• Published 4th Oct 2014
  • 6,944 Views, 886 Comments

Five Nights in Equestria - RandomHamster33

Luna's job is to help her subjects. Will Foxy be able to be helped?

  • ...


Twilight completely stopped her rant and very nearly flew up the steps, the rest of her friends behind her. Foxy pushed himself off the table, glad he had more control over his limbs again.

“Princess Celestia!” the violet mare almost stuttered, her voice high. She ducked into a sloppy bow. The other Elements of Harmony did as well, and when Foxy got upstairs a few seconds later, he did the same.

“Do not forget I am here as well, Twilight Sparkle,” came Luna’s voice. She strode from behind her older sister.

“O-of course not!”

“Very well. That’s enough. We have business to attend to. If you would all give your complete and utmost attention,” the lunar sovereign continued. The mares and Foxy stood straighter.

Celestia saw Foxy and smiled. “I am glad you are repaired. I see my student has done an excellent job in the small amount of time it has been since we’ve seen each other.” Twilight beamed at the praise, her cheeks flushing.

Luna allowed a small smile onto her muzzle. “I am also glad. Do not make me feel like I do not appreciate you.”

“I know you care, Princess. And I really don’t deserve so much praise . . .” Twilight waved a hoof, trying to clear her blush.

Celestia’s smile mellowed out. “I’m afraid we do have some serious business to attend to. Is Spike around?”

“No, I sent him to play with the Cutie Mark Crusaders earlier.”

“Good. Now, girls, we all know about Foxy, yes?” The elements nodded. Said pirate shrank back.

Luna took over. “Only we know about what has happened. But today, that’s going to change.”

The girls all looked between the princesses and Foxy, looks of confusion on their faces.

“Foxy—are you willing to share with us now?” Luna’s teal eyes burned into his own golden ones. Foxy shook his head.

“No, lass, I won’t be,” he growled softly.

Luna frowned. “Well then. Twilight, may I ask of you a chair?” Upon seeing the unicorn’s perplexed expression, she added, “I’ve been awake all day. Normally I sleep during the day, so a rest would be nice. Celestia, would you care for a seat?”

“No thank you. I’m fine,” the solar goddess responded, knowing their plan was coming into play.

Twilight nodded, albeit somewhat hesitantly. She trotted off and returned a few moments later. She set the rather large chair next to the princess.

“Here you go,” Twilight said.

“Thank you very much,” Luna said. Her horn then ignited, and Foxy was picked up. The girls split as he was floated over their heads rather quickly. Luna set him in the chair and there was a blinding flash of blue light. When it cleared, the fox was tied up with ropes of her magic. There was one across his midsection, one around his forehead, and two for his legs and arms.

Foxy growled and struggled to wrench himself from his bindings. “Let me out!” But the magic was impervious. It stretched the smallest amount, then pulled, affixing Foxy firmly to the chair.

“Princess! What are you doing?!” Twilight exclaimed, as the mares behind her all gasped.

Luna turned to face them. “I know this may seem shocking—and it is—but it’s for a purpose.”

Twilight looked with horror at Celestia. The white alicorn nodded.

“Yes, my dear student, I am in on it. In fact, I’m the one who proposed it,” Celestia confirmed, putting a golden clad hoof to her chest before setting it back on the ground.


“Luna and I sensed in Foxy that he would never tell anyone what happened. We cannot help him if he won’t talk about it.”

Fluttershy butted to the front of the group. “That’s not true! I’ve been talking to Foxy about what happened!”

Celestia knew the creamy coated pegasus meant well, but her statement wasn’t 100% true. “But do you actually know what occurred?”

Fluttershy’s confidence faltered. “Well, no—”

“And that’s why Luna and I are here.”

Sensing the time to engage their plan was now, Luna stepped forward. “I’d like you all to get comfortable.”

Twilight stuttered. “W-why?”

Luna looked at her with a held back expression. “Please, we request of you just to do what we ask.” She let her eyes roam over all the ponies. “Sit down and make sure you are comfortable.” The elements exchanged fearful and perplexed glances. Twilight sat down first, followed by Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and finally Rainbow Dash as she folded in her wings and came out of the air.

“Thank you. Now, this may be uncomfortable, but just bear with it,” Celestia advised. She exchanged glances with Luna and her horn lit up with a golden aura. Luna’s was glowing deep blue. The room grew dark and still.

“Foxy, try and keep calm. This will hurt the most for you,” Luna added before the spell started to take effect. As if on cue, the pirate groaned in discomfort. “Sorry about this, but it’s for your own good.”

As it grew increasingly darker, Celestia and Luna’s manes stopped waving ever so slowly, as if they were being wind down. Foxy gave a high-pitched whine of distress, and he thrashed in his seat. Finally, the room was a pitch black.

Twilight blinked, shifting. Where was she? The unicorn stood up straighter, gently rubbing her head. Suddenly, a figure faded into view next to her. Rarity’s white form became opaque. She turned to Twilight.

“Twilight? Where are we?” she asked, looking around. It was dark and smelled slightly of pizza.

“I have no idea,” Twilight replied. She felt something next to her. Fluttershy appeared, her eyes closed. She opened her eyes as she became fully visible.

“Whoa, what was that!?” Rainbow Dash’s voice exclaimed as she appeared next to Rarity.

“I have the same question,” Fluttershy said.

“Yippee! This is great!” Pinkie Pie cheered, her voice sounding very far away and empty. Applejack followed next, then finally Luna and Celestia.

“Princesses, where are we?” Twilight asked.

Luna blinked. “We are inside Foxy’s memory banks.”

“WHAT?!” the mares all exclaimed.

“Yes. Now, you all came in the order of unicorns to earth ponies, correct?”

“Uh, yeah,” Rainbow answered. “But what has that go to do with anything?”

“Just checking. If you hadn’t that’d be a sign for concern. Unicorns come first because they have stronger magic, then pegasi, then earth ponies,” Celestia replied. “Luna and I arrived last because we were making sure the spell went right. Plus, I put a time lock on the room. Nopony can get in or out.”

“Cool!” Pinkie Pie yipped.

Luna looked around. “Hmm, I thought I performed the spell right for—”


Foxy abruptly appeared, unlike the others who had faded into view. He collapsed to his hands and knees.

Luna smiled in victory. “I was correct.”

The pirate stood up, falling against the wall behind him. He jumped out of his haze, glancing wildly around. He backed up.

“No! No, if this is where I think it is—”

Celestia stopped him with her magic. “This is exactly where you think.” She brought him closer. “And you are going to come with us in your own head.”

Foxy bared his teeth at the princess. “No, I’m not! So why don’t ye all get outta ‘ere?”

Luna frowned. “Do not take that tone. We know why you don’t want to see your memories.”

Foxy paused. “It’s personal.”

“Your ‘accident’ affected more than just you, if you remember correctly?” Luna continued. Foxy fell silent. “Alright. This is the first memory. I’m using my magic to propel us forward in this setting. We’ll end up anywhere that stands out in your mind.”

Rainbow glanced around. “Looks pretty lonely in here.”

“Dashie’s right! Where is everyone?” Pinkie asked.

Celestia walked forward. “I can detect that the memory starts not in here, but in the next room. There is nearly nothing in this room, can you see? That’s because there is not enough memories about it.”

“I didn’t spend much time in ‘ere,” Foxy said softly.

Celestia glanced at him, then back at Luna. The lunar goddess nodded for them to keeping going.

“Follow me, my little ponies,” Celestia said. The elements trailed behind her as instructed, and Luna stayed back to make sure Foxy did as well. “It’s through this wall.” The solar goddess vanished as she crossed into the next room. Twilight stopped, startled, before hopping forward. Her tail was the last thing they saw. Rainbow grinned, swooping through it, and Pinkie Pie dove right past. The last three mares came in at a much mellower speed, as did Foxy and Luna.

“Whoa! There’s a ship!” Pinkie Pie cooed, pointing at the stage.

“Please, everypony, let’s try and stay quiet,” Celestia requested. Pinkie didn’t make another comment, but the grin on her face stayed put. “The memory will start in a moment.”

“Nervous for your first day?” a feminine voice asked. The ponies saw a yellow figure peek in the door on the other side of the room. Foxy, who had appeared on stage, glanced backwards.

“Heh, maybe jus’ a lil bit, lass,” Foxy replied nervously. Chica padded forward, getting onto the stage. She was a head shorter than him.

Twilight blinked in surprise, watching with large eyes. Foxy wasn’t broken in this memory.

“It’s alright. I know I was nervous the first time too. But your instincts will just take over, and the programming will help you out as well,” Chica said.

“Thanks, lass, but messin’ up isn’t what I’m really worried ‘bout.” Foxy’s shoulders drooped.

Chica frowned, her eyebrows falling. She scooted a little closer. “You’re afraid that the kids won’t like you?” Foxy met her eyes and shrugged before looking down.

“Foxy, it’ll be okay! The kids are going to love you! I’m sure of it. What kid doesn’t like pirates?”

“I’m not a performer like ye or Bonnie or Freddy. I jus' run around and play . . .”

Chica brightened. “But don’t you see, that’s what kids love the most! They don’t like to sing songs, they like to play!” She grabbed his hand/hook and swung him around. Foxy let out a startled squeak as he was spun in a circle. Chica let go, spending him twirling backwards. The chicken then winced as he landed in his ship, his feet hanging over the edge.

“Uh, you okay?” Chica asked timidly. She grinned sheepishly from her position above him.

“At least I’m not worried anymore,” Foxy replied with a small sigh.

The area started getting darker again. Celestia and Luna exchanged glances, knowing it was time to move on.

Pinkie Pie smiled, her eyes shining. “Aww, that was so cute!” She turned to Foxy, giving him a hug around his waist. The pirate jumped in surprise. He’d been focused on the sweet memory.

“Wonder where we’re going to end up next,” Fluttershy said softly to Twilight. The purple unicorn frowned, shaking her head in cluelessness.

Luna lit her horn. “No time to stop and chat, we must continue before Foxy’s mind throws us out.”

Foxy tipped an ear. “An’ why can’t I kick ye out right now? We’re in my ‘ead, I should be able ta.”

“I’ve cast a spell so the you that is here cannot. The Foxy out in the real world can only do that, but he is not aware. To him, we’re not even existent.”

Foxy snorted, crossing his arms. Luna rolled her eyes at his attitude.

“Brace yourselves. We’re taking a jump. You’ll feel a sense of paralysis for just a moment.”

“Ugh, how vulgar,” Rarity managed to get in right before a wave of darkness crashed over them.

“Ooh, ooh, do it again!” Chica giggled hysterically. She was sitting on the edge of the ship with Bonnie next to her.

Foxy tried to stop laughing, puffing out his chest. “Alright, alright, one more time.” He forced himself to be serious. “Hi, I’m Freddy Fazf*#k!” Foxy waved the microphone of yours truly at them.

Chica and Bonnie fell out of their chairs laughing. They held their stomachs as Foxy howled, putting an arm across his face.

“You’re killing me!” Bonnie snorted, burying his face into the floor. Chica was on her back kicking her legs in the air.

“I can’t take anymore!” the chicken screeched with laughter. Foxy put his hands on his knees, leaning over. A shadow suddenly fell across them. Chica and Bonnie paused in their mirth and looked up. Their faces fell. Foxy noticed their expressions and turned around.

Freddy stood there with his arms crossed. He raised an eyebrow. Foxy gave a sheepish smile and quickly hid Freddy’s microphone behind his back.

“Ahoy, Freddy!” the pirate exclaimed.

“Foxy,” the bear said simply, “what do you think you’re doing?”

“Doin’ what? Was jus’ havin’ myself a grand ol’ time with the others, here!” Foxy waved his hook at Chica and Bonnie who were trying to look somewhat civilized.

“Uh huh.” Freddy put his left hand out, the same expression on his face. “Give it to me.”

Foxy chuckled weakly, showing his sharpened teeth. He carefully set the microphone into his boss’ metal hand.

“Well, I should probably be goin’—”

Freddy reached out and took ahold of Foxy’s ear, firmly gripping it. Foxy grimaced as he was led backwards.

“Nuh uh, I don’t think so. You’re coming with me,” Freddy said as he began to tug the fox after him by the ear.

“Now, come on, I didn’t do anythin’ really wrong—”

“You stole my microphone. That’s criminal enough, so do I seriously have to go on?” Freddy gave Foxy an admonishing glare.

Foxy shrank away from the bear’s icy blue gaze as much as he could in the position he was in.

“Uh, no,” was all the pirate responded with.

“Good, so don’t make this harder than it has to be.” Freddy tugged Foxy along and walked to a corner. He stuck the pirate there, nearly bumping his muzzle against the wall. “Now stay there.”


“No buts. I don’t want to see your nose out of that corner until I say so.” Freddy walked away, and as he did, he gave Bonnie and Chica unimpressed glances.

“Goodnight, Freddy,” Chica called nervously, waving a small yellow hand at him as he left.

“Bite me,” the bear grumbled, flipping up his middle finger as he left to head back to the party room.

Bonnie blinked. “Someone’s grumpy.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t contain herself any longer. She fell over with Pinkie right afterwards, both of them laughing their heads off.

Foxy rolled his eyes, arms crossed. “Grow up.” He tried to cover his embarrassment as the circuits in his face heated up.

“Look who’s talkin’,” Applejack said, leaning over to whisper in Rarity’s white ear. The dressmaker bit her lip as a small snicker escaped.

“Seems like Freddy was k-kind of a buzzkill to me,” Rainbow sputtered through her giggles.

Pinkie gasped from beside the pegasus, her laughing stopping abruptly. “Freddy kills bees?”

“Pinkie, what—”

Luna stepped forward, cutting the ponies off. “I am glad that you have not had too terrible memories so far. But we shall carry on. We still have a long ways in your mind to go through.”

“Luna’s right. The longer we stay in here, the more we are at risk of damaging something,” Celestia added. Foxy’s ears stood straight up.

“What!? Damage somethin’?!”

“An insignificant chance, but we could accidentally wipe your memory banks or something along that line.”

Foxy aimed a fierce glare at the two princesses, but neither of them noticed. A snarl worked its way up in his throat, but he forced it down and turned away, arms crossed.

“The princesses wouldn’t have brought us in here if there was a large chance of us breaking you. Try not to doubt them—they know what’s best,” Twilight said gently. Foxy glanced down at her.

“Aye, I know they’re your rulers, but this be my mind—apparently. Ye lasses are seein’ some ‘a my most private moments, good or bad.”

Twilight frowned, really thinking about it. He was 100% correct, and she didn’t know how she felt about it. Of course, they were going to see what had caused him to wish himself a second chance, but Twilight felt like it wasn’t her right to know. The princesses thought it was the right course of action.

“I’m just going to let you know, I won’t judge you. None of us girls will. That’s why we’re the Elements of Harmony.” The other mares had seemingly picked up on this conversation and nodded in unison.

“’course not, sugarcube! You’re our pal now, and we’ll make sure ya get the support ya need!” Applejack declared heartily.

Foxy tilted his head, eyebrows dropping over his eyes. “Don’t be so sure.”

“Freddy, how many times have I told you to stop giving Chica your nose to play with?”

Freddy rolled his blue eyes. “She ruins her bouncy balls all the time, so I let her play with my nose. It’s round and squeaks.” As if for emphasis, Chica leant forward and gave his nose a squeeze, provoking a small squeak from it. She laughed as Zach swatted her yellow hand away.

“Chica, enough. Freddy can’t be giving you his nose anymore—he’s forbidden,” Zach continued with a scolding tone. He raised his eyebrows at her.

“Aw, but what am I going to do if my ball breaks?” Chica asked in a whiny voice. “He’s the only one with a round nose!”

“Don’t break it, for starters. This is what, your seventh one in three months?” Zach dug in his bag of tools and pulled out a red-and-blue ball. He tossed it at Chica and she giggled, running off.

“Don’t see why it’s that big of deal,” Freddy grumbled as Zach got out his screwdriver. The repair man got to work on Freddy’s left knee—which had always been kind of a nuisance to the animatronic—and listened idly to what he had to say.

“Every time you take it off, it chips off a little bit more on the inside. I don’t want to have to order you a new nose, of all things.”

“Eh. As long as the others are happy.”

Zach smiled, letting a small huff of air out of his nose in amusement. Freddy narrowed his eyes at him.

“What do you find amusing?”

“It’s just . . . I see the way you are around the others, and you don’t always seem like you care,” Zach explained.

“And your point is?”

“Why don’t you act like you care? I mean, you let Chica play with your nose—stop doing that—and you help Bonnie with his tie, Foxy sometimes needs a nudge in the right direction, but that’s about all. You’re so . . . grumpy most of the time.”

Freddy blinked. “Are you calling me a bad supervisor?”

Zach smirked. “You’re not a supervisor.”

“What’re you trying to say?”

“You’re more like a . . . dad, I guess. A rather crude dad, but that’s the word I’d use.”

Freddy fell silent. He watched as Zach continued working on his knee without saying anything.

“Did that offend you?” Zach asked, looking up, his red cap covering most of his eyes.

Freddy paused, mulling it over. “I guess you’re right.”

Zach smiled as he stood up. “Now, why don’t you act nicer? You obviously care about the other animatronics. I know Foxy would like some advice on controlling his stammer.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. We’ve been helping him, even if you don’t believe it. Now scram; we’ve got a show to get ready for. Your wife is waiting out there,” Freddy said, roughly patting the repair guy on the back. Zach tipped his baseball hat to the bear and picked up his tool box.

“Seeyah, Fazbear.”

“Bye, Snow White.” Freddy smirked at the look of defiance on Zach’s face. He lifted up his hat, shaking his snowy blonde hair at him. The repair man exited the back room.

Twilight looked confused. “I don’t get it. How is this your memory?”

Foxy scratched the back of his head. “Aye . . . I was eavesdroppin’. Thankfully, Freddy nor Zach caught me.”

Pinkie Pie wedged herself between Foxy and Twilight. “What did you think of Freddy, huh huh huh?”

Foxy stiffened. “Uh, I don’t know, lass.”

The party pony tilted her head. “What do you mean you don’t know?”

“It’s hard ta explain.”

Rainbow Dash lowered herself from the air to hover by his head. “You either liked him or not. Which is it?”


“You can’t answer like that!”

Fluttershy nudged the brash pegasus away a few inches. “Dash, girls, please don’t try and force any answers out of him, okay? The least we can do is respect his wishes—besides, we’re in his mind.”

Rarity nodded. “Yes, however odd it may seem, I’m sure there’s some sort of—how do you put it—‘head etiquette,’” she said.

“That’s the silliest thing Ah’ve heard all day,” Applejack commented, rolling her eyes.

Rarity turned, offended. “Well, at least I have etiquette. Seems like you’re totally lacking in that department.”

“Oh, gimme a break.” The two glared at each other. “Allow me ta remove that stick fr—”

The unicorn gasped. “Why, I never!”

“Girls!” Twilight exclaimed, pushing the two apart. “Now’s not the time for this.”

“Correct. We must pay attention to the next scene,” Luna said.

Rainbow glanced around. “We’ve switched already?”

Luna and Celestia glanced around. “Yes, several seconds ago. And you might want to watch carefully. Luna and I have already seen this one,” the solar alicorn informed.

Foxy gasped, looking towards the stage. He saw himself walk out and wave to the kids. He backed up against the wall with a whimper. “Please don’t make me watch this.”

Author's Note:

This isn't as long as I was going to make it, but I decided to end it there. Plenty of anguish to come. :pinkiecrazy: And you know how I told you that you're going to have mixed feelings about Freddy? Here it comes . . .

And yes, I'm going to bring the other animatronics to Equestria. (+ Mike? I think it'd be pretty funny) I'm glad I got so many votes (all of them yes, BTW) so it's gonna happen! Not now, but soon.

And thanks for all the support on this story! I honestly didn't think it'd get this popular at all. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. :heart: