• Published 19th Apr 2012
  • 36,286 Views, 9,289 Comments

Know your Mare - overlord-flinx

It's silly, it's pointless, and it makes little to no sense... I've heard of worse story ideas.

  • ...

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Know Your Mare, Know Your---

Oh Pippy...

...You shouldn't have...

Seemingly on cue the spotlights fixed onto a large googly-eyed, green dragon clocking its head against one of the support beams of the stage.

You won't even believe the trouble I went through getting this one...

...the number of protocols and paper work I had to get through...

...But worth it for you Cap'n...

I'm tearing up...

I'm just so proud of you...

...May I...?

You may...

...Know Your Drake, know your Drake, Know Your Drake...


The bejewelled dragon stood in the light, eyes locked intensely in front of him.


...Glues gems to his scales...

"......" Crackle only continued his intense stare at what now seemed to be empty space.


...Is not actuly a dragon...



...understands every word we've said...



...Is to fat to fly...


This is going nowhere fast...

...And I love it...!

Yeah... !

Obviously, this dragon is the smartest guest we've ever had...

I'll give you that one...

What are we gonna do now?

There's always the cannon, but I'm not sure he'd fit...

Then, it's time we broke out...

...The Lancer-cannon...

You don't mean?

Oh yes I do.

Aye-aye Cap-

Shut it you two, I think he's doing something...

Suddenly, Crackle Released his majestic wings, quickly flapping them with a force un-befitting such a creature. Sending waves of wind tunneling down beneath his feet, lifting him nearly two inchs off the ground.

Hmmm... Touche dragon...

What's that?

This, dragon can fly after all...


Maybe, he understood what I said?

I highly doubt that...

I'm not so sure...

...But it could be fun to find out...


...is a dragon that can't breathe fire...

Flapping his wings more vigorously crackle slowly gained altitude.

Like talking to a brick wall...

Give him time...

He might just surprise us...

The voices carefully watched the dragon's every move. Taking notice of Crackle's slow gain of altitude.

What do you think he's doing?

No, idea...

...But I'm still loving it...

Finally, several minutes after he began his flight, the roof was within Crackles reach. Taking his chance, Crackle quickly spat out his tongue at an insect that was buzzing around the ceiling. Succeeding, in snagging it in his mouth, Crackle quickly put his wings back into there usually folded position, and began his decent. His impact with the stage cracked it slightly.

That was...

...strange ...

Bit gross...

I think we're done here...

...I've enjoyed my gift enough...

Prepare the cannon?

Prepare the cannon.

Aye-aye Cap'n...

With that the floor shook, and a hidden door opened, under crackle's feet. Dropping him into a cannon, just big enough to hold him. The cannon rose from the stage, revealing the word "LANCE-CANNON" written on the side in metallic-style letters. The now trapped Crackle offered no resistance at all, he didn't seem to mind one bit.

Cannon's ready Cap'n...

Alright then, on my mark...

...Pause for dramatic effect...




Crackle was sent flying to the now open sunroof, and he would have gone soaring through the skies of Hawaii. If he didn't get stuck, upside down half way though.

That's unfortunate...

At least, we know the cannon works fine...

Put that in the Win column...

How, are we gonna get him out...?

Tempt him with food...?

...The weak of mind are usually swayed by that...

We could load the cannon, and try to force him out...

Don't think the boss would take kindly to that...

Good point...

What do you suppose we do then...?

Still stuck in the ceiling Crackle had his mouth open, producing the strange crackling noise. The force of Crackle's crackle seemed to be enough to crack the hole he was in wide enough, sending debris down onto the stage. With not another sound, Crackle sprang out from the roof and disappeared over the studio.


...That solved itself...


I guess you could say Crackle...

...slipped through the cracks...


...If I were to destroy you both...

...Do you promise that you won't only feel great pain...

...But that you would never come back...?

No promises...

...I'll keep that option open none the less...

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