• Published 27th May 2012
  • 3,893 Views, 37 Comments

A Love of Chaos - Legacy55

In an effort to get revenge, Chryaslis releases Discord. However the two soon grow on eachother.

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The Breakout

Much to her displeasure, Chrysalis awoke in the whim hours of the morning to a blinding ray of light shining through the single window and assaulting her sensitive eyes. She let out an irritated growl before rolling off of the comfy bed and onto the cold wooden floor. The faint sounds of birds chirping came from outside, and she quickly realized just how early it was.

Standing up caused her body to groan in pain, and all she could think about while staring at the bed was to return to her rest. Canterlot awaited however, and she couldn’t waste her time sleeping. There would be plenty of time to rest after she exacted her revenge on Princess Caedence and Twilight Sparkle. So despite her body’s protests, she turned away from the bed and descended into the inn’s main room.

It was empty, as Chrysalis had predicted. Normal ponies didn’t wake up this early, and she suspected it would be some time before even the mare at the desk would get up. Finally pushing away the thoughts of how early it was, she exited the inn and stepped out into the morning air.

Five ponies standing at attention were there to greet her with a salute, no doubt her changelings. She nodded to them and turned east towards the still rising sun. It shot brilliant rays of orange and red across the vast plains, making the whole landscape look like some priceless piece of art. Even Chrysalis, whose mind was constantly set on the thought of revenge, stopped for a moment to admire it.

“Let’s go… We still have a lot of ground to cover, but if we hurry we should be able to reach Canterlot by tonight.” She growled to the five ponies, quickly turning away from the sun. The changeling Queen kicked off from the ground, quickly followed by her subjects. Within a few moments the six of them were soaring through the open air and towards the rising sun.


“… And so the captain said we’re moving the Elements tonight!” A large muscular earth pony said to his equally buff companion as they paced through the Canterlot gardens.

“What?! Tonight?!” The other pony’s face scrunched into a confused expression. “But we just got here two bleeding days ago, why are we moving them this soon?”

The other pony shrugged. “Beat’s me. That’s all ah heard from the captain though. Six tonight ah believe it was. We’re supposed to be meeting some guards at the Element tower.” The two pressed on through the garden, moving past a hideous looking statue without even giving it a glance.

“Whatever, long as we get paid. Now where’s this damn bar you’re talking about?! I think we’re lost.”

“Uh ah thought ah saw it around here somewhere…” The two earth ponies disappeared into the garden, leaving it in its usual morning quietness.

Discord chuckled to himself as he watched them disappear from view. The information he just gathered was invaluable, but without another pony to help him it was useless. Ugh, then again who knows? Maybes today’s the day I’ll finally get somepony to get me out of here! I suppose I can only wait and see…


Chrysalis finally touched down in what was called the outskirts of Canterlot. The grand city itself was in view, but before charging blindly into the most hostile place she could possibly be in she wanted to form a plan. Her changelings landed soon after her, just as exhausted as their queen.

Oh my aching wings… She laid down in the cool grass to relax for a moment. Her wings lied limply at her sides, every inch of them sore and coursing with pain. At least we’re here though… Now let’s formulate a plan, as breaking Discord out isn’t going to be easy.

She got to her hooves despite the pain in her wings. Her changelings, seeing their Queen rest had followed in her example and were sprawled out across the grass panting. A glare quickly fixed that, and the next second they were all standing at attention.

“Now my pets… This won’t be easy.” She circled around them, her eyes scanning their bodies for any signs of injures. These changelings, unlike her other subjects, looked completely unscathed aside from their obvious exhaustion. They would serve her much better.

“You see, we’re going to be breaking out an old enemy of Equestria… A creature of chaos and tricks that has been in imprisonment for over a thousand years. Now I’ll go into the city alone to see if there’s anyway we can possibly break him out. During this time you will wait out here for me to return. Is that understood?” She stared at the group of them, her voice strong and stern.

They all nodded in response, she loved how loyal her subjects were. Soon enough the rest of Equestria would be just as loyal and every pony would bow to her, even the Princess herself.

Turning away from them she took off into the air and towards the massive, towering city. It only continued to grow as she got closer, the towers of the Grand Palace rising far into the darkening sky. She suspected it was around five o’clock, and the sky was only so dark because of the many clouds. It seemed the pegasi has a storm scheduled for today, as they clouds only continued to grow darker as she neared the city.

Before long she was soaring over Canterlot, being much more careful due to the amount of air traffic. Pegasus ponies of all size and colors were flying through the sky, some caring supplies while others pulled chariots. Chrysalis maneuvered herself through the traffic and towards the place Discord rested, the Royal Gardens. She touched down by the edge and cautiously began to make her way through the nature filled paradise.

All around her were plants and creatures from every corner of Equestria, but Chrysalis paid them no heed as she went. She was only here for Discord; such petty things were only a waste of time for her to think about. Turning a corner along the path she came to the statue garden, were dozens of stone statues stood frozen in time. Her eyes scanned through the small forest of them, quickly noticing the Draconequus due to his strange form. She paced in front of him, looking his stony body up and down.

Chrysalis stood in front of him for a few minutes just staring at him, half expecting something to happen. His terrified expression remained plastered on his face for all to see, and she began to wonder while she stared at it. She had heard stories of the Draconequus, how he had easily tricked the Element bearers and turned them against another. She also knew he had ruled Equestria a thousand years ago, only to be brought down by the Princesses. There must have been something clever about him, as not just anypony had a resume like that.

Twenty minutes passed before she realized just how stupid her idea was, he’s a statue! It’s not like he’s just going to come to life! Letting out a sigh she turned away from the statue and began to pace away. How she would get her revenge now she had no idea, but sitting around staring at a lifeless slab of rock wasn’t going to accomplish anything.

However, just as she went to turn the corner she heard a faint whisper.

Leaving so soon? I don’t get visitors often you know…

Chrysalis spun around on one hoof and looked around at the vacant gardens. “Who said that?!” She demanded, her voice not reaching any living ponies ears. Finally after getting no response her eyes wandered onto the still unmoving statue.

“Discord?” She called out. Still no response came. Pushing the voice aside she went to leave again, only to be stopped by another whisper that seemed to echo through her head.

You’re the changeling Queen aren't you? A rather pathetic disguise if you ask me, I could do so much better…

This time she was sure she heard it, and quickly stormed up to the statue. “Discord! That’s you, isn’t it?!” She roared at the inanimate statue, her patience now being tested.

Of course it’s me, who else would be here? No one ever wastes their time in the gardens… They just leave statues like me to sit and erode…

Part of her was glad that Discord could communicate with her, yet another part was thoroughly annoyed. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner? I was staring at you for twenty minutes!”

Because, you looked so stupid sitting there! How could I pass up a chance to mess with somepony, I’ve been liked this for so long!

Gritting her teeth she held back her insults, yelling at him wouldn’t get him to help any sooner. “Well I suppose if you know who I am then you know why I’m here too?”

Actually yes, I’ve pieced that together myself. I remember how just days ago you were kicked out of Canterlot with your army, and now I’m sure your literally burning for revenge. And who better to help you achieve that then an immortal god of chaos?

“Good, then I don’t have to waste my time explain things to you. But before we can get revenge there’s the little problem that you’re stuck in stone.” Chrysalis remarked, which gained a hearty laugh from the Draconequus.

Oh don’t worry about that, I have it covered! All I need you to do is go out and do a little dirty work.

“I’m not some lowly worm, you insolent retch! I’m not doing your bidding.” She snapped while looking into the statue’s vacant eyes. Had anypony seen her they would have thought she was crazy.

Then I suppose you don’t want your revenge! All I ask is that you go and get the Elements so then I can be released. After that it’s only a matter of time before we bring Celestia’s kingdom crashing to the ground!

Chrysalis continued to stare at the statue with an unsure frown. The Draconqeuus couldn’t be trusted, that much was for sure. But right now he was the only shot she had, so after a few moments she nodded. “Fine, now where are the Elements? I imagine stealing them won’t be easy.”

Normally yes, stealing them would be practically impossible. But tonight they’re going to be moved to a new location, so stealing them should be like taking candy from a foal.

Chrysalis cocked an eyebrow at him, “And just how do you know this? I imagine being in a statue all day keeps you from interacting with other ponies.”

Oh you wouldn’t believe the things ponies say when they think no one’s around. If decorations could talk, imagine the stories they would tell! Haha!

The Draconequus constant laughter and joking tone irritated her. Working with him wasn’t going to be easy. “So where and when are the Elements being moved? Be quick, I don’t have all day you know…” She snapped at him, which only caused him to laugh yet again.

Oh but you do… The only thought on your mind right now is revenge, and you’d do anything for it, wouldn’t you? It’s slowly taking you over, invading every waking moment. Eventually it will totally consume you and you’ll be nothing but an insane, broken Queen.

“SILENCE!” Chrysalis roared at the inanimate statue, her annoyance finally reaching a breaking point. “Enough… Just tell me where the Elements are being moved…” She mumbled after a moment of silence.

At six o’clock tonight. Some mercenaries are meeting a group of royal guards at the Element tower, and then they’re moving it from there. I imagine you can come up with a plan from there, or do I have to do all the thinking?

Chrysalis stormed away from the statue and out of the gardens, not even dignifying the Draconequus with a response. As he watched her leave he let out a deep, hearty laugh. Soon enough I’ll be free, then Celestia will finally feel what it’s like to lose…


A dozen royal guards stood outside the Element tower in the now pouring rain. Despite the weather they continued to stand diligently, just as they had been trained. Their golden armor shinned brightly in the rain and made them stand out against the sea of grey. The captain snorted when he finally saw some figures through the rain. “Bout time those damn idiots got here! Lousy, drunks… I don’t know why we hired them… ”

A shadowy figure suddenly charged through the rain and tackled one of the guards to the ground. Before they could even react four more figures attacked through the storm, each of them pushing a large, armored guard to the ground. “Gah we’re under attack! Take them out men!” The captain yelled while swinging a heavy hoof at one of the figures. With a speed unlike anypony it quickly ducked the right hook, and then punched the captain square in the face. He stumbled backwards, blood gushing from his now crooked nose.

Chrysalis watched her changelings make quick work of the guards, smiling devilishly as they went down one by one. Changelings were superior to ponies in every right, they were faster, stronger and all of them could fly. Not to mention their shape shifting ability, which was causing a lot of confusion among the guards. Within a few minutes five changelings had effectively taken out a dozen royal guards, all of which were now knocked out on the ground. The Queen walked through the rain and towards her soaked subjects.

“Good… That’s the first part of the plan done. Now quick, get rid of these bodies. Those mercenaries could show up any minute…”

Ten minutes later a group of about ten earth ponies arrived at the Element tower, all of them stumbling and reeking of alcohol. The leader walked over to the six royal guards standing at attention. “Oi! Is this all of ya? I woulda thought the almighty Princess Celestia could come up with more than just half a dozen crummy guards…” He slurred to the captain, who looked at him with a disgusted frown.

“Just get the Elements and let’s go…” The disguised Chrysalis ordered in a stern voice. The mercenary leader, slightly afraid of the large, burly guard, nodded and walked into the Element Tower. He fumbled through the pockets of his saddlebag and pulled out a specifically made key. It slid into the door perfectly, then after a burst of light the heavy doors swung open. A few seconds later he was stumbling back into the rain, the Element chest safely strapped to his back.

“Alright let’s get going lads…” He told his company and the guards. As they stared down the wall Chrysalis nodded to the guards, who all instantly attacked the group of ponies. Bone broke against metal as the changelings plowed their heavy hooves into them. Being drunk they could barely stand straight let alone fight, so the changelings made even quicker work of the mercenaries. Chrysalis grinned to herself as she picked up two of the drunken earth ponies with her magic, and then threw them off the side of the wall.

The leader of the mercenaries stood in confusion as the guards defeated his men. With his eyes set on the captain, he pulled a serrated blade from his side and held it firmly between his teeth. He charged at her and swung the blade around in a desperate attempt to injure her. Chrysalis merely picked him up with her magic and levitated him higher into the air. He began panicking as he realized his predicament, and he flailed his body aimlessly around, doing absolutely nothing to break the Queen telekinetic grip.

Finally reaching a sufficient height, Chrysalis swung her head violently, causing the drunk mercenary to smash into the side of the Element tower. His body hit the ground hard, and he laid there unmoving. Turning away from the now dead leader she checked on her changelings. All the drunks were either knocked out or dead and her subjects stood practically unscathed.

Grinning once more Chrysalis paced over to the dead leaders body. “Like taking candy from a foal…” She whispered to herself as she unstrapped the Element chest from his back. Sitting right in her hooves were the strongest weapons in Equestria, the Elements of Harmony. With them she could release Discord, but not only that she could keep Celestia from using them as a weapon. She did try and defeat her with them during the wedding, and perhaps they would have had that dammed Princess Cadence and Shinning Armor not stopped her first.

“Let’s go, there’s nothing more for us here…” She stated to them before taking off into the still rainy night. It was much harder to fly in such weather, but she and her subjects were able to manage. Before long they touched down in the Canterlot Gardens, which were just as deserted as usual. Chrysalis made her way to Discord, who was still in the same frozen position.

Ah you’re finally here… Took you long enough…

“Shut it.” She stated before placing the Element Chest on the ground. “So how does this work?”

Easy, simply place all of the Elements in front of me and they should break the prison.

Surprised that it was such an easy ritual, Chrysalis took out each individual gem and placed it in front of the statue. Before long all six, beautiful golden Element sat in front of Discord. A long period of silence followed where she simply stared at him. Anticipation was in the air as they waited for the inevitable moment.

Ten minutes passed, and finally Chrysalis looked at him in annoyance. “This better not be another joke Discord…”

It’s not! Just uh, give it another few minutes? I’m sure it’ll happen any second now… Any second...