• Published 6th Jan 2015
  • 4,087 Views, 63 Comments

To be Adored - jidbrony

Adagio always wanted to be adored, but what does it mean to be truly adored, and to find that adoration in the most unlikely of forms

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“First things first girls, we need to find a proper carriage for him, as much as I like holding him I’m starting to get tried.” Adagio said, as the three of them began to walk up the city mall deciding if they were going to buy stuff, buy it in the big city.

“If you so tired of carrying him put him in the dang basket.” Aria groaned, still hating the fact Adagio was going to go throw with keep him.

“What in that! Never! Only the best for my...uh...uh…” Adagio paused as she just realized something. “I never gave him a name.”

“You’ve only decided to be his mother for about...ten minutes and already you're spoiling him...Great job Adagio, great job.” Aria said sarcastically.

“Shut it! We need to think of name for him. This is important .Sonata go!”


Adagio groaned. “We’re not calling him baby!”

“Cry baby” Aria suggested Adagio just glared at her.

Adagio started to ponder what would be the perfect name to her newly found baby boy, the Crescendo if you will to his beauty and then she had it. “Crescendo!”

“Oh I like it.” Sonata said.

“Yes! Will call him Crescendo, he is my little Crescendo!” Adagio help the newly christened Crescendo up to her face, he was now awake and started giggling enjoying the attention.

“Oh goody, she;s already getting into motherhood.” Aria moaned.

“I know isn’t it so cute.” Sonata said.

“Please don’t make this my life now.”

“Aww Auntie Aria is just jealous of you.” Adagio said playfully to Crescendo.

“Please don’t call me that.” Aria groaned.

“I like it!” Sonata said.

“Whatever, lets get this over with...for it’s going to be a LONG eighteen years.”

The three Sirens entered the large mall, it was filled with stores at every corner and people going into them. The enter the local baby shop known as Babies R Us, the only baby supply store in the mall.

“This is it girls.”

“Let the stupidity begin.”

The three sirens started going through the mall picking out all sorts of things babies likes, toys, strollers, little decorative things. Sonata mostly stuck with toys, considering she had the mind of a baby she would be the perfect go to person for suggested. Aria just scowled as she surged around the store getting creeped out by all the pink and blue that surrounded her, it was enough to make her heave. Adagio on the other hand looked for the important stuff, as stroller and a crib, of course the crib would have to be ordered and delivered, even if she could just have Sonata and Aria carry it all the way back home with them but she knew that wasn’t a practical proposal but it would be fun to watch. Dozens of strollers were lined up each one was flawed in Adagio eyes.

“Nope, nope...that’s stupid...pathetic ...unworthy.” Adagio kept looking trying to find the perfect one. If their was one thing Adagio loved was perfection, and she wanted to insure that if she was going to raise this child as her own then she would do it with the grace of a Siren. Then finally she found it, the perfect stroller. It was ocean blue, with little waves carved into it, and much to her surprise three sea pony like creatures were also engraved sitting on a rock.

“Strange...it’s almost as if fate...nah! That’s impossible, mere coincidence. But…” She tried out the cradle on Crescendo it fit him perfectly. “Perfection. Isn’t that right my little Crescendo.”

Aria watched from the corner. “This isn’t right.”

“What’s not right.”

Aria jumped to see Sonata carrying a pile of stuffed animals that covered her face. “Don’t do that.”

“Isn’t it odd, that Adagio, of all people...Adagio! Goes from probably one of the most ruthless people I know to all of a sudden wanna be mother.”

“What’s wrong that. She’s taken care of us for years.”

“Yeah but not like that!” Aria pointed over Adagio fawning over their new kid.
“Well, who knows babies bring out the best in people.” Sonata hypothesized. “By the way which one is better the Pink Elephant or the Blue Bear.”

“That and the annoying! But that’s not the point! I think somethings up, something in Adagio’s head must have gone wack when she saw the brat!”

“Shh...Don’t call him that last time you did…

“I know! She’s not listing this time. But no one goes from Siren Queen to baby gushe in only one night and I’m going to find out why.”

“That’s great and all but I still need to know Pink or Blue.”

“Ugh go to sleep Sonata.”

Now that she found her perfect stroller for Crescendo Adagio, got Aria and Sonata to put all the objects they bought on top the counter. The cashier looked a bit stunned to see all this stuff they were going to buy.

“So uh...will that be cash or credit.”

Suddenly the familiar smirk appeared on Adagio’s face. “Actually, I think a song is a better price for all this.” Then Adagio began to sing that enchanted tune she used at the Lovers Peek last night, as she did the Cashier’s eye began to glaze over as a drowsy smile appeared on his face.

“I’ll get your bags for you mam as he started ringing them up.

“See Aria, Adagio hasn’t changed she’s still enslaving people.” Sonata whispered to her fellow Siren with a wide smile.

Adagio then leaned down to look at the baby. “See, this is how mommy will give you everything you’ll ever want.”

Aria groaned. “Yeah...Except it’s for something completely stupid.”

Finally after a few hours of shopping the Dazzling took the bus back to the city to their home. Thankfully and almost ironically the Dazzling’s house had a extra spare bedroom, either used as a place to take their so called “Boyfriends” in and, “have their way with them” but now they had to purify it and make it the baby's new room.

Adagio walked in first carrying the stroller while Aria and Sonata were busy carrying the toys and other stuff they got. The pile was large and heavy.

“My back is killing me.” Aria groaned.

“I can’t feel anything. It’s fun.”

“Girls, put the supplies in Crescendos knew room.”

“We don’t have a spare room.” Aria said.

“Of course we do, the guest room...idiot.” Adagio said as she picked up a few of the outfits they brought him to put it on him

“You mean the…Special Room. Sonata asked.


“But that’s the room for OUR playthings.” Aria groaned.

“Well sorry, if you want to play with those, then go to a hotel like everyone else. We can’t be uh...playing...when there is a baby in the house now. Also Sonata I want you keep your dagger collection as far away from Crescendo as possible. Locked, and keyed.”

“Got it boss!” Sonata saluted as she headed off into her room.

“See Aria, Sonata is a team player. Also now that I think of it, I need to rid myself of those sleeping pills and perhaps hide my wip, handcuffs and chains. ” Adagio commented as she put on Crescendos new little blue t shirt. “Now isn’t he precious now.” she picked him up as the two of them headed to the couch Adagio started to cuddle and play with him making baby noises and voices, Aria just watched in discuss.

“Say Dagi...Question.”

Adagio rolled her eyes. “What? This better be important.”

“So...you really like this kid don’t yuh.”

“Of course?” Adagio started bouncing the baby on her knee as she started fawning over his cuteness.

“You liked him enough to make a life changing decision on a wim.” Aria asked again building up to something.

“What exactly are you getting at.”

“I’m asking why the heck did you uproot our lives the minute you fawned over a ...kid!” Aria said struggling to say that last word.

Adagio stopped bouncing the baby and turned to look at Aria both angry and disappointed. “Aria let me tell you something. When was the last time, someone adored you.”

“Last week when I went to male stri….

“Enough! I know how this story goes. Let me guess you used your powers.”

“No I payed him...OF COURSE I USED MY POWERS!”

“Yes! Exactly, they adored you because of our magic, and while I still enjoy the groveling of the miserable mortals we claim, I realized last night for a few seconds, what real adoration feels like.”

Arias thought over what Adagio said and realized something they key to the madness. "I get it now." She whispered.

"See I..."

"This is just another one of your schemes! This is just a way for someone to gaw over you and since it not someone under your spell it just makes you more happy since you don't need to use your powers."

Adagio looked stunned and slowly put Crescendo back into the baby carriage then she slowly moved in towards Aria looking stoned face suddenly she grabbed Aria by the neck . "How...dare you."

"Your just mad...because I'm right." Aria said gasping for air.

Adagio just glared at Aria and tighten her grip.

"He won't be a mindless brat forever and then where will that leave you."

Adagio gripped loosened a bit but she still looked furious. "Doesn't matter if we treat him right he'll still love us."

"You mean love you."

"Whatever! Still to be truly adored is something remarkable. I'm not going to give it up so easily."

"So what happens then when he grows up. He's still a human, you'll use our powers on him."

"Never!" Adagio let go of Aria and covered her pendant with both hands. "That will never happen."

"Dagi, Dagi, Dagi. I know what happens when you don't get your way. Even if you don't use your powers sooner or later those powers will affect him."

"Then...then we just make him a siren."

"Oh now you're nuts! You just don't make someone a siren."

"If you can make Alicorns then you make sirens we just need enough magic to forge a pendant for him."

"Dagi your nuts and will never find that power that why Starswirl banished us here."

"Enough Aria! I'm the leader I made this choice! And you will follow my lead."

Aria rolled her eyes. "Fine. Whatever, live in la la land with the kid. But I warned you either your desires or ambitions will get the best of you...again." She left leaving Adagio alone, suddenly the baby began to cry causing her to snap out of her rage and pay attention to Crescendo.

"Oh there, there my little Crescendo, don't let mean old Aria worry you, mommy will love and adore you." Crescendo then reached up to try and touch Adagio pendant. "No, no Crescendo this mommies and you Aunts special pendant there very important and fragile. That's a good boy."

As Adagio coddled Crescendo Aria watched from the corner in the hall.

"This is stupid. This is going be so, wrong in so many ways. I just know it."