• Published 27th May 2012
  • 3,893 Views, 37 Comments

A Love of Chaos - Legacy55

In an effort to get revenge, Chryaslis releases Discord. However the two soon grow on eachother.

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Lost and Defeated

And to think that today was going to be perfect…

Chrysalis groaned as she opened her sore eyes. Darkness surrounded her, and all she could make out were the shadowy figures of trees. Her entire body ached and even the smallest motions sent jabs of pain through her limbs.

I can’t believe I failed… Shinning Armor, Canterlot, Equestria… They were all mine…

She tried to heave herself up, but her body screamed in protest. She fell back to the dirt, groaning a second time.

I lost… And all because of those foals…

A malicious scowl appeared across Chrysalis’s face as she was reminded of the two mares. Pure anger surged through her broken body as memories of her downfall returned.

They’ll pay, oh by Celestia they’ll pay!

The dark creature chuckled as images of the unicorn suffering played through her head. She’d get revenge not only against Princess Cadence and Twilight, but all of Equestria.

First however, I need to figure out where I am…

After a few minutes of resting, Chrysalis exerted all of her strength in an effort to stand. It felt like she was being stabbed by dozens of kitchen knives, but after a moment the pain passed. Although slightly wobbly, she was standing. She glanced around her surroundings as her eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness.

She was definitely in a forest of some sorts, as circling her were endless rows of identical trees. An eerie silence filled the air and it made the changeling Queen uneasy.

Where are my subjects? Some of them must have landed here with me…

Chrysalis slowly began pacing through the woods, taking small steps as to insure her body could keep up. All the while her large green eyes scanned the forest, hoping to catch a glance of at least one of her subjects.

“They think I’m beaten…” She mumbled quietly to herself as she went. “They think I’ll just give up…”

The forest appeared deserted which struck her as odd. She hadn’t even seen a single animal in which should have been an otherwise busy place. Still, she had to find one of her changelings. She needed her revenge, and this was just the first step.

“Well they’re wrong… I’ll come back, stronger than ever! Then I’ll crush them like the insects they are!” Queen Chrysalis stamped her hoof to the ground, an abrupt pain immediately shooting up her fore-arm. She cried out then collapsed to the ground.

“Maybe… Maybe I’ll need a little help…” She cooed to herself quietly as she laid her head against the rough earth. Within a few minutes she fell into the much needed sleep her tired body desired.


“Your majesty! Your majesty!” Something jabbed her in the side and she rolled over.

“Wh-what?” Chrysalis mumbled before opening her eyes. Standing beside her was a jet black creature with wings; a worried look was plastered on his face.

“Your majesty, are you alright?” He asked, his eyes scanning her bruised and injured body.

A snarl passed her lips. “Yes I’m fine! I was looking through this entire forest for one of you idiots! Where were you?”

“Uh…” The changeling placed a hoof behind his head, slightly taken back. “Well I only just woke up a few minutes ago your majesty… Luckily I landed in a tree, and my injuries were only minor. I’m not sure if any of the others survived however…”

Chrysalis gave the changeling a cold stare. “Well don’t just stand there, go and look! We need to regroup if we are to have any chance at getting revenge!” She barked viscously at him. The changeling gave a salute then sped up above the tree line.

I’ll make them all pay for what they did…

Chrysalis got up to her hooves, her body complying fairly well. Her short rest had relived some of the aches and pains in her body, and the rest of her injuries would heal in time. “As soon as my changelings are assembled and my body is healed I’ll get my revenge, and this time I won’t fail…” She hissed maliciously to herself.

“This time I’ll put such a strong spell on Shinning Armor he won’t even recognize his own sister, or his wife! Ha! That would make them suffer…” She mumbled softly to herself, her mind wandering from her injuries as she plotted against her enemies.


“This is it?” Chrysalis hissed under her breath as she scanned the broken, rag tag group of changelings.

“I’m afraid so my queen… Many of the soldiers didn’t survive the fall, and what few did are badly wounded.” The changeling next to her mumbled.

It pained her seeing her subjects in such a pitiful state. Some of them had clearly visibly broken bones, parts of their wings missing and their horns bent. It was no army, it was far from that.

“Gah! How am I supposed to take Equestria with this?!” She roared, her eyes turning a dark shade of green for a split second. Rage surged through her injured body, and she resorted to slow breathing to calm herself down.

I need a plan… She thought silently to herself, her eyes still lingering on the handful of wounded subjects. I could impersonate Celestia! But how would I get rid of the real her? Bah, it would never work…

“Keep watch over the troops, I’ll return shortly…” She ordered, taking a quick glance at the only able bodied changeling. He saluted in response, and she took off into the forest alone.

It was quiet and tranquil, so unlike the busy and rampant streets of Canterlot that she had gotten use to for the past few days. It gave her body a sense of calming and ease, but her mind was still so abuzz with thoughts of revenge that it was impossible to relax.

Perhaps I could change into Luna, and turn the royal sisters against each other? Celestia would think Nightmare Moon’s returned, and she’d surly banish her! Ah, but they’re far too smart for that…

What I need is help, as my changelings aren’t going to be doing much of anything anytime soon…

Part of her wanted to lie down and rest for a few hours, or even for a few days. Her body still ached so much, but her mind simply refused. She needed her revenge, rest could wait. So instead Chrsyalis took a seat in a grassy area and gazed up at the night sky, her mind still constantly plotting.

Who else would want revenge against Twilight Sparkle and the rest of Eqeustria? Who else has been beaten?

The answer hit her like a ton of bricks, and she couldn’t believe she hadn’t realized it sooner.

Discord! That idiot got himself imprisoned mere months ago, and by none other than Twilight Sparkle! If I could enlist his aid, I would surely be able to destroy that annoying unicorn and take over Equestria! Chrysalis grinned to herself, her sharp cat like teeth glimmering in the darkness.

“I’ll have my revenge… They’ll see…”


Argh, it’s so boring around here! Why can’t old Celly host more weddings? It’s not every day I get to see Canterlot in utter chaos…

A well dressed, high class unicorn passed the hideous sculpture in the garden as he did every day. It used to frighten him, what with its mismatched body parts and ugly appearance. But after seeing it so often the fear had passed, and by now he barely even paid it a glance.

There goes that rich unicorn again, how I wish I could wipe that snooty look off his face…

After the unicorn left the gardens were left deserted, just as they always were in the morning. During the rest of the day ponies would come and go, paying not even a second of attention to the stone statue of Discord. They were all busy and had things to do and places to see. They couldn’t waste their time on a mere statue.

Discord had all the time in the world, and every second of it was mind numbing boredom. Seconds ticked off slowly, like the hour hand of a clock. He wished he could end it, just for moment he wished he could be free. He could hardly believe he had spent a thousand years like this; he was going insane now after only a few months!

Still, that Queen (Chrsysalis was it?) did make things rather fun around here. But of course the magic of friendship had to prevail again and Celly is still in power… One of these days I’ll get out of here, and then I’ll put her in stone for a thousand years! It will be glorious!

But first, I need to get out of here…


“Wha-what?! But you can’t be serious your majesty! You’re still far too weak to travel!” The changeling urged, his concern annoying her.

“I’ll be fine… The journey isn’t that long, and my wings will be able to take me most of the way. Besides, we need help, and this is the only way we can get it…” Chrysalis hissed, the changeling quickly backing off. “I’m putting you in charge until I return. Search the nearby area with whatever able troops we have, there has to be more of them around here.”

The changeling swallowed hard and nodded. “Yes my Queen. Please, be careful. We're nothing without you…” He bowed his head low to the ground, a smirk crossing Chrysalis face as she watched him.

“Fear not, I can handle myself.” She stated simply as she turned to the outskirts of the forest. A vast, flat land stretched out for seemingly miles. She was lying when she said it wasn’t a long journey, it would take well over a day to reach Canterlot, especially if she wanted to keep herself hidden. But it didn’t matter; she would have travelled across Equestria a dozen times to get her revenge. It was as if she could feel it pulsing through her veins, clouding every thought and blemishing every idea. She needed to see her enemies suffer, to see them pay for what they had done to her.

I hope this works… She thought silently to herself as she closed her eyes, focusing all of her energy on her magic. Her horn began to glow green as her transformation spell began to build up. A bright light flashed around her, and the next second the changeling Queen was gone. Instead a much smaller pegasus was left in her wake. Being a boring brown color with an unoriginal black mane she was hardly noticeable, and would very easily blend in with a crowd. Perfect, now let’s just hope I can fly…

Chrysalis extended her wings, then after a minute of waiting she kicked off from the ground. A quick flap of her appendages sent pain shooting through her, and she had to use every muscle in her body to keep from plummeting to the ground. Although she dropped a few feet, the changeling Queen was able to quickly stabilize herself and was soon flying through the air. She turned around and before long her changeling subject faded from view as the forest began to shrink behind her. Pushing aside those thoughts she turned forward and focused herself on the long journey ahead.


“Are you sure this chamber is strong enough? The elements are the most valuable thing in Equestria, and our strongest weapon. The Princess would be furious if they were stolen.” A blue mare questioned as she straightened the thin pair of glasses perched on her nose. She looked up from her clipboard to a gruff looking earth pony smirking at her.

“Ha! I assure you ma’am, nothing in Equestria could break through this stone! Mined from the deepest caverns with the hardest tools, then enhanced with only the finest unicorn magic! Not even an Ursa Major could break through this!” He snorted before giving the nearby white wall a tap of his hoof.

“Mhm…” She stated before jotting down a few things. “And your men are ready to transport the elements? They’ll be in their most vulnerable state at this point, so we’ll need you to be on complete guard.”

“Ah quit your worrying ma’am, I got it all handled!”

“Right, well I’ll inform the Princess of this right away. Remember your team is leaving the Element tower at approximately six ‘clock tomorrow, not a minute early or late! A group of the strongest royal guards will be with you, and you’ll arrive here at six thirty. Is that understood?” She shot him a glare, being the Princess’s royal advisor meant she had a lot of responsibility. If something happened to the Elements it was her flank on the line.

“Yes ma'am!” He saluted giving her his best stone face. She stared at him for a moment, then after being satisfied she left the room.


Chrysalis had been flying for an entire day so it was no surprise she was completely exhausted. Luckily she spotted an inn and quickly pushed through the door. Inside she was greeted with a warm sight. A roaring fire sat in the corner with two cloaked ponies being huddled around its comforting heat. Behind a wooden desk stood a mare who was happily chatting to a male pegasus, and a set of stairs presumably led up to the bedrooms. She slowly entered the room and paced up to the mare.

Seeing a guest she halted her conversation and turned to her with a smile. “Hello dear! Judging by how exhausted you look I imagine you want a room? You poor thing, have you been traveling far?”

This mare was awful nice, and the care and love she was offering her began to fill her. She hadn’t fed in a long while, and that for sure hadn’t helped her recovery. “Yes I’ve been traveling all I day and I would very much like a place to stay…” She mumbled quietly, giving her voice a soft, weak under tone that she hopped the mare would pick up.

“Oh well we have tons of rooms! It’s only five bits for one night.”

She of course had no bits; hopefully this mare could show a bit of generosity. “I-I’m sorry… I don-” She stopped a moment to let out a harsh cough. “I don’t have any money…”

“Oh don’t worry dear; I’m always willing to offer a hoof to the weary traveler!” The mare said with an apathetic smile. Behind her frown Chrysalis grinned to herself, the cough had been a nice touch.

The mare led her up the stairs and to a quaint looking room. She gave her a final smile and wished her a goodnight before leaving. Immediately Chrysalis collapsed onto the bed and let out an exhausted groan. She had to get as much rest as possible, as tomorrow would be another long day of flying. The changeling Queen quickly fell into a deep sleep, the whole time she dreamt of watching Princess Candece, Shinning Armor and Twilight Sparkle suffer.

She didn’t sleep long, as something suddenly jabbed her in the side. She let out an extremely annoyed growl and rolled over, only to find two changelings starting at her. “Gah! Wh-what are you two doing here?!”

“My Queen!” One of them smiled, happy to see she had awoken. “We could hardly believe it when you walked in here; we had no idea where you were!”

She stared at them dumbfounded for a moment. Before long she realized they had been the two ponies by the fire, no doubt disguised. She almost thought to herself how they had been able to see through her clever charade, but then remembered that all her subjects were ‘connected’ to her. They could sense when she was around, which helped greatly whenever she was disguised.

“I and a handful of other changelings landed in a forest many miles from here. They were greatly injured, so only I could travel to Canterlot. It’s good to see that more of you survived.”

“It’s good to see that your alive my Queen, we were so worried!” The second commented as they continued to stare at her.

“Is there anymore of you?”

“Yes actually, there’s three more staying at another inn north of here. We’ve stayed separated just in case we would find you, which thank Celestia we did!”

Chrysalis sighed and laid back down in her bed. “Good, rally the rest of them and bring them here. We’ll leave for Canterlot in the morning. For now let me sleep…” The two changelings saluted her and then quickly scurried out of the small room. Before long she fell back into her sleep, once again dreaming of her revenge which now seemed that much closer.