• Published 16th Apr 2012
  • 7,696 Views, 399 Comments

Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales - Harry Leferts

This is the place for side stories, origin tales and plot bunnies for my fic: "The Wizard and the Lonely Princess". So come on in,

  • ...

In A Fae Mood

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking

'Huh.' -Normal thoughts.

'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Luna watched from where she laid on a lumpy mattress as Harry shoved things into a small, worn backpack with interest. "Harry?" Having gotten a nod from the seven year old, she tilted her head to the side and continued. "Why are you packing?"

With a slight smile, Harry looked up at her. "Aunt Petunia wants me gone for the day, so they told me to go wherever I wanted as long as they can't see me." He hadn't noticed the scowl on Luna's face as he pulled on his backpack. "Which means that I'm free for the day!"

Suddenly, Harry turned thoughtful. Several moments passed before he turned bashful. "Um... Luna?"

As she raised an eyebrow, Luna shook off her normal annoyance with her human friend's family. "Yes, Harry? Is there something wrong?"

For a few seconds, Harry looked around before he leaned in. "Can you keep a secret?"

There was a twinkle in the alicorn's eye as she nodded seriously. "Oh, yes. If you tell me a secret then you can be sure that I would never tell it without your permission." With a flap of her wings, she lifted off the bed and glided down to stand beside him. Then she looked around and leaned in with the amused twinkle in her eye growing stronger as she whispered softly. "Now... what's this secret?"

Once more giving a look around, Harry bit his lip some. "Well... I want to show you a really special place, but you can't tell anyone where it is..."

Her eyes wide, Luna blinked as if she was surprised by what he said. "A special place? And you want to show me it?"

While he bit his lip, Harry looked at her smile. "Uh-huh... Are you sure that you want to see it?"

At that, her smile widened as she nodded. "I would love to see any place that you call special, Harry."

The bright smile on Harry's face more then made her day and that was before he hugged her. "Thank you."

All she did was return the hug though she could hear Nightmare scoff in her head. 'It's probably nothing that great, Little Princess.'

Internally, Luna rolled her eyes at her darker half as she mentally scowled. 'It's important to him and that's what is important. Now hush.'

Soon after, they left the house for the day and Luna trotted in the warm air. Not too long later, the two walked past where some houses had begun to be built at the edges of Little Whinging. Suddenly, Harry picked a stick off the path and twirled it at Luna as he grinned. "En guarde, Luna!"

With a gasp, Luna held her hoof against her chest. "Hark! A foul brigand hast appeared!"

Harry just grinned even more. "Indeed, that is what I am..." He then blinked and trailed off some. "Um... what's a brigand?"

A chuckle escaped from Luna as she shook her head. "It's a word for a highwaypony... a bandit."

Frowning, Harry scratched his chin in confusion. "Like... Robin Hood?"

Slowly, Luna shook her head as she also shrugged. "Well... not all of them were as nice or good as Robin."

While his cheeks puffed out, Harry shook his head. "I don't think that I want to be a bandit then..." His expression then brightened some. "Hey! How about a knight then? You're a princess after all!"

Humming, Luna made a show of thinking it over before she nodded. "Very well! You shall me my knight! Please, give Us your sword!" His face split in a grin, Harry handed her his "Sword" and bent at the knee. With a serious expression, Luna tapped the sword to either shoulder and then on his head. "We hereby pronounce thee, Sir Harry of the Moon!"

When he was given back his sword, Harry gave a nod and his best impression of a knightly salute, which caused Luna to bite her lip in order not to laugh. "My lady, I shall be your knight and we shall go upon our quest!"

The alicorn gave him her best imperious expression. "Very well, Sir knight. Please, lead Us on." For a few moments Luna managed to hold her expression but then she snorted and dissolved into giggles followed by Harry. "Oh... oh my, that was rather fun." A few seconds passed as they shared a look before they laughed again. Once he got his giggles under control, Harry skipped ahead some. With smiles, the two continued to have fun as they hopped across a small river that went around Little Whinging by making a game of it. Luna smiled at the happy look on her friend's face. 'I haven't had fun like this since Celly and I were foals...'

Neither of the two noticed a disturbance up the stream some as something moved under the surface. At the same time, Harry reached the other bank and looked around before he frowned with a sigh. "Huh... guess it's not here today..."

That caused Luna to look in the same direction that Harry did only to see an empty meadow. "Something the matter?"

Harry just sighed some as they did not notice the ripples come to a stop close by. "Sometimes there's this cool horse here. Don't know who owns it, but it's very friendly."

Behind them, a black furred horse's head with yellow, luminous eyes rose out of the water to observe them as Luna blinked. "A horse, huh? Well, if we do see it I would like to meet it, even if it can't talk." The creature behind them seemed to smile before it's head whipped around. Luna then turned her head as she heard something only to see ripples that spread out across the stream. "Wonder what that was?"

With a frown, Harry looked himself and then shrugged. "Probably a big fish like a pike is all, I heard that you can catch them here."

After some thought, Luna shrugged. "You're probably right."

Having decided to just ignore it, the two walked off along the dirt path not knowing that behind them, someone else was following. As he grumbled, the man looked in the direction that Harry was in and then at the stones. For a brief moment, he considered just apparating across, but decided not to just in case anyone was watching. After all, he didn't want any witnesses to what he was about to do if possible and he didn't know if the boy had any nearby guards. To that end, he started to cross the river on the same stones that Harry had as if he was just someone who had been walking the same path and nothing else. Suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he searched the area for the source of the feeling. Just as he was about to dismiss it, he caught sight of something from the corner of his eye and looked down into the river to see two eyes that stared up at him with barely hidden glee. "Shi-"

Up ahead on the path, Harry and Luna heard a loud splash and turned around to see large ripples spreading out from the river along with a few bubbles. "What the hay was that?"

While she searched the area, Luna frowned some as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion though she noted that some water fowl had taken to the air. "Hmm... probably nothing but a big fish... or maybe one of those pike grabbed a duck possibly..." She shook it off and turned back to Harry. "Nothing to worry about I think... So how far are we from where you want to take me?"

The young boy put the stick he had under one arm as he placed both hands behind his head. "Not too far actually..." And with that, the two began walking again not having noticed the clinching hand that rose above the surface of the river for a moment before it was yanked back under.

Several minutes later, they were crossing a field when Luna noticed various small, round hills around them. "Harry?" Having gotten a sound from him, she gestured at the hills. "What are those?"

Harry glanced at them and frowned. "Oh, those are the Little Whinging Barrows."

That caused Luna to blink in some confusion before her mind connected the word with something that she had read. "Barrows? Aren't those prehistoric grave sites which have a hill erected over them?"

All Harry did was nod as he glanced at them. "Yeah... There's supposed to be all sorts of stories about them." When Luna asked him what sorts of stories, he shrugged. "Supposedly they're homes to the Good Folk and sometimes if you're on them, you can feel movement underneath you as well as sounds from deep below the surface. Then you have stories about people going missing and such who got taken." There was a frown on Harry's head as they walked past the barrows. "I remember one that my teacher told us... A man was taken by them and held for what seemed to him like hours, but when he finally escaped the barrow he turned to dust because instead centuries had passed."

Neither of the two noticed how cracks formed in some of the barrows they had passed with eyes inside that watched them. Nor did they hear the soft giggles that drifted out. Then, just as quietly as they had cracked open, the barrows closed up. Not having noticed, Luna hummed before she glanced at Harry. "So... do you believe in them?"

With a blink, Harry turned and looked at her. "Believe in who?"

Luna waved a hoof around. "The Fair Folk, of course."

For about a minute, Harry was quiet before he answered. "I... don't really know if I do or not, Luna. If you told me before I met you that alicorns existed, I would have not believed you, so..." Then the young boy shrugged as he turned around and started to walk backwards so that he could face Luna. "Maybe they could exist? Never seen or met one myself though."

The alicorn thought this over before she nodded. "I suppose... still, they make for interesting stories at the least!" It was then that she noticed a hill that rose above the others which was crowned by a forest glade. "Is that where we're heading?"

As he grinned, Harry nodded. "Yeah, it's a place inside the woods up there."

Soon after, the duo began to climb the hill. As they did so, Luna noticed that there was the remains of an old road that slowly wound around the hill toward the top. 'Hmm... judging by how hard it is to pick out the road, this must be a really old place...'

She blinked as she heard Nightmare's snide voice inside her head. 'And it's obvious that you have not noticed, but look at the barrows, they're arraigned around the hill most interestingly. I do believe that there is also some kind of earthen berm at the bottom that encircles the hill.'

With a glance, Luna slowly nodded. 'I can see it now actually...' Not too long later, they entered the woods at the top of the hill. As they walked through the woods, Luna noted there seemed to be another berm around the top of the hill. She also noted that there were stones that laid on the ground, though a few stood up still. 'Standing stones, perhaps?'

Finally, they reached their destination which turned out to be a small clearing in the glade. In the middle, there was a spring that bubbled as it fed a small stream, which itself entered a deep pool. There was a large stone above the stream which Luna ignored as Harry rubbed one arm. "So, um... what do you think?"

Her smile caused him to relax. "It's peaceful." What she didn't let him know, though, was that she was slightly unnerved by how the only sounds came from the breeze in the branches above as well as the bubbling of the spring and stream. "Really peaceful actually..."

Nightmare then spoke up in her head. 'Can you feel that, Little Princess? In the air?'

Slowly, Luna gave the slightest nod as Harry laid down. 'There's magic here... ancient, powerful and wild magic...' After she shook off her slight unease, she walked over and laid down next to Harry as she continued to examine their surroundings. 'But I do not feel that it should be dangerous to us.' Meanwhile, Harry shifted himself so that his head laid on Luna's back as he stared up at the sky that was barely visible through the leaves above as the dappled sunlight played across the clearing. There was a smile on Luna's face as she watched him relax. "So... how did you find this place then?"

As he breathed in, Harry held it before he sighed. "I, um, found this place when I was four." At Luna's expression of surprise, he shrugged. "Uncle Vernon and the others took off for the day and left me at Mrs. Figg's doorstep... but it turned out that she had gone out for the day because of some family emergency so I kind of wandered around and found this place." The light and shadows played across Harry's face as he closed his eyes. "I like to come here just to think..."

To that, Luna could only nod as she tried to ignore the anger at what happened to her friend. "I see... thank you for sharing such a special place with me." It was then that Luna glanced at the rock that stood above the spring and gave it a closer look. Her head tilted to the side as she examined the markings on it. "Harry? Do you know what those swirls carved into the stone mean?"

With a glance of his own, Harry shrugged some. "I, um, don't really know... but Holly told me that they say this is an ancient and special place."

That bit of information caught Luna's interest as she blinked and turned toward Harry. "Holly, Harry? Who is this... Holly?"

Harry missed the slight undertone in Luna's voice as his face lit up. "Oh! She is this really nice lady that I met here one day. Holly is really tall and pretty, and she has eyes like mine." His expression then scrunched up a bit. "Though she keeps changing the color of her clothes and hair depending on the season."

Now Harry had really caught Luna's attention. "Oh? How so?"

A nod came from the young boy thought it over before he answered her. "Well... in summer her hair is blonde while she wears only green clothing. In the fall, her hair becomes red and her clothes are shades of red, orange, and brown." For a moment, Harry thought it over and tapped his chin in thought. Luna barely kept from giggling and giving him a coo at how cute he looked. "I only saw her once in winter, and both her dress and hair was white as snow. Then in spring, her clothes are grey and brown while her hair is green." Suddenly the human snapped his fingers. "Oh! And I always see her with this crown of flowers except for that time in winter, she had a crown of holly then."

Something about that caused Luna's instincts, honed over thousands of years, to warn her that it was not quite right. However, seeing as she needed more information, she focused on another thing which caused her to sigh in fond remembrance. "I remember making flower crowns with Celly when we were younger and I was a little filly. It was rather fun..."

With a frown of his own, Harry got up and gave her a hug. "Sorry..."

However, Luna just hugged him back and leaned her head against his. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Harry. You just reminded me of good times in my life which is a good thing in my book. In fact, I'd rather remember the good times such as making flower crowns with my sister then the bad." There was a small glimmer by her eye. 'No matter how much it hurts, it's a good pain..' With some rapid blinks to clear her eyes, Luna pulled away and looked at him with a thoughtful look. "Maybe I should teach you how to make flower crowns..." Having spotted how he shuffled, her eyes lit up. "Unless, you already know that is?"

Slightly embarrassed, Harry nodded as his cheeks reddened. "Holly taught me how and I even gave her the first one that I made. She said it was a wonderful one..."

As the two continued to chat and enjoy the peacefulness of the glade, they didn't see that the mysterious "Holly" was on a branch watching them with a smile and an amused glint in her eye. 'Harry always brings the most interesting and fun beings... though usually he doesn't know it.' She then brought her hand up and brushed some of her hair behind one ear...

One rather pointed ear...