• Published 19th Jan 2015
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Split Second - wille179

Twilight Sparkle broke time when she got her cutie mark. Now there's two of her with two different talents.

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A few minutes before, and roughly two hundred meters southeast, Sir Quick was patrolling the wall of the castle. Sir Quick had also been dead for nearly nine hundred years, and he knew it. He knew what he was as well, a mischievous specter that had found his corpse, settled in, harmonized with the magic embedded within his skull, recreated his mind, and animated his remains. He also knew there was a threat to his home and its ponies, and most importantly, to his mistress. A mistress that wanted secrecy and subtly when facing this particular enemy.

He looked down. A rainbow maned mare was flying across the gorge, carrying the rope of the bridge. Unseen by her in the fog, three mares were forming from an unfamiliar magic. Though if he were to hazard a guess, they were the enemy. The enemy was singular, the allies were all living ponies. The distinction was clear, and so was the course of action.


Three sounds were almost one, they were so close together. Three half-formed bodies collapsed, slowly bleeding the stardust they had been born from. The noise, quiet as it was, resounded quite loudly in the otherwise noise-muffling mist, unintentionally succeeding in drawing the living mare's attention.

She gasped at what she saw, and the assassin-turned-knight-turned-undead-skeleton had to stifle a groan of annoyance. Three knives, sticking out of the skulls of three almost-ponies, formerly on Sir Quick's belt, glinted in the moonlight. The sight was enough to drive the only pony with a heartbeat into a frenzy of action.

Sir Quick the Skeletal made a hasty, silent retreat. The ally was alive and unharmed, but he might not be able to say the same for the secrecy of his mistress's forces. His next decision, better than the first, was to go rally the rest of the dead. Just in case.

The space where his gut should have been ached with guilt. He prayed to the Sun Princess that the real Sir Quick would forgive him for the use of his bones.

"I'm telling you, they just came out of nowhere!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, waving her hooves for dramatic effect. "Thump and three dead pegasi lying there. And then they turned into that stuff Nightmare Moon's mane is made from."

"Are you sure?" Rarity asked, more for her own sake than of any questioning of Rainbow Dash's story.

Dash didn't take it that way. "Of course I know what I saw! I'm not crazy!"

"We believe you, Darling. I just... Never mind. It's not important." Rarity composed herself, and looking towards the rest of the group, said, "I believe it might be a bit more dangerous than I anticipated."

"Go home if you're scared, Rarity," Rainbow Dash said condescendingly. "I'm seeing this through to the end."

"Admirable," the white unicorn replied. "Foolish, but admirable. Very well, I shall continue on with you. Everypony else?"

Though everypony decided to continue, it was quickly decided that some magical protection was desirable. Trixie offered to cast a protective spell, with Rarity quickly offering some of her magic to give it that extra, reassuring oomph.

Spells cast, the group hurriedly crossed the bridge and the grassy distance between the gorge and the castle. They reached the interior of the structure mercifully without incident, and let out a collective sigh of relief.

Applejack spoke first, breaking the uneasy silence. "Ah wouldn't drop mah guard just yet. We don' know what's still... ahead..."

The sound of rolling stone gave her pause. From a side alcove, a flicker of purple and gray vanished out of sight, and five round orbs of stone rolled into view. Trixie was the first to recognize them for what they were, "The Elements!"

They were hardly airborne in Trixie's magic before a swirl of nebulous mist condensed into the frightening figure of the alicorn of eternal night, a phrase that takes much longer to say than to actually occur.

Not having a better plan, and desperately needing to buy some time, Trixie charged at Nightmare, who charged back. Just as they were about to collide, Trixie and the floating elements vanished in a pale pink flash of light, only to reappear on the opposite side of her opponent and keep running.

Turning round, the two combatants made brief eye contact, broken when Nightmare charged again, instinctively intent on spearing Trixie with her lance-like horn. Trixie, remembering the line in the book about the spark, charged an electric spell. Nightmare, seeing the building lightning, changed tactics mid stride and disintegrated into mist, scooped up the baby blue mare and spirited her away.

Sparkle, formerly watching from the shadows alongside Thorn, was on the move. Her double, at this very moment, was moving in tandem with Trixie to the room in the tower top. Sparkle and Thorn sank into their shadows and raced up the wall of the tower, materializing behind a fallen statue, hidden from sight.

Words were exchanged between the two combatants, though Sparkle ignored them in favor of figuring her options. The dead drew close, on the heels of the five approaching living ponies. As much as she hated desecrating the dead, they were already up and moving, much to her annoyance, and as such served as a viable distraction for their escape should it be necessary.

If worst came to worst, Sparkle could always learn if she could kill an alicorn... or seriously maim. Opponents wishing they were dead worked well in her line of work.

As the living climbed the stairs, Sparkle felt a thump in her core. It was a sensation she had never before personally experienced, but her double had. They were tied at the soul, the source of magic, and what happened to one had equal but not necessarily identical effects on the other.

Something intrinsic was changing in Twilight's soul, and it was bringing Sparkle along for the ride. The effect drew the two timelines closer together without them intentionally creating a magical charge gradient. The sensation felt positive, invigorating, subtly reinforcing her essence and Thorn's by extension. She let it happen. No, she charged her horn, drew the timelines together and helped it along. She fed back into it, boosting the original which boosted her further.

Like two batteries with a variable resistor between them, the stronger Sparkle's influx grew, the closer the timelines grew and the less resistance the magic found, exacerbating the cycle. It grew so strong, she couldn't tell that time had overlapped to the point that the synergetic effects were augmenting the Elements, or that the trans-temporal visual fidelity had increased to the point that both times were clearly visible to all the occupants of the room.

Nobody thought any of that. The only one with a coherent thought was Thorn, who simply thought, 'Double rainbow, all the way!'

It was spectacular.

When the dust settled, the occupants of the room were shocked to find two of themselves, except for Trixie. She was shocked to see someone she thought to be Sparkle standing next to her.

"Hey Twi, can ya explain what in tarnation is goin' on here?" one of the Applejacks asked.

Twilight, taking stock of the situation, called out, "Sparkle! I know you're in here. Show your flank and help me explain things."

"Hold your monkeys, I'm coming," an identical voice called from the back of the room. The lavender mare that emerged was cloaked in gray, visibly more emaciated than her counterpart, and sporting a dark purple mist emerging from the corners of her eyes, a stark contrast to the golden, glowing flecks dotting Twilight's eyes. "Hi. For those that don't know, I'm Sparkle, that's Twilight," she pointed a hoof at her sister, "and after accidentally breaking time when we were eight, we split into two ponies with two very different special talents and lives."

"Right," Twilight agreed. "We're standing-”

She was interrupted by the sudden arrival of the sun and its stewards. Plural. And both of them calling out their students' names at the same time. They materialized right next to one another, and then jumped, neither expecting their doppelganger. "What?" was asked in unison. "How?"

"Time bubble," Twilight/Sparkle chorused. "Two times at once; different histories, same ponies."

"That's creepy," said the Dashes.

"I know what you mean," said the Applejacks.

"Rarity, your tail. My tail! Ohh!"

Trixie looked perplexed. "How come Trixie doesn't have a double?"

Sparkle answered without Twilight by some unspoken signal. "You do, but she's not in this room. Or she's dead; can't be sure of that. You took my place as Princess Celestia's student; that's why you're here now. I simply followed Twilight."

"About that," spoke one of the Celestias, who had gone to comfort their Lunas and were now walking back, flanked on either side by the much diminished princesses. "Sparkle, you and Thorn left Canterlot without my express permission. The grace period has ended, and you will report back to Canterlot immediately or face charges of parole violation. And do return the dead to their graves, or that will be more charges."

"Hey! I object to that! I notified a ranked guard with a written notification of my emergency departure, and all bodies here are of greater than five hundred years of age and resurrected via psychic reconstitution, which I am licensed to do! Furthermore, the Everfree Forest is zoned 'unfit for equine habitation.' All free or licensed magic is can be legally performed here so long as nopony is injured - article twelve, section three, subsection one, 'on the use of controlled magics.'" Sparkle smirked, though inside she was really hoping that Celestia would buy her bluff. "I'm clear and you know it."

One Celestia closed her eyes, the other recognizing the expression as resigned acceptance. The latter was horrified though, realizing that she had been, in a way, outdone by a necromancer. More so about the necromancer part than anything else. If she wanted to, Celestia knew she could get any charges to stick, though she figured the Celestia with the dark Twilight... Sparkle, wasn't going to do so.

Meanwhile, a soft, dual whisper - "I'm so confused..." - came from the Fluttershys.

"How did this happen?" Twilight asked.

"Resonance. I'll explain later." One dark burst later, and the doubles were gone, moved a second to the left. "Thorn, grab my saddle bags from the library," and as many books as you can fit. "I'll meet you out front after I re-kill the zombies. Kill anyone who tries to take those bags from you, or take a hostage if it's one of the princesses. I'll be back in a minute." She vanished into the floor.

The skinny dragon blinked. "What?" he asked, as if what just happened was perfectly normal. "You heard her..." He then proceeded to jump out the window and scale the tower wall. It was so sudden and so quick that most had no time to even process his departure.

"She seemed so nice before..." Luna muttered. It went unheard.

"I know we're not the best of friends, but your optimism was appreciated, Pinkie," Sparkle said. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." She smiled, pulling Sparkle into an unexpected hug as she did so. Pinkie, unlike the rest of her friends, was the only one within a half dozen pony lengths of Sparkle on the train platform and the only pony not awkwardly staring at her.

"I guess this is goodbye then." Sparkle smiled faintly and looked Pinkie in the eye, her own hidden behind a mind-bending illusion to make them seem normal. "I probably won't be allowed back here for quite some time, what with the Princess's personal student here and all. Write me?"

"Sure thing, Sparky!"

"I'll look forwards to it. Thorn." She looked over to her son of sorts. His eyes were affixed on the white unicorn before him, and the pupils of his eyes, which normally looked like black flames, had taken on the shape of flaming hearts. Rarity on the other hoof looked quite uncomfortable under his lusty gaze. "Thorn!" Sparkle called out.

"She's beautiful..."

Magic enveloped his tail and dragged him backwards, but failed to break his concentration. "Come on, Thorn, we're going to miss the train if you keep staring. I'm sure Ms. Rarity doesn't like being eyed like a piece of meat."

That caught his attention. "What? No. I wasn't... She... I... What?" The door shut before him, and only then did he realize that he was now on the train. A train that lurched forward not a second later. He quickly stepped forward and stuck his head out the window. "Rarity! Goodbye, Rarity! I'll write you!"

"He has a crush on me. Oh sweet Celestia, he has a crush on me. I feel so filthy." Rarity's eye twitched.

"I think it's kind of sweet," Fluttershy commented, drawing an incredulous stare from the unicorn.

"Fluttershy, he's a killer, a monster. Look what he did to that manticore."

Rainbow Dash, who had silently sided with the butter yellow pegasus, said, "My friend Gilda has killed. Everygriffin has to kill a wild animal when they grow up, and I know ponies and griffins can fall in love. Where do you think hippogriffs come from?"

"I... but... Hmph. This is completely different." With that, she stomped off in a huff.

"...When did Rarity become such a prude?"

“Lay off her, RD,” Applejack said. “Ah wouldn’t want that thing chasin’ mah tail either.”

Waiting for them at the Lower Canterlot Station was none other than Shining Armor... along with a half dozen other unicorn guards. "Twilight Sparkle, you are an idiot," he informed her.

"It's just Sparkle," she mumbled as she and Thorn walked over to him.

"I will call you whatever I bucking please when you piss me off this much. Seriously Sparkle, you could have gotten jail time for this; you know you're not allowed to leave Canterlot. And worse, you could have been hurt! Please, L.S.B.F.F., don't make me worry like that." As he finished, he sprang forwards and hugged her. "Thanks for keeping her safe, Thornecrovitar."

The young pseudo-undead puffed out his chest in pride. "I am proud to do my duty, Uncle Shiny."

Shining Armor smirked. "Now, young lady, the Princess expects you in day court A.S.A.P. for debriefing."


"Sparkle, language."

"Buck you, Thorn."

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