• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 10,195 Views, 371 Comments

I'm your son too - Synthetic Soul

Twilights having a baby. At first I was happy, but now I feel like she loves that foal more than me.

  • ...

Chapter 8.


The sound of Skylights crying drilled into Spikes ears, rousing him from slumber. Blinking his eyes open, and sitting up from the couch he was lying on, he covered his mouth as he yawned, before stepping down onto the wooden floor.

“Celestia, not again,” mumbled the dragon, as he shambled his way towards the crib, which housed the noisy foal. Throughout the night, Spike had been repeatedly awoken by the child’s cries, causing him to lose his much required sleep. After feeding the colt a few hours ago, Spike had flopped down on the couch, and tried to take as long a nap as he could.

With the sun now in the sky, Spike knew he had to stay up for the rest of the day now. With the sound of Skylights wails ringing in his ears, Spike begrudgingly made his way to the crib, and looked down at the foal.

“What is it now?” questioned Spike. The only response he received was more crying. Letting out a deep sigh, Spike reached down into the crib, and picked up the colt. Holding him in front of him, the first thing Spike noticed was a smell coming from him, along with a slightly saggy diaper. Spike let out a breath through his nose, while rolling his eyes, before taking the baby over to the changing table.

Spike went about changing the diaper, and once he was finished, he disposed of the garbage, and carried the foal into the kitchen. After he secured the kid into his booster seat, Spike went about making the two of them breakfast.

“If it’s any consolation, I think you make a wonderful nurse maid,” mocked Clarity. Spike merely grunted in response, not possessing the energy to produce a retort.

Spike went over to the cabinet, and pulled out a box of cereal. He then went to another part of the kitchen, and produced two bowls, two spoons, and a carton of milk. He then proceeded to pour two bowls of cereal, one for himself, the other for the foal. Though the grumbling in his stomach was persistent, Spike knew he had to feed Skylight first. Grabbing onto a spoon, Spike began feeding the Alicorn breakfast. Once he finished, Spike turned to his bowl, and started eating his own breakfast.

After finishing his last bite of cereal, Spike put the bowls away in the sink to wash later. He removed Skylight from his high chair, and carried him back to the main room. He set Skylight back into his crib, before turning and making his way to the table in front of the couch. He picked up a scroll and unrolled it, to see Twilights list of instructions and chores. Looking at the list with complete apathy, Spike looked to see his next task. He then rolled the scroll back up, and went to do his next chore. Grabbing a feather duster, Spike set about dusting the library.

It was about a half hour later, when the door to the library opened, and in came Twilight, albeit a bit less chipper than usual. Spike looked over his shoulder to see the Alicorn Princess enter the library, shutting the door behind her.

“Oh, hey Twilight. Welcome back,” greeted Spike.

“Hi Spike,” replied Twilight, with a slightly depressed tone. She made her way to the crib, and picked up her son, embracing him in a hug.

“Something wrong? You sound a bit out of it,” questioned Spike.

“Funny, she hasn’t asked you that question since that little brat showed up.” Twilight loosened her hug, and sat down on her haunches.

“It’s just, I’m starting to feel like my title as princess is just that, a title. Celestia has yet to give me a real job to do. All I seem to do is smile and wave, never actually getting to DO anything."

“Oh you poor mistreated thing.”

“I’m sorry to hear that Twilight,” said Spike.

“You’ll never get this though. There’s some new villain running around, stealing pony’s magic. Guess who the Princess’s want to track him down?”



“Shining Armor?”

“Nu uh.”

“…uhhh….I give up.”

“They chose Discord,” said Twilight. If Spike had had anything in his mouth, he would have choked. He nearly fell off the ladder he was standing on, but luckily, he had a good grip.

“Discord? As in, Discord, Discord?”

“Surprised? So was I,” replied Twilight. Spike stepped down off of the ladder, and made his way towards the two ponies.

“Well Twilight, I’d say that they chose Discord to find this new guy, because they value you, and know how important you are. I mean, you’re a princess. Princesses don’t track down criminals. That’s probably why Celestia had you and your friends save Equestria, instead of doing it herself.”

“Wait…are you saying that she just now started to value my safety now that I’m a princess?” questioned Twilight.

“What? NO, no, sorry, I guess…no, that’s…just forget it, I probably didn’t word that right,” said Spike, flustered. Twilight offered a chuckle in response.

“No, it’s ok Spike, I think I get what you’re saying. And thanks, I feel a bit better,” said Twilight with a smile. Twilight rocked her child for a moment, before setting him down. “I think I’m going to go to the Castle of the two sisters, and do a bit of reading. I want to see if I can find any information on that chest near the Tree of Harmony.”

“Oh, well, do you need me to come help you?” asked Spike, hopeful for something else to do.

“Oh that’s ok Spike, no need to trouble yourself. I’m probably going to get the girls to come with me. You probably want some time to yourself don’t you?”

“Well, I guess that could be kinda nice.”

“Alright, I’ll head to the castle. I’ll see you in a little bit,” said Twilight, as she made her way out the door. She left the library, and shut the door behind her, leaving Spike alone.

“Wow…I finally have some time to relax…that was…pretty thoughtful of her.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”


Spike face palmed.