• Published 4th Oct 2014
  • 6,943 Views, 886 Comments

Five Nights in Equestria - RandomHamster33

Luna's job is to help her subjects. Will Foxy be able to be helped?

  • ...

Plans and Even More Mystery if That's Possible

Chica frowned. She watched as Mike made his way down the hall. His shoulders were slumped over and he seemed to walk with no purpose. The chicken looked towards the office before making up her mind and turning away, going back to the stage.

“Freddy!” Chica called. The bear on stage glanced towards her. “We need to talk.”

“Well . . . that was fast,” Fluttershy said quietly. The princess’ chariot was vanishing in the distance. Canterlot loomed on the side of the mountain; Princess Celestia’s destination.

“Yeah, definitely. I wonder why?” Twilight questioned, looking away. She walked inside with Fluttershy following right after. “Did we do something wrong?”

“If anyone did an’thin’ wrong, ‘twas me,” Foxy muttered as he heard Twilight’s question. The unicorn lit her horn and shut the door behind Fluttershy.

“I don’t think any of us did anything wrong,” Fluttershy said. “Princess Celestia seemed fine until she just decided to leave.”

“Fluttershy’s right. Something went through her head as she was looking around. There’s nothing in here to provoke that sort of reaction, so perhaps she just left her sink on?” Twilight guessed pathetically.

“I don’t foresee that bein’ a logical explanation,” Foxy deadpanned.

“Well, what else could’ve happened?” Twilight slammed a fore-hoof into the side of her head as she scrunched her nose.

“Don’t berate yourself, Twilight,” Fluttershy ordered. “We should just forget about what happened. She didn’t send Foxy away, did she?”

“No . . .”

“Then let’s not worry too much, alright? I can make some tea to calm us down.” Fluttershy set off towards the kitchen.

“Thanks, ‘shy. Mind getting some sandwiches while you’re in there?” A pink tail flicked in silent acknowledgement.

Spike smelt the food before he saw it. The little dragon peeked around the corner, seeing who was in. Fluttershy was standing on her hind legs as she fiddled with a teapot on the stove.

“Hiyah, Fluttershy. What ya making?” Spike asked, entering the kitchen. The pegasus blinked and looked over.

“Oh, hello, Spike,” Fluttershy greeted. “I’m just making some tea and sandwiches for Twilight and I. Would you like some?”

“You don’t have to.”

“Nonsense. I’ll make you a few as well.” Fluttershy smiled as she got out an extra cup.

“Thanks.” Spike came closer. “So, how was the meeting with Celestia?”

A frown made its way over her face. She dropped down onto all four hooves. “I’m not sure how well it went, Spike.”

“Why?” he asked, tilting his head.

“She was only here for about ten minutes.”

Spike blinked. “Really? That’s all?”

“Yes, I’m afraid. The princess came in and then just as fast, she unexpectedly left.”

Spike bit his lip. “She didn’t give any explanation at all?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No.” She sighed. “The princess sounded odd, though.”


“Yeah, although I can’t point out exactly why.” The pegasus moved over to the other counter. She began to put the sandwiches together. “You don’t worry about it now. Why don’t you go on and hang with Twilight?”

Spike nodded, then ran off.

Freddy raised a large eyebrow at the chicken. “What about?”

Chica scurried up to the stage. “We need to help Mike.”


Chica clambered on stage. “You heard me. Mike is gonna get fired if he doesn’t find Foxy.”

“Why? Why not just fire him now?”

“I’m saying that if we get a human’s help, then maybe we can find Foxy!”

“Who cares about Foxy? He’s broken anyways.” He shrugged. A yellow blur swung towards him.

Freddy recoiled, holding his cheek. He looked with surprise at the little chicken in front of him.

“Did—did you just slap me?” Freddy asked, startled. He rubbed where she’d hit him with the hand that didn’t have his microphone.

“Yes! You need to stop with the act, mister! You care about Foxy just as much as the rest of us,” Chica reprimanded. “I don’t care what you say about him. We’re going to find him.”

The bear grumbled something, bringing his hand down. “How are we even going to get Mike’s help? He won’t come near us.”

“I’ll go first. You and Bonnie can stay on stage until I bring any news. Maybe I can get Mike to believe me and open the door.”

“I doubt it.”

“Thinking negatively won’t get us anywhere.”

“Who says we’ll get anywhere?” Freddy grumbled. Chica gasped.

“Do you want to get slapped again?” she demanded, holding back her arm. Freddy put his hands up, starting toward backstage.

“No, no, anything but that.” He smirked.

“Don’t get smart with me.”

“Whose name is in the restaurant title?”

“Not yours if you keep that up.”

“These are delicious, ‘shy,” Twilight said gratefully, taking another small bite of her apricot-and-apple sandwich. There was a delightful blend of cream cheese and yogurt spread on both pieces of the bread.

“Thanks. My mom used to make them for me all the time,” Fluttershy said, a smile on her face. She used her wing to take a sip of her sweet tea.

“Hats off to your mom,” Spike commented with his mouth full. He scarfed down the rest of his.

“Manners, Spike,” Twilight chastised. She lifted her teacup to her muzzle and took a drink.

“Sorry. Hey, where’s Foxy?”

“In the other room. Reading again.” The unicorn grinned. “Glad he can.”

Fluttershy inhaled some of her tea. A few drops of the brown liquid sprayed from her cup, spattering on the floor. Twilight gave her an odd look, but the pegasus waved a hoof as tears filled her eyes as she silently coughed, trying to get the tea out of her throat.

“Anyways”—choking and splutters—“it’s nearly six now. I’ve got no other plans for the day, so Spike, have you wanted to do anything all week?” Twilight asked. She lifted an eyebrow at Fluttershy—still attempting to clear her throat—and then looked at her assistant.

The dragon thought for a moment, then shook his head. “Not that I can think of.”

Twilight stuck out her tongue briefly. “I don’t know what to do.”

Fluttershy collapsed from her chair in a blur of pink and yellow. She coughed from down on the floor.

“Somepony”—hacking—“please help”—cough—“me.”

Princess Celestia stood at her sister’s chamber. The large blue doors were emblazoned with her royal crest. The solar princess knocked on Luna’s door.

“Come in,” came the commanding voice. Celestia used her golden magic to push the doors open and strode in. Luna turned from her desk.

“Greetings, Luna,” Celestia said.

“I see you have concerns about Foxy,” Luna replied simply, turning towards the window now instead.

“I am afraid that we will not be able to help him.” Celestia padded up to stand next to her sister.

“I have sensed the same as well, but I am quite sure that your student shall be able to handle it.” Luna looked up towards the sky. “Twilight Sparkle can do many extraordinary things.”

Celestia frowned. “I know. But Twilight has never been through a tragedy like that. She won’t be able to help if she doesn’t know what to do.”

“So? One does not need to have the same happen to them to help another.”

“I am aware. Though in this situation, it may be what we need. And we can’t do anything.”

Luna narrowed her eyes, glancing at her sister. “Then what do you suggest?”

Celestia met Luna’s eyes.

“. . . We’re going to what again?” Bonnie asked.

Freddy sighed. “We’re going to help Mike find Foxy.”

The purple bunny blinked. Was Freddy going crazy? Agreeing with Chica’s plan?!

“I . . . don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything. You might get slapped.”

Before Bonnie could ask what he meant, the bear was already exiting the room. Bonnie hurried after him. Out on stage, Chica was pacing.

“You’re in, right?” she asked, pointing at Bonnie. “Of course you are. What am I talking about, you don’t have a choice.”

“Thanks,” the bunny deadpanned.

“Right! Here's the plan.”

Bonnie put his hand to his mouth and whispered to Freddy, “When did you become the second-in-command?”

“Shut up, Bonnie,” Freddy grumbled.

Chica continued talking. “Since I’m a lady, I’ll go first. I’ll try and get Mike to listen to me. If he doesn’t, we’ll all split up and make him waste all the power.”

Freddy raised his hand.

Chica raised an eyebrow. “Yes, Freddy?”

“Can I stuff him in a suit afterwards?”

Chica sighed, rubbing the top of her beak. “No.”

“Can I at least scare him?”

“I—no! We need to have him on our side for at least until we find Foxy.”

“Fine.” Freddy crossed his arms. “Long as we get to attempt to put him in his suit after this is all done.”

“Yes, we can. Now, no arguing.” Chica continued on. “We’ll tell Mike about what happened, and see if he can supply us with any ‘human’ intel.”

“I doubt the idiot knows anything.”


The bear looked surprised. “What?” he asked. He shrugged. “I’m right and you know it.”

Chica looked towards Bonnie. “Kick him.”

The bunny grinned and raised his foot, but Freddy glared at him. Bonnie laughed weakly and put his foot back down.

Freddy smirked, glancing forward again. “That’s what I—”


“Bonnie, I’m going to rip your left arm off again.”

“Please don’t.” Bonnie took a few steps back.

Chica face-palmed. “For goodness sake. Okay, okay, it’s nearly eleven. Just go with the plan, okay guys?”

“Yeah, sure, whatever.” Freddy rolled his eyes.

Bonnie eyed Freddy. “Please don’t kill me.”

As the clocked ticked down to midnight, Foxy felt a change come over him.

Tis almost midnight. Should I warn 'em? Foxy glanced towards the chatting ponies and Spike. Of course, I’d think they’d lock me in the basement anyways, so there’s really no worry.

Fluttershy let out a large yawn. “Hey, Twilight, I think I’m going to leave. Angel Bunny probably ate all the ice-cream bars. If I’m right, he’ll have a stomach ache. Plus, I’m tired.”

Twilight smiled. “Of course. Tonight, I think I’ll get some actual sleep as well. Spike, why don’t you head on up to bed? Remember to brush your teeth.”

Spike yawned. “Yeah, sure, Twi . . .” Without any complaint, he headed up the stairs.

“Goodnight. See you all tomorrow,” Fluttershy called softly as she drifted towards the door.

“Night, lass,” Foxy said.

When Fluttershy shut the door behind her, Twilight looked at Foxy. “What are you going to do? Do you have some sort of sleep mode?”

Foxy furrowed his eyebrows. ‘course I have a sleep mode . . . but my servers are goin’ ta act up if I don’t wander aimlessly fer a while.

Twilight saw the look on his face. “Foxy? Something wrong?”

“’s really nothin’, lass. I jus’ used ta rest durin’ the day and wander at night. ‘Twas the only time I was allowed out 'a the Cove,” he explained.

“Oh, uh, okay. Do you want to try and rest, or . . ?”

“My servers kinda act weird after a while. I’ve been off at night fer a few days, so I think I’d better turn on my ‘free roamin' mode’.”

Twilight nodded. “What do you do during this time?”

Kill people. “Mostly wander aimlessly. Shouldn’t be too much 'a problem, but ye might wanna lock me somewhere.” Else ye might be next on my list. “I don’t communicate much except Freddy said I sing occasionally.”

“Okay. Would you rather stay in the smaller section of the library or . . . well, if you wander, you might accidently hit something if you were to stay in the lab. Are you okay with staying in there?” Twilight pointed towards the closed off library section.

Long as ye lock me in as much as ye can. “Aye, that’s fine.”

“Alright, then it’s settled.” Twilight started towards the room. “How long will you be like that?”

“From midnight ta six in the morn’.”

The unicorn allowed Foxy to go in. She stood at the door. “Should I lock you in now? There’s about fifteen minutes until midnight.”

Sooner the better. “Aye,‘s fine. Have yourself a good night, lass.” Foxy watched the door close as Twilight’s form vanished from sight. The sound of a lock clicking was heard.

Midnight. Great, Mike thought in misery. He sighed as the 99% popped up in the corner of the tablet he held. The cameras flicked on. Well, night four. Hopefully tonight won’t be the night I die. And at least I won’t have to worry about Foxy.

He switched to the stage. Chica was gone. Already!? Mike quickly clicked the night on outside the door. The chicken was illuminated in the doorway. Letting out a less than manly shriek, he closed the door.

“Mike! Mike, open the door!”

The security guard fell off his chair in surprise. DID SHE JUST TALK TO ME?!

“Please, I know what you’re thinking. But I’m not here to hurt you. We need to talk,” the distinctly feminine voice said again.

Taking a deep breath, Mike yelled back, “Go away! You’re just the product of my stressed out mind!”

“Oh for goodness sake, I’m not a hallucination! It’s just Chica!”

Mike put his hands over his ears. “Blah, blah, blah, I can’t hear you!”

There was the sound of feet, and Mike looked at the door. He got up from the floor and checked the light. She was gone.

Thank the gods she’s left.

Mike sat back in his chair, tablet in hand. He switched to the stage and saw that Freddy and Bonnie were gone as well. The security guard stared at the screen for a moment.


“I wouldn’t use language like that around the children,” a voice said. Mike spun around and saw Bonnie poking his head in the room. He lunged forward and slammed the ‘door close’ button and the bunny yelped in surprise at he yanked his head back just in time to prevent it from getting crushed.

“Go away!” Mike yelled.

“Mike, just listen,” Chica pleaded from the other doorway. Mike screamed, dropping the tablet. It bounced off the floor. She stared at it. “Pretty sure that’ll come out of your measly paycheck.”

“Please don’t kill me!” Mike whined, backing against the opposite door.

“I’m not here to kill you! Haven’t I said that already?”

“Why should I believe you?”

Chica rolled her eyes. “We want Foxy back just as much as you do. I overheard the boss talking—well, more like screaming—to you. And we want to help.” She scooted a little closer.

“S-stay back.” Mike grabbed his chair and brandished it as a weapon. Chica blinked.

“Really?” she deadpanned.

“This is got to be some sort of hallucination. Maybe someone slipped something into my food or, or—”


Said security guard stopped his hysterical ramblings and glanced up at the chicken.

“Are you going to calm down?” Chica asked evenly.

Mike inhaled. “Yes.”

“Good, because we’ve got some work to do.” Chica walked forward and leaned to open the door Mike was leaning on. He nearly fell backwards but managed to get to his feet again.

“Bonnie, come in,” she said, stepping away. Mike swallowed shakily and braced himself.

“Finally,” the bunny muttered, walking in.

Chica scanned the dark hallway. “Where is he?”

“I don’t know.”

Mike raised an eyebrow. “Wait, who are you—”

“Boo,” hissed a deep voice right next to Mike’s ear. The security guard let out a shrill squeal and jumped forward, landing in Bonnie’s metal arms.

“Freddy!” Chica complained loudly, hands on her hips.

The bear waved a paw. “Sorry, I had to. Couldn’t resist.”

Chica rolled her eyes and looked towards Mike. His face was pale and he clung to Bonnie tightly.

Freddy blinked. “Now that is a sight I never thought I would see.” He walked towards the desk in the room. “Calm down, Mikey. We’re not gonna hurt you yet.”

Bonnie shifted uncomfortably, but didn’t drop the security guard. “I don’t even know what’s going on . . .”

Chica raised an eyebrow and glanced at Freddy, who was rummaging around in the drawers of the desk. His microphone sat on the top of the desk.

“Freddy, what’re you doing?” she asked.

The bear pulled out a white package that looked very small in his large hand. He flipped open the top and pulled something out. With it, a long holder and lighter from the drawer. Freddy put the cigarette in the holder and brought the lighter up to the end, lighting it with expert fingers.

“Need something to get past what we’re doing,” Freddy replied causally.

“Are you . . . smoking?” Mike asked, grimacing.

“Yep,” the bear said, taking a long drag.

“Why the holder?” Mike pointed at it. He no longer appeared as spooked.

“I hate getting my metal dirty.”

“Then why are you smoking? I didn’t even know you could smoke. You can’t even breathe.”

“Please be quiet, your stupid questions irritate me.” Freddy blew out a long trail of smoke.

“Freddy, don’t be rude,” Chica scolded lightly.

“I’m not being rude—I’m being truthful. Would you rather me lie?” he asked smoothly. Chica watched him blow out a puff of smoke through his nose. She wiggled her tail feathers.

“. . . Anyways, Mike, what did you see the night Foxy went missing?” she questioned.

Mike kept one arm slung around Bonnie’s neck, tapping his chin with a finger from the other hand. “I remember a glowing, I guess.”

Chica’s eyes lit up. “Yeah, I saw that too! He said it just started for some reason. Did you see him, Freddy?”

The bear twitched an ear. “Yeah, he came up to me. Wanted me to tell him what was going on.” Freddy snuffed his cigarette out on the edge. There was a deep scar there, so he’d obviously been doing it for a while. “I didn’t know, so I sent him back to Pirate Cove. And then he vanished, I assume.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Bonnie commented. He switched Mike to one arm like one would hold a baby and padded closer to the group. Mike fidgeted, trying to get loose, but Bonnie wasn’t paying attention.

“I know,” Chica murmured. “If we could just figure out what the light was, we’d be able to find Foxy!”

“Mike, you know what that light was?” Freddy asked, raising an eyebrow at the guard.

Mike shook his head. “Never seen it before.”

Chica sighed. “Then we’re already stuck.”

Luna shook her head. “That would be very intrusive.”

Celestia blinked. “Are you forgetting how we even found out?”

“My dream walking is for a greater purpose.” Luna padded towards her sister. “What you are suggesting is just an invasion of privacy.”

Celestia frowned. “Yes, I understand. But you know why it is a better idea than waiting.”

The lunar sovereign sighed, closing her eyes briefly. “I’m aware.”

“So are you going to do it or not?” Celestia asked.

“I’ll do it.”

Foxy felt the change. His servers switched to ‘free roaming mode’ at exactly midnight. He’d heard Twilight getting a few things ready for the night and then silence. The room was dark.

They be not watchin’. They be not in their suits.

The feeling of anger and betrayal rushed over him in a torrent.

Time to play the waiting game.

Twilight snuggled into bed, her dreams merry. It was now that she realized using a spell was much different than actually sleeping.

It had to have been about three when Twilight was awoken by a loud noise. She nearly jumped out her pelt. The unicorn shivered, sitting up in bed.

“Hello?” she called softly. “Spike? Is that you?” Twilight clambered out of bed, throwing her starry comforter to one side. Her horn lit with a simple light spell and illuminated the room. Spike was sound asleep in his basket, the faint rise and fall of his chest showing that he was living. She started down the wooden stairs instead, deciding to check on Foxy.

The small room in which Twilight had locked him up in was silent for the most part. A few scuffling sounds emanated dully through the door. She pressed her ear up against the wood.

“Da da dum dum dum diddily doom doom doom doom diddily doom da da dum diddily dum dum . . .”

Twilight blinked in surprise, lifting her head away. Her ears flicked as she tilted her head.

“Hmm, well, he did say he might sing,” Twilight commented to herself. She listened carefully again.


Twilight reared back, falling onto her flanks. The door rattled on its hinges, reverberating throughout the library.

“What the-?”

Repetitive pounding came next. Then silence.

Twilight scooted backwards—still splayed out on the ground—and stood up slowly. Her horn grew brighter as she began to approach the door once again.


Twilight jumped, her breathing quickening. It’s just Foxy under the control of his servers, or whatever. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. Twilight took a deep breath. This is why he told me to lock him up. She took a tentative step towards the door.

A long scream—if it could be called that—ripped through the air, accompanied by loud, violent pounding. Twilight screamed as the hinges on the door broke. Her horn flickered and she backed away hurriedly. Foxy shrieked again. She tore her gaze away from the breaking door and sprinted upstairs. Her magic picked Spike up. He woke up, groggy, as Twilight set him—wrapped up in his blanket—into her saddlebags that she set on her back. She then glanced at the stairs.

The deafening crash of the door breaking into tons of little pieces caused Twilight to scream again. The outline of large ears became apparent as Foxy moved through the light from her horn. He was running towards the stairs.

“Foxy!” Twilight shrieked, horn now blazing. Spike was now awake and struggling in his hold. “Don’t make me do this!”

Foxy appeared at the top of the steps. His jaw fell open and another high-pitched scream tore from his throat. Along with it, a jumbling of what could be described as possible words, but Twilight couldn’t make them out. Her horn was like a burning star as she unleashed a beam of magic. It struck Foxy in a swift move and he collapsed. Twilight leaped out the window behind her.

Fluttershy poured herself another cup of tea. Twilight and Spike showed up on her doorstep at around three thirty in the morning. Twilight had described to her what had happened.

It just doesn’t make sense . . . are we just the most unlucky ponies in Equestria? Three days of hectic events. I hope Foxy’s alright as well. Twilight is a very strong unicorn and if she hit him as hard as she thought she did, then Foxy might be broken forever.

Author's Note:

I added the last part because my childhood was a lot like that. (minus the robot foxes) My dad is an abusive (wife-beating) alcoholic with depression who likes to be in control. He hit my mom so many times, and that's why they got divorced. And recently, he abused his fiance and you can't even recognize her. :fluttershyouch:

Anyways, it reminded me of all the times we (my brother and sisters) had to fight to get away from either our dad or his fiance when they were drunk. We would run off, sometimes to a hotel, or occasionally a friend's place, and sometimes they worked it out and we could't get away. :ajsleepy:

I'm sorry if I've given you too much information, I just thought I'd let you know why I added that last part. :fluttershysad:

Also, if you say Foxy couldn't have smashed that door, think about it. He can't destroy a metal door, but he sure could break though walls. And definitely a wooden door. :pinkiecrazy: