• Published 1st Jul 2014
  • 3,745 Views, 176 Comments

Of Vodka and Cider - UglyTurnip

When Dempsey accidentally fires a Wunderwaffe shot at a teleporter that Nikolai is inside of, it sends him to Equestria! At first, things seem bad for the Russian. But what happens when he meets Berry Punch? Crossover with COD Zombies

  • ...

Of Hospitals and Strange Feelings

The hospital room was quiet, sterile, and isolated, perhaps the worse qualities possible for a pony like Rainbow Dash. If it wasn't for her Daring Do book that she was re-reading for the 100th time, she would have probably gone insane and ended up as Lyra's roommate. The worst part of it all was the clock, the constant tick tock tick tock made her want to claw it off the wall and smash it into a million pieces, but she resisted. It would only be a few days, right? She survived it once, what was stopping her from doing it again.

Oh, she was beyond pissed off at Nikolai. He had actually bested her in a fight? Such an outcome was unacceptable, to be beaten by some gorilla! And did her really have to go as far as to break her wing? Well, Rainbow didn't exactly go easy on him, either, but still, too far. He was lucky that Rainbow was too prideful to admit the truth. Otherwise, he'd be in a courtroom right now. In the aftermath of the battle that had destroyed the Apple family kitchen, Rainbow had insisted to Applejack that she lied about what happened. Being the good friend she was, Applejack reluctantly agreed, even though it bugged her that Nikolai didn't even apologize for his actions.

Just as Rainbow flipped the page to chapter 25, there came a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

It was just the pony Rainbow wanted to see, Fluttershy. In her mouth was a gift basket filled with treats and goodies that she knew Rainbow liked, such as zap apple jam sandwiches and cherry-flavored sports drinks. She set the gift basket on the floor next to Rainbow's bed and gave her crippled friend a warm smile.

"Hi, Rainbow," Fluttershy greeted. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I feel fine," she answered. "The only thing wounded is my pride," she mumbled to herself afterwards.


"Nothing," Rainbow dismissed. She then glanced past Fluttershy to see if anypony else had come. She was slightly disappointed when no other ponies walked through the door. "Just you, huh?"

Fluttershy nodded, sharing her friend's disappointment. "I'm sorry, Rainbow, but everybody had an excuse today: Twilight's on royal business, Applejack is busy in the fields, Rarity had some important order to finish, and Pinkie Pie is nowhere to be found."

Rainbow's eyebrows raised. "Nowhere to be found? Well, with Pinkie, there's no telling, is there?"

"I suppose not."

Rainbow bent down and snatched a sandwich from the basket. Taking a bite, she couldn't help but smile as the mouth-watering flavors melted in her mouth. This was enough to cheer her up. "Thanks, Fluttershy, this is much better than hospital food!"

Fluttershy smiled. "I thought you'd might like it."

"Like it? I love it! Best batch I've had in a long time!"

"I'm glad you enjoy it. Anyway, how long did the doctor say you'll be out?"

Rainbow swallowed her bite and sighed. "Same as last time, a few days, give or take. Buck Ni-, er, that tree."

Luckily, Fluttershy didn't seem to notice the slip-up. "You should really be more careful, Dashie, that can't be good for your wing."

Rainbow glanced at her wing, then back at Fluttershy. "Yeah, I guess I should work harder on controlling my temper."

"Your temper?"

Rainbow realized that she had done goofed. "Oh, yeah, I got so focused in my flight that I got angry for not breaking my records. It probably made me lose my concentration."

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't really make sense. You're not lying to me, are you?"

Rainbow grew nervous. "Oh, no, you see, I-"

She couldn't do it. Rainbow was a better liar than Applejack, but she couldn't lie to Fluttershy, that was just too much for her. Fluttershy was too sweet to lie to.

"Yes, Fluttershy," Rainbow sighed in defeat. "I got into a fight. I just didn't want anypony to know."

Fluttershy looked slightly hurt. "Oh, Rainbow, you didn't have to lie to me, I'm your friend."

Rainbow looked down in shame. "I know. I'm sorry."

Fluttershy smiled again. "It's OK, Rainbow, I forgive you."

The two shared a tight embrace for a long time, and it would have been longer, had a third pony not walked into the room.

"Aha! You are gay, Rainbow!"

With those, Rainbow hurriedly pushed Fluttershy off. "Who are you calling gay? That was a platonic hug between friends!" Rainbow hurriedly defended.

In the doorway stood Berry Punch, a smug smile plastered on her face. "Why so defensive?" She questioned not-so-innocently.

Rainbow rolled her eyes as Berry cantered up to the left side of the bed, with Fluttershy on the right. "Because it's annoying when everypony thinks you're gay," Rainbow explained.

Fluttershy turned to Berry. "I may have been a little too close, but I can assure you that I only meant it in a friendly way."

Berry's smile dropped for the time being. "Don't worry, I won't tell anypony."

"Why are you here?" Inquired Rainbow, still annoyed.

"I figured I'd stop by and see how you're doing with your wing."

"It's great, Berry, just fine," Rainbow uttered hastily. She then gestured to the door. "Now please go.

"Rainbow, please," Fluttershy cut in. "Be nice!" She then turned to Berry with a small glare. "That goes for you, too."

Rainbow did her best to change her tone. "I think I'll be fine in a few days. The fight wasn't that bad, but I'm sure he's been bragging."

"Fight?" Berry feigned surprise. "But you're Rainbow Dash, nopony beats you in a fight!"

This further angered Rainbow, as she hated that she would lose some tough girl points, but she managed to hold back her anger. "Some bum from out of town bragged to me, claimed to be a prodigy in magic, so I challenged him to a fight. He cheated."

Berry smirked. "Finally met your match, eh? Maybe it was good for you to get your flank whipped."

Fluttershy was now suspicious. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Berry wasn't caring if she was acting like a bitch, as Rainbow had treated her this way before. Perhaps it would have been better if she turned the other cheek, but Berry was not that type of pony. "All I'm saying is that Rainbow needed a good dose of humility."

At this point, Rainbow was unable to hold back her anger. "You should talk!" She exclaimed rather loudly.

Fluttershy turned to Berry, and even she was no longer welcoming. "I'm sorry, but I think you should leave."

Berry glared at Rainbow and began to trot to the door. Right before she exited, she stopped and turned back to Fluttershy. "I suppose you don't know who she actually fought, do you?"

Oh, you cunt. Rainbow thought.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "What are you saying? If you don't mind, of course."

Berry probably should have kept it to herself, but she couldn't resist getting Rainbow into more trouble. Besides, why would Nikolai care? "Nikolai was the one who kicked her flank."

"Shut up!" Rainbow yelled again. "It was his fault!"

"Nikolai?" Fluttershy questioned. "He did it? Why?"

But Berry was already leaving the room, leaving Rainbow caught in yet another lie.

. . .

Rainbow wasn't aware of it, but she wasn't really missing much today. The pegasi weather team had scheduled a modest rain in her absence, led by her second-in-command, Cloud Chaser. The rain left the streets of Ponyville mostly empty, but Berry was walking down the road, heading for her usual spot to hunker down in during these rains. Cherry's bar was pretty full when she stepped inside, mainly occupied by early drinkers and bums, but there was one empty spot left in the bar, almost like it was reserved just for her. She hopped on and checked her bit pouch. Of course, all these shenanigans had left her low on bits, but there were a few coins left. She would have to go cheap today if she wanted enough for groceries tomorrow, but hopefully Nikolai could pitch in with his income. She wondered how much he made as a carpenter, especially since he was apparently much more effective than even the most skilled laborers in Equestria. Maybe she should convince him to ask for a raise.

"Good morning, Berry!" Came Cherry's voice, causing her to glance up. The bartender was chipper as always, even after all she had seen, she had pressed on. That was one thing about Cherry, she was dedicated to her career and the goal of success, and that meant that she wouldn't let disasters shake her, at least not publicly. "What can I get for you?"

"Morning," Berry replied as she slid a bit on the counter. "I'll have to be cheap today. A beer, please."

Cherry stared down at the bit, but she did not take it. Instead, she slid it back to Berry with her wing. "You know what, how about I give you whatever you want on the house today? Consider it an apology for getting you caught up in that mess."

"It wasn't your fault," Berry assured, but took the bit back without any hesitation. "You didn't know."

"True," Cherry nodded, allowing a tiny bit of worry to escape. "I just feel like I got you and Nikolai caught up in the whole mess."

"Oh, I'm sure Nikolai enjoyed it. I guess I'll have a cider, the usual."

Cherry nodded, already back to her kind server act. "One mug coming up!"

As Cherry ran off to both fill Berry's order and take care of the other rowdy ponies, she found herself thinking about what happened the night before. It had been the first time she had really been able to think clearly about it, and now she had to find out what exactly made her lean in and try to kiss a hairless ape. Granted, this hairless ape had become a fast and reliable friend, but still, he had only been in Equestria for a few weeks, and she had barely gotten to know him, and yet, everything felt perfect. Why? Why him? Why had she never been attracted to any particular stallion, and yet now she had nearly kissed a human?

He had been the one to pull back, Berry remembered that. She didn't blame him, kissing some animal would probably be weird back on earth. Hell, what would Equestria think about her kissing a human? Would she be ostracized? It was not a pleasant thought, especially since she could no longer deny the truth: she had a crush on Nikolai. Damn it. Her heart pounded, and she couldn't tell it was from fear or excitement. Berry had always been the kind of mare to never give much thought to love, drinks had always been her love. Nopony in town probably wanted a drunk money-waster for a wife anyway, but that never bothered her, and she was fine with the possibility that she would spend her life single. A stallion would just hold her down.

But then comes Nikolai, literally teleporting to her universe, and everything changes. Now, Berry's heart was having second thoughts. It was hard to fathom, but Nikolai of all people was the one who got through the barriers she erected.

"Here's your drink, Berry!" Cherry happily announced as she carried a mug in her wing.

Berry didn't respond.

"Berry?" Cherry questioned.

Berry still didn't answer.


This finally captured her attention. "Oh, what? Sorry, I was lost in thought."

"Yeah, I noticed. Is something wrong?"

"No. . . Actually, yes. You see, I think I like this guy, and-"

Cherry chuckled. "I thought you didn't care about stallions."

"Shut up!" Berry half-heartedly commanded. "I just don't know what these feelings are. Do you have any idea what to do?"

Cherry smiled warmly as she set the drink down. "Well, how well do you know him?"

"We've been friends for a few weeks, and I think I want to take it further."

"Well, why don't you ask him?"

"Just ask him? Don't I have to be awkward for a few weeks as I struggle to build up the courage?"

Cherry had to take a few seconds to process the question. "You watch too many movies, Berry. Just ask him out."

"But what if he says no?"

"Then he says no. He's not gonna hate you or anything. You know, I don't recall you ever being afraid of asking questions before."

"Yeah, but I'm new to this stuff. So, when should I do it?"

Cherry shrugged. "I don't know, when you feel the time is right, I guess."

"Yo, Cherry!" Came some random pony's voice. "Can I get a little-" hic "-bit more?"

Cherry nodded. "Coming right up!" She then turned back to Berry with a small frown. "I'm sorry, but I gotta get back to work. I hope everything works out for you."

Berry sighed and nodded, taking a sip of cider. Cherry's advice hadn't really helped, but it was a start.

When the time is right? She thought. How will I know?

She downed her mug in three gulps and left, still unsure of what to do.

Why was this love thing so complicated?