• Published 5th Jul 2014
  • 7,878 Views, 540 Comments

The Halfling - Scarheart

On a clear night, a certain changeling mother makes her way while under hot pursuit to the newly built Temple of the Sun in the Crystal Empire. Her kingdom is shattered, her loyal followers are few and scattered. What does she want?

  • ...

5. Sickness

Edited by Iakovl and Magic Man

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza spent her free time bonding with her newly adopted son. She accepted him readily, as if she had been the mare who carried him in her womb for eleven months. She nuzzled him ceaselessly, making cooing noises as Reign Cloud giggled loving every minute of their play time together. Though her marriage to Shining Armor was still new and exciting to her, she had hoped to provide for him a son or a daughter by now. As it was, she was still lacking in that department, unable to provide her husband any mare’s ultimate gift to him; a child of his own.

She was not troubled, but the whisperings of gossip from Canterlot’s snobbish nobility was often centered on her seeming inability to bear a foal. Of course, the alicorn was not about to lower herself to their level; she was far above that.

Princess Celestia was more than happy to take care of the rumors for her.

Shining Armor, former Captain of the Canterlot Guard, Prince Consort to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and the one and only B.B.B.F.F. to Princess Twilight Sparkle, was oblivious to the rumors. Certainly, his wife spoke to him about such gossip and like any other stallion, he rolled his eyes and snuggled his wife until she stopped fretting over the words of bored nobles looking for scandal for the sake of hiding their own shortcomings. He could also present Reign in front of her and her mood would lighten as she happily accepted the proffered gift.

Though he missed his mother’s scent and never could find her in his searches, Reign Cloud eventually latched on to Cadence after six months and clung to her whenever he could. There were many times he would start howling and chirping in panic when his nanny would take him away from her so the princess could perform her duties. Of course, she enjoyed having a little one to dote over and it did a great deal to lessen the pressure expected of her to bear a foal. When she did decide to take certain days off to relax and unwind, she always took Reign with her as she explored the city and met with her subjects.

She was considered the Ponies’ Princess.

They bonded and Reign did indeed begin to see her as his new mother. He babbled nonsensical words as he was beginning to learn how to speak. Reign was a very loud foal when he decided to speak, rather ‘make with the noises’, as Shining Armor would note to his wife. She took him everywhere when she went to visit her subjects, either in his nanny’s grasp, a stroller or nestled in a foal saddle between Cadence’s wings. Sometimes his father would accompany them, if his work gave him a free moment to have family time. Reign was surrounded by a world of bright colors and smiling faces. Early experiences in the city involved a lot of smiling mares peering at him and cooing, while congratulating the princess.

Cadence went out of her way to be approachable. She could not fully convince her subjects to do away with all of the formalities, but toning down the bowing and scraping had varying degrees of success. When her subjects did not go to her, she went to them. She chatted them up and had the talent in bringing out a smile from even the most nervous of ponies. It was the ghost of Sombra, the memory of his rule she had to battle, and she felt she was slowly winning.

She pointed out to Reign —though he was too young to understand— the importance of showing kindness and love towards others. Even if it was towards the most miserable and bitter of ponies who would likely never return the favor. The curiosity of the populace in regards to the Halfling was for the most part positive and inquisitive. However, the small population of changelings gave a wide berth to Princess Cadence, as if they were afraid. The princess wondered if they were afraid of him, afraid of their own legends in regards to Halflings, or if they just had no idea how to approach the half breed. There were a few of the more recent immigrants from the mysterious changeling kingdoms who were not afraid to see the foal for themselves, mostly mares.

Some of the changeling mares were...huge. Some almost Celestia-sized, not unlike the queen. Cadence was only slightly larger than the average pony mare, comparable to Fleur De Lis. They were unnerving, the way their eyes bore into hers, mostly due to the simple fact there were very much territorial, especially when it came to their little ones. They eyed the colt with the princess and could smell the changeling in him.

She was able to spend a little time with a rather large and plump changeling who introduced herself as Wilda. A mother of six, she was very receptive of Cadence after the princess approached her in the park one day while her hatchlings played.

Wilda was, in fact, a former subject of the queen and had been aware of the day his birth had been announced throughout the land she had once called home. When the Noble caste turned on the queen and ousted her, she packed up her family (including her husband, who was barely half her size) and moved to the Crystal Empire.

Along with other emigrant changelings Cadence had the pleasure of meeting were able to fill in some gaps in Reign’s early months of life piece by piece. As she explained, Reign was allowed to romp with her two youngest hatchlings. The mares (including the nanny) watched them play carefully.

With the collapse of the changeling kingdom following the queen’s ouster, the commoners fled from their homes, Wilda explained, while the nobles and other kingdoms swept in to take what they could from a land without a queen. Thousands died and the world went on unaware of their deaths.

Cadence asked why she, along with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, had heard nothing of it and the allies of Equestria were just as oblivious. Only the griffons remained silent as they neither confirmed nor denied the events.

Changelings, Cadence learned, lived in pocket dimensions, like Breezies. Their homes were bound in the magic leylines and hid them from the outside world. It enabled them to remain hidden and isolated for centuries.

No wonder nopony had heard of them in a thousand years!

Enlightened and grateful, Cadence asked Wilda if she and her friends could visit more often so she might learn more of changelings and their ways, as Zeala was elusive in providing more intimate details. The big mare agreed.

Shining Armor was filled in with the details at the end of the day as his family set down to dinner. Concerned his wife was meeting changelings openly, he was rebuffed from his fears when she pointed out Zeala was frequenting the palace with her petitions for whatever schemes she had going on. Most recently, she had been curious as to the colt’s health.

As the days went by, they stretched into weeks and weeks into months. With their advisors, Cadence and Shining Armor decided it was best to introduce their child. Out of love they did this, despite the undeniable and contentious heritage of Reign to those who took exception. Hiding both him and his mixed blood would more than likely backfired on them in the long run. It was —for all intents and purposes— a leap of faith. The controversy was going to be unavoidable, no matter what approach they took, but at least this way, it would be a lot less painful. Shining found it a bit of an embarrassment, but his wife supported him completely. She started by formally announcing her adoption of Reign Cloud on his second birthday. All the princesses of Equestria were invited, as well as the Element Bearers. Notable kingdoms sent representatives. Even a few changelings were spotted paying their respects.

Of course, there were those parties who flat out rejected the Halfling. Purists, xenophobes, bigots, and plain ignorant characters, including some of the holdover changelings from Sombra’s reign, howled and stomped and railed against the Reign Cloud being made the official heir to the Crystal Throne. Not surprisingly, those who wanted the foal dead were unheard from.

A hidden observer watched the whole of the proceedings with a heavy heart.

Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle supported Cadence proudly.

Luna simply wanted to play with Reign Cloud when all was said and done.

It was about this time the nanny changed. Replacing her was one Miss Aerial Glow; a widow, foaless, and a career nanny since she finished her schooling as a filly. The one she replaced wanted to retire and spend the rest of her days spoiling her grandchildren in Trottingham. Cadence was sad to see her go, but gave her a modest pension and wished her a happy retirement. Miss Glow proved to be very in tune with Reign Cloud. Shining Armor was suspicious of the middle-aged mare, but her calm demeanor and motherly smile won over his wife.

Reign Cloud was prone to bouts of sickness. At first, they seemed to last a day or two, then he would be right as rain. There were no experts on changeling biology who could explain what ailments would be detrimental to a half breed. Even the pony doctors were baffled. As nothing seemed too serious for now, both parents insisted on testing the foal to make sure his health could be maintained. Progressively, it grew worse.

Some weeks later, the tests came back showing Rein Cloud’s immune system was deteriorating. It seemed his health had been kept in check by the love his mother had engorged him with before departing. Now that her personal gift to him was being used, the colt was becoming more and more prone to bouts of sickness. In short, he needed the love only his mother could provide. It broke Cadence’s heart that she could do nothing Shining Armor felt just as helpless.

Something had to be done to keep the colt healthy, but the answer was not forthcoming. Reign Cloud became increasingly ill, and it frustrated all those concerned to no end. He cried from the constant discomfort his body gave him. Unlike most changelings, Reign could not recover his health through the normal consumption of love. As an outcast to most changelings, there were none in the Crystal Empire who had the knowledge to find the solution to the problem, be they changeling or pony.

For all intents and purposes, Reign Cloud was dying.

Shining Armor was greatly pained as he realized he was losing his son so soon after discovering him. Cadence felt since she was the Princess of Love, she should be able to do something for this little foal she had so easily given her love to. There was a discussion in making an effort to seek out the queen through the grudging acceptance she could provide the only source of love capable of restoring Reign’s health. Where she was at this point was a mystery, as she seemingly had disappeared into the shadows, as if she had never been.

The weeks dragged on painfully, with Reign soon confined to bed and too weak most of the time to even cry. Cadence was rendered so distraught she refused to eat or sleep and was almost always found sitting by his side in almost a trance-like state, slowly and robotically brushing his little fringe. Her husband simply watched over his son, finding no words of encouragement to offer and occasionally following his basic paternal instincts and laid by his side to cuddle him. Fearing only the worst awaited, quietly and with heavy hearts, the royal couple started to make arrangements for his funeral. Rumors cascaded down into the city like a creeping cold front, bringing down the spirits of the empire’s citizens.

Eventually, words reached the ever-ready ears of the High Priestess Zeala. Shortly after, as she anticipated, a request was sent from Princess Cadence for her presence. Knowing what the frantic mare was hoping for, Zeala simply smiled and made preparations. As if expecting this moment. she packed a few important things into a satchel and stepped from her abode and taking flight towards the citadel. Clouds obscured the moon and stars, allowing her to move undetected. Changelings were very good at staying hidden.

Like a dark wraith, she appeared in the Prench doors leading out from the balcony, having easily evaded the guards. She took note of the two exhausted parents, sleeping in each other’s hooves on a hastily emplaced couch next to the crib. Her tall form glided across the floor, not even her robes making a sound as she warily watched the parents. Zeala could not imagine the dreams of the alicorn and the unicorn, but she could feel their despair.

This would not do.

She considered announcing herself, as the summons had come with haste. As it was, the night air was cool and soothing, so she allowed the two parents their sleep as the breeze followed her into the cavernous chambers of the foal. There, in his oversized crib slept the fitful form of Reign Cloud, tiny and helpless.

“Majesties,” she called out, after taking a moment to look over the colt. A flicker of disdain crossed her features, but quickly passed. “I have come as you asked.”

Cadence snapped awake, her eyes searching about wildly until they settled on the tall, slender form of the robed changeling. “Priestess!” she cried out after a moment to gather her wits. “The summons was for you to come by in the morning!”

“It’s just after three,” Zeala noted politely, sloughing off her bag like a skin and setting it on a nearby table. “I do not know why you did not at first come to me. I had heard the child was ill, but did not wish to impose myself. I did do research of my own, consulting the ancient words of my ancestors.”

“We-we didn’t want to presume—” the princess stammered, still fighting to push the sleep from her mind. It had been hard enough to find, but now that it had gripped her… “I’m sorry, I’m still fighting to wake up,” she admitted. Seeing her husband was still snoring, she nudged him with a hoof. “Honey, wake up. Zeala’s here. In the middle of the night. When everypony’s supposed to be sleeping.” She yawned, making a little squeaking sound as she did so.

The stallion snorted awake, blinking his eyes wide open. “Huh? Whazzat? Turnips! Turnips everywhere!” He found his wife. “Did we win?” Shining asked.

“Priestess Zeala is here, Shiny,” she told him patiently.

“How’d she get past the guards?” the unicorn asked, spying the changeling out.

“You ponies never look up,” answered the changeling smoothly, her multi-layered voice humming. Zeala’s attention shifted to the foal still sleeping fitfully. “His strength is waning, my Lady, my Lord.”

Cadence hurried to her son’s crib. “Is there nothing you can do?” A nervous stare at Shining was rewarded with a comforting nuzzle as he followed her.

“Hmm, perhaps there is something I may be able to do,” the priestess said. Breathlessly the couple watched anxiously as a small vial of clear liquid was produced from the bag Zeala had brought. Hefting it to the faint light, she regarded it carefully, as though the weight of the world lay within its contents.

“What is it?” Shining asked, eyeing the vial in the changeling’s magical grasp.

“It is an ancient potion, one of few that can be made these days. To us, it is the Essence of Emotion, very powerful and with two sides to it.” Zeala gazed upon it with reverence, her voice having dropped to a hovering awe. “It takes a century to make and ten years to administer. It is rare enough to be considered forbidden.”

“Essence of Emotion?” Cadence scrunched her muzzle and furrowed her brow. “What are the two sides to it? Are they the good and bad parts?”

Zeala nodded at the princess. “It is partly good, partly evil. It is the balance between the two forces in eternal struggle. It is through random chance the one who takes it will get one part of the Essence more strongly than the other. It could either cripple or cure.”

“What can it do for Reign?” Cadence reached in and gently stroked the foal’s forehead. He seemed to quiet at her touch, trying to snuggle against her hoof.

“I don’t like it,” cut in Shining Armor, placing himself between Zeala and his son.

She shrugged, and began putting the vial away. “Very well. I certainly won’t force anything upon the two of you, but the colt will be dead within the week.” Her eyes went slightly wide as she paused, staring into the satchel before slowly turning to look abashed at the Prince Consort. “I must apologize. I’m insensitive, but the truth remains, your son will be dead within a week unless he takes the essence”

“He can’t die!” cried Cadence, wakening Reign as her voice shrilled. He began to cry and she immediately scooped him up.

“What goes on in here?” snapped an older mare’s voice irritably.

There was a grunting sound and the nanny emerged from her room and into the nursery. Aerial Glow took one look at the tall changeling and barged forward, straight for Cadence before placing herself squarely between the foal and the changeling.

“What do you want, priestess?” she growled in a manner that made even Shining Armor’s hackles rise. “It’s after three in the morning!”

Aerial snorted, stamped a hoof, and lowered her horn, charging it up already with her magic. Zeala rolled her eyes at the mare. “None of that. We are discussing the possible stabilization of Reign Cloud’s health. Thus far, the options are becoming fewer and fewer. Time grows shorter and shorter. The thread of his life grows ever shorter and the only solution I can think of lies within my bag. Its effects are not guaranteed, but the alternative of doing nothing will produce a result none of us desire.”

“Poison!” snarled Aerial, narrowing her eyes. “Not one drop near him! Not one, you evil love-worshipping nag!”

“I’m aware it’s after three. The high priestess was told to come in the morning and she did.” Cheeky mare! Cadence blinked at her even as she tried to soothe Reign. “That doesn’t even make any sense,” she declared in a whisper to herself. Using her magic, she tried to use a soothing spell to quell her adopted son’s pain.

“It is not poison,” assured Zeala flatly. “It is blessed by the Love Goddess Herself.”

Cadence opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off.

“With all due respect, not you,” grinned the changeling. “Though I still question your announcement of the foal to the world. Foolish, my princess. Very foolish. I am curious as to know why?”

“Never mind that,” said Shining as he gently pushed the overprotective nanny back towards his wife. “Zeala, what does that potion of yours do? No riddles.”

“I offer none,” replied the tall changeling. “I’ve consulted the ancient scrolls in the temple and this is the only viable solution to saving your son’s life. The Essence of Emotion is the purest form of love as created by the Great Queen Nepheris, back in an age when all changelings answered to one queen and the sun and the moon moved of their own accord.”

Cadence conjured a full bottle of milk from the kitchen. “Miss Glow? Would you take him, please?”

The nanny’s mood switched to a doting caregiver the moment the foal was presented to her. “Of course!” Eager hooves snatched the colt from Cadence’s grasp.

As the two mares exchanged the colt, Shining Armor listened intently to Zeala as she again produced the small vial from her bag. “Here. Look for yourself. It is perfectly harmless to ponies.” She levitated it to him and tilted her head slightly to one side with a smile. Her fangs made Zeala look like a ravenous wolf.

Pushing down the urge to recoil from that grin, the unicorn accepted the proffered item with his magic. It was perhaps a little over an inch long and as thick as a newborn unicorn’s horn. The glass itself seemed thick and was sealed with a thick piece of cork. Shining Armor held the vial up to an eye and squinted at it. The contents inside seemed to swirl, though it was obviously clear. It was as though there was something within the liquid, invisible and blurred.

“What’s inside it?” Shining asked. “I mean, you say it’s pure love.”

“It’s the Essence of Emotion,” Zeala corrected with a purr. “It is considered sacred. Queens covet what is within that vial. For them, it is power the likes of which would lay low the greatest bearers of magic. A queen would raise up an empire if she were to have but a taste of the contents you hold in your grasp.”

Shining recoiled, nearly dropping the vial.

“But the price for such power would be a quick death for a changeling. Too much love taken in at once would render her body unable to contain such emotions.” Zeala chuckled as she smoothly walked past the Prince Consort and regarded Cadence and the nanny. “For a pony, it would do nothing to them. Perhaps make them feel a bit...happier than usual, more receptive to loving others, more...accepting. For a Halfling…” Her words trailed off as she bent forward to regard Reign Cloud, assuming a neutral gaze. The twin pools of her harlequin eyes flickered as she felt his focus and his emotions wash over her like a warm summer rain.

There was a bit of lightning in this cloud, she mused as she sensed his dislike of her flare up. Zeala hadn’t realized she had leaned in so close until he suddenly lunged forward with a growl and nipped her on the muzzle. She jerked her head back with a startled yelp, even as Cadence sternly reprimanded the sickly foal half-heartedly. Aerial Glow curled the foal to her breast, shock registering on her features.

“Gah! You little beast!” shrieked Zeala, a hoof to her muzzle. She pulled it from her and examined it. There was green blood. Her eyes flared, focusing on the colt. His own blue eyes locked with hers coolly, as if his body was not wracked with pain. His mother’s spirit lay within and for a fleeting moment, Reign Cloud was unafraid.

Then, he began to bawl like a normal foal.

“I’m so sorry!” Cadence apologized, anxious as she first checked on Reign. Shining Armor had shifted, eyeing the changeling priestess with alarm. “He didn’t mean to! He just doesn’t know you!”

Suppressing an urge to utter profanities, Zeala found a handkerchief hoofed to her by Shining. Sighing, she accepted it. “My apologies. His reflexes seem to very much that of a hatchling’s.” The priestess blotted her injury and sighed when she saw more blood staining the white cloth. “He doesn’t care for me much, I fear.”

“I’m sure it’s the smell,” muttered Aerial in a voice just for Reign. He quieted down and largely forgot the incident as the bottle was presented for his consideration. Soon he was drinking greedily, his pitiful state for the moment forgotten. “That’s a good boy. Drink it all up.” His milk not only was supplemented with love, but also had medication for the pain.

“Are you all right?” Cadence asked Zeala when she made sure Reign was quieted down.

“It was my mistake,” sighed Zeala, waving off the princess. “I felt his disdain for me, but my curiosity as I spoke overrode my common sense. ‘Tis but a scratch.” Inside she seethed as her perfect face was now marred, if only for a week at most. It would heal. It had to heal!

“The vial?” Shining said, hoping to get the subject matter back on track. “You were saying. If it can kill a changeling, but does nothing to a pony, what can it do to my son?”

The changeling hummed as she gave the handkerchief one last look. “I am not completely certain. Depending on how dominant either half of his heritage is, I do not know fully the effects.” She flickered her attention to Aerial Glow, musing for a half a second. Ah, of course.

“It’s his only hope, unless you can reunite him with his mother. Only she can give him the love he needs to keep his immune system stable. Normally, hatchlings would fare well under the care of any loving changeling mare, but here his mixed heritage works against him.” Zeala gave the foal one last parting glance before focusing on the father. “No. Not just any changeling. Just his mother would be able to stop his failing health. As I was unsure the course to best help your little family, as I mentioned, I consulted the old writings. The Essence of Emotion offers a chance to at least stabilize Reign Cloud’s condition.”

“How can you be sure of the results?” asked Cadence. “And how old is that...potion of yours? Are you sure it’s safe?” Her mind wandered to the dark implications of what the vial did to changelings.

“May I have that back?” Zeala asked Shining. Wordlessly he handed back the vial of essence. “Thank you.” She cleared her throat. “To answer your question, this was made...let’s see, a thousand years...add King Sombra’s rule, the lineage of the royal family before him… I’d wager this essence was made seventeen hundred years ago, during the reign of the last changeling High Queen.”

“It must be rare,” noted the nanny. Her eyes narrowed dangerously, fully distrustful of the changeling priestess.

“It is. Very rare. To my knowledge, only ten vials were ever made. King Sombra drank one himself to augment his magic. It failed, of course, but it did wonders to his health.”

“So, what can it do for Reign?”

She smiled at Cadence as the alicorn pressed her shoulder into Shining Armor’s, nuzzling him lightly. “One drop at each zenith of the full moon, every cycle for ten years will keep his health from failing. There is only one mention of what it does to a Halfling, and it is to keep them stable. It will do until his mother returns for him, or your scholars find a more permanent cure for him. Ten years for you to find a way to save your son, Shining Armor.”

“So it’s not an actual cure,” stated Cadence in her regal tone. “It’s a stopgap.”

“It’s better than nothing,” muttered her husband as he found his eyes upon his son. What could he do? How could he save his son? None of the doctors had found anything to this point. “But how can we trust you, Zeala? What is your price?”

“Ah, yes,” the changeling said with sigh. “You don't have to trust me, only in the results. Do nothing and your child dies, use the essence and he lives. This will prove my word. There is no point for me to lie, as for the price....”

The parents shared a look before Cadence cleared her throat. “Name them.”

“You need an advisor on changeling affairs. I should like to fill that position as a step towards strengthening ties between our races. No doubt many of my brothers and sisters still regard ponies as prey.” The priestess flicked her tail and gave a light toss of her mane. “I would like to continue to establish a common ground between changelings and ponies.”

“You want my ear,” guessed Cadence as she narrowed her eyes.

“And you need mine,” countered Zeala. “The common changeling doesn’t give two wits about a Halfling, but I can keep my ears towards the machinations of the Royal caste. I am privy to information which can prevent unwanted visitations with murderous intent in mind. I can ask my followers to spread the word to keep an eye out for those things you ponies are never aware of. They are your enemies, the Royals. Just as they hunt for the fallen queen, they will attempt to slay that very child which drew my blood. I would be remiss of my duties if I could not protect one hatchling from those who are bloodthirsty.”

“Of course,” Shining sighed. “Of course, that’s not the only thing you want, is it?”

“Ah, you read me very well,” chuckled Zeala humorlessly. “Are you sure you aren’t part changeling yourself?” She could feel his emotions shifting like a changing breeze. “Just one small, insignificant thing, really.”

“What is it?” asked Cadence urgently.

“In good time. For now, let us see how well the potion works. I’m confident it will do as I think it will, but I’ll need your magic to help. I can instruct you on what needs to be done, but let’s make sure your son is stable. It won’t reverse what’s happened to him, as I said. You will have the time I promise to find the proper cure. Ten years. Once the vial is empty, his deterioration will continue.” Zeala looked expectantly at the husband and wife, holding her breath.

Shining considered what the doctors and experts had said. Dozens of them had come up with nothing to help his son. The best they could do was give Reign medicine for his symptoms. “Can you guarantee what you claim?” he demanded.

“Reign should be happy,” insisted Cadence. “He has the right to a happy life, a healthy life.”

The priestess drew herself up proudly. “I swear by the Divine Emotions, it will do as I say it will, not more and no less. It will give you ten years to find a cure for your son.”

“I don’t like it,” proclaimed Aerial Glow. “She’s setting up the both of you! Princess Cadence, please, don’t do it! If she were a true selfless being, she’d do this without compensation and do it out of mercy!”

“Changelings are fleeing conflict,” responded Zeala evenly. “Some will come here, seeking refuge. The Crystal Heart will draw them to this city. They must learn the rules of living in peace with other races. They must learn to be harmonious with what they would normally consider prey. I would be in a position that benefits the rulers of this nation, nursemaid.” Her eyes flared at the nanny, who simply returned the look with one of her own.

“Enough, both of you!” grunted Shining. The stallion had already made up his mind. Nothing else to this point had worked. “That vial doesn’t look like it would last six months, much less ten years.”

“It’s an enchanted vial made from a resin only a Royal can produce,” explained Zeala reverently, placing a hoof to her chest. ”What it contains is not measured in weight or volume, but in time. This was made by a procedure forgotten by modern changelings. Even I am at a loss in my attempts to rediscover old magic techniques.” She brightened suddenly. “Ah! I will even add in any magical rediscoveries of changeling spells and techniques I unearth for the next ten years. All that has been rediscovered until now will be opened to you. I will personally translate our knowledge, both known and that which is yet to be discovered.”

“Isn’t that forbidden?” asked Cadence.

“I’m sure the Divines won’t mind if I bend a few rules for the sake of a foal.” The changeling flashed an all-too warm grin. “Are we agreed?”

“Cadence?” Shining asked his wife, his eyes pleading. Try as he might, the normally confident stallion needed her approval.

The princess knitted her brows together, her demeanor that of a ruler. She might have been a statue as she mulled over the proposal, playing numerous scenarios through her mind. Of course, she already had come to a decision. “With a foal’s life at stake, what other option do I have? Do we have? I find the terms acceptable. We are in agreement, Zeala. Do not make me regret this decision.”

Zeala gave a very low curtsey. “My word is my oath and i do not take them lightly, princess.” When she looked up, her smile threatened to split her face in half, showing her fangs.

It was unsettling to say the least.

Author's Note:

For some reaon, this chapter was a challenge to think through. Still, it was enjoyable. I hope you guys find it fun to read. As always, questions and comments welcome!

Editor's Notes
Iakovl: I like Wilda, nice big changling mare, hope to see more of her.
As for the rest, can't wait to see what will be Zealas second condition... this going to be glorious, hope you enjoy it as I am.