• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 10,195 Views, 371 Comments

I'm your son too - Synthetic Soul

Twilights having a baby. At first I was happy, but now I feel like she loves that foal more than me.

  • ...

Chapter 12.

Spike walked along the charred ground that now lead to the town of Ponyville. As he walked, his arms stayed stationary at his sides, his fists clenching and unclenching. It had been a few minutes since he picked himself up, after being abandoned by Twilight and her friends. They’d gone off to unlock that chest under the Tree of Harmony, and hope that it would help them defeat Tirek. Spike? He was going home.

Once Spike entered the town, he made a beeline for the library. He was going to go strait to his room, pack his things, and leave. Of course, he’d leave a note for Twilight, telling her he was leaving. Or rather, it would be a resignation notice. After all, he wasn’t Twilight’s son, he was her assistant. He’d quit his “job” and then leave. He’d travel, find a place where he would be happy, maybe make a family of his own. A REAL family, not a fake one like he had with Twilight.

As Spike walked through the town, he noticed nopony else was outside. The town looked deserted. The other ponies where all probably hiding in their homes, either that or they ditched town. It didn’t matter to Spike though, since this was the last time he was going to see the place.

As Spike thought about what he was going to do, he found that he was nearing the library. It was just around the corner. But just as he turned, and the library came into view, Spikes eyes widened, and his jaw dropped.

“The…the l-library,” said Spike, in a hush whisper. The library…it was gone, obliterated, there was almost nothing left! Just ash, and scorched earth. Spike stood there, motionless, as tears slowly came to his eyes. “My…my home…it’s gone,” said Spike, with much sadness in his tone.

‘It appears you truly have nothing now.’

“Shut up!” screamed Spike, his sadness turning to rage. He’d had enough of this voice rubbing salt in his wounds. He balled his right fist, and drove it strait into the side of his head. His vision flashed white for a brief second, before he fell to his knees.

‘Ha ha ha! Did you think that would shut me up? Fool, everything you try to do to me, only hurts yourself.’

Spike rubbed the side of his head with his palm. Clarity was right. Spike hadn’t realized it until now, but he really hated Clarity. It was like having a bully, who you couldn’t stand up to, who follows you everywhere you go. And worst of all, everything he says, Spike knows is true, which cuts even deeper. There was nothing Spike could do to stop him. He was helpless.

‘So, now what shall you do?’

“I’m leaving,” answered Spike, as he turned to leave. He made it ten feet, before he heard a familiar ‘whooing’ coming from the air behind him. He turned around, and saw none other than Owlicious flying down to him. Spike held his arm out, and allowed the owl to perch on him.

“Oh, hey Owlicious,” greeted Spike. The bird replied with a familiar whoo.

‘You know, I bet Twilight even loves this animal more than you.’

“Shut up!” retorted Spike. Owlicious whood once again, tilting his head to the side. Spike turned back to the bird holding up his other arm to assure the owl. “Sorry Owlicious, that wasn’t directed at you,” said Spike. He stood there for a second, before a though came to him. “Hey, Owlicious, if I gave you a note could you bring it to Twilight for me?” The bird nodded in reply, whooing once again.

“Thanks,” said Spike. He then reached behind him, taking out a scroll of parchment, and a quill. He began writing out his last words to Twilight. It took a few minutes for him to get the right words down, but eventually he got everything down that he needed to. He then handed the scroll to the bird, who took it in one of his claws.

“Goodbye Owlicious,” said Spike, stroking the bird’s feathers with his finger. The bird gave a confused whoo, before Spike bounced his arm, sending the owl on its way. Owlicious took off into the sky, leaving Spike alone. Spike stood there, watching the bird fly away. He then turned reluctantly, and started walking.

‘So…where are we going?’

“Away from here. I don’t know where,” said Spike as he walked. He made his way out of town, heading to the outskirts. After minutes of walking, he halted in front of the Everfree forest. He looked at the dark and ominous forest, but his look was one of determination, not fear.

‘You’re going into the Everfree? Do I didn’t realize you had a death wish.’

“Twilight won’t think to look for me in there,” explained the young dragon.

‘Then proceed.’

Spike was about to, when he heard the sound of powerful magic being used. He turned his head, and saw a strange orb of energy high in the sky, firing rainbow beams at Tirek. Spike stopped to admire the display.

“He. I guess Twilight found a way to defeat Tirek after all. She never fails,” said Spike with a sad smile.

‘Except with you.’

Spike’s smile turned into a frown. He redirected his gaze towards the forest, with an angry expression. Then he started walking, entering the forest, and leaving Ponyville, and his old life behind.

Twilight, with her son riding her back and her friends in tow and the three princesses, entered the newly appeared crystal castle. It was beautiful, carved of purple gemstone that matched Twilight’s fur. It was amazing how this castle was created in her image. Twilight couldn’t help but wonder if this was a coincidence, or if it was destiny.

“You’ve been wondering what you are meant to do as a princess. Do you know now?” asked Celestia as she walked behind Twilight.

“As a Princess, I believe I have the power to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria. That is the role I am meant to have in our world. The role I choose to have!” replied Twilight, with joyful confidence. She then teleported to her friends, and gave them a group hug. “But I didn’t defeat Tirek alone! It took all of us to unlock the chest!”

“Then it is unlikely you are to take on this task alone,” said Celestia as she used her magic to open a set of giant double doors. The group gasped as they saw the room on the other side. A beautiful throne room with six gemstone thrones, encircling a golden circle.

“You are now Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship,” announced Celestia.

There were seven thrones in a circle, each one with an engraving of one of the element bearer’s cutie mark. And next to Twilights was a smaller one. Each of the Elements took their respective thrones. Twilight approached hers, and noticed a smaller one next to it. This one was blank, devoid of any mark that could identify the owner. But somehow, Twilight knew whose it was.

“I guess this one is for you Skylight,” said Twilight as she nuzzled her child. She then set the baby on the throne, letting him sit on his own. Twilight then sat next to him, on her own throne.

“Wow, these are awesome!” cheered Rainbow Dash, as she admired her seat.

“And it looks like little Skylight gets one as well,” said Rarity. The baby giggled in response. Twilight turned her head as she heard the clopping of hooves, and saw her mentor approach her.

“I am so proud of you Twilight. It seems you’re always realize a new destiny. First you became the bearer of magic, then a princess, and now you have your own castle. You’ve done amazing things Twilight, and I know that this is just the beginning for you,” said Twilight as she nuzzled her student.

“Thank you Princess! I promise, I won’t let you down!”

“I know you won’t” replied Celestia as she broke away from the embrace. “Now, if you’ll all excuse me, I have to return to Canterlot. And I suspect Discord has returned there, and is waiting for me to return, and speak with him.”

“I understand Celestia. And tell Discord…thanks. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have defeated Tirek. And I wouldn’t have this castle.”

“It seems he’s learned a valuable lesson from this. He might just be changed for the better because of this.”

“I hope so,” replied Twilight. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence said their final goodbyes, and the three Princesses left, leaving Twilight with her friends and family.

Twilight spent the rest of the day enjoying the presence of her friends, as they celebrated their latest achievement. This was one of the best days of Twilights’ life. And nothing could make it otherwise.

The moon hung in the sky when the party ended, and Twilight’s friends had returned home. Twilight walked down the crystal hallway, with her child in her grasp, making her way to the room she had claimed as her own. She opened the door, and entered, placing her baby in his crib, and kissing him goodnight. She then stood back up, and admired her room.

“This castle really is great. It’s so big too! I bet Spike could have his own room!” This thought brought the young drake to the forefront of Twilights mind.

“Hm…I wonder where Spike is anyway?” questioned the Alicorn. She left her room, and entered the hallway. “Spike!” she called out. When she received no answer, she started traversing the halls, searching for her faithful assistant. “Spike! Spike!” called Twilight as she searched. She spent the next ten minutes trying to find the dragon, but it yielded no results.

“Where is he? He is in the castle isn’t he?” thought Twilight. She thought for a moment, reaching back into her memories. As she remembered the day, she recalled not seeing Spike in quite a while. In fact, she didn’t see him at the party.

“But he was there when we beat Tirek, right?” Once again, Twilight thought back, but noticed that she didn’t see Spike when she unlocked the chest either.

“Wait, Spike had to have been there. He was there when I gave my magic to Tirek." Twilight knew that much. He would’ve followed her and her friends to the tree, wouldn’t he? Did he not follow? Twilight thought about it, and she soon realized that…she left him. He didn’t follow them to the tree, and therefore didn’t see them defeat Tirek. Did he not come to the castle? He had to have seen it, it was huge! Maybe he was still out in Ponyville. After all, where else would he be?

Figuring that Skylight would be all right for a few minutes, Twilight exited her castle, and headed towards Ponyville to search for her friend.

She was a short distance from the castle, when she heard the sound of her pet, Owlicious approaching through the air. She stopped, and looked to see the owl flying towards her. And when she looked closer, she saw that he had a scroll in his talons.

“Owlicious, I’m so glad your ok!” greeted Twilight, as she hugged the bird. She then retracted from the hug, and looked at the scroll in the birds grasp. “What’s this?” questioned Twilight. She took the scroll in her magic, and unfurled it, and began reading. The first thing she noticed was the handwriting; it was a perfect match for Spikes. Curious, Twilight began to read.

Dear Twilight,

It has been a wonderful experience working for you for all these years. It was your tutelage that allowed me to become as educated as I am, and I’ve learned a lot under you.

But, I have decided I want to take a different path in life. Being your assistant was great, but I feel there is more to life than just working in a library. So, I have decided to resign from my position as your assistant, and see the world for myself. I want to make friends, maybe find a family for myself, and make a new home for myself.

I hope you understand, and I hope that you are able to find a new assistant who can aid you as well, or even better than I did.

I wish you well Twilight. You were a great employer.

Best Regards,


Twilight lowered the letter, her face revealing nothing but concern and confusion. She didn’t understand, this sounded nothing like Spike. It was so…formal. Like he was quitting his job, instead of announcing he was running away. And what did he mean when he said he wanted to make friends, and find a family? He has friends here, and she is his family! This didn’t make sense to Twilight, and if she didn’t know any better, she’d think someone else wrote this. But this was definitely Spike’s handwriting, she knew it for sure.

“Why would he run away?” questioned Twilight. She didn’t understand. What would cause Spike to do this? Twilight didn’t know, but she had to find out. “I need to find Spike,” said Twilight with determination. She put the letter away, and was about to leave for her search, when she remembered the infant back in her castle.

“But first, I need to find a sitter for Skylight,” said Twilight, running back into the castle. She’d drop him off, and THEN find Spike.

Author's Note:


I'm taking a writing class at college, and I can already tell that I'm better than everyone else. I'm probably the best writer in the world, better than Shakespeare. Better than everyone. I should start charging for this :moustache:

Anyway, I was thinking about how the ending to this story will turn out. The first ending I wrote for my first ever published story; "I am NOT a Pony" didn't turn out so well, so I had to redo it. I was thinking maybe I'd write a few different versions, or have you guys vote on which ending you'd prefer, but that would kind of ruin the surprise. I think I'll just do my best, and if I screw up, I'll just redo it.