• Published 1st Jul 2014
  • 3,746 Views, 176 Comments

Of Vodka and Cider - UglyTurnip

When Dempsey accidentally fires a Wunderwaffe shot at a teleporter that Nikolai is inside of, it sends him to Equestria! At first, things seem bad for the Russian. But what happens when he meets Berry Punch? Crossover with COD Zombies

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A Royal Mess(age)

"-After that, we ended up in the Soviet cosmodrome," Dempsey explained as he and Nikolai walked together, followed closely behind by Berry. "Everything was in black and white. I'm not sure what kind of magic Samantha had to make that happen, but it went away once we turned the power on."

"Did you find any vodka there?" Nikolai questioned after a swig from his bottle.

Dempsey shook his head. "Well, we didn't really look, but no, we found nothing of the sort. We were too busy focusing on zombies and Richtofen's strange antics."

Nikolai's expression was that of genuine surprise. "What? Russians with no vodka? How could the common people work under such oppressive living conditions, and in our homeland, no less! Denying a man his alcohol is an injustice, Dempsey, one that I've always strived to end."

Dempsey playfully elbowed Nikolai. "Now that's one labor law I could get behind," He chuckled, unsure if Nikolai was serious or not. Then, he cleared his throat. "Anyway, it was business as usual for the first few rounds, then Richtofen executed his plan while I was off doing my own thing. Even Takeo just abandoned me, Nikolai, and I thought he was my friend."

Nikolai frowned. "Despite all his talk of honor and ethics, his actions speak differently. I've lost all respect for that snake."

"I just don't get it, Nikolai," Dempsey groaned. "He never did anything like that before. Whenever somebody went down, it was always Takeo who would go for them. Remember that time in Shi No Numa when he took Richthofen's DG-2 and blasted his way through a horde to save you? I can't fathom why he would choose Richtofen over me."

Nikolai patted Dempsey on the back. "Don't worry, American, we are still friends. If Richtofen and Takeo come here, we will bring them to justice. The princesses already have a bad feeling about Richtofen."

Dempsey smirked at Nikolai for a moment before he turned to gaze ahead. "Actually, Nikolai, I'm here for a reason. Richtofen and Takeo are coming, at least if Samantha fulfills her part of the bargain."

"You made a deal with her?" Nikolai raised an eyebrow. "She's been trying to kill us, Dempsey!"

"It's not like that," Dempsey explained calmly. "We were only targeted because we were helping Richtofen. All this time, we've been on the wrong side of a great cosmic struggle. Now, we can end this and save our people."

Nikolai's face was wrinkled in disgust. "So we're just gonna trust an all-powerful demon girl? What's her motive for caring about us now? We obviously were little more than pawns before."

There was a pause of the conversation as the two of them glanced away from each other. Finally, Dempsey spoke. "I think. . . I think she noticed that we were finally putting two and two together," He glanced at Nikolai with an enlightened smile. "Takeo caught onto something back in Ascension, and before, I thought he was just making up some strange theory. But I'm beginning to believe that he was right; Richtofen did something to us back before everything began."

"What do you mean?" Nikolai questioned. "I don't remember him doing anything."

Dempsey slapped his forehead in frustration. "That's what I mean, Nikolai!" He finally said. "He wiped some of our memories, and I think he altered our personalities. I don't remember always being this angry and violent, Takeo doesn't remember being so extremely honor-bound, and surely you weren't always a functionless alcoholic. Something is wrong, Nikolai, don't you get it?"

Nikolai did not respond at first, too lost in his own thoughts to come up with a response. This did indeed make some kind of sense, but he wasn't sure if it was all believable to him. He gave Dempsey a confused look as he tried to search for his memories of the events leading up to the Battle of Berlin, but they were indeed lost. He knew he had fought among the front lines of the Russian Army, but he couldn't remember storming the Reichstag with them, nor the name of his commanding officer, nor the members of his squad. He couldn't even remember what weapon he used before then. His eyes widened as the realization washed over him.

Berry, who had been quiet for pretty much the entire walk, finally spoke. "From an outsider's perspective, it sounds like you two have been part of some elaborate scheme."

"And that's why you were sent here, Nikolai," Dempsey added. "Samantha chose this world to send you to. Why? I don't know, but she did, and this is where it will all end, I'm afraid," then he turned to Berry. "Sorry, Benny,-"


"Berry," Dempsey nodded. "I'm not great with names. Anyway, it seems that Equestria will be the battleground for our problem."

Berry shook her head as a sigh escaped her. "I hate to break it to you, Dempsey, but it wouldn't be the first time."

Dempsey raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Stalliongrad was overrun by zombies not too long ago," Nikolai spoke up. "They were our kind of zombies, Dempsey, glowing yellow eyes and all. There was a rift of some sort, a sack of 115 somehow got into a funeral home. We barely escaped with our lives. That's how we found Richthofen's note, and it's also why Celestia and Luna worry about him."

Dempsey looked away as he took in this information. "My God," He muttered. "It was us. We tried to send you a note, to let you know we were coming after you, but. . . Damn. I didn't know."

"It wasn't your fault," Nikolai assured sternly. "I think the princesses will understand."

"It does raise a question, though," Dempsey rose his head as his frown became a bewildered grimace. "If Samantha can control the teleporters, then why did she allow this to happen?"

"We're neck deep in something," Berry spoke as they arrived at Twilight's library "Sounds like both sides are rather evil."

Nikolai turned to Dempsey. "I think it's time to discuss this with Princess Twilight. She lives inside this tree."

"She lives inside this tree?" Dempsey repeated. "That's a rather strange living accommodation, if you ask me."

"It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside," Nikolai assured as he knocked on the door. "Oh, and she can be a little quirky, by the way, but she means well."

Spike was the one that came to the door. "Nikolai, my man," he greeted warmly. "How's it going? Come to visit?

"Well enough, Spike," Nikolai politely responded to the drake. "We need to talk to Twilight, though. One of my human friends has found his way here."

Spike just then noticed Dempsey, who was standing a few feet away from the front door. "Oh, I see. Which one is this?"

"My name is Dempsey," he introduced as he bent down to shake Spike's hand. "And you're obviously not a pony."

"Of course not," Spike chuckled slightly. "I'm a dragon."

Dempsey raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "You're the smallest, cutest dragon I've ever seen, though I haven't seen too many dragons, to be honest."

Spike glared at him momentarily before he turned his attention back to Nikolai. "I'll go get her. Would you like me to brew you some tea or something? It's no trouble at all."

"Tea?" Questioned Nikolai. "Bleh, no thank you. I brought my own beverage."

"I should have known," Spike smirked before turning to Dempsey and Berry. "Either of you two want anything?"

"Sure," Dempsey agreed. "It's not really my thing, but I think a cup will be good."

"I'll take one as well," Berry added.

"Got it," Spike said cheerfully as he side-stepped out of the doorway and walked up the stairs to Twilight's room. "Make yourselves at home. Twilight will be with you shortly."

The three of them had just sat on the floor when Twilight made her way down the stairs, eyeing Dempsey with an inquisitive look.

"Good morning," She greeted politely to her unexpected guests. Indeed, her mane had not yet been styled and her half-lidded eyes made it obvious that she had just woken up. Nevertheless, she managed a genuinely welcoming smile.

"Good morning, Princess Twilight," Nikolai responded warmly, following it up with a loud belch. His expression quickly switched to a more serious frown. "Sorry for coming here so early, but I'm sure you can see why."

Twilight made her way over to them and plopped down in front of them. "It's all forgiven," She responded groggily. "This is rather newsworthy."

"Wow, Nikolai," Dempsey spoke up. "I never expected you to be this close with a princess."

Twilight shook her head. "Everypony is on a first-name basis with me. I wasn't always a princess, and I don't want to forget what I was before, you know?"

Dempsey nodded. "Yeah, it's just that Nikolai is rather blunt."

Twilight laughed. "Quite the understatement, there. Which one are you?"

"Twilight, this is Dempsey," Nikolai introduced. "He also has his problems with Richtofen."

Twilight extended a hoof, which Dempsey ended up fist-bumping. "Any friend of Nikolai's is a friend of Equestria. I am honored to meet another friendly face."

Dempsey sighed. "Well, princess, I'm afraid my arrival brings bad news."

Twilight's smile faded. "Richtofen?"

"Yes," Dempsey answered simply. "It turns out we're all pawns in a cosmic game of chess. Equestria may soon become the arena for another world's conflict."

"It already has," muttered Berry, too quietly for anyone else to pick up on.

At that moment, Spike came out with the tea, handing a cup to everyone except for Nikolai. Judging by the worried expression on his face, he had heard the entire conversation. "What do you mean by that, Mr. Dempsey?"

Dempsey sipped on his tea and let out a sigh. "Well, Richtofen is coming to Equestria. When exactly, I don't know, but he will come. Nikolai and I need to execute some sort of plan to defeat him."

"Kill him," Nikolai corrected. "If what you say is true, Dempsey, then he cannot be left alive."

"Agreed," Dempsey replied. "With all he has caused, killing him will be for the greater good. Perhaps, if we're quick enough, we can find him and avoid the crisis."

At that point, Berry spoke up. "You two both came in near Ponyville, so chances are they will too."

"Good thinking, Berry," Twilight added. "Only problem is, we don't know when they'll arrive."

"Time seems to move at a different speed here," Said Dempsey.

Twilight cocked her head. "What do you mean?"

Dempsey set down his tea. "Princess, Nikolai has been in Equestria for a few weeks now, but only a few days passed for us back on Earth. Well, a few days if you don't count the time travel, anyway."

"And here I thought the multiverse theory was absurd," Twilight chuckled. "So much weird phenomena has happened lately."

"All thanks to some magical demon girl," Berry snorted. "Believe me, Twilight, I find this strange as well."

Nikolai rose to his feet with a grunt. "Well, Nikolai already heard the story once, and I have work to get to. Dempsey can fill you in in all the important details."

Twilight nodded. "I'm sure he will. I may need to bring him to Canterlot; we need to form a solid plan before Richtofen gets here. Is that OK with you, Dempsey?"

The marine smiled good-naturedly. "I don't suppose I can refuse a princess now, can I?"

"Good, because you didn't have really have a choice."

Dempsey's smile dropped. "Oh. Well, Nikolai, I guess I'll see you later today. Maybe we can get a drink after work or something?"

Nikolai, who had already made his way to the front door with Berry, turned and laughed heartily. "You act like there's a possibility that I'd say no. I would love to."

"There's the Nikolai I know," Dempsey remarked with his own grin. "Catch you later."

"Later!" Nikolai called out as he walked out and shut the door behind him.

"So," Berry began as she and Nikolai made their way down the street. "It's been quite the ride here, hasn't it?"

"Yeah," Nikolai stated. "Honestly, I've had enough of these adventures, though. All I want now is to go back to peace and quiet, even if it means working again."

"Nikolai, can I ask you something?" Berry questioned after a moment.

"You just did."

"Buck you," Berry replied with a playful nudge. "You know what I meant."

Nikolai grinned at her and nodded. "Of course, shoot."

"What do you plan to do once everything is over?"

Nikolai stopped walking and gave her a puzzling frown. "What do you mean?"

"Well, once everything with Richtofen is taken care of, surely Samantha will let you go back home, right?"

Nikolai thought about it for a moment. "I suppose she would."

"Would you go back?"

For the longest time, the two of them just stood there on the busy Ponyville streets, ignoring the other ponies going about their business. Nikolai stared at Berry, then the skyline ahead, and then glanced back at the library they had just come from. It had never crossed his mind what exactly he was going to do.

"I don't know," he said at last, his voice quiet and sincere. "I have a life back there on Earth, beyond the zombie apocalypse, but it's not a pleasant one. Here, in this tiny village, things seem to be much more harmonious, and I've made a few good friends, but I don't know if I can bring myself to stay here and leave all those I know behind."

"Dempsey seems to like it here, too," Berry noted. "Maybe he'll stay as well."

Nikolai shook his head. "No, Dempsey won't. He has a family back on Earth, a wife and a five-year-old. I know for certain that he cares about them deeply. He'll leave to go find them when everything dies out."

Another painful silence followed.

"Listen," Nikolai finally spoke once more. "I need time to think about this. You brought up something that I hadn't realized."

"I understand," Berry replied. "It must be a hard decision for you."

"And likely one that I won't be able to take back," Nikolai added. "I guess I have at least some time to think it over."

"Over work," Berry poked him playfully in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Nikolai chuckled awkwardly. "Right, over work. I should probably get to it now before Rusty fires me. I'll see you tonight, Berry."

"Of course," Berry said. "Bye."

And with that, the two went their separate ways for the day. Nikolai, however, stopped once again, took one last look at Berry and the beautiful town that surrounded her, and wondered how he could let such a great place go. Whatever choice he made, he knew that he would never forget Equestria and all the charms it held.