• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 10,195 Views, 371 Comments

I'm your son too - Synthetic Soul

Twilights having a baby. At first I was happy, but now I feel like she loves that foal more than me.

  • ...

Chapter 10.

It was early morning by the time Twilight returned home, yet the sun was still absent from the sky, keeping Ponyville in a blanket of darkness. Spike, who was rocking Skylight, after yet again another midnight awakening, heard the slow creaking of the door to the library open. In sneaked Twilight, trying to make as little noise as possible. Spike turned and looked at her. His eyes were heavy, and there were dark circles under his eyes. Yet he still looked to his guardian, and offered her a muttered greeting.

“Oh…hi Twifight-I mean Twilight. How is it that was the Princesses meeting,” questioned Spike, his words mixed and jumbled thanks to his lack of sleep. Twilight, who wasn’t expecting anyone to be up, jolted, and turned to look at her charge.

“Oh, Spike, you scared me!” taking a moment to collect herself, Twilight put a hoof to her chest. A few seconds later, she was collected. “Sorry Spike, I wasn’t expecting anyone to be up.” Noticing Spike holding Skylight, Twilight made her way over the dragon, and scooped the baby from his arms. She greeted the child with a warm nuzzle, and cooing to him. The baby gave out a yawn, and snuggled deeper into his mother’s fur. Twilight then turned her attention to the young dragon.

“I’m sorry Spike, what was your question?”

“The Princess’s…how-how was it?” asked Spike.

“Oh, it was fine!” answered Twilight, with a unsure emphasis on the word ‘fine’.

“Oh, ok,” said the drowsy drake. “I’m…I’ma go back to slurp-sleep now,” said Spike, now making his way back to his bed.

“Alright Spike,” replied Twilight.

“See you in the morning,” said Twilight.

“See you in the morning Spike…. wait, morning” exclaimed Twilight with surprise. But after that, Spike had already plopped down into his bead, and snuggled into the covers. In an instant, his mind started to drift into sleep. Just as he was about to lose consciousness, a bright light flared in his eyes, causing them to open wide. Looking to the window, Spike saw that the sun was now high in the sky.

‘Oh God D-‘

It was around noon, and Spike was as awake as he could be. After the sun had risen, Spike attempted to get a few extra hours of sleep. But unfortunately, an explosion could be heard, along with the shattering of wood. Startled awake, Spike jumped out of his bed. The sound of crying could also be heard, with the awakening of the Alicorn foal. Biting onto his index finger, Spike let out a muffled scream of frustration.

Taking a moment to rub the sleep from his eyes, Spike made his way downstairs. Looking towards the direction of the main door, Spike saw that the library’s wooden door had exploded off its hinges. And Twilight was no where to be seen.

“I am NOT fixing that,” grumbled Spike through grit teeth.

‘You SO are.’

The sound of Skylights crying continued to fill the air. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Spike made his way over to the crib. Lifting the child out of the crib, Spike started attempting to calm the foal. It took several minutes, but eventually he was able to get Skylight to stop crying.

Spike then made his way over to the kitchen, and set the colt down in his high chair. He then began the process of making breakfast. As he did, he started thinking.

‘Once again, Twilight takes off, leaving me alone with all the work.’

‘Probably off on some adventure, while you’re stuck babysitting her little brat.’

Spike continued his work until he was finished preparing the food. For both Skylight and Spike himself, he had prepared two bowls of oatmeal. Moving over, and sitting next to the child, Spike began eating his own breakfast, while also feeding Skylight.

The day went on as such, Spike taking care of the library, and his caretaker’s child, while the stress slowly grew. He’d balance his normal chores, while also tending to the foal, getting little time to recuperate. It was hours into his day, when he heard the sound of voices calling him.

“Spike? Spike, ya’ here?” recognizing it as the voice of Applejack, Spike made his way over to the entrance, where the door used to be. It was then that Spike saw all five of Twilight’s friends, making their way into the library through the hole.

“Oh, hey girls. What are you all doing here?”

“Hiya Spike,” said Applejack, looking back to the door. “Uh, what happened to y’ur door?”

“I think Twilight blew it up, but I’m not sure.”

“Oh. Well speaking of Twilight, she asked us to go around town, and warn ponies to stay inside. She said that Tirek might still be a threat. We were wondering if ya could help us out,” explained Applejack.

‘More chores.’

‘At least they asked, instead of telling me.’

“Um, yeah, sure. Just let me get Skylight.” The girls nodded, and Spike then made his way back inside to get the baby. Picking him up from his crib, Spike made his way back to the gathered mares. The group then made their way out of the library, heading out to complete their task.

And so, for about an hour, the five mares, and one dragon traveled around the town, alerting the townsfolk to the possible danger. Spikes would knock on the doors of ponies homes, which would be opened by ponies, who would offer him a greeting, and then start cooing at the foal. They’d ask Spike what brought him by, and he would explain that a powerful and dangerous villain was roaming about. The ponies would take on a look of concern, before bidding Spike and Skylight farewell. And so it went, over and over, basically following this pattern.

Once everypony had been warned, Spike and the mane six gathered together in the open town. Applejack was the first to speak.

“Alright y’all, I think we’ve warned everypony to stay inside.”

“I’m sure Discord will catch Tirek, and this will all be over soon,” said Fluttershy.

“I bet he takes his sweeeet time,” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Or perhaps these things just take time.” Everyone turned their heads to see a familiar tall lanky draconequus standing in front of them. Fluttershy rushed into him, offering an enthusiastic hug, which Discord returned.

“You’re back!” exclaimed Fluttershy. “Did you bring the cucumber sandwiches?”

“I did!” replied Discord, using his magic to materialize a plate of the little sandwiches on a platter. Spike made his way further into the group, still holding onto the foal. “I imagine they’ll be your last decent meal in quite some time.” In a flash of magic, the entire group, minus Discord, was now trapped in an iron cage. Spike nearly dropped the baby out of surprise, but was able to keep his grip. All the ponies let out cries of outrage.

Out of the corner of his eye, Spike saw a large black and red object moving towards them. Turning his head, he saw something he’d never seen before. A large creature, even taller than discord. Its lower body seemed to be that of a pony, while his upper half looked similar to a minotaur.

‘This must be Tirek.’

The centaur made his way over to Discord and the cage.

“You gathered up all of them?”

“And their little dragon too!,” replied Discord with joy. But his eyes took on a look of concern when he saw the baby in Spikes arms. “And…the baby?” Tirek looked over to see his new prisoners, and noticed the foal in Spikes arms.

“Baby?” questioned Tirek. He looked over to see Spike, and the foal in his arms. “Hold on a moment,” said Tirek, with a raised eyebrow. He then lifted the roof off the cage. Looking in Spikes direction, the glow of magic could be seen enveloping Skylight. Spike tightened his grip on the foal, causing both to be lifted into the air. Tirek grabbed Spike and Skylight, and separated them physically with his hands.

“Hey, let go of him!” cried Spike. Tirek ignored Spike, and then carelessly tossed him back into the cage. Spike hit the floor with a thud, causing him to let out a cry of pain, followed by his wind being nocked out of him. Despite Spike being the one injured, all five mares turned their attention to Tirek, with the young colt in his grip.

“Let go of him!”

“He’s just a foal!”

Ignoring them, Tirek further examined Skylight. When he saw both a pair of wings, and a horn, his eyes widened in surprise.

“An Alicorn foal?” questioned the centaur. He examined the baby once more, before turning to face Discord.

“Did you know about this?” accused Tirek.

“Well, yes, but I didn’t think it mattered,” replied Discord. "After all, what threat could an infant pose?”

“None, but another Alicorn, means more Alicorn magic for ME! And you didn’t tell me of this?”

“Well like I said, I didn’t think it was that big a deal,” said Discord, getting nervous. Tirek glared at Discord for a few more moments, before turning back to the Alicorn foal in his hands, who was crying loudly.

“What a putrid little creature,” said Tirek. “Unlike it, I will put its magic to good use!”

“Wait, you’re not going to-“ uttered Discord, only to be stopped in his tracks when Tirek opened his mouth. A stream of magical energy poured out of Skylights horn, being sucked into Tireks body. After a few seconds, the crying had ceased. Instead, the only sound coming from the child was whimpering. Satisfied, Tirek looked to the foal in his hand. He then literally dropped the child back in the cage. Acting on instinct, Spike leaped towards Skylight, catching him just in time.

Spike looked down at the baby. His colors had dulled, and his eyes were gray. He looked dazed and confused. Spike tightened his grip on the child, holding him tight, and turning his gaze towards Tirek.

“You’re a monster!” yelled Spike, filled with rage at how the youngling had its magic harvested.

“Tartarus is filled with monsters. I am merely the product of my environment,” said Tirek, turning to face the cage once more. “Now for the rest of you.” Tirek used his magic to lift the cage into the air. Then, opening his mouth, he started to drain all of their magic.

Having his own magic drained, Spike could understand why Skylight didn’t have the energy to cry anymore. It felt as if his very soul was being vomited out of his mouth, painfully. What remaining energy he had was sapped away, stolen by the centaur.

Once Tirek was finished feasting, the cage lowered back onto the ground. Everyone in the cage was lying on the floor, tired and deprived of their willpower.

“H-how could y-you do this t-to us? I…I thought we were friends,” muttered Fluttershy, just loud enough to hear. Discord, who was somewhat frazzled after seeing a small infant drained of his magic right in front of him, shook it off, and regained his previous confidence.

“Oh we were, but Tirek offered me something so much more valuable than mere friendship.” He then turned his attention back to Tirek. “Well, now with them as our hostages, Twilight will be here soon to attempt to rescue them. And once you steal her magic, nopony in Equestria will be able to stand against us!” claimed Discord, with his fist clenched in victory.

“Us? Who said anything about US?” said Tirek, as he used his magic to lift Discord into the air.

“What? But, you did!” replied Discord, becoming alarmed.

“You helped me grow strong. You’ve provided the means for which I can obtain Princess Twilights magic! And now you are no longer of any interest to me.” With that, Tirek opened his mouth and inhaled the chaos magic strait from Discords mouth. Spike watched as the absorbed magic caused Tirek to grow in size once more, in order to make room for the newly acquired power. Once he was finished, he dropped Discord on the ground. Satisfied, Tirek started walking away from the group.

The collapsed Discord attempted to pick himself up of the ground, gripping an amulet around his neck.

“But you said this was a sign of your gratitude and loyalty. A gift from someone close to you!”

“From my brother who betrayed me. It’s as worthless as he is.” And with that Tirek walked away from the group, leaving them magicless, and helpless to do anything to stop him.

Spike watched and listened as Discord questioned his betrayal, though he didn’t listen to what they were saying.

‘I can’t believe Discord would betray us like this.’

‘It seems like your entire life is just one big screw over. You are once again powerless to save anypony. But perhaps Twilight will be able to save you lot.’

Spike didn’t have the energy to argue with Clarity, so instead he just held Skylight close, hoping that Twilight would be able to save them soon.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long, I had part of it written last week, but then my first week back at school started, so there was that. I hope this chapter satisfies you guys, we are defiantly nearing the ending. Until next time!