• Published 4th Oct 2014
  • 6,943 Views, 886 Comments

Five Nights in Equestria - RandomHamster33

Luna's job is to help her subjects. Will Foxy be able to be helped?

  • ...

Just Gold

Twilight watched the scene before her, utterly baffled and terrified. Seeing Foxy completely, downright attack someone was not something she saw everyday, and certainly not in her own house. Horn glowing automatically out of instinct, the unicorn used her magical power to grab Foxy’s body. He seemed to register the fact that he was trying to be picked up, and he turned his head towards Twilight . . . and roared with the ferocity of a manticore. Twilight, of course, was somewhat taken back by this, and flinched away, falling onto her haunches with a light thump. Fluttershy was cowering at this point.

And while the ponies were trying to figure out what was to be done, Freddy was getting broken into pieces by Foxy!

That's when Mike came screeching into the room from the side area, mouth open in disbelief. He quickly plastered himself to the bookshelves surrounding him, not wanting to get too close, but wanting to know what was happening.

“Foxy, get off of him!” Chica screamed, sounding terribly upset. Foxy simply ignored her and continued.

“Foxy—ow—what in the name of—” Freddy’s exclamations were getting shorter and shorter by the second, as Foxy attacked relentlessly, with little break in-between punches. Mostly, Freddy had been shell shocked into silence, not expecting the rampage. And now he was a bit more than overwhelmed. Well, didn't this feel the slightest bit familiar? Freddy struggled to get a leg up to kick Foxy off. He managed to get a foot securely against the fox’s chest and pushed firmly. Foxy was pushed back slightly, but for the most part, seemed unaffected by the counterattack. He instead lashed out harder, hook a sharp blur in the air. It came down towards Freddy’s face and he tried to dodge it, but when you're pressed into the floor, there's not many ways to do that. So Freddy could only roar in pain as the silver hook curved downwards and lodged itself in his left eye, blackening it as the light fizzled out.

“Chica, help me!” Bonnie yelled, surging forward in an act of courage. He grabbed onto Foxy’s arms from behind and tugged. A swift kick soon dislodged the bunny.

Twilight had sat up by this time and was frantically searching for a safe answer to their problem. She tapped her head in rapid intervals. That was when a deep voice sounded in her head:

I can help you.

The unicorn winced and nearly shot to her hooves. She glanced around feverishly.

Let me out, and I can help.

Twilight paused. Her emotions ran through her with a terrible urgency. The golden bear from two nights ago shifted in her mind. She'd totally forgotten about it when she'd begun working with the animatronics.

What . . . are you? Twilight asked back telepathically.

Some call me a freak, others a hallucination. But you may call me Golden Freddy.

What do you want?

Simple, really. Freedom. You seem to have ensnared me in this . . . prison of energy, and no matter how much I try, I am unable to break free.

Why would I do that? You took over Rainbow Dash!

Oh, your little blue friend? Yes, I did. But forgive me, if you will. I showed up in this place with no alert. I simply did what I usually do.

Usually? That doesn't even seem safe.

Oh, it's not. For others. But since I know a bit more about your situation, I'd like to be of some assistance.

You're just going to attack us! Besides, you're in my lab! How are you even aware of what's going on up here?

Dear, how am I able to speak telepathically? These questions are best left for another time, if you want to save Freddy over there without injuring yourself or others.

Twilight glanced over to the battle and grimaced, swallowing. I don't trust you.

You'd be a fool if you did. However, your situation’s going to get worse before it gets better. So if you could allow me to assist you, I'd happily answer any questions you have. I just want my freedom. I promise not to attack someone else when I come out.

. . . How would you help?

As with your little Dash, I am able to control the various animatronics of the restaurant at will. I would force him to back down and then I would leave him after I'd calmed the broken thing. Simple enough, wouldn't you say?

You're sure that'll work?

Dear, I'm sure. Do we have a deal?

I . . . fine. But the minute you get out, I'm casting a spell on you.

Ugh, fine. But whatever. Release me, and I shall do as you wish.

Twilight spared a quick glance at the battle—which was going no better—and hesitated slightly before racing down the stairs. She found the magenta cube, swirling with golden power on the inside, and teleported back upstairs. Her magic opened the cube, the top sliding open like a miniature door. The vortex of gold rushed out like a sandstorm, spreading across the floor. It took the shape of a bear and sprang forward, seeping into Foxy’s limbs and curling around like smoke. Once no more remained on the outside, the pirate’s eyes shone with a more intense golden light. He suddenly stopped moving, going rigid. A brief struggle of power seemed to occur, as his eyes would flash between darker and lighter, until the lighter appeared to have won. Foxy was wrenched away, as if invisible arms were yanking him back. He took a few stiff steps backwards. Once he was away, Chica and Bonnie rushed down to Freddy, who looked quite beaten on. They sat him up.

“Foxy?” Twilight called softly. She approached his rigid figure. He stared ahead without seeing.

“W-what happened?” she heard Fluttershy choke out. The pegasus appeared next to her. Twilight briefly explained, though she could tell Fluttershy didn't like her answer. She just nodded tersely and watched Foxy with large eyes instead. Suddenly, the pirate collapsed like a rag doll. The golden energy was cast out, floating in twisting tendrils around the ponies. Twilight lit her horn, preparing a spell. The gold materialized into the shape of an animatronic once again. As soon as Golden Freddy was a solid, he fell backwards, chest heaving.

“Whoa, whoa, what's happened?” Twilight asked, startled.

Golden Freddy shook his head, broken ear flopping as he choked out, “There was . . . something in there with him. Something! I barely overwhelmed it.”

Twilight exchanged a worried glance with the pegasus next her her. She allowed the shell of magic around her horn to die out, but kept the spell right at the forefront of her mind in case she needed it. She wasn't sure if he was faking, but the struggle between forces hadn't seemed faux.

“What . . . what was it?” she asked hesitantly.

Golden Freddy growled, glancing up, “I just said, I don't know what it was!” His black eyes closed and he let his head fall back against the wall with a dull thump.

“Do you know if Foxy’s going to be okay?”

“He should. But while I did manage to expel the dark force within him for a moment while I held him back, I do not know how long I did it for. For all we know, it’s already taking control of him once again.”

Twilight glanced towards the limp body of Foxy. “This isn’t how I envisioned this day going.” She let her head droop.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked, looking at the yellow animatronic sitting there.

“Me? Oh, why thank you for caring, but I’m fine,” Golden Freddy responded. He blinked pitch black eyes at her.

"O-okay, that’s good.”

“You seem nervous, my dear. Relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”

“You certainly didn’t hold back when you attacked Rainbow Dash.”

“As I said to Twilight over there, I was put in a strange world with no explanation. I acted on instinct.”

“That’s some instinct.”

“Can we get some help over here?” came Bonnie’s voice. The three beings glanced over in unison. Twilight quickly hopped to it and trotted forward.

“Alright, what hurts?” she asked Freddy. He glowered up with his good eye, the other black. There were various scratches and dings in his metal, along with a good sized indentation on his chest, but other than that, he wasn’t too badly banged up. At least there hadn’t been any throwing around.

“Uh, right. Come on, Freddy, let’s go fix you,” Twilight said, stepping back so he could stand up. “Again.”

“Hello,” Mike said to Fluttershy. The pegasus was sitting outside in a patch of flowers. It was a day later, and she’d decided later the previous one she wanted a break from the drama and fear. Accepting her answer, Twilight had asked if she’d take Mike with her, so he wouldn’t have to be cooped up with the animatronics and her. She’d agreed. Now, the creamy coated pegasus was alone in her garden as the sun went down.

“Hi, Mike. Sorry for leaving you on your own in there with the animals, but I had to get away,” Fluttershy replied, sounding weary.

“Nah, it’s fine. You’ve seemed sad the last day, so I came out here to ask if you wanted to talk about it?”

Fluttershy swiveled her head, finally looking at him. “Oh, there’s nothing wrong. I’m just . . .”

“Come on, I can see you’re pretty sick of this whole situation. If I could go home and not come back, I would. Just to not cause you ponies as much grief.”

She sighed, “It’s just . . . I wish I could help Foxy, but every time we resolve an issue, another pops up.” She closed her eyes and frowned, eyebrows pressing together. “I don’t know what to do.”

“I see.”

“Anyways, before I bore you, I should tell you I’m going to ask Twilight to send a letter to the princesses. I know that you miss Doll.”

Mike brightened up slightly. “That’d be great.” He was hesitant to touch her, but he patted her head like he would a dog. She gave him an odd glance, but continued looking forward a moment later. Awkward, Mike stood up and turned towards the small cottage.

“Goodnight, Mike.”

Twilight frustratingly paced her study. She didn’t know what to think. What did Golden Freddy mean when he was battling for a spot in Foxy’s mind? She glanced towards the cage off to the side. It was composed of magic, and stood a little taller and wider than the animatronic inside of it. He’d been aggravated with her, but didn’t have much of a choice as the cage was materialized around him. After rattling the bars several times and snarling at her, he’d given up and sat down. His black eyes were closed and he sat there limply, looking much like an empty suit.

Twilight slunk forward, eyes scanning the animatronic. He was a bit rough around the edges. Frayed wires and scraped metal. Dull sheen to him. She’d never heard Foxy mention him—that was odd. She rubbed her chin in contemplation, then turned around and trotted to her desk. Her horn lit up and a scroll and quill were arranged in the proper place. She dipped the quill into the ink sitting in the corner and began writing.

Dear Princess Celestia,

We really need your help. I thought you’d be here already, and I don’t mean to rush you, but there’s something seriously wrong with Foxy. Golden Freddy—he’s another one of the animatronics, if you didn't know. He can use telepathy . . . I don't know how, but he can. Anyways, he offered to help after I, well, caught him and he went into Foxy to make him stop . . . beating up Freddy. After he came out, he said there was something else in Foxy’s head! I'm not lying. However, I can't say Golden Freddy isn't. But I request your audience, princess.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

Celestia frowned at the letter. Had it really been three days already? Maybe she shouldn't have turned off her internal alarm clock. She rolled out of her bed with all the grace of a celestial being and brushed her flowing mane. After she put on her royal attire, she settled down at her desk and wrote a reply.

Twilight’s face broke into a smile as she waited in eagerness—yet anticipation—for her mentor to arrive. Princess Luna would also be there, as usual. Fluttershy was not with her, however. The pegasus really needed a break from all this, so Twilight was happy to oblige. Once the princesses arrived, she would bring them inside to the other cage in which Foxy was stuck for a while. He hadn't been conscious during that process, and had barely woken up earlier. His eyes would flicker and buzz and Twilight was worried that Golden Freddy had actually done more harm than good, but theorized it was most likely a side effect of being taken control of, and it would go away soon enough.

“Twilight, my faithful student,” Celestia’s greeting voice rang out like a bell as her chariot descended. Twilight smiled at the alicorns.

“Greetings, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna announced.

“Princesses,” Twilight said, bowing slightly. She trotted forward and received a quick nuzzle from her mentor.

“I apologize for the long wait. I've . . . been preoccupied. Luna has been running things,” Celestia said, casting a somewhat embarrassed glance back at the darker alicorn. Luna frowned, an eyebrow raised. “And since I'm the only one with a connection to you, she couldn't send you a letter,” she continued. “She did not want to go without me with her, you see.”

“Oh, that's okay,” Twilight said.

“I have a question, however: how did you send me a letter without Spike?”

“Oh! I just recalibrated the magical signature.” Twilight beamed. “Anyways, princess, may I explain to you what's happened?”

The two alicorns nodded.

Golden Freddy listened quietly as the little purple mare led two beings into the library. He could sense their presence, and their power. If he could get into one of them . . .

No, you're not supposed to be difficult. Or else you won't get let out. And boy, did he want to be let out. It sucked in his cage. It was small and restrained his energy.

“Let us go meet this ‘Golden Freddy’,” he heard the smaller one say.

“Yes, we need to see what he knows about this ‘presence’ inside of Foxy,” the larger one agreed. Golden Freddy frowned. They only wanted to know what he knew of the . . . whatever it was? Huh, surprising.

“Of course, he's right up here,” Twilight Sparkle said. She was leading the two powerful beings up the stairs. He really wondered what they looked like, but he couldn’t reach out with his consciousness because of his accursed entrapment! Golden Freddy resisted the urge to rattle his cage bars and instead played dead, falling backwards oh so softly, limbs going limp. His eyes closed, but he continued to listen in silence.

"Here he is,” Twilight announced.

“Oh my. I have never seen this one before,” the most powerful being in the room murmured.

“Neither have I. Not even when I went to their world alone did I see it . . . nor did I sense it,” the less powerful one said.

“And you can stop pretending, you know. We aren't going to hurt you.” Golden Freddy’s circuits blossomed into life, and his eyes snapped open at the powerful one’s request. How did she know? He met their gazes, and studied them carefully. They were equine in nature, of course, but were larger and more graceful, with wings and horns, unlike the others. Their manes whirled with eternal life.

“Greetings, Golden Freddy. I am Princess Luna and this is my sister, Princess Celestia,” the blue one declared.

“Pleasure to meet you,” Celestia said.

Golden Freddy couldn't help but stare for a few more seconds. He then smirked, dissipating into a cloud of energy that whirled up to take his form standing. Now he was about level with them, but the elder one was still taller than he.

“What kind of devilry is this?” Luna snorted, glaring at him.

“I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about,” Golden Freddy responded icily, a mean spirited grin on his face. The next thing he knew, his head was smashed into the magical cage bars. Golden Freddy tried to prevent the needles of pain from stabbing through his circuits, and the results showed on his face as one eye closed in effort. He was shaking his head when the blue one began speaking again.

“Show us no haughtiness, trickster creature,” Luna continued, much to his chagrin. He looked up, eyebrows pointed downward.

“Luna, please don't repeat that action,” Celestia said, placing a hoof on the younger’s shoulder. “But she is correct; you should not treat us with disrespect. We are merely here to talk with you. We need to know what it is you found inside of Foxy’s mind.”

Golden Freddy paused, glancing slowly between the princesses. He contemplated his next move. “And why should I?”

“It will result in your freedom from this cage,” Luna responded, “and I have much reason to think you do not enjoy it in there.” She raised an eyebrow at him—almost mockingly—and his circuits tightened in anger. But it was true—he despised it in there.

“Okay, you've got me there. But I've no clue what it was inside of his mind—though the poor creature doesn't really have a good one, so it could've been a bug for all I know.”

“You know as well as I do that is not what it was.”

“Golden Freddy, we need your assistance if we are to pull this off,” Celestia spoke again.

“In what?” he hissed back.

“We must go back into Foxy’s mind and identify what has taken over his body—and apparently has done so more than once. You can pull us in without us having to cast a spell. You could lead us where we need to go.”

Golden Freddy raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Seriously? And you think I'll just do whatever you say?” An energy suddenly enveloped his body and he looked down—well, tried to, at least. He couldn't seem to move at all.

His eyes could, however, and he looked up at the ponies. Luna’s horn was glowing. He felt the pressure intense and heard metal groaning. Or maybe it was his vocal components that were.

“Creature, we are offering you a chance at getting out of there. And to help us. You had better make the right decision,” Luna said in a low voice.

“Luna!” Celestia barked.

“No, I shall not release him—not until we get an answer.”

Golden Freddy fought to keep down the overwhelming sense of pain that was working up and down his endoskeleton. “F-fine, I'll do it. If not to make you release me!” The magical presence faded away abruptly and he fell backwards, clinging to the cage. He glowered at the princess.

“Good. Now, let us not wait another moment. Let’s go fetch Foxy, shall we?”

Author's Note:

You are the main attraction, your story must be told. You are a chain reaction, that never gets old. Some bots get satisfaction breaking the mold! Some bots are just distractions, some bots are just gold.