• Published 5th Jul 2014
  • 7,873 Views, 540 Comments

The Halfling - Scarheart

On a clear night, a certain changeling mother makes her way while under hot pursuit to the newly built Temple of the Sun in the Crystal Empire. Her kingdom is shattered, her loyal followers are few and scattered. What does she want?

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15. Devotion and Loyalty

The tale had been riveting. Reign would have loved to have stayed awake, but the story’s compelling allure and the pictures Yamir had crafted with his magic almost...compelled him to sleep. Yet something jolted him awake. Something gnawed inside his head and his heart thudded loudly in his ears. It was almost painful in his chest with each and every beat. He blinked away the sleep as it seeped from his eyes, groggily lifting his head and finding himself tightly in the grip of dark legs with holes in them.

He sniffed the air.


Her breathing was soft and slow, her head angled up. Reign found his head snuggled beneath hers and into her neck and shoulder. They were both stuffed into a bowl-shaped nook of one of the bedrooms he had been shown yesterday. It was not an uncomfortable feeling, even though his movements were restricted by the presence of the larger filly happily using him as a teddy bear.

Though he had slept through half of the story at least, Reign felt as though he knew it as the other nymphs did. It was stuck in his memory. It felt like he had been there. Such horror...such despair...such agony! The colt sniffled as colt fear slowly began to assert itself in his heart. He tried to stifle it.

He had dreamed of ghostly monsters...

What Yamir did last night suggesting something in the realm of dream teaching. Aunt Luna might know something of it. The colt thought a letter to her might be nice. Luna loved getting letters from colts and fillies, and especially a certain little nephew.

He had dreamed of scores of changelings, choosing to die fighting their former masters rather than serve them any longer...

Fear gripped him. An unbidden yawn came mightily, his tongue touching the roof of his mouth. What time was it? It was still dark. His night vision —a gift from his changeling heritage— caught very little as there was a mass of Maggie mane obscuring his field of vision. Using a hoof, he brushed aside as much as he could and lifted his head. Something felt wrong.

He had dreamed of a queen who rose above the cries of agony from her kind...

The nook was in the corner of the sleeping room. Reign could make out the sounds of snoring nymphs and fluttering wings. It was still night. With the tale still reverberating in his thoughts, the young colt gently dislodged himself from Maggie’s grasp. Just as he was about to push the foreleg on top of him away, the filly growled. He could not see her face. Suddenly there was a vice gripping him and hauling him forcibly to her barrel. Reign whimpered as she nearly crushed him. Maggie seemed to hear him and relaxed.

“Noooo..,” she whined in her sleep. “Mine.”

He had dreamed of her banishing windigos with the aid of six spirits...

Reign was stuck. He was awake now and becoming uncomfortable. Panic began to build in his chest. He had never woken up in a strange place or in somepony else’s grasp other than his mother or father before. With his heart pounding in his chest, he fought to control himself. His pony half wanted to flee.

He wanted his mother. This place was so strange and the smells were so alien! A whimper escaped his lips. Instinctively, he curled into a ball. Maggie gripped him tighter to her barrel, snuggling with squeaky, incomprehensible words. Reign tried to wriggle from her grasp, prying first one foreleg, then the other from his body. Maggie was reluctant to part with him, her muzzle turning into a frown.

She murmured, “Don’t wanna lose you…”

Reign slid from the bed, thinking it oddly shaped. He was soon free from his friend’s grasp and sat on the edge of the bowl-shaped bed. He blinked, looking around the room and seeing similar beds filled with the sleeping forms of changelings. It was like being in a room of softly chirping crickets. The beds, like the one he was sitting in, were suspended from the ceiling and braced against the walls all around the room. Each one was meant for once changeling apiece, but Reign had been put in the same bed as Maggie.

He had dreamed of her vanquishing her enemies, only to be chased by a truly monstrous windigo...

For a while, he simply sat there, staring at the floor. Behind him, Maggie shifted. He looked over his shoulder to see her form curling into a ball. He liked her, but wondered why she wanted to be his friend. Why was she always happy to see him? What was he to her? Why did she want to hang around somepony who was going to die?

The melancholy overcame him like a black wave on a moonless ocean. Tears came unbidden. Where was Momma? Not here. This was a changeling house. This wasn’t his home. Momma had told him many times how hard it had been for her to overcome the fear she had of changelings. What was so scary about them? He was part changeling. His birth mother was a wanted criminal. She was also a queen, a leader of a nation that may or may not exist. She was a renegade, a general...she was many things.

He had dreamed of her facing the monster. Its eyes were filled with rage.

But she was not his mother.

Mother had a lovely pink coat and beautiful wings with dark tips. She had wonderful eyes and a smile that chased all the bad dreams away. She smelled of all things warm and cuddly. Mother had wings to burrow under during thundersnow storms. Her voice carried the words of the stories she read to him. It was from her Reign learned his early life lessons.

Well, Poppa helped, too. But Poppa wasn’t Momma! Momma was a princess! She was the nicest princess, too, with all due love and respect to the other three…

Here he was, away from home for the first time. A realization suddenly dawned upon the little colt. A realization so profound and so unexpected. He was alone. He was far from his mother.

And it scared him.

He dreamed the monster had devoured the world once...

For the first time since he was very small, even before he could remember, Reign Cloud let out a little chirp. A frightened little chirp of a nymph wanting his mother. Silently, he dropped down, curling his tail between his legs and stood there, his eyes round and his ears plastered to the back of his skull.

He chirped again, raising his muzzle and opening his mouth as the sound escaped him.

There was a door! Maybe Momma was that way? Slinking for it, Reign moved with the grace of a terrified rabbit, his instinct to find his mother overcoming his common sense. His soft hooves made no sound past a light thud upon the wooden floor.

He dreamed the Queen defeated the monster, but at the cost of the mortal lives of each of the six spirits who had stayed at her side until the bitter end…

It wasn’t enough…

He dreamed the monster was still there, lurking...watching...waiting…

His chirps grew louder as he wandered down the hall and he sobbed between each throbbing, warbling call for Momma. Reign was completely terrified now, as the visions of the dream from the story filled his head. The whole house roused to his caterwauling, some of the younger nymphs making the same chirping cries. Soon, there was a cacophony of alarmed nymphs calling out on pure instinct. One of their own was hurting and they raised their voices for adult attention.

There was a couple of loud thumps coming from the bedroom below, as well as muffled cursing. Hooves pounded the floor as they hurried for the stairs.

A name was called. His name. From behind. The colt spun, chirping even louder as a familiar voice sliced through the primal urges to find safety and comfort. Hooves encircled him and drew his slight frame into a hug. A voice whispered into his ear.

“Everything’s gonna be all right, Reigny.”

The lights flicked on. “What is going on here?” demanded Yamir. “Changelings are trying to sleep!”

“It’s a night terror, dear,” came a reply. This voice drew nearer. “Maggie, do you know what happened?”

“No, Momma.”

“Yamir, settle the others down. They are quite upset.”

The stallion grumbled. “Yes, dear.”

“Maggie, release him, dear. Let me have him.”

Reign felt Maggie’s grip loosen and he bawled, turning and running to the source of the closest safety he could think of. “Reigny,” Maggie said sadly. “I don’t know what to to, Momma.”

He was gathered up, a soothing voice calming his nerves. Reign buried his face in the massive armored chest of the brood mother. A long, wet tongue began to caress his cheeks and muzzle between those sounds. It was relaxing. Maggie pressed herself next to him and added her own attempts to calm the frightened halfling.

“The poor dear. He’s terrified. Maggie, what did you do?”

“I was asleep, Momma! Honest!”

“Reign?” He felt his chin gently touched and lifted. He was looking into the cerulean eyes of Wilda. They were filled with concern. “Honey, you need to tell me what happened. I can’t help you unless you tell me. Please look at me.”

“Monsters!” he blurted. “The dream had monsters! They wouldn’t stay away!”

“Oh, Yamir…” Wilda sighed, closing her eyes. “It was just a dream, Reign Cloud. Just a dream.” She nuzzled him, deciding to write his mother a letter. “There are guards on duty outside my shop. I shall write your mother and let her know. She’ll be here soon, okay?”

Mutely, Reign nodded. “I want Momma.”

“What do I do?” Maggie asked Wilda.

“Stay with him. I will take care of everything else.” There was reassurance in her words.

“I felt it too. Everyling can feel it. It feels bad.”

Reign was shuddering with each breath, but at least he wasn’t crying anymore.

“Let’s get out of the hallway,” Wilda announced softly. “To the bedroom.” She scooped up Reign with her magic and held him close to her neck and chest. Maggie took wing and fluttered after them, wringing her hooves worriedly.

All the nymphs were awake and sleepy. Most were grumpy at being woken up so rudely. A few were whimpering. Yamir had them all huddled around him, those who had been made afraid thanks to Reign Cloud’s chirps. Though he was not his wife, he had learned a thing or two from the mare and was doing his best to soothe his family. His older children were giving him incredulous looks.

Wilda sniffed the air as she entered. “Yamir, somelings have soiled their beds.”

“I am aware of that, dear.”

“Rose, Petunia, Maggie. Fetch up the wet bedsheets and take them to the laundry room. Violet and Sunflower, get fresh linens from the linen closet. Yamir, run a bath for those who need it.” The mare’s voice was gentle, yet commanding. “Let’s get a guard in here and let him know wha—” She was interrupted by the sound of pounding at the door to her home. “Cherry Blossom, be a dear and answer that, would you please?”

The named daughter complied with a zip of flight and was gone in an instant. As she did so, every pillow in the room was lifted by Wilda’s magic and brought to the center of the room. She made a makeshift nest with them and settled herself in the middle of the pile. Once she was comfortable, she lay partially on her side. Then, she made a series of soft chirps, low and slow. Her youngest hopped away from their father and made a beeline towards her, chirping in reply on a higher pitch. Reign found himself doing the same thing as he was lowered to the floor.

“Yamir, nymphs only for now. Meet the guard and find out what he wants. None may enter this room. My hatchlings are stressed and I am feeling protective. Please warn the guard.”

Reign watched as the stallion’s eyes went round. Yamir’s posture became very submissive. The stallion backed out of the room with round eyes and nervous wings flicking up and down. Everything about him was in deference to the mighty mother gathering her children to her.

“I’m sorry,” Reign hiccuped. He moved to get away from the group.

Wilda moved quickly, darting her neck out and her maw opening wide. Reign froze as her shadow cast over him, his eyes round as her muzzled darted down. Her jaws closed around his neck and shoulders and suddenly he was lifted in the air. Her grip was gentle. Reign’s legs curled up to his body and his wings went limp. His whole body relaxed as the predator gentley brought him back to the fold. Reign was deposited among the other nymphs. Hooves and muzzles reached out and touched him, offering reassurance.

“I pledged to your mother long ago that I would always treat you as though you were my own,” Wilda explained in his ear. She flicked a tongue out and began to wash him with it. “She was so frightened of changelings. She was very frightened of me. But she was brave and she faced her fears. I admire your mother’s courage, Reign Cloud. I consider her a dear friend. It took years to earn her trust and I will never betray that trust. I offered her my nymphs, Reign. I offered her my family to be hers and even offered my life in exchange for fairness and just rule for my children. My desire to do anything for the sake of my nymphs frightened her more than you may ever know, Reign. Instead, she offered me friendship. You were very little then. I made a pledge before Princess Mi Amore Cadenza the changelings of this city would never rise up against her or her ponies. Our oath is bound to the Crystal Heart, for it gives us no reason to want. It also helped your mother to overcome her fear of us through its ancient power. I know this because my husband has seen the Heart when it has done some of its wonders.”

There was a soft kiss on his cheek. “I love your mother as though she were my sister. She still makes bad choices. She still makes decisions based on her emotions. Your mother is still young and still learning. But she is a good pony and a wise ruler. I gave her my oath because she is a far better ruler and a far better light of hope than my former queen. All changelings who want peace come to Mi Amore Cadenza and offer their lives to her. There are few places in the world that would have us. There are few of us capable of finding havens such as this. For all of what your mother has endured to forgive the changeling race, I can only do my best in kind to return the favor by loving her children and her family in return.”

Wilda’s horn lit up. “I give you my love as though you were my son, Prince Reign Cloud. It is my hope this will help chase away this nightmare that consumed your sleep. We will all stay here and we will all give you comfort.” She reached down, tilting her head until the tip of her horn touched the middle of Reign’s forehead.

The magic washed down from the tip and bathed his body, filling him with warmth and a tingling sensation. It was not unpleasant.

“Sleep, my prince. I will not leave you.”

“I’m here, too, Reigny!” Maggie hugged him, giving him nuzzles.

Wilda smiled and began to give love to all of her children. Her eyes were soft and lidded. The act of giving made her feel complete as a mother. She opened her emotions to the brood. They snuggled in tightly, touching each other as they pressed closer to their mother.

“You know,” Maggie added, looking up at her mother. “It would be neat of Princess Cady was here to share in the snugglefest!”

Reign found himself smiling. “I’d like that. I’d like that very much.”

Author's Note:

A short chapter...following up the previous chappy.

This is a turning point in the story.

One of the reasons why Cadence trusts Wilda is revealed.

Ah...unedited...I fear typos.