• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 10,193 Views, 214 Comments

Time in Equestria - Fox-Sama

Can Twilight Sparkle work up the nerve to tell Rainbow how she feels? will Rainbow make it easy for her? Not a chance

  • ...

Chapter Five. It’s not over

Time in Equestria

Chapter Five. It’s not over

After taking first place in the Tug-O-War, Gilda was quite pleased with herself and was not above showing it. The fact that she was rubbing it in the faces of Dash and all her loser friends made it even better. A good number of the ponies in the crowed were starting to get behind the griffin and cheering her on as she flew around, pandering to her new fans.

Trixie would have commented on this if she had not been contemplating her escape. Now that Rarity had removed that pesky anti-magic seal from the door and dragged off her little sister, yelling about snooping and reading the seamstress’ diary, this left Trixie with the last two Crusaders, Applebloom and Scootaloo. The little fillies had thought it was funny at first, but then a thought came to mind, how could they get their Cutie Marks without Sweetie Belle around? They couldn’t plan anything, plain and simple. With this new reassertion, they had grown quiet for a bit as if lost in their thoughts.

This new silence had brought new hope to Trixie, but as her luck was, her hopeful look melted away. “This stinks! With Sweetie gone we can’t work on gettin’ our cutie marks.” The yellow earth pony said while leaning her head on the table.

“Yeah, you’re probably right, and I don’t think we will be getting our ‘Sportscaster’ cutie marks anytime soon.” Both fillies sat there for a while, neither saying anything until Scootaloo glanced back at Trixie and smiled, “So why do you keep talking in third-pony? Because I won’t lie to you, it’s really weird.”

“Scootaloo! Why do ya always have ta be so darn rude?” Apple Bloom spoke while giving her friend an angry look.

“Hey, I’m not rude! I’m just being blunt, and I think she is weird. I mean, who talks like that?” Scootaloo stood on her chair and cleared her voice. “Scootaloo thinks she needs to talk like this too, maybe she can call herself the ‘Super and Cooltastic Scoots!’” Scootaloo threw her front hooves up in the air for a dramatic effect.

Trixie glanced over at the fillies hoping to think of a way to shut them up, she then looked back to the wide open door. “That unicorn gave Trixie her way out! She must really thank her and apologize for making her mane green.” Moving quickly and with out making a sound, the show pony walked right past the arguing fillies.

“Scootaloo, why are you makin’ fun of her? so what if she talks funny…” Trixie stopped and shot the little earth pony a dry look before leaving the booth. “How would ya feel is she made fun of you for not flyin’?”

“HEY! It’s not my fault I don’t ha... I mean mom and dad are just really busy and don't have the time to teach me right now..And what about you, little miss cutie-pox!” shot back the angry Pegasus.

“Hey, I was trying to get ma’ cutie mark! Ya would have done the same thing if ya’ were in mah’ hooves,” Apple Bloom said, getting a little red in the cheeks.

“You know what Applebloom, you’re right,’ I would have done the same thing… only I wouldn’t have messed up and given myself some freaky sickness like a foal!”

“Would too!”

“Would not!”

“Would too!”

“Would not!”

“Would too!” Apple Bloom shouted as she got up and pushed Scootaloo off her seat, sending her fellow Crusader unceremoniously tumbling to the ground, which she met with a muffled grunt.

Not one to take being pushed around lightly, Scootaloo reached over into her saddle pack and pulled out big slice of cake she was planning on saving for later, but right now it was useful as a deadly weapon.

“You’ll pay for that!” Raising her hoof Scootaloo hurled the frosted projectile right at Apple Bloom’s head, but the little farm pony saw it coming and ducked at the last possible second and let the cake fly harmlessly out the window.

“HA! Ya missed!” taunted Apple Bloom. She was about to say more when a sudden, collected gasp came from everypony in the stands.

Both fillies exchanged a confused looks and moved over to the window to see what had everypony so excited, but as soon as their heads poked out the window, what they saw drained all color from their faces. The cake, that Apple Bloom was now wishing it had hit her, was now sitting on the head and face of Princess Celestia.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight wasted no time in racing to her teachers side, “I am so sorry Princess. I know they had no intention in pelting you with desserts, please don’t banish them! They’re only fillies.” Twilight pleaded, while looking her teacher in the eye.

Luna had been snickering at the cake incident, but at Twilight’s request she let out a hardy and joyful laugh. “It would seem everypony thinks they will be banished if ever they upset you! Tell me sister, where in Equestria would a pony even get such an idea?”

Celestia sent her sister an indigent look as she used her magic to remove the offending dessert from her mane before smiling to her student. “Do not worry Twilight, I know foals will always be foals, but what does bother me is that every time something goes even remotely wrong you seem to always come to the conclusion what I am going to banish somepony. Tell me Twilight, why is that?”

Twilight’s ears fell to the top of her head as she looked into her teacher’s eyes, in the back of her head she feared being banished, then locked up in the place she was banished to, but dared not say anything. Luna saw the look on the unicorn’s face and thought she should help before the poor pony passed out. “Now Sister, you know, as I do, how ponies talk. Some see you banishing ponies to the moon as a joke, it is the same with me and eating foals on Nightmare Night.” Luna’s smile dropped as she sent a glare at her sister. “I still can’t fathom why you would make a holiday about that.”

Before Twilight or the Princesses could say another word, a loud screeching noise shot out of the speakers as if someone was playing with the microphone. Once the sound died off both Princesses looked back to Twilight, only to find the Unicorn to be missing.

Twilight had teleported into the announcer’s booth with a bright flash that scared one of the occupants. “'Must everypony in this town take it upon themselves to try and scare Trixie out of her cape?!”

“Hi Twilight!” The now happy Pinkie said happily, before her face took a more somber tone. “Sorry about leaving my announcing job, and I’m so super duper sorry. I forgot all about the after party, and with everypony working so hard for the Iron Pony Competition it would have been really mean of me not to throw them a party, and then everypony would be so sad, and then I would be super sad. So I had to hurry to get one set up! Then I got Mr. and Mrs. Cake to help me and then I saw Fluttershy following me for some reason so I snacked her up and got her to help too! OH! And just a little while ago I saw Rarity, but she seemed really mad and her sister looked really really sad, so I…”

“It’s okay Pinkie, asking you not to throw a party is like asking me no to read. So did you get everything set up?” she asked while sparing a glance at Trixie, who was giving the pink earth pony a dirty look for some odd reason.

“Oh don’t mind her Twilight, she just mad I beat her in hide and seek! She was in a trailer trying to hide and...” Pinkie was cut off by the angry show pony.

“For the last time Pinkie, Trixie was not playing that silly game! Not only that, but Trixie still cannot fathom how you knew she was even in there!”

“Oh, that’s easy peasy. First my tail swished to the right side three times, then I sneezed and when that happened my hind legs got weak… so that told me somepony who said she would do something for me is hiding under their bed, and your bed is in your trailer silly. It would be really weird if your bed were a tree- Oh! Did you know that Fluttershy would like to be a tree?”

Trixie stood there with her mouth agape, before Twilight spoke up. “That would be Pinkie’s Pinkie sense. Nopony knows how it works, but she has it and it can tell her just about anything. Its best not to fight it, trust me. Anyway Trixie if you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing back in Ponyville? I thought you were never coming back?”

“Oh that’s easy too! You see, after Trixie ran away I was sooo sad that all her stuff was broken and I knew she was sad too, so that made me a sadder-sad-saddy-sad-pants. So I followed her, and I had to run all night to finally catch up with her, then we had a talk, and then after the sun came up she asked if we can be friends, and I was like ‘well duh!’ And then I gave her my address and she started sending letters and we became pen pals! So last week after I sent her a letter about why I don’t like oatmeal she said that she still feels bad for what happened with the Ursa Minor, so I told her to come back and I can help her say she was sorry, but then the Iron Pony Competition started and I forgot about the party so I asked Trixie to cover for me and that it would show that she is a nice pony and that she liked to help others.” Somehow Pinkie managed to speak the entire sentence in one breath and then sat there smiling as if she said nothing at all.

Twilight smiled at both both ponies, happy that Trixie wanted to make amends. But the unicorn blue face was now a shade red, though whether it was from embarrassment or anger at having her personal life broadcast to hundreds of ponies Twilight was not sure.

“Pinkie Pie, Trixie’s hate for you is great and powerful.”

“Wow! That’s a great idea Trixie! Party hats!” Pinkie zipped out of sight in a pink blur.

“Well that’s Pinkie for you, if its not random its not Pinkie.” Twilight watched Pinkie run off to get the party hats ready before looking back. “Anyway Trixie, do you think you can still do the commentary? If I know the Crusaders, they are long gone by now and shouldn’t bother you any more, but it was funny with you four up here.”

“Trixie was about to use her magic to mute them, but, it is as Pinkie said, Trixie is here to make amends for the damages she caused with that Ursa Minor and…”

“Trixie, nopony blames you for the Ursa Minor.” Trixie’s face was one of confusion, and looked like a small breeze could blow her over. All this time she thought that this town hated her, upon seeing the confused look on Trixie’s face, Twilight continued. “Look, you were just doing your job as a show pony. Yes, you did not have to be so aggressive and mock my friends the way you did, but you were putting on a show. And, as it turns out, nopony even knew there was an Ursa so close to town in the first place. It was later that we all learned Snips and Snails both knew about it for a while and just never told anypony about it. Yes, your story put the idea into their heads, but they are old enough to know better.” Twilight ended her little story with a smile before looking out the window. “I need to get back out there and tell the others to clean up and get ready for the next event, and thanks again Trixie! We all really appreciate this.” Twilight popped in yet another flash of light, leaving Trixie alone in the booth.

“Sometimes Trixie thinks her fame is a curse.” The pale azure unicorn sighed as she floated the headset back up.

“I hear that sometimes fame can be a real kick in the flank,” came a new and cheerful, voice from the door.

With a shriek Trixie dropped her headset before she spun around with an indignant huff and sent her best glare at the new arrival. “If one more, just one more, pony attempts to scare Trixie, she will make them eat their own cutie mark!” The show pony shouted with a quivering eyelid.

“Calm down Twitchy, nopony is going to hurt you... well no, I can’t promise that, this is Ponyville after all and you never know what the hay will happen next,” spoke the white unicorn as she walked into the booth. “Name’s Scratch, Vinyl Scratch,” said the newcomer, striking what she thought was a dramatic pose.

Trixie was unsure how to react to such an odd greeting, and the way this new unicorn talked about Ponyville made it sound like she was being threatened. “... Rrrright. Trixie is pleased to meet you...” Trixie’s words trailed off as Vinyl walked passed and took Spike’s old chair. “Um... may Trixie ask what you are doing?”

“Well Trix, I was hired to drop some beats for today’s event, but after you took Pinkie’s place in here you started bombarding the crowed and makin’ them all laugh. Even I was busting up! Then with the Crusaders added into the mix, it was a blast. So, in short, you made my job rather hard with everypony telling me to stop making noise so they can listen to you, but a filly needs to make her bits, you know, so I thought I would wander on over and try my hoof at this announcer thing., Vinyl said with a big smile.

“Oh Celestia, help Trixie.”

“And why do you think I’m here?” At the sound of Vinyl’s smug question Trixie’s head hit the table.

Back down in the locker room, the muddy ponies were busy cleaning up and getting ready for the next event, but no one was talking. Instead, everpony was just staring at a fuming Applejack, and it was at this time that poor Twilight had decided to teleport in. “I can’t believe it! First I find out that Rarity has been hidden feelings for mah brother, and now Applebloom helps attack the Princess with cake! And you,!” The farm pony turned her sights on Twilight. “How long have you known about this?”

“Umm, AJ… I think yer makin’ a big deal of nothing.” Macintosh was trying to sound firm but the faint blush he was sporting in his cheeks said otherwise.

“You stay outta this, it ain't got nothin’ to do with ya.” Applejack turned her heated eyes back to both Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “What about you two? Do ya’ll have the hots for mah brother too?” Rainbow tried to make a wisecrack, but Applejack was on a roll and there was no stopping her, not even to allow her friends to answer. “Luna damn it! I asked all mah friends not to do this to me! And now mah life will be like one of them hoity-toity soap operas!”

“Wow, I have never seen AJ so mad before.” Rainbow commented as she watched her hard working friend rant. “It’s sort of funny.”

“No kidding, first you fly of the handle, then the Crusaders hit the Princess in the face with cake, and now Applejack is going off on this tangent. My day is getting exhausting.” Twilight sighed with her ears pressed back before they perked up and she looked to Dash before whispering, “Hey Rainbow, do you have a crush on Macintosh too?”

“What? No way!” Rainbow Dash answered with a laugh and an odd look.

Twilight felt a spark of hope at her friend’s answer, but the same time was confused about the way the pegasus had said it. ‘What was so funny about my question? All I did was ask if she had feelings for Applejack’s brother. Maybe I asked it wrong?’ Before Twilight could examine her thoughts more closely, she noticed it was time for the next event. “Ok everypony, its time for the haystack throw, so hurry... Hey, has anyone seen Gilda?”

Rainbow Dash recoiled at the mention of the griffon’s name and spoke up while rolling her eyes. “Who cares? Just disqualify her and we’ll all have a better day. I really doubt anypony here will miss her.”

“Oh, real nice Crash! You know you can’t beat me so you go and cry to our ‘fair’ and ‘unbiased’ referee to kick me out. How can anyone that’s not a pony even try to win with all this racism,” chided a winded-looking Gilda.

“Excuse me!” All in the locker room had gone silent. Applejack even stopped ranting. Twilight herself was livid. She had been called many things in her life and even in her work in the royal court, but had she ever been called a racist. “How dare you even think to call me a racist?! I have never shown the slightest signs of racism in my life, and I’ll have you know in this competition I had not even so much as cheered for my friends, and even when you were accused of cheating, to which I am inclined to believe I might add, but without any kind evidence or seeing it for myself I was forced to let you remain in this competition. So, I do not appreciate you accusing me of letting my personal feelings getting in the way of my better judgment! Now, if you want to remain in the competition, then get outside with everypony else, if not, then you are more then welcome to leave.” With her final words, Twilight vanished into a flash of light, leaving everypony in the room to give the griffon the evil eye as they passed.

“Wow, would you check that out? I got to learn how the ref can teleport like that. Hey Trix, do you know how to pull off that spell?” Vinyl asked while pointing a hoof at an angry-looking Twilight.

Trixie sent her counterpart a dirty look, “No. Trixie does not know how to perform that particular feat of magic, and the Great and Powerful Trixie requests that you do not call her ‘Trix’.” The magician hoped that the repeated emphasis would be somehow able to beat her name into her co-announcer’s thick skull.

“Oh yeah, well the Awesome and Breathtaking Vinyl Scratch always give the ponies she likes a nickname.”

Trixie was at loss of words. She was unsure if the blue-maned mare was mocking her or not, and she had never had anypony talk to her in third pony before. “Well, Trixie must insist that you do not call her ‘Trix.’ If you are to give her a nick name, I would like you to try harder in coming up with one.”

“Hey, no problem Twitchy, Tavi hated her first nickname too. So, what’s the next game going to be, anyways? It looks like it has something to do with those hay stacks.” Vinyl asked, not even bothering to looking at the notes in front of her.

“Twich... Trixie is not twitchy!” The shout was broadcasted and amplified out the speakers, causing all the ponies in the stands flinch at the sheer volume, but lucky for Trixie they could not see the nevus twich Trixie had on her left eye. Vinyl however did.

In the field, Twilight was still angry about her encounter with Gilda. The screaming Trixie did not help matters in the slightest. “Ok, listen up! The next event is the Hay Stack Throw. Each competitor will take turns in throwing their respective stacks, to see who can gain the greatest distance. The line up is this: Soarin, Gilda, Zecora, Rainbow Dash, Big Macintosh, Spitfire, and then Applejack. Now let’s get this over with!” Twilight’s horn started glowing and seven stacks of hay levitated up from behind the barn and sat back down in front of her before she walked off the field, grumbling to herself before taking a seat next to a now clean Celestia.

After a short wait, Soarin gathered there would be no one to signal the start of the game, so he trotted out to the crowed to be met with great approval. After a little show boating, the powder blue stallion walked over to the first stack and took the rope into his mouth. He was shocked when he found out just how heavy the hay was. At his confused look, the ponies in the stands stating chanting his name. ‘Crap, now I have to throw this thing. Well, seeing how it’s so heavy, may as well give them a laugh.’ Pulling his head up to lift the hay up and spinning around to gain momentum, Soarin soon felt he had the needed force. He let go and sent the hay flying into the air.

The loud cheers were short lived as the hay fell and hit the ground, just shy of the six foot marker. “Oh, and you have to feel sorry for the poor guy, getting only a few hooves, and in front of all his fans. It’s like playing Mare Gaga in a nightclub, and nopony wants that.” Vinyl called out in a hurt voice.

“Trixie must admit, that was a most unexpected outcome.”

“Well I guess he is all wing and no hoof. Do you think that Gilda chick will do better?” Vinyl asked.

“Trixie is unsure. The Griffin had shown great strength in the prior events, and her talons would give her a better grip on the hay. Trixie would think that she has a good chance in winning this event.”

As Vinyl and Trixie spoke, Gilda flew out and once again started pandering to the crowd. She received a great ovation as she started walking across the remaining hay stacks, but with all her pandering no one saw her tail loop a string across the fourth bale of hay. Once she was down, Gilda took her hay in claw and easily lifted it above her head. She threw it across the field until it had came to a complete stop right next to the fourteen-hoof mark, leaving the on-lookers stunned. Next up was Zecora, the Zebra fared no better then the Pegasus that came before her, as her bale only went four hooves. Rainbow’s turn was shrouded in mystery. Right as Dash was about the throw her hay, the rope that bound the hay together seemed to have come undone, thus causing the embarrassed flier to get a score of zero. Macintosh gave his hay an odd look, but he had still managed to get ten hooves, and Spitfire had gotten herself seven hooves.

The crowd was starting to get restless by the lack of thrill in this event, and many ponies were off talking or getting snacks, but this did not stop the still angry Applejack. As soon as she reached the last bale of hay, she turned her back on it, raised her back end up, and delivered a would-be bone shattering buck that sent the hay flying past all others and right into an apple tree, where it exploded on impact. The place was dead silent as the flabbergasted on-lookers sat there, mouths agape, but none looked more confused then Applejack herself.
“AJ, you completely destroyed that thing!” Dash exclaimed.

“Well I’ll be. I guess I was madder then I thought.” Applejack tilted her hat down to cover flushed cheeks.

“Mad nothing, you just destroyed all the competition! And the best part is you beat out that cheating grif…” Rainbows happy rant was cut off by a loud shout.

“Hold it everypony! I want every competitor out here now!” Everypony around looked at the fuming purple referee as she trotted away from Applejack’s pile of hay to another, and another, before stopping. “Somepony has tampered with the hay that was provided for this event. Until I can figure this out, there will be no winner for this event!”

The crowd had begone mumbling and coming up with different ideas on who had cheated as the competitors formed a semi circle around Twilight.

“How did they cheat? Why would somepony cheat? It’s just a game for fun!” Spitfire asked, looking a little angry that she may have been cheated out of a win.

“I agree, there is no reason for this kind of treason,” Zecora added in,

“Well, it seems that someone placed heavy rocks in the hay stacks. That’s why Applejack’s had exploded when it hit the tree. The impacted forced the rocks to shift and push their way out and…” Twilight’s horn started to shimmer with magic as the rope form Rainbow’s hay was floated over.” AH HA! Just what I thought, look, some one had looped what looks like a strong fishing line onto your rope Dash. It cut right into the rope like a hot butter knife through butter.” Twilight spoke aloud so she could be heard, but she already had an idea on who did it.

“What!! I was cheated agai…again.” Rainbow turned and looked at Gilda, who seemed like this did not apply to her. “You! You had to cheat again!” Rainbow’s shout had been heard by everyone around and Applejack and Spitfire moved to ether side of Dash sending the Griffin dirty looks.

“This again! Come on! I don’t need to cheat to beat you, you’re lame in your own right, Crash!” Gilda was getting mad. She was hoping not to get caught, but she knew they had nothing on her, so she thought she could push their buttons. “What is all this anyway!? Are you all so scared of losing to a Griffin you all have to plot against me?!” Gilda looked back to the royalty box and sent a heated glare at Princess Celestia. “Is this the kind of racism you promote in your kingdom? No wonder the Griffin Empire tells us to stay away from this land!”

Princess Celestia sat still, looking at the Griffin with her usual knowing smile. When it looked like she was going to speak a hard wind started blowing, kicking up the loose dirt and leaves and made everyone in attendance shield their eyes. Once the howling winds came to an end, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Twilight were stunned. Standing right in front of them was a pony they thought gone forever.

The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.

“Ummm… Twilight? What is going on?” Dash asked without moving her eyes from the Hero of Ponyville.

“I have no idea, we all agreed that you learned your lesson, AJ, do you have any ideas?” Asked the confused unicorn.

Applejack was not faring much better. Her brain could only think of one thing to say. “Nope.”

“And who in the hell are you? Another lame-o? And why the get-up, are you some sort of freak? Gilda managed to say in-between a fit of laughter.

“Um, excuse me, but who are you?” Twilight was clearly confused as to why the masked hero was there.

“Yeah, and where did you get that costume!” Dash demanded to know the answer, she was not about to go through this again.

Without as so much as a word, the caped crusader turned around, tucked her head into her cape and pulled out a mouthfiul of polaroid pictures. Seeing that the mare wanted her to take them, Twilight’s horn lit up and floated the pictures up to look at them. First she looked shocked, then mad, but soon Twilight was smiling. Turning around to face the still confused crowd, Twilight flipped on her microphone. “Ok, due to outside interference, the Winner of the Hay Stack Toss is Applejack! And, for her acts of cheating, Gilda the griffon is disqualified from the Iron Pony Competition!”

“And what proof do you have? You’re just mad that I’m kicking the mark off your little mare friend’s flank.” Gilda spoke smugly as she sees Twilight’s cheeks turn red.

“Actually, Mare Do Well had taken some pictures.” Twilight’s horn lit up again, and soon the photographs became enlarged. She turned them around and let the others see them. Gilda had been caught pulling clumps of hay out and replacing them with huge rocks.

The other competitors were shocked and angry at being cheated, and began walking away from the offending griffin. Princess Celestia said nothing and just watched the events unfold before her. Rainbow, on the other hoof, was smiling. She was happy Gilda had been caught, and she was going to enjoy it. “Ohh, what’s wrong ‘G’? Did your little plan backfire?”

Gilda was mad now, but most of all, she was embarrassed. She flared her wings and charged at Rainbow Dash, who was so stunned that Gilda was about to openly attack her that she lost any chance at moving out of the way. She braced herself for the hit, but in a brilliant flash Twilight materialized in between Dash and Gilda. Her horn still glowing, Twilight erected a glowing purple wall in front of herself just in time to stop Gilda’s talons. “You think you can save her?” Gilda’s yells echoed throughout the arena as she started slashing and pounding on the wall, causing it to begin to buckle.

Twilight was straining under the barrage of anger and claws, but before she can recast her spell, Dash pulled Twilight back, making the unicorn break her concentration. Gilda’s claw swiped at them, but only managed to grab a few strands rainbow colored hair. Suddenly, before Gilda were three unicorn guards, poised and ready to attack Gilda. “By order of the Princess, you are to stop or we will be forced to take you into custody.”

Looking at the guard, Gilda smiled before swiping for his head. The sound of the impact reverberated off the stands as she took off the helmet and knocked him out cold. “What’s wrong Crash, you and that little bitch need to hide and let others fight your battles?! You really have flipped!”

“That’s it Gilda! You have gone too far. I am going to kick your beak down your throat!”

Dash moved to step out from behind Twilight, but Twilight would move along with her to block her path. “Twilight move! She’s had this coming for a long time!”

Gilda let out a hardy laugh as Twilight stopped Dash “You’re lucky she won’t let you Crash, but that just means I get to take out both you losers at the same time!” Gilda flew up a bit to avoid the guards, and made a beeline for Twilight and Dash, but Gilda had forgotten about the pony that caused all this in the first place. That was, of course, until Mare Do Well jumped across Gilda’s path, causing her cape to wrap around the griffin’s head. Not one to fly blind, Gilda was forced to land to remove the cape from her head. She was about tear the masked hero’s head off, only to find Mare Do Well was nowhere in sight. And that the remaining guards, Dash, Twilight and the rest of the competitors surrounded her.

“It’s over Gilda, you can’t fight your way out of this one.” Rainbow said, taking a step closer.

“As if, Crash, it’s not over until I crush your whole world.” Gilda screeched as she threw a talon full of dirt and rock into Rainbows face as she took to the skies, flying off too fast for the guards to follow, but not before tearing down the Iron Pony banner.

Chapter five is done! I am sorry it took so long, but I could not write anything I was happy with and had to start over more then once. That, and I’m feeling bad for making Gilda the bad guy… girl? Whatever. Anyway you know the drill, please leave me a comment and tell me what you think! And I would like to thank my proof-readers Jcel4569 and Valaris