• Published 16th Apr 2012
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Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales - Harry Leferts

This is the place for side stories, origin tales and plot bunnies for my fic: "The Wizard and the Lonely Princess". So come on in,

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Celestia's Story Part Four

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling.

'Dearest Luna...' - Celestia's writing translated from Early Modern Equish

Dearest Journal, it has been nearly a decade since that day when victory against the rebellious nobles seemed within our grasp. The plan we had used worked perfectly. By the time the rebels had realized what had happened, my armies had joined with those from the outer portions of Equestria. And together with our combined might, we swept the rebel armies before us as so much detritus before a flash flood. Upon the field of battle, there was none that could match us. We captured more and more land as we went. Village after village... town after town... all recaptured from the rebels.

And it was at that point that it all started to go wrong.

Due to not being able to fight us, the nobles in our paths withdrew into their towers, their castles, and their forts. And so we had to leave portions of our troops behind to lay siege to them. That weakened us as we became more and more spread out until finally we were unable to keep the advance up. Finally, it settled into another stalemate, one that has lasted for nearly a decade now as the fighting has calmed down except for the odd skirmish in the no-pony's land between us.

Meanwhile, despite all our efforts, the sieges of the rebels in the captured areas kept up for months at a time. You see, dearest Journal, the rebels had somehow created magical shields. Powerful ones that resisted even my own attacks for a time before they could be brought down. Attacks which would have reduced the fortifications to so much burning ruin if they had been struck directly. Indeed, it took me having seen a few examples with both my own eyes and those of 'Captain Sunny Days Skies' in order to make sense of what I had been seeing.

Long ago, before Equestria was founded, I often hid myself as a Unicorn to study and observe within Unicornia. It was there that I saw a similar shield spell used by the nobles of that time to protect their residences not just from other nobles, but also from the Pegasi's weather magic and the siege weapons of the Earth Ponies in their frequent wars. However, it took much power to use those shields and they would need a dozen or more strong Unicorns powering them for even a short time. I had thought that such magic was lost though in the time of Discord's short, disastrous reign.

Apparently though, I was much mistaken.

What interested me most though, I suppose, was how they managed to keep up the shields for so long. The length of time, weeks on end, that they could keep them up spoke of them having far more Unicorns of a certain level of strength within their fortresses. Too many to have possibly supported. At first, I had thought that perhaps they had used tunnels and great underground works to hide the numbers and supplies, so I sought them out since if I could destroy them, I could end the sieges much quicker. That was when I gained my first major surprise.

You see, the spell I used was originally created to sense smuggling tunnels and hidden, illegal mines. A spell that with my power was able to sense weak spots in the foundations of even the ancient and shielded Unicornia castles and forts. So it was to my surprise when I discovered that there was no underground works. In fact, there was only what I could think was a ritual room deep within the fortified positions and it was from there that I believe that the shields originated seeing as similar rooms have shown up at other shielded fortifications.

Somehow, they must have modified the original shield spells to be much more efficient then the originals. With just such an increase, they could lower the amount of Unicorns that they would need for such a shield. Sadly, it seems that they trapped the spell arrays to destroy themselves and kill the Unicorn powering it in the process if the fortification should fall. Still, through my own spies and what little I have recovered, I think that given a few decades that I can create my own version. It will be hard, but I can use it to protect Canterlot when I am not there.

And who knows? Perhaps I can get it to the point where all it needs is a singularly powerful Unicorn to power it...

I will admit though that the Outer Regions had impressed me with their ingenuity. I had heard of their armored wagons of course, with which they travelled the wilds between Equestria proper and their homes in groups. But not once had I considered what that might mean for warfare. Indeed! They were able to use the wagons to create small, fortified camps and after emplacing the wagons, chained them together and dropped one side to make a ramp. And so, they became walls that could be patrolled upon. Quite impressive indeed...

I have sad news, Journal. It seems that a field of magic which my dearest sister had created and pioneered is now all but dead. One may ask of what I speak, to which I would say tourmaline enchantment ships. Such a beautiful piece of magic that my sister had invented so many years ago in Unicornia unknown to many and she had continued it's development. You see, it uses a complex spell matrix anchored to an array of specially grown crystals known as a 'Tourmaline Levitator'. The crystals would then create a magical field much like how the surface of the water has a layer which allows insects to skim across it. So, too, would the ship use this field to skim through the skies. With it, a ship the size of a large fishing vessel can glide through the air as if it was upon a calm sea.

However, the complexity has worked against it as it takes many years, decades even, for one to gain enough to master what is needed to create such wondrous things. Something that the recent warfare does not lend itself to very well. Indeed, many have turned to quicker learned schools of magic and with the attrition rates as there are those on both sides who would deny the other their use...

Be it that it was only that though! No, many practitioners of this craft have gone missing in recent years. It was... concerning to me. Now I know what had happened to them. It seems that some of the nobles had gathered those who would work with them and kidnapped those who would not. They were forced to work on a project. A project that once it reached my ears caused me to nearly dismiss it.

A tourmaline warship.

Such a ship could have mounted heavy siege weapons as well as groups of powerful spell casters and then used them to rain attacks against my own fortifications from above with great amounts of power. Even Canterlot would be threatened by such works of war. Thankfully, and yet sadly, the place that the nobles had gathered the enchanters at as well as build their weapon was wiped out by a marauding Dragon. It destroyed the area apparently searching for gems and treasure and killed most there. Most would leave it at that...

I, however, will not.

Perhaps it is my sense of paranoia speaking, but I suspect that the Night Guard has once more removed a threat. Not least because they counted a number of young Dragons among their number. Dragons who today would be powerful enough to do the damage. More then that though, the area where the tourmaline mages had been quartered was razed, but from what my spies have revealed, very little remains have been found. Indeed! More were found where the nobles had stationed Guards to watch over what they were attempting. No, I suspect that my sister's former Guard used the attack as a diversion to spirit away the mages. Though to where is a mystery to myself.

Or, at least I hope so. For otherwise one of my sister's greatest achievements will fade into history...

Peace... is fleeting as the candle in the wind these years it seems. You may wonder, dear Journal, why I say that? One may remember that I have mentioned that there has been skirmishes this past decade between the rebels and those under my flag. Now it seems that the nobles may be gathering, organizing.

And it is all due to a previously minor noble, Glyptapanteles. Somehow, he has brought a good deal of the nobles under his heel. How, nopony seems to understand though at least one of my spies has reported that he has something compelling about his magic, which has evidence lent as his eyes are supposed to glow a dull red. From the rest of the descriptions, he's a relatively large Unicorn who is never seen without the strangest amulet that I have ever heard of. It appears to be a black Alicorn in flight with a red jewel in the center. Such an odd thing for a noble who wishes to end my rule to have.

Still, he is dangerous and under his leadership the nobles have begun to move once more. It is only a matter of time before they strike, though the question remains as to where he will make his move and when. If that was all though, I would not be as troubled as I am feeling. No... there's more. His troops have been armed with a deadly device known as the 'Hoof-Kanna', which is from a pre-Equish language used by the Pegasus Empire which translates as 'Hoof-Reed'.

An odd name for an odd weapon. It resembles nothing more then a metal barrel with a long, wooden haft which is used by the Pony to raise it. From there, stormpowder is dropped in as well as pebbles from the ground or a stone ball. They then insert a smouldering stick into the back to light the stormpowder and expel what is in the 'barrel' out the open end. I am perplexed as to how well it would do on the field of battle. However, my spies as well as who I assume, former Night Guard infiltrators who have slipped reports to me stating it seems to be a devastating weapon against those unprepared for it.

Thankfully though, they are not the only ones who have worked on new means of warfare, much to my sadness. How I wish for the days of peace once more... instead, all I see is death and destruction... Sorry, it seems that I have been slipping more and more in melancholy recently.

I miss her... I miss my little sister who shone brightly and could lift my spirits with one of her Sun-forsaken bad jokes or taking me out to play. Luna, oh Luna, how I wish that I could tell you how sorry I am...

I... am sorry for last week, dear Journal. It was the anniversary of that terrible day when I truly lost the one Pony that mattered the most to me to her inner darkness. A night of nightmares... A week that leaves me in such a state that I do not wish to have much to do with anything...

Anyways, I do suppose that I should continue what I was speaking of before...

During this last decade, while the nobles have been working on their own weapons, so, too, have I as well as the outer regions. Out of all of them, the Outer Regions are in a way the most simplistic. They took what was just the normal crossbow bolt and enhanced it. They insert a small vial filled with an alchemical substance of various types. So far, there are in fact two that have appeared. One is Dragon's bile, a substance that normally lies within the bellies of Dragons which they use to help dissolve their food such as gems for their fires to burn easier. Said Dragons can expel it much as a Pony can their own bile through vomit, which I suppose helps in this case as then one does not need to kill a Dragon for it. However, it is a most horrid thing to have something be touched by, for even metal will be eaten away by it.

The other is simply referred to as 'Alchemists Fire' and, as with the Dragon's Bile, it truly is a horrible substance. It appears as a slime of some kind that can stick to objects, much like the mucus from one's nose. Or like mud from a swamp when you step in some. However, what makes it worse is that upon contact with the air, it bursts into flames. Horrid burning flames that water cannot put out. Indeed, pouring water onto it seems to only increase their intensity. The stickiness should help it cling to stone and help burn down the fortresses and siege works of the rebels. Together, these should help make those who use crossbows much more effective in battle.

On the other hoof, I have not been idle myself. After having seen how effective the Hwacha was in battle I have worked on making it more portable. An issue that after many tries I have solved I believe most effectively indeed. Using hollowed out tree trunks, I have figured out how a singular Pony can carry a number of Hwacha into battle. It is only a small number per 'Barrel', but added together, they do seem to be effective enough. Then either the barrels can be reloaded, or one can just drop them to leave the extra weight behind. One of Huánghūn's sons has even come up with a version for skirmishers. It appears to be a hollow stave with a single Hwacha inside which can be aimed and fired in places where a longbow could not be due to size. It is mainly to have a chance at slaying enemy commanders.

Hmm... a thought did strike me as I re-read what I have written in you, dearest Journal. If I could take a ballista bolt and modify it much like the alchemical crossbow bolts... Yes, it might just increase the capability of the ballistas to cause more damage during sieges, as horrible as the methods may be.

That is a thought to pursue another time though.

Other then the weapons, both the lands under my control as well as those in the Outer Regions of Equestria have been hard at work. Having seen just how well good roads work for warfare in transport purposes, we have been hard at work at extending the more durable roadways as envisaged by my sister, Luna. We have also been hard at work making canals and extending the networks that we already had. Verily! It has also helped increase trade between the various cities, towns, and villages as one can trek their products much quicker.

It makes my heart heavy though that the idea was originally my sister's more then a century ago when she had planned it out, and yet here I sit with the credit for it placed upon my withers. I wish that I could scream to the heavens that my sister was the one who had this brilliant idea, that the credit should go to her. And yet, I must still my lips because if I did as I wished, I would see many turn against it. The shadows that my sister's fall still cast across the minds and hearts of our subjects, despite how many decades it has been. The fact that them not continuing the construction of the roads and canals could harm any future campaigns and cause our nation to fall to the hooves of the rebels makes it even worse.

The whole thing just feels as if it was just one more betrayal of my dearest Luna. Yet another that though I may get forgiveness for, I feel that I shall never deserve it. Every compliment for the roads and canals, every bit of news as to how they are improving trade and filling our coffers. Talk of how business is only increasing... Each time adds yet another wound to my soul. A wound that not only will never heal, but that I wish never to heal. For they will serve as a reminder of how I failed my sister...

I have never been so enraged in my life! One of my spymasters had come to me with a report of a rabble rouser attempting to stir up rebellious feelings against me in a few nearby villages. It took me several weeks, but I managed to arrive in one such village as he was making his speech and listened in disguise. A good deal of it was of the usual sort since they've started migrating from the rebellious territories. Such as calling me the 'Solar Tyrant' and claiming that I burned Ponies to death for my own amusement. Another being that instead of wine, I drink the blood of innocents.

However, he then began to speak out against my sister. Such lies about her I have never heard! That she would seduce stallions and mares away from their loved ones in order to feast upon their lifeblood and laugh at their misfortune! And the stories he cast about her and foals! The least horrific one being that she devoured foals alive or had them baked in pies to be brought to her in order to feed both herself and her minions! Dear Journal, it took every ounce of will power that I had not to attack him there!

If there was any bright side though, it was that my subjects reacted harshly to his criticism of myself. They pelted him with rotten produce and several threatened him and his life. Sadly, I could tell it was only in regards to myself that they were doing it for, not my sister. And... that hurt. It hurt me deeply that it seems that only I care for how dearest Luna was before her fall. She was right, she was never appreciated enough and it took me losing her to realize this fact. To open these eyes once blinded by compliments and selfishness. If only I had realized this before...

As to the rabble rouser, he is no longer an issue. After all, even with my Guard patrolling the roads and skies, there are still rogues and brigands in the shadows...

And so, it once more begins. What was thought to have been nothing more then one of the usual raids on a border fort instead turned into a full out battle two weeks ago. Once more I watch as so many young mares and stallions march to their deaths on both sides. Sometimes... sometimes I wonder if it is worth all the death and destruction of this senseless war, dearest Journal. But then, I hear of things that the 'Nobles' do in the territories that they control. Some of what they do are to myself, quite vile though they claim that I do worse. An example is a young, hungry colt who picked up an apple from the ground after it had been dropped from a cart that came from a noble's orchard. In my lands, such would be left alone...

Said colt was grabbed by the noble's guards for stealing from him. What he went through I do not know as he never speaks of it. How do I know? One of my spies who was caught broke out of jail and took the colt, an orphan, with him. He has since become one of my Guards.

As to the attack, it was lead by none other then Glyptapanteles. I remember him from his youth when he was not very impressive I must admit. Many a mare he tried to woo instead passed his sickly body over and his magic was similarly weak. But, if the reports are to believed, all that had now changed.

What was once a sickly colt who tired out easily from the simplest magic, has become a powerful stallion able to throw the best mages of my army aside as they would an average Unicorn. Truly, I cannot comprehend how he may have done so as this is too great a change. And then there is how the other nobles, the backbiters that they are, for reasons unknown follow him most slavishly. Even to the point of sacrificing themselves!

I suspect that he is somehow using magic most foul for this...

It is now confirmed, Glyptapanteles is using some form of dark magic. I observed as such through Captain Sunny Days Skies own eyes as he used it. There was a foul taint on the air whenever he used his magic and his eyes did indeed glow with an evil fire. While it explains how he may have gotten such loyalty from the other rebels, it does not explain how he got so powerful. As it was, "Sunny" barely held her own against him and she was nearly slain with her Guards.

However if there is any silver lining to whatever method he has used to boost his strength and control the other rebelling nobles, it is simply the fact only he has shown it. No other rebel has shown signs that they have used any method that he has. All of which means that while he is powerful enough to turn battles, he, much like myself, am limited in exactly how much he can affect. He cannot be at every battle after all.

A fact that considering his brutality on the battlefield, I am only too glad for as it places a limit on the damage that he can possibly do.

As it stands though, this conflict may stretch on for years yet as both sides have slowly prepared during the years of tense peace. I weep for the lives that have been lost in this needless conflict, whether on the field of battle or in the villages due to hunger and sickness. Part of me can't help but think about how if Luna was here, this war would have come to a conclusion far sooner. I also fear for those under the nobles lead by Glyptapanteles...

Ten years... it has been ten years since the war reignited with the rebelling nobles united under Glyptapanteles. The reports that I received during those ten years confirmed my worst fears as he descended further and further into evil, to the point where I believe we could compare him with Sombra. My little ponies suffered greatly under him as he was able to convince anypony he wished to take up arms and fight for him. Some of my Guard reported young fillies and colts, barely having gotten their Cutie Marks, fighting under the fiend.

A fiend who is now thankfully dead, though at a great cost indeed... Both the aging Oldblood and his son, Blueblood, died fighting him before both myself and Sunny Days Skies struck him down, though there was not much left of him from our spells. I, myself, pulled what remained of his lower body from the river it was knocked into by the blasts. I asked that the rest of the river be searched as during the battle the amulet he wore worried me. It gave off a feeling of darkness that I have only felt from items left behind by Sombra himself.

As for his soldiers, they became ineffective after his death and milled around in confusion. From my vantage point it became chaos as some were attacking each other or us while others tried to run. Some even threw down their armor and weapons and cried in relief as they surrendered. I will admit, dear Journal, that I was quite confused by what was occurring so I cast a diagnostic spell.

What I found sickened me to my very soul.

Their minds showed every sign of having become ensnared with dark mental magics. Though there was not enough left to be sure and it dispersed rapidly, I can make a few theories based on what I saw and heard from some of the interrogations of captured officers and minor nobles. From what we could gather, he disappeared one day and reappeared months later with that amulet of his. Where as before he was a scrawny colt, he was now able to put many an Earth Pony to shame while wielding magic far beyond what he could before. More then that though, they said that when he looked them in the eye, they could hear a buzzing inside of their minds.

This and more makes me worried for the possibility that the amulet is not destroyed and possibly resurfaces. I will have to keep an eye out for such I suppose...

Meanwhile reports are streaming in that the nobles have become disorganized and I have sent back messengers with orders to pursue them. We must strike while the iron is hot and hammer the rebels whenever possible. if we can drive them to the point of complete collapse... and if we can do it soon before they organize... then we have the chance that we have been looking for.

However, I am confident that those whom I placed in command can handle such things along with Sunny. I am heading back to Canterlot posthaste as fast as I can for I have business there...

Dear Journal, you may be wonder why I was in such a rush to return to Canterlot. Much of that has to do with Oldblood's last, dying wish. Oldblood and, indeed, his entire family going back to the start of Luna's and I's rule have served me faithfully within my Court. When even others have been swayed back and forth, they have stood firm in support for myself. What makes this truly incredible is that Oldblood's family are in fact from the Cadet branch of the old ruling family of defunct Unicornia, descended from Princess Platinum's youngest sibling. In fact, this makes us something of extremely distant cousins. With such an ancestry, one would expect that they would try to gain more power. There is also the fact that despite the dissolution of Unicornia when it fully merged with Equestria, they still held much power among the nobility.

Power that they could have used to harm my rule or harm my sister. Yet... and yet, they did neither of these things. They even supported my sister alongside myself, as much as we did, before her fall and the creation of Nightmare Moon. Such faithfulness could not go unrewarded.

And so, when with his dying breaths, Oldblood asked that I look after his grandson, who is all alone since his mother died in childbirth, I told him it would be my honor to do so. The poor foal is still young and even now, I can look over at the bed I had placed in my chambers and see him sleeping restlessly. How I wish that Luna was here now to calm his dreams! She would have loved him...

Ah, you must be wondering what is going on then? The answer is rather simple as it may be.

As Youngblood does not have any close, living relatives, and to prevent others from taking over his house only for the foal to meet an end, I have decided to circumvent this. Earlier this day, I took him within my Household and claimed him as my nephew in all but blood. Yes, you heard right, I have adopted him into my House, the House of the Unconquered Sun and named him a Prince. I believe this to be the greatest reward that I could give Oldblood and Blueblood for their and their family's long and loyal service.

Oddly, as I sit here on this evening, I can't help but think of other bits of this that I had not thought of when I did so. For one thing, he could be considered my heir apparent which will cut down on marriage proposals. And being as he's descended from the Royal Family of Unicornia, there should be even less fuss about this, what little there will be as most are too distracted by the war to speak up against it.

I do feel for the poor foal, he's lost the last of his blood family and I can only hope that I can help him adjust. He is... nervous... around me. While I cannot hold his fear of myself against him, it does break my heart anew each time I see his eyes look at me... Eyes that hold the deepest of grief, sadness, and fears. I gave my word though that I would look after Oldblood's grandchild, and so I shall, even if it was not in the way that he had expected...

It's been five years since the death of Glyptapanteles. In that time, we've pushed back the rebelling nobles more and more as the years have gone by. Apparently the long drawn out campaigns they performed were only possible due to Glyptapanteles' control over them and now they're exhausted and lacking in ponypower. A tactical and strategic genius Glyptapanteles most certainly was not.

As it is, the rebelling nobles are now contained to a few small, shrinking areas. And within the next few years those should be gone. Part of it is that they have been continually reeling from hit after hit these past few years. I suspect that the Night Guard may in fact be striking from the shadows as often the nobles have gotten ambushed. Indeed, there was one time when some scouts of mine watched a noble and his guards set up a campsite for the night. They saw nothing except the normal activity until they went to bed.

Then came the light of morning and they saw no signs of life in the camp. Once the sun reached it's noon position, they made their way down and found that the reason there was no signs of life in the camp is because they had all been killed in the darkness. While the scouts may not realize it, that was one of the methods that Luna had taught her Guards to weaken enemies by sneaking into their camps in the dark of night... and then ending them.

In regards to the rebel nobles, I have been I believe reasonable. Those who have surrendered to my forces have their families and themselves spared, but are stripped of their titles and lands. I'm not a foal though as I have those alive imprisoned. Those who do not surrender find only death awaiting them. I do not harm the young ones though, I am not some kind of monster despite what the rebels have said.

The only issues are in regards to their conquered lands. One such issue is how to split them among my troops. For example, each of 'Captain Sunny Days Skies' own personal Guard have been given lands and titles for their service. The Captain herself has pushed aside any attempt to give her titles or lands. She has claimed that she needs no such things and lives only to serve under me. A truth I suppose, though a needed one as there are those who would wonder why she does not take a stallion and have foals to pass her lands and titles on to. It would rather defeat the purpose of having her if it became known that myself and her are one in the same mare, just separated due to a spell.

Another issue is those Ponies who had been ruled over by the rebelling nobles. Some of them have grown to greatly dislike the nobility and, by extension, myself. Others are yet still loyal to the rebels and more then once have caused issues for my forces. Some are as simple as hiding signs for roads or hiding the fleeing rebellious nobles. Others have risen up and attacked those forces of mine who enter their towns. The worst though are spies who slip information to the remaining rebel forces.

And, as saddened and disgusted with myself as I am, there can only be one response and punishment for such traitorous actions...

It never stops, does it dearest Journal? Just a few years after the final rebellious nobles had been defeated it seemed that we would be at peace once more. Such an opinion was soon proven false. For now large groups of the peasantry have risen up in rebellions of their own across the kingdom.

Thankfully though, they are not all united under the same cause and sometimes fight each other as much as they fight my forces. Some have risen up in an attempt to force myself and the nobles to make changes to laws and the ways of governance. Others simply want to cast down both the nobles and me. Then there are those who bought into the idea that I am "The Solar Tyrant" and so wish me gone to go back to the old ways. And more then a few are backed by either the families of nobles that I stripped of their titles and lands or nobles who believe me weakened enough to bow to the will of their servants.

I will not however bow... to anypony. If my subjects have concerns, then they should come to me and voice them. I will then listen and attempt to do what I can. But I will not listen to use of force.

Sadly though, I do not believe that these will be the last uprisings as there has been much unrest after the nobles have fallen. And, if I am to be truthful, before they fell as well. While the war may have been necessary, it was harsh on my subjects, those under me and those under the rebelling nobles...

When it rains, it pours it would seem. For the past twenty years I have dealt with uprisings from the peasantry. One incident that stands out is when an uprising occurred due to myself stepping in during a 'Nightmare Night' ritual when they burned an effigy of my sister to prevent her from coming back. I... did not react well as I saw said incident with my own eyes.

Besides that, just a few months ago an necromancer along with his apprentice attempted to carve out a small kingdom of his own. He had amassed an army of the dead from the war, I presume, within the Everfree and then marched out. I do believe that I can now suspect the final fate of dear, Sir Marigold of the Pegasus village of Cloudsdale. He was one of the last Equestrian knights who served both myself and my sister and had marched into the forest after rumors of a necromancer. For a while, I had missed how he disappeared, but the war with the rebels had taken most of my attention and nothing had ever turned up.

As it is, it is likely that he had been killed and quite possible added to the necromancer's army. A foul fate for such a noble stallion. However, I dare not tell his brother what might have happened as he has placed it behind him once he married his wife, Prisma. I can do nothing less then let my old Guard Captain enjoy his last few years with his children, who have inherited his wife's multiple colored mane.

As to the necromancer, he did not last long. Captain Sunny Days Skies was nearby and mustered up a force to meet his on the field of battle to stall until reinforcements arrived. A force which held his off until the Unicorn met the necromancer in a pitched battle which saw him killed and his apprentice mortally wounded from all appearances. Though with that battle, it may be best to let Sunny 'Retire' as it were until I need her next.

I hear knocking at the door and I must leave you for now, dear Journal. The issue is likely another uprising, though things have begun to calm down most thankfully...

Author's Note:

Some of you noted that the "Luna's Story Part 3" chapter had been missing from this story. For those who wanted to read it, I fixed the issue and it's back up, my apologies for it being missing in the first place.:twilightblush: