• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 10,193 Views, 214 Comments

Time in Equestria - Fox-Sama

Can Twilight Sparkle work up the nerve to tell Rainbow how she feels? will Rainbow make it easy for her? Not a chance

  • ...

Chapter six. An eye for an eye

Chapter 6

An Eye for an Eye


Please note, that chapters 1-5 has gone under a slight rewrite. The plot was not changed, it was just a cleanup effort and more details were smoothed out.


After Gilda fled from the competition, Twilight called for an intermission to get things sorted out, and more importantly to check up on Dash. The dirt and sand that Gilda had thrown was laced with little rocks that caught the pegasus in the eyes. Walking around to Nurse Redheart’s tent, Twilight saw Applejack and Spitfire waiting outside.

“So, how is she? Has Nurse Redheart said anything yet?”

“Not yet. When we walked in she helping Dash wash her eyes out, but she told us to stay out here,” Spitfire answered.

“Dash said she was fine, but knowing her, she just sayin’ that,” Applejack added in, while looking back to the tent.

“Well I think she’s fine. Anypony that can pull off a Sonic Rainboom while saving four lives at the same time is a tough pony,” Spitfire sang out with a wide smile.

Twilight smiled to herself. It always made her happy to hear other ponies speak so fondly of her Dashie. Twilight’s mind started to drift more at this point, filling itself with various fantasies. Applejack and Spitfire gave the unicorn a couple odd looks as Twilight adopted a goofy smile. Applejack looked a little disconcerted about her friend’s new look.

“Um, Twi? Are ya ok?”

Twilight just stood her ground, and was not sporting a furious blush lightly. It was this odd scene that the nurse had now walked in on. “Is she alright? asked the concerned Nurse. “Tell me she did not eat funnel cake,”

“Umm... we're not entirely sure,” Spitfire said before grinning slowly at the ref. “But I think I know that look, and if I had to guess, I think that she’s in lo-”

Twilight snapped out of her fantasy world and plunged her hoof into Spitfire’s open mouth before smiling nervously. “Oh my gosh! I am so sorry Spitfire! I must have tripped! Are you ok?” Twilight’s eyes were a flurry of worry and panic as they darted from pony to pony.

Spitfire looked into the unicorn’s eyes and saw the desperation behind them. They were the eyes of a cornered animal. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” She winked at Twilight.

“So what’s the word, Nurse? Is Rainbow ok?” inquired Applejack.

“She will be fine, but I do need to speak with Twilight Sparkle and her in private.” The nurse requested, her tone polite.

Applejack looked ready to argue the fact, but a small smile from Twilight put her mind to ease. “Well, I reckon we should be gettin’ some food while we can. C’mon Spitfire, let’s go to the farmhouse and I’ll me show ya how real apples taste,” Applejack said, as left the medical tent and began to walk towards the apple cellar, followed by Spitfire, who was very much admiring the view.

“Like I said, Rainbow Dash will fine, but her eyes took some damage and I feel she needs to rest them for at least two days. So, I suggest that she be pulled from today’s competition.” The nurse spoke as she led Twilight into the tent.

“ I already told you, I can see just fine, and I am not dropping out!” Dash shouted as she held her head in a sink, washing out her eyes.

Twilight sighed and looked away from her friend. “Rainbow, you heard what the nurse said. You need to relax. I’m sorry Dash, but I can’t let you continue in this competition.”

“WHAT?!” Dash pulled her head out of the sink, splashing water as her mane whipped around. Looking back, Twilight could see how red and puffy the pegasus’ eyes were. “Twilight, please don’t!”

Anypony could see how upset the flyer was getting, and Twilight knew how much Dash hated losing her composure in front of others. “Nurse Redheart, do you think you can give us a moment please?”

Nodding her head, the white mare took her leave. As soon as she was gone Dash took a step forward. “Twilight, please, you can't do this to me, you can't. You already embarrassed me in front of everypony by stepping in front of me when I was about to fight Gilda!”

Twilight's face changed from one of concern to one of sadness before shifting to one of rage. “Rainbow Dash! You know full well I did not do that to embarrass you! I’m only trying to look out for your safety! You’re my friend and I care!”

“I know.” Rainbow hung her head low as she spoke. “And also I know you worry about me Twi, and believe me when I say that means the world to me, but I have to finish this. I can't let her beat me.”

Twilight saw a few tears drip from Rainbow’s eyes and took a step forward to nuzzle her friend's neck and cheek, an action the pegasus returned. “Rainbow, she is already gone, and who cares what she thinks?”

“I care.” Breaking the neck hug, Rainbow looked the unicorn in the eye. “ She came here to embarrass me, and she did what she came for, and she didn’t stop there. She attacked you too; she insulted my closest friend! And I just sat there glaring at her! I should have stopped her!”

“Dash, her words mean nothing to me. She can call me anything she likes. Does it hurt, yes, but at the same time it’s nothing because I have my friends. I have you, and I know that her words mean nothing in the end. But what matters right now is you.” Twilight used her foreleg to raise Rainbow’s head she could look her friend in her puffy eyes. “Tell me the truth Dash, how bad are your eyes?”

“They sting, and I can’t see small things like words,” Dash admitted as she held her head low, fearing she was out.

“Well then, I have no choice. Rainbow you have ten minutes to get yourself ready for the next round while I go and talk to the princesses.” Dash stood where she was, dumbstruck as she watched Twilight leave. “What? This is the Iron Pony Competition. Not the Egghead Nationals.”


Outside, the spectator ponies were all out and about getting snacks and stretching their legs. Vinyl had put on some music again just to help kill time, while Trixie tried and failed miserably to convince the DJ that she was not needed.

“That was quite the performance you put on,” Celestia said, looking over to her sister who was just sitting back down.

“I have no idea of what you speak sister. I was simply getting myself a snack,” Luna smiled mischievously, waving her caramel apple alibi.

“"So, you're saying that the masked heroine, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere with proof of a cheating contestant, was, in fact, not you in your Mare-Do-Well costume? The one that you happen to wear late at night, when you think nopony is watching?"” The caramel apple slipped from Luna's magical grasp, as the alicorn's smile slowly slid off her face. Were it not for Celestia's centuries of practice maintaining composure, she might not have been able to contain her laughter at her sister's horrified expression.

"I could, of course, be mistaken", she continued. "But, I wonder, how did Mare-Do-Well know that Gilda was using underhoof tactics?"

Luna gave her sister the hardest look she could muster. “Sister, you have a bad habit in your spying. But as long as you keep my secret I shall tell you.” Celestia gave her younger sister her trademark smile before nodding. “The truth is, I had seen the griffon use a mirror to blind Rainbow Dash, so I took it upon myself to keep an eye on her. And I felt dressing up would prove to be less of a problem then if I would do it myself.”

“Very clever, now nopony can say we are using our power in favor of our friends. So long as you take the hat off.” Luna panicked and reached for the hat over to find nothing there. “Gotcha.”


In the announcers booth, the unicorn duo were kicking back and relaxing while the music played. Vinyl was lying on her back, bouncing her knees up and down in time with the beat. Meanwhile, Trixie sat impatiently on her haunches, a scowl fixed across her face.

“You know, that look won’t kill me, better ponies with better death-stares have tried.” The DJ spoke with a grin while she watched the other unicorn through her glasses.

“Trixie still protests the result of that game. She was ill-prepared, so she was not at her best and it should not count.” Using her magic, Trixie lifted a piece of paper off of the announcer's table, before ripping it to shreds and depositing the confetti on top of Vinyl's head.

"Okay, I'll bite. How can anypony be 'ill-prepared' for a game of tic-tac-toe?" Vinyl asked her counterpart, smiling and ignoring the sudden paper snow.

“Trixie’s talents are far beyond a game for foals, and you failed to inform Trixie of the wager before the game even started.”

“Well, now you know. If I challenge you to a game, chances are that there will be a prize. And seeing how I won, I got to pick the halftime show, and I picked my music over your magic. It’s not my fault you can't beat me.”

“Trixie could beat you any time she wishes.” Trixie stuck her nose up in a pout as she looked away.

“Ok then, you're on. We’ll play again, and if you win you can go down there and perform your great feats of magic, and I will even give you the pay I was getting for this gig.” The blue-maned unicorn rolled to her belly and got up before floating a quill and a paper over.

Trixie stood up as well and donned her cocky grin. “Trixie does not need your permission to perform! However, she accepts your terms and she will show just how amazing the Great and Powerful Trixie really is!”

Vinyl let Trixie make the first move before she had made her own mark on the sheet, and after a few short strokes with the quills the game was over and Trixie had lost again.

“Tough luck, Twitchy, looks like I win again. Now, seeing how I already have the music playing, I guess I need to find another prize.” Vinyl rubbed her hoof under her chin as she looked away, as if she was deep in thought.

“Oh, sorry, I hope I’m not interrupting anything?” Both unicorns looked back to the door to find yet another unicorn, but this one was dressed in her referee shirt and had a floating clipboard trailing her. “Ok, I got everything back under control and we should be getting underway shortly. I have a few announcements I would like you to read and there will be a change in the final event. Here are the notes on the changes.” As Twilight spoke, she floated both announcers a copy of the papers. “Now if you will excuse me, I need to hurry back to the locker room and tell the others.”

Trixie began reading her new notes. Floating her water over, she took a drink to ready herself to announce again. Behind her, wearing an evil grin, Vinyl waited until Trixie was well immersed in the act of drinking. "I got it! You can take me out to dinner tomorrow night. It's been awhile since my last date," she said, innocently.

Trixie performed a glorious spit-take, water flying forth from her mouth in an undignified spray and leaving her coughing and sputtering....



“Wow, what a crazy ride it’s been so far! That hoof wrestling and the cart pulling was a shutout, and that ball balancing was really cool, but it’s a real bummer that we only have a few games left. That hoof race sure was something, who knew that big red down there could move so fast.” Vinyl stuck her muzzle into a bag of popcorn and happily munched before looking to her left. “So, how did you feel about that last race?”

The azure unicorn looked her blue-maned ‘friend’s’ eating habits and turned away in disgust. “Would you please not talk with your mouth full, Trixie would like to keep her lunch where it is. But you are right, one would think that a pony of his stature would be a little slower, but Trixie thinks that Zecora put in a valiant effort in to her race as well.”

“Yeah, but Rainbow made them both eat her dust. She and Spitfire were neck and neck the for almost the entire race! You think Applejack enjoyed the view from behind them?”

“Trixie wouldn't know!” The show pony screeched indignantly, though Vinyl saw Trixie blushing as clear as day.

“Ok, fine, but remember, nothing is sadder than a boring magician. Did it just get colder?” Looking over Vinyl squeaked and slumped her neck into her shoulders a bit as she received an Icy Glare. “Umm, looks like Vinyl found the line, and crossed it.” She rubbed the back of her head, and gave off a nervous laugh.

“Oh lookie there. It's almost time for the swimming race.” Vinyl said, hoping to get herself out of the hole she dug.


Sure, it had started out well enough. The weather was perfect for the competition, she had a good night's sleep, a nice breakfast, and even time to talk with all her friends before the competition started. But then, Pinkie went on a panicked party planning frenzy, the Crusaders hit the princess in the head with cake, both Applejack and Rainbow Dash lost their tempers, and now this.......

“What in tarnation? Twilight, what do ya mean, we all have to wear swimmin’ suits?” Applejack was irritated by this turn of events, and if the looks from the rest of the competitors said anything, they were too.

“Well, you see, this event is a swimming contest, and according to my research, swimmers in a swimming competition traditionally wear them, so I thought it would be a good idea to do the same.”

“Well I don’t mind wearing it, it’s just swimming gear,” Soarin stated.

“Yeah, but I never swim in anything. It’s going to feel weird.” Rainbow Dash spoke.

‘Well I don’t like one bit, all those ponies out there takin’ pictures and whatnot, seems like a bad idea ta me.” Applejacks cheeks were a little flushed at the idea of having her flank ogled.

“Hey, I already wear a leotard to work everyday, it can't be that bad. I’m in.” Spitfire shrugged and grabbed a suit from the box.


“I will wear this swimming gear, only because I have nothing to fear.”


"And here go, it looks like we have the contestants coming out and seem ready for the swimming race! Whooo, damn! That girl Spitfire really knows how to fill out a suit and show her stuff. Dash ain't lookin' that bad either. Hey, Trixie, isn't it weird how when you give a pony a swimsuit, everything becomes sexier?” Vinyl asked, her eyes never leaving the mares on the field.

“Trixie.... does not know how to respond to that question.”

Vinyl looked over at Trixie and elbowed her a few times: “C'mon Twitchy! I mean, we walk with nothing on most of the time, au naturale, if you will. How come when you give a pony something to wear they've got that much more... I don't know... something, y'know what I mean? There's just somethin' about a pony in clothes!”

"Trixie is more than a little confused.”

“Trust me, just roll with it.” Vinyl smiled fondly, trying to calm the other unicorn’s nerves.

“Trixie... admits that you have a point about the swim wear.”

“Ooh.... so you do like what you see down there. Tell me, what catches your eye? Is it Big Mac? Don't tell me that such a big, strong stallion in a skintight suit doesn't light a fire in your loins! Or is it the hot flank of Applejack, you can bounce a bit off that thing.”

“Trixie is personally more concerned about the death-glare that Applejack is giving us now. And Trixie must insist that watch what you are saying Vinyl! There are foals in the crowd!'

“So? They're gonna learn about it eventually. I'm just helping them along. Hey, kids, ever heard of something called the birds and the bees? Well, I don't mean it literally, but when a mare an-“ The audience heard an audible squeaking sound followed by a loud thud.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie must apologize for that. It appears that Vinyl Scratch is having some technical difficulties with her microphone.”

“Technical difficulties my flank, you used your magic to pull my legs out from under me!”

“Trixie is sure you just tripped while your mind was in the gutter.”

“I cry foul! Assassination attempt! Assassination attempt!" yelled Vinyl, jabbing a hoof repeatedly at her co-announcer.

"If anything, it was last ditch attempt at saving Trixie's sanity, considering that she has to spend the entire night with you," Trixie snapped, to which the DJ merely chuckled.

"Baby, you'll find that I can go all night long..." whispered Vinyl in what she imagined to be a seductive tone.

"You know very well that is not what Trixie meant!" screeched Trixie. "And would you please keep such vulgarities to your imagination. For the children’s sake.”

“Oh come on, it’s not like I was actually going to tell them anything that bad anyway!”

“Forgive Trixie if she doesn't believe you.”

“Why do you gotta be such a prude, anyway? No, really, when did I cross your line? Was it at the whole Big Mac 'lighting a fire in your loins' bit?"

"Shut up."

"Why? Are stallions not to your taste? Perhaps you prefer something a little more... feminine?" asked Vinyl, somehow managing to wiggle her eyebrows in a lewd manner.

“Why must you be so difficult to deal with?”

“Um, that’s funny... I remember my mom asking me that once...” Vinyl was tapping her chin in thought as she smiled at a fond memory.

The blue unicorn’s head fell down and hit the table for what must have been the twentieth time that day. “Why, oh why must Trixie suffer so?”

“Oh that’s an easy one, because Vinyl thinks it’s funny.” Trixie sent her a dark look. “So what ,tickles your fancy?”

“Trixie is not about to discuss her sexual preferences publicly! And what did Trixie just say about keeping your commentary family friendly!"

Vinyl was up and right next to Trixie now. “Quit avoiding the question. Do you like ma-”

“Oh, look! The athletes are ready to begin! Trixie doesn’t think we should delay them any further, don't you?

Vinyl sat on her hunches and sighed. “Spoilsport. Well if you won't answer my question, how about another wager?”

“Why are you attempting to force further humiliating obligations unto Trixie?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” All Trixie did was give her a blank look for her answer. “For somepony who is Great and Powerful you sure are slow. It's because I like you, and no, I don’t think I will humiliate you anymore... I think. Well, maybe, but I was going to suggest we go for bits this time around, plain and simple.”

“Trixie is unsure anything thing you do is plain and simple.”

“Well I’ll give you that, I am too cool to be plain. But c'mon, what do you got to lose?”

“You mean other then Trixie’s hard earned bits?” Trixie said, evenly

“Look, you already lost the last bet, I'm just giving you a chance to salvage some of your pride.”

“Trixie’s pride has nothing to do with it, you just want to make a few quick bits.”

Vinyl just gave a cool yet innocent smile. “Hey, can't blame a mare for tryin’, can you?”

“Very well, if Trixie can take you down a notch, then she will accepts.”

“Alright then we have a deal, I- Wait a minute. Take me down a notch? Girl, have you looked in the mirror recently?”

“As a matter of fact, yes, Trixie has. And, as always, she saw the most beautiful and talented unicorn in all of Equestria,” the magician beamed at her co-host.

“Your pretty high on yourself aren’t you?”

“And you are rather arrogant”

“What you call arrogance I call self-confidence! I’ll even give you two to one odds. Ten bits says a pegasus will win. If I’m wrong I pay out double, deal?”

“Trixie accepts your terms.” Vinyl held out a hoof. Trixie looked at it from a few angles to make sure it was safe before she shook it.


Twilight had all six competitors lined up in front of the pool, ready to begin the race. She had explained the rules to them beforehoof, and they were all warmed up.

With a loud bang of magic, the competitors jumped in the water as the crowd cheered loudly in appreciation. Spitfire and Rainbow Dash took off like a shot and gained an early lead, their movements making the bare minimum of splashes made it seem like they were born to be in the water instead of up in the clouds. Applejack and Soarin held a much slower pace, making shorter strides and as they swam. Their inexperience in the water was painfully obvious. Big Macintosh was doing the family dog proud with his own rendition of a doggy paddle.

But it was Zecora that surprised everypony. She was the last to jump into the water, but when she did, she moved faster the lighting. Swimming under the water, she easily passed Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Soarin, and was soon right behind the leading duo.

She popped her head up and took a quick breath before she ducked back under the surface and swam right under a stunned looking Rainbow Dash and Spitfire just to come up right in front of them and cross the finish line.

Back with the broadcast team, Vinyl was standing there with an expression that looked to be a cross between anger and surprise.

“Trixie is astonished! She had never seen a pony move so swiftly in the water before. What about you Vinyl?”

“Oh come on, I can’t believe it! I just lost ten bits!”

“Well, you were the one that wanted to gamble, it would be childish to whine about it, now if you would be so kind as to pay Trixie.”

Vinyl begrudgingly floated the bits over. “I hate you.”

“Trixie is sure of it. Now, would you like to go over the next event or would you rather sit there and pout?”

Vinyl had her back to Trixie. “I’m not pouting.”

“Of course you're not… Well, seeing how Trixie’s counterpart is brooding Tri-”

“I'm not brooding, I'm plotting my revenge, see?' Vinyl floated over a piece of paper in front of Trixie.

It was a crude sketch, with which some imagination could be interpreted as a diagram of a catapult flanked by two ponies. The pony on the left, in the direction that the siege weapon was pointed, was portly pony that bore a pair of curved horns and a pitchfork. The one on the right looked to be playing drums. They were labeled, respectively, as Trixie and Vinyl. A bucket sat on the end of the catapult’s throwing arm, ominously identified as only ‘Mystery Liquid Alpha’.

Trixie stared at the drawing saying nothing before giving the white unicorn a black look. “Trixie is not fat.”

“Well, you did eat half my lunch.”

“Are you only here to drive Trixie mad?”

“Yeah, pretty much. But before we go into the next event, how about we go to the scoreboard for a recap?”

“Oh, please do, before Trixie strangles you.”

“You would hurt your ‘partner’? In front of everypony?” As Vinyl spoke she started quivering her lip and putting on her best over-the-top sad face.

“Yes, and nopony would bla...” It was at this moment Trixie realized exactly what Vinyl had said. “You are not Trixie’s partner!”

“But what about all we’ve been through!” Vinyl said in a mock sad voice as Trixie began to hit her head on the table over and over again. “Cool, I think I broke her.”

“Ok, So we started off with eight players and now we are down to six. For those who missed it or those with poor memory, Bob the Royal Guardspony dropped out due to a skin rash of some sort. Then we had Gilda, a griffon who seemed to have some issues with Rainbow Dash, who was disqualified for cheating. However, her less-than honest tactics may have cost Rainbow Dash a win in the barrel weave event, giving the win to Applejack”

“That is true. If not for Gilda’s interference Trixie thinks it could have easily been a win for the bright pegasus. Now the tug of war was an entertaining event. Trixie felt Soarin made a smart move by dropping out.”

“What? He’s a Wonderbolt, for Luna’s sake, and then he just quits! How lame is that? I wouldn’t be surprised he lost a massive amount of fans. I know I was disappointed.”

“Are you mad? Soarin is a trained flier, he knows his limits and chose to save strength for later events. Trixie has gained a greater respect for the stallion.”

“I guess you’re right, he is pretty smart, but I was still shocked when Big Red lost that one. Then again, he and Gilda had just gone hoof to paw, buuuttttt....” Vinyl smiled as she drew out the word a little longer then she should. “The juicy stuff was what your other partners said, that the local fashion police has some hot thoughts about the red farmer, and that little tidbit of info gave Gilda the win, but seeing how she was busted for cheating, I guess that one is a no score?”

“Trixie can't fathom why you must involve yourself in everypony’s sex lives.”

“What can I say, sex sells.”

“Trixie is not even going to dignify that with an answer. But Gilda was not done there, it would seem she would also cheated in the haystack throw by adding extra weight to her competitor’s hay, and oddly enough, may have got away with it, if not for the same comment you mentioned before. It was rather frightening for Trixie to see how angry Applejack got over the whole thing.”

“Well, I don’t know what that was all about, but I will admit Applejack’s kick scared my flank off. I really think that kick would have taken another pony’s head clean off, but at least she walked away with the win.”

“Indeed so Vinyl, but the Acrobatic event was Trixie’s favorite. The amount of balance a pony must possess to stand on those large rubber balls for any length of time is simply incredible. And Trixie was amazed how well Zecora and Rainbow Dash did, going as far as to stand on their back hooves when it was down to the two of them.”

“Yeah that was something. Sucked for Dash when she sneezed and fell off. But sometimes, luck is just not on your side. But I really liked how Big Red put everypony away fast and hard in the Hoof Wrestling, but then again it would be really weird if he lost. I mean, the guy is as big as a buffa-” Vinyl would have kept talking if not for a huff from Trixie. “And why are you getting all huffy?”

“While Trixie is not taking anything from Big Macintosh, she did find it a little boring to not only see him obliterate the competition in the hoof wrestle, but again in the cart pulling.”

“But that's what makes that part of why it’s so cool!” Vinyl exclaimed.

“Oh? And maybe you can enlighten Trixie as well as our listeners?” Trixie challenged smugly, hoping to take a shot at the other unicorn's intellect.

“Certainly. Everypony loves a good contest, and I agree when the scores are close they make the game really interesting. But sometimes, it's just as exciting when a pony completely dominates the competition. It gives you a chance to see just how skilled or smart they may be. And if you know the pony, it's even better! Like Big Mac down there. Everypony in Ponyville knows who he is, the powerful yet gentle giant who's so quiet that most of the time you barely even notice he's there. But here at the Iron Pony Competition, he can show everypony just how strong he is. And seeing somepony you know doing so well is really exciting for their friends and fans, and it gets them really pumped up. As a fellow performer, you know that the crowd can make or break any event.”

The answer caught Trixie off guard, stunning her into silence for a few brief seconds. She had been expecting some sort of flippant remark or whimsical reply with not so subtle sexual overtones, and certainly not anything like a reasoned argument.

"Trixie has... never thought of it like that. You have made a valid point, Vinyl, and Trixie shall recant her previous statement about those event being dull.”

“What can I say, I’m one smart filly.” Now Vinyl was sounding cocky again.

“Indeed. Now would the smart filly with the big head like to continue with the recap, or will the onus fall unto Trixie?”

“Nah, I already used all my ‘A’ game, and I’m not about to reuse the same jokes I used for the hoof race and the Swimming race, so lets just hit up the scoreboard. Right now, in first place we have the striped wonder, with three wins in the Ball Balancing, the Long Jump, and the Swimming Race.”

Trixie was starting to get irritated at her counterpart. Vinyl had the ability to seemingly jump from topic to topic at random, thus making real conversation impossible. Unfortunately for Trixie, this irritant had once more caused her eyebrow to start twitching again, which gave Vinyl the opportunity to laugh at her.

“It is taking all of Trixie’s great and powerful will not to kill you right now, but yes, Zecora is not in the winner's circle yet. Because, unlike you, Trixie hadn’t forgotten about the three ponies we have tied in second place. Applejack, Spitfire and Big Macintosh all have two points apiece, with Applejack winning the Barrel Weave and Haystack Throw, Spitfire winning both the Push Ups event as well the Hundred Meter Dash, and Big Macintosh winning the Hoof wrestling and Cart Pulling. Trixie can't even remember the last time she had seen a contest so close.”

“I have to agree with you Twitchy, and with two events left it's still anypony’s game. Even for Soarin and Rainbow Dash, who are not looking too happy with zero points. Speaking of which, the next game is a- wait, Free Talent? That counts as an event? Wow, whoever wrote up this event list is really reaching with this one”


“Ok everypony, you heard them. There are only two events left, and this next one is called the Freestyle Talent Show. The rules are simple, you will be given ten minutes to prepare whatever it is you want to do, then one by one you will perform in front of a panel of judges. Are there any questions?”

Soarin was having a bad day, having embarrassed himself in every event, so he felt a little rest on his back was in order. But when Twilight showed up he poked his head up to ask. “Who are the judges? I thought you were the pony in charge here?”

Twilight looked up from her clipboard and cleared her throat. Applejack sighed, knowing Twilight was about to start yet another long winded answer. “I am the referee for the events, yes, but the nature of this event is a bit different. Since there will be no clear winner like before, we will need a scoring system, and that’s where the judges come in. You will perform and they will rate you from one to ten. As for why I am not a judge is due to the fact that a number of the competitors are close friends of mine. It would be hard for me to remain objective, so I will have to abstain for the remainder of this event.”

Applejack shook her head at Twilight’s response. She loved her friends and all, but sometimes she wonders... “Ya know Twi, ya could have saved a lot of breath if ya just said ‘It’s easier if the judges do it because I got mah friends in the competition.’”

Twilights ears laid back as she looked at her friend. “That’s what I “just” got finished saying,”

Zecora did not look happy. She had her talents, yes, but seeing how all her potions, brews and other equipment were all back at her home, she was in trouble. “I am unprepared for such an event, all my supplies are at home so I may prevent yet another expedient.”

“I’m sorry Zecora, but I couldn’t have told you before hoof. It wouldn’t have been fair to the others.” Looking around her she saw that just about everypony was unhappy with either the next event, or their allotted prep time. “But, seeing how Gilda and Bob have not been competing, we are a bit ahead of schedule, so we can spare thirty minutes to get prepared. I know that will be cutting it really close for you, Zecora, but maybe you can have a pegasus fly you out and back.”

“If it lets me stretch out my wings, I will do it! I never imagined not having my wings was so madding! I was about to crawl out of my coat!” Soarin all but shouted.

“Oh come on, Soarin, it hasn’t even been five hours. You're acting like a rookie,” Spitfire chastised with a light smile and a shake of her head.

“Actually Soarin, I was about to say that you get your wings back. There is no point in keeping you all grounded for the remaining events.” Smiling fondly, Twilight closed her eyes and her horn lit up as a light aura enveloped the wings of Soarin and Spitfire.

Sensing Soarin might try and back out of his offer, Zecora spoke up. “Thank you, anypony about can see that your heart is pure, of this fact I am quite sure.”

With a wide smile, Soarin flapped his wings a few time while releasing a content sigh before looking back at the zebra. “So, where we going?”

“I will tell you if you do not flee, I make my home in the forest of Everfree.”

Before Soarin could finish his whimpering, Twilight was already looking back at her clipboard. “Now before you to take off, let’s see who will go first.” Twilight glanced over her notes and found when she saw that both Rainbow and Soarin had yet to win a single event. “Ok then, we will start with Spitfire, followed by Soarin, then Applejack, Zecora, and Big Macintosh. Rainbow, you will have to go on last... Rainbow?’

Twilight saw everypony go off to get themselves ready, but she hadn’t seen Dash among the group. “Applejack, have you seen Rainbow around?”

Applejack brought a hoof under her chin in thought. “Now that you mention it, not since the swimming race. I hope she’s not too upset, losin’ to Zecora.”

“I think I’ll go and check up on her, just to make sure. I hope she won't do anything drastic.” Twilight craned her neck and gave a longing look out the tent entrance, as her thoughts had yet again drifted to the brightly colored mare. She was beginning to wonder if this was normal behavior, and made a mental note to do some research on the thought process of romance.

“Um, Twilight? Is there somthin’ botherin’ you? You got this really weird look on yer face.”

“Oh, I’m just thinking about Rainbow and my strange thought patterns.” Twilight dawned a look and pure horror. Her eyes were wide, her purples dilated, and she ever so slowly turned her neck to see a grinning Spitfire and a confused looking Applejack.

Twilight’s brow broke out in a sweat as her breathing became erratic, her heart pounding wildly in her chest.

‘Oh, how could I have let that slip so easily! Wait... why is Spitfire grinning like that? She doesn't suspect... does she?’

“Strange thoughts? What are you talking about Twi, did you really think RD is in trouble?”

“Oh, I um...” Twilight’s eyes shifted from left to right as if she was looking for an escape route. Yes, she had the entrance to the tent right there, but it was always a good idea to have a backup, or twelve. “Well, you see it's just this whole thing with Gilda has really got into her head, and if you add in the fact that it happened in front of so many ponies, including her friends and her heroes, I’m just worried she might do something dangerous just for the sake of her personal image. I mean, you remember the whole Mare Do Well incident, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I reckon you got a point. Well, let’s go and look for her before time runs out. I still need to think of somethin’ to do...” The dry look Applejack had on her face made Twilight give a nervous laugh.

“Well, I’m not that familiar with Ponyville. I’ve only been to the market and to Applejack’s apple cellar. Not to mention you both know her a lot better than I do, so, where do we start looking?” Both Applejack and Twilight gave Spitfire rather surprised looks. “What? She’s a fan, and the Wonderbolts look after their fans! Well, not only that, but I would like to become better friends with her, I mean, she did save my life after all.”

‘Oh no! Does Spitfire likes Rainbow Dash too? What if she does? How can I compete with her? She’s a pegasus and a Wonderbolt! No, not just any Wonderbolt, she’s the team captain!’ Oh no, no no, no, no... “Does that mean you already have an idea to what you will be doing, Spitfire?” Twilight was wearing a smile no matter how fake it was. But until she knew the truth, Spitfire was a rival, and a strong one at that.

“Well, I have a idea, but I don’t know if I can get the stuff I’d need.” Spitfire looked thoughtful as she looked out into the town.

“Ok, how about this, I will go look for Dash. It would probably be better not to crowd her right now. And Applejack, if you wouldn’t mind, can you help Spitfire gather the materials she’s looking for?”

“I think you might be right Twi. Knowin’ RD, I reckon some one-on-one time is just what she needs. So what do ya say, Spitfire, want to mosey on into town and see what we can do? Now what’s got you all excited?” Looking over Applejack saw that Spitfire was grinning from ear to ear, and her wings had started fluttering a little bit.

Looking away from the orange earth pony to hide a faint blush. “Oh, well, you know, in Canterlot, almost everypony is only out for themselves, and here you are helping a pony that can take first place away from you. It’s just nice to see a pony that’s not outright selfish for a change.” ‘Now that was some fast thinking, Fire, good work’. Spitfire suddenly look really pleased with herself.

“Well, I can't speak for everypony in Ponyville, but that just how my family and I do it, right Twi?”” Applejack’s smile only grew as she implied that Twilight was her family, and it was a smile that Twilight returned with equal vigor.

“That’s right, Applejack. Now you two go on while I go and look for Rainbow.” Twilight walked out the tent and instinct took over as she began scanning the skies. She looked for about a minute before her ears fell to the top of her head. “Nice one, Twilight, you locked her wings yourself.” After she mentally berated herself a bit longer, she began looking on the ground and thought where Rainbow might be. It was then Twilight remembered that Applejack and Rainbow played horseshoes on the other side of the barn.

As she neared the barn, Twilight heard what sounded like somepony working as collective sounds of grunts and thuds filled the air. It was as if somepony was throwing something over and over again, with a lot of force. Rounding the corner of the barn, she heard an aggressive grunt before the whoosh an object cutting through the air. ” Rainbow is that yo-” Then, all she felt was pain as she hit the ground with a cry.

“Oh Luna! Twilight!” Rainbow ran to her friend's side and gasped at the bleeding cut over her left eye. “Oh Luna, I am so sorry Twilight! Are you ok!”

Tears were spilling from Twilight’s eyes as she held the left side of her face. She was not used to getting hurt, and a horseshoe to the head hurt a lot. She tried to open her eyes, but the blood from the cut stung and made her snap her eyes shut again. “Hold on Twi!”

Twilight felt her body being lifted out of the dirt and settled on to her friend’s back. “What’s going on?”

“I’m taking you to get looked at. I’m so sorry Twilight, I didn't mean to!” Rainbow ran as hard as she good ignoring the gasps from everypony she passed, and before Twilight knew where she was she heard Dash’s shout, “Nurse Redheart! Twilight’s hurt!”


Chapter six everypony, I hope you like it! Soon the games will be over, who's going to win? Will Zecora take home the gold? Will Spitfire or Applejack make a comeback? Will Rainbow win any events? And will Soarin get any Pie? Find out next time on the next episode of Dragon Bal... Oops, I mean Time in Equestria.

As always I need to thank my Proof readers, without them no one would ever read my story,
Jcel4569 and Gabby Gums.

I have a treat for all my readers. A friend of mine wrote this poem for me and my story! And I want to share it with all of you! I hope you like it as much as I do.

Written February 11th, 2012
Rainbow at Twilight

Wisps of colour
Trailing along the darkening sky
Lavender eyes gazing upward
Scanning the clouds for that dash
Suddenly, bursting forward from a cloud
She appears
In all her cyan and rainbow glory
A blush grows upon her cheeks
As she sees her filly upon the ground
The Pegasus dances upon the sky
Trailing words and colour behind her
Spelling her affection for her spectator
The mare of her eye watches amazed
Unbelieving in her luck
Magic might be her element
But love is all she knows in this moment
This new magic of love envelops her
Watching her cyan mare
From the ground, she feels so far
The twilight darkens into night
As Luna steals the day away
They look at each other as the light fades
Before turning away from their special magic
With cyan Rainbow Dash across the sky
And lavender Twilight returning to her studies
Two different worlds
Crossing only as night turns into day
When the rainbows fade into the twilight sky

By: Kimberlee DaRosa