• Published 16th Apr 2012
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Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales - Harry Leferts

This is the place for side stories, origin tales and plot bunnies for my fic: "The Wizard and the Lonely Princess". So come on in,

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Luna's Story Part 2

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking

"Interesting..."-Nightmare Moon speaking

'Huh.' -Normal thoughts.

'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Sitting down and once more laying against Nightmare, Harry watches as Luna sits down across from them as well. "So I suppose that you want to hear more of my history then Harry?" At the roll of his eyes, she gives him a playful glare before smiling. "So, where was I last night?"

Shaking his head at her playful mood, Harry's lips twitch as he dryly comments. "Well, guess that proves all it needed about your so-called 'Perfect Memory'."

Rolling her eyes, Luna slowly snorts. "Right..." Clearing her throat, she shakes her head. "Anyways, we were at the point where me and Celestia became advisors. Starswirl was another as by that point he was quite old and so very wise, yet he still had the health and youthful vigor of one much younger." Luna then blinks for a moment before smiling. "In fact, now that I think of it, he was very much like a Unicorn version of Merlin."

Raising an eyebrow in thought, Nightmare herself nods slowly. "The similarities are quite astounding, aren't they?"

Luna snorts in amusement. "Very much so. One of which was his longevity." Turning to Harry, who's listening with an interested expression, she slowly shakes her head. "By the time Equestria was founded, Starswirl was already in his fifties. And he would live to just a few years before Discord's arrival." Luna then slowly closes her eyes. "And poor Clover would live through the reign of Discord as she, too, was extremely long lived by pony standards."

Harry raises both of his eyebrows in amazement before shaking his head. "Do you have any idea as to why they were both long lived?"

Luna once more slowly nods her head. "Yes, as a matter of fact." Gaining a far off look, she sighs. "Both Starswirl's, Clover's, and a few others that were also long lived had a familiar... feel to their magic. And the combination of powerful magic and longevity ran in family lines. Me and Celly had noticed such before on our adventures, but never really thought to ask why till then."

Shifting a little, Harry becomes thoughtful. "Wouldn't such things be normally in noble families considering the time we're talking about though? I thought Clover was a Commoner?"

Luna nods at this before grimacing. "Clover had a rough childhood Harry. She was what I suppose humans referred to centuries ago as a bastard. Her father was a Unicorn Noble while her mother was simply a Commoner. Due to that, while they loved each other, they could never be together. However, the fact that her father was a friend of King Palladium, the Unicorn king allowed her to move up some by becoming a servant in his household. Sadly for her, she was chosen as Princess Platinum’s handmare." Luna then shakes her head "But when Clover became a council member, she was elevated to the nobility for 'Special services to the crown'." Luna laughs some as she shakes her head. "She would later marry the younger of the Unicorn King's two Grandchildren, whose father was his son. The king's other daughter would marry into the Blueblood family." Luna then starts laughing a little. "Ironically, Clover and her future husband met during her service to Princess Platinum. See, she didn't want to bother with her nephew and shoved the duties off on Clover."

Nightmare herself snorts in amusement. "And of course the little one gained a crush of sorts on his much older minder while Clover herself was fond of him as most foalsitters are of those they take care of. After he was too old for foalsitting, she was shuffled off to other duties and they didn't see each other again for many years." She then laughs a little. "He met up with her later as her guard of sorts and all it took was him saving her from a rampaging dragon for her to see him as something other than the foal she had once taken care of."

Harry gives them both an odd look. "Isn't that kind of... wrong though? She was much older than him after all."

Luna just shakes her head. "Here in this time period on your world? Yes. But back then in Equestria? Not really unless you were a snobbish noble who thought that one who had been raised from the Commons should never have been in the first place. And you could see something similar with your own world back around the middle ages and 16th to 17th Centuries."

Harry gives her a curious look at this. "Really?"

Luna nods her head. "Yes. See, at one point in your world's history, it was not uncommon for a noble woman in her mid-late teens to marry a man many years or even decades her senor. Grant you, seems like they were usually political in nature." She then shakes her head with a chuckle. "And in this case with Clover's long life, it was less of an issue as Prince Electrum was also from a long lived and magically powerful family. So there was no real issue with the age difference." She then smiles a little in remembrance. "After they got married they took the name Amore in honor of not only their love, but also that of Clover's parents." She then sighs a little. "It was also somewhat political due to the fact that Prince Electrum being the grandchild of King Palladium and Clover being one of the 'Three Saviors'. Though that was mainly an excuse." Luna sighs thoughtfully. "Those two started two family traditions. The Amore family married only for love and the oldest daughter would when young take care of children. Or at least they did up until..." Shaking her head, she smiles back at Harry. "A third tradition of sorts that the Amore family had that they stayed friendly with both Pansy's and Smart Cookie's descendents. Their bonds were so strong that intermarriages between them and adoptions of orphan members of the others two families weren't uncommon. Though, the intermarriages never got to the point of inbreeding like what happened with most of the Unicorn nobility. By the time I... had my issue, the three families were pretty much one in the same."

Wanting to get off the uncomfortable subject of her banishment, Harry clears his throat. " Right, so you were going to say the reason for their longevity and magical strength?"

Thankful for the diversion, Luna nods. "Yes, well... it took both me and Celly quite a while to find out the reason." She then leans forwards. "See, there were many legends regarding it so it took me and Celly the better part of 20 years to go through the Unicorn King's archives. We also looked into the ones owned by the Earth and Pegasi Ponies. Slowly we pieced together the information. Stories told of Unicorn 'God-Kings'. Unicorns of great magical strength and very long lives, far longer then what me and Celly saw with what was then the modern-day Unicorns. One of them reigned over the Unicorns for almost 300 years. There was similar stories for Earth Ponies of great physical strength and Pegasus who were faster than the wind. It was here that me and Celly really started looking. And in a small tomb in the foothills in the now frozen wasteland of the Three Tribes original home we found the answers."

Harry finds his eyebrows rising at this. "And..."

Nightmare looks over at him before explaining. "As it was an old Unicorn tomb, the legends carved into the walls were much closer to the origin then anything we had found." Getting slightly more comfortable, she continues. "They told of how in time immemorial that the Three Tribes were separated into small herds. These were targets for predators and rival herds. And then, out of the south came a great flying Unicorn..."

Harry's eyes widen as he realizes what she means. "Your uncle..."

Luna nods. "Yes." She then shakes her head. "He apparently united the various herds into the Three Tribes by both force and guile and then into one nation, a kind of proto-Equestria. He then took one wife from each race which bore him children of that pony race. Children of great power." Grimacing, she shakes her head. "Then came a day of darkness and he left for where he had came from and never returned."

Harry narrows his eyes at that as he connects the dots. "He was there with your mother and father."

Luna sighs as she shakes her head. "That was the best explanation me and Celly could come up with." She then looks up at the sky with an angry frown. "And that was when the whole mess of the Three Tribes began."

Harry just shakes his head, already guessing what happened. "They could not agree on who would take their father's place, could they?"

Luna nods before shaking her head. "Each one thought that their way of ruling was best. The Unicorns believed that they should rule by virtue of their blood. The Pegasi, due to having acted as the military due to their speed and abilities, believed that Might made Right and only the strongest should rule. And the Earth Ponies believed that only the people could decide who ruled. And so, the siblings separated and took each race with them. Ruling as they believed was best."

Rubbing his face, Harry groans. "Morons..."

Luna nods with a snort. "True. The bad blood from that lasted so long it became culturally ingrained and the Tribes forgot the true reason behind it." She then grimaces. "Not that I was much better with what happened."

Reaching out, Harry gives her hoof a squeeze brightening her mood. "So then, why weren't there long lived Pegasi and Earth Ponies then?"

Luna snorts a little before sighing. "Because of the way they lived, the Earth Ponies and the Pegasi saw their Alicorn blood diluted much faster than with the Unicorns." She then gestures with a hoof. "Earth Ponies, due to not having wieldable magic like the Unicorns or flight like the Pegasi, had large families in order to have some survive with the strongest acting in defence of the community. The Pegasi, due to their militaristic culture, would often die in some battle before old age could claim them. And, the strongest sometimes took more than one wife to 'Spread their strength'. Unicorns on the other hand had small families with maybe one or two siblings. And the nobility, those who were descendents, would stay away from the front lines of battle. Add that to their habit of keeping within a select pool of mates and the reason why it took so much longer to dilute became obvious." She then snorts. "Though inbreeding eventually made it so when Equestria was founded maybe twenty family lines had the longevity or magical strength. There was also the fact that ponies with those were uncommon in said families as was. And the number of families with such was cut down in half by the time I was sent to the moon."

Shaking his head, Harry raises an eyebrow. "So..."

Luna blinks as she snaps out of her thoughts before smiling somewhat sheepishly. "Right." Clearing her throat, she sighs. "Of course, around this time with Pansy and Smart Cookie growing older, a fear sprung up."

Frowning thoughtfully, Harry mumbles. "A fear...?"

Luna nods. "Yes. See, the Tribes, though now united, were still frightened about the possible return of the Windigos. And when Pansy and Smart Cookie died they would no longer be able to form the Heart of Friendship with Clover." She then shakes her head. "So, the idea sprung up to create a way to store the energies from the Heart in order to protect Equestria..."

Harry's eyes widen as his breath catches. "The Elements of Harmony..."

Ignoring Nightmare's grumble, Luna smiles. "Yes, though they were not known as that at the time." She slowly raises a hoof. "The gems used were not found easily. In fact, no matter where we looked we could not find any that could contain the power needed. Until one day..." She shakes her head. "It was on a whim you see. Me and Celly went one day to pay our respects to our parents like we had every other year. Ironically, the battle field was inside what was then known as Everfree Glade."

Harry raises an eyebrow in askance before crossing his arms. "What does paying your respects have to do with the Elements?"

Nightmare just taps him on the leg and gives him a small look. "Hush Harry. You'll find out in a second."

Luna gives her a thankful look before continuing. "She's right Harry." Taking a breath, she slowly lets it out. "That year an awful forest fire had swept through the area and basically left just burned out forest behind. And the rain that the Pegasi used to put it out had swept out masses of the ground. So, there was me and my sister standing before where the battle ground was when we heard a twig snap." Blinking, Harry leans forwards. "Me and Celly looked down into the battleground from the rocky outcrop we were on to see a flash of red and white disappear into a stand of trees. To this day I still don't know what possessed me and Celly to do so, but we began chasing it. It was frightening and terrifying but something deep within us pushed to chase whatever it was down."

Nightmare nods as she takes over. "We never got close to whatever we were chasing. We only saw flashes of white or red, the sound of wings beating the air... and, every once in a while, the sound of light giggles drifting towards us." Looking at the distant orb on the horizon, Nightmare sighs. "It led us on a merry chase over charred fallen trees, through patches of brambles, and across puddles and streams. Finally we charged into a section of the battlefield we knew from which there was no escape but from the air, and we would see it then. A ravine blasted into the landscape... the place from which our parents' magic had left this plane."

Harry shakes his head from side to side in confusion. "So what was there?"

Luna just sits up and spreads her forehooves wide in the air while shrugging with a confused look. "Nothing."

For a moment, Harry simply blinks in confusion. "Nothing...?"

Luna nods. "Nothing. Nothing at all." Placing her hooves back on the ground she shakes her head. "The ground had been scorched by the fire to such a degree that we could see for yards around. In front of us, was a small cliff created by whatever final attacks mother and father as well as perhaps uncle had used. Nothing was flying, I know because I went up and looked." Looking down, Luna bites her lip for a moment. "Both me and Celly realized in that moment that the only tracks leading there had come from us and whatever we were chasing it didn't disturb anything in its passing."

The slight shiver going down Harry's spine has little to do with the fact that he's slightly cold. "You... were chasing a ghost...?"

Luna shakes her head and sighs. "That's the thing, even after all these years, I am still not sure what we were chasing." Snorting a little, she continues. "And that was when things turned weird."

Raising an eyebrow, Harry gives her a look. "'Weird'?"

Tilting her head as she rolls her eyes, Luna groans. "Okay, weirder. Better?" At his nod, she rolls her eyes before going on. "Anyways, at that point me and Celly were going to leave when we remembered it was time for the moon to rise and the sun to set." Luna slowly shakes her head with a bemused smile. "Maybe the ones raising the moon were a bit early. or maybe the ones setting the sun were late. Whatever the reason, they were both in the sky at once, illuminating the scene." She then looks Harry directly in the eye. "And, in that moment, me and Celly saw something glint. Something we were drawn too."

Now intrigued, Harry leans forwards. "So what was it?"

A smile on her face, the blue Alicorn smiles. "A clear spring. But it was what was at the bottom that caught our attention. For there, under its glass-like surface rested six perfect gemstones of different colors. All of them radiating magical power like you would not believe." Shaking her head, Luna sighs. "We were going to leave them there. Celly really wanted to leave right then and with the history of the place, we had good reason to. But then... the evening breeze carried past us a smell while ruffling out manes... a familiar smell of parchment and ink."

Feeling his jaw drop, Harry shakes his head in amazement. "Your mother!?"

Shrugging, Luna shakes her head. "To this very day, I don't know. But we both had this urge to take the gems and so we did. Strangest thing was that the spring's water was salty and a few days later there was an earthquake and when we returned there was no sign it, the spring, had ever been there." She then holds out a hoof and stares at it as if she was holding something. "Those six gems had been laying there, in a place where three powerful Alicorns had made perhaps the ultimate sacrifice for those they loved and cared for. Where the ground was positively saturated in their magic..." She shakes her head in amazement. "The amount of power that they had held was amazing. And as it turns out when we brought them back they were perfect for the use we had in mind at the time."

Shaking his head, Harry looks down in thought. "Sounds like they were already powerful as Hay. So... how would you use them? And what does this have to do with the Heart of Friendship?"

Luna grins a little. "The idea was to use the gems as a battery containing the magic from the Heart. See, once a year on the day that Equestria was Founded, Pansy, Smart Cookie, and Clover would meet and recreate the Heart of Friendship. Me and Celly would then hold the gems inside the Heart so that by using a spell cast on them, they would absorb as much power from the Heart as was possible. The rest of the time two would rest in the hooves of the leader of each Tribe. And in the decades to come, would absorb traits from them. From the Unicorns, famed for arcane might and their love of festivals, plays, and celebrations the two gems given to them would become the Elements of Laughter and Magic. From the Earth Ponies, who would give their neighbours a helping hoof without asking anything in return. As well as care given to those in their community, their gems became the Elements of Generosity and Kindness. And the Pegasi, known for being steadfast in defence of those they cared for and blunt truthfulness at times for both themselves and others came the Elements of Loyalty and Honesty. Year after year for the next three decades did they absorb the energies created from the Heart of Friendship. And then..." Hanging her head, she sadly sighs. "Then came the day when Pansy passed from this life. A year after that, Smart Cookie followed her winged friend leaving Clover the last of the 'Three Saviors' left alive. It tore her apart when it happened." She then shakes her head. "However, while the new nation was saddened, they were still comforted with the fact that the gems now gave off the same energy as the Heart. And while happy for that fact, it still didn't make up for the fact that she was now the last for Clover."

Seeing the look on Harry's face, Nightmare speaks up. "Over time she recovered of course. She would feel the loss, but the ache would dull with the years. And then, she met the filly who would become her student. A powerful Unicorn by the name of
Lepidoptera." Looking at Harry, Nightmare continues. "Her magic was focused heavily on transformation magic as her butterfly Cutie Mark showed. Though granted she was no slouch in areas such as emotional and mental magics. Starswirl himself, though in his twilight years by that point, helped train her alongside Clover in the transformational magics he knew. By the time he passed just a few years later, she was one of the greatest Transfigurists known. A fact that would only become more true as time went on. And like Clover, she too was to be long lived."

Luna nods. “And during that period, me and Celly continued on as advisors. Not just to the leaders, but the common person as well. We fielded many questions regarding magic, law, and politics. Not to mention advising on such matters as agriculture, science, mathmatics We never asked for payment though we didn’t mind an odd gift or two. This went on for years.” Luna's expression then takes on one of distaste. "And then he arrived."

Gulping, Harry rubs his arms a little as frowns. "Discord."

Luna nods. "Yes." Looking up, she takes a breath and lets it out. "Neither me or Celly could ever figure out why, perhaps there was no reason why he targeted Equestria. My theory though was that he saw what harmony there was and how we were ordering things as an affront." Looking back at Harry, she frowns. "It started out with what was basically small stuff. Odd storms and happenings like pranks. An entire river was turned into chocolate milk for example. Then one day he pulled off a decapitation strike by showing up during a meeting of the leaders and declared himself the ruler of Equestria. They attacked of course." She then grimaces. "He didn't kill them, thought he might as well had. He transformed them into animals before teleporting them elsewhere. We never did find them and it's likely that either they died from their new lifespans running out or were eaten by something..."