• Published 27th May 2012
  • 3,893 Views, 37 Comments

A Love of Chaos - Legacy55

In an effort to get revenge, Chryaslis releases Discord. However the two soon grow on eachother.

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Gah! Why aren’t these things working? I was sure this would work…

Chrysalis shot the stoic statue an irritated glare. “What?! You didn’t even know this would work?! You were just going off some stupid hunch?!”

I wasn’t just a hunch, I was almost certain this would work! The Elements put me in here, so I assumed they could free me too…

The Changeling Queen rolled her eyes and let out a ferocious growl. “Great, so we stole the Elements for nothing! Not only that I’m stuck with a brainless partner who can’t even move… Ugh, like we even stand a chance against Celestia…”

Ah but there’s still hope! Now that I think about it, this isn’t working because the Elements aren’t activated!

“So? How the Tartarus does that help?”

It’s simple; all you need to get is one of the Element bearers! Twilight Sparkle to be exact, as only the Element of Magic can activate them.

The very name made Chrysalis grit her teeth. “Simple? You think foalnapping the Princess’s prized student and bringing her straight into the middle of Canterlot is easy?”

It would be easy for me…

Chrysalis placed a hoof on her face and released a heavy sigh. She had barely known the Draconequus for a day, and already he was getting on her last nerve. She was beginning to question if she even wanted him free.

Listen Chrysalis my dear, simply fly to Ponyville and kidnap her. Use that shape shifting power of yours, and with the help of your changelings it should be easy! She’s just one unicorn, how much trouble could she be?

“Weren’t you defeated by her?” She asked, cocking an eyebrow at the seemingly inanimate statue.

Hey, she beat you too! She just surprised me, that’s all…

“Well…” Chrysalis spun around to her changelings who stared at her with confused looks. Obviously they couldn’t hear the Draconequus’s babble, which left her looking like a crazy pony staring at a statue. “It seems we need to head to Ponyville, actually I’m kind of glad about this! Looks like I’ll get me revenge sooner than expected!”

“Really Rainbow Dash? You’re done that book already?”

“Yeah! How was I supposed to put it down, it was the best one yet!”

A lavender unicorn sighed and shook her head as she grabbed the book from her friend’s hooves. “There’s only two books left in the series you know…” Twilight stated as she grabbed the next Daring Do novel from her bookshelf. Her luscious, purple streaked mane wiped around her face as she turned around, quickly ushering the book into the pegasus’s hooves.
Rainbow Dash held the book to her chest as if it were her child, a blissful smile now imprinted on her face. “Thanks Twilight, I can’t wait to get started! I’ll probably be by tomorrow to pick up the next one!” She stated as she walked out of the library in a sort of trance, completely ignoring her friend’s comment.

Twilight shook her head once more before turning back to the bookshelf. Her horn glowed a light magenta, and several books pulled themselves off the shelf and began re-arraigning themselves in a sort of hypnotic way. She sighed as she watched them; letting waves of rare relaxation wash over her. Sorting books was perhaps one of her favorite things to do, as it always made her calm and relaxed no matter what had transpired that day. As an added bonus she also felt like she was beating back the chaos that was constantly trying so desperately to disorganize her perfect library.

As she fell into her usual trance of watching the books, she didn’t even notice the hooded pony that entered the library. He was an earth pony, as no pair of wings or horn poked out from his body. What one could see of his coat was a mangy, dirty brown, revealing that he was most likely a pony of working class. His bangs were too long to be covered by his hood, so they merely hung in front of his face. Their jet black color and split ends serving as a mask, so only his piercing green eyes were visible.

Upon noticing he was still unnoticed, he stalked across the room silently, the only sound that of ruffling paper and the dull thunk as the books were shoved into their places. The mysterious earth pony made it right behind the unicorn, when suddenly she stopped her sorting and turned around. She let out a frightened yelp as she jumped back; almost hitting the bookshelf she had just carefully sorted.

“Um… d-do you need anything?” Twilight squeaked as she eyed the stranger with caution, his dirty appearance causing her a great degree of fright.

“Uh yes actually…” He spoke slowly, his voice like that of hooves on a chalkboard. Each syllable was like a shriek of a banshee, causing Twilight to cringe and take a step back. “Could you please get me…” He stopped for a moment as his emerald green eyes scanned the bookshelf behind her. “That book, right there…” He pointed a dingy hoof at a book, Twilight eventually following it to see the title.

“Um right…” She stated, slowly grabbing the book. There was something about the stranger, not only his appearance, but it was as if something much more sinister was in the air. Pushing it aside as just general creepiness, she handed the book to him and gave him her best possible smile. Although due to her fear it only turned into an eerie, mangled mess.

The stranger looked at the book for a moment before glancing back up at Twilight. “I uh, need that one too…” He pointed to a book on the top shelf.

“Alright…” Twilight stated, wanting only to retrieve the book and get this creep out of her house. She turned around and was about to focus her magic on the book, but the stranger brought a hoof down on her head. Hard.

The heavy blow to the head left Twilight dizzy and confused, and as she stepped back she tried to make sense of what just happened. However before she could recover, another blow came, only this one felt a dozen times harder. She collapsed to the ground, instantly blacking out.

“See? I told you fools this would be easy. Now we just need to get her back to Canterlot.” Queen Chrysalis said as she eyed the unconscious unicorn with bitter anger. Part of her wanted to strike her a dozen more times, until her precious face was nothing but a bleeding mess. Soon enough, we still need her in one piece after all…

“And um, how would we do that your highness?” A dumbfounded changeling asked, scratching his practically empty skull with one hoof.

“By carrying her of course! You two-” She pointed to the idiot changeling and another one of his cohorts “Grab her, and make sure you don’t drop her on the way…”

Another ten minutes later and they were soaring through the air, the grand city of Canterlot just coming into view. Chrysalis and the others had gone ahead, believing that two changelings could handle carrying a knocked out unicorn with ease.
“Uh, hey hey man! She’s slipping, quick grab her!” One of them quickly mumbled as he felt her hoof slip from his. His friend quickly scrambled to grab her, failing horribly as she fell from his grasp. They both stood frozen in fear as the unconscious body fell to the earth.

“Uh maybe we she grab her?” One of them suggested as they watched the body plummet.

“You think?! Let’s go!” Roared the smarter of the two. The next instant they were flying downwards, trying in vain to catch up with the falling body. It slowed however, as it broke straight through the roof of some magnificent cloud house. The next second it broke through the floor, and the changelings ignored the palace of clouds as they caught up with the body.
Due to her reduced speed they were able to safely catch her, and were soon rising back into the air with the body. “We better not tell Chrysalis about this, she’ll kill us if she finds out…”

“Ha, you mean if she finds out!” The changeling grinned to his companion.

“If, if is good…” He responded with a laugh as they did their best to catch up with their comrades and Queen.
Unbeknownst to them, a cyan colored pegasus had watched the two through the hole in her floor. It took her a moment, but soon she realized the body they were carrying was Twilights. With speed that put even a lightning bolt to shame, she dropped her book and sped out towards them.

Chrysalis, along with her changelings, had set down in a valley close to Canterlot. She smiled upon seeing her two subject’s touchdown with Twilight. “Good, now we just need to get into Canterlot…” She hissed as she turned to the bustling city. Rain still poured down from the sky, but it had lightened up considerably since before.

None of them noticed the rainbow blur that had tailed them, and that was now sitting upon a cloud watching them with curiosity. That’s Chrysalis! And those are her Changelings! I guess we didn’t beat their flank hard enough last time!

She was just about to rocket down and save Twilight, but a thought of worry came to mind. She couldn’t take the Changeling Queen on by herself; even Princess Celestia had failed there! What she needed was her friend’s help, and that meant… I can’t leave Twilight though; who knows what that nasty Queen will do to her! Maybe If I can tail them a little longer I can find out where their hiding, then I’ll come back with help!

Rainbow Dash watched with amazement as they all changed their shape, most of them shifting into pegasus of various colors. Chrysalis however, turned into a pony that made her eyes widened. Where before a creature of evil had stood, now was replaced with none other than Princess Celestia herself. It looked exactly like her, even her mane sparkled and flowed the same way the real Princess’s did.

“Go ahead to the garden; I’ll be with you soon.” She ordered to her changelings, even her voice was the same soft sound of butter. After her subjects left she turned to the still unconscious form of Twilight. Her horn lit up, and the next second her eyes slowly fluttered open.

“P-princess?” She mumbled as she started up at her teacher’s comforting face.

“It’s alright Twilight…” The Princess comforted as she ran a hoof down her cheek, all of her self control fighting to keep from attacking the helpless mare. She was so close; she was literally in her hoof… But no, she would get her revenge soon enough.

“Wh-what happened?”

“Nothing my dear, just follow me…” Celestia grabbed her hoof and urged her to get up. The unicorn complied, and in a complete daze she followed her teacher through the busy streets of Canterlot. She only began to understand just what was going on when they arrived in the Palace Gardens.

“Princess? What’s going on? Why are we here?” Twilight questioned, her voice now filled with worry and fright.

“You’ll see, just a little further Twilight…” The Princess stated as they moved deeper into the gardens. For just a brief moment Twilight was certain she had seen a glimmer of green in the alicorn’s eyes, but eventually pushed it aside. Having complete faith in her teacher, she followed until they reached a very familiar statue.

“D-Discord? What are we doing here?”

Now seeing she had fallen into her trap, Chrysalis turned to the unicorn and changed her form. At the same time half a dozen changelings emerged from the nearby bushes. The unicorn quickly realized what was going on, but it was now far too late.

“Chrysalis?! Y-you tricked me! You were the one who knocked me out!” Twilight squeaked as she tried in desperation to escape. She was quickly stopped by a changeling who blocked her path.

“My my… So naïve, so stupid… I guess you were right Discord, it was easy to kidnap her.” Chrysalis said, turning to stare at the seemingly lifeless statue.

Of course, now hurry up and get the Elements! I want out of here!

Twilight gasped as the voice echoed through her mind. Even though she had fought him what felt like forever ago, his chilling voice still sent shivers down her spine. He had easily broken her precious friendship, and she couldn’t remember being more vulnerable or scared.

Chryslais grin as she watched the fear and terror bubble inside Twilight, her mouth turning into a frightened scowl. She was alone now, with none of her friends or precious Princess’s to help her. She could hardly wait to release Discord, as right after she would finally be able to exact her revenge.

A changling paced in front of the statue and began laying out the Elements in the same pattern as before. Twilight was in the middle of it, surrounded on all sides by enemies. She thought desperately for some means of escape, but it seemed impossible and she could only stand frozen in fear.

Now, let’s get this started!