• Published 19th Apr 2012
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Know your Mare - overlord-flinx

It's silly, it's pointless, and it makes little to no sense... I've heard of worse story ideas.

  • ...

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Know your mare, know your mare, know your mare...

Minuscule as the colt was, he held himself in a brave stature and a charming smile.

Pipsqueak the Pirate...

"I'm not act'ly a pirate, just like dressin' up 'ike one."


"You can call me Pip for short if you want."


"There ya' are."

Can we start this...?

"Sorry, sorry. Go righ' a'ead"


...fakes an accent...

"This here's my normal speech. Not one b't fake. Pirate's honor."


...still thinks he's a pirate...

"No' a' all. I just like sayin' Pirate this an' Pirate that."


...don't give it up...

"Give wha' up?"


...he's going to be King someday...

"King? King o' what? I'm a bit short ta' be king o' anythin' don' ya' think?"


...is one handsome colt...

"Than's, me mum tells me tha' everyday."

...for a street rat...

"That's mean... I'm not a street rat... or riffraff."


...has relations with Princess Luna...

"Now you stop there. Don't be dragin' a nice Princess like Woona through the dirt. I wan' a apology."

Now you know...

Pipsqueak the Pirate...

"I want that apology, now."

I'd like to see you try...

"You'll see. Woona will have you... what's that word she kep' usin'...?" Pipsqueak left the light with the muttering of that lost word on his lips.

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