• Published 6th Jan 2015
  • 4,087 Views, 63 Comments

To be Adored - jidbrony

Adagio always wanted to be adored, but what does it mean to be truly adored, and to find that adoration in the most unlikely of forms

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Morning arrived as the sun slowly came in through the window of Adagio’s room. For most of the night Adagio just slept in her hooded sweatshirt not even covered by the sheets as the baby they had found last night cuddled up against her. As the sun came into the room and hit Adagio’s eyes she slowly began to open them, they were still heavy by the sleep she need. She looked to her side to see the baby still sleeping holding on to Adagio with a small smile plastered on his face.

Suddenly Adagio’s door burst open as Sonata came in, still wearing her pajamas and her blue hair all the way down. “MORNING!” she shouted. This caused Adagio to fully awaken.

“Sonata! Don’t do that!” she yelled as she noticed Sonata carrying a tray. "Gives me margarines. Like everything else you do."

“I made you breakfast in bed.”

“Oh really...and why all of a sudden the urge for such generosity.”

“Oh, no reason, oh and I have this.” Sonata pulled out a baby bottle with formula. “More breakfast.”

She put the tray on the bed, Adagio looked at it’s concept, Pancakes, Egg’s, bacon, and orange juice for her then at Sonata who just had a big beaming smile on her face.


“But...come on!”

“Sonata! He’s not a puppy! Or a bunny!...He’s a child! We don’t have that kind of time, nor energy.”

“Buy why!” Sonata said giving a big puppy dog face.

“Because I said so!”

“But look at him...he likes you!” Sonata said pointing to the baby, who continued to cuddle up to Adagio falling back to sleep. Adagio couldn’t help but smile a little bit, Sonata noticed.

“See...see...you like him to!”

“What...no...I uh….uh...like the smell of the food.” Adagio said as she took a piece of bacon and ate it. “See...food good.”

“Yeah...Right.” Sonata said as she skipped out into the hallway.

“Heh...Idiot.” Adagio said, she looked at the bottle, then at the baby. She scratched him on the head trying to wake him up, slowly he opened his eye and look up and see Adagio looking back at him a bit confused. She eyed the baby formula and then back at the baby. She picked him up and sat him on his lap.

“I uh...guess you're hungry then.” Adagio picked up the bottle and handed it to the baby who began to suck the milk dry from it. “I’m hungry too. But in a different sort of way.” Adagio looked at her red pendant for a few seconds before looking back at the baby, who took his mouth out of the bottle.


“FINE! I’ll get ready.” Adagio got up leaving the baby on the bed, and headed towards her closet. There were several dresses in their but most of them of the same purple spandex with puffy shoulders and giant pink boots design with two pink fingerless gloves for good measure. Finally Adagio put on the finish touch, her spiked head band.

“There perfect.” Adagio admired herself in the mirror for a few seconds she turned to see the baby just looking at her with a smile. “What are you staring at.” she asked. Adagio stopped to look down at herself. “I know I’m good looking but please...decency.” The baby giggled, causing Adagio to lose her fierceness and smile a bit. “Yeah, yeah, you're aren’t the first, nor the last to admire this.”

“Uh...Adagio.” She looked around to see Aria hanging outside, wearing her regular outfit of green jacket and ripped pants. “Are you talking to the kid.”


“Whatever. Lets get going.”

“Right. Right. I’ll be there in a minute.” Adagio headed back to the bed to pick up the baby and put her around her shoulder while she also picked up the basket with her free hand. Entering the living room she saw Sonata and Aria waiting for her, Sonata seeming particularly disappointed, Aria didn’t feel anything until she saw Adagio coming in.

“Hey Dagi, are you...holding the kid.”

“Yeah, so.”

“What about the basket.”

“Oh right.” Adagio tossed the basket to Sonata who caught. “You hold that Sonata.”

“Got it!”

Adagio used to her free to hold the baby more firmly in her arms, it coddled her while she did.


“Ugh, you’ve been doing that since we found him, I can’t wait to get rid of him.” Aria said.

“Are you really that cold.” Sonata said.

“Me cold! I could name have the psychotic things you did back in Equestria.” Aria rebbutled.

“Oh sure, you massacre a few grown ponies and try to eat them and that makes me the bad guy.”

“Yeah and telling them to RUN YOUR MISERABLE MORTALS all the while.”

“Oh please I only did that to full grown ponies...never fillies.”

Aria facepalmed at her friends stupidity.

“Girls! Enough!” Adagio shouted. “Come on. Lets get going.” The three of them headed outside to the nice warm sunny sky and headed to the local bus stop which was a few blocks away from their house. Adagio continued to hold the baby the whole way, Aria kept wondering why she didn’t put him back in the basket. Sonata meanwhile just had a stupid grin on her face.

Finally the bus arrived and the three sirens began to board it. The three passed a few of the passengers who took little notice of them and found a seat on the back of the bus.

“Finally just a few more hours and then were rid of the kid.” Aria said almost cheerfully

“We only had him for one night.” Sonata said. “How can you hate something so cute in one night.”

“Same way I hate you Sonata.” Aria said.

“You don't hate...you LOVE me.”
“Do not!”

“Do too.”

“Do not!”

“Do to!’

“GIRLS!” Adagio shouted causing the baby to start crying.

“Oh great not this again!” Aria said. “See Sonata is this what you want to subject yourself too.”

“Well...he wouldn’t be that way all time.”

“Ugh...whatever...lets see if I can feed off him.” Aria slowly closed in on the baby and ready her pendant but Adagio grabbed her by the throat before she could sing, with a scown on her face.

“Don't you dare!” Adagio growled.

“What...Why…not.” Aria said gagging for air.

“Because I said so!” Adagio said tightening her grip on her fellow Siren. “And you will follow my lead! Right!”

“Okay...Okay...I won’t feed.” Adagio let go of Aria as she finally started to gasp for air. However it didn’t stop the predicament that the baby still continued to cry. Adagio rejusted him so that she cradled him in her arms, but that still didn’t work.

“Dagi Dagi...Trying singing him a lullaby. Like the one's mother used to sing to us when we were teeny ween sirens.”

“What...I don’t know any lullabies.” Adagio. “Most of our songs are trying to get people to adore us not fall asleep.”

“You said you sung him a tune last night.” Aria said plugging her ears.

“Yeah, but that was just are normal spell, not a full on song.” Adagio replied.

“We'll sing something.” Aria said. “The crying is giving me a headache. Just sing the one mother always used."

“Fine, fine...but you two are joining in.” Adagio then looked down at the crying baby and began to sing a flawless tune.

Rest now, my ocean bound.
Lay down, and sleep.
Rest now, and they will bow.
And the oceans will rise.

Sonata and Aria
Oh Sirens of old. Oh Sirens of old. Bless us with your voice.

Rest now, young siren, now.
Lay down and sing
Sing now, and then all will bow.
They'll bow to you.

Sonata and Aria
Oh siren. Of old. Oh sirens. Of old. Bless us with your voice.

“Look it’s working.” Sonata said as she noticed that the baby slowly drifting off to sleep.

“Yeah it working to well. Look.” Aria pointed to everyone else drifting off to sleep, including the driver.”

“UH OH!” Adagio said noticing her powers taking effect.

“Don’t worry I got it.” Sonata got up and headed to driver seat and took control of the wheel. Adagio turned to Aria.

“I know, I know...I know the drill.”

After a few moments of trying to keep Sonata steady and not going nuts on the wheel the bus driver finally woke up Sonata was able to brush the whole thing under the rug. For the rst of the trip Adagio just watched as the baby slept in her arms, she didn’t even let him go, the more she watched the more she herself couldn’t help but get fascinated by him, so peaceful, so innocent, not a care in the world and the best part was it was in Adagio’s arms which he found peace..

Finally the three arrived in the city. They got off and began to walk down the street to the local orphanage.

As the sirens arrived Adagio held the sleeping baby in her arms a bit tighter she never put him back in his basket.

“Well we're here.” Sonata said sadly.

“Finally, put him the basket and lets go, I saw a hockey game being played at the stadium in a few hours, perfect place to get some energy.” Aria replied licking her lips at the thought a decent power meal.

Adagio looked up at the building that was the orphanage and then back at the baby. “Uh...yeah...here we go.”

“Having doubts.” Sonata pointed out.

“What! She better not!” Aria yelled. “I didn’t drive all the way on a stinky bus just to back out at the last second.”

Adagio looked at the sleeping baby, so peaceful, so cute, just laying in her arms cuddling up against her. She started gritting her teeth seeming a bit conflicted, she loved this feeling but she couldn’t pinpoint what it exactly was still or why she felt it. But she loved it, she loved this feeling more than all the praise and adoration she felt from all her mind control slaves she had over the several millenium.

“Come on Adagio let’s get the ball rolling.” Aria said.

“I...I don’t know.”

Aria and Sonata just looked at Adagio stunned, Aria mouth dangled for a few moments. “You’re joking.”

“For realizies!” Sonata jumped for joy.

“Adagio, you said it yourself this isn’t a puppy, or a pet. This is a little brat who…

“He’s not a brat!” Adagio said tugging the baby closer to her. “He’s uh….uh…

“A human for one thing.” Aria said.

“He’s cute.” Sonata defended.

“He’s a baby...babies are designed to be cute, never stopped me from hating them. But that’s not the point...you can’t possible be considering keeping it.”

“It’s not like it has a home.” Adagio said looking at the baby actually smiling again. “Beside, we should allow him the honor of living with the sirens after all.”

“Since when did you get all sweet and soft all of sudden.” Aria said. “You’re Adagio Dazzle, the terror of Equestria. So called Empress of Song. Which again...stupid title.”

“Hey! I still hate this world and these humans. But I also hate you three too and I keep you around. Why I never know.” Adagio said as she started scratching the babies nose.

“Aw, isn’t that precious.” Sonata said.

“Don’t you start!” Aria said. “You’re only thinking of raising a bra…” Adagio glared at her before she could finish the word, “...baby. Especially after one night, heck, only a couple of hours.”

“I don’t know okay...but...come on! He likes me.” Adagio said smiling. “He’s not even under my spell, oh sure I sang to him but just to get to sleep, nothing else.”

“Big whoop he likes yuh.” Aria said. “So what, any of these shmucks like you, every time we show our stuff around town.”

“Yes but not like that. He’s special.”

“So are we keeping him?” Sonata asked sounding desperate. Adagio takes one more look at the orphanage and then back at the baby in her arms.

“Yes...we are.”


“YAY! We’re mothers!”

“Actually no!” Adagio interrupted. “I’m the mother, you two are the idiot aunts.”

“YAY I’m a Aunt. Wait I’m an aunt...what if I get squished. I DONT WANT TO GET SQUISHED!!!”

“Wrong kind of ant! Idiot!”

“Is not!”

“Is too.”

“Is not!’

“Is too.”



“So since there are no objections to my decision I will…

“I object.” Aria spat. However Adagio only replied by using her free arm to grab Aria by the throat and slowly gag her causing her to turn a deeper shade of purple.

“Again...as I was saying...since there are no objections….lets start shopping for baby supplies.”


Author's Note:

The lullaby is inspired by Gods of Akaten by Doctor Who, I just changed up the words and gave it more a Siren like theme to it.