• Published 19th Apr 2012
  • 36,286 Views, 9,289 Comments

Know your Mare - overlord-flinx

It's silly, it's pointless, and it makes little to no sense... I've heard of worse story ideas.

  • ...

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Elite Fo-Six Challenge, BEGIN!


...There comes a time in every foals life where they have to learn how to trot...

...Well today is your day...

...I'll be honest...

...I don't know if you're ready...

But I do know you never let me down...

...I believe in you champ...

Awh, Cap'n...

...Ye' got me all teary eye'...

Queeny and I will be watching you...

...So just do your best...

Won't let ya' down...!

I know you won't...

...You make me so proud to be called Cap'n...

Are the two of ya' gonna be doin' much else beside' watchin' me...?

In a way...

...The big filly upstairs wants us to start on the paper work to get one of our biggest guests to the show...

Who be that...?

You pass this test...

...And you'll know...

Yer' bein' awfully off cuff right now, Cap'n...

Well Quenny isn't here yet...

...And I don't get paid overtime...



Get ready...

Because I'm about to blow your mind to flank...!

...Sounds fun...!

That's the spirit!

It's no secret that you five are... well known... That is why I've called you here...

My show runs off of pain, misery, embarrassment, sexuality, and nonsense; all are aware of this. But rarely is the audience treated to a show of the interviewee becoming actively... involved.

And as my sources tell me, you are the most... involved, ponies in the known world. At least, those that have no known records.

So I ask you... Entertain my viewers. In exchange, I will give you a sum of bits that will dwarf the mass of income you will make in your entire lives... ALL of your lives.

I only ask in return that you provide a show... Will you accept?

...Where do we sign up?

So much work to do...

...Best stay focused...

...When was I supposed to return that box to that doctor again...?

I can't remember...

...No matter...

He probably hasn't noticed it was gone yet...

"Brilliant! You are absolute-- Yes! Your mind is so interesting! So erratic and brash, yet you can somehow waver even my own mind. That itself is remarkable if I may say. But now... You are surely pulling my leg. You seem smart, persuasiveness, and have remarkable taste in action television, but now...? Now I can not be sure... There can be no possible way for you to tell me you know why the children love Cinnamon Toast Crunch! It's not possible Vinyl!"

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