• Published 5th Jul 2014
  • 7,879 Views, 540 Comments

The Halfling - Scarheart

On a clear night, a certain changeling mother makes her way while under hot pursuit to the newly built Temple of the Sun in the Crystal Empire. Her kingdom is shattered, her loyal followers are few and scattered. What does she want?

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25. The Power of Love

Edited by TuxOKC.

Cold. Bone-chilling cold. This was all that could be felt. It did little to numb the pain of a tortured little body. Whimpering sounds escaped from a colt’s lips. The world was nothing but pain, dull throbbing pain.

Reign Cloud was clinging to his mother’s neck, between her wings. She had them hitched up to help hold him in place. Her armor felt cold through his fur, but his hooves were able to find purchase on her layers of plate and chain mail. The changeling temple no longer had a roof. The Windigo had destroyed it when it flew into a raging fit. The colt’s ears hurt from the monster’s constant screaming. It was blood curdling. He stared past Cadence’s shoulders at the massive thing. It was battling the city guard as well as a horde of changelings. They flitted about trying to avoid the short blasts of frozen air the Windigo unleashed at them. In return, little bursts of green magic responded, striking the growing beast’s magical hide. Where had they come from?

As it was night, the outline of the Windigo was shrouded in darkness. Scattered clouds concealed its form. Moonlight bathed it as breaks in the clouds passed over. Arcs of magic soaring through the air, striking dotted impacts along the beast’s glacial hide. Seconds passed before the dull sounds of impact reached their ears. About it raged a storm of cold air, created by the mere presence of the Windigo. What light there was rippled over the monster and Luna’s moon gave everything a silvery sheen. Already several city blocks were in ruins. Fires had started and the streets were filled with panicked ponies.

They had landed just outside the temple grounds where an impromptu command center had been established. A shattered crescent moon lay behind it as the spire of the Temple of the Moon had been toppled by the rampaging Windigo. Father Sun Cloud and Perceptor Starcaller had joined them on the ground. The militant pegasus wore a grave expression hiding the glee she felt at the prospect of fighting the Windigo. The unicorn priest was aghast at the sight of the thing. Runners came in and out of the command center and orders were being shouted down the ranks. Part of the din was the sound of the aforementioned fleeing civilians being escorted from the war zone.

Cadence was wondering how long that…thing had been in her son. How was Zeala able to summon such a horrible monster? Was it a newborn Windigo? The princess found she was grateful to the queen for saving her—their—son. A moment longer, had Chrysanthemum been a few seconds longer, or had hesitated in any way, Reign Cloud would have been…

Mi Amore Cadenza was grateful, and far more so than she would like to admit.

How had she known? Was she still connected to Reign Cloud? Had she reconnected when she had touched him just a few hours before?

She was distracted and this was not a good time to lose focus on the danger. The Crystal Empire was under attack. The Windigo was tearing her city apart.

“We are short on pegasi,” Shining Armor noted to no one in particular. “Where did all those changelings come from? There has to be at least a cohort up there.” As he spoke, his head turned with deliberate slowness towards Chrysanthemum. She was glaring down at the hunchbacked changeling they had found crumpled against the wall in the temple. Igor was clutching Maggie as though Death itself could not pry her from him.

Noting his stare, the queen blinked and looked up. “What?” she asked in innocence.

“Them,” Shining said, pointing a hoof at the battling changelings.

“Ah, my personal guard.” She shrugged at him. “A girl needs to be ready for anything these days. Troubled times.”

A Crystal Pony officer trotted up to the Prince Consort. “We’re still trying to evacuate the Third Ward, Highness. Fear alone is making some of the civilians difficult to remove from the area. Many won’t move because they’re so scared. We need more time, Consort.”

“Dammit,” Shining spat. “Are the reserves still assembling?”

“They are, milord.”

“We’re also short on unicorns,” he mused, staring at the Windigo with thoughtful eyes. “Call up the magi recruits. I know they’re not ready for battle, but we’re going to need magic to fight that thing. We can’t hurt it as much as I would like, but we do need to keep it away from the Crystal Heart. That thing shrugged off the queen’s attack as though it was nothing. There’s something else,” Though he knew nothing of Windigos other than what he had read in books, Shining Armor thought there was something more to the monster than just a shade driven by hatred.

Chrysanthemum snorted and hissed at him. “As if you could do better, Shiny. I would offer you my army. The vanguard can be here within the hour.”

Cadence narrowed her eyes at the changeling. “What is an army doing within our borders?”

“They’re there on the offhand chance you decide you want to do something foolish,” replied the queen in a casual tone, “Trying to capture me, for example. I know we don’t have a friendship that is the envy of the civilized world and I did get impregnated by your husband. By the way, how is your own little flock doing? Still knitting little booties in hopes they may yet be filled?” A hint of cruel amusement was reflected in her tone.

“We don’t have time for this,” Cadence snapped, shifting her back legs and glaring at the changeling. “My maternal standing is none of your concern. All I know is I have raised a wonderful son who had an opportunity to know his father and want for nothing.” She paused, opened her mouth to add more, but closed it. Shifting her attention, she glanced over her shoulder at Reign, who had been watching the exchange with a worried frown. “I need to get my son checked. I have no idea what Zeala did to him. Why did you kill her, Chrysanthemum?” she asked with a sigh. “She was using unknown magic to manipulate not only me and mine, but you as well.”

The queen shrugged. “It seemed like a good idea at the time. I was aware she had been using means to manipulate my emotions and I took extreme offense. Look, I have my personal guard fighting whatever the Tartarus that thing is—”

“Windigo,” supplied Shining, trying to be helpful.

“—right, and I have no intentions of letting it destroy more than it already has. This is my son’s home.”

Maggie woke up and began to chirp for Wilda. Struggling against Igor’s grasp, she began hissing at him. Reign responded from his mother’s back to his friend, reeling in his own pain, chirping in reply. She heard him, turned her head and cried, “Reigny!” Maggie burst into tears.

The hunchback let her go, melting under the glare of Chrysanthemum. “No hurt Igor, big pretty one-eyed queen!”

The queen chose to ignore him, her attention fixated on the colt and the nymph. Her outer shell showed a crack as her eye seemed to mist. Her ears swung back and forth over her neck before she addressed Shining Armor, “My soldiers are at your disposal, Shiny.”

Cadence picked up Maggie and set her with Reign. The pair clung to each other as though their lives depended on it. She lifted her head and narrowed her eyes at the Windigo. “I have to fight it,” she said. “This is my kingdom and my responsibility. That monster feeds on negative emotions. I can counter that.”

“You know how to fight?” questioned Chrysanthemum with a wry grin. “But you’re so...fru-fru.” A holed hoof gestured at the alicorn’s armor. “So pink.”

Cadence chose not to reply. “Shining, you’ll need to get in between the Heart and the Windigo. I’ll hit it from behind while you distract it.” She glanced at the changeling queen, “If you want to help, help. If you’re not going to help, at least don’t be a hindrance and keep civilians from the combat zone.”

“You expect me to play peace officer?” snorted Chrysanthemum. “Not bloody likely. I’ll help just to prove to you my intentions are honorable.”

Shining snorted, “Honorable? I doubt that.”

She pointed. “Look. Windigo. Terrorizing your subjects. Let’s focus on that, shall we?” Chrysanthemum threw him a winning smile, revealing rows of sharp teeth flashing in the moonlight.

The stallion made a loud snort, turning his attention to a certain armed and armored pegasus. “Perceptor Starcaller! I need you to cover my wife in the air. Can you do it?”

The big pegasus mare called out, “Of course I can!” She seemed insulted by the question. Shaking out an ugly chain mace, its steel spiked ball thudded against the ground. “My weapon is enchanted. It should at least annoy the Windigo.”

“I’ll go with you,” growled Chrysanthemum. Her eye fell upon Reign Cloud. “I have my own interests to protect. Even if those interests want nothing to do with me.”

Cadence hesitated, her brow furrowed with concern. “I suppose every little bit helps.”

“So nice of you to be so inclusive,” said the queen with a humorless chuckle. “So, sunshine and rainbows to bring down the beast? Is that the plan?” She was studying the raging beast as it swatted several of her changelings down. “I’d like for my changelings to survive this, if you don’t mind.”

“The other queen.” Reign blurted to his mother, “There was another changeling queen. What happened to the other queen?”

Chrysanthemum answered before Cadence could reply, “She met me and lost her head. Tragic, really. Not much of a challenge. Her soldiers ran the moment she fell. For some reason she took offense when I killed her mother in battle three years ago. Her mother was a terrible changeling. Terrible fashion sense. Wanted you dead, my Pale Shadow. Remember that.” A wan smile filled the uncomfortable silence. “Come, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, let us give yon beast the Snuggle of Death.” Her wings fanned out and buzzed, lifting her off the ground with no effort. She threw an expectant look at the alicorn. “Coming or am I going to have to do this myself?”

“Momma,” Reign hugged Cadence’s leg. “I love you.” He knew he couldn’t ask her to stay. Her duty called. Yet, he could not help himself. “Don’t go. Please don’t go!” Tears welled up as his lower lip trembled.

“I will keep her safe, my little morsel,” Chrysanthemum offered. “I swear to you.” She turned and drifted towards the raging Windigo.

Cadence tilted her head to one side, confused at the queen. Her eyes then widened. “Ah, so you do love him,” she whispered to herself. Being firm and gentle, she extracted Reign Cloud from her foreleg, nuzzling him. “I’ll be back before you know it. I love you, Reign. Never forget that.”

Reign looked up at her, blinked, then focused on her belly. “I can see my sister.” Tears streamed down his cheeks and he hiccuped.

Startled, Cadence felt her heart stop. “Well then,” she said, her words slow and deliberate as she floundered, “I’ll just have to be careful, won’t I?” There was a flash of light around Reign. She angled her line of sight and noticed his flank. A smile formed and she noted, “And we’ll have to throw you a cuteciniera.”

“What?” Reign was confused, then followed his mother’s eyes.

Cadence laughed, “Reign, I want you and Maggie to go with Father Sun Cloud. Stay with him. Can you do that for me?”

The old priest perked up. “I’d be honored to look after him until your return.”

“I don’t wanna,” whimpered Reign.

“My son, please. I need to protect our people. Ponies and changelings. They all look to me to protect them from monsters. That Windigo won’t go away, Reign. It will try and destroy everything. I’ll come back, I promise.” Cadence nosed him towards Sun Cloud. “Maggie, stay with Reign, okay?”

“What about him?” Sun Cloud asked, giving an pitying look to Igor.

Cadence sighed, “He’s harmless. Have him put with the other acolytes from the changeling temple. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered.”

“Igor tell you everything,” promised the hunchback. “Igor responsible for what Igor does, yes. Ill wrought. Sins on sins. The First Queen forsakes. Igor will be punished.” Defeat was in his posture and voice. “Igor wanted to be good. Igor failed at being good. Igor could not protect his daughter. Igor deserves what Igor gets, yes.”

“Shining!” Cadence called. Her husband had been engrossed with more messengers. He looked up to see his wife approach him in earnest. “I’m going.”

Putting on a brave face, he stood tall and straight. “I know. Be safe up there. You know I’d rather be doing this.”

She kissed him. “You need wings to do that, silly. I’ll be back and soon. No nasty Windigo is going to make a fool of me. Reign made a declaration to me. I’ll tell you what it was over breakfast.” Cadence smiled, gave her husband one last nuzzle, and took wing. “Watch over our people, Shiny. I love you.”

“I love you!” he called back, fighting to keep the tears at bay. Duty called.

“Are you finished?” Chrysanthemum demanded as the princess joined her. Her legs dangled beneath her in a relaxed fashion. “Said your goodbyes? Made your last will and testament? Made sure your burial plot wasn’t just another Flim Flam Brothers get rich quick scheme?”

“If you had a family, you’d understand,” Cadence told her as she came to a hover.

Starcaller brought up the rear. “Fight now. Measure female penises later.”

A changeling darted up to the queen, chittering. “Report,” Chrysanthemum commanded.

“The beast shrugs off our attacks,” the changeling said. “General Silent Wing is going to try and bring it down with body strikes. The creature is pushing towards the castle. It’s not even bothering to go around buildings. It’s trying to fly, but we keep knocking it down. Physical attacks are proving useless. Magic is effective, but barely. There’s something else. We’re sensing a powerful presence within the creature.”


“It’s not just the creature itself. Some of the magi believe there is another within the Windigo.”

A thought crossed the alicorn’s mind. A name. “Why aren’t you using your Hive Mind?” Cadence asked.

The queen sighed and glared at the alicorn. “Because that Windigo seems to be able to disrupt our thoughts beyond our minds. We’ve been struggling with it and had to resort to messengers.” She smirked. “There! Open honesty right there! A foundation for a mutual agreement for our nations to not strangle each other to death! Now, will you please shut up while I get an idea as to what my soldiers have in mind?”

Cadence huffed and narrowed her eyes.

“Thank you. Now, what were you saying, Thorax?”

The changeling nodded and blinked. “We’ve managed to help evacuate the city block and assist the locals as best we can, as you commanded. The Broodmothers have been very helpful and many of the ponies are showing enough spine to keep the panicking to a minimum.” His eyes shifted from side to side. “The competence of the guard is better than our initial reports. They can’t detect us, but they are well organized and motivated. They’ve been around changelings long enough to be comfortable working alongside them. The General Silent Wing has been working with the guard captain.”

“I will not have bigots leading my military,” Cadence huffed. “I have changelings in my ranks, in case you were wondering.”

“Well aware of that,” Chrysanthemum told her. She assessed the Windigo again, curling a lip and licking a fang. It was whirling after a small group of changelings buzzing over its withers and firing in rapid succession at it. “Those are your troops right there. Very brave.”

They split apart as the Windigo breathed upon them. Two didn’t make it.

Cadence cried, witnessing the loss of life, “I have to stop it!”

“Trust in your soldiers!” the queen bade. “Let them do their job! Be patient, princess. We’ll strike when the moment is right. You and I, we do not have the strength to pin the monster down. I know you care about your subjects, but this is why you have soldiers. Those are the subjects who put themselves in harm’s way so those who cannot defend themselves can escape.”

“I know!” Cadence retorted, shaking her head. “It’s just so...hard to watch. I love all of my subjects, Chrysanthemum. I can’t stand to see them suffer like this! I don’t have a cold heart like you.”

“Yes, princess. I am cold. There is no time for me to have a warm heart. I am well aware of the ice within me. All too aware.” The queen continued to watch the Windigo with a studious eye. “War does that. And there is something off with that thing. Look at its eyes.”

“Ladies,” warned Starcaller, “I will wing slap the both of you.”

Cadence followed the queen’s indications. A lump formed in her throat and she let out a small gasp. “Sombra.”

Chrysanthemum rolled her eyes at the princess before turning her ire upon the pegasus mare. Whatever words were in her throat died upon sight of Luna’s priestess looking the image of terror. The chain mace was twirling with casual ease in her hooves and Starcaller wore a bleak expression. Her wings flashed mithril in the moonlight, revealing her deadly blades.

Chrysanthemum went back to watching the Windigo. Her eye had a sudden need to stare at something less terrifying.

“Ah, orders, Your Majesty?” Thorax asked, looking uncomfortable.

Broken from her moment, she spared him a glance. “Tell General Silent Wing to continue with his plan. As soon as the beast is grounded, the princess and I will strike. The usual signal, if you please.”

He bowed. “Yes, your Majesty!” Thorax zipped away with impressive speed.

“We can’t let him get to the Crystal Heart,” Cadence murmured to herself. Her eyes drifted up and down the Windigo’s form. It was disturbing to see how equine it was, yet in its gaze was a cold fury and little else. Was it an intelligent creature? Was it sapient? Could it be reasoned with? What was the purpose of Windigos? What knowledge they had was based on a lot of speculation. Shining Armor was relying on knowledge for combating magical creatures. “Maybe we can try talking to it. Starcaller, I need you to help the general. You can’t help me here.”

Troubled, the pegasus gave the Windigo an uncertain look. “As you wish, Highness.” It was clear she did not like being ordered away, but she trusted her princess. “Play nice, you two, or I will use my mace!” Turning on a wingtip, the armored warrior priestess darted off into the night.

Chrysanthemum made a wooden turn of her head to the alicorn. “Are you mad?” she hissed. “That’s foolishness! That is hatred given form!”

“Somehow Zeala managed to put something of Sombra into that spirit. I have to try.” Cadence ignored the changeling as she spoke for her own sake. “I won’t know unless I try.” She surged forward on powerful strokes of her wings towards the monster. Even at this distance, she could feel the cold emanating from its form.

“Don’t be a fool!” Chrysanthemum screamed after her. “Destroy your enemies, Cadenza! You cannot afford a monster mercy!”

“If I can avoid needless deaths, I will always follow that path!” Cadence shouted over her shoulder. Her thoughts went to her unborn daughter. Life within her! At long last! How did Reign know? She hadn’t known! His cutie mark was a mark of unification, of life and death. Was it because of his mixed heritage? She could not fear, for she knew the Windigo would grow stronger from it. Deny the Windigo that which it feeds upon and it would cease to be a threat. At least that was what Cadence hoped. Windigos had not been seen since the Unification of the Three Tribes.

Doubt crept into her thoughts as she approached the monster. She took a wide arc, taking the time to study it and determine if it would indeed be worth trying to talk it down. The magic the Windigo was giving off was growing stronger as it fed off the fear all around it. Its movements were becoming less chaotic and unpredictable, as if it was coming to its senses.

This was not a good sign.

Or was it?

Cadence could hear Chrysanthemum’s wings as the changeling approached. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?” the queen demanded.

“I know what I’m doing,” Cadence told her. If only she felt the confidence she conveyed.

“If you die, I will claim my son,” the queen said with a growl.

As the pair circled the Windigo, green balls of fire began streaking down from the stars. They grew brighter and brighter before striking into the monster with tremendous force. The flames sputtered out, leaving a changeling bouncing off the thick hide. Each impact was felt by the monster. The Windigo neighed in pain and rage, jerking with each strike as it was forced to the ground. More and more changelings rained down upon it. The howling wind became louder, screaming in the ears of Cadence and Chrysanthemum. The howls became the voice of the monster, vibrating them to their very cores. The Windigo whipped its head up and unleashed its frozen fury at the diving changelings. Purple tendrils of dark magic rose like cursed smoke from its eyes.

Its shrieking breath crackled through the air, leaving a swath of crystallized mist in the wake of its breath. Snowflakes swirled in the vortex, the Windigo at the center. Little dark forms, frozen in sudden death, rained down from the starlit sky. More blasts of arcane magic struck the beast, more changelings bombarded it with their precision dives. They had focused on its neck and shoulders.

The first of its massive hooves struck down, crushing a three story building. The Windigo’s head was higher than the roof. It had tripled in size since it escaped from the changeling temple. Its form was solid, which Cadence thought as odd.

Windigos were supposed to be spirits, weren’t they? Windigos were supposed to encompass the colors of winter and all the frozen storms of the North. Cadence wondered, keeping at a distance while the city guard moved in. More and more magic was hurled at the Windigo. It thrashed and kicked, toppling more buildings in the process. The street was littered with rubble and some dead.

She summoned up her courage and drew closer. “Bind its head! Keep it from breathing another storm!” she heard a voice roar over the battle. The air hung with an arctic cold. Shivering in her enchanted armor, the princess could see the changelings and ponies facing off against the monster were suffering from the winter it generated. She lit her horn and cast a warming spell. Landing on the cobblestone street, she folded her wings to her sides, her eyes locked on the raging chaos before her.

“Princess!” an officer trotted up to her. “You shouldn’t be here! It isn’t safe!”

Chrysanthemum landed behind Cadence, her own curiosity cast upon the Windigo. Behind her hardened visage was fearful awe. “I slew a dragon once,” she commented in an almost reverent tone, “but being near this thing fills me with a dread I do not like. Steel yourself, Cadenza.”

Starcaller landed, eyeing the Windigo with a raised brow. “We shouldn’t be this close.” The Preceptor gave Cadence a worrying snort. “It chills the soul.”

“Show no fear, show no anger,” Cadence told her without daring to remove her attention from the thrashing monster. Her horn glowed with a soft, pulsing pink light. “Stay behind me.”

“This is not a good idea,” insisted the shivering pegasus. A word was going to be spoken about not following orders later.

Cadence expanded her magic and moved forward, one slow step at a time. Love flowed from her, forming a barrier around her form. As she advanced, her confidence grew in her talent. Being the embodiment of Love, she prepared to step into the depths of Hatred. Cadence clucked her tongue against her teeth as she addressed the Windigo. “Shh! Everything is all right,” she cooed. “There is no need to be frightened. What is it you want, Sombra? Let me help you!”

“Princess, get away from that thing!” shouted one of the soldiers.

The Windigo gave out a bone-chilling neigh of rage and snapped at Cadence. It was already struggling to right itself, its two front legs thrashing about. As big as it was, it was very quick. Cadence hopped just out of range of the fanged equine maw snapping at her. “Hold him down!” she called, using the Royal Voice, “I need to try and communicate with him!”

“You’re kidding.” Chrysanthemum balked. “You’re kidding, right? You actually think that thing is capable of reason? It’s pure evil, princess!”

“I have to try!” Cadence insisted, never taking her eyes off the thrashing monster. Her horn lit up, readying a shield in case the Windigo chose to breathe on her. As much as she hated wearing armor, she was grateful for the padding beneath the metal. Concentrating, she allowed her special talent to reach out to the Windigo. Was it truly King Sombra given Windigo form? How was this possible? “King Sombra!” she cried to the monster.

To her surprise, the Windigo paused in its thrashing. Instead, it rose with a shiver and a shake, its baleful eyes swirling with terrifying dark power. Pure hatred and malice fell upon Cadence. She refused to flinch, standing her ground and even digging her hooves into the shattered pavement. Her wings flared and she displayed herself in all her immortal glory. It was indeed Sombra’s presence she felt, though it was twisted from being part of the raging spirit. There was indeed the rage; the hate, but there was also pain. Immeasurable, confusing pain.

“You poor thing,” she whispered despite herself. This was the soul of one of the most horrible, twisted and evil ponies in the history of the world, crammed through the most foul of magics into the body of a fel spirit beast. Cadence found herself wondering if her son had held the soul of Sombra for the past ten years. What Zeala had done to him was monstrous and unthinkable. The anger Chrysanthemum had exuded as she felt Reign Cloud’s pain had seared into the alicorn’s heart. “You were used, just as my son was.”

A thrumming growl rolled from deep within the Windigo’s throat, its jaws parting just enough for a frosted exhale to wash over the alicorn’s form.

“Cadenza!” the changeling queen shrieked, surging towards the alicorn.

“Stay back!” roared Cadence from within the blizzard. “Sombra! I am Love Incarnate! You cannot defeat me! No amount of hate, no wave of anger can defeat me! Let me help you! I can feel your pain, Sombra! Will you let me help you?”

The Windigo snapped off its breath, its jaws clashing together with an ear-piercingbleeding clash. Shaking its head, the beast reared back and away from Cadence. The frosted air around her swirled as her wings beat through the swirl. Resolution was her visage and she wore it with determination. The Windigo—who could no doubt indeed be the fallen king—opened its maw and shrieked into the night sky. Above, the air shimmered. Incoming magic festooned the air as the Sun and the Moon arrived. More and more magic crackled in the air as intentions were made clear.

The voice of Celestia fought over the cries of the Windigo, “Cadence! We have come!”

“Stand fast, dear niece!” Luna’s words were steeled comfort. “We will aid if you so desire!”

“Help my ponies!” Cadence called out to them. “Get them to safety! I can deal with this!”

Having already sensed the arrival of the sisters, the Windigo was whirling to face them. A blast of wind riding snow sheared into them. Luna was able to avoid the attack. Celestia took the brunt of it, her mane and tail flaring like the dancing flames of the sun. Steam billowed around her for a moment, only to be swept away from her and back into ice. Her eyes loitered, found Chrysanthemum behind Cadence, and narrowed. Nodding, the Alicorn of the Day churned her powerful wings and followed after her sister.

“Sombra! Please!” Cadence lifted herself into the air on her wings. Chrysanthemum followed, but at a safe distance.

“You can’t reason with madness!” the changeling screeched after the alicorn.

As if to stress the queen’s point, the Windigo dove at the princess, the full fury of its unholy winter in tow. A new wave of cold struck, making the air dry to the point of making breathing painful. The eyes of the beast swelled with power, the purple tendrils now dripping like living malice. Cadence paused in her advance, her eyes going wide. Pumping her wings with fury, she backpedaled in midair, her horn charging in preparation to release a spell.

There was only one way to end this, to put a twisted soul to rest.

The princess closed her eyes. Cadence reached out to the Crystal Heart, her horn growing brighter. She thought of the love she had for her husband, her son, Maggie, the daughter she never had, the daughter she would have, Wilda, the friend who proved changelings could be every bit as good as ponies. The princess thought of the ponies and the changelings who looked up to her and her husband to protect them, the love they had for her. She remembered the community which had bonded, surpassing the many goals the pink pony princess had pushed for every year in making her home just a little bit better than the last.

Love. She had built and rebuilt her kingdom on the principles of love.

She felt the life within her, the one Reign had discovered. Despite the cold around her, Cadence was warm and felt nothing but the love her city had not only for her, but for itself. The glow at the tip of her horn grew brighter, surpassing the sun and creating her own day in the middle of the frozen night. The crystalline buildings reflected her light, the magic surging through her body. Perfect calm filled her heart and her mind was made clear. Her eyes blazed with white light, falling upon the raging Windigo.

Sombra. King Sombra. Poor, twisted soul. The new life was unwelcome and caused nothing but pain. Cadence pitied both the creature and the soul within it, knowing there was only one way to end the ceaseless pain. There was only one place for such a black and evil soul. Cadence was pained to do this, to send him back. Perhaps there was a chance?

Time slowed for the alicorn.

Chrysanthemum was near and she was shouting. Her words were drowned out by the confusing din around her. A storm of magic raged as dark power clashed with light. Cadence reached out to the changeling and found a ruined womb. Dark magic had played its role long ago. She felt in the most brief of touches the attempts to heal, the failures. The queen’s despair was an echo as she had come to terms with her scarring, but it lingered. There was also the crushing rejection still on her mind. Reign Cloud had pushed her away, but the love was still there. Resignation resonated from within the changeling queen. Chrysalis—Chrysanthemum— had a broken heart, but she loved her son, it was unquestioning. She had sacrificed much and the sting of rejection had seared through her.

Cadence withdrew herself, focusing instead on Sombra the Windigo.

Yes, he raged, his mind broken and a shell of its once formidable will. No, Zeala had tried to bring back her love and had botched it in the most horrifying way. Her love had been twisted, bent beyond the point of madness. Her thirst for vengeance had done this as she had delved into such mystics that proved to indeed be beyond her magical talents. Love could be twisted, turned into something that was obsession. Love was indeed powerful and could be abused with little provocation. Zeala might have always been a monster in her own right, but there had been too many stories of the good she had once done during her time as Sombra’s consort. She had protected her changelings as much as she could from her lord’s cruelty. At some point, she stopped, becoming a part of his madness.

Cadence understood this was a lost love gone wrong in the worst of ways. There was much she still was not certain of herself, but she had the gist.

Thus, she pitied Sombra, or what was left of him.

Opening her eyes, she found the Windigo was almost on top of her, its head reaching forward, maw wide open with its jagged teeth gleaming. The eyes were filled with dreadful intent. The cold could not touch her and she was not afraid.

With sadness, she cried, “Begone!” and released the full power of the Crystal Heart from her horn and down the throat of Sombra’s Windigo. Tears fell as her heart wrenched. “Begone!” she cried again as the blow stopped the monster in its tracks.

Eyes wide, the Windigo, what was Sombra, froze, held fast by Cadence’s magic. The monster’s form went bright, outlined with cracks along its length. The fury of the winter storm sputtered, the swirling winds losing direction.

“Begone!” Cadence cried a third time. Her voice dropped to a hopeful whisper, “Come back as a good pony,” she wished. With a final surge of love, she finished her task.

In one last flash of brilliant light, the Windigo was no more.

Author's Note:

My deepest, sincerest apologies in how long it took to get this chapter out. It suffered through several rewrites, both physical and mental. I wanted to present Cadence as power without needing to project herself.

Love is dangerous when left uncontrolled. It is one of the most powerful emotions we have, if not the most. I wanted to convey that without making our favorite pink alicorn feel overpowered. She is essentially a goddess still coming into her own, but she understands love in all its forms. This is what makes her formidable, even unbeatable under certain circumstances. The last chapter was a showcase of the fury of the changeling queen.

This chapter was a showcase of love and understanding.

I hope I pulled it off right.

One chapter remains...

Thank you all so very much for sticking through with this story. It is a struggle to finish what one starts and seeing the finish is both exhilarating and sad.