Fleur pondered this. “I don’t know sweetie. That’s up to you if you want to let them know. I honestly don’t know if they would show up or not even after what happened.”      Sunset sighed, “I know what you mean. I haven’t taken their apologies hardly. I know they regret what they did but deep down somewhere in all of them there’s a place for me in their hearts.” “Well, like I said sweetheart, it’s up to you if you want them here.”      Sunset wasn’t sure if she wanted her former friends here. After the anon-a-miss incident being solved, and even after they all apologised to her after being so doubtful and turning their backs on her she still wasn’t sure. She had told them they would have to earn her trust again but none was forgiven. Still, it would bother her if she didn’t tell them because they’d find out eventually. That does it. Sunset was going to tell them. She grabbed her phone from the table next to her bed and sent a message involving her five former friends.      ‘Hey, I’m not sure if any of you would want to talk to me or even bother with me but I’m sure you might’ve seen the news about a girl being stabbed and they wouldn’t say who. The suspect still on the loose for attempted murder but anyway, that girl was…. Me. I was the one who was nearly stabbed to death. I’m here at Canterlot City Hospital. If you want to come and see me.. You can but I don’t expect any of you to show. -Sunset Shimmer’ Sunset tapped the send button and it sent the message.      Sunset turned her attention back to her mom. She remembered about the crusaders. Sure they were Anon-A-Miss, but she did save their lives from the Diamond Dog brothers and Diamond Tiara. “Do you know where the crusaders are?” Sunset asked.      Fleur shrugged. “I don’t know dear. I still kind of hate them for what they did to you. After learning their responsibility for this against you, I couldn’t stand them. They caused you so much pain, so much anxiety. It just pains me is all.”      Sunset nodded. “I understand where you’re coming from. But remember, I saved their lives. Part of me was still mad at them for what they did but I wasn’t about to watch three little girls die because of me. If anyone that should’ve died… it should’ve… been me.”      Sunset’s mother squeezed her daughter's hand. “Don’t say that Sunset. YOU are a hero for saving their lives. But you do not deserve death over it. I know what you’re thinking and I want it to stop right now. Your past is in your past. What’s in front of you now is your future. A chance to grow stronger than you ever could imagine. This near death experience can only make you stronger Sunset. You just have embrace it.”      Sunset considered this. “You’re right. I should embrace it. I now realize just how strong I really am. I’ve been blasted by a Rainbow tornado, my friends and I beat the sirens at the battle of the bands and I’ve proven to everyone that I’ve changed!” “That’s right Sunset. You’ve been through so much. I’m glad that you are finally embracing change once more.”      Before anymore words could be said, Nurse Redheart entered the room. “Sunset Shimmer?”      Sunset put her gaze on Redheart. “What’s up?” “A group of girls are here to see you. They told me that they were your friends?” ‘Were my friends’ Sunset said in her thoughts.      Even though Sunset sent a group text to the girls who betrayed her, she made her decision to allow them to come see her in her condition. They’d find out anyway. “Send them in.”       > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies Aren’t Always Enough Chapter 6 Written by: ~SadisticFluttershy~ Before any more could be said, Nurse Redheart entered the room. “Sunset Shimmer?”      Sunset put her gaze on Redheart. “What’s up?” “A group of girls are here to see you. They told me that they were your friends?” ‘Were my friends’ Sunset said in her thoughts.      Sunset wondered why she had even sent that text in the first place. Odds were that they would have found out soon enough probably from their sisters and it wouldn’t make sense to keep it a secret. Sunset sighed as she said to Redheart to let the girls into the room.     The nurse nodded and stood aside, letting in four girls.      Sunset took a good look at the four girls that stood at the door to her hospital room. Each of them looked nervous. She immediately noticed that Pinkie Pie’s hair was flat instead of its usual poofy cotton candy shape. That wasn’t a good sign.      Sunset wasn’t able to get a good look at Fluttershy’s face. She did however, get a glimpse of the girls teal eyes. It looked as though she had been crying. Looking over to her mom, she called out to her.      “Mom? Can you and Nurse Redheart step out for a bit? I need to be alone with them if that’s okay.”      Fleur gave Sunset a hug. “Of course it is sweetie. We’ll be outside if you need me okay?” “Okay.” Sunset smiled.      With that, the two women left the room, closing the door behind them leaving Sunset with the other girls that shared the space.      Sunset motioned them to take a seat anywhere they’d like.      The room was silent for a few moments, save for some of the noise from outside the door. The girls grew more nervous as each moment passed being in the presence of Sunset Shimmer. What they had done was unforgivable. They turned their backs on the poor girl thinking that she had somehow went back to her ‘old ways’ and used them to get their deepest secrets that were hidden away. Only for the truth to be told when the girls found out that Sunset had been innocent the entire time.      Finally, after observing the girls, Sunset was ready to speak. However, that’s when she noticed someone was absent. Raising an eyebrow Sunset asked, “Where is Rainbow Dash?” Silence. “Where. Is. Rainbow. Dash?” Sunset asked again, with irritation in her voice. Fluttershy winced from the girl’s tone. “She… she couldn’t come.” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Really? Why not?”      Fluttershy shifted uneasily in her chair in finding a response without making Sunset mad. “She said that… she couldn’t bring herself here and see you like this. She did get your text but didn’t respond. She also said that because she failed you as a friend, she was in no right to come here.”      Sunset grunted. “Seriously? I wouldn’t have sent that text if I felt that none of you should be here. You girls would’ve found out eventually, why hide it?”      “Sunset dear, the main reason why she didn’t come is not only because she said she felt she wasn’t in the right to come here, it’s also because she said that she wasn’t there to protect you like she should have. Just like the rest of us should have.” Rarity added.      “And ah’m sorry that Rainbow didn’t come. Ah’m sure she would’ve loved to be here to see you just like we are even if it is awkward. Ah’m just happy that you’re alive.” Applejack said.      “It makes me happy that you’re still here with us Sunset. I would have been devastated if we were told that you were gone forever.” Pinkie Pie added      Sunset wasn’t sure on what to say to any of what she had heard. It made her somewhat happy to know that they were glad that she is alive and well. They were genuinely sorry for what they did to her. Sunset was trying very hard to find a spot somewhere to just forget that any of that ever happened. She just couldn’t. “Sunset, we need ta’ know who did this to you.”      Applejack said, breaking the silence in the room.      Sunset looked at Applejack’s emerald eyes. She could tell that she was clearly interested in knowing on who’d put her in this bed that was laying on. “Why should I tell you? Or any of you for that matter?” Sunset asked. “We just want to help you is all.” Applejack said.      Sunset’s eyes narrowed. “Help? HELP? Hello! Where the fuck were you when I needed you! You see these?” Sunset lifted her gown, pointing at every single stab wound she received just yesterday. “All these were caused because someone wanted me dead!”      “And you know what else? I’m also here because you girls accused me of being Anon-A-Miss when clearly I wasn’t! I seriously still cannot comprehend on how in Equestria you all thought I was her and would post your secrets for the whole school to see! I mean come on, where was the common sense in any of this?”      “Think about it for a second. Why would I throw away everything that I’ve earned ever since that day at the Fall Formal when you girls defeated me? Something told me that even after the battle of the bands and defeating the sirens that somehow I would turn back to the old Sunset? That would be awful. It broke my heart when you thought I was Anon-A-Miss. Really, it did. And I’m fucking glad that you feel guilty about it too because we all know that it was your jealousy driven sisters that practically ruined my damn life!”      “So if you want to help me, help me by….” Sunset looked at the girls one by one, her heart in turmoil, struggling not to give into this sense of despairing frustration. In her rage, anger and deep sorrow, her life with them flashed before her eyes to this very moment. She wanted to go back, make things right again. But this was not her responsibility, she knew.      Her scowl dropped. Helpless without an answer, she dropped her hands on the sheets and sighed. “I don’t even know. How could I know?” The girls remained silent. Facing the results of their actions.      Starlight expressions swung in the margins between anger and sadness, finally settling on a mix between the two. Her voice made clear what was in her heart. “HOW COULD I KNOW?!” The next few moments were spent in silence. Before long, the door to Sunset’s hospital room opened, revealing Nurse Redheart and Sunset’s mother, Fleur. “Girls, It’s time that Sunset gets some rest. I appreciate you all coming to talk to her.”      Fleur just stared at the four girls. She was still upset at them for dumping her daughter the way they had. It wasn’t right, and it shouldn’t be. It wouldn’t be. Not until they had made their amends, no matter how grave their remorse. At least they showed their regrets and willingness to set things straight. A glimmer of hope for her daughter at least.      The four girls nodded at the nurse and said their goodbyes before walking out of the room. Nurse Redheart went ahead and performed a check up on Sunset to see how she was healing. She was done in but a few minutes, adjusting Sunsets medication accordingly. “Thank you for everything Nurse Redheart.” Sunset said, smiling at the nurse.      Redheart returned the smile. “Please, Redheart is fine sweetie. And you’re welcome. Now take those pain medications and get some rest okay?” “I will. Promise.” And with that, the nurse left the room leaving Fleur and Sunset alone in the room.      Sunset turned to look at her mother. “I think you should go mom. You’ve been here for the past two days.”      “Sunset sweetie, I won’t be going anywhere. My boss knows that I’m here and understands that you’re my main priority. You always will be, Sunset. I’m going to stay here until we walk out of here together.” Fleur assured Sunset.      “Are you sure? I’ll be fine. Besides, you’ve done an awesome job taking care of me while I’m here.” Fleur nodded. “I’m sure. You don’t need to worry about me.” Sunset smiled. “Well.. alright then mom. I should get some rest. Good night.”      The two girls shared a hug. “Goodnight Sunset, I love you.” “Love you too mom.” Sunset said with a yawn as she drifted off to sleep.      Fleur took a seat in her chair next to Sunset. She wasn’t sure for how long Sunset was going to be in the hospital. Sure her daughter's injuries were pretty serious, but she was recovering well. Surely she won’t be in here for weeks or even months.      A few hours passed as Sunset’s mother sat in the chair that was next to the hospital bed staring at her daughter as she slept. The slow, but steady breaths that she took as her chest rose and fell gently. It was good to see that her daughter was doing relatively well. She made sure that her daughter took the pain medication that Nurse Redheart gave her to ease the pain from her stitched areas. One thought kept lingering in the back of her mind. ‘Who had done this to Sunset?’ That one thought would inevitably reel her mind down the same path. ‘Why didn’t her friends trust her when this fiasco started? Why didn’t they protect her?’      Fleur looked at the clock that sat on the far wall. It was almost two in the morning. With a yawn, Fleur closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. > Chapter 7 [EDITED] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies Aren’t Always Enough Chapter 7 Written by FreeHomeBrew Edited by FreeHomeBrew Reviewed by Sadistic Fluttershy Chapters 1-6 written by Sadistic Fluttershy Authors note (freehomebrew): Hello readers! I heard from Sadistic Fluttershy this story was quite popular. I’ve worked with him on it before as an editor and proof reader, and was saddened to learn he had to put it on permanent hiatus due to time constraints. I decided I liked the story well enough to see it finished. This is where I’ve picked it up. I’ve got quite a different style from Sadistic Fluttershy but I hope you’ll enjoy it all the same. Please please please, provide some criticisms if you have them. I welcome both points where I did good and where the story could be improved. When writing this I tried so stir some feels, so I hope I’ve at least met that goal. Here’s a few things I’d like criticism on in particular: Consistency (are there any conflicting statements?) Pacing (are the important parts told and trivial things summarized/skipped in a proper fashion?) Characterization (are the characters in-character enough?) Character development (are the characters changing in line with how they’re established?) Grammar. In some parts I feel like I should use past perfect tense but it was hard to tell. I’ve had both inconsistencies with past chapters and within this chapter. Example 1: I made Sunsets wounds to be worse than had previously been established. Example 2: Applejack decided to walk home, and then the story says she’s taking a bus, cab or car. Past tense is “I played some football earlier.” Past perfect tense is “I had played football earlier/before.” Something in between is “I have played football before.” The first case describes something really recent. Like earlier this week or day. The second case describes an ongoing process in the past that’s also completed in the past. The third case is like the second case, except that “had” is now “have” which implies the process of ‘playing football from time to time’ might not be over: the person saying might still be quite skilled at it. My last point of doubt is on whether I should’ve split this chapter into two chapters instead. You’ll probably notice where. Please let me know if I should/could have. It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything serious, hence all my questions and requests for feedback. I hope you’ll all enjoy. From this point on I’ll be writing the story until further notice. Again, hope you’ll enjoy. Regards, FreeHomeBrew A few days had passed since Sunset had last seen her friends. It’s given her some time to heal physically and to ponder what had happened to her, her family, and her friendships.  Her mother had kept her word of staying with her, despite Sunset’s insistence that she’d be alright. They both knew, and they really appreciated this time together.  Sunsets friends had considered, and tried, to contact her but without much luck. It had been Sunsets request to have a few days of peace, precisely to work out exactly how she felt. She wanted to make things right, but she’d had the insight to see that this was not going to easy, if at all possible. After she’d lashed out last time, she didn’t want to make things worse. The last thing she’d done among her friends was yell at them, something that she had been regretting ever since.  Her phone had been buzzing for a few hours before she shut it off. It was obvious who was calling and trying to contact her, but that was something her mother would take upon her. Whenever Fleur bumped into Sunset’s clique she’d answer their questions. Fleur didn’t much appreciate her former friends. She did however recognize how much they hurt right now, and how much they wanted things to be alright again. So as a favour to her daughter, she stayed in touch. * * *  At this time, it was dawn, a Sunday morning. Sunset would be discharged from the hospital later this today. She had physically recovered enough to head home and perhaps go to school again, despite still bearing all the fresh scars.  The door was opened cautiously and a dripping wet Applejack entered her bedroom quietly, calmly. She kept her eye contact with Sunset for a few moments, trying to piece together whatever lay beyond those teal eyes. Sunset looked away in anguish ever so briefly. Despite her best efforts, she was still much more vulnerable than she’d hoped she’d be.  Applejack put her raincoat on the coat rack, as well as her rain pants. Neither of the girls spoke.  With uncertainty and concern plain on her face, Applejack moved closer to the bed. She sat down and put an open hand on the side of the bed, hoping Sunset might take it. A hope left unfulfilled.  Sunset had had a few days to herself, preparing. Preparing for this moment. The confrontation still managed to get to her. She’d played things through in her head a few times but now her thoughts eluded her, obscured in a swirling mist of emotions. She’d lost all the things she had wanted to say.  Instead, she gave Applejack a piercing look. A look riddled with wanting and hopelessness. A look Applejack wore herself by now. The silence from the start had been agonizing to her too.  Like Sunset, Applejack had prepared for this meeting and she had decided to simply bide and let things run its course. She had let go of whatever things may come because she knew whatever would come would simply come in due time. However, on her way here, all of her concerns resurfaced. Instead of being calm and collected, her reeling mind simply would not let her speak. Her words came and went too fast to try and utter any of them coherently. At the very forefront was nothing but her own and her friends’ concern for Sunset’s wellbeing. It was the only thing steadfast and unmoving she could hold on to.  Sunset put her hands together, turned to face forward and closed her eyes with a sigh. She could hear the rain patter against her window, calming her mind. She didn’t recall the exact words she had in mind, but she knew what she wanted to say.  “I wanted to apologize,” she started.  Applejack got caught off guard and put the hand she had held out on her chest.  “I didn’t mean to yell like that, last time you guys were here. For all we know that could have been the last time we’d ever see each other.”  “Sugarcube. It’s alright. Well, Ah get it, anyway.” Sunset looked in Applejacks direction but she’d never felt so far away. “That would’ve been bad. Ah mean...” Applejack wanted to say something about how that’s not how friends should part, or getting back together eventually, but didn’t.  “So… Why’d you ask me over? And why me specifically ‘n not the rest?” If nothing else, those two questions had been lingering in her mind since Fleur had asked her and only her to come see Sunset this Sunday. Fleur hadn’t said anything other than just that.  “Well,” Sunset said, “I thought that out of everyone, you’re… Well, you’re the most stable person in the group, let’s be honest. So… that’s why. I had considered Rarity but the hospital doesn’t have any fainting couches. Given how the rest reacted, you know the rest.”  Looks can be deceiving, Sunset. AJ thought to herself. Just because she didn’t show it, didn’t mean she didn’t hurt as much or worse than the rest.  “As for not the rest… I… I’m not sure I want to talk to everyone in person. I’m really…” She had thought these words over and over again, “I’m really hurt Applejack!” But she choked up just trying to speak. Tears were welling up. “I just… I’ve been thinking. A lot,” she sniffled, “an awful lot.” She clenched her hands, tensing up.  Applejack shifted uneasily, not sure what to do.  “I wish I could just go back,” Sunset paused. When her voice struggled past the knot in her throat, it was but a high shrill whisper ”but I can’t!” She let out a sob and wiped her tears away, losing the will to resist, struggling not to give in to just letting go. She wanted to turn to her friends she so desperately needed, yet here even just one of them caused her such heartache. She could not go back, and facing this reality had been the worst fight she’d ever fought.  Applejacks chest heaved once, like a single hiccup escaped her. She still held her hands close to her chest. Through her tears, Sunset saw Applejack sit beside her, the one she’d considered so strong and willed, now powerless, fragile and uncertain. Though her eyes had shed no tears, it was clear that she was crying with her.  “Well then,” Applejack said hopefully, “Mayhbe we can try and move fo’ward. Together.”  Sunset cleaned her face, regaining some of her composure. Deep down she had hoped it would come to this, that there would be a future for her friends and her. It will be a long and arduous journey for all, and a lonesome one for her. There was no immediate solution, but it would be important to at least immediately stop the metaphorical bleeding, put some ice on the swelling and lie down. The healing can come later.  “Maybe,” Sunset said, “but I need time.” She looked Applejack in the eyes. In those deep green emerald eyes, she noticed but a glimmer of hope below an ocean of dread and doubt. In that glimmer, she saw her friend as she used to know her, and as she will come to know her again, but not like this.  “I have… considered… the things that have hap-, that people have done to me. Some worse than others. Some willing and knowing, some unaware. But right now, I… I just can’t… ” Though she’d kept her calm, the words still came and went. She wished she’d written something down to read.  “I want to forgive, but not forget. I want you all in my life again, but not right now, or even soon for that matter.” Her voice grew more stern as a pent up bubble of anger surfaced. “What you people did to me, you, your sisters, the people at school, I could’ve been dead Applejack!” She held the bed sheets tight. “Did that even occur to anyone but me and my mom?! I could’ve been gone forever!”  Applejack’s lips started to quiver. She held her Stetson close. Then Sunset saw something she’d never seen before: Applejack’s eyes started to water. Neither of them looked away however. Sunset continued.  “Getting stabbed like this,” she pulled back the sheets and unbuttoned her gown to reveal her scars. “Was really, really bad. It hurts to move and I’m sure I’ll have a bunch of scars to remind me of this for the rest of my life.”  Applejack looked at Sunset’s damaged body. On the surface, the scars didn’t look like much. She knew they ran deep however. They would definitely remain for a long long while to come. Applejack fought the urge to frown at the thought of avenging whoever had hurt her friend this bad. She knew that now was not the time.  “But what hurt me personally, the thing I need time to deal with most of all, is how nobody had been there for me when I had needed somebody. Anybody!” Sunset’s voice grew only louder as what she’d tried to stow away came to her. “No! You know what?! It was worse than that! The ones I’d needed most stood against me!”  Applejack flinched.  “You think I want to be this angry?! This… this frustrated?! This upset?! You think this is a reality I want to face?!”  Things went quiet after that. Sunset buttoned up her gown again. Applejack sniffled one last time and sat uncomfortably, though didn’t shift much so as to not send any unnecessary signals. The sounds of the rain had died down and through the sheer curtains, the sun would come and go; the last clouds drifted away. The sound of birds and the wind in the trees was all that filled the room.  Applejack caught a glimpse of a serene scene, something that could have been right here and now but would never be again, where she and Sunset would walk out of here together to meet their friends for tea or brunch. Where the worst that had happened had been Sunset getting a bad cold or anything that trivial.  “Ahm real sorry we all made you feel like this,” she looked to Sunset, her determination restored. “And Ah know us sayin’ sorreh doesn’t mean much ra’ht now, and surely isn’t enough to restore our friendship,” she wagered a cautious smile. “But Ahm glad at least that someday, we may have a second chance.” And when that day comes, we will make the best of it.  “There’s another reason I called you and only you here, Applejack,” Sunset said. “I want you to relay a few messages to the rest. Get some pen and paper out because,” Sunset sighed, “there are a few things.” * * *  Sunset put down the now empty dessert bowl, having finished her welcome-home meal with her parents. Despite the requests she relayed via Applejack, she’d still gotten calls from some of her former friends. She’d just pressed them away, not even sending them to voice mail. She just wanted to be done with it and just come home. Today had been exhausting, and tomorrow would probably be exhausting all the same.  Right now however, things were okay. Her parents had asked about this morning. Things had gone well, she’d told them. Despite it not going as planned, it could have gone much worse. It had been a brief discussion, followed by talk of what to do next regarding her school situation. Most things she had managed to arrange herself, making phone calls from the hospital during the days she had been there and e-mailing for some time this afternoon.  “I’m really glad to have my little girl back home,” Fleur said, putting her hand on Sunsets shoulder. “And I’m glad you’re able to move on and still have your lif-, your responsibilities in order.”  “I’m sure tonight is probably the quiet before a storm or two,” Sunset said. ”I’ll sail through it all though. I survived this, I’m sure I’ll survive whatever comes my way going forward.” There was confidence in her voice. She had been self-reliant before. A strong loner. She didn’t want her old life back, nor this new life, but she knew how to make something of herself for better or for worse. “I’m not saying it’ll be easy though.”  “We’ve always known you to be tough and unrelenting,” Fancy Pants said. “And I’m sure you’ll do great. But if you need us, know that you can always count on us to support you.”  “I know, dad,” she said. She stood behind her father and put her arms around him. She definitely did not want to be alone again.  Sunset retired to her bedroom. She had left her phone to charge on her nightstand, but she didn’t get any new messages or missed calls. Maybe a sign that her messages had finally gotten through. Maybe her former friends had decided to go out without her, or just hang out somewhere and watch some movie. Who knew. Who cared.  The cuts and scratches on her arm from the bullying even before the incident had fully healed up, she noticed. Most pains had all but gone, save for a few when she made very specific movements or turned a certain way. Even then it was more of a nuisance than a real ordeal.  She looked at her other hand and noticed some scarring and she realized, she hadn’t even inspected her body ever since the attack.  She started searching around her room for a hand mirror before remembering she had one in the bathroom. She got it and stood in front of her closet mirror, uneasy. She had planned on just trying to relax. Just trying to forget about all of this for one night. To escape, even if for just a few hours.  She locked her bedroom door and went back to the closet mirror. With a sigh, she closed her eyes. She put her fingers around the belly rim of her tank top, and was about to pull it over her head.  Before the attempt on her life, this had always been normalcy. Just undressing, no big deal. She had never been self-conscious about her body before. She was a fit young lady and took proper care of herself, she knew. But now she wasn’t sure about what she might see.  In the hospital, when she would either be cleaned (at first) or cleaned herself, she had only caught glimpses and felt some new marks, but never had she seen the entirety of what had happ- had been done to her. Even when showing Applejack that had only been to prove a point, not about confronting herself with it. Her hands tightened around the rim of her top, before gently letting go. She opened her eyes and saw herself in the mirror. There was a sadness in her reflection that hadn’t been there before: self-pity. She didn’t feel it, but she saw it.  Quickly, she stepped away from the mirror and went to sit on her bed, facing the window. Nightfall had come around, and the evening was drawing to a close. She looked up and saw the amber glow of the horizon reflecting off a single cloud, floating in the blue and violets of the twilight sky. It felt like nothing could take away that darned persistent unease. That relentless ever-lurking unrest.  “Twilight…” She sighed, lamenting that the day she’d hoped would give her some closure was coming to an end. “Twilight!” She shouted.  She turned around and tore open the top drawer of her night stand, nearly knocking her phone off the top. The book! Twilight! She must be worried sick!  The drawer however, was empty. That’s when she remembered she’d left it in her locker at school. It could have dozens of concerned messages and apologies and who knows what else! First thing tomorrow, for sure. Sunset grabbed a pen and wrote it on the back of her hand before tying a piece of cloth around it. Definitely first thing tomorrow morning.  When she shut the drawer again, the phone started vibrating, startling her. Her friends hadn’t tried to contact her since those early phone calls so, maybe it was something else this time. To be sure, she picked it up to see who it might be. Unknown number. She decided to answer the call.  “Hello? Sunset Shimmer speaking. Can I help you?”  “Hello Sunset, it’s the school counsellor. I’m just checking in on how you’re doing. How are you? Glad you’re back home I presume?”  “Oh yes, definitely glad to be back home. Thanks for asking. Today has been… eventful. But I know I’m in an okay spot right now.”  ”That’s good to hear. You sound like you’re doing well. If you want, you can come and visit me tomorrow any time.”  “That’s okay. I’ll just see how things will go. Anything could happen at this time, no point in making any plans just yet.” Sunset said.  ”I suppose. Anyway, besides calling to check up on you, I’d like to let you know that things at school have all been arranged in accordance with your wishes, except PE class. We just couldn’t match all the classes to be non-overlapping. I hope this isn’t too much of an issue?”  Sunset had hoped to change all of her classes but figured rearranging everything would be pretty much impossible. “It’s not, really. I appreciate all the effort everybody’s made on my behalf thus far. It really is a blessing.”  “Well, that’s good to hear at least. Also formally, your homeroom teacher won’t change either. You don’t need to attend her classes but she does hope you’ll come back at some point. She feels she knows you fairly well and is looking forward to seeing you again, even if it’s privately after, or at the end of her class.”  “That can be arranged.” I’d like to have a word with her too about the whole ordeal. ”You said formally, does that mean I’ll be in another homeroom class?”  “You’re free to join another class since they’re all at the same hours, but we understand if you won’t. Just show up at the specified hours and do your assignments. As long as you personally keep your homeroom teacher up to date things should work out just fine.”  “Will do, I guess.” Homeroom was definitely something she would not be joining for a while. It wasn’t even just about her friends. Everyone had been against her. People is something she did not want to deal with right now. Just focussing on her academics would be plenty considering she’d fallen behind.  “The deadlines for the assignments you had before you were hospitalized have been moved to half-way through the next semester, as have your tests. You’ll be taking those privately on a few early hours, though we’ve not established the exact dates just yet. You can expect to hear of those in the upcoming week. Probably during the respective classes.”  “Mhhhm,” Sunset hummed in the affirmative. “that’s okay. I’ve been reading books from school whenever I wanted a distraction anyway, I’m sure I’ll do fine.”  “Lastly, and this is, I suppose, off the record, if you don’t mind?” The counsellor asked. “What is it?” Sunset wondered what would need to be off the record with a counsellor who’s already asking about personal matters anyway.  “Well, I was personally wondering if you would consider pressing charges against the person or people who’ve assaulted you.”  “Why do you ask?” Sunset had considered it on and off while in the hospital, but it wasn’t a top priority until it slipped her mind completely. How does the school even know it was an assault? It would seem this is the most they know given the question asked.  “Well, some people have come forward with concerns about the situation and I’ve had to tell them that only parents and/or legal guardians or the person who was assaulted could press charges. Legally speaking.” The voice on the phone paused briefly. ”We even had a police officer come by to ask some questions but we couldn’t be of much help unfortunately.”  Sunset could think of nobody but the CMC having told the story, perhaps under pressure of their sisters, to the school administrative bodies. Diamond Tiara and the Diamond Dogs wouldn’t come forward of their own accord. It could be that her former friends heard the story from the CMC and went to the counsellor themselves. In any case she didn’t know, and it wasn’t any of their concern. This was something Sunset and her family would have to deal with.  “May I know who talked to you about this?” This should narrow it down at least. Though, she didn’t know why she even bothered asking.  “Well, as a counsellor…” There was doubt in the voice on the other side of the phone.  “We’re off the record though.”  “I’m sorry, I really cannot say. All I can say is that there were some people concerned about this situation. People you know who wanted to seek legal means of punishing those who did this to you or at least protect you if and when you were to come back. That’s all.”  “I’ve got a pretty good idea as to who it might’ve been.” Sunset didn’t know whether or not Diamond Tiara had given up on getting rid of her. She hadn’t heard anything regarding that girl since the incident. There was that chance still she might come after her.  Besides that, a violent crime like this should not go unpunished. What a precedent to set: just conspire to and actually try to kill someone and if you fail you get away with it! There should be no doubt: prosecution is the right thing to do, but not uninformed. “If I do press charges, you’ll know soon enough.” A police investigation is sure to stir up a fuss.  “If you need any help, be sure to seek out the right professional help. I might not be a legal advisor but you can count on me to help where I can. We do have directories of resources for example.”  That at least is helpful, Sunset thought. “Thanks for all the help thus far. I wasn’t looking forward to school again, but it feels good to get back up again.”  “Glad to hear it. Have a good night, Sunset.”  “You too. Good night.”  Sunset put down the phone. At least some things would be alright. She looked at the cloth around her hand. First thing tomorrow.  The room had gone dark but for the light of her phone. She turned on the night light by her bed side and closed the curtains. The features on her face slowly danced between hope and anxiety. It was undeniable that things were starting to look up for her again, yet everything could come falling down at the drop of a hat. That night, Sunset had very little sleep. * * *  Applejack’s day hadn’t gone as well as Sunset’s had. She had wanted to say a thousand things but ended up only listening. She hadn’t planned for anything, but she had at least hoped for a conversation.  When she walked out of the hospital that morning, she felt relief for a moment, coming out of that tense situation. She decided to walk home to mull over the things she would relay to her other friends. There wasn’t too much to say, but she was sure they would have a lot of questions she would not be able to answer. Best to just be honest: most of her answers would be “Ah just don’t know”.  Rarity would probably understand. She could handle uncertainty and not knowing. She would be uncomfortable wanting to know for sure, but she’d accept that fate and respect Sunset’s wishes.  Fluttershy would be the same, except she’d cry. Fortunately she would have plenty of shoulders to cry on. After that she’d give a small smile knowing that there is that second chance past the horizon. As long as there was hope, she could move on.  Applejack wasn’t sure how to talk to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. They would either completely seclude themselves out of shame or desperately try and get Sunset back and do something incredibly stupid. Maybe that’s why Sunset’s words for them were particularly harsh so they wouldn’t do either.  In the end, it was AJ herself who got the worst of it: it had been the final reason why Sunset invited her and her alone.  Applejack sighed. At least the rain had stopped. Her friends had asked her to call as soon as she was done, but Sunset had requested otherwise, so she didn’t call. Instead, she texted them to meet her at her place when she’d get home.  Nearing the edge of town, she spotted Big Mac in the pickup truck. Her friends sat in the back, even Rainbow Dash. Pinkie’s hair had its poofiness back so, there’s that. Applejack greeted them with a refrained smile, as she was greeted in kind.  “Howdy y’all,” Applejack said, her relief almost palpable.  Rarity helped pull Applejack into the back of the truck, bringing her into a hug. She sat her down at the back end. “Well? How is she?” Rarity asked.  “Ah guess we’re startin’ with the good news then,” Applejack chuckled. “She’s actually not doing too bad,” she said positively. ”She’ll be comin’ back to school soon. Prob’ly t’morrah.”  “Oh that’s wonderful news!” Rarity said. Her expression grew more solemn. ”So then… What’s the bad news?”  “Ah’ll get to that when we get back ta mah place,” Applejack said. ”Ah wrote some stuff down and talkin’ over the loud pickup truck ain’t exac’ly an ideal way ta do it,” she shouted.  On the way back home, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity wanted to speak their minds but even when they managed to shout over the racket, there’d always be someone who’d missed what was said. Only Rainbow Dash and Applejack kept quiet the entire time. Applejack had given up on trying to get a read on that girl and instead just looked off into the distance. However plain, open and expressive Rainbow Dash was in general, today was her opposite day. Even Big Mac had shown his remorse, as he too wasn’t innocent in this.  Big Mac parked the truck by the big farmhouse and lead the girls inside. Applebloom and Granny Smith had prepared tea in the living room, along with a plate of sandwiches in case their get together would last them past noon.  “Applebloom wanted to let ya know she’s incred’bly sorreh ‘bout e’rything that’s happened,” Big Mac said. “Ah know she’s not been open ‘bout it, but last night we had us a little chat ‘n Ah can tell y’all that our little crusad’rs really wanna make things ra’ht.” He turned his gaze from the group to just Applejack “Even if it’s not with Sunset, then at least with the rest of you.”  Applejack was about to speak, but Big Mac raised his hand and continued. “Ah don’t often tell ya what Ah think, but we are family Applejack. We’re all she’s got. Ah don’t know ‘bout the other crusaders. They can’t fix this on their own.” Despite not being much of an adult himself, he had decided to take on this role whenever he deemed necessary. Right now, both his sisters needed someone like him in their own way. This was his part to play. ”So Ah say we need ta give them that chance. Not ra’ht now, but it’s just som’thin’ ta think ‘bout.”  Big Mac moved to leave the room. “Ah’ll be ‘round the farm if ya need me.” And with that, he was gone. Applejack hadn’t really dealt with her relationship with her sister yet, but things definitely hadn’t been the same. She was glad her brother had helped out like this. At least now she knew Applebloom was still in that same boat. That murky water needed to be cleared, but not now.  Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy went and sat on the sofa. Applejack let herself drop into the recliner and Rainbow Dash gently, or maybe meekly, sat down on the fauteuil chair near the window sil.  Eager to break the silence, Rarity spoke first. “So then… Here we are. I would just like to say that I appreciate that Sunset’s recovery is going well, to at least start on a positive note.”  Everyone nodded in agreement, though the silence remained. Applejack looked to Rarity and got out the notes she had made this morning.  “Sunset had quite a bit to say, too much for me to remember all at once, so I took some notes. Ah hope that’s alright.”  “Notes?” Fluttershy asked.  “She asked that Ah would person’ly relay ‘er messages to ya, so that’s what Ah’ll do,” Applejack gulped nervously.  “That reminds me...” Pinkie Pie said “Why did she ask just for you specifically?”  Applejack had been waiting for this question. “Well, there’s no harm in tellin’. She basically chose me because I would be the most stable person to tell. No room for a faintin’ couch in the hospital room,” she chuckled disingenuously “Plus I’d not cry, or be loud.“ Even though Ah did cry … She thought. “Well, that’s the gist of it anyway.” She shrugged.  Pinkie Pie just left it at that, motioning for Applejack to continue.  “Everyone okay if Ah read all her messages to all ‘a ya? Anyone wanna hear in private what Sunset had to say?”  There were no objections.  “Before Ah begin, y’all are going to have questions after. Ah know this because Ah have questions myself. Ah won’t get my questions answered, and neith’r will you. Ah just want y’all to know that so ya can prepare for that. We’ll just have to make due with what Sunset left us for now.”  Applejack looked around the room. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy looked somewhat conflicted over if they should ask something about that very remark just now, but kept quiet. Rainbow Dash still was as quiet and unreadable as before. She had her arms crossed and tried to hide her face behind her hair.  Applejack cleared her throat. “Ah’ll start with Fluttershy’s then.”  “Sunset said you should have been kind enough to come talk to her in private when she got accused of being anon-a-miss. Even if you fully believed the lies about her, you should have. She’d seen you do this when others had their issues with you or between one another. She felt like she could trust you out of everyone to extend that kindness to her, but you didn’t. You violated that trust. You have been most unkind to her, and it will take a long while to restore that trust.”  Fluttershy’s lip quivered and a tear ran down her cheek, but she tried her best not to break down completely.  “Let her words sink in, Fluttershy. She asks you to. You’ve been kinder to complete strangers than you were to her, your friend.” This stung Fluttershy like nothing else. She quietly kept wiping away at her eyes while Applejack continued. ”Sunset doesn’t know what you can do to restore your friendship with her, but she hopes you still know her well enough to figure that out.”  Fluttershy nodded and averted her gaze. She grabbed some tissues to clean herself of her tears.  Wow, guess Sunset was wrong about Fluttershy. Day’s not over yet tho’. Applejack thought.  She turned her gaze to Rarity, who gulped.  “Sunset would like to know, Rarity, why you hadn’t given her the benefit of the doubt. Given her innocence until proven guilty.”  “Well I just-” Applejack held up her hand and interrupted her.  “Ah’m sorreh to interrupt ya Rarity, but telln’ me or anybody else here won’t do any good. Best to save it for when ya talk to Sunset agin. She’s the one ya should tell.”  Rarity piped down apologetically. Applejack continued.  “As Ah was sayin’. Sunset would like to know why you hadn’t given her the benefit of the doubt. When yer in a situation, yer always willin’ ta hear out all sides. Even when ya don’t even know anybody involved. Yet, Sunset having wronged nobody, you were certain had done all she had been accused of.”  Applejack sighed.  “When Ah was in the hospital this morn’, Sunset just sat there in disbelief when she told me all’o’dis. She had her hands open across ‘er lap sittin’ inn’er bed.” Applejack gave Rarity a concerned look. “Ah think this was one thing that really really stuck with her. When ya finally get ta sit down with her and really talk this all over, ya need ta address this.”  “I guess since we’ll probably not talk to her for a while, it will give me some time to think. All of us.” Rarity had a lump in her throat, pinching her voice “Maybe it’s for the best,” she sobbed.  “Sunset said she was done with all of it and said she’d try ‘n focus on her academics for the rest of the year. Ah say we all make the best of our time apart and try’n fix our friendship after. We cain’t expect it to fix itself over night.”  Applejack looked towards Rainbow Dash next. She hadn’t let out a peep since forever. She wasn’t looking, only listening. She had her heels on the chair and her forehead against her knees, arms crossed in front. Pinkie Pie sat next to her, albeit on different furniture. Pinkie sat leaning forward with her elbows on her knees.  “Which is somethin’ ta stress to you guys,” Applejack paused, trying to think of what Rainbow Dash might be going through, and has been through all this time. What she’s subjected herself to. She’d seemed to have taken it all the worst since the beginning, not even going to the hospital with them, saying she didn’t deserve to.  “Rainbow Dash?” Applejack said. Everyone turned to look at Rainbow Dash, who only seemed to brace herself ever more closed up.  “Rainbow Dash, Ah need to know yer listenin’. Sunset had something to say to you ‘n Pinkie Pie and it’s very important you listen, an’ listen good.”  All she got in response was what looked like a nod. Pinkie Pie turned to Applejack and nodded as well, letting Applejack know Rainbow Dash was listening too.  “Ahlright then. Ah’ll do Pinkie first, then Rainbow Dash and then somethin’ for both of ya, or all of us dependin’ on how ya’ll wanna take it.”  “Pinkie Pie, Sunset appreciates the party you set up on the day of the incident. She said it was a good start. It had even made her smile a little.”  Pinkie Pie smiled and wiped away a single tear.  “That being said, you hadn’t been there to cheer her up even before all of our own secrets came out. She’d been targeted plenty time before then, but not once had you even tried.”  Pinkie raised a finger and lowered it again, remaining quiet.  “Sunset felt pretty abandoned over that, Pinkie. You’ll have to think about that.”  Rainbow Dash wiggled her feet a little, anxiously, knowing it was her turn. She didn’t look up. She didn’t want to hear what she had been telling herself all this time. Those horrible things she already knew. It’s all my fault. I should have been there for her, all the way! I should’ve been there to protect her! I’m not worthwhile. I don’t deserve to be her friend!  Applejack turned to only face Rainbow Dash, as did the others. Rainbow Dash could sense it.  “Rainbow Dash?”  Rainbow Dash got startled ever so slightly, despite knowing it was coming.  “Ah’ll read ya what Sunset had to say.”  Rainbow Dash nodded.  “She said that, when we had all gone to the hospital and you’d decided not to, you were right.” Rainbow Dash flinched. Nobody knew what Sunset meant by this and to Rainbow Dash it could only mean bad things, so it meant the worst.  Applejack continued. ”She would have liked to have had ya there, but you were right about not having been loyal with her.”  Rainbow Dash felt her stomach churn.  “She also wants you to know that you had nothing to do with her endin’ up in the hospital.”  A quiet whimpering and sobbing filled the room, shortly followed by another.  “She said you couldn’t have known she would get assaulted. It wouldn’t even have happened had any one of us been around, so it was impossible for you to even have known, let alone stop it.”  She paused. Then continued.  “So she wants you to not blame yourself for that, because she isn’t either. None of us are.”  Rainbow Dash started to openly cry now, her mind a turbulent maelstrom. How could she forgive me for THAT?! If I had been with her that day, no way would she have been in the hospital! If only I had stood by her! If only I had been there! Why? Why wasn’t I there?!  “Why? Why, Applejack?” Rainbow Dash looked up from behind her knees. She sniffed. “Why? How? How can she just forgive me for something like that?”  “What do ya mean? Forgive you?” Applejack asked.  “I mean! If I had been there for her, she wouldn’t have been in the hospital! If I’d stuck by her … She almost died AJ! How is this not my fault?!”  “Well, did you know she was gonna get assaulted?”  “No, but!-” Rainbow Dash said frustrated.  “And could you have known?”  “Well maybe but-”  “Then how could you have stopped something you didn’t know was gonna happen?” Applejack tried to let this sink in. Sunset had told her to have Rainbow Dash reason herself out of blaming herself. There was no way she would listen to anybody else telling her not to blame herself.  Things went quiet for a bit as Rainbow Dash was rewiring the things in her brain to make sense to her.  “What if I’d stayed by her side the whole time then?”  “Ah don’t think she would’ve let you. The whole point of the party that day was to make things right with her. Maybe if you’d stalked her 24/7 ‘til she’d catch you stalking her and got you a restraining order.”  There was a brief pause before Applejack continued.  “Sunset is only upset with you for one thing, but it’s nothin’ to do with her endin’ up in the hospital. It was from before then, like with the rest of us.”  “Well then, what is it?” Rainbow Dash seemed to have gotten past her guilt, at least for the time being. No doubt it would return. Hopefully she’d remember this conversation by the time it would.  “Well, she wondered why ya didn’t stand by her like ya always had. She’d thought that out of everyone, you’d be there by her side. She figured you’d have her back when she got bullied, attacked and accused.”  Rainbow Dash’s eyes met Applejack’s and in them she saw Sunsets. She could see her watching from that hospital bed, hearing the things Sunset would have said that day. Through AJ’s voice Sunset’s echoed.  “But you didn’t have my back, Dash. You weren’t there for me. And that hurt me more than anything.”  Dash’s lips quivered. Whatever void the sense of guilt had left was now overflowing with something much, much deeper. Something she couldn’t imagine having a name. A sickening mix of self-loathing, disappointment, disgust and an incredible sense of sympathy from imagining what Sunset must have felt.  Rainbow set her feet on the floor and leaned forward, elbows on her knees. She had her hands in front of her, empty and powerless. Before her was the daunting, insurmountable task of making things right with Sunset yet behind her were all the chances she’d ever get to do it. All that was thundering through her heart, like lightning striking every corner of her soul, was what Sunset must have gone through by her hands. Only two words came to mind.  “I…. I’m…. I’m sorry,” she muttered.  Applejack was still facing Rainbow Dash, uncertain how many of her and Sunset’s words had reached her. How many of them had changed her. Knowing Rainbow Dash, things were warring within her, fighting against that stubborn mind of hers.  Applejack felt a million miles grow between them as Dash turned to speak to Sunset. Such as Dash had heard Sunset in the words AJ had spoken, so too had Dash addressed Sunset when she said again “I’m sorry” to Applejack, who for the first time in all of this had qualms about speaking up, or even drawing a single breath.  “I’m sorry,” Dash cried. “I’m sorry! I didn’t-” Dash shouted. She had finally lost all the grip she could muster. She felt it slipping and it all came pouring out of her in an incredible rush. “I didn’t- I’m so sorry I broke your heart, Sunset! I broke your heart! And I’m soo sorry!” Tears were streaming down her face.  Pinkie Pie put a hand on Dash’s shoulder. Dash turned to Pinkie Pie and hugged her close. Pinkie’d started to cry as well, as had Rarity and Fluttershy, all knowing they had done the same. A minute or two passed before things settled down again. Rainbow Dash let go of Pinkie Pie and sat back down on the fauteuil chair.  “She must have been devastated. I can’t even begin to imagine walking in her shoes,” Dash said “To be hated and even bullied over something I hadn’t even done and then… And then for my best friends, you guys, to just walk away and not just turn your backs on me but even join the bullies!”  “If this is how she felt, Rarity said, “I’m surprised she had even talked to us as early as she did, before we had yet to think of throwing her a party.”  “I never knew she was that strong,” Fluttershy said. “To endure all of that without feeling any kind of hatred.” At least, that’s what she had hoped.  “I really hope we can fix all this,” Pinkie Pie said. “But parties might not be the answer.”  “Yeah, about that,” Applejack began once more. “Sunset had a few things to say about that too. About what to do next.”  “Well spill it! How are we gonna fix this?” Dash said.  “Calm down. AhI’ll start with the most important bit so pay some mind.”  AJ cleared her throat and made sure everyone was closely listening.  “Well, it’s like Pinkie Pie said really: we can’t just party ourselves out of this one,” she said. “Sunset said that she wants to friends with us again, …” Applejack paused.  “But?…” Rarity asked.  “But not right now, and not even soon. Like, at least until after summer.”  “We have to wait that long?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, apparently having forgotten why they had this conversation in the first place. When she got unappreciative glares, she rephrased her outburst “That soon? I never thought I’d say this but I’m already excited for the next school year!”  “Hold yer horses. We won’t be doin’ much of any waitin’. We screwed up big time, so Ah reckon she gave us this time to consider e’rything that’s happened, the personal things between us that she shared and most importantly, how we’ll make the best of this second chance she’s givin’ us.”  Applejack saw her friends nodding in agreement. Things were going well.  “She also said there was no point in try’n’a get on her good side until she’s well ‘n ready. You could move a mountain and it’d still only make things worse. Basically she’s sayin’ to not do anything crazy or on impulse.” She looked at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie just for this, who then looked at each other. Rainbow Dash saw Pinkie hide a few balloons and streamers behind her back, whereas Pinkie saw Dash ripping apart and hiding an invitation of sorts she was writing.  “We’ll be on our best behaviour,” Pinkie Pie said apologetically.  “But then… what are we going to do?” Rainbow Dash asked.  “I’ll be taking Sunset’s words to heart,” Rarity began. “It’s what I’d want in her situation. I’m not sure what I’ll be doing after that. I’m not sure it makes much sense to even think about it yet. There are too many things yet uncertain to come up with any sort of plan for the long term.” Rarity rubbed her chin for a moment, looking up and back again before continuing “Yes. I think that’s what I’ll do. Just live in the moment for now, see what happens and then once the storm has passed I’ll work with what things are certain after.”  “I agree with Rarity,” Fluttershy said. “The things Applejack just said on Sunset’s behalf were only the most important bit of what she’s gone through. I’ll think of all the things that have happened, my role in that and what it all means together with what she’d wanted me to know. I really should have been kind all those times I had neglected her.”  Pinkie Pie felt it was her turn to chime in, though she hadn’t really thought ahead as much as her predecessors.  “Uhm… I want to throw a party, but I have no idea why. Yet.” She got some funny looks before continuing. “And while I’m thinking of one… I’ll do what Fluttershy suggested and I’ll see what I can do to brighten her day without her even knowing.”  Last, but not least, everyone’s attention turned to Rainbow Dash, who had no idea on what to say or what to do, save for what had already been said.  “I guess I won’t be doing anything crazy then. That’s a good start.” Rainbow Dash scratched her head at this one. “All I really want to do as soon as possible is say I’m sorry. This thing is gonna eat me alive.”  “You do realize that the moment you say sorry, you’re gonna want to be friends again and hang out and everything like before, right?” Applejack said.  “Well,.... Yeah…. I know that’s impossible but I need this Applejack! I need to at least apologize!”  “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash” AJ put her hands on her Dash’s shoulders “but you’ll just have to endure. For Sunset’s sake. For our friendship.”  Rarity was suddenly rummaging through her purse looking for something. A few seconds later, she pulled out a rainbow ribbon and motioned for Dash to hold out her arm to her. Rarity tied the ribbon to Rainbow Dash’s wrist, saying “There. Let this ribbon remind you of your friendship with Sunset Shimmer and all of us, so that you won’t do anything foolish.”  She turned to face Rainbow Dash. “Every time you want to apologize to Sunset, just feel or see this ribbon on your wrist and know why you shouldn’t, you mustn’t do it.”  “Why do you keep a rainbow coloured ribbon in your purse?” Rainbow Dash asked.  “It’s like a fashionable emergency kit for situations like this. Now I’ve patched some troubles and it looks good on you.” Rarity smiled.  “Okay? … But I still really want to apologize. I don’t want her to think of us as cold and heartless, that we don’t want to patch things up! What if we drift further apart?”  “Trust me, she knows we care,” Applejack reassured her. “When Ah was talking with her this morning, she made that very clear to me. Despite our attempts not workin’ or even bein’ much appreciated, she did notice and she does know why we did it.”  “Then, wouldn’t it be okay to at least say sorry so she knows a little extra?”  Rarity held up Dash’s ribboned hand. Dash sighed.  “Fine… I’ll try and endure. For all of us. I might need your help though,” Dash said.  “You can count on us,” Pinkie Pie said.  “Ahem” Applejack suddenly cleared her throat again. “Then there was one last thing, although at this point it’s not much important. Besides all the drama, Sunset also said she wanted some time to dedicate to ‘er studies an’ other activities since she’s missed a few things while in the hospital,” Applejack said. “She wanted me to mention this because y’all might think the break is just because o’ us but there’s more to it than just that. She was just worried y’all might overthink it.”  Pinkie Pie blew a raspberry ”Pffht, who would even do that? Right Dashie?”  “Heh, yeah…” Dash got that it was a joke, but couldn’t laugh about it in genuine. “So…. what now? Like, right now?”  “Uhm, I can’t be staying much longer” Fluttershy said “I’ve got animals to take care of this afternoon.” She looked to Rarity as if to ask what she’d be doing.  “Oh, well, uhh,” Rarity stammered. “I think I should have a loong talk with Sweetie Belle today, since she caused this whole mess together with her friends. Now that we know a little more about Sunset, I’d say it’s absolutely warranted.”  “How will you break it to her?” Fluttershy asked.  “I’ll just come out and announce it as good news, especially the things about getting a second chance, and then just ask her to clear some time later today.”Rarity said ”Maybe tonight.”  “How ‘bout you Pinkie Pie?” Applejack asked.  “Oh, you know, I’ll just be planning parties and such,” she said with a smile. Her eyes however, told a different story. Nobody questioned her however.  “Ahl just be ‘round the farm. There’s always a bunch of chores needin’ to be done and those’ll give me some time ta think,” AJ said. “Ah’ll also need ta talk to Big Mac ‘n Applebloom. Since Big Mac already had a chat with ‘er, Ah’m sure she’ll be anticipatin’ it.”  “How ‘bout you Dash?” Applejack asked. “You gonna talk to Scootaloo? Ya did chew her out quite fiercely, and unlike Rarity ‘n myself, ya don’t live together. When’s the last time ya talked to her?”  Rarity broke the silence when Rainbow Dash kept quiet. “Don’t tell me that was the last time you two have even seen each other?”  Dash nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been pretty upset with her. Then when Sunset got in the hospital I’d just forgotten about that.” Dash had a concerned look on her face. “You think she’s okay?”  “Applebloom said they’d talked about the whole Sunset situation every now and again, but nothing ‘specially ‘bout Scootaloo,” Applejack said.  Dash let out a sigh of relief as she’d feared the worst for a moment. “I guess I know what I’ll be doing this afternoon then.” I can’t believe I’ve been this terrible. She thought. “I hope she’s alright. I hope she’ll even want to see me.”  Fluttershy put her hand on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder “I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you. I’ll bet they want to make things right with us as much as we want to set things right with Sunset.”  “I hope you’re right,” Rainbow Dash said. She looked around the room and saw her friends all in support of her and of one another. She knew she’d have to work hard on that second chance. Now that there was something she could set her sights on, she had found a new hope for the future.  Rainbow Dash looked at the ribbon around her wrist. I can endure, Sunset. I will make things right again. Just you wait. She thought. We all will.  The five of them all had their plans for the afternoon. They said their goodbyes and left to go to their respective destinations. The mood had not been light enough to stick around for lunch. Applejack said her family could easily finish all the food, so no fuss was thrown.  Big Mac got the truck again to drive the girls home, leaving AJ alone on the farm. She listed all the chores to do this afternoon and got to work. For Applebloom she’d left a note, announcing she’d want to have a chat later today, concerning the situation with Sunset. * * *  Sunset came around, and Applejack had all but finished her chores. Big Mac had come back early in the afternoon with Granny Smith and Applebloom and they’d all had lunch together. Spirits had been relatively high due to how AJ had told Applebloom the good news. She and her friends would be getting another chance, as well as the Cutiemark Crusaders. She’d also informed her that she’d like to have a chat with her after her dinner, and that Big Mac would be welcome too.  Walking around the big farmhouse she smelt dinner being prepared as she stored away the last of the tools she’d been using that afternoon. She came across Big Mac by the tool shed. Together they headed towards the farmhouse.  “Have ya had some time ta think ‘bout e’rything?” Big Mac asked.  “Ah’ve had some time to unwind and just not think about nothin’,” Applejack sighed. “Ah’ve thought and said everything Ah wanted to and Ah’mma just see how things will go from there.”  “Not overthinkin’ things can be just as importn’t as straightening out yer thoughts Ah suppose,” he drawled. “So as long as they’re genuine ya should do fine,” he paused. “Ah’ll stop by you ‘n Applebloom tonight, but Ah probably won’t stick ‘round so you two can have some alone time. The things between you ’n her is something Ah can’t be much help in.”  Applejack sighed. She was not looking forward to tonight in a way. She’d brought the news as something positive yet she felt like this would become a big confrontation somehow.  “Ah appreciate ya bein’ ‘round for me ‘n Applebloom, Big Mac,” AJ said. “How ‘bout yerself? Have you had any thoughts about any ‘o this?”  “Ah’m not a vindictive person Applejack, so even when things went sour between me ‘n Sunset, Ah’ve done nothin’ to regret. Mah only regret regarding things between me ‘n Sunset is not apologizing in a timely fashion. Ah’ll see if Ah can do so t’morrah.”  He then continued “And Ah should also apologize to you ‘n yer friends Ah suppose. It’s like Sunset said, y’all are all supportive of one another. Well Ah’m supposed to be supportive of you’ll Applebloom and if Ah had been, maybe you would’ve been more trusting of your friends or more doubtful of all the rumours. So, Ah’m sorry for missin’ out on that.”  “Ah appreciate the thought Big Mac, but best to save yer apologies fer Sunset. She’s the one who suffered most of all.” Big Mac’s words did make her think however. There probably were a lot of people connected like this. Familial and amicable bonds ultimately connected friends and enemies alike, like a giant net. No doubt more people were hurt in this. Maybe others will come to Sunset too, to say they’re sorry or to make amends.  They entered the house and went to sit at the table. Food was set and served and each ate to their hearts content. The day had been long and tumultuous. Everyone was very hungry yet content. For the first time since a while, things were relaxed and unwinding and the dinner conversations were filled with joy and laughter. Everyone knew of the serious matters to be discussed, but they all radiated the hope they held in their hearts through their knowing smiles.    After dessert, Applebloom and Applejack retreated to Applebloom’s room to talk. Applebloom lead AJ up the stairs and down the hall and through the doorstep. Applejack closed the door behind them. Though the light through the window in the roof was plenty, they turned on the lampshades in the corners.  Applebloom went to sit backwards on the chair by her desk, her arms resting on the back and her head resting on her arms. Applejack just crashed on Applebloom’s bed. She was still with it, but she was painfully aware of how tired she’d become. Fortunately, the day was almost over.  “So what was the good news ya had from Sunset Shimmer?” Applebloom asked.  Applejack sat back upright. Had she had this conversation lying down she’d fall asleep on the second word she’d utter. “Well sugarcube, it looks like she’ll be coming back to school this week. Maybe as soon as tomorrah!”  “That’s great!” Applebloom cheered. “Does that mean ya’ll be hanging out agin soon? The crusaders ‘n I were thinkin’ of making things up t-”  Applebloom saw the melancholic look of Applejack. Something wasn’t quite right.  “Ah suppose there’s some good news that’s not as great as you’d hoped,” Applejack began. “We’re not ...”, She flinched a little and had to fetch her voice, after a very deep sigh. ”We’re not back together again.” Actually saying this out loud, actually thinking about to tell someone else, hurt a lot worse than she’d imagined.  “Then, how good is it? Is it bad? Please don’t say it’s bad!” Applebloom cried.  “It’s still good. Sunset said we’d give our friendships another chance. Just...”  “Just?...”  “Just not right now. Not just cuz of all the drama, but that is a really big part of it.” Applejack looked down and frowned, despite wanting to be positive about this, especially this and especially to Applebloom.  Applebloom didn’t know whether the smile or frown at that, so she tried both. “Ah guess that’s a good thing in the long run then. How much of a chance she say ya got?”  “Actually, that reminds me. Y’all also still need ta apologize to everyone.” If there’s one question Applejack didn’t want to answer…  “Ah know, and we’ve been thinkin’ about that,” She said confidently. “But” She continued. Her expression suddenly went very serious “how much of a chance ya got?”  “We gotta wait until at least the next school year.” … it was that one question. “After that, we’ll have ta see.” Failing miserably at smiling, Applejack looked away.  “You guys are gonna get back together, aren’t ya?” Applebloom asked.  Applejack couldn’t face her sister. She didn’t want to be asked these questions. She didn’t want to think about it. She just wanted her friend back. She wanted to apologize to Sunset a thousand times over. As strong as she’d been for Rainbow Dash this morning, she wished Dash were here to be strong for her tonight. Now she understood. Ah’m sorry. Ahm sorry! Ahm so sorry Sunset! Was all she could think. Her heart finally gave way and broke.  Applejack turned to her sister. She’d never cried this much. All she could muster was a stammered “Ah don’t know… Ah honestly don’t know Applebloom.”  Her crying voice filled the silent room as it grew louder and louder, before being muffled away into a pillow. Applebloom looked on in a nervous bewilderment as she saw the one who never cried lay broken in her bed.  Gradually, Applebloom tried to comprehend what must be going through Applejack. She didn’t know what Sunset had told her, but it didn’t sound like that even mattered anymore. All she heard was an endless stream of smothered apologies to Sunset. Ah’m sorry, Ah’m so sorry. It rang over and over again. No excuses, no wishes to have her back, only remorse for hurting her beloved friend.  Memories of Sunset walking down the hallways in school came back to her. Bruised up. Spat on. Covered in food or filth. Standing in front of her vandalized locker. Not just a day or two, or even a week but weeks on end. Was she blaming herself for that? That wasn’t even her fault, and AJ knew this.  She’d also seen Sunset argue with her sister and the rest of her friends. At some point they’d even stood with the rest of the school, accusing her of all the horrible things Applebloom herself had been doing. The thought struck a deep chord in her heart. She’d never seen Applejack cry. She’d never seen anyone even cry like this. Yet here before her lay the reality of her and her two friends horrible acts as Anon-a-Miss.  She had done this. Applejack was crying, because of her. Not just Applejack but everyone in her group had been hurt like this.  Deep inside, Applebloom felt something welling up. Something twisting and turning her gut in ways it shouldn’t. She wanted to say something, anything, but in her throat sat a tight knot. In her mind, there were no words.  In silence, she came over to sit by her sister against the side of the bed. Applejack was still crying, though ever quieter. It wouldn’t be until dawn she would be able to even think on this in words again.  Applebloom thought of Sweetie Belle and Rarity, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. She’d broken them apart. Scootaloo hadn’t even talked to Rainbow Dash since they had gotten scolded. At least Applebloom had her family around. Things weren’t easy at the moment, but at least they were on speaking terms, trying to fix the mess she’d made.  She stared at the other side of the room past the lamp shades. Far beyond, as she went on a final day dream. Around her, whites, blues and violets had given way to the orange of the shades. When she came to, it was dark out. Her sister had cried herself to sleep.  She got up, her back and legs aching. Quiet as a mouse, she closed her curtains and undressed, getting ready for bed.  Suddenly, she heard a buzzing in Applejack’s pocket. Quietly and carefully she took the phone out of her pocket and got away from the room as fast as she could. Before it rang, she picked up. An unknown number.  “Hello? Applejack is asleep right now but Ah can pass on a message,” Applebloom said.  “Oh, hello Applebloom, it’s the school counsellor speaking. I’m just calling to check up on your sister Applejack. Is she available at the moment?”  “Well, she’s just fallen asleep. Ah’d rather not wake her up. She’s had a very busy day,” Applebloom said.  “I understand. I suppose the things I wanted to talk about could wait until tomorrow. I hope she’s okay?” The concerned voice on the phone asked.  “Ah hope so too. ‘night,” she said, before dropping the call.  Applebloom held the phone in front of her, noticing a red box with a 1 on it moving up and down on a microphone. She figured it might be important, so she checked.  The button opened a list of sound recordings with one entry listed, dated today, timed this morning. She knew she shouldn’t, but if it was important she might need to tell Applejack.  She pressed the play button and forth came Sunset’s voice.  “... final reason I called you here specifically is because… Well… I guess I’ll just be plain about it: you broke my trust in you the worst. Everyone else broke their trust in their own way. They’ve always been there for me and for each other through being kind or generous, loyal or as good company. However, none of those relate to trust as just being honest.”  Sunset’s voice grew more stern. ”No matter where I look back on all of this, I can’t for the love of Celestia find where you’ve even tried to find out the truth. You bought into the lies just like that, just like everybody else. You’ve lied to everyone! Even yourself! And it all came at my expense!”  Applebloom had wondered about what Sunset had said. Applejack had told her it’d been a nice talk and mostly good news. She’d not heard Sunset get this upset before. The recording had piqued Applebloom’s interest, so she continued to listen.  ”You saw it being at my expense too, or did you not notice how bad I got treated and bullied?! Your trust in me had been lower than that in everybody else. It must have been! Why else would you just believe all the things being said about me? Those didn’t come from highly trusted sources, now did they? Not once did you doubt the truth of the matter. Had you only, then maybe the others would’ve also acted on that. You can’t fight a lie with kindness or loyalty, but you can fight it with honesty. But you didn’t.”  Applebloom could feel the tension like she was right there by the hospital bed. Things weren’t looking good.  ”At this time, I don’t want to even think about second chances. You blew it big AJ. I don’t want to be around you, I don’t want to hear or see or even think about you. I hope that will change, but I doubt it will.”  The voice stopped. All around her was nothing but darkness and silence. Now she knew why Applejack didn’t know whether they’d ever be friends again.  An image of her breaking up with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo surfaced in her mind. A breakup that could never be mended. Something most precious, forever lost.  She turned to face her room. Through the door she saw her exhausted sister, sleeping on the bed and in the faint and gentle glow of the moonlight cascading from the window in the roof. Her heartbroken sister. A solemn look came to Applebloom, a single tear trickling down her face. She’d realized a sliver of the pain and suffering she had caused and was more determined than ever to set things right.  She snuck back into the room and to the other side of her bed. She lay down beside her sister, facing her. The pillow and mattress under Applejack’s head were completely stained. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were puffy. She still looked sad.  Applebloom turned her face into the pillow. The last sound to die out in that room was a quiet, muffled and whimpered “Ah’m sorry Applejack. Ah’m so sorry.” This night would be a very restless night. > Chapter 8 [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies Aren’t Always Enough Chapter 8 Written by FreeHomeBrew Edited by FreeHomeBrew Reviewed by Sadistic Fluttershy Chapters 1-6 written by Sadistic Fluttershy The gates had been closed when Sunset arrived at school that morning. She’d come so early that not even the groundskeeping staff had been present yet, though they wouldn’t be long. When the first groundskeeper arrived, she’d asked if she could get in sooner rather than later since there were a few things she wanted to do after having been absent for so long. Though it wasn’t exactly allowed, she’d gotten her exception and went in. In her absence, she had thought much about school and how things would change. Coming to school just after sunrise literally showed everything in a whole new light. Every empty hallway that echoed her timid footsteps was basking in golden rays, dancing to the melody the brisk morning breeze was playing in the trees; a rejuvenating sight, instilling in her a great sense of optimism. This was her time to seize the things that had newly become important to her, she knew. She saw herself standing exactly where she was, on her own, confident in her abilities to overcome whatever she would face, come what may. For the first time in a long while, she managed to smile. Her future was hers for the taking. She walked down the hallway and turned the corner at the end, walking towards the lockers. She opened hers and found the book Twilight had left her on the top shelf. She didn’t notice anything remarkable about it, but presumed it would be full of concerned messages. This too would start anew. She undid the ribbon on her hand, exchanged it for the book and locked the locker. She found a nice secluded spot in the warmth of the sunrise and sat down. Eager to tell Twilight about what decisions she’d made, she paged through the book, back to front, and found the next empty page to write on. “Dear Twilight Sparkle, I hope you’ve been well. I hope you’ve not been too concerned since our last correspondence. I’ve been recovering from a really bad situation. I guess I still am, and probably will be for some time to come, but at the moment I’m feeling pretty great. I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long but I’ve been in the hospital. I’ve had a lot on my mind. That’s part of the bad situation I’ve been through. Knowing you I’m sure you’ll be too curious to let this go, but I don’t want to talk about that right now. If you want, you’re welcome to stop by anytime. Actually, you know what? I wouldn’t mind returning to Equestria for a visit. We’ll come to that later. What I wanted to tell you is that I have made some decisions of which I would like to inform you, as a friend. Because of the things that have happened recently, I want to make some changes. First, I’m going to really focus on my studies to both catch up due to my time spent in the hospital and simply to improve. If I can be a B student I can definitely be an A student. I remember acing classes in Equestria, so I’m sure I can do it here. Second, over the summer, I’m planning to spend some time away from this place and just pick up a summer job. Something manual and really physical, or maybe volunteering at events and such. We’ll see. I just want a break for a while and rebuild myself. I can hear you now, ‘But what about your friends?’ Well, you see, that’s the third thing. After having thought about this for days, thinking really hard and facing things I did not want to face, after plenty of restless nights, I’ve decided to break up with them. At least for now.” Sunset’s breathing got heavier as she recalled having cried night upon night facing this decision. In the end, it had been a harsh matter of facing reality, however brutal. It was either to accept reality for what it was or reject it and live in a fantasy. Sunset swallowed the knot in her throat and continued. i]”I want things to be like they used to be. I wish I could go back but I’ve come to realize that in this world, that is impossible. Everything in this world is permanent, and that is something that hit me really really hard. There is no turning back. It is literally not possible. Imagine not having time travel spells, or even teleportation. See my predicament? Even when you break a vase, you can’t just restore it magically. You’ll have to manually pick up the pieces one by one, sort them out, glue all the little shards together perfectly, and even then you’ll forever be reminded of having broken the thing. No matter how precious it was, how dear you held it, you can never make it like it used to be. The only way to move is forward, so that’s where I’ll go. I’ve decided that my part in restoring our friendship is to make sure we have time. I’m not the only one who got hurt, and I’m not the most important one either, depending on who you ask. To be honest, it feels good to have made these decisions, because now I’ve got somewhere to go. I know how to make life worth living again. Just knowing that makes me happy. I know I’ve set realistic goals. Things I can achieve if I push myself. I’m absolutely positive. I just can’t be with my friends right now.” Sunset took a deep breath. She had done so well thus far. She had convinced herself that she was beyond the difficult part of moving on. That it would no longer hurt as bad as it did. She had hoped the healing would begin today. ”It hurts me just to say that, just to think about it. That is precisely why I need some time for myself.” She felt her heart pick up an anxious beat when the realization that she would see her friends again finally sunk in. Sure, she had factually known this from the start, but only now actually realizing that it would only be hours, if not mere minutes, until she’d face them again in public made her queasy. She had said all she’d wanted to say to them through Applejack yesterday. Surely they’d know she wouldn’t make much contact if any. She tried her best to put it off and face them when she eventually would. Back to the letter. She reread the last bit she wrote and continued where she’d left off. ”If you need me, or just want to talk to me, you know where to find me. I’d love to come and visit Equestria and Canterlot after everything that’s happened. But I’m not a quitter, so I won’t give up on these friendships of mine, even if they’re broken right now. I’d like to hear your thoughts in person, rather than just reading them in this book. Just let me know when and where and we’ll see where we’ll go from there. Twilight, hold on to that pen. Save your thoughts for when we speak. Put them on paper if you must, just make sure it’s not this paper. I know you’re eager to write even as you read this. I’ll check this book again in a few hours during lunch break. Should be in about four and a half hours. Hope to see you soon, Sunset Shimmer.” She put her pen away and closed the book. She held it close, thinking of Twilight. If anyone knew what to do it would be her. Sunset had set her mind on doing things her way, going about it alone for the most part. She’s always been a sturdy loner, able to deal with whatever comes her way on her own. That however, was also what had lead to her downfall. Twilight had saved her then. Sunset wanted to do her proud and save herself and her friendships on her own this time. At the back of her mind, she felt the gnaw of her past chipping away at her confidence. Twilight was someone she could have been, in a way. She had had those same opportunities but persistently declined them. Stubborn as she was she had her own way of learning and her own interests that didn’t always align with those of her mentors. Had she been sent to Ponyville, who knows who she might’ve become. Then again, she might’ve been the one to save Twilight had that mare ended up in this world in her stead. Sunset looked down the hall, left and right, to make sure she was alone. She put her hand under her shirt and on her skin. Slowly, she felt up her belly, up to her chest. She ran her fingers up to and across her scars. They didn’t hurt, but she did feel the bumps and unevenness. No doubt they’d be clearly visible. She wasn’t too bothered about how it looked, but more about how, even if she could forget this all ever happened, these scars would forever remind her that it had. She wasn’t sure whether or not to show Twilight. No doubt there would come that time she would find out what has happened to her. Would she panic? Would she worry? At least it would be up to her own discretion. Maybe the scars would be hidden if she were to visit Twilight in Equestria. She’d lose her clothing, sure, but at least she’d have fur. All in due time, Sunset. She thought to calm herself. Sunset sat upright, put the book in her backpack – in case Twilight would respond today – and left for her new class. * * * Sunset decided to check in with her new homeroom teacher, miss Soft Spot, who was mostly informed about the things that had happened at school surrounding the anon-a-miss incident. The teacher had ushered in the students, quite a few of whom had bullied Sunset. Sunset stood in the hallway, looking into the classroom through the open door. Inside she noticed streamers, balloons, flags and over the whiteboard at the front, a banner welcoming Sunset back to school, reading Welcome back Sunset Shimmer! in cheerful writing. She clenched her fists and turned her attention to the students. Only a few of the students looked her way, another few tried hard not to. All the looks were of shame, pity and concern. Despite the classroom decorations, most of the students seemed completely oblivious to her presence, as though nothing had happened. Sunset took it all in for a moment before swiftly turning to miss Soft Spot. Soft Spot smiled at Sunset, trying her best to remain welcoming to her new student. She’d never seen anyone frown like that. It were times like these she wondered if her hope should be this unmoving. “Will you be joining us, Sunset?” She asked. Sunset shook her head and remained quiet. “We’d very much appreciate your company...” “I’m not going in there,” Sunset said. “Who would! It’s! I...” She looked away, having noticed she’d raised her voice. “I’m NOT going in there!” She said flabbergasted. Soft Spot sighed, her welcome back party crushed. She solemnly closed the classroom door from the outside and got Sunset seated in the small office area between classrooms. She sat Sunset down at a desk and went to tend to her homeroom. Sunset got out a pen and paper, impatiently waiting for Soft Spot to return. Sunset had known Miss Spot to carry her heart on her sleeve and to have an excessive amount of compassion and care. Always willing to go that extra mile even at her own expense, though never exceeding her professional capacities. One might say she was well-grounded if it hadn’t been for her naive hope even when faced with a situation that had none. She can tell you exactly what’s going on in almost every situation, yet have thoughts, dreams and decisions based on outcomes that are either very unlikely or extremely difficult to achieve. Sunset had seen the similarities between herself and this teacher, in how she’d stood up against the Diamond Dog Brothers and Diamond Tiara for the CMC, who’d wronged her the most out of everyone involved. However, where this teacher was very open and personal, Sunset was very distant and closed. More cunning, composed and calculating. The office door opened and Soft Spot entered quietly. Having given Sunset a few moments to calm down, she was disappointed to find that she had been brooding instead. Though the situation was unfortunate, it had also been foreseen. It was a situation Soft Spot had allowed to talk to her new student in private. When she asked why Sunset didn’t want to join in today, Sunset offered to “write her a Celestia damned book!” An answer for which Sunset had immediately apologized. Soft Spot reminded Sunset that this was her homeroom and that by next week, she’d like all her students to attend in the classroom. She promised Sunset to try her best to make things work again. The conversation moved on to Sunset’s current situations and where she was headed, defusing the momentary anger. Sunset had told her the same thing she’d told Twilight. Part of her had hoped Soft Spot would ask her how she felt about this mess to just have a place to vent it all, but for some reason she hadn’t. Sunset was certain Soft Spot had noticed her flinching and bottling up having to think she’d lost her friends again. The conversation came to a conclusion and she’d given Sunset the same assignment as the rest of the class. Sunset could leave earlier when she’d finished it. The next few classes until lunch break Sunset Shimmer had spent sitting in the front row and just focussing on the lessons being taught. There hadn’t been any group assignments. The teachers hadn’t been awkward about anything despite knowing what had happened and how things had been. They’d asked her how she was doing and appreciated having a new student in their class. Some teachers apologized for having thought she was anon-a-miss, having had their own secrets exposed during the incident. They’d all been sincere. Sunset had accepted their apologies and told them not to worry, though in the back of her mind she was already composing a plan to burn down the school with everyone still locked inside. Every time she’d gotten a “sorry” for all the misery she’d been put through she noticed it became harder and harder not to get angry. To just be friendly with all those terrible people who had either partaken in or had allowed for everything that’s happened. How could she? When she was in the hospital she’d not gotten a single card, visit or phone call. Not one! Was her anger not justified? If there would be one time she would allow herself to be angry, would now not be the time? If she’d keep her calm through all of this, she’d never be angry ever again. She couldn’t imagine anything worse happening for the life of her. She recalled then, something worse had already happened, and her friends had saved her from it. She didn’t want to be upset. To let this anger in and let it fester. To let it become something rotten she would inevitably let loose on someone who she had already decided did not deserve it. This is why she had cleared some time to heal. This is where she had created the space to vanquish this beast. Never again did she want her demons to take her back. However, she still felt the way she felt. This was the undeniable truth. The only thing she could do was let it all out in her own ways. If she were to feel like this no matter what, she would try her best to be miserable on her terms and on her schedule. She had to stay in control. As she would come to find however, she would become but a paper windvane commanding a storm to turn or halt. * * * Lunch break had come around and Sunset had found herself a secluded bench in a park outside of school property. She’d lost her appetite before she stepped outside, but the walk in the fresh air had brought it back in full vigor. Usually the maid would make her lunch, but this morning her mother had already made her something special. It had really lightened her mood, and she had been smiling all the way. After she’d finished, she got the book out of her bag to see if Twilight had left her any messages. The book wasn’t glowing. Well, it has only been a few hours. I’m sure being a princess is taking up a lot of her time, Sunset thought to herself. She hadn’t wanted to see her older messages since before she made her latest entry. In fact, she had wanted to not see them. Yet, the question of how good of a friend Twilight had been through all of this was never far away. Should she not be more concerned for her friends in this world? Surely a princess would have a day off once in awhile to just leave a message? Right then, the book began to glow. Sunset eagerly opened it to the next empty page, after her latest entry. Letters formed where Twilight wrote on her end of the mirror. “Dear Sunset Shimmer, It’s nice to see a friend know you so well as you know me. I was indeed very worried and picked up the pen as soon as I could. Then I had to set it down again, tend to Equestria and wait until now to write you back. I’m happy to hear from you and that you’ve found yourself a stable place from which to move forward, even it is between a rock and a hard place. The best thing about rock bottom is that the only way to go is up, right?” Sunset sighed. Twilight’s attempts at humour really fell flat, not appealing to her sensibilities at all. She might’ve thought of it as mocking had they not been friends. She was grateful for the supportive message though. “From what you’ve told me, I can tell something has gone terribly wrong. I don’t know what has happened but I really want to talk about it in person. Or pony, as per your suggestion.” For some reason, it took a few minutes for the next words to appear. It could’ve been anything really. Was Celestia bothering her? Was she pondering about something super important to put there? Did Spike sneeze? The words continued. “You know what? You can stay the weekend if you like. You’re always welcome of course, to stay as long as you like, but this weekend we can easily accommodate.” Must’ve been talking to Spike. Strange, how Twilight of all people hadn’t made or confirmed these arrangements before deciding to write the letter. “I’m getting excited just thinking about it! A sleepover! With a scholar from another world! You were a scholar here after all, no doubt you’ve learned a lot about your new world, right? I ~” The words ended in an ugly curve swirling and bumping into the inner seam of the book. “We’ll get to that when you get here.” The pause that followed next took long enough for Sunset to close the book, only to open it right before putting it away. It had started glowing again. “I’m excited that I get to see you again, not to mention having you visit Equestria. However, it won’t all be fun and games. I know you’ve been hurt. A lot. I’ve been there myself. I too started out as the lone scholar, content with life as I knew it. Then my friends made it infinitely better. I cannot possibly tell you how much they’ve enriched my life, for I know not the words. I don’t need to, because from your experience you already know the things I want to tell you.” Sunset put a hand over her chest. Twilight was right, probably more than she knew. “Then, one day, everything we had built together had been ripped away from me. From us. My friends hated me and even each other. They had turned against everything they stood for. Lying Applejack, cruel Fluttershy, selfish Rarity, spiteful Pinkie Pie, treacherous Rainbow Dash. I had given up on them. I retreated into solitude. So too had I turned against my element. My past had taught me that I had always been the one I could always rely on, besides of course my family and princess Celestia. But with them I shared no friendship like I did with those five. I knew that, alone, I was safe. Alone, I could heal. Alone, I could move on. That’s what I thought.” Sunset felt as if her heart was beating beyond the gate, there in Equestria. These words had struck all the chords that she had been playing for the recent past. Just get away from where it hurt, be it at home, in the streets, in school, or even in this human world altogether. Find a place to rest and heal. She read on. ”But I was wrong. When I came back to my house, I started packing to get away from Ponyville, feeling my mission here was over. I had failed. I had failed everyone. My friends, myself and worst of all, Celestia. I had hit rock bottom.” There was a pause. Where Twilight had written, a few small colorless splotches appeared. The words continued shortly. ”All day, Spike had been sneezing up letters I had sent to Celestia. They were the friendship reports I had been sending to Celestia ever since I had arrived in Ponyville. I started reading them. Poor Spike, the letters just wouldn’t end. Soon I found myself literally buried in a pile of my most treasured memories. One by one, I felt as though they brought me back to life. I felt a spark inside me like I did that very first time. A spark that only the Magic of Friendship could ignite. It is Magic that is in itself magical, in all the ways it manifests. It is so incredibly powerful and it can be blunt and obvious like the rainbows, yet also be subtle and moving just like that little spark. But I digress. Had it not been for those memories, who knows what might have happened. To be honest, it still hurts just thinking about it. I want to say that in that moment, when my faith had been restored, I had decided to fight for our friendship, but the word “decided” is not what it felt like. Does a fish “decide” to swim? Does a bird “decide” to fly? Because that was how I had “decided” to restore our friendship. I did so one friend at a time, and thus the group gradually came back together. I would have lost them forever had I given up. I don’t know what happened with you, or how bad it was. Just know that things are not as hopeless as they may seem. The fact that we’re writing each other about this and that everyone is upset about it is a good sign. Until we meet up this weekend, look into your heart and see all the happy memories of them that you’ve treasured there. Know that times have been great together. You’ve been through thick and thin with these girls. As you have done before, so too will you do again once all of this is in our past. You were right in knowing this would not happen overnight. It will take some time, and it should. I suppose I was lucky that the cause of my friendship problem had been a magical one instead of being entirely worldly. Things will be right again, Sunset. I hope you’ve also made that clear to your friends. Hope is a really powerful thing. It lends everyone time and helps keep things from going off the deep end. I hope I’ve not written too much of what you would want to hear in person instead of writing. I’d like to think I haven’t. There is one more thing I’d like to leave with you. I want you to know that it hurts not because you hate them. It hurts because you love them.” Whatever Twilight would write after those words, Sunset would read in full once she’d reopen the book. Her hands were wet from wiping away the unending tears. She tried desperately to not let out any audible sobs, but to no avail. For the next few minutes, she hoped to not be found. * * * Lunchtime was almost over when Sunset tried to sneak back into the school, wanting to go unnoticed. Her eyes were still red from earlier and she wanted to freshen up before going into her next class. The ground floor was empty save for a few cliques of students known to be tardy more often than not, so Sunset picked up the pace a little. She got into a restroom, splashed her face some and hurried to her next class. She got a few looks when she rushed in as the last student to enter the classroom, out of breath no less, but she got no comments. During class, Sunset realized she hadn’t yet seen any of her friends today. True, she had actively tried to avoid them, but she’d also expected to at least catch a glimpse of them. Maybe in a reflection, or just turning a corner. Maybe overhear them somewhere. Anything. That same queasiness from earlier had returned, as she grew more and more anxious the later the hour grew. Did she even want to bump into them just moving between classes? She had intentionally avoided them thus far, would she end up regretting having not seen them? Would they say hi? Would they stay quiet? How would they even react? All sorts of scenarios started playing through her head, as her mind took her places she did not want to go. Her hands grew sweaty at the thought of ending up in a dense crowd, being pushed up against any of her friends. “Sunset?” Maybe she’d just leave the class last, wait for the hallways to be clear. “Sunset?” Then again, even an open encounter like that would keep everyone on edge. Would Rainbow Dash even show up today? And what of the others? “Sunset?” The teacher called out. Sunset turned to face the teacher's desk, still a little out of it. “Sunset? Are you alright?” Sunset looked around the classroom and noticed almost everyone was quietly staring at her, brows furrowed in concern or annoyance. She turned to the teacher. “Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry.” The teacher put up a fake smile and proceeded with the class. She noticed Sunset hadn’t written down anything despite the assignments on the board, affirming that her worries were not misplaced. “How about an exercise, Sunset? I heard you’ve been keeping up with your studies at the hospital. Do you want to give it a try?” The teacher inquired. “How about number 37?” Sunset looked at the book in front of her and paged to the exercise in question, a challenging one she noticed. Reading through the exercise she figured she was just about to catch up to the section covering this material. Sunset looked up to the teacher, knowing she had intended to challenge her, and smirked. “Challenge accepted,” she said. Sunset picked up her book, got up and walked over to the whiteboard. She skimmed the assignment on her way. Standing in front of the whiteboard, she could feel the gaze of the students behind her. Once she got into the material however, she managed to push through. Writing the equations on the board, her anxiety dissipated. After reading the data, substituting, calculating and finally answering the question, she asked how she’d done. “It’s almost perfect,” the teacher said.” Your answer is correct, though you can divide all the coefficients by 3, and you forgot an e for the electrons. The coefficients are not too important now because the answer is correct, but the electrons are an important part. Once your exams come up, this will be taken into account. This is precisely the difference between the A students and the A+ students.” “Got it. Thank you,” Sunset said. They shared a smile that Sunset carried back to her desk in the classroom. She hadn’t particularly studied this material, yet still got A-level results. With her teacher’s remarks, she was certain she could work towards her newly set goals of becoming an A+ student. Invigorated, she went on to the next exercise, minding the details of her solutions. Class had continued as normal, though Sunset had remained focussed on her own goals rather than having partaken in group activities. If there had been any, she hadn’t noticed. The class concluded right before the bell rang, allowing ample time to ensure she’d be the last one to leave the room. Steeped in her book, she held it up to obscure her face as she navigated the emptying hallways to her next class. She snuck in a few peeks around to see if she could spot her friends. At the end of the hallway, Pinkie Pie just turned the far corner. In the window she saw Rainbow Dash by her side. Sunset lowered her book with a sigh. If Rainbow Dash was here, everyone else was too. One burden less to carry around, albeit a bit late in the day. Now it wouldn’t keep her up at night. The teacher ushered the students into the next classroom. Sunset had intended to be the last one to enter, again, making use of the commotion to just get seated without drawing much attention to herself. At least she hadn’t rushed this time. Behind her, Ditzy had followed. For but an instance they had made eye contact. Questions riddled Ditzy’s face, but once she noticed Sunset had noticed, she moved on to sit down. Sunset kept eyeing her with curiosity until she sat down. Much to her disappointment, Ditzy had not looked back. Great, Sunset thought, just what I needed: More distraction. I did so well just now. What does Ditzy of all people want with me? And why now? Why not earlier? Before long, Sunset was passed a note from Ditzy, asking if she’d like to talk for a moment after class. She looked up and turned towards Ditzy, who put up a warm smile. Sunset wasn’t sure what to make of this peculiar situation. Just why? The longer Sunset looked though, the more she noticed Ditzy’s radiant eyes; she was sincere. Sunset nodded and turned back to try and focus on the lesson. Now what? She thought, frustration simmering. She sighed. She tried to recall all her interactions with Ditzy up until now but she’d always just been in the background. She didn’t particularly mind Ditzy, though she had been part of the mob during the whole big incident recently. Why had she been smiling like that, like nothing was the matter? Sunset thought it weird how she could be so very upset with her closest friends, yet classmates who were virtually strangers to her got such an easy pass. Was she that cynical to simply expect such rotten mob and bullying behaviour from complete strangers? They weren’t just mere animals not to be held accountable to their actions! Everyone was in on this! Though in the end, weren’t they also just victims of the real perpetrators? Sunset didn’t know anyone who’d even known or had cared to know Ditzy’s secrets in the first place, so why the hostilities? What possible reason did Ditzy have to be angry with her? Was she standing up for a friend of hers? Now, all of a sudden, she’d made a completely normal impression too. As if they had no history before now. The only way to know, Sunset knew, was to just ask when the time came. No need to fuss over questions you can save for later. She hadn’t known Ditzy to be a liar, so she hoped that would be true at least. The rest of the lesson flew by without a hitch and before she knew it, she was standing outside the classroom, Ditzy in tow. The rest of the students went on to their next class, leaving them with some time alone. “Well, what did you want to talk to me about?” Sunset asked Ditzy plainly. For some reason, Ditzy was a little perturbed by even this simple question, Sunset noticed. Ditzy opened her mouth to speak but Sunset beat her to it. “What?! What was that just now?!” Sunset asked, hands on her hips. She sighed, relaxed and tried her best to come off as less hostile. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little on edge. Today’s been one big crazy weird rollercoaster,” she said, waving her hands around. “Oh, it’s okay,” Ditzy said, her tone apologetic. She looked at her feet. “I just wanted to talk with you for a little while, actually. But we don’t have time between classes.” Ditzy looked up to Sunset, hopeful. A moment of quiet fell, and Sunset didn’t know if she was supposed to speak up. Since they were pressed for time, she did so anyway. “Okay? So what do you propose?” she asked. Ditzy shuffled her feet anxiously. In a way it was adorable, Sunset thought, though it wasn’t exactly out of bashfulness. “I know it’s a lot to ask, but….” She looked at Sunset “I mean, I really do, but, I was wondering if maybe you would like to stop by my place after school?” Sunset was taken aback. It seems today’s ride just never ends. Then again, this is Ditzy. Despite not having interacted with her, rumours had it that Ditzy was somewhat clumsy. People who’d be around her would easily find themselves in unexpected but harmless situations. “I understand if you don’t want to, after all the terrible things people did to you, including myself.” Ditzy said, ”I know it’s hard to start trusting people again, that’s why I said it’s a lot to ask.” Sunset scratched the back of her head, looking at Ditzy. She didn’t take Ditzy as someone capable of malice or anything, so surely there was no harm in taking her up on this offer. Then again, you don’t just never hang out and then start talking about trust out of the blue. She never trusted Ditzy to begin with, nor did she distrust her. They didn’t know each other. If Ditzy were to earn that trust, at least she seemed to be trying now. She did have a bit of ground to cover. “Well, not today, but maybe tomorrow if that’s alright?” Sunset said. “Here.” Sunset handed Ditzy her phone. “Just text yourself so we’ll have each other’s numbers.” Ditzy was positively elated, though the self-awareness kicked in swiftly and she settled down. They exchanged numbers and went on their way. Sunset looked behind her seeing Ditzy texting, but didn’t receive any messages. A feeling of distrust towards Ditzy over something minor like this was feeding into her paranoia, much to her annoyance and concern. The next few classes were uneventful. She didn’t see her friends again, no one sought out her attention and finally she got some schoolwork done. The hours passed smoothly and before she knew it, the school day came to an end. Standing by her locker preparing to go home, Sunset got tapped on her shoulder. “Hello Sunset,” Soft Spot said ”do you have a minute? It won’t take long, I promise.” Sunset turned around, bag half packed. Soft Spot’s timing was a bit inconvenient since she wanted to just let the day end, but she also wasn’t in any particular hurry. Better to just deal with this now rather than later. “Sure.” She put her bag in her locker and followed Soft Spot to her office. They sat down at the small coffee table. “So,” Soft Spot began, “how was your day?” Sunset sat down in a recliner, pondering for a moment. “It’s been a wild and tiring ride,” she said, crossing her arms. “Oh? Do tell?” Miss Spot asked. “Just, a lot of things going well, and bad, then weird. I did well in class, but got pretty distracted by everything that’s going on and then Ditzy just, out of the blue, decided to talk to me saying she wanted to meet up at her place,” Sunset said. “I’d also almost missed out on one class, had to rush to make it in time. It’s all just been frustrating.” Soft Spot nodded, but didn’t respond to what she’d just heard. “Did you see your friends today? I know you were a bit nervous about that. I hope things worked out for you?” “That it did, actually.” That at least went well. Sunset thought. “I just wanted to know if they’d been at school today and I found out that they were, so, yeah.” “That’s good to hear. Sounds to me your day hasn’t been all that bad, has it?” Soft Spot said. “You’re no longer concerned for your friends having been here today, you know you’re mostly caught up with your studies and got an opportunity to make a new friend,” she continued. “I guess,” Sunset said. “It just sucks to be too frustrated to notice. I-” The room fell quiet. She crossed her legs and let her hands rest in her lap. She looked down, facing away from Soft Spot. Soft Spot just let her speak. Sunset sighed. “This is when I would go to my friends, they’d listen. But I don’t even have that anymore.” Being alone had never hit her this hard. Then again, she never had friends as close as those five. “I’ve never felt so alone.” “I’m sorry to hear that,” Soft Spot said. “I hope you’ll find a healthy way to deal with what you’re going through.” Sunset looked at Soft Spot with a lucid hopelessness, a face that could only mean “save me. Help me.” “This might not be for everyone, but have you thought of keeping a diary?” The thought of home, of Twilight and Equestria, brought a smile to Sunsets face. “Actually, I’ve already been keeping a diary of sorts ever since I got here. It’s actually a collection of letters to a pen pal but she’s literally a world away, and she’s really busy. She’s a close friend, but it’s not the same. With letters only every so often, I’m not too keen on sending bad news.” Soft Spot smiled. “But she would be open to you opening up, right?” Sunset nodded. “I know she is.” The thought brought a tear of joy. She wiped it away. “I’m glad to know you have such a good friend out there to help you in your darker hours,” Soft Spot said. “Just remember that you can always make new friends. You don’t need to be lonely.” Sunset sighed. “I just want my old friends back. I don’t just want friends: I want them to be my friends again,” she said. There rung a helplessness in her voice she’d not heard before. “I wouldn’t want them to replace me either. After everything that’s happened, I trust them enough to at least want the same.” Soft Spot chuckled into her hand. “Oh Sunset, I wasn’t suggesting you’d replace your friends! I’m just saying that you can always make more friends,” she said jovially. “And Ditzy might be that first new friend. She was kind enough to reach out to you, all at the risk of being rejected. I hate to bring it up but given your rule over this school a while back, I’d say that takes at least some guts,” Soft Spot said. She paused briefly before concluding. ”Especially for a girl like her.” “I guess.” Sunset had been the worst school bully. She had been feared but ultimately not respected. She’d gotten nothing for it but trouble, as had everybody else. She’d never picked on anyone in particular, or rather, she’d bullied every single victim in particular, on a personal level. She knew exactly what got to each individual. It had been why she had been so effective. She didn’t just do it to a single person. “What do you mean, especially for a girl like her?” Sunset asked. Soft Spot smiled. “Don’t worry, you can ask her tomorrow,” she said. “Actually, she’ll probably tell you on her own.” That just raised more questions. Every time Sunset thought the day couldn’t get stranger it did. She simply supposed Soft Spot had already said too much about something that was probably told to her in confidence, or whatever. Home sounded pretty good to her right now, so she just let this rest. She bade Soft Spot goodbye and went back to her locker, got her bag and left the school premises. Moments later, at the school gate, six students and a teacher looked on as she faded towards the horizon. “So, how was she today, Miss Spot?” asked a nervous Fluttershy. “I hope she’s doing alright? Please let her be alright.” Soft Spot put her hands on the outermost students and they all turned to face her. “It’s hard to tell, but she has high hopes for the future.” A sigh of elation followed, which immediately got drowned out by an overwhelming sense of dread when they noticed that single word that was to follow. “However,” Soft Spot continued, “she is very deeply hurt in many ways, and she’ll be struggling to keep herself from going off the deep end shortly.” Soft Spot wasn’t trying to be blunt or hurtful, but she couldn’t bring herself to be dishonest about these things. The truth was harsh and painful, but living a fantasy would be the worst thing to do. “DEEP END?!” “SHORTLY?!” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie yelled simultaneously. “Ssshhh,” Soft Spot shushed. The loudmouths immediately realised their mistake, though to no apparent consequence. “What I meant by that,” Soft Spot continued, “was that she’ll become incredibly sad. That’s the deep end I meant.” Soft Spot turned to face the horizon where Sunset was merely a fading spot in the distance. ”Nobody wants to be sad, so we all fight it, all the time. But her pain is inside her, and it will stay with her, even grow on her. There is no place for her to hide or to find comfort, because this pain she cannot shed. It will follow her everywhere, because she has no choice but to take it everywhere.” She turned back to Sunset’s friends, a tear running down her face. “And there’s nothing we can do about it.” She wiped the tear away before turning to Ditzy. “We can’t do anything about what she’s going through, because through it she must go. There is no turning back in this.” She put her hands on Ditzy’s arms. “We can’t do anything, but you might be able to help her.” Ditzy looked at Pinkie Pie, who smiled and gave a nod, before turning back to miss Soft Spot. “Actually, I already reached out to her because of Pinkie Pie earlier,” Ditzy said. ”I overheard her talking about Sunset and how she basically has nobody to just talk to.” In her Ditzy eyes swelled a flame of determination. “And I don’t want her to go down that awful path.” Everyone nodded. “So how long until… you know,” Rarity said, “she’ll give in?” “I don’t know, Rarity,” Soft Spot said. “Could be by the end of the week, could be a month. It’s all up to Sunset.” Rainbow Dash clenched her fists and frowned. “I just wish there was something we could do. Anything!” She put her hands on her head and messed up her hair in frustration. “This is driving me insane!” She said, gritting her teeth. ”If Pinkie hadn’t caught me earlier today, I would’ve run up to her and just made a terrible scene!” Pinkie Pie put her hand on Dash’s shoulder, as did Applejack. “Ah know Dash. We all do,” AJ said. “But we’re already doin’ the best we can. Ya know that, else ya wouldn’t even realize ya would’a been makin’ a t’rrible scene.” “We’re all in this together,” Pinkie Pie said. “I want to just go out there and hug her ‘till she’s better. I’d get a degree in heart surgery overnight if it means I can mend her heart.” She tried to put an arm around Dash to pull her into a hug, but Dash shrugged it off and pushed her away. Dash wasn’t the one who needed it. It was Pinkie Pie who did. AJ winced at the painful rejection, but given recent events, it came as no big surprise. It had been difficult to keep an eye on Dash during the past few days. Over the weekend they’d even had a sleepover just for that very reason. Keep her distracted. Keep her from getting any crazy ideas, and talk her out of the ones she got anyway. Whenever she got low on energy however, she’d just keep to herself like now. In the end they were able to restrain her one way or another. They had been very fortunate Dash is pretty predictable, and a terrible liar to boot. Another good fortune had been that Pinkie Pie didn’t meet their expectations to just go along with Dash, unintentionally egging her on with her own crazy ideas. Instead, she had been the most dedicated to keeping Dash in check. She was the one coming up with one crazy idea after another for them to do to keep things under control. Exhausting sports and games, fun stuff that would take a lot of concentration and creativity. It had been very effective and perhaps more importantly, even if ever so briefly, fun. Genuinely fun. In the quiet though, the crawling sadness and despair had been ever lurking. “I know,” grumbled Dash. “It just sucks.” Dash shifted her attention to Ditzy, still frowning. “You better make it count.” Ditzy gave her a smile and thumbs up. “Don’t do anything I would do,” Dash joked cynically before looking away. “I’ll give it my all,” Ditzy said. Dash nodded without turning around, letting out a quiet “good luck” before walking to where she’d parked her dirt bike. Pinkie followed suit. A few steps away she twirled around, also wishing Ditzy good luck before picking up her pace to catch up with Dash. “Ahm somewhat concerned,” Applejack said. “We all are darling,” said Rarity, “we’re in an entire jar of pickles, especially -” “Ah mean about those two,” AJ interrupted. “Ah mean, with Dash it’s really obvious but Pinkie’s kinda gettin’ on mah nerves too.” Fluttershy was taken aback, thinking they’d stand by one another. She wasn’t the only one. “On your nerves? Whatever do you mean?” Rarity asked before Fluttershy could. Seeing their expressions, Applejack quickly clarified, “Ah don’t mean it like that. Ah mean she’s bein’ off somehow. Ah realize nobody’s much of themselves raht now, but she’s somethin’ else entirely.” Applejack looked down, thinking. She wasn’t even sure what she meant, let alone able to express it. “Ah dunno how to tell ya what Ah mean but either she’s happy, bouncy and all alright with this, or she’s suppressin’ somethin’ fierce an’ she’s just pretendin’.” Applejack looked back up. “And Ah’m really certain it ain’t the former. She ain’t lahk this when she’s her normal self, not even when she’s a bit down or disappoin’ed. Anyone else seein’ what Ah’m seein’?” The group considered her words but to no particular conclusions either way. Rarity thought back to the exhausting weekend sleepover and get-together they’d had, which was typical enough for Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy agreed on that. Ditzy and Miss Soft Spot couldn’t really tell, much to Applejack’s dismay. “I’ll keep an eye on her if you want” Soft Spot said, “but I doubt it’s something serious, or at least as serious as the state Dash is in.” “Thanks miss Spot” said Applejack, “Ah appreciate that.” Right then, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie came up to them on Dash’s bike, ready to head over to Pinkie Pie’s place. Rainbow Dash had her helmet on already, waiting for Pinkie Pie to put on hers. Rarity gave Pinkie Pie a knowing look, who in turn smiled back like she was going into an exam she didn’t know was today. “Good luck,” Rarity said. Pinkie Pie nodded. She put on her helmet, grabbed Dash by the waist and off they were. “Ya see what Ah mean?” AJ said. Unfortunately nobody else did. After some idle talk had petered out, everyone said their goodbyes before going their respective ways. Time would tell whether Applejack had been imagining things, or if she had been misreading her friends. Usually, AJ would walk towards the bus stop, get on the bus and be home last of everyone on. Either that or her brother would pick her up after some chores in the neighbourhood. It would be a while before things would get back to usual. Past the corner, Applejack stopped to rummage through her backpack to get her earbuds. She put them in and plugged the cord into her phone. She went into the playback settings, setting it to play repeat the current song. From the main menu, she went into her files. She scrolled through to the most recently added song, “Farewell for Now” by “Dusken Flares”, closed her eyes and hit “play”. “... final reason I called you here ...” * * * That night, Sunset came home to an empty house, only to find her parents sitting at a set dinner table in the yard. They had one of her favorite dishes prepared. She sat down with them and discussed the day over the course of the meal. They had been excited to hear how well she’d done during class today and how much she liked her new homeroom teacher. She hadn’t seen her friends today, though she had known they had been there. Finally, she said, she had plans for tomorrow after school with another student. Fleur didn’t exactly know what to make of that, but Sunset seemed to be happy about it. She had recovered enough to be able to hold her own. Besides, everyone now knew it had been the Cutiemark Crusaders spreading those rumours all along. Hence her suspicions and distrust of the other students had subsided significantly. When Sunset had first landed in the hospital, it had been no secret how devastated her parents had been. Any parent would be, or at least should be. Gradually life on the outside had gone back to what was relatively normal. From time to time however, they still realized how close of a call they had had during those few days. How close death’s cold touch had visited upon their dearly beloved daughter. It had greatly strengthened their appreciation for the lives they shared together, and that of their daughter in particular. It had certainly shown its effects in both their attitudes and the things they did to make her life all the better and enjoyable. The flipside of that coin had, unbeknownst to Sunset, also taken an appreciable toll. Late nights haunted by images of a life without Sunset recurred over and over. Planning the funeral of her own child. Dreams so lucid she’d wake up sick, her head over a porcelain bowl. Having to say words she would never want to speak to an audience she’d never want to face at an event she’d never hoped to be. Everyone dressed in black and sadness. Visiting the grave and losing the strength to even stand or kneel. Freefalling into that bottomless pit of despair and the insanity of knowing she would see her child no more. Worst of all had been those nights where she’d run back into the hospital looking for her daughter, only to find out she didn’t make it or had been dead on arrival. Having to witness her injured body, the blood, the medical staff doing their absolute best to stand in the way of the inevitable. She’d wake up in a cold sweat, exhausted, and learning from Fancy Pants she’d been tossing up a storm. Some days Fleur would wake up tired after a night of quiet fits of weeping at the thought of the culprits and what they must have been thinking to be able to do such horrible things to her beautiful daughter. To Sunset, those days she just waved off as having been busier than usual at work, or some other excuse. Sunset had been keen enough to notice something was off, though it wouldn’t be until she herself would be a mother that she’d know exactly what it was. All she could do was be there for her parents, her mother, and love and support them. Even in her recovering state, Sunset would have the maid help her make them breakfast or dinner, redecorate a few things, make them a painting. Just like how her mother had hand made her lunch today. Small things. Meaningful things. The table got cleared and Sunset got out her homework. She showed her parents what she’d done at school today, explaining what’d she’d done right and wrong and how with a bit of extra work ahead of her, she’d be an A+ student in no time. Her parents had been nervous about Sunset’s first day of school. Everyone had been bullying her so much that seeing all of them again could’ve been upsetting. Had her friends not attended this school, she might’ve switched to another school altogether. After getting her parents back up to speed, Sunset excused herself and went up to her room for some privacy. On her way, the events of today passed her by in no orderly fashion. By the time she reached the door to her bedroom, she didn’t even notice her turning the handle and stepping inside. She shut the door behind her. The handle clicked and suddenly, all became serene. Sunset let out a sigh as though she had been holding a very deep breath, slumping with her back against the door. All throughout the day, thoughts had been running miles a minute back and forth in her mind, to the tune of an ever growing background noise. Like a mental tinnitus, she had only noticed once it vanished. After a sigh of relief, the exhaustion of entertaining all that noise kicked in. Before going to sleep, she had only one last thing on her mind: Twilight. She got the book from her backpack and opened it up. As much as the previous parts had moved her, this finale was rather anticlimactic. “Please keep hope and have faith in yourself and your friends. Things may seem bleak now but all will be right again. Think of all the good times. When you had a sleepover and a pillow fight. When you won that game. When you went out to see a movie. All those memories, hold those dear. Let them instill in you hope and faith. See you this weekend. Yours truly, Twilight Sparkle” A painful advice to revisit those memories. It’s the memories that hurt the worst. The bullying she could handle. It’s the pleasant memories that stung. The worst of ‘em, were those memories of her friends standing against her in her hour of need. Just thinking about having to go through that again split her skull and churned her stomach. On the far side of her room she could’ve sworn she saw a tealish spark in the mirror. Though the night was young, she decided to simply call it a night. All her loose ends had been tied up and she had grown awfully tired, feeling like a wreck. Just as a check to be sure, she put her hand on her forehead; she didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary. A little while later she’d completed her nightly rituals of brushing her teeth and whatnot. She didn’t quite recognize the face in the bathroom mirror. The whites of her eyes appearing black no longer than a blink of an eye. Her incisors feeling sharper than usual. Despite expecting to look somewhat pale, she seemed to be completely flushed. When she got back by her bedside she took one last check up. She felt her teeth and checked her skin but apart from her scars, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe her headache had her hallucinating, she thought. She got under the covers and finally put her body to rest. Her headache had only slightly worsened, though she was too beat to let it concern her further. Tomorrow morning, all would be well. In the silent dark, quietness overcame her and all outer thoughts turned inwards. She closed her eyes and let Twilight’s words open the gateway to those memories she’d not want until things had turned back to normal. Her thoughts gradually strayed from paths she had set, to an ever changing mix of images from the past, should-haves, could-haves and moments between tremendous joy and bliss and bottomless pits of deep grief and sorrow. The whirling mix seemed to change ever more rapidly, but once she took notice, eased to a halt. Finally her mind had settled, though it felt like she wasn’t quite “there” yet. She had landed in a space between the waking world and the dreamlands. It was as if she could be pulled in either direction at a moment’s notice. Sensations from the outside mixing in with experiences from the past as she recalled it. Even here in this strange place she felt the tiredness seeping through her body. A numbness one feels at the brink of passing out, slowly swaying to and fro’ like ocean tides. There was a warm and soft pressure all over her body, keeping still her body and her soul. Her sleep would prove deep tonight, and all she could hope for was to wake up well rested. > Chapter 9 - Full Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies Aren’t Always Enough Chapter 9 Full Chapter Written by FreeHomeBrew Edited by FreeHomeBrew Reviewed by Sadistic Fluttershy Chapters 1-6 written by Sadistic Fluttershy Today had been eventful, more so than Sunset had thought, or hoped. Had she been in a healthy state of mind and body, it would not have been much out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, she bore fresh scars of various varieties, and some old ones had come to itch. She’d said her goodnights to her parents. Usually it’d just be that, though tonight Fleur came in for a hug, lasting a few ticks longer than expected. She’d embraced her mother saying she loved her, her mother had done the same. Sunset had noticed Fleurs haircut had been less than perfect. Though Fleur had smiled, Sunset could tell she had had a rough day. Like mother like daughter. There was little to be done. Sunset too had been dreadfully tired getting into bed. The innards of her soul still restless, guiding her mind to destinations unknown. She’d gradually strayed from that path set by Twilight: Remember the good times. She had drifted from eddies of should-haves and could-haves to rapids ascending the pinnacles of many dear and damned memories. Amidst this maelstrom she’d become aware of her situation and all slowed to a gentle halt. Her mind had caught up with the rest in her body, though she was yet to enter Luna’s domain. Sensations from the outside world bled into the memories passing by. Dreams and the real becoming indistinguishable. All she wanted, and did, was to relax and let it all go. Tomorrow would come. The flow of thoughts continued gently. She found herself kicking a soccer ball with Rainbow Dash as a goalie, followed by having a normal lunch at school, a class, sitting at home with her parents, all peacefully doing their own things. Lying in the hospital, alone. Sunset’s eyes shot open. She took a moment to get her bearings. In the dark she heard the sound of the others sleeping peacefully around her. She could make out Pinkie Pie lying in front of her, near enough to feel her breath on her face. She moved to lie in a reclined position, resting on her elbows. In the dim ambient light, she looked around and saw her five friends sleeping close by. The glimmering hands of the clock told Sunset that the night had only just begun. Near the wall she noticed an empty sleeping bag. Through the slit under the door shone an amber light coming from downstairs. Stealthily, Sunset got up on her sleeping bag. Careful not to step on anybody, she moved towards the door, wanting to see who it was downstairs, and get a glass of water. In a few steps she’d reached the door and held the handle. She turned to overlook the room before heading out. Without a doubt, it was her room. All her homely belongings were here, as well as all her guests for the sleepover. Maybe it was her mother downstairs. She turned the handle and opened the door. Sneaking outside, she closed the door suit and went to go downstairs. The light on the lower floor emanated from behind an open fridge door in the kitchen, casting a wide silhouette of the person in front of it. A familiar person. “Twilight?” Sunset asked. Twilight turned around, having finished only half her drink. “Hello Sunset,” she said. ”I guess you couldn’t sleep either. What’s got you up at this hour?” “I honestly don’t know,” Sunset sighed. “Believe me, I wish I could just go to sleep. I’m completely spent. I could just lie down right here and now and sleep past noon,” she gestured at the marble floor. She noticed Twilight was still waiting for an answer. Sunset put a hand behind her head, frowning, trying to put any reason to words. She lowered her hand again, letting both hang limply by her sides. Her eyes downcast. “I don’t know,” she repeated. “I just have this deep sense of loneliness lingering around. Like I’m not wanted.” She looked to Twilight. “I hadn’t had a single card or call or anything when I was in the hospital. How sad is that? Doesn’t anyone care?” “I’m sorry to hear that,” Twilight said, brows furrowed. “It must have been lonely.” Sunset simply nodded. She recalled a dream visited upon her in the hospital, having made the same observation of not having had any well-wishes from anyone. In that dream she’d been walking on an endless concrete floor, surrounded by nothing but a black void. Her world reduced to nothing but her lonesome self. In the distance she’d found her friends, close enough to run towards them. She saw them looking back. Yet, every time she ran towards them they’d run away, going ever further out of reach. They had called out hurtful taunts she fortunately couldn’t remember. In the end she had tripped from exhaustion and painfully fallen to her knees, crying, begging them to come back to her. They’d all but vanished. Soon, Sunset’s cries had quieted to a whimper for anyone to come for her. There had been nothing but the void. That loneliness had sunk deep, to the very bottom. It had dragged her down with it. Behind Twilight, Sunset noticed the clock on the microwave. Now was not the time for stories. Twilight had put her glass to her lips, having the rest of her drink. “So, how about you?” Sunset asked. “What’s your excuse for being here?” Twilight raised a finger while she drank the last bit of milk from her glass. When she finished, she placed her glass on the counter, smiling a nostalgic smile. “I’ve just been thinking about the things that have happened over the past few years.” She turned to face Sunset. ”Friendship reports and such.” “I see,” Sunset said. “During my time in Ponyville and in this world, I’ve come to learn so much about friendship and what it all entails,” Twilight continued. “Tonight, with all of us together, I felt we have something absolutely special.” “We’ve been through thick and thin together, exploring the things we enjoy about each other. Patching up after stumbling through the things we didn’t. We connect at an otherworldly level, and not just in the literal sense.” Sunset had known some of Twilight’s history, though there was much more to it than just when their lives had intertwined. Seeing her speak with passion and understanding about the friendships she has, and maybe has had, filled her with a hope that one day she might know and feel the same. “When I lay down tonight, I felt a tremendous joy, having had such a fun and exciting day with all of us. Then, I kept polishing that sentiment, that diamond in the rough. I know it goes much further than that.” She paused for no more than a breath. “It hadn’t just been today. I’ve had many fun and exciting times with everyone. Not just fun and exciting times but deep and difficult times as well.” Twilight’s words evoked in Sunset thoughts of the common and mundane. Sharing a cupcake, playing games, singing songs, arguing and making up, even working on schoolwork together. Thoughts that fuelled embers of kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty and honesty; the everyday is special, Sunset realized. Behind Twilight, a light came to glow. “And you know what?” Twilight paused. “I will treasure the bad times too. It is part of who we are. Without them, the good times have no meaning. Both are changes that make us who we are.” Ears, a tail, a horn and wings emerged from the radiance as her speech came to its conclusion. “Our past shapes us, our friendships. All of us together, and our friendships will shape our destiny.” The light had vanished. The refrigerator had gone silent. Even the clocks had stopped ticking. The newly angelic silhouette moved closer to that of Sunset, arms down and forward, palms open. Twilight looked deep into Sunset’s eyes; Sunset stared back into her heart. The lights from the refrigerator twinkled in their eyes. Twilight spoke quietly: “I’m really lucky to have such great friends,” and embraced Sunset as gently as Sunset knew only her mother could. “You’re a wonderful daughter. I’m glad to have you in my life.” Sunset had remained still, at a loss for words or action. She felt Twilight’s warmth against her chest, her arms around her back. Her head besides hers. An embrace of wholehearted acceptance. Her strengths, her love, flaws, her faults. The darkness residing within her, Twilight had accepted her. All of her. And she was her friend. Slowly, Sunset lifted her trembling arms and put them around Twilight. For a silent while, the girls remained as they were. Sunset relaxed, coming to understand Twilight. To one as analytical and observant as her, every waking moment spent in company is special. Within Sunset, the fires of friendship were rekindled in ways they had never been before, shining a new light that cast away the shadows of loneliness and solitude. If only it could last. The moment passed and they parted from the embrace. Sunset wiped her eyes. She noticed Twilight had gone back to normal. “So,” Twilight began, “how about you?” She stepped aside to let Sunset raid the fridge. “I don’t know. I just have a lot on my mind,” Sunset said. “I just kept mulling everything over without really falling asleep.” She sighed. “I’m actually really exhausted.” She got a drink and shut the door. “I just want to live a normal life,” Sunset said, “but I guess that was never an option to begin with. Being a magical half-demon alien ‘n all.” She upped the bottom of her glass and closed the fridge door. Twilight smiled. Hearing Sunset make light of her unfortunate situation meant that she had at least made peace with it to that extent. “I hope you’ll find a way,” Twilight said. “I hope we can find a way, together.” Sunset nodded “I hope so too.” “I know we will,” Twilight said confidently. The kitchen door opened up gently and revealed Sunset’s father. It didn’t look like he’d been in bed for long. “Honey, will you be going back to bed soon?” he said. “Yeah, ” Sunset said, “sorry if we kept you up.” Fancy Pants didn’t respond and instead yawned and turned around. “I hope we didn’t keep him up?” Twilight asked. “Nah,” Sunset said, “I don’t think so. We should go back to bed though.” Twilight went back upstairs while Sunset finished her drink before following suit. Back in bed, she huddled comfortably in her blankets, thinking of what had just happened. She wasn’t alone. She had her friends here by her side, ready to overcome the difficulties in their lives. She thought back to Twilight’s embrace, how she had accepted her. Sunset had factually known it, but now, for the first time, had she actually felt it. Realized it. In a way, it had only been the tip of a massive iceberg. There was so much more Twilight had learnt and come to make her own than Sunset has witnessed. If only she knew a fraction of what Twilight knows, things might’ve not spiralled out of control as they had. Maybe things would be easier to repair. Twilight. Sunset would need her help greatly in all of this. Never before had four mere days seemed like such a long time to her. With thoughts of having fun with her otherworldly friend, or perhaps homeworldly friend, her heart danced, and she fell asleep with a smile. *** Without much recollection of the night before, Sunset found herself going through her morning motions completely on autopilot. No relevant thoughts had popped up, nothing in particular came to mind. It wasn’t until she’d sit down at breakfast with her parents that she’d be engaged. Sunset entered the dining hall, brightly lit by the morning light that made its way in through the skylights. Her parents were standing by the breakfast table, patiently waiting for their daughter to join them, delighted to see her in good health and standing. They were actually smiling, a sight Sunset had considered to be lost and gone forever. She sat down with her parents. It had been a strange comfort, being in such happy and familiar company where speaking up might throw such a perfect moment out of some sort of delicate balance. Sunset’s curiosity got the best of her however. “I’m glad to see you two smiling again,” Sunset said. “Exciting times today?” “Your mother will be partaking in a very important photo shoot for a high end fashion designer studio today,” Fancy Pants said, turning to his gorgeous wife. “I’m so proud of you.” “Oh dear, thank you.” Fleur said, pausing. “I was going to say it’s no big deal or something to brag about but,“ Fleur chuckled, ”this is one of the biggest clients I’ve ever had. The crème de la crème,” she smiled brightly, “I’d be mistaken to say otherwise.” “Wow,” Sunset said “that sounds great!” “That’s not all,” Fleur continued. “Tell her, honey.” Fancy Pants turned to his daughter, collected but with an undeniable glimmer in his eyes. “I’m meeting with our greatest shareholder to gain his approval for important changes I would like to see come to fruition.” “What kinds of changes?” Sunset asked. “I was thinking of setting up an institution of higher education especially to train young talents and allow them to start their careers at one of our finer companies,” he said. “Be it in fashion, culinary arts, hotel management or entrepreneurship. All talents need a good start,” he said with a smile. Concern riddled his face when he continued however. “I need to convince the shareholders of how good an investment this will be in 5 years time, when the first applicants will graduate. I don’t want to set too many restrictions on those who apply or graduate. I believe they will have the insight and humanity to be grateful enough to come work with us and further their career.” Fleur turned to her husband. “I don’t recall you having ever failed. As I recall, this particular shareholder is also one of the oldest. He’s been here for all of your previous changes,” she said. Her expression softened. “He stood by you even when you’ve had less success.” “You’ll be fine, dad,” Sunset said. “Who could oppose an idea that great, to help talents start out like that.” She rubbed her chin, thinking, “though I do see why you’d need to set some conditions. Maybe only certify the graduates after they’ve worked two years for you after graduating. Earn back the investment.” “Exactly,” Fancy Pants said. “But it needs to be both fair and appealing,” he smiled. “Thank you for your support. Both of you.” “I’ve missed this,” Sunset said, “the good times. I was worried work had become more of a burden than a blessing since you two didn’t seem as cheerful.” Sunset’s had a hard time keeping up her warm expressions, sensing something was amiss, somehow. Life couldn’t be this good. Why was it that deep down, there was that bucket, overflowing with misery. Tendrils of loneliness and abandonment springing forth from the puddles, tugging her down. She looked at her parents and saw the light surrounding her in all ways that mattered most. Honest to Celestia, she wanted this. She had longed for this for a while now. Could she not enjoy this blissful moment presenting itself so plainly? Her parents hadn’t noticed anything of her inner life. Breakfast conversations had moved on to trivial mundanities. Sunset had become distracted enough to let go of her worries and finally, without even realising, she too had smiled. Ignorance is bliss. An overcast had rolled in over breakfast, and when Sunset pulled out her bike, it had started to drip. Her parents suggested to have her brought to school but Sunset waved it off. She’d have much more freedom this way. She glanced back at her parents one last time, seeing them as happy as ever. A simple fact she’d decided to hold on to for the rest of the day. About ten minutes into her ride she’d come to regret not taking their advice, as she was completely soaked to the bone from torrential showers that did not let up one bit. No wind, no cold, but certainly a bountiful hosing. The schoolyard was empty save for the lone student running from the bike stands or parking lots towards the entrance. Ditzy was running just ahead of her when she finally reached the door. Ditzy ran in and immediately twirled around the door, getting out of Sunset’s way and holding it open, though not without booping her nose into the other side of the glass window in the door. Sunset ran in, her clothes sticking tight to her body. Small streams of water drizzled off of any sharp creases and edges. “Thanks for holding the door, Ditzy,” Sunset said. Ditzy moved from behind the door, rubbing her nose. She tried to focus her gaze on Sunset, only managing to do so with one eye. “You’re welcome,” she said as friendly as ever. Ditzy looked as though she had something else on her mind so Sunset decided to just wring her clothes on the spot just in case. Her clothes were still absolutely soaked. She looked down and checked herself. Even her shoes were soggy. Before hers were Ditzy’s, which were shuffling in place and mostly just making a V-shape. “What’s the matter Ditzy?” Sunset asked. Internally, Sunset couldn’t help but wonder if there was still that lingering fear of her old self preventing normal interactions with anyone but her five friends. Even with those five, her doubts would never leave her. If there was one consoling factor here it was that with Ditzy, abnormal interactions are the norm. “I wanted to tell you something but I can’t put it into words,” Ditzy said. “Something is different, maybe wrong, but I can’t put my finger on it.” Ditzy’s was making a face that could only be the result of gears spinning at maximum capacity. She put her hands to her head and closed her eyes tight. “Woah Ditzy, easy there,” Sunset said, holding her arms out without really knowing what to do next. “I’m sure that if it’s important, It’ll come to you.” Ditzy let up. She’d calmed down and faced Sunset with concern. “I guess the most important thing I wanted to say is that I hope you’ll make the right decision.” Sunset looked about herself and then back at Ditzy. “I think I’ve already made my worst decision today,” Sunset said while draining some water from her hair. “I’m not too worried.” Sunset turned to the next door, separating the inside of the building with the small double doored entrance. She opened them up and walked through, holding them open for Ditzy. Ditzy nodded in appreciation. She waved her goodbye and Sunset went on to find her friends in the cafeteria. In the cafeteria, her friends were waiting for her to join them. They’d saved her regular spot. “...so I probably won’t be around by the afternoon,” Pinkie Pie said. “I’ll have to go see a dentist.” “I was going to say ‘lucky you’ considering we’ll be playing dodgeball,” Rarity said, “but then I recall you being quite fond of that game. A bit much, almost.” “What’s the matter Rarity?” Rainbow called her out, “can’t take a little action? A bit of roughhousing?” She teased. “If I am to exercise I’d much prefer to be dancing,” Rarity said. “If only P.E. were limited to fun activities like that,” She sighed. “I agree,” Fluttershy said. “Though, I probably wouldn’t mind so much if we didn’t always end up facing you two.” Dash frowned in mock anger. “Well you two always get Flash Sentry and Shining Armor. All we get are a few crumbs.” “And Big Mac!” Pinkie Pie shouted. Big Mac looked up from his spot, but nothing came of it. “An’ today’s the day we’ll finally beat yer team,” Applejack said. “Ah’ve figured a way to git him off a the field.” Sunset approached her friends and sat down. “Wow, things sure are lively today. You’re all fired up as if you’re on the court already.” “AJ ‘n I always compete during P.E.,” Rainbow Dash said proudly. “We just get dragged into it with the rest,” Fluttershy said, futility apparent in her voice. “Meh,” Pinkie Pie shrugged. ”I’ll have fun no matter who’s team I end up in. I do like me some dodgeball though.” No surprise there. High energy Pinkie Pie in a high energy game like that, no wonder she likes it. She’d play it all on her own if she had to. “So,” Rarity began, “tell us the good news?” Sunset looked around at her friends, noticing they were all staring back. “Who, me?” “Yes you, silly!” Rarity said. “I haven’t seen you this happy in a long while. Something must have happened? A warm and wide smile like that doesn’t just come from nowhere.” “I- I don’t know,” Sunset began. “I’m just happy to see my friends again. It’s as if we’ve been really distant.” A pang of sadness came over her, spasming her diaphragm. “Like I don’t even know you anymore.” She started to sniffle and wipe at her eyes. “I don’t know why. I’m just really happy you’re all here with me.” There was a collective “aww” from her friends, who closed in for a hug. Rarity gave her a handkerchief to clean her face. Sunset graciously took it, embarrassed to be overcome in public like this. “I don’t want to be upset with you, any of you.” Sunset said. “You’re my friends.” Rainbow Dash put her hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “Don’t you worry Sunset,” she said with her typical confidence, “we’ll always have your back!” The others nodded in agreement. “Thanks, you guys,” Sunset said. Behind Applejack, a red bow rapidly drew closer, accompanied by the sound of three excited pairs of footsteps. Applejack turned around when she felt a tugging on her blouse. “Howdy there Apple Bloom!” She said to her little sister. “What’s up?” Sunset stood up, forcefully pushing back her chair, making a loud scraping noise. “I gotta go” she scowled. Her friends looked among themselves in confusion, as did the Cutiemark Crusaders. “What’s wrong darling?” Rarity asked. “It’s just our little sisters. You know them well.” Sunset stood behind her chair, clenching the top of the back. Every fibre of her strained itself. Despite carrying a fair poker face, her eyes subtly exposed her resentment. The crusaders quickly looked among themselves for answers but none came forth. Concluding they must’ve upset Sunset, they could only say one thing. “We’re sorry we upset you,” Scootaloo said. “We just wanted our sisters back,” Sweetie Belle followed up. Applebloom was about to speak up but Sunset beat her to it. “You’re sorry?!” She shouted in anger. She was completely flustered. She made a fist and couldn’t stop shaking. It took a moment for her to find the next thing to say. “You better be sorry! I don’t even know where to begin your book of sins! Do you have any idea of all the harm you’ve caused with your” Sunset clenched her teeth, squinted her eyes and held her finger and thumb real close together “little prank?” Sunset looked around the cafeteria but nobody had paid any notice. She turned back at the crusaders, who were staring back in fear. “I’ve seen friendships broken over your little stunt! People were getting bullied because of you.” She looked at her scratched and dirtied hands and arms. “I got bullied.” Sunset partially unbuttoned her blouse to reveal her scars “I got stabbed because of you! To death had it not been for a saving grace!” The cutiemark crusaders, her friends, everyone flinched at her loud and angry voice. Clocks seemed to have given up counting down the seconds the following silence lasted while Sunset buttoned up her blouse. “You’re sorry?” she spat. “I’m sorry.” Sunset turned around in rage, going to her class. It wasn’t long before she found herself behind a desk and reaching for her biology books. Just like that, all was right again. Class started off with an introduction about the material to cover along with some assignments for the remainder of the hour. It was recommended to work in groups of three. Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had joined up, so Rainbow Dash and Applejack came to sit with Sunset. “Please turn your pages to assignment sixteen: mapping the dorsal neural pathways,” the teacher instructed. Students paged through their books to find it. “You will find a list of pathways going from the brain, along the vertebrae and to the rest of the body. Today, we will map what parts of the spine correspond to what parts of the body in terms of both in- and outbound signals.” “I’ve set you up in groups of three so you can correct one another. Choose one person to pick a spinal nerve ending or segment. Then choose another person to connect it to the body. Then have the third person check if it’s correct. Cycle your roles. Mark how many you get right. If you want to, you can compete as a team with the other teams for a highest score.” Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up and she immediately looked towards Rarity’s team. Much to her surprise however, Rarity was smiling a wicked and knowing smile back at her. “This isn’t sports, Dash,” She said coyly. “We’ve got you beat by a long shot.” Dash broke a sweat. “Oh? ... H-how so?” She said, hesitant. Fluttershy turned around to face her as well, smiling the same smile that Rarity had. “I just passed the first part of my veterinarian assistant internship,” Fluttershy said. “I’ve read nothing but books about animals. About both their outsides,” she paused, “and insides.” Dash realized she’d already lost before she’d even begun. She turned to face her team. Sunset smiled confidently. “Don’t worry Dash, I’ll be the trump card they’ll never expect. I’ve already covered this stuff back to front and back again while I was in the hospital.” “Fhew-wee,” Applejack sighed, “that’s mighty reassuring.” She turned to Rarity. “Here’s somethin’ Ah learned havin’ lived on a farm since Ah was little: Don’t count yer chickens before they hatch!” She high-fived Dash, who got back into the spirit of things. Perusing the list one by one, they went and figured out most of the connections. Nerves in the neck connected to muscles and senses in the neck itself. Lower neck nerves control breathing and movement of the arms and chest. A large section below those, extending almost to the tail bones, controls most of the things happening in the chest and gut area, along with the hips and thighs. The last bit is what really caught Rainbow Dash’ attention: control of the legs and how it relates to the spine. One of the images presented was a side-by-side of a see-through drawing of a person and a picture of that same person sitting in a wheelchair. On the image, it was indicated how this person got paralysed and what parts of the spine had been affected. They had fully lost control over one leg, and partial over the other. “It says here,” Dash began, “they had fallen on their tailbone.” Dash was reading from the book slowly and with full attention. “At first, the legs had seemed fine, but due to complications they hadn’t foreseen, the nerves got damaged permanently only hours later.” She looked at her teammates slightly distressed. “Yikes.” She said. “Wouldn’t want that ta happen,” AJ said, “How’d Ah even run the farm?” “Or compete against me?” Dash winked, before stoicism returned to her. “But yeah. How’d I even come running to anyone’s rescue? That’d be the worst.” “What do you mean?” Sunset asked, curiously enough. Dash looked at her not befuddled, but lonely. “I don’t think you’d forgive me if didn’t stand by your side in your hour of need,” Dash said. “If you ever get into trouble or danger and I can’t be there to protect you, I’ll never be able to forgive myself.” Sunset drew closer her blanket, grateful to see Rainbow Dash sitting beside her in her hospital room. She had missed Dash when her friends had all come to see her, so she was glad to see Rainbow Dash came through for her in the end, even if it was just her, and just a little late. “I don’t want to lose you, Sunset,” Rainbow Dash continued. “If I ever end up hurting you, I don’t know what I’d do.” Sunset realized it wasn’t often Rainbow Dash would open up like this, to her or anyone. In that regard, her friend was still quite mysterious. It had always been pretty obvious from her behaviour what affected her since she’s quite the open book when it came to her surface self. However, Sunset had been mostly ignorant of her inner life beyond the visible. How she felt, why she felt, the things that moved her. “Thank you, Dash,” Sunset said. “I know you won’t let me down.” Dash smiled, getting back into the competition of the assignment. She looked at Applejack, who was blushing slightly and looking away. “What?” Dash asked. Applejack remained quiet, so Sunset got the book and read the next paragraph. “Oh come on Applejack,” she said. “It’s a biology textbook. This is how it works.” Dash snickered. “Yeah, just make sure to never hurt your tailbone nerves or you’d risk getting syndrome of out-of-control-vagi-” “Ah get it!” AJ shouted. “Lower nerves, lower pahrts.” Her blush had only deepened. “Can we just count ah’r scores yet?” Sunset looked at their friends’ table, noticing Pinkie Pie egging on Rarity. Fluttershy was sitting there quietly, redder than even Applejack. Must’ve gotten to the same paragraph. She looked down to ponder and noticed again the blemishes on her arms and hands. It was okay. Around her she heard her friends cheerful laughter. Inside, she felt their warmth. After all that has happened, it felt good to be back to normalcy like this. This is what school was. This was fun. This is harmony, as things are supposed to be. “Thanks guys,” Sunset said. “For being there for me.” “No problem, Sunset!” AJ said. “We’ve always got your back,” Dash said. “And right now, we all got this back,” she patted the assignment paper “in the bag.” Sunset nodded and looked at the teacher, who was waiting for the class to calm down. The group with the highest score got to present their results on a sheet the teacher had prepared in advance. Since her team and Fluttershy’s team had the same outcome, the both of them went on to present their findings. Standing in front of the class with a friend, talking about something the both of them knew well, filled Sunset with confidence. Seeing her classmates stare back with neither dread nor disdain, but in their stead joy and pride, was something she hadn’t yet dared to dream of. Yet here she stood before her peers who previously had done nothing but avoid her out of fear or out of a judgement for tarnishing their reputation. A nasty misjudgement. Ever since her defeat, this had been all she’d wanted. After the presentation, she went back to sit with her team. Fluttershy’s team joined them. “You guys did surprisingly well!” Rarity said, “considering we had Fluttershy on our team.” Applejack put an arm around Sunset. “Ah guess ya didn’t count on us havin’ such an amazin’ trump card.” “Are you kidding me?!” Pinkie Pie shouted excitedly. “That was really out of the blue!” Fluttershy smiled brightly at Sunset. A smile that let her know just how much she had pushed herself to catch up on this material, and then ace it. Sunset nodded. Just like that, the wordless exchange had conveyed more than mere words could have. The short while before the end of class was spent in their heart-warming atmosphere. The idle chit chat all took place where their lives met with the subject matter of the chapter, allowing Fluttershy and Sunset to talk at length and the rest to listen in earnest. The bell rang, and the next class of students entered the room, among whom were the CMC. It wasn’t much of a scene, but Sunset quietly scoffed at them when she left the room. Outside, she’d wanted to wait up for Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash but their little sisters kept them longer than Sunset could wait. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy urged her on to their next class. “I can’t believe those three being this carefree” Sunset said. “After all they’ve done, not just to me or us, but everyone.” “What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked. Flabbergasted. Sunset threw her arms up, asking with a raised voice: “Are you serious? Did Applejack not tell you?!” Sunset saw Fluttershy moving her mouth but nothing intelligible came forth so she continued. “When I needed you most, you all stood against me! None of this would’ve happened if they hadn’t spread all their filth and lies! They could’ve just talked to their sisters about spending time with us!” She turned to Pinkie Pie when Fluttershy hadn’t said anything. She could see the gears turning behind those brilliant blue eyes, landing on curiosity. “It’s strange” Pinkie started. “They never threw a fuss when we’d all hang out before.” “What?” Sunset asked flatly. “Like, before you were our friend,” Pinkie Pie said. “Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash would hang out with us and plenty of others all the time. Rainbow Dash didn’t get this good at soccer from spending time with Scootaloo.” Pinkie Pie looked to Fluttershy, who confirmed her story with a simple nod and an expression like she’d just been informed that grass is green. Pinkie Pie turned to move to their next class, urging her two companions to follow suit. Sunset tried to protest but before she even found her words, without even realizing it, she again sat at a desk in front of another whiteboard, absentmindedly staring at nothing in particular. Sunset noticed the board was covered in scribblings regarding the history of Equestrian Magic and a summary of the most influential stallions and mares and the revolutions they caused. Something she hadn’t seen in a long while. She sat upright and flipped through her notebook to find an empty page, and a pen. A pen. No pen. No bag of hers nearby either. “What’s the matter?” Fluttershy asked. “I think I left my bag somewhere else ...” Sunset said, still searching. She turned to face her friend. “Have you seen it anywhere?” Fluttershy got up. “I think you left it in the hallway” and off she went to grab it. “You don’t have t-” Sunset’s words came too late, she figured, so she turned back to the whiteboard. To her horror, the teacher was just about done wiping the board. The teacher turned around. “Why so sad Sunset?” he asked, noticing her frown. “I thought you loved learning?” Sunset gave him a sarcastic look “I was, until you erased it.” “Oh. I’m so sorry” he sincerely apologized. He put the brush down on his desk. He started walking towards the door to shut it and begin his lecture. “It would’ve been the perfect opportunity to put those pesky cell phones of yours to use” he mock scolded. “Next time, feel free to take a picture, alright?” Sunset liked this teacher. He reminded her of the Celestia she left behind. The biggest difference, which was his biggest perk over Celestia, was that he was much less forgiving of mistakes. Especially so when it came to breaking the rules of his class. He was nice, gentle and kind, but enough so to always point out your mistakes and make you own them, which some took as anger or hostility. Sunset smiled and nodded. “Just be sure to shut them off before I start my class.” The teacher was drawing closer to the door, and Sunset noted Fluttershy hadn’t returned to her seat yet. Somewhat startled, Sunset looked at the door. Fluttershy was hanging from the doorpost into the hallway, reaching for Sunset’s bag. The teacher’s hand was already on the door. “Mister Obtuse, wait!” Sunset suddenly shouted. Mister Obtuse was a calm and collected man. An attitude he’d honed during his years as a firefighter before he found his true calling. Now too he had remained calm and collected; alert and ready for the necessary actions. He very deliberately turned to Sunset, focussing his attention. That was a mistake. As soon as Sunset and Obtuse made eye contact, the sounds of first a crunch, then a click and then a not very muffled scream of agony followed in rapid succession. Immediately, the teacher turned on point and reopened the door. Swiftly, he instructed Fluttershy to calm down, hold her hand steady on her belly as he gently picked her up. He steadily paced away in the direction of the nurse’s office. The last thing Sunset saw of Fluttershy was a tearful grimace. “I’m sorry”, Sunset could’ve sworn she’d heard Fluttershy whisper. The scene had not gone unnoticed by others. Her friends rushed after Fluttershy without a second thought. The rest of the class was now standing in the hallway and in the door opening, looking after the rushing scene. A few grew more concerned when they noticed the blood on the doorpost and on the floor. It wasn’t until that moment that Sunset’s time synced up, as realization sunk in. “What just happened?” Ditzy asked Sunset. “I’m not… I’m not sure?” Sunset replied, knowing what had just happened. Ditzy looked at the door. ”Won’t you chase after your friends?” I’m not sure, Sunset thought, honestly. She sighed and closed her eyes. She turned back to the blackboard and levitated her quill to write down the notes on the history of Equestrian Magic. All around her she heard notes being taken, a soothing sound. While the teacher was out, a serenity of everyone simply focussing on the material at hand would fill the room. When Sunset looked back up, she noticed someone standing by the left end of the board, near the windows. Behind the silhouette shone a pearly white. Sunset squinted to see who they might be. Her eyes adjusted to the light and the figures moved to behind the teacher’s desk. Before her stood a purple mare, standing beside their beloved eternal mentor. Sunset knew exactly why she was there and what they were going to ask. She desperately looked around her to see who else might be asked. In the far back row sat her friends, asking her the same question in silence. “Will you chase after your friends?” Twilight spoke. “They’re not-!” Sunset started. She turned around once more to see them. One by one she looked at them. Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and finally, Applejack, the only one to look away in shame. She remembered the things she’d told them. The pain that made her conjure up those words she’d never wanted to speak, especially not to them. The hurt that forced those wretched thoughts of abandonment. Her friends having abandoned her was something she knew she could ultimately deal with. What struck her – the wickedness that had mangled her soul – was that she had abandoned them too. Out of the 6 of them, she wondered if she’d hurt herself the most. If she’d hurt her friends. If anyone deserved any of it. Up there, in the back rows, she saw her friends still. Unmoving, unfeeling, waiting. Her gaze passed by them one by one. In her mind, there stood the plea: “does she deserve this?” every time she looked at them. Sunset turned back to Twilight. She too was awaiting an answer, but not for herself. Finally, there was Celestia. Sunset knew well of the stories of how Celestia related to the elements for the past centuries. For a thousand years she must have carried these questions and regrets, never knowing if she’d made the right decision. Perhaps not even grasping the full extent of it. What had she decided? Against everything for which she and her sister stood, they had turned. Then. Then. “Luna never stopped being my sister, Sunset” Celestia spoke. “But I had to make a choice.” “You cannot change the past” Twilight said. “But you can change the future.” Sunset put her elbows on the desk and her hands on her temples. Resting her head between them. Trying to take it all in. In the dim ambient light she saw her tarnished body. Filth that did not wash off, cuts and bruises that did not heal. Memories of Every. Damned. Time. She had wished her friends had been there for her. Times when people doubted her. Times when she’d need support going to the nurse. Times when she’d sit alone in her room crying for hours, wondering why this was happening. The light in the room faded. The back row grew empty, one by one. A dying glimmer at the desk cast the room in total darkness, and a dreadful thought invaded her mind. They’ve betrayed me a thousand times. A grim heart beat within her. A power tempting her foolhardily. It was not power that could restore harmony. Sunset quelled it with a simple no, yet shivered at the thought of it just lurking at the threshold like that. Sunset looked back up from between her cuts and bruises. Before her was a whiteboard. Obtuse had returned. She had pen and paper, and was ready to go. *** Math class had not been eventful after that dire start. Once it was over and lunch time had arrived, Sunset and her friends went to check on Fluttershy in the infirmary. The nurse had wrapped Fluttershy’s hand in bandages. Things seemed to be okay beyond that, much to everyone’s relief. It had also been the first time Sunset had seen Pinkie Pie to be this tender. With a lot of care, she gently held Fluttershy’s delicate injured hands and nuzzled them. Sunset had noticed the stormy weather of this morning had made a turn for the better. The sun was out in full and she thought it a nice idea to have lunch outdoors while it lasted. She’d apologized to Fluttershy, who’d told Sunset it wasn’t her fault despite Sunset’s protests that it was. Not conceding, Sunset reluctantly let it go for the time being. While her friends were out looking for a table in the school courtyard, Sunset went and grabbed a hat from her locker. When she spotted her friends at their table, the cutiemark crusaders had beat her to them. Fortunately, just as she approached, they waved goodbye and escaped. Well, they left. “What was that?” Sunset asked, trying to squash any hints of her annoyance. “Just Sweetie Belle and her friends,” Rarity answered. She raised an eyebrow out of concern. “Is everything alright, Sunset?” “I guess?” She said. “I’m just, I don’t know why but those three have been getting under my skin to no end today.” Rarity chuckled and twirled her hair, looking to her left. “Ah hah… Well, yes, I can definitely speak from experience there.” “Not like that” Sunset grunted “I just don’t know what it is about them, and I’m sorry for what I’m about to say but, I feel like something bad is going to happen between all of us because of them.” The group was taken aback at first, hearing an accusation like that levied at their friends and family. Then, just like Rarity had just conceded, they started to ponder the possibility of making some big mistake rather than doing something evil or intentional. “Ah can’t really speak regardin’ Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo, but Ah can assure you that Applebloom is bein’ raised a sensible little girl” Applejack said. “Sure she maght make mistakes and git into trouble, but we always make her own them.” Sternly, Applejack followed up her explanation. “Applebloom is very responsible. In hindsight.” Rainbow Dash and Rarity looked at one another. “I’ll keep an eye out on Scootaloo” Dash said. “Those three have gotten into serious trouble before. I wouldn’t put it past them to make a mistake big enough to suck us all in with them.” “Oh come now Rainbow Dash” Rarity said, turning to Sunset. “It’s nothing we can’t handle together.” She smiled at Sunset, who smiled back, her doubts dashed. “Now come Sunset, darling, you’re not going to stand around like that all day are you?” The warmth of her friends’ company quickly washed away the miserable taint those kids had etched in her spirit. Though, the sun helped as much as anything, as did the much needed breath of fresh air. “Eh, I wouldn’t worry about it” Pinkie Pie said. “They’d have to do something pretty wild to outmatch the things we’ve faced.” Her friends nodded in agreement. “Besides, us hanging out has never even been a problem. They’d just do their own things without us.” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “Well, without you guys” Pinkie amended, pointing at the girls’ sisters. Sunset sat quietly for a moment, thinking. They had gone through much and they have become close friends. Something she’d never considered before, back when she was her old self. One thought lead to another before something stuck that really piqued her mind. “I don’t know if I’ve told you guys this” she collectedly began. Her friends turned to face her, listening intently. “But soon after I was un-she-daemoned, I felt like I was going through a paradox. Two things would go through my mind back and forth.” Everyone paused, so Sunset continued. “On the one hand, I felt really weak. I was really weak” she said, holding up her left hand. “I felt weak because I had come to a new place as a stranger. I was really new to a lot of this friendship thing and still had to learn to trust others. Even you guys. It wasn’t easy to surrender myself.” “Surrender?” Rainbow Dash said, voice full of surprise. “You put up a fight to the point that Twilight would sacrifice her return home just to defeat you!” “Pay attention would ya?” Applejack scolded, “She’s talkin’ ‘bout after that.” Applejack looked to Sunset to confirm. “Yes” she put simply. She sighed. “I had just been defeated by my worst enemies, who I often couldn’t help but think of thinking the same way I did.” Sunset sunk away a bit, as if she’d just admitted to having taken the last cookie from the jar. “Things like What will they do to me now? And How will they punish me? How harsh?” “But that wasn’t the hardest part. That was all still bits of my old self echoing those nasty thoughts. I felt weak because I was new to all of this. I felt vulnerable. Everyone was out to get me.” Sunset put her hands on her chest, clenching the fabric by her heart. With a knot in her throat, she continued. “It was difficult to surrender myself to you, having to trust you guys to help and support me. I felt like I was entrusting you with my life. And in a way, I was. You had rid me of my old self, but it would take a lot of work to make something new of myself. It wasn’t just me as I was then: it also was the me who I would become. Never had I done something so … daunting.” Sunset looked up at her friends, passing them by one by one to see if they understood what she meant. Rarity and Fluttershy had trouble not spilling any tears. AJ listened stoically. Rainbow Dash was the only one to look at her a bit sheepishly. Sunset kept her eyes on her just to be clear. “Rainbow Dash” she said. “Can you imagine not ever having thought of becoming a wonderbolt, only for one day some people coming up to you asking you to trust them that they’ll make you into a wonderbolt?” Contrary to Sunset’s expectations, Dash did not immediately respond but stopped to think instead. Sunset continued for the rest. “Like I was saying, I had to entrust you all with my future. With what is now my life. That was the first part of the paradox, that I felt so weak and that despite being vulnerable, I had to surrender, give away in a sense, my life. To trust that we could make things better.” “What was the second pahrt of the par‘dox, Sunset?” AJ asked. Sunset turned her attention to Applejack. “The second part is that I felt really strong as well,” she said. “I felt strong because of what we had just defeated. Whenever I had a bit of relief or felt elated, I felt I could overcome anything. Nothing was beyond my grasp.” She smiled “With you all by my side, anything is possible.” Her clenching hands relaxed and instead, they now gently covered her heart. She closed her eyes and slightly bowed her head. “When I think back to the times with you I cherish, I realize there are more than I can think of.” Sunset looked up to the sky, taking in the cool blue and endless openness. The light around her. Her smiling friends. “Whenever I’m in doubt, or whenever I’m feeling down, all I need is remember that together, things will always be alright.” You have saved me a thousand times over. Breaths, like waves on the shore, gently flowed in and out of her and instilled the joy she felt. Unnoticed undercurrents washed away the last vestiges of chaos. It had been there this whole time, and a breathless silence gave way to the background noise of a school courtyard. Sunset regained her focus, aware she was still among her friends who were happily chatting away. Out of all her friends, she found, only Pinkie Pie held her hand up to her face, blocking the sun. Besides Pinkie and herself, the rest sat in the shade of the school building. Next to Pinkie Pie sat Fluttershy, to whom Sunset still felt the need to apologize for earlier. She glanced at Fluttershy’s bandaged hands. Given what had happened earlier, it was quite the relief this was all the care she’d needed. “Pinkie Pie?” Sunset asked. “We can change places if you want.” She pointed at Pinkie’s hand. “Might be easier to eat with both hands, even for you.” She winked. “Oh yeah!” Pinkie Pie said, getting up immediately. “I didn’t even notice!” The girls got up and swapped places. Sunset sat down next to Fluttershy, who cautiously drew her injured hand closer. Sunset looked at her apologetically, though Fluttershy didn’t look back. Pinkie Pie just let herself drop on her new spot quite brashly, immediately digging into her lunch. “I’m really sorry about earlier.” Sunset said. “Are you okay?” Fluttershy nodded. “It was my own fault to be honest. I should’ve just gotten it a bit quicker, that’s all.” Sunset shook her head “I shouldn’t have left my bag in the hallway to begin with” she said. “Or I should’ve at least gotten it myself.” She put forth her hand, asking for Fluttershy to put hers in Sunset’s. Fluttershy declined. “At least let me help you eat,” Sunset pleaded. “Sunset?” Fluttershy had a look in her eyes as though she could stop a rampaging bear. “I don’t need your kindness.” Sunset blinked, not sure of what she thought she’d seen. She looked again at her friend. Her kind and gentle friend, sitting there smiling back, though still injured. Must have been her imagination. To be on the safe side, she didn’t insist on the matter any further. Instead, she simply smiled back and turned her attention to the group. The rest were engaged in a discussion about what should be as mundane as anything: the weather, of all things. The last thing Sunset caught was that Rarity had said the rain and humidity were terrible for her hair, as was the sun for her skin and the wind for both her hair and her gear. “Sounds like you like indoor weather Rarity,” Applejack said. “Ahm sorreh but we need both sun and rain for the crops to grow.” She threw a mock glare at the dynamic duo. “Tho y’all can keep yer wind.” “We’ll keep it!” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. “I’m glad you see my point darling,” Rarity said. “Surprising, given you’re not particularly.... Well, following the latest fashion trends.” “Ah’m not agreein’ cuz o’ dat.” AJ said, slightly irritated. “Last storm took down plenty o’ shingles ‘n some of the bigger trees had gotten uprooted.” “You two can keep your sun and rain, I’ll take the breeze any day” Dash said. “‘s long as it’s not too strong. I wanna keep it goldilocks chill.” She got some funny looks. “You know? When it hits that sweet spot? Cool enough to play sports, sunny enough to see and breezy enough to put in effort?” There was zero connection with her friends here. “Ya seem more picky than even Rarity” Applejack said. “‘Cept yer picks are outside. And to get messy.” Silently, though frowning in mock anger. With a nod, both Rarity and Rainbow Dash conceded Applejacks point. Pinkie Pie put her hands on the table and stood up, leaning forward. “You’re all wrong!” She said excitedly. “This is the best weather!” She pointed up to a bunch of clouds floating by in a rush. In the humidity in the atmosphere, they scattered the sunlight into beams of light and pillars of shade. Down on the ground, not a hair was blown out of place. Sunset looked at her friends, who looked with her among themselves, all quite puzzled save for Pinkie. “What’s so special about today?” Sunset asked. “It’s just passing rain.” Pinkie Pie relaxed and was positively in bliss. “It’s the kind of weather were we all get to hang out and just have fun like this! It’s the best!” She said. She got no argument there. She got a bit of a bounce as her happy excitement built up. “Plus there’s the smell after the rain. I really really like that smell. Oh! And there’s all the puddles to skip!” Pinkie Pie stopped smiling and instead burst into an honest bout of laughter. Sunset looked at her friend with a slight awe of sorts, imagining that laughter like that can only come from someplace special. A laugher akin to that of a two year old, not yet capable of containing themselves. It’s a laugh she could only hope to one day enjoy herself. Right now, watching Pinkie was enough. That was one moment. The next one was something she’d not ever want to witness. The floor was stained with specks of blood. Nearby was a baseball and some broken knocked out teeth. At the centre of it all lay an unconscious Pinkie Pie, tears still streaming down her face from laughing. There was blood trickling from her mouth. “Pinkie!” Everyone shouted. Immediately, they all rushed to their friend’s side, trying to wake her up. Fluttershy let Pinkie rest on her side, ensuring she’d be able to breathe. She was by no means an expert but she did as much as she could. “Pinkie! Can ya hear us?!” Applejack said. She looked to Fluttershy, who was focussed on whatever first aid she recalled. Dash had already sat with AJ, only to leave in a rush the very next instant. “Rarity! Could you please find something more appropriate to do than tending to yer phone?!” Applejack shouted incredulously. Rarity remained calm as the phone sounded the dialling noise. “Hello. You’ve reached the emergency hotline. Press 1 in case of an immediate life threatening situation.” Rarity looked up at AJ, who sighed in relief and turned her attention back to Pinkie. Rarity went through the emergency services menu to get a human operator. Sunset came and sat down across from Fluttershy, using her hat to wave some cool air at the still not conscious Pinkie Pie. Things went quiet safe for Rarity’s call moving forward. Everyone listened intently. “Hello, you’ve reached the medical emergency services, what is the nature of your emergency please?” “Yes, hello. Our friend has gone unconscious after getting hit by a stray baseball.” Rarity spoke, meanwhile suggesting to hand the phone to Fluttershy. Fluttershy nodded and got Rarity’s phone. “Okay, thank you. Where did your friend get hit exactly?” the operator asked. “Hi, I’m Fluttershy,” Fluttershy said. “Our friend got hit in the face and has lost a few teeth and has broken a few others. She’s bleeding, though not badly, from the mouth and may have bone injuries in her jaw.” Applejack cringed. “Her lower lip is also torn, which is bleeding fairly heavily.” Fluttershy continued. “In case you’ve not laid your friend on their side, please put your friend on their side so they can breathe more easily,” said the operator. “She’s resting on her side. We’ve got a napkin to help relieve the bleeding from her lip.” “Okay, that’s good Ms Fluttershy. Has your friend shown any signs of regaining consciousness?” Fluttershy looked at Sunset, who just shook her head in response. “She’s still out cold.” “Okay, please hold her as you have her right now. I’ll dispatch an ambulance.” Applejack muttered something about it taking quite a while to get to that point. “Where may I send them, Ms Shy?” the operator asked. “We’re at Canterlot High in the school courtyard, though we’ll probably be in the infirmary when the paramedics get here.” “I’ve sent them on their way. Please remain on the line and keep your friend steady for the time being. Can you check your friend’s pupils for me please?” Fluttershy looked at Sunset, who opened Pinkie’s eyes so Fluttershy could see. “Her eyes are a little dilated, though they are contracting.” Fluttershy took a closer look. “Actually, only one is contracting.” “Thank you Ms Shy. Can you please pinch her right ear lobe? It needs to send a pain signal.” Fluttershy looked again to Sunset for cooperation, who wasn’t too keen on inflicting further pain on poor Pinkie Pie. Her eyes started to water recalling just how happy she was no thirty seconds ago. She reluctantly pinched her right earlobe. Pinkie Pie flinched her head, though only slightly. Fluttershy reported the response. “Thank you Ms Shy. How is her heart rate and breathing?” Sunset put her fingers on Pinkie Pie’s neck and nodded to Fluttershy. “They’re both fine,” Fluttershy said. “Her heart rate is a little elevated,” Sunset followed up. “Will she be okay?” Applejack asked quietly. Rarity raised a finger in front of her lips, shushing AJ. “It’s hard to say, miss. Your friend is badly injured and probably has a concussion. I recommend you carefully move her to the infirmary. Until the paramedics arrive, please keep checking her eyes and pinch her every few minutes. Report anything out of place to the paramedics and answer all of their questions as truthfully as possible. Don’t say what you think might be wrong, simply state what you have actually observed. They should be with you in a few minutes.” There was an exchange of worried looks. “Is there anything else we can do to help her?” Sunset asked, wiping away a tear. “Ensure her breathing and heart rate remain regular. Clean any wounds you can. Have some water ready for her to drink if her injuries let her. Be prepared that she might be confused, disoriented and suffers a loss of recent memories. Provide some pen and paper. Find out if she’s allergic to anything. If possible, ready some ice. If she wakes up, don’t let her walk on her own. Have a pail or bag ready in case she gets sick.” Sunset tried to take it all in, though the list was getting fairly long. Applejack was making an actual list of messy jotted notes. ”That should suffice until help arrives,“ the operator concluded. ”She will then be taken to the hospital for x-rays among other things.” Fluttershy handed the phone back to Rarity, who had been patiently waiting to get it returned to her. “Thank you for your services.” Rarity said to the operator. “It’s what we do,” the operator said proudly. “Good luck with your friend.” Rarity hung up on the phone call. The group breathed as though they had been holding it in this entire time. Just then, Rainbow Dash came back, running ahead of Obtuse and the nurse. “Well? How is she?” She asked between breaths. “We just called emergency services and well, we’re not entirely sure,” Rarity said. “She… She probably has a concussion.” She turned to Pinkie Pie, who was starting to show more bruising. “Can we move her?” Obtuse asked. A drop of rain fell on Pinkie Pie’s forehead. “We can,“ AJ said. ”But carefully. Let’s move.” Fluttershy, Rarity and Sunset backed away to let Applejack and Rainbow Dash lift Pinkie Pie into Obtuse’s arms. The nurse overlooked the ordeal, making sure Pinkie was positioned correctly among other things. She took a look at Pinkie’s eye. Sunset noticed they weren’t responding. Rainbow Dash lead the way, followed by the adults and AJ, and tailed by Rarity and Fluttershy. Sunset, distressingly, was unable to move quickly enough to follow. One foot in front of the other. She tried upping her pace but it felt as if she were at the bottom of a pool. Her friends had all but closed the school door behind them. From where she was, she heard it click shut. The courtyard was devoid of all students but her. She felt dripping on her arms and head. The overcast had darkened, and the rain had returned. In the greys she stood uncertain. The lukewarm water was starting to stain her clothes. “Won’t you chase after them?” she heard from behind her. She heard a tapping on an umbrella. She turned around and found Ditzy offering her shelter. Sunset stepped closer to Ditzy and out of the rain. Sunset sighed, wanting to say she really wanted to. She did want to follow them. She had tried to. She looked up to Ditzy, who was still waiting for an answer. “I… I’m not even sure if I should.” She finally said. Ditzy gasped and recoiled. “But why?” She asked. “They’re your friends!” “That might be precisely why,” Sunset said. “It’s my fault she got hit in the first place.” “It was a fluke, wasn’t it?” Ditzy said. Sunset shook her head. “I never should’ve traded places with her.” She frowned. “I should’ve just let go of apologizing to Fluttershy when she told me to.” Sunset crossed her arms and looked down. “We should’ve just had lunch indoors.” She turned away from Ditzy, stepping half away from under the umbrella. “I should’ve just stayed home. Stayed in bed.” She felt the rain hit her on her head again. She heard it all around her. The static noise of it hitting the ground and furniture, the draining through the gutters. The overcast thickened still, drowning out ever more of the ambient light. Sunset held up her hands, which quickly filled up with water. She walked towards the bicycle shed, only to find it locked. Above the door was a caged light, buzzing angrily at the high humidity, flickering in protest. Her frustration built up. She turned around and leaned against the door after letting herself fall back against it. What she’d expected to see was gone. Across from her, all around her, was nothing but a dense black smoke, eerily floating above giant puddles and pools yards across. The light above her flickered ever more discordantly, still buzzing. Before her was a teal glimmer in the void. Blinking. A red glow manifested, outlining a sinister and very familiar shape. A wicked laughter rattled her soul. A fire rose within her. Tears ran down her face. The blood rushed through her body, anxious for a fight. “Leave me alone!” Sunset yelled, lashing out. “You can’t fight me, Sunset,” the voice taunted. “Look around. You’re all alone,” she taunted. “I will fight you!” Sunset knew. There was a tremor in her voice that betrayed her faux confidence. She ran towards the crimson cloud, which dispersed like a fine mist. Quickly she turned around and lashed out again. ”I don’t need my friends to defeat you!” Sunset grit her teeth. “I am all I need!” The darkness grew bolder, closer. The seconds between the blinks of the light above her seemed to last longer and longer. Sunset rushed back towards the light, back pinned against the wall. The ominous aura was taking shape. A loud cackling echoed all around her. A swarm of cat sized beasts fluttered around her frantically, letting out the horrible laughter. They pooled together in the water and from the bottom emerged the she-beast she once was. Her heart stood still. “Oh really?” said the fiery daemon. “Sounds like I’ve already won then!” She reached out and held the frightened Sunset’s chin. “You are right of course.” Her former self let go. The demon pushed the wall behind Sunset, toppling it over. Sunset’s eyes were wide, her pupils but pinpricks, as her enemy was now free to pace around her. “You’ve never needed friends,” she said. “After what they’ve done to you, were they ever friends at all?” She stepped closer and swung her hand at Sunset, slow enough for her to catch it. Foolishly, Sunset took the bait. The demon lifted her hand and with the other, reached in and in one rip, tore off every bit of clothing from Sunset’s upper body. Instantly, Sunset let go and jumped back, tripping over backwards. She sat leaning back on her submerged hands, her belly and chest exposed. “Well well, what do we have here?” Her demon taunted. “That must’ve hurt.” She pointed at Sunset’s scars. “It didn’t!” Sunset growled through grit teeth. “I stood up for my friends, and I’d do it again a thousand times over!” She barked. Sunset quickly sat on her haunches and covered herself with her hands and arms. “Oh I don’t mean that.” On her face appeared a wicked grin. “You know I don’t mean that.” Sunset tried to look back in anger, but she knew exactly what the demon meant. Brows furrowed, jaws clenched shut, and tears in her eyes, there was no holding it back. “All those times. All those damned times you cried out for them.” Sunset’s lip quivered. Her breaths strained and turned to soundless screams. She held her hands tightly to her chest, and knelt over. “They weren’t there when you needed them most. They abandoned you.” The demon stomped her foot as her voice grew loud and angry. “They betrayed you!” She yelled. “You almost died!” Sunset knelt forward, palms flat on the floor. Amidst the crushing weight of her past sins, the tearing pain of her friends betrayal and the hopelessness of lacking any power to change these things, she lay bare. Before the beast she now lay in a foetal position, her arms under her head. Waves washing against her shoulders, hips and belly button. “Leave me alone,” Sunset whimpered. “Please let me be alone,” she hiccupped. For a moment, there was only the sound of her sadness. The she beast sighed. “Here lies the heroine, who had sacrificed everything to save her friends’ sisters and their friendship. Hopeless and abandoned.” Sunset could only plead for her to be alone. A plea cast to the void. “What a waste. You were right. You don’t need friends,” The demon said. The demon stepped where the two could exchange looks. Even the she-beast pitied her. “I know I’ve put you through a lot,” she said gleefully, only briefly interrupting her disdain. ”But I’d never reduce you to this.” She held open her arms towards Sunset as if presenting her. ”You don’t deserve this.” The beast put her foot on Sunset’s hip, nudging her. “What hurts you most right now, isn’t your friends or what they’ve done.” She rocked her foot back and forth. “You already know. Twilight told you so.” All that was in Sunset’s mind was chaos. Bits and pieces of conflicting thoughts and feelings. A hot swirling mass of loving those who have hurt you the most. Something she could not hope to comprehend. Her past self lifted her foot off of Sunset and stepped away. “There is only one way out.” Sunset’s deep love for her friends was the unmovable bedrock. And it hurt. They had saved her and embraced her at her worst. These were the only things she was certain of, however much she would doubt everything else. It was an inextinguishable spark. “For…. You….,” Sunset sputtered. “We won’t... ever... be the same again.” “Neither will your friends,” the beast knelt down by Sunset. “And neither will you. You will come to me, Sunset. You will embrace me, just like you are now.” She got back up. She looked down at her new self, writhing on the floor. “You don’t have a choice. I am your true self.” With what little strength she had, Sunset bolded her fist. The demon twirled on the spot and turned her back on Sunset. As she was moving away, Sunset had found only the strength to kneel. “Doubt. Doubt yourself. Doubt your friends,” the beast continued. “Fear what they might do to you. Fear what might happen next. You’ve already hurt two of them, be sure to mind the rest.” She moved back towards the darkness. “You will come around again, Sunset. The worst is yet to come. You will dread and seek out strength, doubt and look for certainty.” She stood there at the edge of the void, squarely facing away. Suddenly, her head shook rapidly, her neck slowly bending over backwards with a crack and a snapping sound. Shrunken pupils sat within the pitch black of her eyes. With a feral growl and a scraping like nails on a chalkboard, her voice came back to break silence. “That’s where you will find me. That’s where I will come for you!” With a clap of thunder and in a puff of smoke, the beast had vanished. The rain had stopped. The overcast was back and the ambient light turned fairly bright again. Sunset got up, hunching over, holding her hands on her sick and aching belly. Her legs were shaking. In the distance, the clouds parted in places, being pierced by a heavenly light. From across the schoolyard, like a spotlight, one was moving as though it was searching for Sunset. “Celestia,” Sunset whispered. Her legs gave way and she splashed back into the water, landing on her knees. “I don’t deserve this.” She cried. “Celestia... ” She heard the weakness in her own voice. She was all that was, and for her lonesome self she felt both pity and contempt. Asking for salvation she would not even grant to herself. She closed her eyes and faced the ground. Her wet hair stuck to her naked body. Limply, her palms laid open on her knees. “I don’t deserve this,” she cried again. “But please … Save me!” The clouds kept rolling about. Longingly, Sunset ached to feel the warmth of the light. None came. Sunset looked about, to see if any of them drew closer, only to find them fade away and die out. The last beam thinned down and sharpened to within the breadth of a needle, and vanished, never having graced her. Her last beacon of hope was gone. What followed was a long and unearthly wail that can only come from a pain of depths unknown. A manifestation wrenched her gut and tore at her heart. She could feel a black bile bubbling in her body. After a deep breath, she begged to let it all out in the only way she could. Reaching out to any higher powers that could free her from her burden. “Pleeeasseeee…,” she screamed. “Ple-hee-hee-haasssee…,” she cried. She clenched her teeth and silently whimpered. “Please.” she begged. But there was no light at the end of this tunnel. No salvation. No bottom to this pit. She recalled Twilight’s words. Never could she have imagined how right she would be, nor how much she would wish her to be wrong. It hurts because you love them. “Applejack… Pinkie Pie,” her voice had become grating and course. Her throat ached. “Rarity...” She held up her empty powerless hands. “Please… please come back to me!” “Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy! Pleaaaase!!” Every call got interrupted by a deep breath, and sobbing. “Please. Celestia pleaasse bring them back to me!” There was a beat in her heart, a single one striking harder than the others. A painful beat. The beat of a body urging for calm. Of a heart about to burst. Thus she quieted down. Sunset’s dire fit had passed. Her breathing had returned to normal. She lay quietly in the lukewarm water completely without thought or desire. The pain hadn’t subsided. She simply had no choice but to be as she was. Her throat stung from all the yelling and crying. Her knees and palms hurt having landed on them a bit harder than she could handle. Her heartbeat had been steady and blue. She closed her eyes, feeling that this awful pain was here to stay. “Mommy...,,” she finally sighed. The thought of her caring mother soothed her. For the moment, she could forget her pain and focus on the warmth flowing about her. Her whole world became so much brighter. She rolled onto her back. “Sunset,” echoed a voice from above. “My wonderful little girl.” Sunset opened her eyes and saw the clouds gently drifting by, thinning out. “Mother...” she said in recognition. “You are not alone,” the voice echoed. “And you never will be.” The clouds parted above her. Sunshine enveloped her. “You can overcome this. I have faith in you. You are strong.” She squinted her eyes against the light and finally closed them. A warmth touched upon her skin, lingering where she had been hurt so much. Her blemishes exposed to the sun. “Don’t let go of who you are. Never let go of who I love most of all.” Sunset lifted her arms up, as if to embrace the ethereal calling out to her. Between her closing arms she felt substance. The same she felt coiling around her back. She sighed. “Mother...” *** Lunch break had come to an end and classes were resuming. Next up was chemistry, something for which Sunset had quite the natural gift. The way she figured, it all mapped really well to magic in Equestria. Atomic numbers, the number of bonds elements could form, attraction and repulsion, all struck familiar chords. How many circles go in a particular transformation spell, which arcs arcana must flow through to accomplish some feat like levitation or teleportation, and so on. To her earthly friends, not so much, though of course to varying degrees. The door to the classroom opened and Sunset and her friends entered, sans Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, along with the other students. All the desks had been prepared with various bits of equipment. A Bunsen burner, a few vials with different chemicals, a petri dish, something that looked like a straightened out paperclip with a small loop at the end, a beaker and finally, quite the bottle of some transparent liquid. This sort of classroom setup had a magical way of telling the interested students from those lacking. Eager to get started, Sunset moved a bit faster than usual, as did Rainbow Dash. Rarity sighed at the prospect of the messy lesson, and AJ at her friends’ exaggerated responses. Rainbow Dash beat Sunset to sitting down, waiting for her country girl lab partner to catch up to her. Sunset smiled an inviting smile to Rarity, who came to sit with her. “What ahr you so excited ‘bout RD?” asked Applejack. “Ah thought ya didn’t lahk nerdy classes.” Dash tried to back down or hide away a bit of her antsiness, without much success. “Pffh, yeah no I don’t,” she waved off the misapprehension. “But it does have its moments.” Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Uhm, hello?” Dash exclaimed, holding the Bunsen burner, tapping it. “Obviously the parts where we get to see some action!” Sunset and Rarity looked at AJ from behind Rainbow Dash and snickered at the little back and forth. AJ noticed. “Ah wouldn’t be surprised if ya liked chemistry more than even Sunset.” AJ said. Dash quickly turned around to see a surprised Sunset, both blushing a little, for different reasons. “Yeah right!” Dash said. “No offence Sunset, but I’m not that nerdy. I just like it when we get to use the Bunsen.” “None taken,” Sunset chuckled. “I’m not jockey enough to be that much into sports either,” she said, as a way of reflecting Dash’s remark. “No offence.” “Yer too tall to be a jockey tho,” AJ interrupted. “Ha!” Dash laughed and pointed. Sunset looked to Rarity, who was amused, though not laughing. “I’ll explain later, darling,” she said. “I’d be surprised if you had jockeys where you’re from, after all.” Sunset looked among her friends for any clues as to what a jockey might be, though for the life of her she couldn’t think of any explanation. Rarity suddenly gigglesnorted in a very un-ladylike fashion. “You better explain after class!” Sunset said in mock anger. “I’m sorry dear,” Rarity started. “I just imagined what jockeys in Equestria would be like. Oh Celestia I have to shake this thought before I burst out laughing!” Right then, Ms Erlenmeyer entered the classroom and shushed the crowd. “Alright class! I know you’re all excited to get started, so let me explain what we will be doing today.” Everyone piped down and paid attention. “In front of you, you have a set of various tools and chemicals you’re all already familiar with.” The students looked at the vials before them. Most of them were metal powders or solutions of salts. The only labels on the vials were plain numbers. “Except for one item,” the teacher continued. “Which is the wire you all have in front of you.” “Oooh,” Rarity said with intrigue. “We’ll be using this wire to test the chemicals in the vials using the flame test and identify what chemical is in which vial,” miss Erlenmeyer said. “Please use the tool carefully, as it is a surprisingly expensive piece of equipment.” “Would surprise me,” Dash said quietly, inspecting the wire. She raised her hand. “Yes, Rainbow Dash?” said miss Erlenmeyer. “What’s so special about a straightened out paper clip?” Dash asked incredulously. “I’ve had plenty of these.” “Ya mean ya made plenty of these,” Applejack said with a wink. “Shut up,” Dash said, nudging Applejack. “Well,” the teacher started, “to ensure the purity of the test, we need a precious metal with a fairly high melting point. Can you guess which element that wire is?” Miss Erlenmeyer never wasted an opportunity for her students to learn. “It’s platinum!” Rarity exclaimed. Everyone turned to her. Rarity sunk into her seat a little and adjusted her volume to “indoor” before she spoke again. “It’s platinum, isn’t it?” “Very good Rarity,” miss Erlenmeyer confirmed. She turned to the rest of the class. “So please handle it with care.” There was a sense of awe in the murmuring that followed, as a lot of the students hadn’t expected to hold this much platinum today. The teacher continued her explanation. “You have a sheet in front of you with instructions and what colours match which chemicals. Before you start, please be aware of the risks in this experiment.” Miss Erlenmeyer walked behind her desk and went over her own set of equipment, demonstrating the setup. “First, we’ll be using the invisible flame on the Bunsen burner,” she said. “It’s both hard to see and incredibly hot. It’s also fairly tall and not just the little bit that you can see.” “Second,” she continued. “The big jug contains hydrochloric acid.” Some of the students shuffled a bit nervously. They looked around to see if any jars were near their backs rather than just the ones in front of them. “Of course, it’s been diluted. However, it is also still dangerous,” the teacher warned. She unscrewed the plug of the jug and poured a small amount of the acid in the beaker. “Carefully pour some of the acid into the beaker.” She put the jar back down and screwed on the plug. “Always put the plug back on and secure it tight.” “If you get some of the acid on you, rinse it off immediately in the small sink at your desk.” The teacher pointed at the shower in the corner. “If you’ve been exposed to more or don’t know exactly where you’ve been exposed, please use the emergency shower in the corner.” “Rinsing will be enough to get rid of it,” she said. “It’s not like in the movies where things are dissolved in seconds.” A sigh of relief resounded in the classroom. “However, you will get burns if you’re not careful. So act safe, calm and quickly.” “Third, part of the experiment is finding out which chemicals are in the vials.” She waved her hand across the various numbered vials on her desk. “Keep that in mind, as you’ll thus be working with unknown substances. If you get any on you, rinse it off. They’re all a lot safer than the acid.” “Now that the setup is all complete, let me demonstrate the routine once so you may start with your lab partner.” She looked around the classroom and was happy to find everyone was paying close attention. “First, you clean the platinum wire in the beaker. The acid will make it clean again.” She explained. “Next, you place some of the substance on the petri dish.” She put some of the powder into the dish. ”Then you use the wire to scoop some from the dish.” She almost did just that. “BUT!” she shouted, intercepting her own mistake, “don’t put it in wet.” She put the wire in the flame, drying it instantly. ”Now that the wire is dry, you may scoop some of the powder.” She carefully put some powder on the wire and moved it closer to the flame. Some students were sitting on the edge of their seats. “And then...” The wire entered the flame. A cacophony of Oohs and Aahs resounded as the flame itself turned a bright and intense violet. There was excited whispering. The word “fireworks” suddenly became quite popular. “Ahem, can I have your attention please?” The teacher continued. “There are two more steps after this.” Though the room hadn’t gone silent, most everyone was still with her. “Your lab partner will write down the colour of the flame and the number of the vial from which you got the substance,” miss Erlenmeyer said. “After that, you may move on to the next vial. Deduce from your findings which substance is in which vial using the chart you’ve been provided.” She clapped her hands together once, her signal that the experiment could begin. ”Good luck.” All around the room, paired up students nodded and decided on roles. So too did Rarity and Sunset, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “Lemme guess?” AJ said sarcastically to Rainbow Dash, who was completely hogging the platinum wire. “Ah’ll be taking notes?” Rainbow Dash nodded excitedly, happy to see Applejack was such a good and understanding friend. And that she got to make some fireworks. Maybe just because she got to make some fireworks. “How ‘bout a wager then?” Applejack continued. “If y’all can guess what you just put in the flame, you get ‘nother turn. But if yer wrong, Ah get ta do the next one.” “You’re on!” Dash said enthusiastically, though not without some immediate doubt, since she had no idea how good of an opponent she was facing. She did not want to recall their most recent grades, that’s for sure. Meanwhile, Rarity and Sunset also had a clear arrangement. Rarity was not one to handle hazardous materials, whereas Sunset definitely liked the hands on approach. All that was settled with a simple nod. “Can we move the Bunsen burner between us?” Sunset asked, already having moved the other equipment to her side. “We’ll both get a closer look.” “Of course,” Rarity said. Sunset detached the gas tube going to the burner from her side of the desk and let Rarity connect it to a gas outlet on her side. “I don’t much care for chemistry save for the rare occasion,” Rarity said. “Is this...” Sunset said, uncertain as to why Rarity stopped mid-sentence. “Is this one such occasion?” Rarity nodded. “Is it because of the platinum?” Sunset asked. Rarity nodded again. “Plus, that violet flame was positively stunning. I never thought I’d say this but,” she continued. ”I’m actually curious what colours we’ll get to make.” Rarity smiled with a contained excitement. “Are you sure you only want to take notes?” Sunset asked. “I’m okay with taking turns.” “As much as I love handling platinum in almost any capacity, I don’t trust those powders and liquids anywhere near my clothes or skin,” she said with her arms crossed. “Plus I imagine you’d enjoy it a lot more than I would in any case. I’ll be happy to put my handwriting to good use for us.” Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash had a brilliant red flame before her. “Wow! Is that the coolest thing ever or what?” She said a little louder than a teacher might’ve appreciated. She looked at the periodic table of elements wallpaper behind Applejack, but without much luck. ”Any idea what it was?” “Ah think it was lithium, but Ah can’t say for sure,” Applejack said. “There’s a listed crimson red and a brick red.” She looked at Dash a bit befuddled. “Ah guess we’ll have to find the other red one ta be sure.” She held out her hand, suggesting for Rainbow Dash to hand over the wire. Dash reluctantly let her have it, though a split second later devoted her full attention to the flame, ready to see the fireworks and maybe even take some notes. Maybe. Applejack looked over to Rarity, who she was certain could identify the red hue without even trying. “Looks like Applejack and Rainbow Dash are getting a head start, Sunset,” Rarity said. “Let’s get to it, shall we?” She handed Sunset the beaker and the platinum wire. Sunset set down the beaker and poured in a small amount of the HCl from the jug. She stirred it with the platinum and let the wire sit in the glass. “Let’s work our way down from the first vial,” Sunset said, grabbing the first vial. She put some of the powder from the vial on the petri dish. She closed the vial and put it away. Carefully she got the wire and dried it in the flame. “Well, here goes.” Sunset scooped up some powder and put it into the flame. Rarity squinted her eyes in case it would be bright. The violent flame turned a very calming amber. Rarity took her notes after she snapped out of marvelling. Sunset stirred the wire in the acid and dried it in the flame. She put the first vial on Rarity’s side of the table before grabbing the next one. She put some of the powder from the second vial on the dish and scooped it up with the wire. The flame turned blue, somewhere between sky blue and azure. Rarity was really mesmerized with how such an elegant sequence of actions can make something so pretty out of ugly toxic powders and the most intense of flames. The platinum really brought out the colours since it itself did neither react, nor act as a catalyst. Each time it came out brilliant. As Sunset held the wire back in the flame for the next vial, Rarity spoke up. “You know Sunset, if you don’t mind,” she started, “I… I think I would like to give it a try after all.” Sunset instantly smiled gleefully at the chance to share something she liked as much as this. “Sure thing!” She said, as she handed Rarity the wire. “You know what to do next?” Rarity nodded and reached for the third vial. Sunset handed her the vial and the petri dish so she could continue the experiment. She got ready to take some notes. Gingerly, she put some of the powder on the dish and lit it with the wire. The flame turned a near violet blue, though not particularly bright. Rarity let out a little gasp. “It’s like a little sapphire!” Sunset was writing down the observation from the experiment, though she’d much rather be writing in her diary to Twilight. It wasn’t much of a friendship lesson, but it certainly was magical to see someone she’d never imagine appreciating chemistry with her like this. She was merely the observer. Rarity did this all on her own, and for her own enjoyment. Rarity looked about before her for the beaker, which Sunset promptly handed her. She rinsed the wire and dried it in the flame. “Wow, you’re picking this up pretty quickly, Rarity!” Sunset said. Rarity winked “I learnt from the master!” Sunset provided the fourth vial for Rarity, who poured some of the powder onto the petri dish and lit it in the flame using the wire. A brilliant flame came forth, flooding the room in white for seconds on end. “Ooh ho ho my!” Rarity said with a chuckle. “Was that bit much?” She asked as the light finally died out. Sunset rubbed her eyes from the flash. “Maybe just a little bit, yeah.” Sunset heard a tapping noise, like a key hitting the table at random until it hit the glass of the beaker. Rarity rattled the wire in the glass, sterilizing it. Her vision was still blurry but Sunset noticed Rarity dragging the cup of acid towards her, not having lifted the wire out of it. “Rarity, hold still.” Rarity froze, not moving a muscle. “Is… please don’t tell me there’s a spider on me,” she said quietly. “I’m still a little blinded by the light.” “Don’t worry, I won’t tell you there’s a spider on you,” Sunset joked. Startled. Rarity jerked her hands back, knocking over the beaker and spilling the acid. “Teacher!” Sunset yelled. “We have a situation here!” The teacher hastily made her way to their desk, pulling Rarity, seat and all, away from the acid. “Everything alraht?” Applejack asked. Rainbow had turned around as well. The teacher looked about, assessing that they were. “Yes Applejack, they’re fine.” “I still see blots everywhere,” Sunset complained. “Rarity, are you okay?” She could barely make out that Rarity nodded. “Yes darling, I’m fine, save for the blots as well.” She frowned. “But next time if you want to joke around, please pick a better occasion.” Sunset looked at the desk and noticed the spilt cup of acid. She’d been bright enough only to use a few millilitres, unlike some of the other students who just filled it up. This could’ve had a worse outcome, she realized. Now there was but a small spillage on the table, easily cleaned up. Miss Erlenmeyer tended to it. “I’m sorry, Rarity,” Sunset said. “I just noticed you were dragging the beaker towards you and didn’t want it to spill on you.” She chuckled a little. “Ironically, I figured saying ‘Rarity wait!’ or ‘Rarity stop!’ might startle you.” “It’s alright Sunset, you’re forgiven,” Rarity said as she was joining up with Sunset. Sunset’s heart skipped a beat. She looked around and spotted Ditzy looking back a few rows ahead of her. Ditzy simply nodded and turned back around. “Thank you Rarity,” Sunset said. “That means a lot to me.” “Let’s continue with the next vial, shall we?” Rarity said. “I wouldn’t want to finish this in after hours.” “You sure you’re up for it?” Sunset asked “I mean, I don’t mind to-” “Yes yes darling, it’s fine,” Rarity said, holding the wire in the flame. “If you could pour me another bit of the acid?” She was already getting the next vial and the petri dish. ‘Woah, she’s really taking charge’ Sunset thought. “Yeah sure,” she said. Sunset got the beaker and the jug. She rinsed the beaker, cleaning off any residual acid before pouring a new batch. In the refraction of the glass and acid she saw a violet light coming from the Bunsen burner. She looked at Rarity, handing her the beaker. “Slow down will ya?” she said, “I wasn’t even ready to take notes yet.” “I’m sorry dear,” Rarity apologized. “I thought you were ready.” “It’s okay, Rarity,” Sunset said. You are forgiven. The thought lingered. Forgiven. She thought again. For what? What did she herself need forgiveness for? Sunset looked at Rarity, who was completely focused on the experiment. What for did Rarity need forgiveness? Why was it these words stuck with her in these plain situations? The flame burnt a sea green as Rarity progressed through the matter. She put the wire in the cup. “Rarity?” Sunset asked. “Did something happen between us?” Rarity let the wire rest in the beaker and turned to Sunset, resting her arms in her lap. Sunset had her full attention, and Rarity hers. “I’ve been thinking,” Rarity began. “What you said this morning when we sat in the cafeteria.” Rarity held her head low in shame, though not without losing eye contact. “We have been quite distant, and it’s a shame really.” Sunset was glad to hear there was no ill intent behind how they’ve grown apart, though the fact they had was no less painful for it. “So, what did happen?” Sunset asked. “Don’t you remember darling?” Rarity asked. Sunset noticed the Crusaders standing behind her lab partner. Like lightning, her temper struck bad soil. “Oh I remember now,” Sunset snarled. She got up, as did Rainbow Dash and Applejack behind her. “Woh woh, easy Sunset.” Dash said. Sunset turned around, and Applejack scuttled past Dash. Sunset was breathing heavily. Her fists hung by her belly. Applejack sighed. “Ahm sorry Sunset, ‘bout all the rott’n things that have been goin’ on.” She looked to Rarity, then to Dash and finally back to Sunset again. “The things we’ve all done.” “We would’ve still been friends had it not been for those three!” Sunset yelled, pointing at their sisters. “It’s not fair, Applejack!” Her lip quivered. “It’s not fair!” “Why...” Sunset trembled. “Why weren’t you there for me?” She turned to Dash, who dared to look surprised. “Where were you when I needed you most?!” She poked Dash in the chest, nearly pushing her over had she not put her hands on the desk. “Well?! Answer me!” All Dash did was look away in shame. “I...” Sunset swallowed. “I was going to say I could handle all the bullying. And I did, for the most part.” She put a fist on Rainbow Dash, verging on a punch. “But what hurt the most.” She landed another fist. “What I couldn’t … Why did you betray me?! You’re Rainbow Dash! How could you?!” With a push, she got off of Dash and looked back to Applejack. “And why didn’t you seek the truth? Why did you doubt me?” Sunset looked down and shook her head. “You doubted me over strangers on the internet.” Sunset swung a fist square in Applejack’s face, only to stop at a hair’s breadth. Rarity gulped, knowing she was next. She got up and pushed her seat back as she stepped away from Sunset. “Where do you think you’re going?” Sunset asked as she spun around. ”You’re as guilty as all the others!” “I’m sorry Sunset!” Rarity said. “I just didn’t know who else it could have been!” “You thought I was GUILTY?! Are you insane?!” She hit her fist on the desk. “Why, by Celestia’s mane, would I spread those awful rumours?!” “I don’t-” “I don’t want to hear it!” Sunset shrieked. She violently swiped her notebook at Rarity if not right at her sister. Rarity put her hands up. The notebook hit the Bunsen burner, sending it flying. Rarity let out a blood curdling shriek as the flame burnt her skin and clothes. Sunset covered her mouth in shock. The teacher came running and dragged Rarity towards the shower. “Sunset! The gas!” She yelled. For the moment, Sunset found some clarity and went and turned off the gas to the burner, which in turn ceased immediately. Everyone moved towards the corner, trying to get a glimpse of Rarity’s situation. The teacher had already turned off the shower. The fire had died. “Please make way!” Erlenmeyer said. “Clear a tap please. Come on Rarity.” She helped Rarity towards a tap, holding her burnt arms under the lukewarm water. “Sunset, could you call in the nurse?” the teacher said. “Explain the situation on your way back.” Sunset nodded, knowing Rarity was in good hands. She looked back at Rarity, who was gritting her teeth and crying with her eyes shut tight while her arms were cooled under the lukewarm water. Saying sorry was not going to do her any good, the nurse would. As fast as she could safely manage, she moved out of the classroom and into the hallway. Down three flights of stairs and back down a hallway, she made it to the nurse’s office. “Nurse… Redheart?” Sunset panted. “Ch-Chemistry lab, burns, first or second degree. Hurry.” Nurse Redheart immediately grabbed the appropriate equipment and moved out. She stopped in the doorway. “Who’s hurt?” “Rarity,” Sunset said. Redheart nodded and went on her way. Sunset sat down on one of the lounge chairs in the office to catch her breath. Around the corner, she heard a running tap and a glass filling up. She looked to the door. A familiar silhouette walked in. Sunset looked away. Ditzy offered a glass of water to Sunset and put it on the coffee table. Sunset took the glass and chugged away. Ditzy closed the door and sat down across from Sunset. Sunset daren’t look to Ditzy. “I didn’t chase after anyone, again,” Sunset said. “I got out of the way and got Rarity the help she needed.” Ditzy nodded. “But,” she started, “you’re also not going to run back, are you?” Sunset shook her head. Ditzy sighed and got up. She motioned for Sunset to follow her out the door. One room down this dead end was the infirmary. The door was locked. Through the wire glass, Sunset saw a blurry pink blob resting on the table, and a yellow-pink blur sitting peacefully beside her. “Half the day has passed,” Ditzy said. Sunset looked to Ditzy. Who had a hand on the glass, though she was looking back at Sunset. The two figures behind the glass hadn’t moved, though a quiet whimpering could be heard. Sunset faced the glass again and frowned in silence. “They’re not here because of you,” Ditzy said. “But you are.” Sunset angrily turned to Ditzy. “What, so you think I burnt Rarity on purpose?!” She angrily yelled. “Just like how she thought I’d lied about everyone?!” Ditzy shook her head and looked as serious as Sunset had ever seen a person. Ditzy held Sunset’s shoulders. “What I’m saying is that you’ve changed!” Ditzy’s voice carried a sense of dread and concern. “And you’re still changing.” Sunset calmed down, trying to reflect on what she’d been doing today, realizing Ditzy was right. “And, I hope you can see where you’re headed,” she pondered. Sunset let it sink in before answering. “I’d like to think I do,” she answered. She turned away from Ditzy. “I feel so lost without my friends, Ditzy.” She turned back to her. “And it gets worse!” Ditzy gave her an inquisitive look. “Oh?” “I have nowhere to let go of all of this… This anger and frustration!” She said, having raised her voice. “This is where I’d talk it out with them! But I can’t!” Her eyes had gone watery. “I can’t… I can’t go back to them, Ditzy!” Ditzy walked up to Sunset, offering her a shoulder to cry on. She wrapped her arms around her until she’d quieted down. “I’m sorry I’m such a mess,” Sunset finally said. “I understand,” Ditzy said. “Do you?” Sunset asked. “I hope you don’t, for your sake. I hope you’ve not been through something like this!” Sunset raised her voice again. “I’ve never seen the whole school turn against you! You’re just a pathetic little wallflower, never making a fuss! The worst you get is some mocking over your strabismus!” She punched her palm with a fist. “You don’t get kicked to the floor or have people messing you up! Heck, I think I might’ve been the worst thing that happened to you and no offence, but I didn’t even care enough to pester you!” “Do you even have any friends who could betray you like mine did me? Is there anyone you’d just want out of your life for a while?!” Sunset yelled. Then, she dropped dead quiet, as she noticed Ditzy quietly sobbing. Sunset face palmed, realizing what she’d just done. “You’re right Ditzy, I have changed,” Sunset said, looking down. “I’m sorry for taking that all out on you. Forget what I just said.” Ditzy wiped away a tear. “I’m sorry,” she started quietly. “I’m sorry we made you into this,” she apologized. “I’m sorry I never had a second thought.” “H-hey, come now! I’m the one apologizing!” Sunset stammered, putting a hand on Ditzy’s shoulder. Ditzy looked up. “But all those times I could’ve stepped in! All those times I could’ve just-” “All those times you could’ve should have and would have,” Sunset interrupted. “Trust me when I say, I understand. That’s about 95% of my thoughts.” Ditzy’s tears had stopped. “If it makes any difference, I don’t remember you hurting me personally, or coming after me or my friends,” Sunset said. “So fess up to something you actually did or just let it go.” The blonde girl stopped to think but nothing came to mind. Sunset shook her head. “If you come up with anything, don’t bother with it,” Sunset said. She smiled. “Thanks for taking the heat just now, even if you didn’t mean to. Or I for that matter.” Ditzy nodded. Sunset sighed. “I’m not sure if I’m changing for the better or for the worst,” Sunset said. “Maybe both, in some ways. Clearly, the way I was wasn’t good enough.” She said, crossing her arms. “Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to change. Be more assertive, more dominant. Taking some control. Not letting my happiness depend on others.” “You’ll really have to think about what you want to keep around and what you’ll need to shake,” Ditzy said. “While you have that luxury. If you don’t make those decisions, they’ll only end up being made for you.” Sunset looked to Ditzy with worry. “I’m not looking forward to it. I was okay with who I was. Who I am. Sure, I have insecurities and flaws, but I was heading in the right direction.” She looked away in pain. “I had my friends to help me. To guide me.” Sunset said. Her expression hadn’t changed for the better when she looked back to Ditzy. “I’m not sure if I can do this on my own. I’m actually pretty sure I’ll fail!” Ditzy nodded. “Things have changed a lot around you,” she said. “You will change, whether you want to or not.” “I don’t want to change!” Sunset said. “I want my friends back! I want things to go back to normal!” Sunset could see Ditzy’s mouth moving. She could hear the sound of her voice. Yet, she couldn’t make out what she was saying. “Ditzy?” Sunset asked. “I didn’t catch the last part, could you repeat that?” However, Ditzy eloquently moved, almost danced, past Sunset as if in a hurry to get somewhere. She nodded and waved goodbye before moving on at a jogger’s pace, leaving Sunset behind on her own. Sunset turned back to the wire glass. Her friends had moved on. She should go back to class now that she’s caught her breath and enough clarity to do so. Yet another thing not to look forward to. Just before she turned away, the door to the room behind the wire glass opened up. A purple person, a young lady, had walked in. Sunset felt her heart beating in her throat. In a hurry, she ran around the corner to get into the wire glass room. It was dim and deserted, faint yellow light falling in from down the hallway. “We may have been drawn to you because it is our destiny,” she heard Twilights voice within her mind. ”and well, my destiny for sure, but it was you who ultimately reached out to us and found salvation. That day ...” Sunset closed her eyes and envisioned Twilight standing before her. She knew she looked at Sunset with eyes that had matured a great deal past those that had gazed upon Sunset’s outer daemon. “That day, you gave me something special, for which I am forever grateful.” “You conquered the monster of your own creation. I had never seen anything like it. You, Sunset,” Twilight poked Sunset on her chest. ”You are the spark of hope I hold dear for everyone I will ever meet.” Sunset looked away with a painful grimace, hearing words of which she felt she was not deserving. She crossed her arms and knowing she would fail to hold back any tears as she did. Twilight kept quiet for a moment, waiting for Sunset to protest. To doubt her every word. She didn’t. Twilight spoke again. “Sunset, listen to me,” Twilight said. “This is very important.” Sunset looked up, wiping away her tears. Before her stood Twilight manifest. “We have defeated your demon,” Twilight said. “Do you know what that means?” Sunset quietly shook her head. “That means that all that is left, is you. Only you. Only the good in you,” Twilight said. “And you have to remember that.” She smiled coyly, like a teacher would at a student. She had her mother’s smile. “You are not your old self. You don’t know who you are anymore. Everything is strange and new.” Sunset felt her own heart beating quietly as she listened intently to the one person who seemed to understand her more than even she did. “But that itself is something you can understand,” Twilight continued. “Understand that the known isn’t always good. You have shed your darkness but have yet to fill the hole left in its place.” Twilight stepped forward and embraced the silenced Sunset. “I know you can do it, Sunset. We can do it. All of us together.” Images of Sunset’s friends flashed before her mind’s eye in rapid succession. Of Rarity and Pinkie Pie, of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Of Applejack. Images of joy, evolving into the grim final memories she had of them. Sunset pushed Twilight away, trembling. Twilight steadied her body though her features were riddled with confusion. “This is not about me, Twilight!” Sunset cried out. “You know this! I’ve told you this!” She breathed heavily, sobbing. “This isn’t about me! It’s got nothing to do with my demon either! They all betrayed me!” Twilight didn’t speak. Sunset caught her breath. “That’s the hole!" Sunset concluded. “I don’t know myself! But I sure as Tartarus don’t know any of them anymore!” She said, lashing out. “Do you still know me?” Twilight asked. Sunset paused. The two exchanged intense and scrutinizing looks. Any minor twitch in their faces could make or break the answer. “To be honest Twilight, I’m not sure,” Sunset finally began. “Rationally, I know I know you. I know who you are. I know you’re not with those at school. You’ve not bullied nor betrayed me. You’ve done nothing but support me an-” She sobbed, “And you’ve been a good friend.” “But ...” Twilight inquired. “But can you really blame me for having doubts? Five people I considered just as close to me as you just did the unthinkable. How can I trust anyone anymore?” Sunset asked. Desperation crept into her next few words. “How can I? Why should I?” “I don’t know,” Twilight answered sincerely. “My studies have not been that advanced. Your doubts are reasonable.” “... I guess such a blunt, cool and academic answer instead of empty platitudes does give me some faith in you, instead of in the future,” Sunset remarked with a sarcastic air. “I know you, Sunset,” Twilight began. “And I also know our friends in this world. Do you trust me enough to believe me when I say that?” Sunset frowned as her thoughts conflicted. She wanted to trust Twilight. She had earned the benefit of the doubt. However, who was to say that their five friends wouldn’t betray Twilight? Did Twilight know them well enough to consider what they’d done? What they might do to her? “How can you trust them when you’re in no different position than me?” Sunset asked. “Are you telling me that you’d trust them even after what they’ve done to me?” This was but a minor skirmish in a long drawn out war, Twilight knew. An important one, absolutely, but not one that would win or lose everything. Not one that when drawn out, would end any better than at any other time. “I have faith in myself,” Twilight said. “I know and trust myself well enough to be able to find an answer that will bring us all back together.” “But do you trust them?” “You’re right Sunset,” Twilight’s face was awash with sadness. A real sadness, though small, realized at the same level of Sunset’s betrayal and abandonment. A connection. “What they did was absolutely unthinkable. I never thought I’d find myself in this situation. I didn’t think something like this would happen, that they would do something as terrible as this.” “However,” she continued, “I also know they deeply regret that they’ve hurt you this bad.” Twilight put up a cautious smile. “I trust myself enough to trust my friends. And I trust you enough to trust me.” In the pit of her stomach, Sunset could feel it. The time for judging people merely on intuition and feelings was over. Having tried people on their purpose to her cause before, and after, having trusted them as a matter of faith, she had again run out of ways to tell friend from foe. Her mind ran it to the absurd where she’d keep logs and fill out technical scoring forms on “how good a friend Pinkie Pie had been today,” already aware that this was not the way. However they would get back together, it would take a very long time to even trust anyone again, let alone those five. Do I trust Twilight? Sunset asked herself. The answer was an unmistakable no. However… “I trust you’ll be able to find a way,” Sunset said, finally. “I hope you will.” Twilight nodded. “Always remember that you have your own power too, Sunset. After all this has passed and you look back, don’t ask ‘what have I become?’ but instead, ‘what have I made of myself?’. You must seize your destiny.” Twilight vanished. Sunset turned around. She got out of the dead end of the nurse’s rooms and back towards the stairs, all the while thinking about what she’d done. Thinking about Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and now Rarity. It’s all my fault. She thought. I should’ve just stayed in bed. The scene of her throwing the notes and inadvertently the Bunsen burner at Rarity and her sister and friends played again in her thoughts. Rarity’s clothes had caught fire when the Bunsen burner hit and the gas tube had momentarily snagged on her hand. Sunset turned at the top of the first flight to ascend the next. Though she didn’t particularly notice, the not all of the lights were on downstairs. In the alarming moment, Sunset hadn’t had time to assess Rarity’s condition beyond “urgent” and “burns”, which was enough to act the way she had. She was left to wonder how her friend was doing. It couldn’t be good. We were having such a great time too, Sunset thought. Please be okay! The next flight of stairs were just around the next turn when Sunset bothered to look behind her. The downstairs hallway had but a faint light coming from the classrooms further down. Sunset picked up her pace, not certain as to why. The last she’d seen of Rarity was her painful grimace. Jaws locked shut, teeth bare, her eyes closed. Tears running down her face. What have I done! Thoughts of Rarity consumed her mind. This was different. This wasn’t like Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie, she realized now. She didn’t deny her responsibility in their suffering, but this time, she had been violent. How could you! echoed Rarity’s voice within her. Worse than carrying anger, it instead carried the sadness she herself felt in her own heart. The sadness of a deep trust violated. On the next stairway, she heard footsteps going up ahead of her. She turned the around at the top of her flight, moving on to the next one. She glanced beyond the doors to the hallway, seeing naught but faint and scattered silver daylight, finding its way in through the windows of the classrooms. All the rest was drowned in shadows. A sense of dread chased her up the next steps. Oh Rarity. What have I done?, Sunset thought. What have I done to you? Sunset frowned with a mix of disgust, fear and anger. I’ve hurt my best friend, she thought grimly. In her gut she felt the bile. She had tarnished Rarity’s trust in her, as well as that of her other friends. A trust they had all worked so hard on to build. She turned at the top of the steps and noticed Ditzy’s shadow on the wall. “Ditzy?” She called out. Ditzy kept moving up the stairs. Sunset was now giving chase. “Ditzy wait!” Sunset shouted. She was close to running out of breath again. “D-uhg! Ditzy!” The footsteps ahead of her had stopped. Sunset turned on to the next set of steps, seeing Ditzy standing still at the top, facing away. “Thanks...” Sunset panted. “Thanks for waiting up…,” she said, still catching her breath. Ditzy turned around where she stood. Sunset couldn’t make out her expression from the bright roof light behind her. She looked away momentarily, shunning from the brightness. The steps down were steeped in utter darkness, save for a teal pair of eyes, surrounded by a faint red aura. Shocked, Sunset looked back up, squinting against the light. Upstairs, Ditzy had extended her hand to Sunset. Sunset could feel the darkness crawling up around her, already grasping her ankles. She wrestled one free, putting her foot on the next step towards Ditzy. Grabbing hold of the railing, she pulled up her other foot. Another step towards Ditzy. Now free, she threw what felt like her last breath against running up. Up. Away from the darkness. Towards the light. Sunset powered through, going up two steps at once, yet Ditzy remained just out of reach as though she were running up an escalator. The steps grew taller and before long, Sunset was barely hanging on to what had become a steep ledge separating her from Ditzy. The gap between them widened, and Sunset’s body had reached its limit, and dropped into the darkness. *** Startled, as though waking from a daydream, Sunset bounced in her seat, sitting back at her desk. She looked around a little out of place, but everything seemed as it should be. To her right she saw Dash and AJ make an amber flame. To her left was Rarity. Unscathed. Across sat Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie working just as hard. Sunset looked at the table. No trace of the acid having tipped over. The Bunsen burner was safe and upright, it’s blue flame sounding like a quiet roar. Around the room she heard the tapping of glass and the excitement of experiments. She looked back to Rarity, who had stopped and looked back at her. “Are you alright, Sunset?” Rarity asked. Sunset didn’t answer and instead looked somewhat bewildered. Her gaze turned to Rarity’s arms and clothing. She was perfectly pristine. “What?” Rarity asked, looking about herself, “Is there something on me?” She gasped. “Did I spill anything nasty on myself? Please tell me I didn’t!” Sunset shook her head. “It’s fine, Rarity,” she said. “I’m just glad you’re okay. I’m sorry.” She looked down. I’m so sorry! She thought “Sorry?” Rarity asked. “Whatever for, darling?” “Well,” Sunset began, not sure if she should even tell her what she’d just experienced. She glanced around the room. Pinkie Pie was listening intently, though still pretending to be focused on the experiment with Fluttershy. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were too much into things to be easily distracted, surprisingly enough. A minor piece was missing. Someone was missing. “I guess I just had a bad day dream just now,” Sunset said. “I’m just happy to be back, that’s all.” Rarity had confusion written all over her face but decided not to doubt Sunset. “Glad to have you with us, Sunset,” Rarity said. “Wherever you may go, or end up, you’ll always be welcome back with us.” “Thank you, Rarity,” Sunset said. Words she had longed to hear, spoken by one of the dear few by whom she needed them spoken. If only today could be like right now, but she daren’t hope for too much. The experiments were coming to an end. Various students had already shut off their burners and washed clean the dish by the sink for chemical waste. So too had Sunset and her friends. Everyone was going through the results of their respective endeavours, concluding they had gotten most of the colours right. Rarity judged the chart to be wrong, much to the bemusement of the others. Sunset sighed in bliss, enjoying the momentary calm. Although she wasn’t interacting with anyone at the moment, as the teacher was explaining the nature of the coloured flames, she could only smile when she saw her friends surrounding her. There was however an anxiety dwelling within her. Someone was missing. Someone important. Things were far from okay, even though they are as they should be. Or rather, her situation falls in line with what she envisioned as being ideal. Through the windows, she noticed her friends’ sisters taking a break in the school courtyard. Talking among themselves. Sweetie Belle suddenly, and calmly, turned around and faced Sunset. Not just looking in her general direction, but looking her dead in the eyes, despite Sunset being a few stories up. Sunset quickly looked away and back into the classroom, hoping against the odds she hadn’t been found out. After a moment, when Sunset looked back again, they were gone. “Sunset?” Ms. Erlenmeyer called out, “could you please tell the class what element was the cause of the amber flame?” Darn it Sunset thought, having paid noticeably little attention. Ms. Erlenmeyer was visibly irritated. “Yeah, sure,” Sunset said. “The amber flame was caused by sodium ions in the solution.” “And?” Ms. Erlenmeyer hinted at further information. “Aaaaaand...” Sunset thought for a moment. “It was the same colours as streetlights?” “Because...” Ms. Erlenmeyer again tried to draw out whatever answer she already knew Sunset wouldn’t have, or thought she didn’t. “Because…. The same thing happens but with electricity instead of a flame?” Sunset smiled sheepishly, thinking she was reaching Twilight levels of studious good girl points. Ms. Erlenmeyer humphed. “Close enough, Sunset,” she said, “I’m glad to hear you were paying attention.” She continued the lecture. Sunset figured she just got lucky. Sunset’s gaze wandered off again back to where she’d seen the Crusaders, though they hadn’t returned. Instead, the moment she turned to look at the door, she noticed them standing behind the window. Sunset couldn’t tell for certain, but it almost seemed they were looking at her. When she blinked, they were gone. The last remaining minutes before the end of class passed swiftly, as the odd occurrence with her friends’ sisters faded from Sunset’s mind. The absence of her important classmate lost priority and all matters of concern were superseded by positive vibes. The bell rang and everyone packed up their stuff. Sunset’s friends had gathered at the door, waiting for her to join them. She picked up her bag and rushed to join them in the hallway, passing by Fluttershy who was holding the door. Stealthily she was trying to catch a glimpse of her hands, which looked to be just fine. Idle chit chat ensued while the group was heading towards the lockers to get their PE attire. They turned the corner at the stairwell, right behind a class of younger students. She noticed Snips and Snails, being led by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, behind whom were some of the other students. At the very front were the Cutiemark Crusaders. Water was running down the outside windows. During these brief moments, everybody followed the same rules. When the bell rings, calmly head towards your next class as quickly as moving calm allows you to move. No time for detours or delays, however much Sunset would want to walk behind anyone but them. To Sunset, the Crusaders had served only one purpose since the incident. They had done nothing but remind her of her situation, which inevitably lead to her losing hope of ever restoring harmony. Restoring her friendships. With each breath of doubt, her will to even try was diminished ever further. Sunset’s clique had finally split off from the other group of students. No minute later had they reached their lockers. They quickly exchanged their valuables and non-essentials for their gym necessities and moved towards the locker room. They all suspended their bags from the hooks over the benches and started to undress. “Is e’rything alra’ht Sunset?” Applejack quietly asked, still facing the wall. “You were pretty quiet on the way here.” “I’m fine,” Sunset said. “I just have a lot on my mind. That’s all.” “Mahbe some exercise will git yer mind offa thangs,” Applejack offers. “Works for me. When Ah’m runnin’ chores on tha farm, it helps sort me out.” “Don’t worry AJ,” Dash said daringly, “I’ll sort you out in just a bit.” “Things won’t be like last time, Dash,” Applejack said. “Yer goin’ down, even if yer goin’ down last.” “And you better watch your back!” Dash winked. Sunset sighed, not even detracting from their banter. She recalled the good times of just today. The presentation on the nervous system with Fluttershy. Lunch with Pinkie Pie. Chemistry with everyone, but in particular in Rarity’s pleasant company. It all seemed too good to be true; that usually means it is. Why had she been so quiet on the way here? Seeing Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle just now, for the whole while going down, had left her without words. All the world had been invisible but those three. Like a rodent waiting for the spider to strike had she followed their every move. A tension had seized in her chest. One wrong move and…. She got slightly startled when Fluttershy put a hand on her shoulder. Sunset had a top around her arms in front of her. She was just about to take it off completely. “Sunset? Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked. Sunset turned around and let the top slide down her arms and into her hands. For a moment she remained just like that. Exposed. She watched her friends closely, one by one as they looked back at her. None of them even responded. Sunset checked herself to be sure, but all the skin on her chest and belly was fair. “Is something wrong, Sunset?” Rarity asked. She looked Sunset up and down, not noticing anything out of place. “Did we miss anything?” Seeing Rarity and her friends’ honest concern was something Sunset had intended by exposing herself like this. To show them her scars. To see again how they would respond. Something to rid herself of this lasting uncertainty one way or the other. Instead, all she should be feeling, she knew, was relief that things had never changed. She was but her previous and intact self. Her friends were as she thought she knew them. Her friends were still looking at her, not having broken the silence or stares. Merely waiting for an answer. Flustered, Sunset turned around and tried to put away the top, making a bit of a mess doing so. “Well, uh, no,” Sunset quickly said. “Like I said, I’m fine!” Her friends looked at one another, to no further clarity. Dash and AJ shrugged. Pinkie Pie and Rarity turned back to changing themselves. Fluttershy kept looking on a bit longer, only to get back to changing seconds after. Sunset got her sports top out and put it over her head. As she was moving her hands towards the sleeves, she touched on where she knew her scars were. All was smooth, no more pain. She pulled the collar to be wide enough to take a peek and check and noticed there was nothing there. Having lost a bit of time, she quickly followed suit with her shorts and shoes. She couldn’t help but wonder if this was all but just a dream, or if having been injured had been. She looked up towards the door from having tied her shoelaces. The dressing room was empty save for her smiling friends waiting for her near the exit. Beyond the open door were the sounds of cheerful students and bouncing balls, rendered invisible by the bright sunlight coming through the high-up southern windows. “Come on! Let’s go!” Dash said, brimming with energy. “We’ve been waiting for this all day!” Sunset got up, certainty sprawled across her face. “Let’s do this!” The group of friends entered the court, Sunset tailing everyone. There was a cold draft when she moved into the light; it felt more refreshing than anything. Looking around, she noticed groups of students just relaxing or playing before class started. The more responsible students were setting up the game, even if it was simply getting the few props ready. The teacher appeared from his office and finished the preparations. The class was issued to do some warming up exercises, involving running a few laps and pairing up to do some stretching. Dash was standing out in the open not yet having picked a partner when her look crossed Sunset’s, who was in the same predicament. A wordless decision had been made. They found themselves a corner spot. Dash lay down on the ground, putting her hands behind her head and keeping her feet together. Sunset got the hint and knelt by Dash’s ankles, holding them in place while Dash did some crunches. “Ya know?” Rainbow Dash began, “I hope we get to be on the same team.” “Oh?” Sunset inquired. “Why is that?” “Last time I lost to~” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “My team lost to Shining Armor’s team. He’s like a tank run by a general.” Sunset looked across the gymnasium, seeing him working out with Flash Sentry. Thoughts she hadn’t had for a while crossed her mind, but not long enough to make her blush. “... and so he totally squash~” “You wouldn’t happen to like the guy, would you?” Sunset asked coyly. Dash quickly looked to her left and right, a bit befuddled from the unexpected question. As if Sunset had asked the floor. She looked at Sunset, who in turn was looking at Shining Armor. Dash turned to look at him before turning her attention back to Sunset. “Well yeah, I like him.” Dash rolled her eyes. “But not like that. More like, healthy competition.” “Uh huh” Sunset said, taking it with enough grains of salt to ruin a good meal. “I mean he beat me last time around,” Dash continued. “So he’s pretty tough competition. I’ve beaten him before but this time he really played things smart.” Dash smirked. “That’s where you come in.” “So what?” Sunset asked. “You want me to outsmart the guy?” Dash made a clicking noise and pointed her fingers. She got up and signalled for Sunset to trade places with her. Sunset lay down on her back. Dash held her ankles. Sunset pondered the situation for a bit but realized she knew next to nothing about Shining’s game, or Dash’s for that matter. She looked at Dash, who was looking at Shining Armor, who was talking to Applejack. “So how did he beat you last time?” Sunset asked. “He’ll never admit it,” Dash began, “but I’ll bet he let himself get hit on purpose so he had a spot behind us. That, and we thought we’d taken out their big shot so we relaxed way too much.” Sunset nodded and Dash continued. “Well, at the time he also had Big Mac since the teams were a bit jumbled. Anyway, Flash, Big Mac and Shining had this triangle going where they’d always end up getting the ball behind us.” Dash blushed a little and squeezed Sunset’s ankles. “I got a clean hit on Big Mac but it didn’t even matter! The their formation just expanded with two of them behind us! They were solid whether they were in or out!” “Yikes,” Sunset said. “That is pretty intense. What about your own team behind enemy lines?” “Didn’t matter. On the rare chance they got the ball, Flash Sentry or Big Mac would easily catch them,” Dash said, gritting her teeth. “Hey!” Sunset raised her voice. “Could you not?” “Oh, sorry,” Dash said, relaxing her grip on Sunset’s legs. “I just hate losing.” Sunset got up having completed her routines. She stood next to Dash, trying to come up with something. “They caught every ball they got tossed?” Sunset asked. Dash nodded. “It was unreal! I tossed as hard as I could, even threw in a curve or two!” Sunset crossed her arms and looked at the “general”. He noticed her staring and waved, to which Sunset awkwardly waved back. Flash looked to and fro between them. It didn’t take long for them to get physical, though not serious. “We’ll have to catch them off guard somehow,” Sunset finally said. “Get them hit via 2 quick passes.” Dash rolled her eyes. “Good luck,” she said. “They track faster than we can catch, aim and toss.” “Well then maybe we shouldn’t do that,” Sunset said. “Come on, I’ve got an idea.” A few minutes went by and the teams had been set. Rainbow Dash hadn’t gotten everyone she’d wanted, but the key figures were on board. Of course, she’d duke it out with Applejack, who had joined up with Shining Armor. As soon as Flash Sentry saw Big Mac with Pinkie Pie and Sunset, he’d recruited Bulk Biceps. Applejack had gone to talk to Rarity and Fluttershy, who’d misread her and joined her team, along with the Flower Trio who overheard them talking about Shining Armor. Sunset and Rainbow Dash had compelled Trixie for the cause, as well as Blossomforth and Cloud Chaser. Lyra and Bon Bon had found themselves forming their own team with Carrot Top and Amethyst Star, but had to give way to the two bigger teams. Lyra and Bon Bon got on Dash’s team, leaving Carrot Top and Amethyst Star to join Shining Armor. The teams had taken to their respective sides of the playing field and the game was set. Shining Armor’s team was completely in position with Applejack, Flash Sentry and Shining Armor himself at the front of their end. Dash and Sunset however were huddling with their team completing their strategy to see if they had gambled right. “Teach!” Sunset called out to the teacher. “We won’t get any new rules today will we?” “Nope,” he answered. He took stock of the students understanding, finding that for some it was their memory that needed some jogging. He got up. “One ball. Hit someone out unless their team catches it, then you’re out. Get back when you hit someone if you’re already out. Last team standing wins,” he announced loud and clear. Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer positioned themselves dead centre, being fronted by Pinkie Pie and Vinyl Scratch. Big Mac was situated right behind Sunset and Rainbow Dash. Octavia, Lyra, Bon Bon and Trixie were on the far end. On the left and right of centre were Blossomforth and Cloud Chaser. “Ah hope ya know what yer doin’ there Dash,” Applejack taunted. “Just don’t seem fair to just shield yerself up lahk that.” “You’ve already lost if you keep thinking that!” Dash replied, winking at Sunset. “You’re going down!” “Yeah, last!” Applejack said. “And that’s exactly the plan,” Dash whispered. “Everyone ready?” the teacher asked. He looked around, taking note of the two teams. One being particularly more on edge than the other. “Go!” He tossed up the ball between the two teams. Pinkie Pie jumped up the highest, or perhaps the soonest, just outreaching Shining Armor to the ball. She tapped it towards the rest of her team and thus, the game was on. Vinyl Scratch punched the ball immediately back at the still air born Shining Armor. With no way to dodge, he deflected it on his chest to the inside of his court, allowing Flash Sentry to catch it. The teacher stood by quietly, having to referee this quick skirmish. “Vinyl, you’re out!” Vinyl Scratch lowered her head and slumped behind enemy lines. “You dolt!” Shining Armor yelled. Flash Sentry and Shining Armor swiftly turned to the other team as if caught with their hands in a cookie jar. “I mean...” realizing he was too late to correct his mistake. “You know,” Dash began. ”Insanity is trying the same thing expecting different results.” She smirked. “And we intend to deliver some different results alright! So just keep doing what you’re doing!” “You just got lucky I made an early mistake,” Flash said. “You won’t be that lucky again!” “You would’ve made a mistake no matter what,” Sunset said. “And who are we to interrupt you,” Rainbow Dash added with a shrug. Flash grunted. Flash Sentry nonchalantly tossed the ball to Shining, who started bouncing it while pretending to look for a target. Seeing no clear opening to hit Sunset, Rainbow Dash or Big Mac from his angle, he suddenly tossed it to Applejack, who threw it directly at them. Any hit would do. Pinkie Pie jumped in to intercept it, but only managed to slam the ball into the ground, almost tripping over herself in the process. “Wow Pinkie Pie, really?” Applejack asked deadpanned. “Pinkie Pie, why even?!” Dash asked louder than she intended to, flailing her arms in the air angrily. “I could’ve caught that one easily!” Pinkie Pie looked at her apologetically. “Pinkie Pie, out!” The teacher announced. “Sorry Dashie,” Pinkie Pie said. She joined up with Vinyl Scratch at the far end of the opposing field. The ball remained with Dash, who was now the centre of attention for all of her opponents. Shining, Flash and AJ would not let their guard down. She bounced the ball once. Glancing at Sunset, she saw that she too was at the ready. Back to the tanks. For a split second, Shining Armor got distracted and Dash didn’t let it go to waste. “Ah ha!” she shouted. She tossed a curveball towards Shining Armor who immediately stood to attention. What he hadn’t expected was for Sunset to intercept the ball with a jump, throwing it past their defences and hitting a zoned out Carrot Top. The ball fell to the ground and bounced just between the hands of Roseluck. With another bounce, Pinkie Pie got it. Startled, poor Carrot Top shot her teacher a worried look, then her captain, who shook his head. “Carrot Top, out!” the teacher announced. Carrot Top looked remorsefully at Applejack. “Don’t worry ‘bout it,” she began with a shrug. “Somebody had to be first. Just stay on the alert will you?” Carrot Top nodded and went to the far end of Sunset’s field. The ball was now in Pinkie Pie’s hands, who was scanning her vicinity for an easy target. She shrugged, much to the surprise of everyone. She lazily tossed it at Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl did very much the same thing after having bounced the ball just once. In one intense swoop, Pinkie Pie singlehandedly caught the ball, spun around and flung it at an off guard Bulk Biceps, hitting him square in the gut. The ball dropped to the floor and bounced. Flash Sentry picked it up. Bulk looked at Applejack, who had the most incredulous look on her face. “Bulk Biceps, out!” The teacher judged. ”Pinkie Pie, in!” “I’m sorry!” Bulk Biceps shouted panicky. “I guess I dropped the ball there.” Flash looked at AJ, who didn’t seem too happy having lost two team members in a row. He knew her to be a kind girl, except when losing. Especially when losing to Rainbow Dash. Flash put his hand on Bulk’s shoulder, though actually addressing Applejack. “The game’s only just begun.” He smiled. “In fact, having people in the back can really work to our advantage!” “Just pay attention, would you?” Applejack said, also looking at Carrot Top. “One mistake won’t kill us ‘s long as we stop makin’ it, an’ we’ve already made it twice now.” Dash snickered. Applejack glared. “Now git goin’ so we can git serious.” Bulk Biceps nodded. Pinkie Pie was already back in place in front of Dash and Sunset. Dash looked back at Trixie, asking her to come front. Trixie complied while the rest of the rear guard spread a little thinner. Flash bounced the ball, having taken note of the changes on the field. Carrot Top and Bulk Biceps, although now on the alert, weren’t going to be any more effective in the back than they had been in the field unfortunately. That, however, was also something the other team would think. Not taking the risk, he bounced the ball to Shining Armor. “Bulk Biceps, catch!” He shouted. He held the ball behind his head and jumped up, looking to see who turned towards Bulk Biceps. With a whoosh, a soft thud and a bouncy “boing”, Octavia was out and Bulk Biceps had the ball. The game progressed and the pacing went up the fewer players remained standing in the field. No fifteen minutes later and half the teams had swapped sides, making for a few interesting back and forths, as everyone now had to watch both their front and backs. Much to Applejack’s chagrin, the field consisted of the team captains and their immediate underlings, as well as some potent players and Fluttershy. Number wise, her team was at a player disadvantage in the form of Blossomforth and Cloud Chaser. Rainbow Dash had the ball. Sunset clapped her hands twice and glanced at her teammates. Blossomforth and Cloud Chaser moved to the front. Big Mac moved to the centre, being flanked by Dash and Sunset. Dash tossed the ball to Big Mac, who hadn’t tossed it yet this entire game. He took stock of his opponents, realizing they had overplayed their hand a little. Things could go very wrong very quickly despite their apparent five to four player advantage. He cast a glance at Applejack ever so short, hoping she wouldn’t notice. “Y’all might think you’ve got us pinned.” Applejack started. “But we ain’t beat yet! In fact, ‘s soon as y’all throw that ball yer done for!” Big Mac smiled an evil smile at his sister before looking to Sunset, who smiled the same smile. “You really want to take that risk?” She smirked. “You four really think you can take out the five of us? How will you ever get back in if it’s just one person on your side?” “This is exactly how we beat y’all last time!” Applejack boasted. “Go on, throw that winning throw!” Big Mac pulled back to put some momentum in his first throw of the day. He saw Pinkie Pie shifting right, somewhat behind Applejack, Flash Sentry and Fluttershy between them. With a mighty swing he threw the ball with quite a spin towards Applejack, who readied herself to catch it. The massive spin on the ball curved it’s path right in between herself and Flash, hurtling towards Fluttershy at full force. Miraculously, Fluttershy got out of the way just in time before Pinkie Pie finally got hold of the ball. No two seconds later, Fluttershy got hit in the back. “Fluttershy, out!” The teacher announced. “Pinkie Pie, in!” “Pinkie Pie, how could you!” Fluttershy said softly. “Now you won’t have to worry about dodging every ball that comes your way!” Pinkie Pie said with a cheer. “Won’t that be much easier and relaxing than dodging everything?” Fluttershy could not help but concur, minding that it was at the expense of her own team. She had managed to dodge every ball until just now. Had she kept up this pace, she’d be the last one standing for sure. A hair-raising thought. The odds were at a staggering six to three. For the entire game, Applejack had kept a close eye on her brother, as she had wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible. Bulk Biceps had thrown a few powerful balls at him, to no avail. It just wasn’t that kind of strength he’d built. Her focus had been so powerful she hadn’t even noticed Big Mac hadn’t thrown anything until only just now. Her own foolishness and blind spot irked her greatly. The only bit of consolation was that she had the ball right now. Her throw wasn’t nearly as powerful as that of her remaining team mates, nor as that of Big Mac of course. No curves she could throw would move the way her brother’s toss just did. There were no openings either, as Macintosh was surrounded pretty solidly. Despite her boasts just now, her best players were still in the field, where their killer combo wouldn’t work. She looked at Sunset, who was simply biding. “Give it to me,” Shining Armor said. “I may have a plan.” Without taking her eyes off of Big Mac, Applejack tossed him the ball. No way she’d get anything done in this situation. Shining Armor bounced the ball once. “We can’t lose any more players as we are, so I’ll focus on getting others back first,” he said. He looked at his teammates, who silently nodded. “Big Mac!” Shining called out. “Thanks for that toss just now! This one’s for you!” Big Macintosh readied himself. Cloud Chaser and Blossomforth stepped a little closer, though not further back. Shining moved similar to Big Mac in preparation of his throw, though what followed next was out of the blue. The ball had left his hand only just about half way during his swing, putting it in a different direction from what his hand would suggest for the remaining split second. From Shining standing to the right of Bic Mac, the ball flew straight between Blossomforth and Cloud Chaser and curved towards the big guy himself. It had gone so fast he hadn’t had time to react. Fortunately, the throw had been a massive gamble, never meant to be accurate enough. If flew past Big Mac, Sunset and Rainbow Dash and hit the far wall with a thud. Bulk Biceps caught it before it hit the ground and by coincidence, his eyes met with Shining Armor’s, who looked at Sunset, who had her back turned towards Bulk. Given her position, Rainbow Dash had been the only one able to follow the entire sequence. She leaped forward as fast as she could to stand between Sunset and Bulk Biceps, who’d now fully cocked his arm and was ready to throw. His arm extended and in mid-air, Rainbow Dash turned to face him, arms outstretched. The ball hit the palms of her hands but it had so much momentum, Dash couldn’t hold on to it. It flew past the length of her arms and hit her in the chest, costing Rainbow’s footing. She tripped over backwards, falling onto her behind. She finally bumped into Sunset with but a nudge, still holding the ball tight. Sunset turned around. Dash had decided to just lay down on her back now that the situation was secure. Bulk Biceps looked to Shining, who face palmed and started talking to Flash. “I told you I had your back,” Dash said in jest. She put her hand behind her back so as to get up and flinched. “You okay?” Sunset asked. She reached out and helped up Dash. A chill ran down her spine and as though she’d just heard a manticore, her gaze turned towards the little office space by the entrance. Dash looked at Sunset, then at the office, then back to Sunset. “I should be asking you the same thing,” she said. “You look like you’ve just seen the devil.” With a frightened look, Sunset turned to Rainbow Dash. She looked up to the audience benches and noticed the Cutiemark Crusaders sitting down at the far end, presiding over Applejack’s court. Her gaze turned back towards the office and behind the window, the blinds turned open to reveal Ditzy simply sitting there, not even looking her way. Rainbow Dash grabbed Sunset’s hand and gently put the other one, a fist, square in her gut. Sunset looked at her friend. “Whatever it is,” Dash started. “You can count on me to be there if you need me,” she winked. Sunset forced a gentle smile and quietly nodded, not wanting to give away the dread lurking over her. “Here,” Rainbow Dash gave Sunset the ball. “Let’s just get back into the game for now.” The ball had never felt heavier in her hands. She looked out over the field, standing in the far back of her own side. Her team members all looking at her with confidence, trusting her to follow up with her plan. Applejack’s core stood strong still, though they didn’t much concern Sunset. Sunset’s gaze wandered off up and beyond her opponents. The audience benches were slowly filling up. The three little ones hadn’t left. “Come on Sunset!” Dash called out. “Time is running out!” With some effort, Sunset managed to put her focus to the game and nodded at the two front players. “I know it’s a risk, but I trust you two can do it!” Sunset said. She pitched the ball and slammed it with the other. It hurtled towards Blossomforth, who bent her knees and stretched her arms in front of her, one hand in the other. She bounced the ball immediately towards Cloud Chaser, who in turn bounced it straight at Flash Sentry. Flash Sentry had anticipated the ball to come from Blossomforth and had yet to respond proper to his new situation. He was mid turn when towards Cloud Chaser when he got hit on his elbow, the ball having been deflected towards his feet. Applejack had rushed to catch it for a save, but it had been too late. “Flash Sentry!” the teacher started. “Out!” Flash Sentry sighed and grabbed the ball. He looked to Applejack. “Guess I’m finally in position then, huh?” Applejack tried to look confident, though he saw her falter. “We can win this yet!” she said. “The way things were goin’, ‘t was only a matter o‘ time before one of us would end up behind ‘em!” “Yeah great strategy AJ!” Dash shouted. “Letting us win ‘n all, good game!” Applejack blushed in anger and signalled for Flash to get to the other side already, which he promptly and swiftly did. Though Dash’s taunts were all the same, Sunset couldn’t help but notice she’d shifted her weight, purposely avoiding putting much weight on one of her legs. The end game had begun now that both teams were on their respective winning strategies. Flash had immediately discarded the ball and tossed it to Amethyst Star. She’d tried to toss it across the field such that, would she not hit anybody, it’d at least end up with Applejack. Unfortunately, Cloud Chaser had effortlessly intercepted it and bounced it up to square in the middle of the field. Big Mac had suddenly burst forward, something Shining Armor responded to in kind. They both jumped up, catching and squeezing the ball between their right hands. Shining Armor was the first to grab hold of it with both hands and tore it from Big Mac, who instantly put his arms up to block the incoming hit. Shining Armor dropped it as hard as he could. It bounced off of Big Mac, square into his own face, knocking him over. Applejack snapped out of her momentary awe and rushed to catch the ball. She dove towards it and caught it mere inches above the ground. After a few seconds of silence, the teacher called it. “Big Macintosh! Out!” “Woohooo!!” Applejack cheered. “Finally we got ‘im!” She noticed she was the only one cheering, as Shining Armor had not yet gotten up. In the back, she noticed the rest of her team, and her opposing team, looking anxiously in her general direction. Flash Sentry raised his arm and pointed. Applejack turned. Applejack rushed to her teammate, as did the teacher. Shining Armor moved to rest on his elbows. “Did we hit him?” Applejack nodded. “Though we almost lost you too. You okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine.” Shining Armor got up, stumbling a little. “Probably,” he chuckled. He tried standing up and move to his position on the field, though with much more showmanship than one might expect from people who are actually okay. The teacher looked at Shining Armor, then to Rainbow Dash and finally to Sunset Shimmer. He looked at his watch and made a call. “I’m calling a timeout,” he said. ”Three minutes everybody!” “What?! Why!” Rainbow Dash and Applejack said simultaneously. “Because people are playing a little too rough for their own good,” he said. “Pfft, me?” Dash said. “I’m fine! Believe it or not, I trip up a lot!” She boasted. “You don’t get to be the best if you plan on not tripping!” “Walk towards me,” the teacher said. “We’re on a break.” Dash rolled her eyes. “I’m fine right here.” Sunset’s attention had been thoroughly grabbed by the little exchange. She saw the little twitches in Dash’s stance. “You can’t take a single step, can you?” The teacher asked her. Rainbow Dash frowned and crossed her arms. “I’ll be fine right here,” Dash said. ”Just let me win this game.” “Let’s make a deal,” the teacher started. “If you sit out until the next person has to leave the field, I’ll let you play to the end.” “Only if Shining Armor gets the same deal,” Dash bargained. Everyone looked to Shining Armor, who failed to pretend to be perfectly fine. “Sure thing,” the teacher said. He extended an arm to Rainbow Dash to help her move towards the benches by the sides of the field. She waved him off and skipped on her good leg. Sunset walked towards her and reached out as the teacher had done, with much more success. “Are you really okay?” she asked. “That doesn’t look okay to me.” “I saved my friend and really, that’s all I really wanted,” Rainbow Dash said. “Plus I really do fall a lot. It’s part of getting good, ya know?” Sunset smiled, having faith in her friend’s judgement on her own body and experience. She helped Dash sit down next to Shining Armor, who was resting his head against the wall. “At least you get to sit with a guy you like,” Sunset said with a wink. Shining Armor’s eyes shot open, as did Dash’s. They looked at one another, Dash really taking in her bench partner. Shining Armor leaned, inched, back a little. Dash turned back to Sunset. “Like I said, healthy competition,” Dash said. “Uh huh,” Sunset said sarcastically. “What are you blushing about?” Dash asked Shining, who turned away completely red in the face. Sunset walked back onto the field, the fun squabbling going out of range. People had started to just walk about for a bit, taking the brief timeout to just do whatever. Applejack stood alone on her side of the field, with a forlorn look on her face. Sunset approached her. “What’s the matter Applejack?” Sunset asked. “You look like you’ve lost more than just a game.” “Ah haven’t lost yet!” Applejack boldly proclaimed before letting out a deep sigh. “At least, not the game.” A familiar sadness washed over her, giving Sunset a sense of dejavu. “Ah’m sorreh, and Ah know that ain’t enough. It’s just so frustratin’ not knowin’ how to make things raht agin.” Sunset looked down. “I know,” she said. “I feel the same way.” “Ah just,” Applejack signed again, knowing her odds. “Ah just wish things could go back t’ normal. How they used to be. The things Ah’ve done, it’s lahk Ah don’t even know mahself anymore.” Sunset shook her head. “We can’t go back.” As she spoke those words, the sound of shattering glass rung in her mind. Outside, nothing had changed, but in that moment, all the world for Sunset, was Applejack. “We can’t go back, Applejack,” Sunset said. “This is something we’ll have to carry forever. You’ve changed, we all have. There is nothing to take this away from us, and there is nothing that can ever change it back.” She felt as though lightning coursed through her spine. She stomped a foot and grabbed hold of Applejack by her arms. “You think I want things to be like this?!” Sunset cried out. “You did this! To me! To all of us!” She let go of Applejack, only to throw her arms up. “Why?! Why would you do this?!” She clenched her head momentarily before holding her hands before her. “I thought we were friends! I...” she swallowed, hard. “I thought I could trust you.” Applejack couldn’t help but show her tearless remorse. “Ah’m sorreh.” She said. For the n-th time, Sunset felt tears welling up and decided ‘No more’. She put her foot down, hard. No sorry hearts would be given grace and relieved from ache for as long as hers carried this grief. “I know you are, but it’s not enough.” Sunset’s voice grew darker. “And it will never be enough.” She spun in place to return to her side of the court. “We’re through, Applejack.” Sunset had returned to her spot on the field. She looked towards the benches by the court side. They were empty. She bounced the ball once, seeing before her just one remaining opposing player. “Big Mac?” Sunset called out. Big Mac turned around. “Take my spot. I want this shot.” Big Mac followed in his leaders wishes and swapped places. Sunset positioned herself dead centre, right across lonely Applejack. “Applejack, do you still trust me?” Sunset asked. “Ah do,” Applejack confessed. “How couldn’t Ah? You’ve been honest with us all along!” “Then,” Sunset continued. “Would you put your hands behind your back?” Applejack was struck with confusion. “Why?” “I want to see it,” Sunset said. “Show me that you trust me. Put your hands behind your back and stay still.” Applejack did as she was told. She’d rather lose a simple game than faith in her friend. Sunset pitched the ball, Applejack closed her eyes. With a straight punch, the ball hurtled towards Applejack. A tear ran down Sunset’s cheek as she realized what she had done. The ball hit Applejack square in the gut, enough to knock her down. She held her hands over her belly as she lay curled up in a foetal position. Sunset walked over and loomed over her former friend. She wiped at her eye. “Now you know,” she said. Sunset looked up to the spectators, seeing Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity all in bandages overlooking the court. She wanted to feel pity. To feel sorry. Instead, all that was left was contempt and disdain. Sunset looked to the benches beside the court. Rainbow Dash still sat with Shining Armor, nervously on-looking the frowning Sunset. Nothing came of it. Yet. Finally, Sunset turned towards the teacher, who had yet to call Applejack out. She didn’t care however. She had just her final words, echoing in the quiet ambient light. “I’m done.” With a gait as though pulling two weightless ball-and-chains, she headed for the showers. She passed the little office where Ditzy had been before. Her bag was still in there, as was an empty carton of tissues and a full bin. In the changing room she got undressed and got out her bottle of soap. She stepped into the shower, early enough to not be disturbed by anyone. She turned the faucet and just let the water run down her hair and body. Enveloping her. Calm and soothing. Nothing but the sound of the water splattering on the floor. Sunset let out a sigh. She got her bottle and squeezed out some soap. Reluctantly, she put her hands on her chest and started washing herself. Against all hope, she felt her scars again. All her fun experiences today came undone by all the rotten consequences after. Reality sank in: it hadn’t just been a nightmare. An interruption halted that train of thought, turning it away from the inevitable downward spiral she had swirled down time and time before.. The door opened with a creaking sound. Sunset’s ears perked up, though she didn’t turn to look. The skipping sound left nothing to guess as to who had joined her. The girl kept her eyes on Sunset, though did not get much in return. She hopped towards the far shower to stay out of Sunset’s way and turned the faucet. There were no words between them. For minutes on end, there were no sounds but splattering and the occasional splash from having to balance and turn on one foot. As closely as Rainbow Dash looked to Sunset, Sunset listened. In the end, Dash was the one to break. “I’m glad I ended up on your team, Sunset,” Rainbow Dash began. Ice several inches thick would not break with a single line. “We really handed it to them today.” Silence. “The teams were fairly balanced too, I liked Shining Armor on the opposing team.” Rainbow Dash was inching slightly towards Sunset. “I have to admit, I didn’t mind sitting next to him either.” Still, no response. “Heh, the oaf had hit himself pretty hard with that rebound.” Dash looked away. Sunset felt the gaze turn away and snuck a peek. Dash let one arm hang limply from the other hanging by her side, slightly slouching. She closed her eyes again, realizing she had nothing to say. “I know it isn’t much,” Dash continued. “But I’m glad I caught that ball Bulk Biceps launched at you, even if I hurt myself.” Rainbow Dash rubbed her tailbone. “It’s still numb where I fell.” Sunset looked again. It was fine to be concerned about a random stranger’s wellbeing. “Why have you been skipping?” Sunset asked as plainly as possible. “My leg has been feeling weird when I try and stand on it,” Dash said. “It doesn’t hurt though. It’s just tingly and giving off weird vibes.” “I’d go see the nurse, it might be serious.” Sunset said with a finality in her voice. She closed her eyes again. A few quiet moments passed. “I wish I could’ve been there,” Rainbow Dash began with a tremor in her voice. “I should have been there!” She said, having trouble finding her indoor voice. Sunset looked at Dash. If Sunset were to be hiding any feelings, she might’ve called her expression a poker face. At best, it was disdain. “When I found out you were in the hospital,” Dash said, “something from the deep had pulled me under. I sunk so hard I couldn’t even fight it.” She looked up to Sunset and grit her teeth, looking like she’d stepped on a Lego. “All the light was gone.” Having just scolded Applejack – and the rest of her friends – and feeling again that unwavering anger and sadness, Sunset had grown tired of it all. Had she not, she would have told Rainbow Dash she should have been there every time. How many times had she turned her back on her? How many times had she betrayed her own loyalties and their friendship? They had no more claim to her concern. Their problems were their own, and of their own creation no less. “I’d go talk to the school counsellor about it,” Sunset said. “It might be serious.” Taken aback, Dash only grew louder. “What?” she began. “No! Screw that! I need to talk to you!” “But I don’t need to listen,” Sunset said. She opened her eyes and frowned. And pointed. “To you.” “Will you at l-” “SHUT UP!” Sunset commanded. “I’ve already heard it all. Oh, you’re sorry about not having been there for me when I got injured, or maybe even how you weren’t there afterwards while I was in the hospital.” In her voice there was a venom neither of them had ever had a taste of before as she continued. “You weren’t there the night before your little sister fessed up when I was crying in my room, licking my wounds!” Dash backed up into the far corner, trying to look away in shame yet finding nowhere to look. Or run. Or hide. Nausea kicked in hard and she could feel the pounding in her chest in her wrists she held to it. “You weren’t there the thousand times before when I got bullied, or pestered. Ever had to wash food out of your hair and clothes that didn’t come out? How many scars have others carved into you?” Rainbow Dash slunk down in the corner, warm water running down her face. Her eyes pointing far beyond their horizon. “You abandoned me a long time ago, Rainbow Dash,” Sunset said. “And I’m done.” Rainbow Dash could hear her heart beat slower. “We’re through.” With a sudden jerk, Rainbow Dash focused on Sunset Shimmer. She reached out an arm. She desperately wanted to protest but she felt she couldn’t even begin to think of asking something akin to “You’re abandoning us?” after all she’d done. What they all had done. Sunset turned around towards the door, having finished washing up. She was about to touch the handle when the door opened up to a sickly looking Ditzy. She didn’t look too well. She too averted her eyes. Ditzy got out of Sunset’s way before getting into the showers herself. Moments later, sounds of muffled crying filled the changing room. The remaining girls entered the changing room when Sunset was about half way getting dressed. Ditzy and Rainbow Dash had come back into the changing room. Ditzy had been assisting Rainbow Dash and Applejack had voiced her concerns. None of them dared speak of Sunset by name or approach her. There was just barely the odd glance they thought Sunset wouldn’t notice. Rainbow really should go see a doctor about her leg. Sunset thought, witnessing the strange spectacle of Ditzy and Rainbow Dash struggling to get her into a pair of denims. Rainbow Dash had deeply blushed at the slightest touch of her leg. While the others were in the shower, quiet, stifled moans emanated from their side of the room. At some point, Rainbow Dash frantically told Ditzy to back off and to turn away. Dash was in a hurry to take off her pants in a very delicate manner. Moments later, she started spasming with her hands on her face, the pants hanging by her ankles. She really should. Sunset thought again, tying her shoes. Her attention had moved on to making sure she’d gotten all of her things before getting up to leave. The others came back in from the showers and Ditzy was on her second attempt to get some pants on Rainbow Dash, now with the help of Applejack. The exit fell shut behind Sunset, not having looked back even once. Not long ago, Sunset had been here on her own as well. A beautiful morning before the school premises had even opened. She’d been optimistic and full of renewed energy. Now, this same hallway, near the end of the day, was cast in a cool blue. The windows in the doors at the end looked to be black from here. The reflection on that day and the contrast with this moment had Sunset chuckle at her own naivety and foolishness. That day, she’d been here on her own. Today, she was alone. Sunset opened the doors to the next junction of corridors and found it drowned out in darkness. The doors fell shut behind her. She turned around only to find more void. This too had to come to an end. Sunset sighed and rolled her eyes, which was enough to do away with the theatrics. Her inner demon stepped out from around the corner and walked up to her. Sunset crossed her arms. Her demon smirked. “Welcome back,” she said. “I see you came alone, and without restraint no less. You saw the dark behind that door and just, barged on in here. Bravo!” “Are you done?” Sunset asked. “Because I came here with a reason. Believe me when I say me barging in is warranted.” “I was right, wasn’t I?” the demon boasted. “You’ve actually dumped your friends. Finally.” She didn’t want to, and tried not to, but Sunset looked away if only for a moment. “Well good on you, Sunset,” the demon continued. “They wronged you worse than we’d ever wronged anyone.” The demon held up her hand. ”You know, when we ruled this dump.” Sunset frowned at her, though didn’t disagree. You can’t be betrayed by someone you don’t trust in the first place. Nobody had trusted Sunset back then. Everyone knew exactly how things were run and played the same rotten games of “Don’t obstruct Sunset Shimmer” and “Do as Sunset tells you, or else” etc. “Well, except maybe when we turned people into zombies,” she chuckled. “No, you’re right,” Sunset admitted. “That wasn’t as bad as what I’ve been through.” The demon “Oh? Do tell.” She bit her tongue so she wouldn’t lick her lips. “Sure, people hated me for having done that,” Sunset said. “They hated having been turned into mindless drones, but it wasn’t like we were some sort of saintly Mary Sue who loved and cared for everyone. We were the bad guy and everybody knew it. In the end, we hadn’t hurt them.” The demon kept quiet, inviting Sunset to finish the thought. “What people did to me was intentional, for thinking I was Anon-a-miss,” Sunset said. ”They were out to get me, personally.” Sunset sighed. “I just wish I had gone my own way sooner instead of just sinking into that downward spiral of trying to convince my friends. The fact that I had to convince them at all should have woken me up.” “I will say though,” Sunset said. “They did save me, my friends.” She stepped forwards towards her enemy. “This is not a problem you can solve.” She put an index finger on the demon’s forehead, who started to growl and snarl. “You just want control. Power. I. Don’t. That’s what they’ve saved me from.” Sunset pushed her index finger hard, making her demon stumble backwards. “You can’t touch me either. I don’t need you, nor do I want you.” One last push from Sunset toppled the demon. Sunset loomed over her. “And I don’t fear you.” The demon dissolved into the floor, turning the hallway junction a deep crimson all around. Blue flames crawled around in lightning patterns. The doors at the end of the hallway burst open from a vile beast thundering down the hallway, it’s body only inches from the walls and ceiling. Sunset started to walk towards where she needed to be. Every step she took cleared away the evil around her. The beast had reached her but turned to smoke, dust and vapour the moment it touched Sunset. “I will have you yet, Sunset!” the last of the red flaming walls echoed at her. “Mark my words! A heart like yours is my perfect home! I will feast on you and there will be nobody to save you this time!” Sunset simply brushed her hair back with her hand. She was in control and it felt great. A few steps later and Sunset found herself at her locker, exchanging her sports gear for her everyday items. When she closed it, she noticed Applejack was standing next to her tending to her own locker. No words, signs or even looks were exchanged. About thirty minutes later, Sunset found herself back at home and in her room. She’d taken out the trash from her room and put the bin in the centre. From her night stand she’d taken the picture out of the frame, torn it up and tossed the confetti in the bin. The pictures on the wall suffered the same fate. She went and sat down on her bed, browsing through her phone. She had a ton of photos and videos to erase. She didn’t waste any time reminiscing and simply deleted files based on date, not even looking at their contents. Next up was her social media. On every service she went through her feeds and unfollowed, unfriended or deleted wherever applicable. Lastly, finally, she’d come around to the phone numbers of her friends. The numbers she’d so often dialled for fun or for serious and deep conversations. Numbers that would often bring good news and brighten up her day. “Let’s go to the movies!”, “Wanna go to the beach?”, “Sunset, can I ask you something?” or simply sounds of sniffling or laughter; the past rung in her head. Applejack. Remove contact. Contact removed. Fluttershy. Remove contact. Contact removed. And so the rest followed suit. If there was a word for having feelings of anger and sadness, and the desire to run at the same time, it would be how Sunset would describe her current disposition. Sunset scrolled through her phone book to make sure she’d removed all traces, coming across the crusaders entry Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity had put in there. All gone and blocked. Out of her remaining numbers, she stumbled upon Ditzy’s. Sunset looked at the phone not knowing how this entry got in there but suddenly it rang from this very number. It rang again. Sunset looked at herself in her wardrobe mirror. Ring ring the phone called out. Ditzy’s name was dancing on the screen. Outside she noticed the golden glow of the late afternoon sun. The phone did not sound again. “Hello? Sunset Shimmer speaking...” Sunset said. “Oh, hey Sunset,” came the voice from the other side. “How are you?” She really didn’t know whether or not to let Ditzy know. She did know how she was, she thought. She looked around as though her room might deliver her a suitable answer. “Hello?” “I’m okay Ditzy,” Sunset said. “It’s just… It’s been one hell of a day. So, what’s going on? I hadn’t expected a call from you.” I don’t even recall exchanging numbers. She thought. “Hmm, I don’t want to be a bother, but I also think this is super important,” Ditzy said with a concern laden voice. “After all, the day is almost over. We don’t have much time.” Just thinking about getting up from the bed and walking around was weighty enough to keep Sunset sat down. The day had been hell. Tonight would probably not be much better as todays chickens would come home to roost. Surely her friends would be on her mind. Maybe a little distraction with Ditzy wouldn’t hurt. “Oh?” Sunset simply put. “Why? What’s going on Ditzy?” “Hmmm…. Aahrg! I really can’t explain it over the phone.” Sunset could just imagine Ditzy messing up her hair. “Alright alright, calm down,” Sunset said. “Could you at least tell me why it’s important to me? I’m really just, kinda beat.” They hadn’t been close friends. Ever. Not friends, comrades, acquaintances, just barely schoolmates, sometimes classmates. In fact, Sunset had been her bully, though not just her in particular. Somehow though, at some point, they had exchanged numbers. At some point, Ditzy had been important and close enough for this to happen. Sunset had never made amends with her either. Having rid her smart device of unnecessary data, could she start with a clean slate? Was Ditzy her next first step forward? Ditzy’s answer came. “I think that in a way, it’s like a door you don’t know can be opened,” Ditzy put cryptically. “Something you can carry around as a reminder.” “I don’t know Ditzy, I don’t know how much more I can take for today,” Sunset said in earnest. “Maybe you should unwind a little then. I’ve got an idea. You’ve got a car right?” Ditzy said. “No, actually. Our household does have a driver and a car though,” Sunset said. “If that’s okay.” “Yeah, that’ll work just fine,” Ditzy said. “Can you pick me come and up in a bit?” Sunset didn’t bother to argue. Today would definitely come to an end, something to look forward to no matter what. If she could spend a few minutes away from her own thoughts, that would be lovely. A blanket of dreary goo slithered off of her. She sat up a little straighter and relaxed. “Sure thing,” Sunset said. “Let me just get ready. I’ll be there in a few.” “Thanks!” Ditzy said. “See ya in a bit!” The call had been dropped and Sunset got ready. She texted the driver to be ready soon while she went downstairs and put on her shoes. Out front, the car stood at the ready in the driveway, the driver holding the door. “Hello lady Shimmer, going out for a ride?” “Yes, though where is a bit of a surprise,” Sunset replied. “I’d like you to drive to this address. After that I don’t know.” The driver took her phone and looked at where she’d be taking take her. She looked at Sunset with minor concern. “Miss Shimmer, are you certain this is correct? This neighbourhood is, well, to put it bluntly, dreadful. Whoever could you possibly meet there?” “A friend.” Sunset said with a smile. The staff of course had also been aware of everything going on with the Shimmer household. Seeing a smile thought lost, concurring with a line thought without echo, instilled hope and determination in the driver. “Yes ma’am”. She said. Sunset had sat down and the driver closed the door. She got into the front seat and closed her own door. She put the phone in the slot on the dashboard and off they were. On the way over, Sunset’s actually got a little excited. It was like meeting a new person and for the first time, it had been because she’d been wanted. Because of something important. Before her redemption, nobody had wanted her around. Or even after for that matter, save for her few friends. Sunset had already gotten to know them before they’d wanted her in their clique. Even they didn’t want her around in the end. Ditzy was different. She didn’t know Ditzy, though she was confident Ditzy knew her given she’d wanted to hang out. It was a new spark for happiness, quickly stomped out by recent memory. If she couldn’t trust her friends, how could she trust a stranger? If they ended up becoming friends, what guarantee did she have Ditzy would not let her down or break her heart? The driver had asked if Sunset was alright, to which she’d said yes without knowing why. A few minutes later and they’d arrived at their destination. Ditzy had been waiting right behind her front door and walked up to the sidewalk. Sunset had identified her to the driver and opened Ditzy’s side of the car from the inside. Ditzy got comfortable next to Sunset, closed the door and off they were. “Sorry for the rushed entrance but, it’s best if we keep moving,” Ditzy said. “Don’t want to attract any unwanted attention.” “That’s okay,” Sunset said. “We were aware.” Sunset looked towards her driver. “Ditzy, meet Mercedes, Mercedes, Ditzy.” Mercedes didn’t turn, though the pair exchanged their greetings. Mercedes first priority was getting out of here. “So, what did you want to tell me?” Sunset asked with a hint of excitement. “First, I’d like to go here,” Ditzy said, handing Sunset her phone. “It’s not too far from here, I hope you don’t mind. But it’s got to do with what I have to say.” Sunset took the phone and checked the map and directions. It was down south by a lake due west. Looked like a few houses and a restaurant, too few to even call a village. She handed the phone to her driver, who swapped it with Sunset’s and went to follow the new directions. Something important to say, going out just the two of them, what’s there is important to it, pieces of a strange puzzle to fit. “You know, if you were a guy,” Sunset started. “This would feel an awful lot like a date. And not the first date either.” Ditzy blushed and her eyes widened. “O-Oh n-no!” she stammered, “Oh no no no! It’s n-nothing of the sort!” She protested, arms out as though to push the idea away. “What? Am I not pretty enough for you?” Sunset asked with a mock indignant tone. Ditzy put her hands on her mouth and blushed all the harder. A few seconds passed before she’d found something to voice. “I-I mean, it’s not that you’re not pretty...” she said quietly, going into too quiet a whisper. Sunset put her hand on Ditzy’s shoulder. “Ditzy, I’m kidding,” Sunset said. “But that was a nice of you to say.” Sunset smiled. Ditzy let out a small sigh and smiled. “For a second there you had my head all spinny.” Ditzy said. The car was leaving the suburbs and had found the country roads leading south. The light outside was turning gold and orange. Shadows were growing tall in the shimmering. “I’ve been keeping an eye out for you today,” Ditzy said. “Though you might not really remember.” “Oh? How come?” Sunset asked. “To both things.” “Well, something terrible has happened that has you going on a downward spiral,” Ditzy said. “And I wanted to make a difference to stop that before you hit rock bottom.” Sunset looked grim, as she acknowledged what had happened with a sober mind. “You’ve lost your friends and if things continue as they are… you may even lose yourself.” “I-I’m...” Sunset started, then sighed. “It may already be too late for that.” She looked at the palms of her hands. “I’m glad at least, that I’ll never be who I was before.” She looked to Ditzy. “But I’m not sure if I even know myself anymore.” Ditzy nodded. ”After all of this, I would be surprised if you had any faith left in others,” she said. “It will be very hard to have new friendships and let them blossom.” Ditzy’s strained herself and managed to align her golden eyes. “Have faith in friendship, even if you have no faith in others. You know it can work. You know it can be magic.” With a frown, Sunset turned away and crossed her arms. “You know that’s exactly why it hurts,” Ditzy said. “And it’s the same reasons it’s worthwhile. The very reasons it’s precious and dear is why you hurt.” Ditzy fiddled with her thumbs. “But then, you already know this,” she said. “It’s why you want them back. Eventually.” The next few minutes were spent in the ambient quiet of the car. In the distance, their destination came into view. Sunset looked past Ditzy and saw the sunset, shimmering in the lake. “I’ve been mulling things over and over and over again,” Sunset said. “I think, what I’ll carry to my grave, is this disbelief. This… well, knowing that I’ll never know or understand so many things about this all. What did I do to deserve this? How could they? Why?” She paused. “If we ever become friends again, what about these questions? Do I ask them? Will they even have answers? I’ve already talked to them and all I had left were more questions and doubts and disbelief. What good is an answer if I’ll never understand it?” Ditzy had no answers, though Sunset had more to say. “I hope to Celestia I’ll lose my anger.” She made a fist. “Because what I do know is that they actually did all these things. I had fought so hard for everything we did. Everything friendship that we built between us.” Her breathing became heavier. “I’m not a vengeful person. Not anymore.” She was losing her inside voice. “But I need an outlet for this. I need to settle this score. To get my justice!” “If they had simply not stepped in or whatever, that would have been upsetting but forgivable,” Sunset said more composed. “The reason I don’t even want to think about them right now is because they did something far worse, Ditzy!” Sunset closed her eyes and leaned back, breathing out a long breath. She’d calmed down. “This is what I had grown tired of before you called, right before I went home,” she said. “I’m done being emotional over this. Of the few things I have left and do control, I would like my emotions to be one of them.” Ditzy moved around uncomfortably, though she kept quiet. “Thank you, Ditzy,” Sunset said, after a moment. “For just listening like that. It’s not something I expect you to understand.” Ditzy relaxed a little. Her nerves had settled by a bit, but not enough for Sunset to ignore the vibe. “Sooo, what is it you wanted to show me?” Sunset asked, trying to break the ice a little. “Or, tell me. Both, I guess.” Ditzy swallowed. “Well, I-I’m not sure how things will turn out,” Ditzy said. “I may have had my hopes up more than I should have.” She shook her head. “No! That’s exactly why I wanted to be here. To fight and make a difference!” Her sudden change took Sunset by surprise. It was a strange case to see someone, an almost stranger, say something like that with such conviction. That they’ll fight for some unknown cause for your wellbeing. Presumably anyway. “What do you mean, fight?” Sunset asked. “There’s nothing left to fight for and that’s okay. If I at least let go of my friends, I can move forward. All those bad thoughts and memories will be nothing but a burden.” “It’s also cowa-” Ditzy started quite harshly before cutting herself off. “It’s also something I’ll talk about when we get to where we need to be.” It was hard to put up much of a fight at this point, so Sunset just let it be. She’d find out soon enough anyway, as their destination was pulling close. They came to a stop in front of a large stark white and smooth building. The front had rows of regular windows on either far side up to a few feet away, where the outside wall turned entirely to glass. Right in front of them was a revolving glass door. The far end of the entry hall, above the first floor, had a big window serving as a skylight, letting the last fiery reds of the sunset bleed in. Sunset and Ditzy were let out of the car by Mercedes, who drove on to find a parking spot. Ditzy walked ahead while Sunset took in the view and slowly followed suit. Inside, at the far end, was a reception bar. To every direction there were doors, presumably leading to long corridors with a lot of junctions and branches. Closer inspection revealed a map at the centre and coloured lines and name plate directions leading through the distant doors. At the left side of the hallway some people were seated, waiting in front of another desk. Left and right of the reception bar were tables surrounded by chairs and wall mounted seats. People were enjoying warm drinks, some had plates in front of them. Sunset came to stand between the map and the entrance and looked up. Bright ceiling lights cast a warm glow that bounced off of the pearly white surrounding her everywhere. Looking back towards the map, she found Ditzy standing in between with a melancholic smile. “We’ll be going here,” Ditzy said, pointing at the map. It was a large room down a hallway a few turns away down the door to the right. Ditzy held out her hand for Sunset to grab hold, though she declined. When she did, Ditzy insistently grabbed Sunset’s hand and pulled her along. “Ditzy, I know you said you were willing to fight for… something, but you don’t need to be rough with me!” Sunset said. Ditzy let go of Sunset and turned around. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rough like that.” Ditzy stood with her arms hanging crossed across her belly, her shoes touching toes. “I just really want this to work out. I… I’m really scared of failing.” Sunset sighed. “I’m here now. I didn’t come all this way for nothing.” Sunset smiled. “Plus, you said it’s important so… I guess I’ll trust you on that.” That word had taken on a weird ring. Why did Sunset just put faith in someone who’s essentially no more than a stranger to her? Perhaps because Ditzy had never wronged her. Perhaps because she’d heard her out earlier. Sunset couldn’t quite tell herself. Was it really trust when there wasn’t anything on the line that Sunset was aware of? Mere curiosity and simply being away from home was quite enough for her right now after all. Ditzy turned around again and started walking. Sunset followed suit. The sliding doors opened, letting through a bunch of people going the other way. They took a left turn at the next junction, heading into a smaller hallway. At the end was another junction. The way to the left was steeped in oranges and reds. The skylight overhead had turned a sparkling twilight. Ditzy stood in the centre, pondering briefly before taking the way to the right again. A windowless corridor lit with ceiling lights. Sunset’s guide had lost some of her stride and turned her head this way and that. If she knew where she was going, why look about to find the way? Still, Sunset followed Ditzy. The end of this passage was barred with double doors. Ditzy pushed them open and entered the next intersection. There were seats all around and a desk with a bell a ticket machine and a lightless LED display. Sunset noticed the lack of even background noise of footsteps or mumbling, or even the hum of a faulty light. In the quiet dark, Ditzy looked about, not moving an inch. Sunset stepped closer. “Sooo….. Where to next?” she asked. No answers came forth so, she tried a bit of humour. “Excuse me miss,” Sunset asked, having tapped Ditzy on her shoulder. “You seem to be lost.” Ditzy turned around. “You know… I don’t know,” Ditzy said, scratching behind her ear. “Well I certainly don’t know where we’re going,” Sunset began. “We strayed from the path I thought we were going to take a while back. Plus,” Sunset frowned. “I don’t even know where we’re headed or what we’re looking for. You never told me!” Seeing the blonde girl flinch at her voice, Sunset tried and failed to be a little more relaxed. “So now that you’re lost, you might as well tell me so we can get a move on,” Sunset said, throwing her arms in the air. Ditzy looked away and took a step back. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry I got lost. I’m sorry things got this bad. I never-” Ditzy sobbed. “I really wanted to give this one last chance,” she managed with a croaky voice. Though she felt sorry for her, tiredness had overtaken Sunset and unfortunately, she’d lost all the will and power to show it. It was time to end the day. “I’m sorry too,” she said. “Let’s just go home, okay?” Defeat resounding in her voice. Ditzy gave a sombre nod and motioned for Sunset to lead. The way back hadn’t seemed nearly as long nor complicated as the way in. All about were directions towards the exit along the ceiling and walls. In no time at all they were back at the map in the main entrance. Chairs had been put upside down on the tables by the reception. The waiting area was empty and dark. The ceiling light between the revolving entry door and the map was the sole light left. Sunset took a moment to look at the map, checking their directions. She couldn’t make sense of it without knowing what to look for. Dragging behind, Ditzy came to stand beside her without saying a word. Her shoulders slumped and she couldn’t even bother to look up. “Come on. Let’s go home,” Sunset said. She grabbed Ditzy’s hand and together they entered the revolving door, triggering it to rotate. “You know,” Sunset began. “As awful as today has been, I feel relieved.” She stepped outside underneath the starry indigo sky, the light behind her casting a long shadow before her. “I feel like I can move on somehow,” she continued. “Like things will be normal again. Just a little different.” She stopped about halfway between Mercedes waiting in the car by the road and Ditzy, stepping out of the entrance only just now. Sunset looked behind her, noticing through the glass doors and standing below the ceiling light, five dear figures. Suddenly, Ditzy looked up with expectation, and dread. “Don’t get angry,” she pleaded. “But this is what I wanted to show you.” Sunset clenched her teeth shut and tensed up every fibre in her body. “Look closer,” Ditzy continued. Sunset squinted and noticed her friends were in bandages and wheelchairs. “Don’t you want to ...” she started again. “No.” Ditzy shook her head and struck a firm pose. “Sunset Shimmer, I want you to go in there and talk to them.” Sunset’s eyebrows went up in orbit and had she had the energy, her sides would have followed. “You’re joking, right?” Sunset asked. “This can’t be real.” “Would you please at least look at them?” Ditzy asked. “They’re really hurt!” “Oh sweet Celestia you’re serious.” Sunset face palmed and let her hand slide down her face. She remained quiet and simply turned around to Mercedes. “I’m done Ditzy! I’m done!” “Sunset wait!” Ditzy yelled out. “Remember the good times!” A sudden gust blew all around Sunset, carrying sand from the lake side. She stopped and closed her eyes. When the wind fell still she opened up her eyes. Mercedes was gone and in her place she saw herself sitting with her friends one summer afternoon enjoying themselves at an ice cream parlour. She was sat between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, across from Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Their kind smiles kindling the magic inside of her, as was Rainbow Dash’s brash embrace. Sunset turned on the spot with a sweeping motion. Ditzy was a dead girl. “All I remember now is how they abandoned me!” Sunset marched towards Ditzy, shadowy silhouettes of students forming behind and around her. She stopped and the students marched on towards Ditzy. The crowd was abuzz with angry ranting and calling names. Some nudged her and ruined her belongings. Ditzy put up her defences but knew it would never be enough. “How I pleaded for help. I remember feeling ridiculous thinking about how I was actually trying to convince people who were supposed to be my friends!” Sunset violently swung her arm through the ghastly figures, clearing them away. She took a few steps closer, punching her index finger into Ditzy’s chest, punctuating her speech. ”You don’t ever need to do that!” Ditzy frowned. “I’m not denying that! But you must know!” Ditzy stepped backwards a few paces, moving between Applejack and Rarity, who stood between the rest. Rarity’s hand was in bandages. Applejack covered her belly. “You must know you’ve hurt them too! You must know they’re hurting!” A bit behind the line-up, Sunset saw naught but her classmates tormenting her. Between herself and them, she saw the endless nights of trying to cry herself to sleep, her injuries denying her all comfortable positions. Sunset stepped back so she could see all of them. Everyone looked so concerned and saddened. They weren’t hurt. They were merely injured. No hospital could fix a heartache like a burn or a broken bone. “They’re not my friends.” She crossed her arms. “Not anymore.” “But you love them!” Ditzy said. “Isn’t that worth fighting for?” Sunset could still feel the ache on her tailbone when she got shoved to the floor by a guy who’s secret had just been revealed. She didn’t even know him or what the secret was. All she knew was that she couldn’t sit or walk right for the next week or two. She still smelt the smoke of the cigarette that was put out on the vest her mother had gotten for her birthday. That was no coincidence either, since she had told her friends loudly enough for others to hear how much she treasured it for being so perfect. She had so proudly declared her love for her mother, smiling bright. Every remark, no matter how small and passive aggressive or hammy and vulgar still rung between her ears. “Loser”, “Liar”, “Devil girl”, “Demon”, or calls for her to “go home”, back to Equestria. Her locker had been the most recognizable in the whole school for weeks on end. Every day she’d see a new message written on it or carved into it. The lovely fan mail that got pushed through the slits was worth the read as well. “All that I remember now!” Sunset began, putting her arms out in front of her. “Is day after day.” She slowly raised her hands. “Night after night.” Behind Ditzy and all around her, groups of students started pitching food, shouting names, whispering behind her back and shoving her. “All I remember now!” Sunset repeated. Her friends surrounded Ditzy, pushing her between the five of them until she tripped and fell. Rainbow Dash put her foot on her arms. Pinkie Pie started nudging her. Fluttershy pulled her hair. “You don’t even know, Ditzy!” Ditzy pulled her arms away from her face and looked to Sunset. Sunset saw her lips moving and knew what she was saying. Her mobbing friends vanished. Ditzy got up and stepped closer. “That never happened!” Ditzy said. “Your friends never even touched you!” “They might as well!” Sunset yelled. “Always got my back! Honest Applejack! None of them stepped in! Everybody bullied me! No punch could ever hurt as much as they’ve hurt me!” “They still love you!” Ditzy finally yelled back. “You don’t know how sorry they are, even though they’ve told you over and over again!” She stomped her foot. “Instead, you only hurt them back!” “They deserved it!” Sunset said. “Be glad I’m not my old self anymore!” Ditzy took a step back and frowned. From behind her, and then from all around her, Sunset felt one embrace after another and before she knew it, her friends had embraced her into a group hug. “Please come back to us Sunset!” Pinkie Pie begged. “Please forgive us,” Rarity pleaded. “We need you!” Rainbow Dash called out. “We miss our friend, please come back,” Applejack asked. “We miss you, Sunset. Life just isn’t the same without you,” Fluttershy cried. Ditzy stepped forward and put her arms on Sunset’s shoulders. Sunset gave her a startled look. “Your friends still love you so, Sunset,” she said. “And you love them too. Please give them another chance. Love can’t be wrong. I’m here struggling for it, in its name. You have to fight for it. It’s the only way.” “Please fight!” sounded every voice around her. Sunset shrugged hard and the hug came undone. She ducked and violently pushed herself out of the bunch, knocking over Fluttershy and Rarity. “Hell thy name is friendship!” Sunset yelled at Ditzy. “And you’re paving a damned fine road towards it with your ‘struggles’, as you say,” she said, stomping towards Ditzy. “You want a fight?” Sunset spun around. “You all want a fight? Fine!” Ditzy started running towards the building, trying to find a place to hide. Sunset didn’t give chase and instead turned to her friends. She drew in closer, her fist smacking her palm with every step. Her gaze turned to every single one of them. To Fluttershy, who would get the heaviest petting of her life. To Pinkie Pie, who would lose the remainder of her teeth. To Rarity, who would get a generous beating. To Rainbow Dash, who’s back she would most definitely have. And finally to Applejack, who honestly deserved it the most. “Well?!” Sunset called out. “Who’s first?” All but Fluttershy backed away from Sunset. She put her one good hand up for defence but to no avail. Sunset put her hand on her head and pushed her over backwards. “Next!” Sunset called again. Pinkie Pie looked among the others and decided to come forth, despite their protests. She extended both arms and smiled a toothless smile. Sunset grabbed her hands and turned the wrists, forcing Pinkie to kneel. Sunset pushed her to the ground with a foot to the chest. Sunset winked her finger at Rarity, who hid behind Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Her voice had kept ringing in Sunset’s head, ringing that she’d had doubts Sunset’s innocence at best and certainties about her guilt at worst. She clenched her hands and arms around her head, bowing slightly and gritting her teeth. A glare to kill a thousand men struck Rarity when she recovered. The closer Sunset drew, the more the distance among her remaining friends grew. She soon stood towering over Rarity. “You really had lost all faith in me, hadn’t you?” Sunset asked rhetorically. Rarity looked away in shame, revealing all the admission of guilt Sunset needed, really. Without hesitation, Sunset slapped Rarity across the face hard enough to make her trip and fall. Rarity didn’t look back, though her cheek had a nice bright red handprint on it. Two to go. Sunset looked to both her former friends, who’d kept their distance. “Great work Rainbow Dash,” she snarked. “You sure showed everyone who’s backs you actually have!” she said, motioning around her to her fallen comrades. “You won’t get away with that!” Dash called out. “Nobody hurts my friends like that!” With an unmatched rush she dashed towards Sunset, who stood by well prepared. She deflected Dash’s first straight punch by her side, using the momentum to spin in place and land a punch square in Rainbow Dash’s side. Not easily tamed, Dash threw in a spinning kick, hitting Sunset’s shoulder. “Finally, someone willing to actually put up a fight!” Sunset mocked her. “I’m not fighting for you, I’m fighting for them!” Dash said, throwing another punch. Sunset dodged and kicked Dash in the knee, sending her to the ground. She quickly scrambled to her hands and knees. “I know,” Sunset said. “That’s exactly what makes this so easy,” she smirked. She kicked Dash in the same side she’d punched before, rolling her over. Dash kept rolling to create some distance, futilely so as another kick hit her. After a third such kick, Sunset let her crouch before her with her hands on her hurt side. Dash didn’t even try and get back up. Sunset turned to the last one standing. The one to provide a final deliverance between Sunset and her friends when she was hospitalized. Who better to relay such a harsh truth? Applejack put up her defences and readied herself as soon as she saw Sunset approach her. ”Haven’t ya done enough?” Applejack said. Sunset started cackling, almost slipping into a full bout of maniacal laughter. “That’s rich, coming from you of all people,” she said in disbelief. “It’s you who’s not done enough! It’s all of you! And when you did something, it was too much!” As if what had happened had been visited upon some hapless third party, she followed up coyly, “That’s just too much.” Applejack had the palms of her hands facing Sunset, ready for her. The reality of having to fight someone she loved sunk in, a reality revealing itself on AJ’s face. “Ah know it may not mean much anymore but for what it’s worth...” Sunset threw a simple right punch. Applejack caught it, though Sunset hadn’t anticipated her to reel her in and pull her hand down and behind AJ, pushing them up against each other. With her free arm, Applejack pulled Sunset into a loving embrace. “Ah still love you,” Applejack cooed. “And that will never change.” With a shove, Applejack was thrown to the ground. “Maybe I haven’t made this crystal clear yet, so get this through your thick skull,” Sunset said, narrowing her eyes. “We’re through. We’re done! We’re DONE! Get it? We! Are! Done!” She bolded her fists. Applejack got up. “No more!” Truth of her undying love shone in the country girl’s eyes. No words were necessary. Applejack took it all as punches punctuated Sunset’s next few words. “Stop! Looking! At! Me! Like! That!” Sunset yelled. AJ stood her ground. “I...” Sunset looked at her friend, her friend, bleeding from the lips. ”I. Hate. You! I hate you! I hate you!” Every bout preceding another blow. Both girls stood trembling. Applejack lost and found her footing briefly. She felt her heartbeat in her blackened eyes. Sunset was catching her breath and with her arms stretched, finding support on her knees. A blunt pain forced Sunset forward into Applejack, sending them both to the ground. Before she knew it, Sunset’s arms were on her back, held in a lock by Ditzy. Her face buried in AJ’s chest. “That’s enough!” Ditzy yelled. “Will you stop and listen to yourself?!” Sunset didn’t need to turn around to figure out Ditzy’s expression. The breaks and cracks in her voice made it all too clear. Sunset turned her head so she could breathe at least. “They made me into this Ditzy! And so did you! All of you! You can all go to Tartarus!” Tears were running down her face. Ditzy pulled Sunset’s arm further into the lock, making her flinch. “They- We may-” Ditzy began. ”We have made you miserable but you became violent all on your own! Everyone stopped being physical. Times are harsh for sure, but peaceful nonetheless.” “But they-” “And out of everyone to hate you chose to hate your friends?!” Sunset bucked to try and get Ditzy off her back, succeeding on the second try. “They’re not my friends Ditzy!” “Then say it,” Ditzy dared Sunset. “Say it again.” “Say what?” Sunset asked. “Say that you hate them,” she continued. “And listen to yourself.” Sunset looked around and saw her fallen comrades. In her mind she conjured up those few simple words to speak. That friendship breaking spell, or so she had thought. What friendship? What friendship is there left to break? They broke first! They broke up our friendship! They broke me, along with everybody else! Outward, Sunset remained perfectly quiet, brows furrowing ever deeper. Screw them! Screw them all! How could I ever love anyone who’s done what they did? “You know what?” Sunset said. Ditzy raised a finger, attending Sunset to listen. “I hate you, Applejack,” Sunset said, hesitation apparent on the beat. She swallowed. The sunset had long since drowned in the water. Twilight had given way to the stars and a dark new moon, appearing like hole crossing the veil of the night. The lights in the building had died out a while ago. They’d all but grown accustomed to the darkness. Sunset shook her head and donned a scowl. She looked to Ditzy before looking back to Applejack. “Look at me Applejack!” she said in her outdoor voice. Applejack looked up from leaning over to steady herself, though she didn’t move to stand up straight. “I. Hate. You.” Sunset said. “I hate you for what you’ve done.” Sunset put her arm out and turned a full circle. “All of you! I hate you all!” She stomped her foot. Around her, bright pairs of light appeared some few feet a distance away, standing both low and tall, narrow and wide. All of them hungry for Sunset and drawing closer. Vicious snarls echoed from all directions. With a yell she felt would get her eaten by a beast, she bellowed her final words, “You’re all dead to me!” Her footing slipped with jerks before the earth beneath gave way completely. A few seconds later, Sunset finally woke up with a start and drenched in a cold sweat. To her left, she heard the familiar creaking of her bedroom door, revealing Twilight standing below the faint hallway light. Sunset’s eyes were like dinner plates with a serving of but a single bead of caviar. Gingerly, Twilight stepped inside without a sound, closing the door behind her. She came to sit down by her side. Sunset turned to face her without a hint of recognition or even the faintest change in her expression. Twilight got in close for a hug. Sunset didn’t resist. It was brief: a means to simply communicate an openness to hear her dreadful tale. Twilight scooted over to the wall and sat up against it, still wrapped snugly in her sleeping bag. She invited Sunset to come sit with her. Their friends were sleeping soundly nearby, though not close enough to hear some quiet back and forth. “Bad dream?” Twilight asked in a whisper. Sunset nodded. “Want to talk about it?” Tears sprung up in Sunset’s eyes. She didn’t even bother to look away. The knot in her throat made her voice croaky when she tried speaking up. Not wanting to wake her friends, she quietly examined the room before finding her whisper. “It… It was horrible Twilight!” she started. “We all got into a fight and well...” “How bad was it?” Sunset shook her head. “Poor Applejack…,” she murmured. She looked to her blonde friend, sound asleep, then turned back to Twilight. “I beat her up really bad.” “What? How?” Twilight asked astonished. “Why?” A flash of bright light flooded the room. Through the blinding blots, the two noticed Fluttershy standing by the light switch near the door. Quiet groans and grunts filled the room not long after. Rarity pulled down her sleeping bag just enough to peek at the clock, noting it wasn’t even early dawn yet. “Fluttershy dear, why on earth would you turn on the light at this ungodly hour,” Rarity said disgruntled. “Do you have any idea how many beauty sleeps it will take to undo this?” She looked towards her yellow friend, who meekly pointed across the room. The others had also poked their heads out from their sleeping bags, following the commotion. They all turned to Twilight and Sunset. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake everyone,” Fluttershy started. “Well, I actually did. I heard Twilight and Sunset and it sounded awful and when Sunset said she’d beat up Applejack-” “What?!” Rainbow Dash and Applejack called out. “Guys!” Twilight said a little too loud for the ungodly hour. “Calm down.” Sunset couldn’t stop staring at AJ, swallowing her sobs. “What do you mean she beat up Applejack?!” Dash said much too loud. “There’s no way you cou-” Pinkie Pie put her hand on Rainbow Dash’s mouth and shook her head. RD piped down and took in her surroundings. “S-She,” Sunset started. ”She let me.” Sunset looked like she was about to throw up. “But why would you even … ” Twilight started. She paused to find the right words. “Sunset, why were we fighting?” Sunset shook her head. “We weren’t fighting, Twilight. It was between me and the others.” She looked across her party, each holding an expression different from the next. “What did we do?” Dash asked, her voice drenched in indignancy. All the rest shot her a scornful look. Sunset held her fist up to her mouth, slightly biting her index finger, muttering something. “I’m sorry?” Twilight said. Sunset shook her head slightly, quietly, hands on her head and knees huddled up to her face. Fluttershy came to sit closer to Sunset, placing her hand on Sunset’s knee. “We’re here for you Sunset. It’s okay, you’re safe.” Sunset peeked up, looking around the room again. “We’re your friends Sunset,” Fluttershy continued. “Can you tell us what happened?” Sunset stretched her legs out on the ground and put her hands in her lap, her twirling thumbs seemingly having captivated all of her attention. She nodded and sighed. “It’s… It’s just, uhm...” “It’s okay, Sunset,” Twilight said. “Take your time.” Over the few minutes that followed, Sunset recounted the events of her dreams to the best that she could still recall them. Her friends sat awestruck, listening to the terrible tale. “... I was all alone, left with nothing but hatred of all of you.” By this point, none had managed to contain themselves save for Applejack. Pinkie Pie had the saddest frown, one not for seeing her friend so hurt, but for her own part in that causing that suffering. “All of you had left me,” Sunset said, choking back tears with sobs. “You hurt me when I needed you the most.” She shook her head to perish the thought. “But worst of all, I wasn’t strong enough to keep it together. Instead of trying to fix things....” Sunset looked at Applejack with a remorse AJ had not ever seen, then to the others, one by one. I hurt you back! Thoughts that could not pass her lips. Slowly, gingerly, Twilight embraced Sunset, offering a shoulder to her broken friend. Sunset wept, letting all the sorrow flow free. Let it move her into the safety and warmth of her friends embrace. The others crawled closer, embracing her one by one until the group hug was complete. After a little while, Sunset’s sobbing had quieted down one last time. She was leaning back against Twilights shoulder and arm. All around her were her smiling friends, their eyes betraying the honest concern. “So… You could totally handle me and AJ huh?” Rainbow Dash asked jokingly. “That’s a mighty big claim if Ah ever heard one,” Applejack winked. Sunset hid a grimace with a smile. “Yeah, you two were complete ragdolls. Such pushovers.” She winked, knowing the bitter truth. Applejack gently pet Sunset’s head. “Good thing we’re all still together.” Fluttershy nodded. “I always miss you guys waking up after a bad dream, so I’m glad I can be here for you.” Sunset grabbed Fluttershy’s hand and held it gratefully. “Who’d like to go to the mall tomorrow, and then spend the night at my place?” Rarity asked. “After all this, I’d like to reassure Sunset that nothing will ever break us apart.” “What’s that got to do with the mall?” AJ Asked. “I need a few last trinkets for a surprise,” Rarity said. “You’ll see at the sleepover.” She winked. Applejack smiled. “Why wait until tomorrow when we can make her smile right now?!” Pinkie Pie said, engaging her tickle monster mode. “Ah! No! Pinkie Pie s-s-stohohop!” Sunset burst out into a bout of laughter, especially when some others joined in with Pinkie Pie. Before long, the ticklishness wore off. “Ah hah, I have to admit Pinkie, that was a good laugh,” Sunset admitted with a blush, drying her eyes. “Thank you.” “‘S What I do,” Pinkie said with pride. Sunset looked among her group of friends and finally, everyone was smiling in genuine. “Thank you all, for being my friends,” Sunset said. “I don’t know where I’d be without you.” “Don’t worry Sunset,” Rainbow Dash said. “We’ll always have your ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-” Rainbow Dash’s voice had taken on an almost robotic tone, sounding ever more like a buzzer than her actual voice. It was at that point that Sunset realized she was dreaming. The very next moment, reality collapsed around her. She opened her eyes and, in the dark, stared at her ceiling. The sun rose in her window and then it dawned on her. She was in hell. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies Aren’t Always Enough Chapter 10 Written by FreeHomeBrew Edited by FreeHomeBrew Reviewed by Sadistic Fluttershy Chapters 1-6 written by Sadistic Fluttershy The magical waves of blues and reds and magentas washed over Sunset, touching her like strands of rubber, attaching to her like syrup before pulling and tugging. The surge invaded her, transformed her, and she felt tranquil returning to her former body. She realized: It had been too long. Her clothes came undone, the threads cast into the stream. She hadn’t much been aware of this last time, since back then she had nothing on her body to hide or disguise. She crossed her arms across her chest, fully aware of the futility. Moments ahead of her was the fleeting destiny she’d shaped over the past few days, exchanging letters with the one beyond. She hadn’t seen or heard of anyone but her and her own family in the new world. Her fingers shrunk and soon disappeared. The hair on her arms, legs and everywhere else grew longer until it was a fresh golden fuzz. Her chest vanished and she felt her spine tingling as she took on again her equestrian form. She looked about herself, no longer noticing any trace of her misery on the outside. Just the still broken leg. At least the revelations she had planned were on her terms. Sunset emerged from the blue with a little stumble. She looked around to get her bearings, seeing her only friend smiling a cautious smile. “Hey Twilight,” Sunset said. “Hi Sunset,” Twilight greeted meekly. “It’s good to see you again.” Sunset nodded. “You look nice,” Sunset said. “Thank you, for remembering.” “It’s what I always wear when attending diplomatic meetings,” Twilight said with a wink. “I brought you the same, in your colors of course,” she smiled. “You’ll get t-!” to thank Rarity later. Twilight caught herself. “~to make so many new impressions here!” Sunset smiled and gave a quiet nod. “Thanks.” Twilight took a good close look at her friend, having heard only part of the story over the past week. Sunset’s mane was a little out of place, though not quite a mess. Her fur was ruffled, though had Twilight not been prompted to look, she wouldn’t have noticed. Looks, especially coats and manes, were things passerby’s would take note of once they’d get out on the streets of Canterlot. Her shaggy friend was awkwardly balancing on three hooves. One thing eluded Twilight. Maybe she didn’t want to notice. Maybe she didn’t want to even look. Sunset noticed, being kind enough to keep quiet. Although Twilight was facing Sunset, she hadn’t dared look her in the eye. Her deepest subconscious had pushed her to merely pretend, all to avoid having to face, or even see, in Sunset her recent lived experience, and to acknowledge it. All the signs were there. Somehow, Twilight managed to convince herself this was her being strong for Sunset, lest she would fall apart then and there from realizing her friend was living something worse than her own worst nightmare. “I’m sorry to ask for a favour right on the doorstep but...” Sunset looked at her hind leg. “I really need your help with this one.” Twilight nodded, and set her horn a-glow. She lifted Sunset and floated her next to herself without setting her down. “Let’s heal up your leg,” Twilight said. Sunset walked into the waiting room, greeting Twilight with a warm smile. Her step had gotten confident enough for her to no longer stumble as much, and she managed to let her horn glow a little. “You look much better already,” Twilight said. She wanted to ask for a twirl, but instead chose to walk around her, knowing the hassle of going from biped back to quadruped. “It really suits you.” “Thanks. I’m just glad my leg is fixed,” Sunset said. “Wish things were that easy in my world.” “You can’t even fix a broken leg?” Twilight asked, completely baffled. “We can,” Sunset answered, “but it takes a cast, crutches, bed rest and plenty of time. I’d rather be a human than a pony breaking a hind leg, especially without magic.” Twilight kept silent, her eyes still wide. “It’s really humbling,” Sunset said. “You have no idea how lucky you are.” The deeper meaning of Sunset’s words did not escape Twilight. Glimmers of that hell trickled into Twilight’s serene reality. She swallowed, before regaining her façade; or her composure, as she would like to call it. Twilight’s eyes finally met Sunset’s ever so briefly, keeping her quiet. Not wanting to know what Sunset was going through, yet wanting to be there for her in a meaningful way, kept choking her harder and harder. She wanted to have those magic words to fix all this. That spell to turn everything back to normal. She was certain it existed, and that she must know it. Yet, for days now, nothing had turned up. In turn, Sunset had built her expectations from cynicism and Twilight’s written responses. From the top of her tower she saw Twilight knocking on the drawbridge, smiling up, but watching the crocodiles in the moat like a hawk. Luckily for the both of them, Sunset was bright enough to be aware of herself and of her goals. She had to be welcoming to Twilight. “Let’s go for a walk,” Sunset said, “I want to revisit some memories.” Much of the afternoon had been spent in peace. Any questions Sunset had about what had changed in any particular place, Twilight would answer. Any questions Twilight had were left unspoken, yet found their answer in all those places her friend would take her and in the things asked of her. From the library and the faint scorch marks above the centrepiece, to the arcades overlooking the royal gardens, in turn serving as an open art studio today. From the gymnasium storage units to the administrative offices and the student counsellors. All the way to the royal dormitories, courtroom and the palace of the royal sisters. Sunset had requested an attendance with the princesses, which had been declined with a hearty chuckle. When a surprise Princess Twilight Sparkle had made the same request, the paperwork had been processed before Sunset had finished her last laugh. It wasn’t anything urgent. No courts, events or proceedings needed interrupting for a former student, though Twilight could personally guarantee that Princess Celestia would be delighted to see her. While walking down a Canterlot street, a voice called out from an ice cream parlor, sounding Twilight’s name. Soon more followed, and Twilight turned to greet her Canterlot friends of days past. Sunset merely looked away, but stepped forward when Twilight wanted to introduce her. It would have been so heartwarming. Twilight’s friends were all smiles, hugs and the full array of welcoming gestures. Join us, it’ll be our treat. Come sit with us, Sunset. Any friend of Twilight’s is a friend of ours. Twilight smiled at the unexpected opportunity. This chance to brighten Sunset’s day. Their use of words now empty to Sunset lead to no less than a complete and too harsh a rejection of their smiles, kindness and generosity. How could they trust anyone so easily? It’s easy to throw around words that carry no weight. She’d stepped away in a mood, an audible stomp in her step in protest and frustration. Moments later, Twilight caught up to her having explained the situation to her friends. By the end of the afternoon, Sunset got introduced to Twilight’s family, the captain of the royal guard and his wife. The company had been good, as had the conversations. Lighthearted and fun tales of goofballs in the guard and silly students had been exchanged and notes on the differences and similarities made. Shining Armor and Cadence went home after supper, and Twilight proposed to do the same with Sunset. Though Twilight’s parents had insisted they’d stay the night, Twilight informed them that Spike had already prepared Twilight’s home to accommodate Sunset. The warm gesture and the atmosphere of that early evening had moved Sunset and she expressed as much. She was welcome to visit any time she liked. Teleportation would have been Twilight’s prefered mode of transport had Sunset not declined her idea. Instead, they soon found themselves waiting on a platform at the Canterlot train station, catching a late train back to Ponyville. The night sky had been overcast, yet Sunset had spent the ride staring out the window. Twilight sat down next to her, and failed to make conversation remarking on today’s events. The subsequent quiet thankfully hadn’t been awkward. Twilight had simply dozed off, leaning up against Sunset until their arrival in Ponyville. Her mane and fur were matted where Sunset had napped on her. She couldn’t help but notice the patches lined up with the streaks down and around Sunset’s eyes. Spike had been waiting for them at Ponyville station, commenting on their haggard looks and wondering out loud why they hadn’t simply blinked home. He looked to Twilight, who looked to Sunset, who listed reasons. “Oh, you know, reasons.” The walk back to the Golden Oak Library had been to naught but the tune of cobbles, dirt, hooves and claws. Not all had been said, but the party was quiet simply because it was midnight, and the day had been exhausting for all. Sunset longed for her own bed in her own home, knowing she would have to try and sleep in this pony body again. Twilight, for once, had run out of care to ask even one more question and immediately retired when she got back home. Spike informed Sunset of the situation on where to find her bed and various sleepover items, not getting much of a response. When Sunset tried and failed to grab hold of a toothbrush with either a hoof or magic, she gave up, and went to bed as she was. Spike’s offer to brush her teeth for her had been too off putting. Another (a better) day would come. She’d ushered Spike out of the room before getting undressed. She knew it was customary to be in the nude wherever ponies went save for the special occasion, but she figured it’d take more than a day to rid herself of 3 years of clothed experience. Suddenly, she felt a great sense of gratitude for the many ponies she met today had worn clothes. In particular Twilight’s family. In particular her brother. She shook her head before she could blush and have any weird new memories to take back home. She looked around the room for a place to put her dress and the rest of her few possessions. Finally, she had but one last thing to do. She took in her designated bed: a large woven basket with a grand alabaster mattress tucked neatly inside. A gorgeous nigh-ethereal, fine grain canopy stood over it, opened up just enough to be inviting. This bed was literally made for her, as on it’s ceiling was a perfect red and yellow depiction of her cutiemark. Cutiemark. No other word could ring more of home. Twilight did not have the insight, nor the vision nor skills to make a bed this divine, as some would put it. Sunset stepped closer, taking in the simple and functional design. Once she set her hoof on it however, she saw how the stitching in every fabric was a repeated pattern of the outline of her cutiemark. Hours of dedicated work, committed especially for, or to, her. It’s the kind of gift where it’s not merely the thought that counts. She lay down, sinking an inch or two into the soft cushioning. No amount of twisting and turning would allow her to lie as comfortable as would a set of hands and somewhat more articulate legs, but at some point she made due with old memories of sleeping like a horse. Over the course of the night, Sunset had reorganized all of her questions, and, by the time her alarm went off, found this one on top: why had she even bothered to go to bed? She had wanted to blame the bed, or the new room, or the new body. Anything but the things that had actually kept her up. She hadn’t been sure whether she had wanted to sleep: she would only regret waking up again. She had second thoughts, and third and more, about the things she had Applejack tell the others. She didn’t want this. What wrongs had she committed that stood between her and her friends? Why had they betrayed her? It was a boundless braided band of brambled branches bending back onto one another. What could she have done differently? Where did she go wrong? Whenever that crown of thorns would come off, even if only slightly and but for a moment, thoughts of this world would flood her mind. Of Twilight’s friends whom she already knew by name and tail no doubt. She’d have to face the one who’d made her bed and thank her for it. They would go out and make new memories she already had from the other side, only to go back to her new home forever more. Sleep had eventually seized her, and unbeknownst to her, the gods of the old nights had come to visit her. The night sky had a new bright star, a beacon to guide the dream watcher. In the light of dawn, beyond the fibre of the canopy, Sunset saw a purple blob go to and fro in a quiet frenzy. She shut her half lid eye and turned away. The sound of her rustling inadvertently drawing her friend’s attention. “Good morning Sunset Shimmer!” came an all too chipper voice. “I hope you’re well rested, we’ve got such a busy day!” Sunset groaned, but got up. She didn’t want to be a bother to her hosts and be the life of the pity party, but lying in bed all day being a burden would be so much worse. She stepped out of the basket and up to Spike. “Hello Spike,” she sighed. “I hope so too. Is Twilight up yet?” “We’ve been up for an hour or so,” he replied. He raised his hand pre-empting any objections. “You’re our guest Sunset, everything’s taken care of. Breakfast is ready. Go freshen up and we’ll see you in a bit.” Sunset nodded. Breakfast. No thanks. She has had some meals from time to time over the past week, but she couldn’t help but think how losing your friends is one hell of a diet. Sunset went into the restroom, alerted to a very basic bodily function. She flushed having relieved herself and stepped up to the sink and mirror. Her mane and tail were thoroughly ruined  and she had a poor taste in her mouth. Her eyes were poofy and her cheeks were matted. She’d almost taken offence to Spike’s remark to go freshen up but could not help but agree. She managed to lift the toothbrush this time, and got a washing cloth to scrub her face. She even managed to work the tap. She tried standing upright and inspect her chest and belly without much luck. A small mirror in the cabinet helped a little, but her fur obscured anything she actually wanted to see. In a way this was a relief. Surely if she couldn’t see, her friends wouldn’t either. Finally she saw the mane brush, left it and went join Twilight and Spike at the breakfast table. Only Spike had been keen on the delight in Twilight’s trot when Sunset entered the room.  Sunset got a hug from Twilight and was glad she managed to return it, albeit full of doubt. The air was comfortable and enjoyable. Despite that, and to make sure of that, Twilight chose her words very wisely and precisely. All would be said and done in due time if she could just control her curiosity, for Sunset’s sake. For their friendship, and hers back home. Twilight asked how she’d slept of course, cutting off conversation going into the subject of dreams. How Sunset had liked her first day as a pony, and only about that aspect and not the events. Sunset remarked that she was glad she could walk without crutches again, and how she was looking forward to using her magic to the fullest, after having used it occasionally thus far. Twilight suggested she’d not use magic too much lest she’d get homesick in two worlds, a sagely joke. In the end, nothing too painful had been touched upon, and Twilight was happy for her success. Next up was future talk. In some odd minutes, Twilight would teleport them both back to Canterlot for their appointment with the royalty and she wanted to be properly prepared. Sunset had objected to much of the preparation. Celestia didn’t really care how they looked or even much about who they were: all were loved as equals. Twilight’s persistence outlasted her care and with a grunt, a groan, a sigh and a head-spinning rolling of the eyes she caved. Moments later she regretted having wasted so much time arguing, as now the pressure was on. Which dress to wear? Which shoes to put on? Any jewelry? She shook her head. First things first. Mane brush, where? Toothbrush? Time for a shower? In the end she managed to get around to everything but a dress and shoes. Twilight knocked on the door and let herself in. In her magic she carried two crowns. One bore a purple crystal star, the other glass swirls of yellow and red. Sunset gave Twilight a look. Twilight put her own crown on her head and looked at the other one, and paused. She sighed, and spoke. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what to tell you,” she began. “And I’ve mostly been at a loss for words.“ Something stung and she chuckled. “So instead I made you this.” She levitated the other crown before Sunset and slowly spun it around for her to take a closer look. “I took a class on magical carving and made the gem myself.” She put a hoof behind her head. ”Well, really it’s just glass,” she said, looking away. “The metal part should be familiar to you.” Sunset narrowed her eyes, squinting at the gold, though she didn’t answer. “It’s the crown you left me when we first met.” Sunset looked at Twilight. “I’m giving it back to you. It’s something new now.” The crown moved closer to Sunset and over her head. She could not help but close her eyes and bow. There were no trumpets, no choirs, no audience, not anything but intimacy when the Princess of Friendship crowned her friend. “And so are you.” Twilight stepped closer. “Remember that.” She raised Sunset Shimmer and pulled her into a hug. After a gasp, Sunset wholeheartedly returned the embrace with a whispered and broken “Thank you,” celebrations erupting in their hearts. Sunset turned to face the mirror, appreciating the headpiece. Twilight came standing next to her, wearing her own. Before them were two princesses in the making, and she hoped Sunset would see the same. Sunset tried to look, but couldn’t really see. Or rather, she could not focus well enough to actually perceive so that anything would really become more meaningfully distinct from anything else. In Sunset’s mind there was Celestia, her tutor, mentor and god of this world. The one who might as well have banished her. At that time, Sunset might as well have banished Celestia had she had the power. There were her hated but dear dear friends whom she wanted back but couldn’t. Doubts of whether they were even still themselves haunting her. She can’t go back, can’t go back. Sunset looked to Twilight’s reflection, remembering all their exchanges this week. She was grateful for her dress and not having been naked while acclimating. She thought of Fleur, who had been loving, but ever worse of a mess. Sunset could not help but feel so guilty. Her mother’s concerns were on her behalf after all. Her father was faring better, though she could not tell by how much. In the mirror she saw that crown she so had wanted, only to have fallen into her lowest when she got it. Now she hated those who’d saved her. All those things were on her mind. She could not see what Twilight wanted her to see. All she saw was everything, all the time. Nothing stood out as more relevant than anything else; even the blind don’t perceive like that. Twilight noticed the blank distant stare of her friend in the mirror and nudged her. “Sunset?” The mention of her name seized her attention. Sunset turned to Twilight. ”Sunset, are you ready to come see Celestia?” Sunset frowned, her eyes slightly contracted. She sighed after a moment. “I did ask for this, literally. I’ll wait with thanking you for convincing me until afterwards though. I’m still not sure this is a good idea.” Her concerned frown turned to more of a scowl. “I’ve told Celestia about everything,” Twilight said. “There’s nothing to worry about.” Twilight directed Sunset to the mirror, and pointed to her crown. “You aren’t who you used to be,” she smiled. “What did I just tell you?” Twilight winked. Sunset nodded and gave a weak smile. “I’ll try to remember,” Sunset said, knowing only she knew not who she was. Twilight motioned for Sunset to come stand with her and with a blink, they were gone. There came a knock on the greatest door in Equestria, resounding through the marble hall. All the attendance had cleared moments earlier, and only two expectant princesses and their guards had heard. The guards stood to attention, though relaxed when Celestia chuckled. “At ease boys,” she said, having dropped all formalities. “Today we have two honorary guests.” The doors lit up and turned to open at Celestia’s magical command. The Princess got up from her throne and walked down the steps to greet her guests. “Hello Luna,” she started. “Thank you so much for attending. I know how precious your day time can be.” Princess Luna curtsied. “Thank you, Sister,” she said. “Let’s hope spirits shall remain as high as they are now. I’m afr-” She cut herself off. “Twilight’s friend… I believe helping Sunset will be more important than any of us fully realize.” That was not to say the situation was worse than any of them really knew. Celestia nodded, though did not comment. Following Luna came the two crown bearers. The moment Sunset felt Celestia’s gaze fall upon her she turned to stone. That glare transcending any cold a mortal pony could muster, that had cast so many before her to places where no joy would find them, was now on her. A moment later, she was greeted by that eternal motherly smile. “Welcome back, Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia said. “I’ve missed you.” Luna smiled at the acknowledgement of Sunset’s redemption and reformation. Celestia’s trust in her friend Twilight Sparkle, and her judgement Sunset had passed. It wasn’t that Sunset was home, for she wasn’t. It was that Sunset had returned to her root. To being that student that Celestia had known before her lust for power had taken hold of her. Celestia had lost her Sunset long before she’d entered the portal. Luna thought it reminiscent of her own return and her Sister’s warm welcome that day. Without hesitation, Sunset galloped up to Celestia and fell into a warm embrace. All her fears of coming here had vanished. What followed was a babbling no sane mare or stallion could make sense of, and all present understood in full. Not the mere broken words and the cacophony of vowels and cries and laughter, nor the motions of her body and expressions on her face, but the entirety of the spectacle, all could comprehend. It was the momentary loss of all fear, pain, hatred, loathing, grace and dignity to the prospect of becoming whole again. Twilight walked up to Sunset, who’d regained her composure and was wiping away at her eyes. “I’m sorry,” Sunset said, blushing in shame. “I’m okay now.” Twilight gave her a quick hug with a whisper, “I told you it’d be okay.” “I’m sorry I ever doubted you, Twilight,” Sunset said. Twilight tilted her head at the unexpected remark. Before she had her first question, Celestia spoke up. “My Sister and I are both delighted to have your company, Sunset,” she said. “We know all about your adventures beyond the mirror thanks to Twilight.” The pair turned to Luna and Celestia, who could not help but smile at the friendly display. Luna was the first to return to her more serious nature. “Shall we begin?” She said. “We have little time for all we need to say.” The meeting had not lasted for too long. After two cups of morning brew and a snack or two, the royalty and their guests all went their separate ways again. The matter was grave and condensed and tensions had been high. Celestia had made the important point that this was not a time to find a solution, but simply meant to familiarize themselves with the situation. You cannot solve what you cannot understand after all. Poor Twilight Sparkle. It had been so intense. Sunset had tried to summarize the situation, to tell everyone how she felt and the things she thought. She came to thank Twilight for everything and broke down, no longer able to express herself in a meaningful way. Twilight had taken the torch and informed Sunset of what she’d shared with the princesses, only getting a quiet sobbing nod. Sunset remarked on how much of a mess she had become and how sorry she was for her pitiful display. Celestia had looked to Luna, who in turn said that the mastery of one’s emotions was by no means a trivial or even an obvious thing to do. Lots of ponies are happy being slaves to their emotions since it’s much easier to live with little self control. Celestia interjected, since she didn’t want anyone to imply Sunset just let loose and let her life rot. She knew, as well as Twilight, that Sunset was a very capable young lady. Able to plan ahead, to be empathetic, and to not be easily provoked into going on emotional outbursts. She explained that what has happened to Sunset was completely beyond her control and deeply traumatic. She told of how the first era after Nightmare Moon’s defeat came to be a minor ice age, and how those who needed her, the little ponies of Equestria, had reminded her of her duties and responsibilities. It was their friendship and their faith in her that had brought her back to life, and restored her faith in both herself and in the future. One day, Luna would be returned to her, and she wanted to be ready for that day. So too Sunset will transform. Luna apologized and brought the conversation back on track. She magically projected all around them what she had witnessed in Sunset’s deepest dreams. Dreams not even Sunset could recall in full or in part, yet felt true and were at the bottom of her soul. They were standing in a circle, about thirty feet across, surrounded by calm, tall, red, yellow and black flames against an infinite void. All around sounded voices of cries and laughter of Sunset and her friends. Smells of home, of the cafeteria and of her friends were in the air from one moment to the next. The sensation of her hand passing through their hair. But the force that oppressed them all the most  came from the questions Sunset felt could never be answered. Why had they forsaken her? Twilight had yelled, screamed for Luna to stop. Luna, so taken by surprise, could not react in time and like Celestia, was pushed away by the shield spell Twilight had blasted around herself and her friend. She bowed the ground, hooves across her head, gnashing her teeth, whimpering, and releasing another shield within the existing one, followed by another. Sunset stood by her, looking down and away. She now knew, at least she thought she did, why Twilight hadn’t made eye contact earlier. It wasn’t that Twilight’s knowledge was somehow wrong or incomplete. It wasn’t so simple as things Twilight held dear being contradicted or opposed. Sunset Shimmer violated everything Twilight Sparkle. The words to express the conflict that had struck Twilight would not reveal themselves to pony kind for another thousand generations. Sunset was the light shining upon the dark from within the darkness of both herself and that of her friends, and so too were her friends alike. Their shadows had enveloped everything their light once touched and graced, yet all the light had remained, sealed away but not extinguished. Her friends still loved her. She still loved her friends. In the void lurked a vile dragon and it had roared. Twilight’s spine tingled when she realized it had smelt her too. Suddenly she understood Sunset doubting her and why, almost losing her lunch over thinking, and realizing she was, herself capable of such immorality. Celestia got up from near the wall where she had landed. She walked up to Twilight’s outer shield and nullified her spells. Luna joined her Sister and they looked to Sunset, who turned to her possessed friend. Sunset put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder and moved it down her leg to her hoof. She raised it, and picked her up from the floor. A shot to the gut would not warrant a look as painful as Twilight’s. She scuttled away from Sunset as though from a snake and bumped into Celestia. “You are right, Twilight,” Sunset finally spoke. “I am something new.” She took off her crown and gently spun it in front of her, looking at it. Looking at her reflections in the glass and gold. “Don’t worry,” she continued. She looked up to Twilight and put her crown back on her head. “I can’t go back. I can’t go back to that power hungry demon I once was.” Twilight was breathing hard, still trying to comprehend the existence before her. It wasn’t Sunset she witnessed after all. To Twilight, the manifestation before her was the embodiment of an eldritch abomination, literally something she could not imagine, something not of her world. An emptiness in the Continuum of Friendship. A night’s sky where all the stars were a black mass swarming. “But,” Sunset said. “I can’t go back to who you’ve redeemed either.” She shook her head. “That Sunset is gone. I’m sorry.” Twilight choked and held her breath. Occasionally, Twilight had given it some thought: the death of a friend. Inevitably, eventually, she knew she would outlive her friends. All of them. Not just those in their earthly lifetime but those beyond when she would outlive all of the generations to come. She couldn’t live it, not even as a thought experiment. Every time this thread would spin itself it threatened to unravel the very fabric that made her who she was, and she always cut it before it could. She had yet to solve the mystery of preserving life after death. To keep that of value alive after the physical has left this plane. Now she faced a dead girl walking, or rather, someone who once was a girl she thought she knew. She wanted to hang out some more with her friends at Canterlot High. To be at Pinkie Pie’s parties. To compete with team AJ versus team RD. To have a sleepover at Fluttershy’s or applaud at a catwalk featuring Rarities stunning creations. To study with Sunset Shimmer and run tests and experiments. To learn more about the Magic of Friendship. She wished she had enjoyed those times more than she had. She wished she had put in the time and effort to make more memories with them. She realized she had taken them for granted and now, all of that was gone. It was as though part of herself had died. That life beyond the gate was no more. Tears started rolling down her face in silence. She dropped her rump to the floor as her knees gave way. She looked to the one who always had all the answers. “Sunset is right, Twilight,” Celestia said. “And all we can do is move on with our lives.” She looked to her favourite pupil with remorse. A sorry for not having any sagely advice one would expect from Gods eternal. “When Luna and I were younger, we tried all the things one might try with all our power and facing these hardships for the first time.” “We were foolish back then, Sister,” Luna said, anger and grief riddled her voice. “We had so many time spells. The world, everything had gone to rubbish. We still share the pain of those we hurt like the fools we were.” “We hadn’t grown much wiser trying to fight reality,” Celestia continued. “Some things are out of our control. Be they fate, destiny or doom. No magic has ever saved us from that.” Luna frowned and turned away. “We still grow ill thinking of all the ponies who’s free will We had taken.” She stomped. “To make them say the things We wanted to hear. To make them do the things We desired of them,” she growled. “To instill in another a will that is not their own! How wicked a mare can be in desperate times!” She quickly calmed herself, followed by an apology. “Even the gods may be slaves to matters of the heart when it desires but one last beat of another.” Celestia turned to Twilight. “So, I am truly sorry it doesn’t sound like much,” Celestia said apologetically. “But moving on is what we found to be the best solution. Moving on does not mean letting go, or let it rot and fester. It means putting in the work to make things right.” “It is neither easy or simple,” Luna said. “You will need to do a lot of thinking, and work towards ensuring your own safety and wellbeing. The biggest trial is overcoming the delusion you are not even worth your own consideration.” “You are my two contemporary prodigies,” Celestia said, turning to both the young mares. “Let Twilight be the sieve to Sunset’s murky waters and let both enrich our lives with the gold you will find. I am certain you will create new friendships, and renew those friendships you’ve lost.” Luna turned to Sunset. “We commend you for taking so many important steps in facing this tragedy.” Luna bowed. “We apologize again for our earlier remark. We did not mean to imply you are but a puppet to your whims.” Sunset took a step back. She’s right though. Not wanting to be that downer, she simply replied.“Don’t worry about it your highness, I wouldn’t dare think you meant any harm.” Everyone turned towards Twilight Sparkle, who in turn looked down, and then to Sunset. A confused sadness had found its way to Twilight’s face. How could anyone live like that? Twilight had calmed down enough to speak again. With a sniff, she started. “I don’t know what to say,” She said. “I don’t even want to move on.” She shook her head. “I want to go back!” She looked down and off to the side. “We all do. But we can’t.” “But I want to go back!” Her words echoed in the room in a silence acknowledging the futility of that desire common to all. The conversation had come to an end. “We think we’ve all come to understand Sunset’s inner situation,” Luna said. “Unfortunately, our little time together is through, and so her life’s situation needs to be addressed some other occasion.” Luna yawned. “Pardon our yawn, ‘t is the middle of our sleeping hour.” “A rest well deserved,” Celestia said. “Of course you’re very welcome to join us on future occasions.” “We would not object to moonlit meetings, Sister,” Luna said. “Cumbersome as those might be.” Unlike Celestia’s work, Luna’s was not very strictly scheduled, as noteworthy dreams themselves rarely are. She did not like interrupting her duties. “We shall see,” Celestia said. She turned to her esteemed prodigies. “That also depends on our two guests.” Sunset and Twilight looked to one another. Sunset spoke up. “Thank you for the offer, both of you,” She began. ”But I must head back to my world soon, though I could spend one more night,” she said. “It took a lot of effort to meet Twilight, and dragging you two into it wasn’t much short of a miracle.” She thought for a moment. “It might be best to meet at some later time. Easier to arrange, plus things are still changing a lot back home.” “Understandable,” Celestia said. “Twilight, are you taking notes?” She asked with a grain of concern. Twilight looked up, a bit startled. “I’m sorry Princess,” she said. She looked about herself for writing material but came up short. “Don’t worry Twilight,” Sunset said. “I’ve got this one.” “We hereby then adjourn our meeting,” Luna said with another yawn. “We shall retire to our bed.” “Sleep well Sister,” Celestia said as Luna passed the doors. “Well. my little ponies,” Celestia said, “I too must turn back to my duties. What will you two be doing?” Twilight and Sunset looked at one another. Sunset could see determination, a desperate and immediate plan in those violet eyes. A need for certainty. She nodded, and Twilight looked to Celestia. “I want to go see my friends today,” Twilight said. She turned to Sunset. “If that’s okay with you. All I need is just to say hi, I promise.” Her words stung Sunset. She knew Twilight meant her Ponyville friends. She knew she wasn’t a part of that clique, nor did she dare face them as she was now. “That’s okay,” Sunset said. “I’d like to spend some time here in Canterlot anyway. Plus I should tell my parents I’ll be staying another night.” She tilted her head and smiled. “Just to be sure.” Twilight looked away with wry. “I’m sorry, for my selfishness.” She looked up to her friendless friend, knowing she asked to enjoy that very special something lost to Sunset. “And thank you, Sunset.” She turned to Celestia. “We’ll stay in touch,”  she said. “Should I leave you a copy of our exchange diary?” She asked. Celestia declined the offer. She trusted Twilight’s letters and assessments to be sufficient. Plus, she would not want everything said and done before the next meeting even started. She enjoyed catching up, even if it wasn’t good news, it was good to talk in person. Thus, the two young mares bode their goodbyes to their teacher, mentor, and the goddess of this world and passed through the greatest doors in Equestria. Outside, they walked to where the sun would find and warm them. They followed through on their plans, promising to meet again by the end of the afternoon. Twilight had blinked away, Sunset decided to put her restored leg to good use (and to avoid the risk of a faulty teleportation). The Canterlot sky was as blue as it ever was. Sunset took note of how she thought it strange that the weather was controlled here, rather than thinking her new world was the odd one out. Truly she had found her new home. She had some time available before she had to tend to her promises and so decided to go for a walk in downtown Canterlot. She hadn’t been there for a long while, and even when she was still an Equestrian mare through and through, she never really paid it much attention. Not so much as she would be playing the tourist. The path ran down the city construct all the way to the far edge hanging over the mountain side. What a view that must be. From her current vantage, she saw all the royal institutions she grew up with, deciding she had seen enough of that yesterday. A drag longer than she had anticipated. Instead, her attention turned to the ponies around her, and she started walking. Only very few ponies did not wear clothes, although those that did wore a uniform of some kind. Guards, officers, officials, bureaucrats, professors, groundskeepers, but no families or friends. The demographics changed once she reached the bridge crossing the rivers of molten mountain frost. In the commercial district, nopony but her was without a dress or suit. There were boutiques, theatres, open air catwalks, painters, sculptors and artists of all varieties. Restaurants, cafés, bookstores, the works. It wasn’t long before manier eyes were upon her naked body and cheap gaudy crown. Maybe, she thought, wandering off alone wasn’t the best idea. Before she could panic however, a hoof tapped her on her shoulder. “Sunset, Sunset Glimmer, right?” asked a familiar voice. Sunset turned around and found herself facing Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. “Shimmer, actually.” Sunset corrected them. “And, I’m very sorry but I only remember Shining Armor’s name,” she said with a blush. “That’s okay,” said Cadence, “Princess MiAmore Cadenza doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.” She winked. “Just call me Cadence.” Maybe coming here wasn’t a mistake after all. Not as big a mistake as forgetting a Princess’  name anyway. The couple asked about Twilight, and Sunset informed them of the practicality of the situation and Twilight’s whereabouts. She was in turn wondering why they were still here. They had decided that the trip was too long to stay only just one night, so they’d extended their stay. The familial talk had not gone unnoticed by the bystanders and passerby’s and soon the misplaced looks had turned to ones of great interest. One sided interest. Cadence proposed to hang out and show Sunset the Canterlot hot spots. A plan sure to draw attention, yet also ward any busybodies. First up was getting Sunset some new clothes, an offer she immediately and strongly declined. Cadence insisted, not afraid to use her political position with a wink to compel Sunset. Shining Armor suggested to consider it a souvenir for Twilight, as the two mares were approximately the same size. If Sunset didn’t want to keep it, they were certain Twilight would. And thus, Sunset gave. The clothier asked about the crown and matching colours, prompting Shining Armor and Cadence to ask about the tale of how she got it. “It’s a gift from Twilight,” Sunset said in earnest, telling of the visit with the royalty she’d had this morning and how all of them had worn fitting crowns. The clothier was moved by her story and offered a dress fit for both of them. Next was lunch time, something Shining Armor had been looking forward to and had arranged in advance. The three took a left across the street and turned down a dead end alley from there, where no pony was around. With a patterned knock on an unmarked door, he was greeted by another stallion, who opened up as soon as he recognized his buddy. Shining Armor introduced his wife and the ambassador of Humania. Sunset chuckled. The patrons whistled at the pretty mares entering their domain. The captain of the royal guard hushed down his rowdy trustees and the lunch progressed as enjoyable for all. Some of Shining’s old buddies were friendly with his wife and guest and their interest, though mostly superficial, turned genuine once conversation moved to all things they had never even considered. Sunset’s answers became shorter and shorter the more the waters of thinking of her friends started to drown out the voices around her. “Yes. No. I suppose so. Mhmm.” Eventually she excused herself for a moment and retreated to the restroom, sat herself down and sulked. Before Sunset had gone to Humania, she’d had hard cider on occasion, as well as other such beverages. But only on special occasions, never reaching for that bottle herself. Lunch thus far had been a good meal but a buzz wouldn’t withstand. Sunset had been grateful for the lack of excessive alcohol at this hour. The door to the restrooms opened up to the only other mare around. A knock came upon the stall. “Sunset, is everything alright?” Cadence asked. “Did somepony hurt you?” No pony, no. “I’m fine.” Sunset said. “I’ve just had a lousy night’s sleep. Not been a pony for a long time.” Her words weren’t lies at least. The truth however, had also not come out. “I can’t say I can relate there,” Cadence said. “But this is hardly the place to take a nap, don’t you think?” Sunset sighed. “It was enough to power me through the afternoon though,” she lied. She opened the stall door and peeked around the corner, observing Princess Cadence. “I… I’d love to see more of downtown Canterlot if you don’t mind.” Why’d she ask it like she was asking permission? Cadence raised an eyebrow, but asked no further questions. Instead, she simply smiled. “Lets go ask Shining Armor.” The two walked back into the common area, drawing fewer gazes than before. Shining Armor paused the conversation he was having and walked up to them. “How’s the ambassador feeling?” He asked Cadence. Cadence looked to Sunset, who looked to Shining Armor, irked by his indirect question as though Sunset was not involved. “I’m fine,” Sunset said, sounding like someone who’s completely fine. Cadence looked to her husband. “Well, there’s your answer, honey,” she said, smiling a motherly smile. “Sunset would like to see some more of Canterlot downtown. We’ve got time, right?” “Aw yeah!” Shining Armor said, bursting with energy. “We can visit some of my favourite places!” Cadence put a hoof to his shoulder, dialing him down a notch or two. “Let’s go see some of what Sunset has in mind, so maybe she can have some favourite places too.” Shining Armor looked to Sunset, who was still in full gloom, trying hard to pretend to be pouting. He nodded “Sounds good to me, dear.” He turned to his company. “You two go ahead and see what you’d like to go see. I’ll wrap things up here.” Shining Armor turned to his buddies, who let out a collective and disappointed aww. He paid his tab and joined the girls out the door. Moments later they found themselves back on main street, window shopping all the spectacular Canterlot artwork. Miniatures, animated dioramas, glass sculptures, there was the most amazing orary Sunset had ever seen. The guards took it before she could take a closer look however. Exploring Canterlot as a tourist was really captivating. It was like Sunset was on a holiday, far away from everything. Everything was pretty perfect. The weather was nice and temperate and even in her black dress she kept cool. The crowd was abundant, but not so dense a normal walking pace was impossible. Though she could still feel that ache nagging deep inside of her, she was also having plenty of distraction and fun, much to the relief of Shining and Cadence. The trio had arrived at one of Shining Armor’s favourite scenes, though he would no longer admit it being married now. They had come to the end of the main street and were witness to plenty of beautiful extravagant dresses, a catwalk and the daring mares between them. They’d walked in on the second to last show, a disappointing discovery for Shining Armor, something Cadence picked up on and mock scolded him for, eliciting a chuckle from Sunset. She’d sarcastically asked if this was his favourite thing, which he hadn’t denied, pointing out all the pretty dresses. She’d promised to buy one just for him so he’d have something nice to wear on the way back, an offer he’d declined with a blush. At this point, Sunset was in stitches. Seeing Twilight’s friend as happy as she was, Cadence felt it an appropriate time to bid farewell, as they also actually had a train to catch. Sunset would be fine, she thought. Genuinely fine, as opposed to how she’d answered Shining Armor earlier. They would be leaving by the start of the final show. The stage was cleared and a short break was announced. Sunset turned to her ad hoc tour guides, thanking them for the pretty clothes and the wonderful afternoon, a mutual feeling. She’d ended it in a bow, but got a warm though brief hug in return from both of them, along with an invitation to come visit the Crystal Empire. With that, the couple took their departure and set off to the train station. Sunset promised to deliver their regards to Twilight. “And now, fillies and gentlecolts!” The announcer began. “The moment you’ve all been waiting for!” A tall cloaked mare stepped up on stage, draped in an indigo cloth with golden sanguin question marks. “Our special featured model this afternoon,” a drumroll sounded, and the curtain flew off with a flourish. “Fleur de Lis!” The sound of hooves eagerly stomping the floor in applause rumbled the ground. Sunset’s jaw would have dropped had she not known the Fleur in this world was also a famous model. Sunset watched the tall mare closely, though she wasn’t gawking in awe as all the others in the crowd. Fleur’s eyes crossed hers and Sunset looked away, hoping in vain that Fleur hadn’t noticed her. Across the aisle sat an older well-suited white stallion in the audience, who in response to that minor interaction, had taken an interest in Sunset. She’d tried to move about but the crowd was  too dense. The last thing she’d want was to cause a scene. If only she could teleport. When she looked up again, The stallion was gone and Fleur had returned to behind the curtains. The show had come to an end and a buff stallion had intercepted Sunset when she’d tried to make a break for it. The monocled stallion approached. “Pardon me, miss...” “Sunset,” Sunset said, looking away. “Sunset Shimmer,” she mumbled. “Good day, miss Shimmer. I’m sorry to keep you like this but I couldn’t help but notice your unusual reaction to your circumstances. May I ask if anything is the matter? I hope you enjoy the show?” It was strange, hearing her father’s voice coming from a strange stallion. Moments later, Fleur de Lis had undressed and stood with what Sunset could only presume was her business partner, or sponsor. Sunset didn’t really know what to say to these two strangers who shared her parents names and voices. In this world, one was significantly older than the other and they weren’t married, or even romantically involved. Presumably. “It’s, it’s nothing really,” Sunset said. “Fleur de Lis just reminds me of my mother, that’s all.” Fleur de Lis gigglesnorted. Sunset frowned but continued what she was about to say,”The show was fun. I liked most of the dresses. The neon pink one was an eyesore. No thanks.” “I apologize for that chuckle just now,” Fleur apologized. “I just cannot for the life of me imagine having foals of my own.” Sunset looked somewhat concerned with this, for reasons Fleur could never imagine. “Well, not now anyway, When I lose my figure.” She struck a pose. “In my wo-,” Sunset began. That was close! “My parents, you two remind me of them, that’s all.” Sunset faced the ground, not even looking at their hooves. Her face tensed up for a moment, as though she flinched in slow motion. “I’m sorry to have bothered you.” She tried to turn around, only to bump into the bigger stallion again. “Pardon me.” “Sunset dear,” Fleur began, “are… are you alright?” The sound of her voice rung all the bells of her mother’s familial kindness. Blessed be this world where strangers can be as pleasant. Sunset’s mother hadn’t been the same since the incident. Every day, her voice had cracked a little further from the sadness permeating her every viber. Sunset had burdened herself with fixing that matter along with everything else. She didn’t want her mother going down a well as deep as hers. That cheerful voice just now had almost slipped from her memory. It was a vile thing to become accustomed to such misery. Concerned with causing a scene, Sunset had looked around. She hadn’t drawn any attention, fortunately, but it wouldn’t take much more. She reluctantly turned around again, not wanting to leave without showing proper respect or a lack of manners. “I’ll be okay,” she said, forcing a smile through grit teeth. “I have to get home now, my parents are waiting.” She bowed a little. “I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you back safe and sound, Sunset,” Fancy Pants said. “If I ever have a daughter, may she think as well of me as you do of your parents.” “Thank you,” Sunset managed to squeak. She turned around a final time, this time free to pass the bodyguard. Off she ran, back to the portal. Fleur looked to Fancy Pants. “You think she’ll be alright dear?” Fancy Pants nodded. “She carries her loving family wherever she goes,” he said. “How can you tell?” Fleur asked. Fancy Pants continued. ”Experience my dear. I’ve met countless ponies in my day; first impressions are all I really need. Ponies like that filly have a lot of love to give. And when they meet the right ponies, they’ll find a lot of love in others. But by Celestia,” his face lost any sign of his inner world, save the corners of his mouth slightly turning down. “That poor filly has been crossed.” He sighed a sigh letting Fleur know now was not the time for this matter, so she too let it drop. Fancy Pants turned his attention back to the catwalk and the after-show business. “Come now my dear,” he said. “Time to head back to the studio.” And off he went, Fleur in short order. The smell of dinner welcoming Sunset home alerted her to how hungry she had gotten without her even noticing. Tonight’s meal smelt extraordinarily good and she followed the scent into the dining room. She found her parents already sat at the table, deeply invested in their reading. Sunset checked the clock, concerned she had gotten back late, but she was still a few minutes early, as planned. Having gone unnoticed, as would have been a tank driving through the walls, Sunset decided to bounce, jumping up and down until she’d get their attention. Plenty soon her father lowered his papers and looked at her over his glasses. No moment passed before he got up and took them off. “Fleur!” He said in astonishment. “Honey, look at your baby girl!” Fleur looked up slightly startled by her husband’s sudden outburst, as well as from the unusual tapping sound. She turned towards Sunset and got up, nearly knocking over the chair. She put her hands to her face. Sunset stopped her bounce and held her arms wide open, presenting herself in all her crutchless glory. “Sunset! Where, where are your crutches?” Fleur asked. “Can you really walk again?” She got up and slowly walked towards her daughter. Sunset spun on the spot. “Isn’t it great?” Sunset asked rhetorically. “Twilight knew all the right people to get me fixed. Well, ponies really.” Sunset embraced her mother, prompting her father to join in the brief family hug. “That is absolutely amazing, honey!” Fleur exclaimed ecstatically. “But how? Did they, you know, fix everything or just your leg?” “Just the leg,” Sunset said with a morbid seriousness. “It’s been really busy and really intense with Twilight. When she saw the state her other friends and I are in, she freaked out and wanted to spend some time with her old friends at home.” Sunset looked up, fear and sadness apparent. “I’d want to know my friends are okay too in her situation. And while she was doing that I hung out with her brother and his wife, visiting my old town like a tourist. It was actually really fun. I had a great time.” Plus I met two ponies who sounded ju… Rather than finish the thought, Sunset pulled her parents into another embrace. “Thank you, for being there for me.” Her parents returned the embrace and soon the moment passed. Over dinner, Sunset’s parents asked at length about her stay with Twilight, and Sunset was delighted to tell them all about it. Sunset’s bright mood hadn’t gone unnoticed and at the realization, everyone had only smiled brighter. She’d also informed them she should head back soon, as she was supposed to meet with Twilight Sparkle and stay another night. Though tonight’s stay would be more thorough in addressing Sunset’s troubles, the conversation she was having now remained full of hope and joy. It wasn’t long before Sunset had returned to the portal and found herself waiting for Twilight, deep inside the castle. It wasn’t like Twilight to leave a pony waiting, though if two diligent and punctual mares are to meet, one would eventually end up waiting for the other, she figured. Fully appreciating her recovered hind leg, Sunset walked around the room, curious about the assortment of artifacts and tomes hidden away from the public in a place like this. Not too dangerous to lock away in a warehouse full of crates, yet not safe enough to keep in the public domain. Available only to a few privileged mares and stallions. Her being free to be here must mean she’s deemed worthy, somehow. Though the reason why would elude her for ages to come, her thoughts minded her. Oddly shaped crystals, staffs of great variety, books with forbidden knowledge, enchanted items, the orary she had admired earlier. She glanced at each, not really knowing every item or trinket. A platinum necklace with a winged unicorn and a brilliant ruby caught her attention, for it reminded her of a wide tale Twilight had spun her once. A tale of a blue stage mare with a silver mane, traveling Equestria in a wagon. She enveloped it in magic to try and pick it up. However, the little trinket wouldn’t budge. Sternly, Sunset put her hooves on the ground somewhat apart, before trying again with a little more force this time, though to no avail. Considering it wouldn’t match her gold crown anyway, she let it be with a shrug. Her magic failing however, was another story. Time to try again. Next to the amulet was a brilliant silver key. She could feel it emanating power, though not its nature. This key unlocked no chests or doors or locks, that she was certain of. Again, she reached out with her magic. This too seemed welded into the world, stucker than any glue or alloy would affix it. Sunset rolled her eyes in an annoyed disappointment. What’s the use of a room full of interesting objects you can’t even really investigate? To her left she saw the shelves of books, figuring she’d try her luck with something more conventional. The curious backs drew her attention. She tilted her head and started reading, some titles sounding more intriguing than others. Curses, Hexes, Enchantments and other Magically Invoked Ails and Diseases of Abominable Natures Anticanonical Theses on Harmony in Equestra Classified Celestial Calendar Open World Empty Shells to Clean Slates: Heretical Revolutionaries and Their Crimes Against Pony Kind Uncontrollable Irrevocably Cascading Magic Seventh Element Supermagical: Natural Phenomena Immune To Magic Harmony Beyond Equestria The Fall of Prequestria: Gravity of Greener Grass And The Death Of Pony Kind Disturbance rippling through her from merely having read the last title prompted Sunset to look around, hoping to see any sign of Twilight. She had never even seen books like these in Humania, as Shining Armor had dubbed her world, though instantly realized she was looking at these books for the first time on this side of the portal as well. Going by some of the titles, it’s no wonder they are kept here. Sunset sparked her horn, confident she could lift a book off the shelf. With Twilight underway and expecting her to be here, what better way to burn up some time but read these hidden volumes? A chance to study material she may never see again. The shelf before her was rather long, and the case holding the shelf was tall. Twilight would be here before she could even read all the titles, let alone organize them to find the best one to start on. Best to pick the one that caught her attention just now. The book on the shelf began to glow a warm orange before her charge vanished. She tried again, putting in some more focus. She sensed the book in her magic and enveloped it completely and carefully. Her magical field moved upwards and once more evaporated before the book even budged. One final try. Surely a simple levitation spell would be in her grasp? She moved as she did before, encasing the book in full in her magic. She tried to feel if the book was stuck on something before trying to lift it, though nothing seemed to keep it in place. Much to her disappointment however, it still wouldn’t move before her magic evaporated. Finally, she heard some voices in the hallway drawing closer. Either Twilight was in a hurry, or someone had caused a ruckus in the palace. At the loudest point, the sound of trotting hooves suddenly died. “Intruder! This is the Captain of Her Majesty’s Royal Guard speaking!” Sunset gulped and broke out into a cold sweat, slowly stepping behind the portal. Intruder? How are they not aware of who she is and why she’s there? Surely Twilight or Celestia would have notified the guard of this week’s events? “In the name of Their Majesty, you will stand down!” The guard warned. “Come out slowly and no harm will come to you. If you do not comply within three seconds we will enter by any means necessary.” Sunset swallowed again, not budging. She looked around but found no way out. There was nothing she could do, save for go back to her world. Surely Twilight could settle whatever came of this? “Three!” If not her then Celestia herself no doubt? Should she risk it? Tarnishing Twilight and maybe even Celestia’s good standing with such a grievous scandal? What about Shining Armor? “Two!” She looked again to the mirror and closed her eyes. She frowned for so many reasons. “Alright!” Sunset called out. “I’m coming out!” “One-” Came a petered down voice. “We are waiting.” Sunset moved towards the door, her heart racing in her throat. A strange thought occurred to her that maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t the pony they were looking for. Maybe, by Celestia maybe, this was but a simple mistake, solved the moment she opened that door. Silently, it opened up, a testimony to how well kept this place really was. Instantly, the guard swung it fully open and Sunset felt a force pushing her down onto the floor and pinning her there. “Oof!” She coughed, having had the wind knocked out of her. So much for no harm coming to her. “Situation secured,” called out one of the non-engaged guards. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” The guard forcing her down lifted her into the air and maliciously pressed his face into Sunset’s. He squinted his eyes and concluded in a gruff voice. “Intruder.” “Let her go!” Came a familiar voice. The guards turned to face the belated purple mare, proud of having fulfilled their duties to her. First however, they bowed down and got back up. “Your highness!” called out the captain, “We have captured the intruder!” “That’s my friend you’ve detained!” Twilight said in a barely in-door angry voice. “Release her at once!” The captain looked as though he just witnessed his career ending right then and there. He gently lifted Sunset before Twilight and placed her on the floor with ease. “A thousand apologies your highness.” “It’s not your fault,” Twilight said. “You were only doing your job.” The stallions bowed in gratitude. “And a mighty fine job at that,” Sunset said, catching her breath. She turned to Twilight, annoyed. “What kept you?” “A well functioning bureaucracy with a failing administration plus national security,” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Ugh,” Sunset grunted. She turned to walk towards the exit, Twilight in tow. “Lay it on me, what happened?” And so the two went about their business, leaving behind three royal guards, a captain, and an approaching alicorn. “Your highness,” the guards greeted Princess Luna with a bow. “The room is ready for your inspection.” “Thank you captain,” Luna said stoically, not facing him. “We shall ensure your good standing will not be tarnished through your covert mission today.” The guard thanked Her for Her consideration. “Our Sister and her protogé are too trusting, ‘t is Our belief. We hope that our findings today will confirm that trust.” Luna said, before advancing on the door “We know all too well the allure of that darkness Our Sister and Twilight have been spared.” The captain stood tall and to attention. “With your permission, if I may, your highness?” Luna turned around. “Go ahead captain, speak freely.” “Your highness, would your concerns be addressed with supervision during Sunset’s visits?” Princess Luna nodded. “Thank you captain, your suggestion has been noted.” Without another word, Luna entered the room, to find the strands of Sunset’s magic and subconscious she left behind. Nightfall had come about in Ponyville, as had Twilight and Sunset. They had decided to skip the train ride so there would be more time available for all those things left unsaid between them. Much to Sunset’s surprise and relief, she was really calm and almost happy for it to have come this far. All this time she had counted on herself being the mess she had been for days now. Tired, sad and unwilling to face up to the situation. Now that she was here, knowing she was in good han- hooves, a massive weight dropped from her shoulders.Though not a lot had actually been solved or even happened, these meta-concerns themselves had been a heavy burden to bear. Spike lead the duo up to Sunsets room and her fancy bed. Sunset sat down on it, Twilight sat down across from her on a pillow. Sunset got a good look at Twilight. The purple filly was trying to force a smile through a frown. Her mane was suffering too many loose ends, and she had been fanning her fears and doubts. “So...” Sunset began. “How was your day? Did you get what you wanted out of visiting your friends?” Twilight nodded. “First I bumped into Applejack at the market and we went to Pinkie Pie’s for lunch.” As she spoke, the corners of her mouth turned up, but her eyes didn’t join in. “The spa came up and I remembered it was Rarity’s spa day, so I decided to show up as a surprise. Much my own surprise, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were with her.” “Even Rainbow Dash?” Sunset asked dumbfounded. “If she’s anything like my-” Sunset caught herself, “like the Rainbow Dash in my world, that’d be the last place I’d expect her.” “It was fun,” Twilight said. “I’m glad I got to meet them all on such short notice. Improvising isn’t exactly my forté.” There was a momentary silence as the next words, heavy as they were, fell on Twilight’s tongue. “Rarity noticed,” Twilight continued. “At least, I think she probably sensed something wasn’t right.” “What did you tell her?” Sunset asked. “The truth. About what I did this morning. The things that happened.” She sighed. “We went to the library where Pinkie Pie and AJ joined up. I explained why I was spending some time with them in such an out-of-the-blue way.” Twilight chuckled.”Pinkie Pie pointed it out, actually. Saying how this was the first time she’d ever spent time with me without a written plan or schedule. Or some sort of cataclysmic life threatening world ending apocalypse.” Finally, her eyes matched her mouth in smiling. “And I like to think that she knew as well, even if she didn’t say anything.” “And the others?” Sunset asked. “What happened next? How’d they react?” Disappointment overtook Twilight’s features. “They couldn’t understand. It was unthinkable to them that anyone like them, living what we share, our friendships, could end up like ,,, Well,” Twilight looked at Sunset, taking in as much of her being as she could. ”Like you did.” Sunset was taken aback, but before she spoke up, Twilight had taken the word again. “In a way, I’m glad they think we all share this indestructible bond. That our friendships will never end, or will always be without such devastation. It speaks to our trust in each other and in ourselves. It’s also naive, unrealistic and idealistic.” “And dangerous,” Sunset added. Twilight nodded. “I prefer ‘adventurous’.” Sunset glared at Twilight. “I wouldn’t,” she said through grit teeth. “I wouldn’t exactly call what I’ve been through an ‘adventure’, Twilight.” “I’m sorry, I-.” “We’ve been writing for the past few days but you don’t know half of the things people have put me through!” Sunset swallowed. “What they’ve...” Like thunder, with that one phrase, Sunset was trembling as she became possessed by what she thought she had under control. “You were writing from your happy place, high and mighty and having all the answers and whispering sweet nothings to me!” Sunset got up and stood before the bed, stomping towards Twilight. “Princess” -- she spat the word -- “Twilight never has any problems. Not like this.” Twilight cowered backwards, pushing her pillow into the wall, herself into the cushen. She now faced an angry look of disgust, followed by one of utter contempt and disdain, all three broken by the pain bubbling through. “How dare you,” Sunset said through her tears. “I come to you for...” She looked around, searching her words, for herself, for an aversion from Twilight’s frightened and concerned face. Inevitably she faced Twilight, their gazes clashing. Sunset stepped back with a scowl. “I’ve not told you everything just yet, Twilight,” Sunset said. “I actually came here, carrying this with me. Thinking this was my… My deepest wound.” She put her hoof on her chest. Sunset had calmed down a bit, and let out a broken breath having considered the words she was about to utter: “I wish they were. I wish these wounds were the worst I got.” Twilight got back up, no longer fearful of her friend. Though she didn’t know exactly what Sunset was talking about, her wounds, Twilight also realized Sunset had passed that station. Sunset didn’t care about her injuries in light of her betrayals. Twilight was aware. She was aware of Sunset’s words, of her injuries, her emotional suffering. She was aware of Sunset’s world having been maliciously turned into dust in her hands, slipping away without her even being able to do a Celestia damned thing about it. All of that, all of Twilight’s thoughts, feelings, experience, all of her life, was still too little to know and understand her Sunset. “I know it’s selfish,” Sunset began. ”And foolish, and I wouldn’t ever ever even consider it. I know I have friends and,” Sunset sniffled, “and I have a wonderful, wonderful loving family,” “But death has its appeals.” The air hung heavy in the room. All the lights had disappeared and all the world had vanished. Twilight felt her heartbeat. She swore she could hear Sunset’s. Carefully, Twilight spoke up, almost. She reconsidered. What was there to say but words echoing hollow in a well that deep, never reaching the soul beneath the bottom? No. There was but one reason Twilight found herself without a word, she realized. The words she sought would never come to be. If she wanted to express anything and be there for her devastated friend, she needed to embody it. Twilight approached Sunset, gently bumped into her, and embraced her. She sat her down and sat with her, Sunset having her hooves around Twilight. She felt her friend’s hold of her tighten, her breath growing strained and then, into hiccups. Sunset’s grip loosened and her cries became long wails and questions of why, only because she could not ask the things she really wanted to know: to actually learn and understand. Questions unanswerable. This lasted for about twenty minutes. An eternity for Twilight to consider walking in Sunset’s shoes as well as her own. What the visit with the princesses had been, how she hadn’t wanted to look into Sunset’s eyes upon arrival. How her gift was nothing but an empty, a nice but empty, gesture from aloft. How her friends’ visit had brought her confidence and trust in them and in herself, in their relationships, but not what she’d wanted most: anything with which she could be there for Sunset. Sunset’s words of just rage before she fell into her arms had struck at her deeper and deeper. The title ‘Princess of Friendship’ was meaningless to one who’s never dealt with more than  unfair competition, feuds and misunderstandings. They might as well have crowned the court jester. She would consult Celestia, but even she had not ever spoken of anything coming close to Sunset’s actual situation. All there was to her was her overcoming her grief. Death has its appeals. Poison. Cold. Loneliness. Betrayal. Self-doubt. Remorse. Anger. Helplessness. Eternity. Forever. Never. Pain. Why? Words. Singular words. Coherent yet formless thoughts came to Twilight considering that phrase. It was like poison to the soul, leaving Twilight cold and lonely. A sense of betrayal by the one who took their own life, for hurting Twilight so and doubting whether she had done enough, or anything at all to prevent her friend from ending it all. Remorse over their death and at the same time, anger at the one who’d inflicted this suffering on those around them. Not having a clear and simple path, not even having a hint of a goal to better the situation. Gone forever, never to return. A deep pain, stemming from an insatiable desire to know why and being certain that you cannot escape that reality. A yearning for those beloved to return to your arms. To hold them again and live. There is no turning back, and no moving on, and no staying in hell. Thoughts Twilight did not want and did not comprehend brought her back to what she had done to Luna and Celestia. Thoughts she knew Sunset must have all the time. She held her friend tighter for finally having a glimmer of understanding. She braced herself against the onslaught that earlier instinctively sent her shields up. Why? Why? Why? The eternal question and the ever elusive answers. The long moment had passed and it had lasted for longer than Twilight had wanted. Perhaps more than she could bear. The two broke up and sat back. Sunset looked away in shame, Twilight looked at Sunset. “I’m sor-” the two of them began. “I’m sorry,” Sunset finished, not even waiting for Twilight. “I’m sorry for being such a mess. I’m sorry for burdening you with this.” She turned to Twilight. “And I’m sorry, for what I said just now. I know being a Princess must be tough sometimes.” Twilight shook her head. “No, I think the things you’ve said were fair.” She said. “Unlike what I’ve said. Most of it. So I’m sorry too. Not just for what I said just now but all those empty words from high above.” “And, there is one more thing, I’m afraid.” Twilight said. “I’m afraid...” Twilight was considering what she wanted to express. That fear of her own inadequacies at a time where it’s so dire and personal. Her friend’s life may literally depend on her yet here she fears even putting her failings into words might send her to that very doom. Twilight completely shut up and looked away, her jaws clenched shut tight. Teeth grit and lips sealed.  When both silence and speaking take a leap of faith, what really makes the difference? “What are you afraid of Twilight?” Sunset asked. “You’re easily one of the bravest mares I know.  Surely you’ve done much more difficult and challenging things than save a few friendships?” Twilight swallowed. A rush of blood fleeing through her heart sat her down in a wooze. How much did Sunset think of her? How little did she think of her friendships? What value was friendship to her if she can just put a question like that? Nothing in Equestria, in her entire life, in all of existence was more important to Twilight than Friendship. If ever the Sun and Moon were to perish or turn, as the Moon had once generations ago, there was no doubt in Twilights mind that she could restore harmony through friendship. Together. Though Sunset was just out of petting range, she may as well still be with her parents across the mirror. Twilight quickly realized they weren’t on the same page about a lot of fundamental things. They weren’t even on the same book or on the same shelve. The conversation was over, and so those important things to be discussed remained unspoken yet again. “I’m afraid,” Twilight reiterated. “I’m afraid I don’t ...” If Twilight really was the princess, surely her words should be wise and weighed. She didn’t what? How could she tell Sunset she didn’t have a solution, or even the knowledge and tools to come to a solution? -“I’m afraid we’ll need a lot of time to bring you all back together.” Twilight shook her head. “We’ve talked about that before, I think you even said it yourself in your letters.” A look meaning more than a simple “sorry” took hold in her features. “I just, I guess I...” She looked away. “I guess it only just sank in.” Sunset put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Sunset, do you trust me?” Twilight asked. “I try,” Sunset said in shame, putting her hoof down. “But it’s hard. I know I should trust you, but I’ve also learned that I can’t.” Her next words tied a knot in her guts. “And I know it’s not your fault, so then how could you possibly set things straight? It’s not your fault. It’s not your responsibility!” “I don’t know,” Twilight said honestly. “And I don’t know if I can, or even should.” Determination crept into her voice. “But I also know I want you all to be happy. I know you can be happy together and even though it will never be like it was before,” Twilight swallowed, “I would like it to be just as fulfilling.” “I’m not sure you understand Twilight.” Sunset said. “In fact, I’m pretty sure you don’t understand, because all I’m hearing is the same thing you kept writing. Lofty words from above!” She flailed her hooves above her head.“ Nothing to do or to work with, just empty air. I’m sorry, but I can get that anywhere.” “Am I wrong wanting to see my friends happy?” Twilight rebutted. “All I ever wanted was for you all to be happy. Everyone. From Ponyville to Canterlot, all across Equestria. In my world and in yours, everywhere!” “And what exactly, are you doing to do that?” Sunset said, “Write them happy wishes and what you’d like for them? That’s all I’ve heard thus far!” Twilight sighed, realizing the conversation wasn’t right. “I want to say I’m sorry things are rough right now and that nothing is right, but we are actually doing things to set things right.” “Like what?” Sunset huffed. “Like grounding ourselves and getting our bearings.” Twilight pointed at Sunset’s leg. “Like fixing your hind leg, without which you would’ve had a pretty miserable time in Canterlot today. And we went to visit the princesses. Even if I don’t know the exact things of what to do or how to do it, I’m glad Celestia and Luna welcomed you back.” Sunset thought back to dinner at her parents place and how happy they were to see her in better health. It wasn’t something to do with her friendships, sure, but at least it helped a lot in a different, perhaps even a more important way. Twilight was right. “I know you’re frustrated and hurt and I’m sorry I can’t just fix that. What I want to do is help see you through this all. Not just you but everyone.” Twilight relaxed. ”Everyone’s still friends with me and I want you all to be happy.” She put a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder. ”As for how I plan on doing that, I’ll be there for you when you need someone to listen and by making sure you don’t stray down some horrible path.” “I wish things were easier,” Sunset said. “I wish I could go back. I just want to go back, Twilight.” “Me too.” Twilight embraced Sunset. It wasn’t much, but Twilight’s acknowledgement and resolution were enough for Sunset to at least stay the night without regret. “Twilight?” Sunset asked. “Will you spend the night with me? In this room I mean?” Twilight nodded. The night had been restless for the two troubled mares, and whatever shuteye they’d gotten was shallow, brief and jarringly interrupted. Both had thought of all the things they didn’t want to remember or consider. Whatever pleasant thoughts they clung to would inevitably send them down that same drain back into the depths of loss, wanting, doubt and grief. Not even, perhaps not especially, Pinkie Pie’s parties could keep them afloat. The lights had been out for no more than thirty minutes before a muffled whimpering came from Sunset’s bed. Twilight hadn’t had a shut eye either, randomly wandering her thoughts of her friends in Humania and how things had gotten to this point. She turned to face Sunset’s bed. Not really knowing what to do or say. The sobbing turned to drawn out cries, tugging at Twilight’s own heart strings. There was a helplessness about the two, Twilight knowing, seeing Sunset in a deep pain and not being able to relieve it. She got up and lit her horn on her way to Sunset. She lifted the veil and saw Sunset bury her face into her stained and soggy pillow. She put a hoof on her shoulder and gently moved it across Sunset’s back. She felt Sunset’s shaky and jarring breathing move her hoof up and down. The pillow still drowned out her voice. This was another problem they had, Twilight realized. Yet another for which she was not the one. She considered herself to be okay with friendships, even good on a good day. But this wasn’t about that anymore. Sunset’s pain couldn’t be solved through any means of friendship. Not right here, not right now. Though, that is not to say she couldn’t be there for her. She might not solve it, but she may at least do whatever she can to help. Twilight gently nudged Sunset to roll over, a gesture Sunset refused. “Sunset,” Twilight began, “I don’t know if there is anything to say to make it better. So maybe I can listen instead.” Sunset quieted down, listening closely to Twilight. “But I understand if you don’t want to talk about it,” She continued. “Just know I’m here if you want to.” Slowly, Sunset turned her face out of the soggy pillow. Her coat was matted and her eyes were red and poofy. She saw Twilight’s gentle, genuine and welcoming smile, something she didn’t even know she’d missed until then. She turned back into the pillow and spoke, though Twilight couldn’t make out what she’d said. “I’m sorry, Sunset” she began. “I can’t tell what you’re saying. Something with your back?” Sunset raised her head up to speak more clearly. And she did. “I just want to go back,” She hiccuped. She dropped her head face first into the wet fluff again and mumbled. Twilight rubbed her back still and all was quiet for a bit. Sunset pushed on the bed, lifting herself in a more upright position so she could sit with Twilight. She looked away and had a limpness about her. A defeated mare. “I just want to go back. Twilight.” Sunset said again. “I want to go back.” Twilight put her hoof right on Sunset’s left. Sunset hadn’t expected to miss her hands. “I want to go back to when we could just go out and have fun. I want to go back to Pinkie Pie’s parties and when we’d just hang out.” Every word she spoke echoed that part of her that knew that life was gone forever. “I just want to go back.” Sunset put her hooves to her face. “I miss them so, Twilight. I just ...” “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to keep you up.” Sunset couldn’t keep the tears from coming. “I just miss them so. It hurts.” A world shining bright with harmony and joy rarely visits upon the forthbringers a desolation deep as hers. Twilight knew not of hell nor had she prepared to know of it, and so she had left herself without a prayer to bring her friend salvation. For a sting she would get her a bandage, a wound a nurse, a curse a shaman, a martyr a god, a night a dawn and a winter a spring. For Sunset, a plea for forgiveness. It would have to wait. Twilight shook her head. “I don’t mind staying up,” Twilight said. “It’s why you’re here, to stay with me and...” She looked away, not entirely sure why they were like this. “Well, to try and make things better, even if by just a little.” Twilight briefly hugged Sunset. There was a pause and Sunset futily kept wiping at her eyes. “I just want to go back, Twilight.” Sunset repeated herself. “It hurts, and it’s not going away.” Twilight crawled further up the bed. “Do you mind if I come lie next to you?” Twilight asked. “So we can talk more comfortably?” Sunset nodded and Twilight crawled over to Sunset’s right, scooting under the blanket a little. “You never told me how you ended up in the hospital,” Twilight said. “Or how you got a broken hind leg.” She turned to Sunset, who faced the canopy. “Do you want to talk about it?” “Pinkie Pie wanted to throw me a party,” Sunset began. The night grew late and the hours early, with Twilight asking plenty to understand, only to end up with more questions. Gradually, reality beyond the gate began to dawn on her. She watched her friend transform between all of meek and sadness to anger and hatred, none of which she had ever wanted. The urge to defend her other friends had been great, and hard to suppress. What they had done was bad, and Twilight could not bring herself to believe it all. Some of it had to have been embellished. It had to be. Twilight wondered if Sunset really did or didn’t trust her, she couldn’t tell. Sunset probably couldn’t either. If she had to err, it would be that Sunset trusted her like she would a stranger with whom she’d spent a pleasant afternoon. A trust built from scratch over the while they’d spent together these past two days. Eventually, one of them had started dozing off and conversation had dissipated. The other soon followed suit and finally, both mares had found some sleep. It had been about four more hours before Twilight decided to check the clock, though for her only five minutes seemed to have passed, it may as well have been five nights. She wanted to sleep, her mind had stirred again and kept her from it. She turned around onto her other side, facing Sunset mere inches away.. Her room was in complete darkness save for the color of her magical aura wherever she focussed her attention. The only ambience from outside were drawn out flickers of the moonlight, fractured by the leaves of her tree, waltzing in the breeze. The veil over Sunset’s bed lit up on each cloud passing the moon. Twilight sighed and felt her head lay as heavy on her pillow as her thoughts did on her mind. Her friend. Within her reach lay her friend who had come to her for help with a problem she could not solve on her own. Twilight didn’t even understand. All she knew was that they had a lot of problems. Most of these problems were invisible to her and worst of all, on but a few she could see Sunset eye-to-eye. Sunset didn’t need someone like her for this. She needed the Princess of Friendship in her own world. Someone who could understand her pain and suffering and that of her friends no doubt. Someone who had gone through a great trial. Someone who can extend that experience and understanding to those around her and spread that message like Twilight has spread Friendship. If Sunset’s world was really as cynical as Sunset had described it from time to time, such a person may not even exist. She would be the first. The sun dawned on a new day and pulled back the two mares into the reality of their new miserable lives. No glorious completely controlled sunrise, conjured in a clear violet sky going pink then blue, no delicately crafted bed and no friend by their side did relieve them. A fantasy not meant to be reality was dancing in their eyes on the graves of their previous lives. Sunset looked to Twilight for answers, and so did Twilight look to Sunset. Twilight stirred to get up, asking of Sunset to do the same as she lay between her and the edge of the bed. Sunset scooted over rather than getting out ahead of Twilight. When Twilight got out of bed, Sunset expressed her gratitude for her spending the night with her, and how glad she was she’d come to be with her, even if things had only seemingly gotten worse. Twilight reassured her and vowed to remain welcoming to her. Things had actually gotten better, she said. Now they knew their problems were much bigger and plentier than they’d thought. Sunset, perplexed, asked how in Celestia’s name that was any better. It’s really hard to overcome the things that elude attention. Like a predator stalking the night, one day, they come to devour you completely. Sunset gulped. Twilight put a hoof to her shoulder and let her know of her new found appreciation of their predicaments: she too has had some of her demons revealed to her. Twilight proposed to make a vow to get through this together, something Sunset remorsefully had to decline. She still did not, could not, trust Twilight. Instead, she said to overcome that hurdle first so at least they wouldn’t face what may come alone. A suggestion warranting a nod. Breakfast had been filled with talk of the immanent. Sunset would attend school this week as normal, as she’s recovered plenty to get through a day if she restrains herself. Physically anyway. If she could simply avoid confronting, or being confronted by, those students who’ve hurt her, everyone, she would probably be okay. When Sunset had asked Twilight about her plans, she drew a blank. Well, a to-do list. Rather, a list of “things I think might help.” That, and an apology for not having anything more concrete or organized than that. Sunset offered some words of comfort, noting that that sounds like a plan. Organize your thoughts. Take in what happened this weekend and acknowledge your own observation. These things take time, or really, effort. Twilight teleported them both to Canterlot and saw her friend off at the portal. Before long, Sunset found herself in her mother’s embrace. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other students were on the highway to hell that is vengeance. They knew their targets would not return for at least another week, but that gave them plenty of time to scheme and conjure. Staff was concerned about these developments. Perhaps a week suspension was too short for their own good. The concerns around the attempted murder were the bigger talk of the school. Students were crying and frowning grimly. A shadow had been cast. The scent of blood lingered whenever they would use their hands, their words. Celestia and Luna had tried their best to keep spirits focused on learning at least, though it proved far from trivial. The teachers could foretell a serious drop in student performance by the end of the week, which in part was no more than projection on their part. There was little to be done. The dragon everyone had fed so relentlessly burnt them all, save for a scarce cunning and malicious few. Diamond Tiara was still on the loose, as were, technically, the CMC. Their testimonies had been put to paper and their presence was no longer lawfully required anywhere. On this lovely day, Diamond Tiara was out shopping for something to celebrate herself. Anyone with any sense of justice no doubt would anticipate an inevitable comeuppance. They are not like her, and so she could enjoy her freedom in peace. She is unlike the Crusaders. They had agreed stick together and so were waiting out their suspension at the Apple Family Barn. Tartarus would be ruled by snowmen before Applebloom, Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo would find themselves at home alone with nothing but their guilty consciousnesses haunting them if they had any say in the matter. They could only hope they would. Their families had agreed it would be for the best. No playthings. No fun. Not that they could stomach the thought. Out on the eastern perimeter of the Apple property, in what was almost reclaimed by wilderness, stood an old defunct barn house that had been used for storage ages ago. This would be their world this week. The sun had scorched away any traces of mold and paint. Tall grasses and shrubs were trying to sneak in through cracks, under doors and between hinges. A simple empty room was all they were allotted. At least it was in a finer state than the rest of the shack. There was nothing but a wooden board and hay, both by the bale and strands strewn around. The trio had made a makeshift table out of the board and a bale, as well as other furniture. The room had seemed dark and cramped before Big Mac cleared it. All that remained was the smell of old hay, and dust that revealed the columns of sunlight falling through the single matted window. Applebloom remarked it almost felt nostalgic, since she’d slept here once or twice before when she’d gone exploring then she was little. The hay slept as well as it used to, though Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo begged to differ. Since there was no electricity, all of their homework had to be done before sunset. Big Mac would exchange their books every two to three hours. Along with the books would come new rations of food, tea and hot water, though no sweets, snacks or soda. For the longest time the schoolwork had been a pleasant distraction from their predicament. Just before moon rise however, at the turning in of the last book, paper or notepad, their fate would inevitably catch up to them. Even during the day time, when work would be a little straining, such moments would also come to visit. Scootaloo sat before the window sill, looking over the country side in her imagination. Every time she pictured Rainbow Dash, she tried to hold back a tear. She knew Dash, or so she had thought. Whatever the future would hold, the thread of them together had come undone. At a distant second place sat the thought of her having hurt the child of one of her idols, Fleur de Lis. She got to interact with her personally, and she’s put her and her family through hell. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were lucky, one way or another, to have family around. Blood runs thick after all. Even when they got yelled at, got the dirtiest chores and got anything else they’d deserved, there was always that sense of caring. No recourse was thoughtless and malevolent. When all the love for oneself is gone, the love of those around shines all the brighter. Even if it takes the form of judgment and punishment. Friends, sisters and family fit that hole their old selves had left with genuine tribute to one another. At night, Sweetie Belle had to stay with Rarity, considering their parents lived out of town a while away, and the practicality of the situation was challenging. Their parents had offered Sweetie Belle to stay at their place during her suspension, but Rarity had declined. They knew their situation far better than their parents, who’d only say and ask the wrong things. Instead, their parents would come over some evening this week, time allowing. Rarity had insisted this was something she and Sweetie Belle had to deal with together. She got her bitter wish. Applebloom had house cleaning duty as long as she’d stay out of sight. She’d gotten Applejacks chores to boot, so Applejack instead could focus on the more physically taxing jobs on the farm. She already knew of the relief attained at the end of heavy labour and figured she could exploit that to deal with whatever descent into madness she might – would – face. Applebloom stayed in the shadows. Big Mac and Granny Smith weren’t understanding, though they were willing to listen at least. As soon as she’d done all she was allowed to, or responsible for, outside the now guest room, she’d be shut in with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo again. Home was the last place Scootaloo wanted to be and somehow, Applebloom not being welcome in her own home allowed those two long nights together in the building by the perimeter. - - - Word of the attack on Sunset spread like fire. The very next morning, the grounds keeper had been surprised to not be the first person on the premises for a change. Every reporter in town (and some from out of town) had swarmed the school, wanting statements and shots of the chaos. He had an easy out though. “Oh dear. Yes, so I’ve heard. I’m just a lowly grounds keeper, so I wouldn’t really know, sorry. Please excuse me, I need to tend to the school.” It wasn’t exactly a white lie, but he unknowingly had spared a lot of people a lot of head aches that day. The reporters all stuck around awaiting the arrival of anyone important or even the students. Celestia was the second to arrive, not long after the grounds keeper. She kindly asked the media to lay off the students, who were going through a lot. They had all suffered at the hands of Anon-a-Miss, and had in turn become monsters in the highest order, though only one to the steepest degree. This attempted murder was on everyone involved. From the villains committing evil to the good guys doing nothing, letting it prevail. In return for their patience and not harassing the students, she promised them all official statements as soon as possible. The bargain was struck. No students were approached, and Celestia stayed true to her word. By early afternoon, she had a prepared statement and would not be taking any questions. The matter was to be solved behind closed doors and legal matters would be investigated by police and officials. Such was the decision by the board, with the approval of Celestia. All day long, body guards had kept media from Sunset and her loving family in the hospital. Fleur would drag paparazzi wherever she went in any event, and this hospitalization of her daughter had only made them a flame of the hottest scoop and latest drama to the news moths. Not all rich and famous endure in peace. It wasn’t until the next afternoon that the media broke their vows to Celestia. The police nor anyone else broken something new or interesting. School premises were off limits, and the only thing students would say, if anything at all, was to leave them alone. They knew not what had happened. They only knew they’d been a part of it. The Carousel Boutique had shortened opening hours. Rarity was fortunate enough to have a small dedicated fan base whom she could trust to service in these trying times. The only other available option to the press had been the Apple farm of the Apple family. They had really hit the jackpot. Sweetie Belle had been the one to answer the door. Big Mac wasn’t around, and Granny Smith was taking her afternoon nap. To be sure, she lead the reporter upstairs to the others and she relayed their story. The truth had to be known. Sweetie Belle had much to get off her chest. Tearfully she confessed to all of her misdeeds. Being Anon-a-Miss, continuing while knowing things were getting worse, breaking trust, everything. It was a small price to pay to have Diamond Tiara get hers. To avenge Sunset, currently hanging on to her now ruined, worthless and miserable life by a thread. The other crusaders corroborated the story. They’d told the reporter what they’d told the police. The Diamond Dog boys had attacked them. Sunset had saved them. They’d run off to get help. Diamond Tiara had stabbed Sunset and ran off. The Crusaders had returned with help, just in the nick of time to save Sunset. Had they seen Diamond Tiara stab Sunset? Sweetie Belle said yes, Applebloom and Scootaloo argued they hadn’t but suddenly weren’t certain of anything anymore. They came to conclude it made sense, despite knowing they could in fact not have seen it happen, as they were off to get help at that time. The next day had been a hassle with the other reporters following the example of the one that got the scoop. The trio’s story had remained the same, save for their uncertainty having completely evaporated. The journalist who was ahead of the game had met with security detail at the Rich’s estate as well as body guards around Diamond Tiara and her family when they were in public. It was the standard Rich’s policy. Still, news like this was always worth a shot. All of the other reporters met the same fate. Rain was heavy on the dawn of their third day of suspension. The meadow around the old barn house flooded fairly quickly around the depression the building had created over the years. A small stream had formed and ran down and around the temporary residence. The building wasn’t exactly water and air tight. It was humid, cold and drafty and with the overcast, not very light. It was gray and cold, though the sound was quite relaxing. They had each other, and that was enough to keep cold away enough to tolerate a day like this. Despite what they had done and how they were being punished, despite Applejack’s objections weak as they were, Big Mac had taken pity on them. They were to be punished, but not unfairly so, he’d said. Nature happens, and he knew everyone still cared for them in the end, he himself admitted. Thus he’d set out, half a mile through misery, with warm drinks, some extra blankets in water tight bags, and a battery radio. He’d set himself down downstairs, all warm from walking and comfy in a blanket for himself, not wanting to go back through the rain. It might let up after all. The radio was all he really needed in the mean time. The crusaders daren’t peep downstairs, thinking he had come to watch them for some reason. The music was only just barely audible over the sound of rain, though Big Mac was enjoying himself. Gradually, the wind had gone quiet, and the torrent had devolved into a quiet pitter-patter. It may have just been drips falling off of the leaves from nearby trees. The three had tuned out the background sounds until there came an interruption in the music. There was a news bulletin with a special report on developments in the attempted murder. Eager to listen, the three scooted closer to the exit. Through a crack they could see Big Mac snoozing. The radio had caught their full attention at the sound of a familiar voice. “I am so elated the Anon-a-Miss case has been solved,” a silky sweet, endearing and adorable voice resounded. “The students were under a lot of stress and grief already. I am certain it has been a good development for all.” “That little rat!” Sweetie Belle hissed. Scootaloo immediately shushed her, as she didn’t want them to get caught sneaking a scoop. “Ah can hardly disagree with what she’s just said though,” Applebloom said. “I have spoken many students about the case and although I cannot speak for everyone, I think about all the harm I have caused. How could I have been so blind to an innocent girl suffering?” She shook her head. Scootaloo and Applebloom put their hands on Sweetie Belle’s mouth, and in the nick of time. She cast an angry look, grabbing and squeezing tightly their wrists to pull their hands off. Scootaloo could clearly see the rage and violence brewing in her stark white friend, a girl she’s known to be nothing but sweetness itself before the whole Anon-a-Miss situation escalated. She could feel it in herself as well. There were other, less peaceful ways of keeping the others quiet after all. Is this what they would be? Is this what Diamond Tiara was making them? What will they yet become? Scootaloo pushed Sweetie Belle onto her back, still having her hand on her mouth. The air pushed and pulled on her hands as Sweetie’s breathing got more erratic. She firmly shook Scootaloo’s wrist. Their eyes met. “I know,” Scootaloo whispered, teary eyed. “I know.” She put her hand to her heart. ”But I don’t want to see you become like her. I feel it too.” She looked to Applebloom, who sat on her knees with her fists clenched. She nodded. Scootaloo turned back to Sweetie Belle. “We all do.” Sweetie Belle put her hands behind herself and got up, gently and quietly pushing Scootaloo out of the way. She took a deep breath and bit her lip. “I’m fine now,” she hissed. The interview continued. “It was worse. I contributed to the atmosphere and all the hate and violence she endured. We were all monsters. I just hope she can forgive us some day. Our family has offered her help, though her family has declined the outreach. We donated it to ‘Three Flowers’ instead, a cause that strives to fight violence by educating people about the effects of violence on everyone, not just those directly involved. I hope they will mark our tale of strife so no other schools will ever have troubles like ours.” She sighed. “Nobody trusts those Crusaders anymore,” she said. “And rightly so! They…” she sniffled. “They cost me my most treasured friendship! They wrecked the whole school!” She cleared her watery eyes. ”I’ve heard some say they wanted to get rid of Sunset Shimmer. Blaming the one innocent girl they had been framing all along.“ She shook her head. ”It’s just so awful. All because they were jealous of how much time she spent with their sisters. Unbelievable.” “I didn’t believe they would be capable of such a thing,” she said with a sad frown, “and now Sunset ended up fighting for her life in the hospital!” The crusaders sat quietly in their loft, still listening closely to Diamond Tiara’s words. Their rage only contained by their utter disbelief. Thoughts of their encounter went through their head and how they could’ve handled things differently. Of blood stained and gut ridden alleyways and how they’d have their apology party at school, together with Sunset Shimmer. “I would have my dad send in a personal body guard for those three. Things had gotten violent for Sunset right before the attempt on her life. However, the crusaders have been suspended. They may be public enemy number one, but violence is never the answer. Certainly not at such a pristine and prestigious school like Canterlot High. I trust the student body can solve this problem in a well behaved and civilized manner.” The interview had concluded and the crusaders heard the radio return to its regular programming. Stealthily they retreated back into the room and shut the door. “Can you believe it?!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. “Is she seriously going to pin this on us?!” Applebloom raised her hand, “Ah can. Ah mean, this is Diamond Tiara we’re talkin’ ‘bout.” Never did Scootaloo know words could be so heavy until she spoke her mind. “Is she really all that wrong?” “I’m sorry?” Sweetie Belle said in a faux tranquil manner. “Are you honestly saying it isn’t our fault Sunset ended up in the hospital?” “I did NOT wield a knife, Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle nigh yelled. “This blood is on HER hands, not ours!” “We MADE Diamond Tiara! WE made everyone! WE broke her leg and WE put her on crutches!” Scootaloo trembled at the realization of the truth of her words. “It’s all our fault!” Her breaths were short and rapid. She was on the verge of crying her lungs out. “It’s all our fault.” She whimpered instead. She put her hands on her face and fell to her knees, sobbing. “Stop it, you two!” Applebloom intervened, getting teary eyed herself. “Stop what?!” Sweetie Belle demanded. “I’m not going to take this! Diamond Tiara can go to Tartarus for all I care!” She glared at her orange friend. “And so can Scootaloo’s crazy thoughts. I did not kill Sunset! And neither did you two!” “Ah just want us to calm down and be friends,” Applebloom said. “It’s the last thing we’ve got.” She sniffled. “And Ah don’t want to lose that too.” She looked away. Her voice broke. “Ah don’t know what Ah’d do without you two.” Sweetie Belle sighed and knelt before weeping Scootaloo. She put her hands on Scoot’s shoulders and pulled her into a hug. Applebloom joined in shortly. “I don’t want to lose us either,” Sweetie Belle said. She pulled back. “But we didn’t stab Sunset, Scootaloo. I need you to believe that.” Their eyes met. “We weren’t the ones trying to kill her..” Scootaloo gave the world’s smallest nod. “We’re not exactly innocent either,” she bargained, looking away. Sweetie Belle pulled her back into the hug. “I know.” - - - No further interviews were given, though there had been some requests. There were a few students prepared to give a few statements, though those mostly pertained to how sorry they were and how awful they felt for having been so horrible and how the Anon-a-Miss incident had changed so much for the worse. Etcetera. There was no official further progress into the case. The best efforts of the police had resulted in plenty of information, but nothing conclusive. There were conflicting testimonies. Some evidence that didn’t stack up. The forensics had a few hits and misses. The knife that had been found had prints of the Cutiemark Crusaders on it, but not of anyone else. The prints did not indicate the knife had been held to be wielded as a weapon. Certainly not to create wounds as found on Sunset Shimmer. Footprints of all of the involved individuals had been found on the scene, though the scene was littered with at least forty other footprints.. There had been no witnesses. The word of the accused stands against that of the accusers. Timing conflicts with the above. Sunset was definitely stabbed, but at a time when the crusaders were getting the authorities to come to the scene. This testimony is in line with the recording of both the crusaders request for help and the medical reports of how old Sunset’s stab wounds were. Even if Diamond Tiara and the Diamond Dogs had been present at that time, no prints of theirs were found on the knife. Such were the current records. There had been a stray hair from Diamond Tiara on Sunset Shimmer’s coat, but so was one of the Crusaders. Motive, opportunity, capability. These did not add up for anyone involved. Without the context of recent events leading up to the Anon-A-Miss attempted murder case, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo certainly had a motive: the same as why they’d become Anon-A-Miss in the first place. Everything leading up to the case puts that in doubt: they had confessed and were getting Sunset for the party. This however gave them a good opportunity. Were they capable? They had become Anon-A-Miss, and completely indifferent to Sunset’s fate and consequent injuries. They had the upper hand in numbers. Sunset was significantly weaker with a broken leg and spirit. It was not likely the three youngsters had thought through the consequences of them killing Sunset, so it cast much uncertainty on their abilities. Diamond Tiara had gotten her friendships ruined. How perfect a vengeance would it be if she could frame those who stole it from her with the murder of the only one who could redeem them? Then again, why not simply take out the crusaders instead? She had no actual reason to go after Sunset personally, unless perhaps it was in the moment. A crime of opportunity. Coming from wealth and a good peaceful household, she lacked the fighting skills to even take out a weakened Sunset Shimmer, who would stand a fair chance with her cunning and experience. The police records also showed a very recently additional detail of her having a history of being hemophobic, despite the lack of any further confirmation through other means. If she were to take a life, it would not be through a way involving blood. Lastly, the opportunity was technically there. There was a knife present, as was Diamond Tiara. These are established facts. If there was a struggle, Diamond Tiara may have gotten the knife, that has been added to the report as not having her prints, but those of the crusaders. - - - Publicly, it remained an ongoing but quiet investigation. Behind closed doors, the file had changed hands more than a worn dollar bill. With nothing to go on, the media sought out the mayor. A press conference was issued. The mayor had promised to dedicate what she could to the case. Beside the mayor stood the mother of the victim, who was not happy to be away from her daughter. However, if she was to be here, she had a curse to bestow. No amount of make-up could hide the anger, devastation, defeat and sorrow going through Fleur de Lis. Fancy Pants sat in the audience right across from her, close by. Over the murmur Ms Mare began. “Welcome all.” The murmer died down. ”I’d like to thank first of all the busy staff from the hospital, the first responders and the police force who are involved in this case. Please, a round of applause for these great heroes for saving one of our precious citizens.” The crew rose and got a standing ovation. Mayor Mare continued. “Further, I’d like to welcome the press and thank them for following etiquette.” She turned to Principal Celestia, who had shown up with a student reporter. “Including the little ones.” She smiled and gave a small bow. “Thank you for coming.” “We are here today to answer some of your questions with regards to the Anon-a-Miss Murder as it’s been called. However, before we begin, Fleur de Lis will have the stage.” People started paying close attention and soon enough were nary a whisper. ”Fleur de Lis, if you please.” Fleur stepped up to the microphone stand. The room went quiet for all but the sounds of the scarce camera shutter. She braced herself, firmly grabbing the wooden top of the lectern. “The past few days I have spent in the hospital – Sitting beside my dying daughter. When every word, spoken and heard, when every look and glance could be the last, all else becomes insignificant.” She looked down and raised a hand toward her face. A stillness lingered before she found the strength to continue. In the audience she noticed the doctor who had performed the miracle. That warm smile of his lifted her spirits for a breath or two, allowing her thoughts to continue. “I owe my everlasting gratitude to the wonderful and amazing staff at the Canterlot Hospital, as well as the heroic first responders and police officers who’s invaluable and valiant efforts have saved that life most precious to me.” “I am grateful that she has been, and still is, recuperating really well, though initially she had to fight terrific odds. I am grateful for her strength, tried as she might be.” “I trust the police force will put in their best effort to see to it that this murderer won’t get a second chance to strike at anyone else. Thank you, mayor mare.” they turned towards one another. “Thank you for making this matter a priority.” “Of course,” the mayor continued. “Our city will not be safe with a murderer on the loose. This case will take a high priority.” The audience grew rowdy at the sign of the last words being in sight and Fleur’s presence at the meeting drawing to an end. “Now then,” the mayor said. “We have a few minutes for questions by members of the press.” She looked to Fleur de Lis, who looked to Fancy Pants nearby. He saw her grimace, she saw his smile and returned it. They both gave a nod. “I’ll be fine,” Fleur said, clasping her trembling hands together. Mayor Mare turned back to the chaos that was the press trying to get in their questions first. “Yes, you,” she pointed, “for the Canterlot News Network.” The others piped down. “I have a question for Mayor Mare and the chief of police,” the woman began. “We’ve had testimony from the three young students who were with Sunset Shimmer at the time of the incident. How much do their allegations weigh in on the investigation at the present time?” The chief of police stepped onto the podium to take the question. “I regret to inform you that we cannot comment on the development of the case at this present time.” His face grew stern. “But rest assured that we’re sifting through every scrap of material that can contribute to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for the attack on Sunset Shimmer.” The loudness of the crowd had returned. “You, the youngster for the Foal Free Press. Go ahead.” Mayor Mare smiled at the young reporter. Principal Celestia was chaperoning her student, and nudged her to ask what she wanted to ask. “Uhm, hello,” she nervously began, “my name is Record and I’m with the Foal Free Press. I have a question for miss Fleur de Lis.” Record’s eyes met Fleur’s death glare, and she almost turned away before she quickly attempted to recover. “First, I want to extend our deepest apologies on behalf of the student body. Most of the students are worried about how Sunset is doing, especially after what they have done, and allowed to be done to her. Most of us also realize our words don’t mean much. ‘Sorry’ isn’t going to make things right, if anything even can.” “My daughter is more forgiving than I,” Fleur de Lis said. She is far too good for this world. She thought, biting her tongue. She swiftly though briefly looked at Principal Celestia, who with that exchange had the veil lifted from the hellscape that was Fleur’s suffering. From how she herself had let the demons run amok. Of course, Celestia had considered Fleur’s position in this situation. That single glance however might as well have been the harbinger of her newfound fate, She had brought this reckoning upon this happy family in great ways. She knew she had no idea of the weight hanging over her head. Record, the young reporter, continued the thought. “My question is, what can I tell the student body about Sunset? How is she?” The bile was palpable to Fleur. She closed her eyes and sighed. It was the taste of that seed of hatred born of unjust suffering through which they had all put her dearest loved ones. She frowned. There were no innocent people involved in this. She could not, would not and frankly, should not forgive them, for they ought to have, and could have known what they were doing. Certainly they were not on par with the crusaders or the murderer, but Sunset had been seriously bothered and even injured by the lot of them. “It is nice to know you all suddenly care about your victim. A trial for her life was all it took to convince you to stop.” She opened her steeled eyes and pierced through the crowd to look at the young reporter who had asked the question. “Tell the students that if it were up to me, you would never – see Sunset again, as that would have been the world you created: A world without my daughter.” Her fingers gripped tightly around the lectern. “Tell them to remember these few days without her by their side and know that she is gone forever by their hands.” Her heart raced. She braced herself and calmed down, letting out a long breath through puckered lips. “Sunset is a lot more forgiving than I am. Her spirit has been scarred. A new girl with the same looks and name will walk your hallways. The old Sunset, my dearly beloved daughter with her wonderful friends, is no more.” She sniffled at her own words, swallowing hard. “Those lives are lost. No more.” Her outrage saved her grace from being overcome by anguish. It’s like a death without a funeral. She thought to herself. “You do not deserve to beg for her forgiveness, so when Sunset finally comes to wash her own damned blood off of your hands, remember everything you have done to her. You will think of what would bring you to tears and know she has cried herself to sleep every damned night for weeks.” She hit her lectrum. Her face bore a deep frown; an ill blend of revulsion, contempt and remorse. “She was so… so damned upset not even her own parents could make her happy again!” Her chin quivered. We have failed our only daughter! She bit her lip hard and swallowed her words. Her tirade wasn’t over. She could write a doorstop with everything she had to say. It was an effort wasted on these monsters. They would find themselves in Sunset. Only then might her words reach them. “You absolute monsters.” She shook her head. ”That will be all.” “Th–“ the little girl began stammering “Thank you, miss Fleur de Lis.” There was a commotion in the audience at the harsh words directed at a mere child, who didn’t seem to be the biggest bully around. Then again, came a whisper, she did represent those who caused Fleur and Sunset so much grief. But to a small child and in such a public occasion? “Quiet please,” Mayor Mare began. “We have time for one more question.” If anything, the crowd got louder to get that last shot. The mayor extended her arm to a reporter dead center. “You there, for Canterlot Capital Ventures. You have the floor.” The crowd piped down and got seated. “Hello miss Mare. I have a somewhat tangential question to you if you will. Rumors have it that Rich Enterprises has lost interest in remaining in Canterlot. One of the prime witnesses and suspects is Diamond Tiara, Filthy Rich’s only daughter. What can you tell us about this situation? Does it have any connection to the Anon-a-Miss case?” “In short, no, the two are unrelated. Rich Enterprises has been negotiating with the city on and off for years. As you all know, Rich Enterprises has been in Canterlot for a long time. A lot of good has come to the city because of their presence and thriving industry. Roads and public transportation are in no small part dedicated to getting employees to their stations. Their families need schools, utilities, services and stores to supply them. I find it difficult to imagine Canterlot as it is today, wealthy, prosperous, wonderful, without Rich’s business.” “So to answer the question, no, this is nothing out of the ordinary. Only the circumstances around the presidents daughter have changed. But then, so have circumstances for almost everyone. Raise your hand if you don’t know a student, or someone related to a student at Canterlot High and the troubles they’ve been through.” Only a few hands went up. “You only need to look to your left or right to find someone who does. What has become of our city?” she lamented, shaking her head. “I truly believe we, the citizens, make the city as great as it is.” She intently looked around the crowd, her attention falling to specific individuals who’d point at themselves in mild confusion. ”I implore you to think about this case as a failure of all of us. What could you have done or done better so this might have been prevented? Even if you don’t know anyone, think of the butterfly effect of your every deed, good or bad.” More hands and voices went up for questions, though Mayor Mare adjourned the press conference. She felt she’d done her proper job. Fleur de Lis excused herself to go see her daughter. She was escorted off the podium by personal body guards around the back. The chief of police chaperoned the Mayor. The little reporter filly Record looked to her chaperon, who tried to smile back. Their eyes had lost their brilliance. - - - The weekend came around and the crusaders were wearing thin from having far too much time on their hands without much of anything to do except reflect on their crime and punishment. Applebloom could feel herself getting dumber by the minute. Very few pieces of paper had been left without a trail of ink or pencil lead. Scootaloo was certain she’d break something the next time she’d set foot on a skateboard. Sweetie Belle was on a one way track to Tartarus called vengeance, despite the talks she had with her friends and her sister. It wasn’t like anyone had found forgiveness or salvation. Rather, many simply chose to bear their burden lawfully. Sweetie Belle couldn’t fathom how anyone could have witnessed Diamond Tiara’s villainy over the past week and not be moved to act. To not want revenge. Justice. “She just won’t stop!” Sweetie Belle cried out loud. “How can you two just let her off this easy? You think she’ll just change like that? No!” “Who’s letting her off?!” Scootaloo protested. “She will get hers! We know what happened. Sunset knows what happened. There’s no way she won’t end up doing time!” “Were you even listening to anything she said?” Colgate would faint at the teeth grating Sweetie Belle had been up to. “She’s pinning this on us! It’ll just be our word against hers and that’s how it ends. How is that justice? How is us even having this conversation in stress and anger while she’s out there shopping her head off with that stupid grin of hers justice?!” Applebloom quietly looked on. It’s not that she had nothing to say. Most of the things she had been thinking came up again and again anyway. Being quiet gave her pause for thought, and even let her reflect kindly on her sister’s decision to just back off for a while. “It… It’s not,” Scootaloo stammered. “But we can’t exactly go around just hurting people either.” “Why not?” Sweetie Belle blurted out blatantly. “We wouldn’t ‘just go around hurting people’. Just that murderous deserving bitch Diamond Tiara. Not for no reason, not anyone else.” “So you want to become just like her?” Scootaloo rebutted, again. This conversation is one they’d had before. “Hurting her won’t heal Sunset and it won’t bring back our friends.” “Grrrr For the millionth time! It’s not. About that!” Sweetie Belle yelled. “She almost murdered our friend, Scootaloo! She’s a danger to everyone! She has,” she clapped the top of her hand into the palm of the other. ”To pay!” “Sweetie Belle, calm down,” Applebloom offered, afraid she might have an outburst. “Remember, we’re all in this together. No point in gettin’ upset with one another.” “Well, … ” Maybe I am. Maybe you two should grow a spine and realize we need to deal with her ourselves. Sweetie Belle thought. She sighed. “I’m sorry I yelled,” She said, rolling her eyes. ”I just don’t want to have this fight anymore.” “I just don’t want us to break apart and give in to her,” Scootaloo said. “Hurting her will only get us into deeper trouble than it’s worth and hurt our case. We’d only make things better for her in the long run.” “I’m so done talking about this,” Sweetie Belle sighed. “Well, if you ever think of hurting her again, just picture her in an orange jumpsuit behind bars for life.” How many times had Applebloom and Scootaloo talked to her about this? They too wanted the same. To put Diamond Tiara through agony as much as she’d hurt others, combined and tenfold if possible. If they were to, say, stop her from breathing forevermore, what would become of them, their families, their community, town and country? They also realized it wasn’t up to them, and that it wasn’t going to happen. Not lawfully anyway. One act of violence against their friend had caused such ripples. Despite not wanting to believe it, they didn’t want to risk finding out just how many people loved Diamond Tiara, nor just how much they did. Add in the fact that Diamond Tiara is the de facto princess of the county and beyond through her connection with Rich Enterprises. It would not just be them to be struck with calamity. The farm would be ruined. Rarity wouldn’t sell a single design for the rest of her life. Rainbow Dash would lose herself if no team would want her, if no sponsor or trainer would help her out. Death to one is death to all. This is what the incident with Sunset has made clear. Even if no one could express or understand those words, it was how almost everyone acted ever since. However, Diamond Tiara had to pay for her crime. Justice was due. She had to go, one way or another. Her old world presence was violating the future she made with those fateful stabs. A future where everyone else has already been reborn, for better or for worse. This could not stand. Much to Applebloom’s relief, their suspension would only last a further two school days. The weekend didn’t count to their suspension and so, they weren’t required to stay cooped up all day. Nevertheless, as soon as they stepped out that door to finally frolic, that odious feeling of it not being their place, of them not deserving peace of mind, dropped like a brick. This weekend, tomorrow morning to be exact, Sunset was to address Applejack alone. They’d monitored their sisters and friends preparing, though they didn’t do much more than twirl their fingers. The air had been so tense they could have built a clubhouse on top of it. An agreement came to be. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy went home. Rarity came to pick up her sister to meet their parents. Rainbow Dash was long gone. Scootaloo had cautiously asked if she could stay with Applebloom. Applejack however wanted some alone time with her sister to discuss the upcoming few days and the next day in particular. The day Applejack would face Sunset first, and then again her friends. Thus, Scootaloo had to face the loneliness in the company of her dire thoughts. The road back home seemed long and deserted even amid the densest crowds. Now would come the first time in a week she would not be around anyone else. Simply knowing a confidant would be nearby would suffice. All she had at home were the maids, though not after these hours. Never had the hours passed so slowly as they had that Saturday and Sunday. The night had been too long to stay awake, yet too short to catch a blink of sleep. By dawn, it was nothing but an anxious heartbeat that kept everyone going. A reckoning had come. Scootaloo had shown up early. Sweetie Belle had tagged along with Rarity arriving a bit later. They had all helped in preparing some food for their company while they were discussing the things Applejack had tended to with Sunset. The crusaders could hear the voices but could not make out the words. The muffled sound had been enough. A chill ran down Scoot’s back, hearing Rainbow Dash’s pleas and cries. She had done this. To her. To all of them. To herself, her friends, their families. Sweetie Belle’s words had been incomprehensible to her. None of this would have happened had they not been so foolish and jealous. They may not have wielded that knife, but it ended up where it did because of them all the same. If only it had been them instead of Sunset. If only it had been those deserving. They had hurt Diamond Tiara, which had eventually lead to her making an attempt on their lives. Scootaloo tried to envision what it must be like to break up with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom over something someone else had brought up between them. Not because things were off between the three of them, but because of the poison someone threw into their chemistry. It wasn’t easy. The three of them had no mysteries between them as far as she knew. That might just be the thing to break them apart if it turned out to be false. She shook her head, not even wanting to feel out such a hypothetical. A situation she’s put so many people into while being Anon-a-Miss. She had to apologize. She had to make amends and she had do it right. One week of suspension had done nothing to set anything straight. All it had done was relieve the tension and allow everyone to cool down so as to not act on hot headed impulses. Thinking of everyone, she rolled onto the other half of her bed. Rainbow Dash would always be her number one. Even for the slightest inconvenience Scootaloo would grovel. Her head spun at how to restore the mane six. Sunset was next, still hospitalized. Tomorrow, at least before next Saturday, she’d be released again. Just like the three little perps who put her there. She had to thank her first, for saving their lives. Something that they had brought upon themselves in the first place, at her expense. She’d never get past her mother, to whom she also wanted to apologize and express her gratitude. If she were to set anything right with Fleur and Sunset, if there even was that possibility, it would be through actions alone. There was nothing she could say, and barely a thing or two – unthinkable things – she could do to make it so. She might not even deserve to. If only there were that magic spell. Sunset’s friends’ friendships had been cracked as well. They were still on that cusp, where it might go any which way. Scootaloo saw nothing but impending doom were nothing to change. Yet out of everyone, she had become– she had made herself the least worthy of trust and faith and redemption. There was nothing she could do. Nobody would listen. Nobody would hear her out. Even if they would, they would not believe her. She would be screaming into the void with no one to blame but herself. It would be difficult to talk to Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and most of all, Dash. To ask them to at least forgive one another, if they hadn’t already. Scootaloo knew too little about how they were doing among each other to tell. She didn’t even know if Rainbow Dash would be the easiest or the hardest to approach. They hadn’t talked like Sweetie and Rarity, or Applebloom and AJ had. If those two weren’t forgiving, she could only imagine the rage, anger and pain still dwelling in her hero. For a week, and now for the last two nights without end, it was all she could think about. That insurmountable mountain. To save a world so much bigger than she was, being as small as she is. A hunger insatiable, never reaching beyond the “how?” where the ever smaller steps to a complete path may lie. How could she do this, knowing full well she had no options to do anything? She felt like crying, undeserving as she was of the solace it would bring. Instead, like bubbles in boiling water, ideas of what she could do started coming to her now that she could relax a little. She could leave notes for everyone, on other’s behalf. She could illicit kind gestures among individuals at school somehow. Maybe even between those on bad terms. Could Applebloom or Sweetie Belle ask if AJ or Rarity could poke Rainbow Dash so they can talk again? What had even happened since last week? She didn’t even know what school would be like. Should she go see the counselor? That wasn’t a half bad idea. If there was one adult who’d have answers, it’d be Soft Spot. She knows the students and ought to be aware of most of the troubles brewing. Having settled on her certain bet, she turned off her night light and finally found some peace of mind. - - - The weekend had passed and the sun cast long shadows across the dewy grass patches spread throughout Canterlot city. Three young girls stood by a street corner nearby their school, plotting on how to tackle their destiny awaiting them. It was not yet their time, but they had permissions to at least watch and try to gauge the situation. The first students were passing them by without so much as a glance. The crusaders were in an alley so as to not draw attention after all. No. They were mere observants of the morning rituals of the many they had wronged. Most of the students seemed to be doing fair, having not much of any expression to reveal their state. Lazy daydreams before the hustle and bustle of the day would kick in were plentiful. Some students they’d recognize. Some who used to walk together now walked alone, still frowning or anxiously twirling their thumbs and whatnot. A strange way to conjure up that much needed bravery to restore old friendships. The crusaders swallowed at the sight of work ahead and the risk of incurring further burdens. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps drew closer from behind. Fancy shoes moving to a step revealing class. “Now this is surprising,” Diamond Tiara began, “Whoever necromanced you three back from hell?” “Diamond Tiara,” Applebloom spat. “What’s the big idea on pinnin’ yer crimes on us? Haven’t y’all put us through enough yet?” Diamond Tiara’s eyebrows hit their absolute ceiling. “Moi?! What I’ve put you through? Don’t be ridiculous! You did this, remember?” She carefully took in her adversaries. A rebellious Applebloom, a hulking Sweetie Belle and a slinking Scootaloo. Bingo. “It’s all your fault.” She faux winced at her ever so honest grief. “You even cost me my friendship with Silver Spoon,” she said teary eyed. “Why did you have to be so cruel to me? To all of us?” Without a word, with a dash, Sweetie Belle lunged at the pink pompous menace, only to be tripped up by Scootaloo clinging to her legs in the nick of time. She hit the ground hard, as did Scootaloo. “You bitch!” Sweetie Belle screamed. “You bitch! Murderer! Grrrr!” She began kicking Scootaloo, punctuating her screams of rage. ”Get! – Off! – Of! – Me! – Scoo – ta – loo!” She kicked her friend as hard as she would have Diamond Tiara, trying to get her off. Scootaloo didn’t let go. Diamond Tiara suddenly seized Sweetie Belle’s attention. ”I hope you woke up well this morning because I swear you won’t be doing that again!” “Oh ho, is that so?” Diamond Tiara lilted. She looked around Sweetie Belle to talk to Scootaloo. “Thank you Scootaloo, for stopping your barbaric friend.” “What the hell Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle yelled out. “What in the actual f–” “Don’t listen to her!” Scootaloo said. “It’s not worth it Sweetie Belle!” Applebloom stepped in between Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara, unsure of how well she could constrain any one of them (or herself for that matter). “Yer wrong, Diamond Tiara,” Applebloom spoke calmly. “We cud’ve all had a happy endin’ at that party everyone setup for Sunset.” She stomped her way forward three paces, nearly hitting the little aristocrat with her index finger. “But you had to ruin everything! What the hell were you thinking?! Even you were invited!” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. Then she noticed Scootaloo’s pleading look, as if begging for an answer to make sense of it all. “I think you mean, ‘even you,” She nearly put her index finger on Applebloom’s chest,” were invited.’ Don’t you forget what you did. I can’t believe you’re still allowed to attend that school after what you’ve done.” Applebloom completely squared up to Diamond Tiara, mere inches away from her. Neither backed down. Diamond Tiara merely smirked. “Why even bother showing up? It’s not like you’ll be welcome even after your suspension end,” Diamond Tiara continued. “You know Sunset would’ve been fine had she not come along with you three.” She stepped a little sideways. The orange girl was but a cat’s plaything. “You would’ve gotten what you still deserve.” With tears in her eyes Applebloom pulled back a fist, ready to swing. “APPLEBLOOM NO!! Please!” Scootaloo cried. “Don’t do it!” “Why not!?” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle asked simultaneously, turning to their friend. “I can only hold back one of you!” Scootaloo said. “We’ve done too much already! Please don’t make things worse!” How good would it feel to swing that fist at a completely defenseless Diamond Tiara? To feel the skin connect. To feel knuckles compress against that tender cheekbone sheltered from all harm that may come to it? To see her fall over, wince, bite the dust. To kick hard that soft belly. Oh the joy, the ecstasy! To bruise! To tear, break and rupture well beyond drawing a speck of blood! What was Scootaloo going to do to stop them? Applebloom knew there was nothing standing between her and Diamond Tiara. What a chance! Why was her fist not swinging? She looked at it. All the blood and energy was there, ready to strike. It was itching, trembling. Scootaloo saw and looked away from what could only be inevitable. The desperation in Scootaloo didn’t elude Diamond tiara. On the inside, a wicked grin set in like batter in a mold. She gingerly took a step back. “What are you going to do?” She asked, carefully lacing every word with dread. Applebloom turned back to Diamond Tiara, who had dropped her confidence and now held her arms close to her body, her hands clenched up to her chin. “She ruin’d yer friendship with Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo! Are ya jus’ gonna let her git away with that?” She raised her fists. Diamond Tiara flinched. “Please don’t hurt me!” She squealed. “When was the last time you even talked to her?!” Sweetie Belle asked. “Do you want to lose her forever?!” “No!” Scootaloo yelled, tears now running down her cheeks. “No! No, no, no!” “Please!” Diamond Tiara started to whimper. “Please don’t hurt me!” ”Hurting her won’t bring back Rainbow Dash! If you hurt her now, you’ll end up in jail! We could all end up in jail! I don’t have Dash, but you still have your sisters! And I still have you two! We still have each other!” Sweetie Belle tried again to wrestle herself from Scootaloo’s graps, who relented, figuring she’d convinced her. The two of them came to stand beside Applebloom. Much to Sweetie Belle’s surprise, it was Applebloom who‘d not moved a muscle. If ever there was a time she was ready to go. “Ah still have mah sister, do Ah?” Her voice came in quiet. She looked to the ground, trembling. ”Applejack!” Applebloom said through clenched teeth, tears welling up. “Last night… She…” She bit her lower lip, biting her tongue. No way would she give Diamond Tiara the satisfaction. Her heart was pounding. “You!” All the color drained from Applebloom’s face, as her words had run dry. All she had left was violence. She was no Rainbow Dash, but she’d be damned if she could not outrun Applebloom or Sweetie Belle. Fists connected. Diamond Tiara fell back further, even though she was still okay. Between her and her assailants stood a helpless deviant, inviting disaster into a friendship she thought would last forever. With a heavy thud and an oof, Scootaloo fell to the ground with her legs up into the air, only just barely missing the little tyrant. “Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle squeaked. She turned to Applebloom, who’s fist was trembling. She was clenching her teeth tight. “Applebloom, why?” “Yeah Applebloom, why?” Diamond Tiara asked with snark. “Why did you punch your friend? Was it because she deserved it? Well don’t worry, she at least knows she does. This will be your school life from now on. I advise you three get used to it.” Before Sweetie or Applebloom could rebut (or retaliate), Scootaloo jumped to her feet, hurt as though she was, and spread her arms wide. “Shut up!” She yelled, facing her friends. “My friends turning violent, turning into you, … I won’t let it happen! Every damned word from you is poison!” She looked her companions in the eyes. “Stop listening to her! You idiots!” A noticeable bruise was forming where Applebloom had punched her. Applebloom grabbed the wrists of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and hurriedly left the alleyway away from school, leaving Diamond Tiara behind. “Applebloom, what’s gotten into you?” Sweetie Belle asked. “In a minute,” the country girl said. “Lets just go home first.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle exchanged looks, and with a nod they followed without a word. Back at the barn, Applebloom revealed what she’d heard from Applejack’s conversation with Sunset. The recording she’d made for whatever reason. As far as Applebloom was concerned, having seen Applejack cry the only time of which she knows, her sister will never be friends with Sunset again. Even though the mane five are still together, their ice has gotten very thin. The conversation moved to how Sunset had made it clear she held her five friends responsible for their apathy and worse, antagonism, when she had needed them most. They all got rightfully chewed out. If those were Applejack’s odds, what was there to do for the Crusaders? “Ah’m sorry for punching you, Scootaloo,” Applebloom said. “But now at least ya know why. Diamond Tiara ruined everything. She was the nail in the coffin.” Scootaloo wanted to interject, to object, but Applebloom raised her finger. “As bad as we were, ‘n frankly we were the worst, Sunset was on her way to the party. Would she have burned her friends as much if it wasn’t for Diamond Tiara?” “We’ll never know,” Scootaloo said remorsefully. “Did she say anything to Applejack about being in the hospital, or was it just about what they’d done to her?” “Ah can’t remember,” Applebloom said nervously. “But Ah can’t imagine coming back from death’s doorstep can do a friendship any good.” Applebloom swallowed hard for what she was about to say. “Ah know this is hard ta say but, as far as Sunset’s concerned, it sounded like her friends, our sisters, are as much to blame as we or even Diamond Tiara.” “What?!” Sweetie Belle shouted. “That’s ridiculous! They only did that because we–” She cut herself off. “Because, because we were ruining everything,” Scootaloo finished. She had all but lost hope that Sweetie Belle could see her point this time. “Didn’t I tell you? None of this would’ve happened had we just … I don’t even know. Just not this.” “Well,” Applebloom started. “If more o’ the students, ‘specially Sunset’s friends, had stood up for ‘er, things wouldn’t’ve been so bad for her either. She did say it was up to Applejack to find out the truth, honest as she prides herself ta be.” “But we caused it all!” Scootaloo said. “She shouldn’t have been hurt and bullied in the first place.” “Yeah, we didn’t do all that!” Sweetie Belle said. “That was everyone else!” “Ah guess all Sunset’s sayin’ is that no matter what, if you see yer friends in trouble, you stick by em’. And what her friends did …” She held her breath for a moment, thinking about what it might be like. When she found her voice it trembled. “… What mah own flesh ‘n blood has done to her … Ah can’t even imagine what she must be goin’ through. If you two did that to me, Ah’d have second thoughts about you two too.” A moment of silence fell and broke. “Ah wouldn’t forgive you.” Ah wouldn’t forgive mahself either. Far was it for Applebloom to realize what seeds she had just planted. Her love was not unconditional. Her friendships not so valuable as to be worth every sacrifice, not even Sunset’s. It was this unspoken truth that resonated deeply with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. They knew in their hearts, they did. In that part of it that only connected on depths their thoughts could not yet reach. So they reflected on it in a wordless acknowledgement. “‘n Then there’s making new everyday lahv’s for ourselves agin,“ Applebloom said. “Ah’m not lookin’ for’rd to having to deal with Diamond Tiara. Ah’m not sure Ah can control mahself.” She looked to Sweetie Belle, who she knew was going through the same struggles. “No way anyone would want to sit with us,” She started. “What’s to stop anyone from treating us like they had treated Sunset Shimmer?” Scootaloo gulped, knowing she had none but her two friends to rely on. “I’m sure our sisters won’t want to sit with us either. Or even step in if we got things thrown at us. I hope they will, but… It’s our mess.” “I’ve been thinking,” Scootaloo started. “We should probably go talk to Soft Spot. And there’s another thing…” “What’s that?” “We… Well, at some point anyway,… ” “Spit it out!” “We’ll have to thank Sunset for saving our lives, and then beg that we can somehow fix all those friendships we broke. Especially with Sunset.” “Ah’m not sure she’d let us,” Applebloom said. “’n We’ll need a good thinkin’ ‘bout it before we can even decide on how to do it. Raht now Ah don’t even want to face ‘er.” “I think we should,” Sweetie Belle said. “What? Why?” Applebloom looked at Scootaloo, who looked as worried as she did. “I’ve had some talks with Rarity.” She looked away. “They weren’t happy little tea time talks for sure. She had some rough things to say that she never wanted to say. I never wanted to hear them either.” She looked at her two best friends sincerely. “But I’m glad I have, and I’m glad she did. It’s best to get it over with. Even if the outcome is bad, at least we’ll know how bad it is. – Things aren’t right between me and my sister yet, but I’m glad I get that second chance. Now it won’t fester, as she put it.” “Ah’ve tried talking to Applejack, but all she does is listen. Ah’ve tried asking Big Mac,” she realized how bizarre things had gotten where Big Mac was more talkative than her sister, “But he always comes back to only Applejack knowing what she thinks and feels. She’ll have ta be honest about ‘erself. She’s not one to show she’s hurtin’, much less admit it. Even though her bein’ quiet is kinda both at the same time.” “Then, what did she say?” “She said she didn’t know. That she has ta deal with’rself before she deals with anything else.” Applebloom looked away. “Or anyone for that matter. Although,” she wanted to lighten the mood with a positive note, following Sweetie Belle’s example. “She has been ‘round her friends. Mahbe she’s changed her mind.” A quiet pause fell before new dark clouds rolled in. “How ’bout you Scootaloo?” The last time Scootaloo and Dash had interacted was soon after the incident. All she remembered was scolding and violence, interrupted by Fluttershy. Her stopping Rainbow Dash despite having zero sympathy for the crusaders had hurt all the more. Scootaloo didn’t even remember their final words exchanged. It couldn’t have been anything good, she imagined. The desk chair squeaked a little when she spun around. She didn’t want to face her friends. She didn’t want to face this ugly painful truth. Seeing her at school was absolutely out of the question. If not there, then where? They had no clubs in common, they’d never bump into one another on their commutes, so where then would Scootaloo finally be able to tell her just how sorry she is? “We haven’t talked yet,” she said as though admitting to a crime. She hung her head low. “Not since we got scolded.” “Then what about when I was at my sister’s place?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Ah thought she went home,” Applebloom answered. “She couldn’t stay here since Applejack wanted some alone time with just our family. Ah’m sorry it had to be that way.” “Yeah, I did go home,” Scootaloo said. “I wish I hadn’t. I wish I hadn’t been all alone.” In her voice was no spite, only truth. Her friends exchanged a pitiful look. ”I wish Rainbow Dash’d been there to talk to me.” She started to sob. “Hell, I’d take her scolding and screaming. At least… At least I wouldn’t go through this alone.” Her friends wanted to object, seeing how they’ve been together throughout this thus far. But it wasn’t the same. They did have their family and friends, wry as their relationships were at the moment. But Scootaloo only had the two of them, for one reason or another. AJ and Rarity only have one sister, but Dash will always have another number one fan. Unless they’d talk to her, they’d never know how she’s dealing with all of this. “Oh God I miss her so bad!” The thread that held together her fractured self came undone. Why did she spend time alone? Tears were running from her wrists down to her elbow as she cried into her hands. “I’m so alone… I’m so miserable and alone. It’s all my fault.” “I don’t deserve to be by her side,” she sobbed. “But it hurts so bad!” “It won’t be easy,” Applebloom started, “but we’ll have to work really hard to earn our sister’s trust again.” She looked to Sweetie Belle. “We got our second chances, Rainbow Dash might give you one too,” she said. “I doubt it.” At the pit of her stomach, Scootaloo could feel the wrenching making her nauseous at the prospects, none of ‘em good. “I know her. As far as she knows, we made her betray Sunset.” She wiped her tears and sat forward, resting her elbows on her knees. Her face had lost a lot of color. “You could at least give it a try? Maybe we can ask our sisters what’s up?” Sweetie Belle said hopefully. Scootaloo shook her head. “She’s gonna be upset with everyone, most of all herself. She’s gonna be so angry and upset she won’t know who to lash out at first. She probably doesn’t even want to lash out. She just won’t even know it.” She looked to her two friends. “If we would go to her now, we’d get all that heat on us.” Applebloom considered. “Mahbe talkin’ to the counselor ain’t a bad idea,” She said. “Ah mean, if ya really know Rainbow Dash that well, wouldn’t it help her if she could talk to you?” Scootaloo looked away, why she didn’t know. With every thought and word spoken her new responsibilities grew both in weight and number. No one wants this situation and yet it keeps on escalating and growing seemingly beyond anyone’s control. Let alone three little girls. She sighed. “I’m really glad you two still have your sisters, for what it’s worth,” she said without a shred of cynicism. “At least you two still have hope.” “Scootaloo, we do need to fix everything we can,” Sweetie Belle began. “But we don’t need ta fix e’rything all at once,” Applebloom finished. “All we’re askin’ is that ya talk to Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo kept quiet. ”It won’t be easy.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “But ya gotta give it a chance! For all we know, Dash could miss you all the same. Or avoid you over being hurt or hurting anyone else.” “Okay. I’ll try. If you two can do it, then I’ll try too,” the orange girl said with a spark of determination. “I’ll talk to the counselor first though.” - - - School was hell, so they had ever more presumed after their encounter with Diamond Tiara. Nobody wanted to talk to them there, most didn’t wanted them there entirely and lots of students were actively pursuing them in some way. They had dropped in in-between classes on their first day after their suspension had ended. Word was that Sunset had returned as well, and that their sisters and friends were about on that front. It was a rare whisper to espouse delight. They had gone so far as to try back doors first, only to find out they were locked. There was only one way in and out outside of urgent situations (theirs not included). A few students wandering the premises before or after class gave them the stink eye, if they bothered to look to them at all. They were less than the dirt beneath a doormat. Bad luck had certainly found them as ‘accidents’ kept happening all over the place. From neighboring locker doors hitting them, to doors slamming in their faces, to students ‘accidentally’ bumping into them, it all seemed mighty convenient. However, all of it had been passive. This was nothing like what Sunset had gone through. They had made their way to Soft Spot’s office prior to their first class. They were reminded that they had a scheduled appointment later that day, after their detention. It wasn’t like Soft Spot could tend to many students during class hours, she’d said. She would be there even after the Crusaders would leave for the day. The worst part, so they had mistakenly thought at that point, was stepping into the classroom of their first class. Their regular spots had been filled out by other students. When they looked to their regular partners for group assignments for some sort of explanation, one look was all it took to make it crystal clear that they’d never work with any of them ever again. Thus they took the only place available to them, at the back row between the (other) delinquents. “We know what you did,” one rando said, punching Applebloom’s shoulder. “Don’t think anyone’s forgotten.” “You might be okay now,” another said, throwing an arm around Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, “but I’d keep some time available for a visit to the nurse’s office. Or a dentist.” These guys weren’t the only ones, the frightened little girls knew. Truth just happened to be a nice arm to terrorize them. They looked around the classroom, noticing a few further glares. Their lives were over, their heart just hadn’t gotten the memo. Soon enough, lunch came around. The crusaders had decided way ahead of time the cafeteria would be off limits. No way would they come out of a food fight (or worse) unscathed. Instead, they trued to sneak out the front without drawing too much attention to themselves. At least the nearby grocery store had some food available. On their way back, a rowdy crew seemed to be waiting for them to come back. School was still around the next corner, so it wasn’t like any teachers or staff would come running either. As soon as they got closer, they were being watched like vermin by cats, snakes and hawks. To be toyed with sadistically, poisoned and eaten. With naive optimism, they kept on moving closer, hoping they could simply go to their next class undisturbed without delay. Instead, the students spread out. Four guarding the way back to the school premises, eight surrounding the three little girls in what was still a wide circle. Other students started flocking around as well. “Well now,” one of the girls ahead of them said, “look who we have here. The three little blabbermouth psychopath cowards who dare show their faces. Haven’t you done enough?” “We–” “Breathing, I mean. How have you not offed yourselves yet? It’d be so much easier for everyone. Some of us, well some students, have had very creative ideas this pas week.” “If you really want an answer, –” Applebloom started before being cut off. “No, I don’t. We,” she gestured to the students around her. More of them had gathered, though they were mostly onlookers. “don’t. I think we know enough.” She got plenty of nods. “You’ll pay for everything you’ve done!” She raised her voice, but as soon as she realized she had, she put her hands in front her her, palms facing down and lowered them with a sigh, regaining her composure. “I’ve had so many ideas,” she said, licking her lips. She put down her purse. “At first it was just a kick me sign and childish pranks like that. You would’ve gotten kicked into a bloody” – she tightly clenched her fist, drawing out the bloody o’s – ”pulp, since it’d bait so many other students.” She got out an unlabeled jar of half-opaque murky gray gel. “But really, that wouldn’t do much justice to your crimes.” She unscrewed the lid off of the jar. “No. I’ve been thinking, and you’ll find out what’s ahead of you. Pranks won’t do, oh no.” She chuckled. “Still, of all the pranks, this was just too funny not to pull. For starters.” She looked to a few strong looking boys. “Hold them down!” Suddenly, the boys jumped the crusaders and pinned them down. The girls’ hearts raced. They struggled to break free but it was no use. The boys moved their heads together and overlapped their hair. Scootaloo and Applebloom saw the girl moving the jar closer to where the boys had bundled their hair. “Any last words?” she asked. “We’re sorry!” Sweetie Belle said. “We never meant any harm!” Applebloom yelled. “I’m sorry I hurt you!” Scootaloo whimpered. “I’m sorry we got Sunset almost killed! We’re sorry everyone broke up!” “Welp, I guess that makes two of us at least,” the girl with the jar said when she began poring the substance over their hair. “Ugh, what is that?!” Sweetie Belle said with a grimmace. “Is that? … Is that glue?!” The girl only smirked as she tilted the jar to let out as much glue as possible. It splotched down in big globs onto their hair. “Correct!” the glue girl said. “We’re all worse off for having the three of you around, so the least you can do is be horrible together.” “Get up!” One of the boys holding them down had let go of one of them and nudged her with a foot. The other boys let go as well. Slowly, they got up, trying to find their bags. “Looking for this?” One of the surrounding students taunted. Spirits were actually getting jovial in the crowd. “Toss it! Toss it!” Another said on the other side. “Give it back!” Sweetie Belle yelled in anger. She tried tugging at her hair, but it was no use. “You can have it back when I get my friends back!” The bully threw her bag right at Sweetie Belle, too much to her surprise. She got knocked down and pulled the other two with her. The crowd loved it. Before she could get a hold of her bag, another student had picked it up again. Everyone was laughing now. “Maybe if you weren’t such a terrible friend you could’ve all just laughed it off!” Sweetie Belle rebelled. “Maybe you don’t deserve any friends if you’re such a little bitch!” “What the hell, Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo said. “You’re not helping!” Said Applebloom. Sweetie Belle got up, pulling up Applebloom and Scootaloo in the process. The bully put his fist in his hand. “What did you just say?” Said the bully. “What, are you dense too? No wonder your friends left you!” Sweetie Belle said. ”I bet the secret was the perfect opportunity to ditch you.” “You’re lucky I don’t punch girls! Else I –” Then came a shove. Right in her chest. It wasn’t the bully. Sweetie Belle bumped into Applebloom and Scootaloo, sending all of them tumbling down. From the crowd, Sunset had appeared, flush with anger. The students stepped back in shock. Sunset looked around, though not at anyone in particular, reading the audience. Then she turned to Sweetie Belle. “Sunset? What’d you do that for?!” She yelled. Applebloom and Scootaloo couldn’t see her, but they were keen to listen. “I risk my life to save your worthless hides and this is how you repay me?” Sunset said calmly. Sweetie Belle shut her trap. “You’re just going to make things worse for everyone?” She asked rhetorically. “You owe me your lives! I own you! So you better listen and fix your shit, or there will be hell to pay!” Sweetie Belle swallowed. The other two remained quiet. “You got that?” Sweetie Belle nodded, not sure why. It wasn’t like she agreed. Was Sunset just going to let all the harassment and assault slip like nothing happened? Sweetie Belle could still see her all battered, bruised and broken. It was different from what Diamond Tiara did, but to just let that go would be unthinkable! Yet, on her back and on the ground, stuck to her friends and unable to rise up, she couldn’t exactly tell her that. Sunset turned around to the bully. “And you,” she said. She then turned to the girl with the empty jar. “And you,” again, “And all of you. Are you really going to do to them what you’ve done to me?!” The girl dropped the jar, sending it bouncing until it rolled to a stop. “You bullied me, assaulted me and some few even broke my leg! Someone tried to god damn murder me!” “So what?” came a voice from the crowd. A guy stepped forward. “You can’t seriously expect us to just let them go? You should be here with us! All the shit you went through was because of them in the first place!” “No it’s not!” Sunset growled. “They didn’t lay a finger on me, but a lot of you did! You hurt someone, you own it! I know why you did it, but it was you who did it. You’re as bad as they are if three little girls can just manipulate you like that!” “What the hell, Sunset!” came another from the crowd. The group had grown rowdy at the hot take. “Is anyone even going to say sorry for what they’ve done to me?!” Sunset asked in anger. “Because that still hasn’t happened! At least these three rotten little,” she held back a few choice words, ”have apologized!” Sunset looked at the three disreputables. “And seeing as how you’ve only found another target instead of stopping, you haven’t learned a god damned thing.” She looked around again. “Any of you!” Someone rolled their eyes and Sunset. “Yeah, I don’t need to hear that from you of all people. Acting all high and mighty but not once have you said sorry about your bullying.” She reconsidered. “Well, maybe if you count the Rainbooms. And we all know how well that turned out.” “At least I learned my lesson. At least I’d stopped bullying and tried my best to be friendly with others,” these words had a bitter taste. Sunset knew the girl was right, and she addressed her directly. “And I’m sorry. I’m sorry I haven’t apologized to anyone the way I should have.” She sighed. “After my friends took me in, I found my belief in second chances. If after all I had done I could be forgiven, then anyone could be.” Scanning the faces around her, she stopped now and then to exchange a look with those standing out more than others, be it concerned, angry or jovial ones. ”I know not everyone has forgiven me, and I’m sure you have your reasons. As awful as these three are, and my five former friends,” former friends, words that stung, “I will give them another chance.” She turned to Sweetie Belle. “Some day. When I’m ready to forgive.” She frowned. “Don’t you dare waste your despicable puny little lives after I’ve saved them,” Sunset said. “Got it?” The crusaders gave a meek nod. Sunset turned around and headed back to school. Gradually, the crowd followed. The tension had petered out and the will to fight had dissipated. The crusaders managed to get up and struggled to walk back to school. They had decided to go to the nurse’s office, since she could tend to any scrapes and bruises they’d gotten, and maybe she knew of a way to deal with their hairy situation. The nurse managed to figure out the glue was water based, so a lot of it washed out fairly well. The plucks that remained stuck together she snipped off. It wasn’t pretty. Rarity would dig a grave just so she could spin in it if she’d see her sister as she was now. All ‘n all they’d missed one entire class from the incident. The rest of the day they’d endured the mockery and laughter at their new looks with mixed feelings. They knew they deserved some retribution, but this didn’t feel right. What good could possibly come of this? No further troubles took place. They did not encounter or even see their sisters at school that day, be it for the better or the worst. When the time came to remain in detention, they passed the windows looking out to the front of the school. People were waiting for them to come out, for whatever reason. Bad reasons no doubt. They gulped, and were thankful for their detention. Detention hall, a classroom for those sentenced to detention, was located at the far end of a hallway, near the gymnasium. A few bored and rambunctious looking peers were waiting outside, though they paid no attention to the three little girls approaching. The door opened up, and a teacher built like a drill sergeant loomed over the lot of them. He instantly seized the undivided attention of the motley crew, and so too of the crusaders. Calmly, sternly, and with a minor boom in his voice, he let the students know today was a gymnasium day. Some students cheered, others sighed and moped. Detention had been an intense set of grueling and repetitive activities. Everyone would be sore the next day from simply having been pushed to their physical limits. Immediately after detention however, the activity had instead proven to be rejuvenating and energizing. It wasn’t a penalty most looked forward to going through again, yet here the crusaders had another week of equal or worse fates to be doomed to. Finally, after a refreshing shower that the crusaders had bargained for, they sought out Soft Spot for their last appointment of the day. Walking by the windows to out front again, they saw that all the students who had been waiting for them had left, much to their relief. The door to Soft Spot’s office was open. The scent of coffee wafted through the air, and Scootaloo could see her desk and some comfy chairs on the soft, warm carpeting inside. From behind her desk, Soft Spot welcomed her three young clients and asked them to make themselves comfortable while she would go and get them some tea. When she came back, she found them all seated around the low coffee table. She settled in on the last available chair. Scootaloo sat upright, with her knees together and arms crossed. She wasn’t smiling in the least; looking away. Sweetie Belle was looking around the office. From the cheerful wallpaper to the arts and crafts the students had made for her over the years, to the shelves of books behind the desk. All lit by warm light from LED spotlights around the ceiling. There wasn’t a single deep shadow to be found. Leaning back in her chair sat Applebloom in thought, looking out the window with the curtains closed. With her hand she was fiddling with the parts of her hair that had been shortened earlier. “Welcome, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom,” Soft Spot began, “I’m happy to have you here today.” “Thanks, Miss Soft Spot,” Applebloom said, her attention back to the present. “We appreciate it,” Scootaloo said, looking to her friends. Soft Spot asked them about their week of suspension and how they’d spent their time. At first came all the surface level whining about how dull it had been, how their room had been cold at times and how there hadn’t been any electricity and such. Then came the anger over Diamond Tiara trying to frame them in the interview. Soft Spot had tuned in she said, though she cleverly kept hidden what she thought of it. Like with all her students, she wanted to believe them, to have faith in their honesty and innocence. She knew well enough however that she was naive to still hold on to that thought. The longer the talk lasted, the deeper they touched. On how they had been fighting among themselves, struggling to hold on to their friendship. How Scootaloo had been alone for all that time, feeding the angst of having to face all the horrible situations she thought would occur. Things Sweetie Belle and Applebloom hadn’t yet considered. The tissue box was quick to run out at some point. Then came their encounter with Diamond Tiara. They recounted how they’d almost brawled with her had it not been for Scootaloo stopping them. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom thanked her once more and apologized for kicking and punching her. Sweetie Belle half jokingly remarked Diamond Tiara would’ve gotten what she deserved however. It saddened Soft Spot to be confronted so often with the fact that every heart of gold is the hoard and home to the dragon inside. So the students who sought her out had revealed this to her, that she had come to believe it. Finally came this morning. Soft Spot was shocked to learn how much they had been bullied after a week of suspension. It was a failure on her part for not having straightened out her students. She remarked how weird their new hair cuts looked, only to find out why. Her heart skipped a beat. That hadn’t nearly as surprising as hearing that Sunset, of all people, had stepped in and defused the situation. Then again, she was the only one who really could have the way she had. Soft Spot agreed with Sunset, that her three current clients should forget about revenge. First and foremost because they had spread so much misery in the first place. Some things were simply between Sunset and every other student, things the crusaders could not solve for them. The discussion between Sweetie Belle and her friends had come up again since Sweetie Belle took Soft Spot to mean she had accused them of being responsible for all of it. Her accusation found no solid ground. They just had to own what they had done, which was plenty awful all on its own. “You’ve hurt everyone in so many awful ways already,” Soft Spot said. “Even though they didn’t do anything to you or your sisters. Nobody deserved the things you did to them. That’s what I’m talking about. They were just a means to an end in your plan to get your sisters back.” She shook her head. “You all should read your own Anon-a-Miss archive and make things right.” ”Sometimes it wasn’t even really our doing though,” Sweetie Belle said. “That thing with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was her own fault to begin with. She shouldn’t have lied to her friend and she shouldn’t have been a rotten friend behind her back.” “You don’t know that, Sweetie Belle,” Soft Spot said. “Diamond Tiara, or any of your other victims in their own situations, may very well have had ideas on how to solve their problems and you could have ruined that opportunity for them.” “But–” “You presume too much. You should talk to everyone you’ve hurt just to see how wrong you’ve been, and still are. Can you imagine,” Soft Spot raised her finger, “and I really want you to try and imagine this, that you were about to stop being Anon-a-Miss by coming out about it to your sisters, only for someone else to beat you to it and tell them instead?” The three gulped. “You have everything figured out so things will go as smooth as possible. Maybe your sisters will get angry. Maybe they’ll be upset for you for a short while. But you’ll know for sure they’ll forgive you. And that chance was turned into the worst situation by someone else who doesn’t even know you or care about you.” A pause transpired. “Really try. Close your eyes if it makes it easier,” Soft Spot said. “I insist you try, and give it your best.” With much reluctance the crusaders complied to her seemingly childish requests. After a little bit of silence, and hands turning into fists along with eyebrows furrowing, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo opened their eyes again, watery this time. Sweetie Belle wiped her eyes. “It’s horrible.” She looked queasy. “Ah’m not sure Ah wanna know what we’ve done,” Applebloom sniffled. “Ah already know it’s bad ‘n Ah feel lahk that’s all Ah need ta know.” She looked to Scootaloo, who had no answers either. “We should,” Sweetie Belle said in all seriousness. “It’s like Rarity told me: ‘Best to be honest, open, personal and direct and then hope for the best.’” “That’s quite a mouthful,” said Applebloom. Soft Spot nodded. “Your sister is very sensible, Sweetie Belle,” she said. “Clear communication is often a good start, though it will definitely help to show the others you come in good faith.” “It’s how she’ll handle customers if she ever fails to meet a deadline or if they come to return a dress. By the way, has she come by at all?” Sweetie Belle inquired. “Like, by your office?” “A lot of students have, and most of them appreciate that I don’t tell anyone about their visits.” Soft Spot briefly put her finger to her lips. “If you really want to know, you’ll need to ask her. I’d be surprised if she won’t tell you whether or not she’s been. You know, given the advice she gave you.” The words of trust and confidence allowed Sweetie Belle a small contagious and hopeful smile. Scootaloo moved her feet along the carpeting, looking down. She’d get the same answer to her same question about Rainbow Dash. A different angle might work however. “I doubt Rainbow Dash has come by, and frankly I don’t need to know. I just want to know how she’s doing and if she’s alright. You can at least tell us that much, can’t you?” Soft Spot thought for a moment before answering. “Sunset’s friends haven’t been faring all that well. Who can blame them, really.” Defeat was apparent in her voice. “The only person who at least appears to be doing well enough is Sunset herself. She’s a real fighter. She’s angry and upset, and for now she’s dedicating that energy to her studies. How she’s doing on the inside I wouldn’t dare guess.” “Should I go talk to her? To Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked cautiously. “I’m not sure if I can even face her… She’s not like Rarity or Applejack, and we don’t exactly relate the way Rarity and Sweetie Belle, or Applejack and Applebloom do. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve become a complete stranger to her.” I deserve it. She thought to herself. “I was about to say it wouldn’t hurt to talk,” Soft Spot began, “But I doubt you’d believe me if I said that. I can promise you, talking to her will be for the best. Trust me.” “How has she been?” Scootaloo wagered. “I’m sorry Scootaloo,” Soft Spot said, sadness apparent, “you’ll have to ask her yourself. It’s the only way to know for sure.” Scootaloo sighed. “I’ll tell you this though,” Soft Spot said. “Every student needs a friend right now. The hallways have been pretty quiet. The cafeteria is either a battleground or a cemetery on the daily. Fights erupt in the hallways, as do breakdowns.” She held her hands up and issued some damage control. ”Don’t get me wrong though, most students behave well enough. It’s just the outbursts that get most of the attention,” She explained. “And those are fairly common among a few small groups.” The crusaders thought about their day and could only concur, having been shoved around as they have been. They wondered if Sunset’s former group was like that. “You should all talk to your friends, but make sure they’re listening too. If they don’t want to hear it, let them know you’ll back off, but would appreciate it if you have a chat later. Tell them why you want to talk: because you appreciate their friendship and want to work towards something new and positive.” “I really really doubt Rainbow Dash will want to talk to me,” Scootaloo said with a sob. “After what she told me last time…. After what I did to her, what I made her do to her friends! After making her life such a mess!” Scootaloo was wiping at her eyes. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom had their hands on her shoulders. “It’s going to be okay,” Sweetie Belle shushed. “Rarity and Applejack said they’ll come around eventually, and I’m sure they’ll try and talk Rainbow Dash into it.” “No it’s not…” Scootaloo whimpered. “I know her. She won’t ever forgive herself for this. What chance do any of us stand if she doesn’t? Every time she sees me she’ll be reminded of what she’s done, and what that means to her.” Soft Spot stepped towards Scootaloo, squatting before her so she could level with her. “Is that how you think she feels, Scootaloo?” The two made eye contact. “Or is it how you feel?” Scootaloo swallowed. “If you want things to make sense again, if you want to put those scary ideas to rest, you have to be brave.” Soft Spot smiled. “And let your friends help pull you through and give you courage. Let them encourage you, okay?” Scootaloo faced down, though she looked at Soft Spot’s face. She gave a little nod, and the worlds quietest “ok”. Soft Spot turned to the other two girls. “Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, do you think you three can find Rainbow Dash tomorrow? You don’t need to talk things over right then and there, but do let her know you three want to talk, okay?” “Ah...” Applebloom looked to the other two. Hearing Soft Spot have faith in them helped her tremendously, she realized. If she thinks they can do it, surely they stand a fair chance? After all, she knows what they’re up against. It’s why they’re there. “Ah think we can manage. Sure.” She smiled. “We can try at least.” “We’ll help you, Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle said. “Sorry we didn’t really understand where you’re at. At least, I didn’t know you felt that way…” “It’s okay Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo said gracefully. “I didn’t think things would go as they have, really. I guess I’d hoped Dash would be more like Rarity and Applejack. Maybe I don’t know her as well as I say I do.” Soft Spot got back into her chair. “I hope it works, so you’ll have a chance to know her even better.” Scootaloo nodded. “Me too.” For all the light in the room, in that moment, Sweetie Belle felt her grip slipping on those chains she held for Diamond Tiara. Things would go better for her and her friends. Not tomorrow, not next week, but some day in the foreseeable future, things will get better. These problems, she realized, stood completely separate from the one girl who’d put that flaming cherry on their hell cake. Hope and forgiveness were in the air. She tightened her fists. How could she? How could they? How could anyone! There was no way she could let go. Forget about revenge? Echoed Soft Spot’s words. Is she daft? Not until the vermin in the sewers would drown in the blood of that high class low life rat would she let go! In every shimmer on every link a glimpse of her holding a dying Sunset flashed before her minds eye. “Sweetie Belle?” Soft Spot’s voice came. “Sweetie Belle, are you okay?” Sweetie Belle looked to her friends in the doorway, and the school counselor holding it open for her. Her two friends sharing her curiosity. “Oh, yeah I’m fine,” she told them. “I just remembered something I’d almost forgotten.” She tapped her head with a finger. “But it’s a mental memo now.” She smiled. A secret locked safe and sound. The past week had made it clear: Scootaloo and Applebloom did not understand her on that visceral level. She had to set this right. You breathe, you eat, you sleep, you scratch that itch, you seek justice and you exact your vengeance.