• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 10,196 Views, 214 Comments

Time in Equestria - Fox-Sama

Can Twilight Sparkle work up the nerve to tell Rainbow how she feels? will Rainbow make it easy for her? Not a chance

  • ...

Chapter seven. Home stretch

Chapter seven. Home stretch

Outside of the the first aid tent, the competitors were waiting with baited breath as they all sat around, hoping to hear any news on Twilight’s condition. Nopony really knew what had happened, but there were rumors going around saying that Dash was angry for loosing and had taken it out on Twilight, to the unicorn fighting Gilda for hurting Rainbow.

But whatever may have happened could only be speculated, and not even the playful banter of Trixie and Vinyl could take their minds off the image of fresh crimson blood on Rainbow’s coat.

But right now to pegasus, none of it mattered - the rumors, the crowd, the competition. She had something more important to be concerned about, as she cast a worried eye towards the first-aid tent.

Rainbow wished she could be back inside, but after stubbornly refusing to leave the tent after being told multiple times to do so, she had been thrown out and told by the nurses in no uncertain terms to stay out of the way so they could attend to Twilight. Now, as she reluctantly stood outside with the others competitors, with nothing more than guilt and cold silence. She had never felt more helpless. Rainbow Dash hated feeling helpless.

Rainbow’s mind was at ends with itself, part over her wanted to forget what happened, while another part wouldn’t stop thinking about it, but the guilt was too heavy on her mind as she started reliving the events. The image of the horseshoe hitting her friend repeated over and over again to the point she thought she was going to be sick.

Dash had taken to pacing to try calm herself down, but to no avail. With every rustle of the tent flaps, whether from a breeze or somepony passing thought it, Dash’s head would shoot up, hoping and yet fearing any kind of news on her friend, but she was met with only disappointment and a rekindling of her guilt.

“So, what happened?” Everypony present turned around and saw Pinkie Pie, but something seemed different about the mare. Gone was her usual happy self, her smile replaced with a worried frown. Her ears had folded down to the top of her head and her mane was far less springy, but it was her eyes that had changed the most; they had lost the spark that ponies had come to know in the pink mare. Pinkie as she glanced at the medical tent before letting out a deep sigh. “Who was hurt?”

Applejack walked over to her friend, an eyebrow arched questioningly. “Pinkie? What’re you doin’ here? Ah thought you was in town workin’ on the party?”

“I was, but then my pinkie-sense...” Pinkie trailed off and looked at the grass. She hated when her pinkie-sense told her about bad things, and worst of all she knew she could never do anything to stop whatever happened from happening. “Was somepony hurt? I don’t see Gilda anywhere,” Pinkie remarked, looking around for the missing griffin.

“Gilda’s gone, Pinkie. It was Twilight who got hurt.”

At Applejack’s words, Pinkie’s eyes watered a little as she sat her haunches in the grass she was looking at moments before. “So what happened?”

“Well, Ah don’t really know. Spitfire and Ah were in town when it happened. All we know is that Twi got hit in the head,” Applejack explained as she looked at the still wet blood on Rainbow’s neck and shoulder.

“It was my fault.” The whisper was barely heard by anyone. The tone of sorrow that laced Rainbow’s words had everypony waiting for her to continue. “I hit her. I hit Twilight with a horseshoe.” The collective gasp that followed did nothing to faze the sulking flier. “I didn't mean to. I was just throwing them to work off a little steam, and when she came around the barn she startled me and I threw it harder than... than I meant to.” She closed her eyes tight to hide the tears that had started to build.

It was then that the flap to the tent opened again as Nurse Redheart walked out with an expression that only read annoyed. However, when she spotted three of the patient's closest friends, her eyes softened. “Thank goodness you're here. I need your help.”

Within an instant the three were at the nurse’s side, all wearing worried looks on their faces. “What happened? Is Twilight ok?” Rainbow asked as she all but yelled at Red Heart.

Shaking out her ringing ears, the nurse took a step back. “Well, there will be no long term damage, but the horseshoe hit her left eye rather hard. There is a lot swelling, and she’ll need minor procedure just so we can seal the cut. She has a concussion and I suspect that her eye socket might be fractured, but we won't know until we get her to the clinic and get an X-ray.

“Well if she’s hurt that bad, then let’s just take her to the hospital. Ya need me to carry her? “

“No thank you Applejack, We have somepony for that, the problem lies with Twilight. She is refusing to to let us take her in. She keeps saying that she needs finish the competition and not let her friends down.”

Rainbow felt lower than low. She had never hurt anyone this badly before, and seeing how it was her best friend she had hurt, Dash wanted nothing more then to crawl under a rock.

Pinkie looked to her friends saw the worry in Applejack’s eyes and Dash looking ready to cry at any moment. She stepped forward with a big smile in the vain hope in lightening the mood, “So what can we do?”

“I need you to go in there and convince her to let us take her to the hospital. At the very least she needs to be held for overnight for observation, and if everything checks out, she can leave tomorrow morning. But first, we need to get that stubborn pony to cooperate.”

Applejack let out a heavy sigh that seemed to cause her to relax. “Well, that sounds easy. We just need to convince Twilight to agree and go to the doctor. If she is as hurt as the nurse said, it should be simple. She’s a smart pony and all. She’ll listen to reason.”

“Thank you, now when you see her please speak softly. She is in pain, and loud noises will not help her 'the slightest.” The nurse stepped aside to let the others in, Applejack lead the way with Pinkie Pie going second, and then a still-uneasy Rainbow Dash.

Once inside they spotted Twilight laying on a cot set at the far end of the tent. The three friends winced as they watched a second nurse peel bandages from the unicorn's head, a worrying amount of the linen stained a unmistakable red. They waited until the nurse replaced them with fresh bandages before approaching.

Applejack no longer looked as chipper. “Are you alright sugarcube?

“Yeah, I’m fine. But they are not letting me-” Twilight hissed in pain as she moved her head in an attempt to just see her friends. Her good eye was puffy, and laced with a spider's-web of red lines, as though she had been crying.

“Twilight, you need to lay back down, you're hurt really badly, please,” Pinke pleaded.

“I’m sorry Pinkie, but I have to get up, the competition needs to be finished. It’s my job, I have to see it to the end.”

Applejack stepped up and placed a hoof on the unicorns shoulder and gently pressed her back down to the bed. “Now look here Twilight, the competition is not more important than somepony’s health, you know you’re hurt and the nurse said you might have even cracked yer eye socket. Now if it were one of us in yer place you would have used yer magic and taken in us yerself. Now are we going to do the the easy way? Or do I have to drag ya there?”

“But I have responsibilities here, I need to -”

Pinkie’s head shot up as her eyes became brighter. “That’s it!” Pinkie’s outburst earned her a wince of pain from Twilight and a pointed ‘shh’ from Nurses Red Heart. “Oops, sorry, but I have an idea. What if I take over for you Twilight? You were already going to have me host the last event anyway, seeing how it is close to a party game.”

“But I ha-”

“Twilight, please trust me, I’ll even read and use your notes. It’ll be easy-peasy,” Pinkie smiled softly and spoke warmly in an effort to convince Twilight that it would be okay to let her referee the rest of the competition.

Twilight lay down and smiled up at her pink friend as she sighed in defeat. “Okay, Pinkie, you win, but please don't go overboard, you need to save your energy for the party tonight.” Her words seemed softer and a bit weaker, it was easy to see how tired she was after the day's events.

“So does that mean ya going to go the the clinic now sugarcube? Ya ain’t lookin’ so good.”

“I know... It’s just that....” Twilight trailed off, turning her head away before closing her eye.

“Hay Pinks, if you're going to to be the ref, you need to go and get ready and tell the other competitors. You too AJ, you need to get ready for the last few events if you're going to win this thing.” For the first time since the accident, Rainbow’s voice sounded rather upbeat and her smile looked genuine, but they could tell she was far from happy.

“Wait a minute... what about you, don’t ya need to get ready too?” Applejack looked to her friend in concern and saw her looking down at the floor. “Rainbow?”

“Pinkie, I’m dropping out of the competition.” It has only happened a few time in her life, but Pinkie was speechless. Applejack’s jaw hit the floor in surprise while Twilight sat up in her bed with her own look of shock. “Look, we all know I can’t win this thing. I let Gilda get to me, and I lost my cool too many times. I’m more then a little embarrassed about how I acted today. And not to mention it's my fault that Twi got hurt, getting her to to the hospital is the least I can do. Besides, there's always next year, right?”

Applejacks head drooped down a little at the news. “You know it won't be the same without ya out there. You sure about this Rainbow?

“Yeah, I’m sure, just go out there and win this thing for me, and try to make sure Pinkie doesn't get out of... wait, where’s Pinkie?”

Applejack looked around the tent only to find no sign of their pink friend. “Oh, pony feathers... I better go find her and warn the others. Rainbow, you make sure she agrees to go to the hospital.” With her parting words Applejack took her leave from the medical tent.

“Rainbow ,you don't have to do this, I will go to the...” Twilight stopped and shuddered for a moment before resuming. “I’ll to the hospital, go and have fun. I’ll be jus-”

“Twilight, I’m so sorry!” Rainbow’s outburst cut the unicorn off. “I didn't mean to, I was just letting off some steam, and than you, and then I...” Rainbow hung her head low as tears started to dripped from her eyes.

“Rainbow, please calm down. I know you didn't mean to hit me. I knew somepony was throwing something, I should have been more careful, I don't blame you at all.”

“But I...”

“Eh, no ‘buts.” Twilight held up her hoof to silence her friend. “Rainbow. You can keep going on how it’s your fault but I will just keep coming back with ways it's not.”

“Twi.” Rainbow looked away to dry her eyes before smiling back to her bed ridden friend. The pegasus was still mad with herself, yes. But when you have a good friend how can you not feel a little better? “Fine, but either way I’m going to make it up to you.” she added with a cocky grin.

“Fine, you can start right now. Help me out of here so I can get home.”

“What? Twilight, you heard what Nurse Redheart said. You need to go to the hospital.”

Rubbing her head in pain, Twilight laid back down, “I can’t... I’m...”

A small smile lifted Rainbow’s sad features as she placed a reassuring hoof on her friend's shoulder. “Twilight, you're afraid of hospitals aren't you?” She felt the unicorn’s body tense. “Don’t worry Twi, I kinda already knew. Whenever you came and visited me whenever I hurt myself, I could tell how uncomfortable you were.”

Twilight rolled over and looked away making Dash roll her eyes. “Well I guess I’ll just have to go with you then. Or do I have to go and get Princess Celestia and have her order you to go?”

“Now I don't think that will be necessary” Rainbow’s head snapped around at the same time as Twilight turned back over just as their ruler walked in. Letting out a heavy sigh Princess Celestia saw her student moving to get up, with a small shimmer of magic her horn started to glow in a faint light to prevent Twilight from moving. “Now Twilight, I know you don’t like going to the hospital, but you must know that you are hurt, and you even have a dear friend willing to go with you.”

“But I...” Twilight looked away from her teacher and back to Rainbows eyes. “You can't just drop out now. not after all you already been through. You said it yourself, you can't let Gilda beat you like this.”

“Twilight, this is different, I didn't quit or give up because of my score or Gilda. I dropped out because you're hurt, and I’m worried about you. I would sooner give up my wings then leave a friend in need. Not only that I still think its fault you’re in here in the first place, how can I even try to concentrate knowing that?”

Twilight let out a frustrated groan. “Dash I told you it was an accident... it's not your fault.”

“You see Twilight, she is doing this for you, are you going to disrespect your friend’s decision? Or do I in fact have to order you to go?” Celestia stood over her favorite student with a stern look, which was hard seeing how Rainbow had muttered a joke about getting in trouble.

Knowing full well that both her crush and her teacher were right, Twilight let out a heavy sigh and closed her eyes. “Okay, I’ll go.”


In the announcer's booth Pinkie has just finished informing her friends about what had happened to Twilight and Rainbow, as well as the change in spotting official. “... So that means I’m the boss now!”

“So, let Trixie see if she got this right. Twilight Sparkle was injured by your friend Rainbow Dash, and now she is being taking to Ponyville emergency, while the pegasus dropped out to keep an eye on her?”

“Wow, Rainbow is one heck of a friend. I wonder if Octy would drop a concert to take me to the doctors?” Vinyl rubbed a hoof under her chin in thought.

“Well that depends - Did you drive this ‘Octy’ in to nearly killing you? Because Trixie is near the end of her rope.”

“Well, I guess that depends.”

“Trixie is almost afraid to ask.”

“It depends on what day of the week it is.”

“Pinkie, is there anyway Trixie can just go back to her trailer? She has a better chance of not losing her mind there.” Trixie had her ears folded and her angry eyes were fixed on the grinning unicorn next to her.

Pinkie opened her mouth to speak, but before she uttered a word her eyes widened as her tail twitched, her cutie mark tingled, and then her back left hoof stopped the ground followed closely by her right front hoof. Then she gasped as a grin that threatened to split her face in half slowly formed across her features.

“What in Equestria was that about? Did Trixie just witness the Pinkie sense?”

“Yeah, but...,” Vinyl was frantically flipping through an beat up old notebook. “But I don't know what that one means? Pinkie, what’s going on?”

“I can't tell you silly, that one’s a secret! Oh, I can't wait to tell everypony! Oh, I have to throw you a party, with cake, balloons, punch, streamers, dancing...” Pinkie gasped. “We can play my super special BINGO! We can play Bingo, right Scratchie? Trixie? Oh my gosh, your names even match, this is super duper we can-” Pinkie stopped her rambling and gasped. “-we still have to finish the Iron Pony Competition first!” Pinkie zipped out of the room in a pink flash leaving two confused unicorns.

“Trixie is unsure what has just happened,” she said, looking at Vinyl.

“Vinyl is a little lost too. She’s worked with Pinke for about year now, and she’s never seen that girl act like that.”

Trixie stomped her hoof to the floor before taking a deep breath as if she were trying to calm down, a routine Vinyl become very familiar with over the past few hours. “Why must you mock Trixie so?”

“Wait, what? I didn't even say anything this time!”

“You were just mimicking the way Trixie talks to mock her.”

“What? No I wasn't, I was just.... oh, I guess I was.” Vinyl shot Trixie a bright smile. “But I wasn’t making fun out you. If I was going to make fun of you I could just say your cape makes you look fat or something, but I don't make fun of ponies for something like the way they talk, that’s just messed up.”

“Then why were you mimicking Trixie in the first place?” Trixie snapped, skepticism written plain across her face.

“Well I like the way you talk. It’s unique, y’know, I think it’s pretty cool.”

Trixie seemed more than a little surprised by this statement, she was sure that the other unicorn just wanted some more fun at her expense, but now... “Er...um... thank you for complement, Vinyl. Trixie... Trixie guesses you are not as brash as she thought.”

“Hey, no problemo Twitchy, I always leave the mares happy. And sometimes, begging for more.” Before Trixie had a chance to react, Vinyl whirled back to her microphone and continued her announcing. “But that’s a story for later, for now let's see what kind of chaos our new referee will cause.” Vinyl walked back to the table and use her horn to pick up her head set before stopping and looking over her shoulder. “Oh, and the cape, I wasn’t joking. It’s not slimming at all.” Trixie knitted her eyebrows together. “But it is hot.”


“Ten hut!” came a loud yell from the center of the arena, the competitors all looked confused as Pinkie stood there in a pair of big sunglasses, a dark beret and a lollipop in her mouth, but sadly for Spitfire and Soarin, hours of long practice and drills had burned such phrases into their brains. And before they knew what was going on the they were both standing before Pinkie at full attention, much to the general amusement of the crowd.

Everypony started laughing at the now embarrassed Wonderbolts. Oddly enough, a certain pink pony was not among their number. But this time Pinkie was not laughing with the ongoers and stomped her hoof to the ground.

“I said move it! Front and center!”

Everyone stopped laughing and looked in on stunned silence, no one had ever heard Pinkie sound so demanding, nor have they seen her hold herself up so imposing. The rest of the competitors all rushed into line and were now saluting alongside the Wonderbolts.

“Okay, listen up everypony. Twilight got hurt and won't be here for the rest of the competition, so I will be taking command of this event, are there any questions?”

Taking a nervous step forward, Soarin spoke. “Ma’am, we seem to be missing competitor Rainbow Dash, do you know where she is, Ma’am.” Soarin took a step back to fall in line with everypony else.

“Yes, Rainbow Dash has officially dropped out of the competition to see that Twilight gets to the hospital, so that means you five will fight head-to-head for the gold!” Pinkie looked at her clipboard and then back up. “Zecora did you get the stuff you needed?”

“That I did Pinkie Pie, and soon my performance shall light up the sky.”

“Okie dokie lokie.” Pinie grabbed a megaphone and jumped into the air. “Let's get the show on the road!”


After reading over the turn order Pinkie felt it she should spice it up a little bit, and after a few games of paper, rock, scissors Spitfire was the lucky one to go on first. After she finished her stretches Spitfire flew out at speeds expected of a Wonderbolt. She performed a little air show much to the delight of the spectators but with her last backflip she slowed down and began her descent leaving more than a few confused ponies

“Okay everypony, let's heat things up!” Spitfire spun around and kicked up a long pole into the air and caught it in her mouth before taking back to the sky, once up she did a corkscrew while smacking her hooves together sending out a shower of sparks that ignited both ends of the pole in a bright fire that twisted around her with the spin.

Breaking out of her spin Spitfire zoomed over the stands creating the illusion that her wings were made of fire, circling back around she dove for the ground and skidded in the dirt kicking up dust, then with a snap of her head tossed the baton up in the air letting one end go out as it landed straight up in the dirt.

Spitfire moved to stand behind the flame and took deep breath before flared her wings. “Now Soarin!” From the sideline Soarin nodded and threw three ball, each ball lying right through the fire igniting each one as it went through the flame. Using her hooves Spitfire knocked the flaming balls up in the air.

Soon Spitfire was kicking the burning orbs in the the air over and over switching from front to back hooves. After that she sent all of them shooting and with a gust of wind from her wings extinguished the balls before they hit the ground. Spitfire looking at the last flame burning on the end of the baton, before flashing a fierce grin at the audience. Then, without hesitation she inhaled the flame before taking a bow. The ponies in the stands went up in a roar, the sounds of thunder echoed forth as they stomped their hooves.

“Wow-wee! Did everypony see that? First she was woosh! Then she was all zoom! Then the fire was whaa! And when she tossed it in the air it was one of the most super-coolest-cool things I have ever seen! How did you do that?!” Pinkie shouted with the energy of twelves ponies.

“Well,” Spitfire panted a little as she caught her breath, “When I was a foal my dad took me to some event where ponies were dancing with fire, and well.... You know kids, see something fun and they have to do it.... Umm kids don’t try that at home,” she added with a nervous smile.

“Wow! I wonder if I can do that, but I don’t even know how to juggle. Is it hard to learn? Then If could juggle I can do it at parties and make them all the more fun! OH! I can juggle cake from Sugarcube Corner!”

“Umm, Pinkie, I think the judges are ready.”

“They are?” Pinke looked over to the judges and saw the Princess Celestia nod.

“Indeed we are, and I think learning to juggle is a fine idea, Pinkie.” Now looking at Spitfire she smiled before speaking. “That was a fine show, and I must say the ending was very surprising. I had no idea my own Wonderbolts had so many talents.” With a kind smile she floated up an eight.

“I too liked your ending, but I felt it would have been better if you would have done the full show in the sky, so I fear I can only give you a six,” Luna said, raising the six card.

Trixie being the professional showpony felt she needed to be a little more harsh. “Trixie is sorry, but seeing how you are the captain of the Wonderbolts Trixie expected a little more from your performance.” With that Trixie produced a three earning her some less then favorable jeers from the ponies in the stands

While Vinyl rolled her eyes at the other unicorn. “What are you talking about that was badass, that the kind of things DJs would kill for to have at their raves. Sure, I wanted more as well, but only ‘cause that was so damn awesome!” With a big grin she grabbed a card with her hooves and held up the number ten over her head making Vinyl the most loved judge at the moment.

“Twenty-seven points, I can live with that.” Spitfire took another bow while not letting Trixie get to her and hurried off before Pinkie could start talking again.

“Too bad you didn't have your gear with you Spits, then that unicorn would have nothing to say,” consoled Soarin as he approached his friend.

“Yeah, but that’s fine with me, you know how showponies all think they’re the biggest things since the horseshoe, even we get defensive more times than not. Not to mention I really don't feel that the archangel is ready yet anyway. So what are you going to do when your turn rolls around?”

Soarin was about to open his mouth when Pinkie ran up to them and grabbed the male Wonderbolt. “Good news, Mr. Woods said he would help, and he’ll do it all at cost! So we have to hurry and get them now! Zecora, you're up!” Pinkie zipped off dragging, Soarin along with her.

The zebra glanced up to the sky and let out a heavy sigh as she saw the sun was only now beginning to set over the hills. “It is too soon, the sun is may as well be at high noon.” Cantering out to the field Zecora was met with the same loud cheers as Spitfire had. She had pulled a small barbecue along with her and soon she had made herself a little bonfire using said grill.

Without any words of warning the zebra dropped a small bag into the the fire making the flame shoot up ten feet before turning blue. With everypony fixated on the fire, Zecora dropped in another bag. As this one burned a red line slowly creeped up the blue flame, but with the light from the sun it was barely noticeable, until the red line started swirling around like a whirlpool as it rocked it out the top of the pillar before burning itself out in the sky.

Zecora smiled as she heard the approving sounds of the ponies around her, while the fire started to shrink as it seemed to grow a mind of its own, and lurched out as if trying to escape the confines of the grill as its body twisted around itself.

With a sly smile another pouch was dropped into the fire giving it a green color, the flame shrank and burned into many shapes as if it was looking for its true form then with a speed fire should never move it leaped out of the grill showing a burning imp no bigger then a new born foal on the little demon looked mean. With with a glint in its eye and a grin on its lips it charged the stands.

With every step the imp seemed to get slower and slower before it stopped entirely and fell to its knees and blew up in a shower of flaming rose petals. The ponies in the front of the stand cheered and stomped for the thrill of the show, but the spectators in the back were less than enthusiastic .

“That was indeed very impressive, but due to the time of day it was a little difficult to see, while I have no doubt that during the night it would be a spectacular show. I see you put a lot of time into your work.” With that said, Princess Celestia levitated up a five.

“I am afraid I have to agree, however thrilling that may have been I am afraid the sun made it too hard to see.” Luna floated up a card with the number four on it.

“Trixie for one thinks that was a brilliant performance. Yes, the sun took away some ambiance but Trixie has never seen anypony do such a thing before.” Trixie gave Zecora a solid eight.

“Twitchy is right, that was really rad, but seeing one fire show right after another sorta kills some of the thrill, at the same time you really had me going with the little fire dude, so...” Vinyl smiled and levitated up a Zecora’s second eight.

“And Zecora is given a score of twenty-five! That was so close to Spitfire’s, Zecora. I’m soo sorry you didn't win this one, but that trick was really, really fun to watch! And the little imp looked like he needed a party to turn his frown upside down!”

“It is fine, Pinkie Pie, I was just at the wrong time of day, but I still did my best so... what the hay.”

“Okay everypony! Give it up for Zecora!” Pinkie’s enthusiastic yells were met with equal roars and cheers from the bystanders. “Okay, next we have the other half of the Wonderbolt duo! Get this mares, I got to look at his paperwork, and he said he was sing-le!” Pinkie sang out the her words making every mare and most fillies go nuts. “Let's hear it for Soarin!”

Like the Wonderbolt before him the crowd was loud with cheers and hoot, as well as more than a few catcalls from the mares. But the noise soon subsided into mutters and whispers, as the stallion in question failed to make an appearance.

“Come on Soarin, the fans won't bite! Well... maybe a few ponies might, if they're into the sort of thing.

Some of the ponies from Ponyville laughed to themselves while Rose blushed, mortified beyond belief, making herself as small as ponily possible. Soon Spitfire came back out and whispered something to to Pinkies ear, the party pony nodded then gave a look of surprise. “Really?” Spitfire nodded. “Wow-wee, I can't wait to see that! But I hope he doesn't over do it, we still have a party to go to after it’s all over, and a tummy ache is no excuse miss a party, no sir. Okay, so I’ll give him some time to get ready, so that means Applejack, get out here you silly filly!”

Applejack stick her head out from the tent with wide eyes and started to shake her head frantically. “But it’s your turn,” she protested. The orange earth pony stood her ground and shook her head, but as soon as Pinkie started walking towards her making Applejack dart back into the tent. “Ah’ll be right back everypony!”

Once at the tent’s entrances Pinke saw Applejack in a full nelson, frantically trying to get out, but Big Macintosh was having none of it. “Hey! No fair, you played wrestling without me!”

“I ain't wrestlin Pinkie, I’m tryin’ to get outta Dodge! Now let me go Mac!” shouted Applejack.


“What's wrong Applejack, stage fright?” Spitfire walked in behind Pinkie with a knowing smirk.

“What! Ah ain't scared! Ah just have to do my... umm... laundry?” Applejack’s pupils dilated and her eyes began to shift over and over as she attempted to lie. Sometimes being the element of honesty was not all it was cracked up to be.

Spitfire shook her hard and laughed a bit. “Was that a question or a statement?’

“Look, Ah'm a mite bit nervous, okay? Ah’ve never done this before is all.”

“What are you talking about? You perform all the time! Parties, rodeos, last year's Iron Pony, and don’t forget Hearths Warming Eve! That was so much fun; I hope we can do that again!” Pinkie exclaimed with a tilt of her head.

“No, Ah was gonna... Ah was gonna sing. There, Ah said it. You can let me go now Mac!” By the tone of his sister's voice Big Macintosh know she was in no mood for anymore games and quickly let her go, retreating a safe distance.

“But Applejack, you sing all the time! Like at...”

Moving like lightning Applejack put her hoof in Pinkie’s mouth to keep her friend from babbling. “I know, but Ah never sang all by mahself before. Well, not in front of anypony. What if they all laugh at me?”

Pinkie started talking again but with the hoof in her mouth as it sounded like was muffled gargling making Applejack reluctantly remove her hoof.

“Nopony will laugh at you.” The pink earth pony stopped in thought as she brought a hoof to her chin. “Well, nopony from Ponyville anyway. We all like you, you won the Prized Pony Award remember, if they other laugh so what you have all your friend to help you feel better, and you aunty Pinkie Pie will always be there with a smile and a cupcake?

Applejack smiled and shook her head. “Pinkie we’ve been over this. Ah’m two years older than ya. But you’re right, who cares what them other ponies say!” Applejack stomped her hoofs a few time to psych herself up as she marched out the tent, head held up high and ready to face the world.

“I hope we didn’t push her into something she will regret,” Spitfire said as she watched the orange mare’s flank as she walked away.

“Ya’ll never really heard her sing. Just watch and get ready to have your mouths hit the floor.” Both Pinkie and Spitfire looked back to Big Macintosh, who was grinning from ear to ear.

Applejack walked out to the center of the arena and took off her hat, and gave the audience the biggest smile she could through her nerves. With a small, firm nod of her head Applejack signaled Vinyl to begin, and music began to stream from the speakers. Closing her eyes and tapping a hoof in time, she took a deep breath and sang.

“Fly me to the Moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hoof
In other words, darlin’, kiss me...

Everypony in attendance had frozen in a state of shock. Most of them had heard the farmer speak and thought her thick accent would have gotten in the way of any sort of song, but here she was singing so beautifully, with so much passion.

“Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you.”

Spitfire was entranced. She’s hot, has a reliable career, funny, and has a voice of an angel. Oh Luna, let her be single and gay.

In other words, please be true
In other words, in other words
I love you.”

The music ended as Applejack drew out the final note to the song. The air hung still before it was filled with screams and cheers. The Ponyvillians gave voice to their approval, delightedly surprised at seeing this previously unknown facet to the steadfast, hardworking farmer.

“I must say you have a gift Applejack, dare I say you might have missed your calling.” Princess Celestia stated with a gentle smile, as she floated up a eight.

“Your voice is truly something to be proud of, and I do say your choice of lyrics were quite becoming .” Luna looked more then happy with the song, and nopony would be surprised by the ten that was displayed

“The song was sung with grace, and elegance that most Canterlot ponies can only dream about. But Trixie has heard hundreds of ponies sing. Yes many can’t, but many can as well. However Trixie has always liked music so Trixie will give you a seven.” The show pony nodded her head and fixed her hat before looking to the last judge only to see the white unicorn grinning like a fool. “And what, pray tell, has you so happy?”

“So you love music do you?” Vinyl leaning over the table and rested her chin in her hoof.

“You do know you have a job to do right?”

“Oh, yeah, yeah, song... neato.” The white unicorn waved a dismissing hoof at the farmer as she grabbed a random card with her magic and held up an upside-down five. It was clear that her attention was elsewhere.

“Wow, Applejack that was great!” Pinkie exclaimed. “You’re the new leader with thirty points! I would have never guessed that you can sing like that! its was like seeing a rainbow for the first time!” Pinkie pulled Applejack into a bone-crushing hug.

“Easy there, sugarcube. It was just a song, ya don’t need ta embarrass me anymore. Now hurry on up and get the next pony out here.” Applejack cantered off and waved to the cheering ponies. She predicted apple sales would be good for a while.

“Wow, I feel sorry for whoever has to follow that act! Now let's see...” Pinkie looked around for the clipboard only to find it in Gummies mouth. “Thanks Gummy!” Bending down she read the list like it was the best book she had ever read. “Hoooo! Can anyone say sibling rivalry? Next it's Big Mac!”

Big Macintosh strolled out mush her he did when he was walking around the town, a slow stride with warm smile, once he was standing next to Pinkie he nodded to her and she stepped away.

“Now, I ain’t gonna sing for ya all, and I ain’t got some fancy dance with fire or magic, I’m a simple pony, but I may just have something that y’all may like.” He closed his eyes and cleared his throat.

I look upon this snowy field
A place where life does dare not show
There's naught but frozen dirt and grass
It's hollow like my heart does feel

A place where life does dare not show
The brown, the grey, the blanket snow
It's hollow like my heart does feel
A place where life cannot be seen

The brown, the grey, the blanket snow
They act to hide, but I still know
A place where life cannot be seen
Can often keep a seed to sow

They act to hide, but still I know
The trees, as bare as bones of ash
Can often keep a seed to sow
A seed of spring, of leaf and green

The trees, as bare as bones of ash
But still are filled to brim with life
A seed of spring, of leaf and green
Is all I need to see this fact

They still are filled to brim with life
It lies beneath the frozen shell
It's all I need to see this fact
I feel the web of life within

It lies beneath the frozen shell
It sits and waits for spring to come
I feel the web of life within
A green and glowing energy

It sits and waits for spring to come
The pulse of life like warm fresh air
A green and glowing energy
Set down for winter, wants to rush

The pulse of life like warm fresh air
A sharp contrast to scene out there
Set down for winter, wants to rush
Off in another place and time

A sharp contrast to scene out there
My mind, it wanders out to go
Off in another place and time
Where summer harvest takes my soul

My mind, it wanders out to go
Into a suitable warm place
Where summer harvest takes my soul
And I am lost in work again

Into a suitable warm place
Where I can watch, just sit and look
And I am lost in work again
So I can see the life it holds

Where I can watch, just sit and look
I look upon the snowy field
So I can see the life it holds

When the red stallion finished the judges could see a few tears escaping his eye, it was clear he truly loved his home and his work. Big Macintosh took a bow, once that was done he began his trek as calmly as he walked on leaving some very emotional ponies in his wake.

Trixie, Luna, Vinyl and Celestia shared a brief huddle before four card floated up simultaneously. Ten, ten, nine and eight; giving Macintosh the lead with thirty-seven points. The stallion gave a quick bow to each judge in turn before leaving.

Returning to the competitors’ tent, Big Mac heard beating hooves and the clattering of cart wheels as he drew near. Walking around the back side if the tent, Big Macintosh saw Soarin running, pulling along a tarp-covered cart.


With Soarin ran towards the red pony with as she slowed his approach and stopped next to his old friend. “I’m back. Did I make... Make it back in time?” Soarin asked as his lungs took in deep breaths.

“Yes indeedy! You're right on time!” came a high pitched response from behind him, speaking into his ear.

With a distinctly girlish squeal Soarin leapt clean out of the cart’s harness and in the the air. “Don’t do tha- Wait, how did you get in the cart?

From her place in the cart Pinkie smiled up at the now-airborne pony “Well... You were running so fast I thought it would be fun to get a free ride, so I hopped in, and boy was it fuuuuuun! Wait, before I forget: you still need to take your turn. Are you ready?” Pinkie poked her head under the tarp. “What are those for?” she asked when she resurfaced, wearing a confused expression and pointing down.

“You’ll see soon enough.” Soarin smiled as Pinkie hopped out of the cart. Donning his harness once more, he made way the remaining distance to the center of the field. Working swiftly, he set up a table by the cart, then he started to build something out of a few blocks of wood and one really big plank, much to the mystification of the crowd, who tried to deduce what the Wonderbolt was setting up.

Soon enough what looked to be a wall with straps in a pattern had been set up facing the awaiting spectators, whose murmured speculation was immediately muted as a ragtag selection of long knives and hatchets were pulled from the cart. Once Soarin was set up he walked over to his makeshift wall, taping a balloon to it before turning to the audience and speaking into the microphone that had been provided.

“Okay everypony... Um, from all the looks I’m getting I would say you are all a little nervous about this table full of shiny and very sharp items.” He slapped a wing to the table and sent a knife flying right up into the air. “Well, don't worry. You are all very safe as long as you are not standing Against the board.” In a blink of an eye Soarin had caught the handle of the falling knife in his mouth and flung it at the wall with a single fluid motion, where it embedded itself point-first into the space of wood to the right of the balloon.

“Well, it looks like I’m a little out of practice,” he said with a quick bark of laughter. That earned a laugh from the fans, and he flashed those few a quick smile as he grabbed a second knife and flung it, popping the balloon dead center. “There it is, now I can stand her and have you watch me throw thing at a wall all day, but then where is the fun in that? So, who would like to come down and help me out?”

Every young pony started screaming and frantically waving their hooves and shouting trying to get Soarin’s attention while some older mares were doing the same, but most of the other ponies looked a little scared. “Wow, do all of you have such little faith in a Wonderbolt?” he smiled in false bravado and tossed a hatchet at the wall, which embedded in the wood with a sickening thud.

“Oh, this is just too cool!” Vinyl was bouncing up and down on her hooves like a filly on a sugar hype.

Her cohost gave a derisive snort. “Please, it is just a simple trick. Trixie used to do something similar in her act when she was starting out, and sawing a pony in half is not all that dissimilar from this.”

“Wait, you're telling me that you actually did that old trick?”

“Like she said: when Trixie was just starting out, she soon learned how ’old’ that trick really was.”

But Vinyl had already stopped listening to Trixie as got up from the table and moved to where Soarin was standing. “Hey, flyboy! Little Miss Cape-and-Hat here said that your knives are fake and that your trick is nothing but a load of crap!”

“What? Trixie did not put it like that!” the magician protested.

“Yeah she did! She said it was as lame as sawing a pony in half!” Vinyl looked back at Trixie, who was once again giving her a baleful stare. “I know it’s not your show, but dag girl, can’t you let somepony else have the spotlight for a change?”

“Trixie is going to make you eat your own cutie ma-”

Before Trixie knew what was going on, Vinyl had raced back to the judge’s table and was pushing her along to where Soarin stood watching in confused interest. As she was push by Vinyl making she stumbled up to where Soarin stood.

“So, you think this is just a trick? Well then why don’t you come and stand over here.” Soarin placed a wing on Trixies back and began leading the to the wall.” Soarin spoke with a low suave tone, but there seemed to be something dark behind his words.

“But... but Trixie did not volunteer. And she is a judge, it would be improper for her to participate.”

Vinyl consummately ignored the mare’s protests and in very little time had her strapped in and against the wall. Giving each strap a sharp jerk to ensure they were secure, she stepped back and looked the now-trapped Trixie up and down. “Kinky...” she muttered appreciatively, before moving away.

Soarin ignored Trixie’s continuing objections and carefully selected a knife from his arsenal, at the sight of which Trixie’s words withered away, her entire focus now fixed disbelievingly on the piece of steel. The pegasus weighed the knife in his mouth carefully for a moment, before nodding to himself in satisfaction.

“Soarin!” Spitfire flew over and landed next to her flight partner and grabbed his head into her hooves. “What the hell are you doing? Don't you remembered what happened last time? You're still paying that pony’s family!” The crowd laughed at what they thought was a joke, but Trixie could see the genuine concern in the mare’s eyes. It did not bode well for her.

Soarin showed the blade into the table before speaking. “Spitfire, really, it's fine! I’m not using any fire this time.” Spitfire gave him a stern look and flared her wings a little. “Look, if I hit her... I will resign my position on the Wonderbolts.”

Trixie hoped to use this time to slip away from the wall, but without warning a hatchet sailed through the air and embedding itself an inch from her head.

A few things happened after that. Trixie’s eyes widened as she looked at the hatchet. It was real. Not plastic, foam, or even velcro on the blade. It was flesh-splitting, blood-spilling, pain-inducingly real. The ponies in the stands were cheering for her and Soarin, but Vinyl looked like she seen a ghost as she too realized that this was no stunt. A knife flew at the blue unicorn hitting the the wall right by her neck. Soarin let fly a second knife but this one never found its mark.

A blue aura surrounded the knife stopped in mid air. “What in Equestria do you think you're doing!” Trixie had once again found her voice and her shout was so loud that every pony in the stands flinched. “How can you think throwing real knives at me is a good idea! Do you lack any grain of common sense! We did not rehearse this stunt, nor have I ever worked with you before! What if you had hit me or somepony else?” Trixie used the knife to cut her bonds, then sending the knife humming into the side of the cart.

“Irresponsible half-wit,” she spat, before storming off with Vinyl hot on her hooves.

An uncertain silence settled over the arena, before it was broken by the referee.

“Well.... this is super-duper-awkward,” Pinkie said with a smile. “Okay, on with the grand finale!”

I want to thank Jcel4569 for his Poem on winter. it was great and I loved it
As always I love my Beat team without them I would be lost. so thank you Gabby gums and Stryker12324

Ok everypony, let me start by saying how sorry I am for not updating sooner I have no real excuse other than me being lazy and that I hate this story a lot. I feel I let you all down with it. I have wasted so many oratonites and I failed to give you any real Twidash, for that I am sorry.