• Published 1st Jul 2014
  • 3,745 Views, 176 Comments

Of Vodka and Cider - UglyTurnip

When Dempsey accidentally fires a Wunderwaffe shot at a teleporter that Nikolai is inside of, it sends him to Equestria! At first, things seem bad for the Russian. But what happens when he meets Berry Punch? Crossover with COD Zombies

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A Drink with Dempsey

"Ow," Dempsey winced as he pulled another glass shard out of his leg. He was lying on the couch, wiping his bloody leg with a paper towel. "Next time I come into town, can you not drop your glass onto me?"

"Sorry, Dempsey," Nikolai said apologetically, coming in from the kitchen. He carried a whiskey bottle and a couple of shot glasses with him, setting them down on a nearby coffee table. "It's just that this isn't exactly how I planned my day. I was gonna go to work, have some vodka, go home, drink more vodka, and then pass out in the attic. Your arrival has changed everything."

"I imagine it ha-" Dempsey started, but his sentence was muffled as Nikolai patted his face with his hands. With confused and disgusted eyes, Dempsey scowled at Nikolai.

"Just wanted to make sure you were real," Nikolai explained. "I never thought I'd see you again."

"You'd never see me again?" Dempsey questioned as he removed another piece of glass. "Nikolai, I've been hard at work trying to get you back. I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever see you again. You've ended up in some strange world of talking horses.

"Ponies," Berry Punch corrected from her seat beside the couch. She loosely held a mug of cider with a forehoof. "And most of us thought Nikolai was a rather strange creature himself," Taking a swig of her drink, a smile formed across her face. "Turns out he was a pretty good guy, though."

Nikolai poured a shot of whiskey into both of the glasses. Dempsey grabbed one of them and wordlessly clinked it with Nikolai's. "I sure hope he's been behaving himself," he joked. "I am a little surprised that he hasn't drank this town dry yet."

"Especially with her help," Nikolai gestured at his housemate. "She's been good to me, Dempsey. When I had nowhere else to go, she took me in without a moment's hesitation. To top it off, she and I have a lot in common. You know, when I first arrived in this pony village, I was expecting to see a lot of girly, rainbow-farting, peace-loving ponies," He downed his shot. "I found out I was wrong when Berry Punch here beat me in a drinking contest."

Dempsey happened to be downing his shot right at that moment, but hearing this information caused him to spit out his drink. "What!?" He interjected, turning to face Berry. "You defeated Nikolai of all people in a drinking contest."

Berry chuckled. "Now, now, Nikolai, you know that's not true. You and I both know it was only a tie."

"A tie!?" Dempsey exclaimed loudly as he practically slammed the empty shot glass into the table. The fact that it didn't shatter was nothing short of both a miracle and excellent glasswork. "Shut up, no way!"

"Twice we have tied," Nikolai confirmed. "One day we plan to finish it once and for all. Somepony must be crowned champion, no?"

"Did you just say somepony?" Dempsey questioned with a sly grin and a raised eyebrow.

Nikolai was silent for a moment as the realization sank in. "Da, I guess I did. It seems I have become used to the strange customs and vocabulary here. And to think that its only been a few short weeks since I first arrived here."

"Weeks?" Dempsey cocked his head as he the word came out. "Nikolai, it's only been a few days since the teleporter took you."

"That's strange," Berry Punch added. "He's been here for roughly three weeks now. Though in reality, so much has happened since then that these weeks have kinda flown by."

"Same here," Dempsey said. "Nikolai, in our journey to find you, we went to an abandoned theater and a Soviet cosmodrome. Everywhere we went, the zombies followed. They were persistent."

"How did you even get here?" Nikolai questioned. "More importantly, where are Richtofen and Takeo?"

Dempsey's easygoing attitude vanished as he sat up. A sobering frown took over his face. "That's part of the reason why I'm here, Nikolai. I have reason to believe that some shit is about to go down. It's a good thing I got here before Richtofen did.

"What kind of shit are we talking about here?" Nikolai questioned. "Mouse droppings or cow patties?"

"Cow patties," Dempsey groaned. "So many cow patties in the field that it's hard not to step in at least one."

"Hey!" Berry Punch interrupted. "I don't know how things work on Earth, but in Equestria the cows often have their own outhouses."

"Figure of speech," Dempsey explained quickly before turning back to Nikolai. "The point is that Richtofen is no longer trustworthy. Did you know he was the one behind the whole zombie outbreak?"

Nikolai began to fumble around in his pockets. Pulling out the letter he received at Stalliongrad, he handed it to Dempsey as if it were a top-secret government document. "I found this letter after I arrived in Equestria. He's breached this universe again. He claims that you and Takeo gave up on me and that he was the one trying to save me."

"That's total bullshit and he knows it," Dempsey growled. Snatching the strange document out of Nikolai's hands, he began to read it silently. A scowl had formed on his face by the time he finished it. "He's toying with you, Nikolai, you know how unstable he acted back in Shi No Numa."

"Yeah," Nikolai nodded as he recalled many examples of Richtofen's bizarre behavior. "It didn't take a genius to know that he wasn't right in the head. If he behaved that way while sober, I'd hate to imagine him drunk."

"This is serious," Dempsey practically whispered. "Do you ever wonder why your memory doesn't feel quite right? I believe that Richtofen did something to us back before Shi No Numa, something that wiped us of our previous memories."

"I wouldn't put it past him," Nikolai nodded towards Dempsey as he rose to his feet. "Perhaps the princesses need to hear your story."

"Wait," Dempsey rose an eyebrow. "This land is ruled by princesses?"

"Yeah, but they're actually pretty badass."

"Awesome! Can't wait to meet 'em," Dempsey stated as he rose. "Do they know about us?"

"Yeah, and they also already distrust Richtofen. With you here, it will help in the case."

"Don't you have work, Nikolai?" Berry questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Work can wait, er,"

"Berry," She introduced in a deadpan tone. "Berry Punch."

"Right," Dempsey replied. "I don't exactly know how long we have until it is too late. I'm sure the princesses will explain to. . ."

"Rusty Nails?"

"God, you ponies have such weird names. Anyway, I believe that Rusty will understand if the fate of Equestria is at stake."

"This is the 3rd time the fate of Equestria has been at stake since I got here," Nikolai groaned as he opened the door to the outside world. "Nikolai is starting to wonder if he would believe such a thing."

With a silent shrug, Dempsey followed him outside.